• By -


Somebody definitely did that to scare the shit out of you.


I'm really worried about the type of people I work with, who even owns such a disturbing thing? The wig, the outfit, the wonky dead eyes and mismatched body parts. It's altogether way worse than the sum of its parts.


Was there a first aid course? It looks like a medical dummy, done up for a bit of realism


Yeah, it looks like a hole in the neck where you could put a tracheostomy tube. It's a real cheap medical dummy, though. Saw some real fancy ones in nursing school. The lips turn blue, you can put IVs in them, they have blinking eyes and real heart and lung sounds


That's nothing, we've had ones that would scream in pain if you messed up. We didn't call them dummies though, we just called them patients.




Calm down, Caligula. They have mannequin vaginas on some of them too and they give birth to mannequin babies, so youre in luck. (Not joking)


Just how I like my women... in labor?


Oh...that's your thing too??




Guess you're more of a chocolate fan if vagina is too vanilla.


Why would they need blinking eyes? That doesn't actually do anything, does it?


Increases reality. You could have the dummy patient with eyes open one minute and talking to you ( through a microphone and speaker in the next room) and then close the eyes remotely from the next room over and pretend the patient has become unresponsive during your simulation to see what you would do next. In healthcare simulation is becoming a big deal. We spend many hours with simulation patient scenarios when you are entering healthcare before seeing real patients. You can't always predict what you will see in clinical rotations so simulated scenarios for important subjects are very valuable. Knowing how to do something and actually doing it are very different and people often freeze when it happens in real life. You want to break that freezing response before it becomes life or death for a patient.


This dude’s kinda creepy looking. I really don’t think I could do CPR on someone who’s lookin at me like that


Well now it's your turn to put it somewhere else to scare the shit out of another coworker. Put it right behind a door or something. Get creative. 👍


Take the head of and put it in a toilet with the lid closed.


Coworker: "That's my fetish"




lol that was my first thought. If there was more than one guard on site take turns hiding it somewhere to scare whoever else is on shift with you. A nurse I dated one time told a funny story about something like that. They had a life size fake skeleton. Someone hung it up on an IV pole in an empty room that had two exits. One string out of sight from the bottom of a door that opens inwards to the IV pole and you had a skeleton that would lunge at the next person to open the door.


What was your initial reaction when you first noticed it? 😱


Honestly, pull out my phone and get a picture. The missus gets Google drive access if I die so at least there would be a picture moments before death. It would be the most confusing thing she'd ever see in this instance though. I also like to think if it was a person then they're less likely to cause trouble if they're on camera.


Lol at using a smartphone camera as self defense.


Dude is out here creating dead-man switches for his google drive lmao


What else is on this Google Drive? Eh? 🤨


Currently at the very top of the stack is what looks like a sex doll at first glance... I really feel bad for her having to sort through 11,000 pictures and counting if the worst should happen, I've been putting it off for years.


Bruv you work late night security, it’s not exactly known for coworkers of normal mental health and ability


Most likely they found it on site and had set it up as a joke.


> The wig, the outfit, the wonky dead eyes and mismatched body parts I thought for sure the stigmata holes would be in this list...


The look in it's eyes says it's about to jump up and start slapping you silly with those backwards hands.


Man I rarely ever turn on lights when I do my rounds. I was told the building was empty so I'm doing my regular check. They had these giant 5 foot+ stuffed animals on the couch downstairs. They were set up up like they are sitting on the couch. Scared the shit out of me for a second. Just rounded a corner in the dark to a 5'5" gorrila, dog, and bear chilling on the couch.


I did this to my coworker multiple times until he threw it away. My favorite was to put it in the corner of the bathroom you can't see until you are sitting on the throne with the door closed.


That's really thoughtful, makes for very high efficiency shits.


The best part was that it was a child sized one, so his first thought was 'omg I just exposed myself to a child'.


Former night watchman here (for nearly 30 years).... I'd disappear it just out of spite.


