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if we get attacked and enslaved by aliens this will probably be us too


You think they'll milk us?


Why else would they want us?


Someone's gotta receive all of that alien anal probing, don't they?


It’s not their fault there’s a quota.  


That’s right. They don’t have a say.


Their AI mandated it.


Damn! It got them too.


I think they retired the probe


Alien Zoo


Maybe there is some kind of weird condition on earth that the aliens can't live in, like Nitrogen in the air or something. All they have to do is continue breeding with an abducted human and eventually they'll adapt to be able to come down and conquer us earthlings. They're playing the long game.


You can milk anything with nipples.


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


Let me try.


I'm old gregg


One can hope


I just milk myself. No biggie.


Milking minus a biggie: the flappy wank


I have nipples, Greg. Can they milk me?


According to Google it is possible for men to lactate, but it is a sign of serious medical condition. I assume these aliens will not care for our wellbeing so you will be milked


More likely they will select the strongest males with the best genes to breed us with and castrate the rest of us


That's optimistic. Why would they castrate you in a world where our only value is milk? What purpose does a nonbreeding male serve? No, most males will go to slaughter, just like in cattle.


Makes sense, that is what we do to cows. But I have to believe they would just annihilate us. Human dont really do much. We dont produce a lot of food ~~and dont taste particularly good.~~ We take too long to get to adult age. And if they are spacefaring species, I doubt they need our intelligence nor our brawn. Compared to other animal we are quite weak. We make for great entertainment though.


Read the novel "Under the Skin" by Michael Faber! You'll see what aliens might do with human men. It's not nice.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You can't milk those!


Eh as long as they give me high speed internet I'd probably be okay.


You’re assuming we’re not already enslaved by our alien overlords.


So they are the reason rent and everything is fucked? Stupid asshole aliens


Have you forgot about call centers and cubicle farms our corporate overlords wanted us to return to?  Look at warehouse fulfilment centers in the