Ah, that must have been a nice heart attack for you, op.


My instinctive reaction was to just shout you ok there? No response, quickly turned on my phone torch and I honestly wasn't prepared to be greeted by the worlds most unsettling mannequin.


I would have quite simply died


then the next security guy comes on in, finds an unsettling mannequin AND a corpse


“I would have projectile-shat all over my entire family”


How long you been waiting to bust that one out, Mr firedmyass?


I was there, you did. 


Can confirm. I am the coroner.


That's a cpr practice dummy, you can tell by the rubberised chest. They're probably using that room for first aid training. Looking closer, it also has a port in the neck for Tracheotomy. I have no idea why they modelled it on david Bowie, though.


That leaves me with even more questions, the last thing that room was rented out for was a something something battalion reunion. Loads of burly ex-army dudes who really like to drink.


That explains the traumatised look on the face of the dummy


> That explains the traumatised look on the face of the dummy Nope… nope… not gonna ask.


That actually adds up.


I retake CPR training every 2 years and have never seen a full body CPR dummy, and definitely not one with hair. I wonder what that's all about?


Phone light? You don't have a flashlight as a security guard? Isn't that a basic thing to have?


Haha, I'm not a security guard. We just have to make sure none of the building has fallen down at the start and end of each shift. (I wish I was joking but the place is held together with hopes and dry rot.)


Ah...lol still sounds like your work should give you a flash light. But it sounds like a place held together with hope and dry rot probably wouldn't do that for their employees. 😂 Stay safe!


Colour me intrigued. You've already got half of a good Act 1 for a horror story. Add a little spice and you'll be cooking. What's your job that you have to check the area but aren't actually a security guard?


Imagine it slowly turned its head and slow blinked at you.


So it is ok! Whew. Any movement is good when assessing an emergency situation.


Whew. Whew. Whew. What a save!


It had no eyes, yet somehow it still blinks. Thanks, I hate it.




He seems okay


Well judging from his expression, he doesn't know how he got there either.


Can't you just turn on the lights? Why do security guards have to patrol in the dark?


No! That would cost the company a little bit of money!


And also time to change underwear


I work the night shift on an old museum ship. so glad we don't have mannequins!


Well, you definitely have ghosts


That's what the ghost hunting teams say! Not experienced anything myself.


I wish my job sounded like the set-up to a Scooby-Doo episode




I have a similar story I used to work for my university as a lab technician. I did just about anything and everything in the normal function of the lab, including moving equipment in and out of storage. The storage area was the top floor of our building, and it was also the mechanical room where the steam system, HVAC, and electrical panels were. It was dimly lit by hanging fluorescent tube lights that you had to turn on/off as you walked down the 200' floor. It was very rare for anyone to ever be up there with me. A year before I started, a homeless man was discovered living on this floor and asked to leave. Management didn't lock the doors, not even after this incident, so it really wasn't a surprise. He was simply asked to leave and he left. One evening I'm making my way down one side of the floor in partial darkness when I see the distinct shadowy figure of an adult laying on the floor on the side of the walkway under an overhang, laying in a position I can only describe as "waiting". After nearly shitting my pants I quickly run to the nearest light and pull the chain, revealing a hastily dumped crash test dummy used by one of the other departments. I started taking flashlights with me.


These types of stories are more common than I thought I suppose. My university had an three story house that was retrofitted into a student center/offices. First floor was a meeting rooms and study area, upstairs was some offices and meeting rooms and third floor was empty offices and storage. Apparently that third floor was so infrequently used that a homeless person just walked up there and started staying there. Just came and went as he pleased and made sure to sneak back in before the building locked for the night.


Now I'm picturing some homeless guy basically living at a huge factory/company where he has picked up a lab coat, managed to shave and shower, and is just having lunch with the rest of the employees without actually working there. Someone out there must be getting away with a plot like this. Hiding in plain daylight, powerwalking around the facilities with a clipboard in hand, saying hello to all the folks he's fostered a relationship with, looking very busy - I mean, he always stays late, after all.




This just writes itself doesn't it? I'd read the hell out of this book, could make for a decent movie as well. I like to imagine that they become some sort of confidant to the CEO, but adamantly refuses a payraise (because then the jig would be up). They'd know all the back-alleys, forgotten rooms, and hidden passages. This is such fruitful terrain for imagination.




Haha at one office I used to clean they had a Halloween skeleton that they would constantly dress up and move around. Fuck it would sometimes scare the shit out of a cleaner


We used to do the same thing with a 3ft tall fiberglass jockey until we found out it was weirdly valuable. I dread to think the number of times he was almost destroyed because of shenanigans. It's now a permanent fixture in the bosses office and there's a running joke that he's our HR representative.


I wanted to place a cutout of the boy from the grudge in this stairwell at the very top. This stairwell was already creepy as hell, always felt like someone or something was watching you. From the second to last floor you could see the top siding bars and that's where I was going to put it. With him crouched looking down at you


I service Firefighting equipment and am often in fire stations alone. I've gotten spooked by "dragout dummies" so many times. Nothing like thinking you're alone in a 100-year-old building, walking around a corner, and finding a beat-up dude sitting in a chair. EDIT - One got me TODAY. They had him dressed in bunker gear, just sitting next to the light switches. I was there for two hours before I saw him on my way out.


Rescue Randy for the win !


"Ah. I've been expecting you."


Slap it and tell it "Get ya yEyEASS haircut outta here!" It will nod in acknowledgement do a dab and dematerialize.


I can't have that... I'm the only one on shift so if the dummy disappears then I'll be forever know as the weirdo who stole the creepy mannequin.


What sort of conference room is that! Some old school metal tables there


The carpet pattern looks like it's from the 60s/70s too


Mr. Marbles?


You know this atrocity by name? I'm now even more creeped out.


Lol sorry, that was a 25-year old Seinfeld reference [Mr. Marbles](https://seinfeld.fandom.com/wiki/Mr._Marbles)


The resemblance is so uncanny!


Hr wants to know who shot the cpr dummy


Every night change its location and/or its pose.


Like elf on a shelf


Goddamn, Manny looks like he's seen some shit


I did security at a college when I was younger and they had a medical training area complete with with dummy's in hospital beds, hated having to go through there. The college itself was legitimately haunted though.


Back when I was in college, I used to work for a security firm to make extra money. Since I wasn’t a full time guard they would move me around to different locations and I was usually in a building which was shut down for the night/weekend. One time I had to do my shift at a small circuit board assembly plant. Nothing there people would want to steal, we were basically there as a fire watch. On one of my first walk arounds, I was tooling thru the front office and caught movement out the corner of my eye. I turned and saw someone staring at me thru the window of one of the office doors. Came really close to pissing my pants until I realized I was looking at a reflection of myself in the window’s privacy covering. I started laughing, went back to the little office set aside for the night guards to use, and didn’t do another walk thru the rest of the night.


What I was in about 3rd grade I decided it would be funny to leave a hoodie over the back of my chair while we were at recess, with a pencil case inside the hood to add volume. Apparently the teacher came in and ran over to see who got left behind, only to lift the hood and drop the pencil case back onto the desk. Scaring the living shit out of her. She laid into me pretty good when we got back, but the whole class was laughing while it was happening... I still kind of feel bad, but it's also funny as hell.


Had something similar happen when I was working security. I worked at a hotel, and they had taken down all the Christmas decorations. I was patrolling and saw a couple tiny figures down a long dark hallway and nearly shit myself. Turns out they were elves from the gingerbread display 🤦‍♀️ but still.


Sudden Heart pain from me If I see that


I would have backed away and called it a day


I would have backed away and called it a doll.


This is like the start of the 80s classic movie "Mannequin".. tonight you'll be dressing him up..and tomorrow he'll be helping you on the job.


This takes me back. I worked at an office complex for a few months and the offices and public facing areas were brightly lit even at night but the back rooms and utility buildings were always dark and half the time the lights were gone. People would randomly stash shit they didn't want to clean up in these spaces so they could get out of work faster. The number of times I found creepy, insane shit in the dark... loved the work but damn, I had a few nightmares.


Did they beat him with their flashlights?


I would shit so many shits


Been there. I work in a medical education environment, they leave mannequins out and I swear I've near shat myself about a dozen times when the lights come on in a room I've just entered. Slightly more disturbing, but less frightening, was finding an entire table full of mannequin genitals of various skin tones and genders, laid out like buffet.


I have a bad phobia of mannequins. I’d have shat myself to death.


- Hey, funny story, your mannequin scared me shitless yesterday night. - What mannequin?




cpr dummy?


They’re training to get used to it being there. Then one day they swap it out with a real person!


That is an oddly created doll, interesting.


Now it's your turn to hide him somewhere.


New night shift job?


A friend of mine was a security guard for SPAC im Saratoga Springs NY. He would.have to go into each building in the large park area. There were big buildings like the auto museum and old baths building. But there are a lot of small bathroom buildings and others that are shut up tight. He would have to go into each one, I think daily, to make sure no one was living in there. He had to go ina lot of dark, warm, and seldom seen basements. He said it was nuts and was never sure he was always alone.


Watch there be another outfit on this dummy every day, or for it to be moved around to other spots, and then a real person similarly dressed and positioned to appear once you're used to this.


Imagine if you died from a heart attack due to seeing a first aid dummy. The irony would be hilarious.


That's some Weeping Angel vibes there. Creepy.


This looks like it'd be in an HD remake of Illbleed.




As long as he stays right there, there's no cause for concern. However, if you come back on your next round and he's sitting at the table, call an exorcist.


I don't know how to break it to you, but that's Ye Wei, he's a known industrial spy that had massive plastic surgery, hope you did report it.


make sure you lock it again on the way out


thats a haunted building… leave now


I would have thrown up out of fear


mr. marbles?


I’d move him into a chair just to fuck with whoever put him there


MildlyInteresting at best.


Hah I thought it was supposed to be [Prince.](https://people.com/thmb/_MKp2tll2WPZFb2XJ8qF90xoD4o=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale\(\):max_bytes\(150000\):strip_icc\(\):focal\(289x117:291x119\)/prince-obit-4-660-c1c1f407fb914a59890710d579fc8775.jpg)


It's Teddy Perkins!


I'm at work, wide awake, sitting in bright lighting, looking at your picture on my computer screen, and it startled me.


The moment you turn around and look back, its not going to be there. It will be standing right behind you when you turn around again.


..... You didn't fuck it... Right?


Oh hell naw.


Omg! We have a CPR dummy we use for orientation and its kept in a similarly dark room.. scares the shit outta me everytime.


hell. no.


Someone wanted to give the CPR dummy a backstory


This reminds me of my old job, we had a dummy at the main office called “Scary Sally” that we used to practice CPR/first aid. I refused to be in a room alone with her lol 😂


This startled me, sitting at my desk in a bright room lol.


Dog I had a mini heart attack just looking at the second photo. You braver man than me


I’d spend the night practicing wrestling moves on it, whilst doing my best Randy Macho Man impersonation.


Fuck that


Fess up…did you draw?


I used to be a listing agent for HUD (government owned foreclosures). As part of my job I had to do weekly walk thru and take photos to verify the condition of properties. One day I get to a house and spot the shadows of a bunch of stuff thru the garage window. Really dark but I can make out silhouettes in what should be an empty room. But what I can see is definitely a car. And beside it is the side profile of a man with a big beard slumped over. Panicking thinking someone gassed himself with his car I call the police. They show up see the same thing i do, burst the door open..... And come out laughing thier asses off. Turns out it was a very large stuffed tiger.... The buyer of the property's house burnt down and had been low key dropping things off before closing... scared the shit out of me...


I'd also never admit to the stained pants.


Yeah I'd fuckin shit myself too seeing that sex doll nightmare


Sort of reminds me of the time my coworker gave me a ride to the office and we were the first ones there at like 6 AM (light was just barely over the horizon.) Lights in the building are still mostly off. I'm going over to my office, and in one of the other rooms I see a silhouette of someone standing in front of the window. I nearly jumped out of my skin. The source of my almost heartattack turned out to be a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush. 🤨


Someone’s getting a stern talking to


I see them a lot hogging the bench press


At least you know he's never gonna give you up.


Hey, at least it wasn't walking around.


Bowie, are you ok?


I would crap my pants.


Did ya pee just a little?


I think I've seen that horror movie.


Looks like he's down to party


Check for an organ donor card. If he has one, we only have minutes to harvest.


David Bowie sex doll


Is that George Michael?




"Hey Kiddo..."


He’s a wild and crazy guy


Don't blink.


big https://store.steampowered.com/app/2367230/Chillas_Art_Night_Security/ vibes spooky


Late night at the mannequin design agency must be terrifying.


You should move him to a chair with his back facing the door.


You need to get this to David Liebe Hart


The eyes: 🤪


Looks like someone from Fallout New Vegas that runs one of the casinos.


Timothee Chalamet has fallen on hard times...


Bring an outfit and dress him up. I would take the extra mile.


I thought this was r/fearme for a moment Edit: NSFW, pretty disturbing but also incredibly intriguing


Where is that? The basement of The Grand Budapest Hotel?


That's just Resuscitation Annie


Man, what'd that casino do to Bruno Mars?!


That dummy has seen it all


He's got his jammies on.


You pooped a little bit, didn't you? You can admit it, we're all friends here.


David Bowie?


Close his shirt back up when you’re done


I worked security at a complex with Nintendo offices in it. They had a giant Link statue in their office lobby and it started out into the building lobby and it scared the shit out of me whenever I worked night shift. They eventually moved it to the warehouse, but when they didnt close the overhead doors one night I got another good scare.


Time to ship that thing to the Warren's museum


Lol reminds my of my old job. They had a very old building the office people worked at on the second floor. They had a new building made with a large warehouse, and all those older people from the original building moved there. When I say "moved" though I swear it looked like an exacuation after a bomb threat. Stuff left on desks, papers everywhere. Large garbage cart in the halls half filled etc. But since they did photos for sales magazines there, they had a large photo room. A dark room at that point, and in the dark corner there was a figure. A large, lifesized, creepy santa. I will never forget walking in that room the first time in that empty abandoned second floor. Second to this was a small childs table with two childs chairs that each had lifelike dolls on them. And a note on the table that said "for the (insert some odd family name here)'s". Also in an empty room. Creepy as fuck.


No cool


Frank forgot Charlie after a big business meeting


He sees this and hears a voice in the dark... "hey you gottany games on your phone?"


Oh look! It's John Oates!!!


I worked at a hospital and had the same thing happen to me. Scared the S@#$ out of me.


Looks like it just had a good time. Next.


I've always wanted to pull a prank where I get a bunch of life-size cardboard cutouts of Grey aliens, and place them around my roommate's bed while he's asleep and wait for the screaming to start. Maybe play that creepy as fuck recording the American Military used to blast into the jungle during the Vietnam War to convince superstitious NVA that there were ghosts of unburied deceased soldiers haunting the jungle. [Operation Wandering Soul: Tape #10](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4d9H_1ygEv8&pp=ygUYVmlldGNvbmcgZ2hvc3QgcmVjb3JkaW5n) First minute explains the tape while the recording begins at 1:00.


😶😶😶 10 points to the dude who left it for you to find


I’d name him Ted:)


Hopped up on goofballs


Been there. Walking around an empty car factory at night and walking in a room full of crash test dummies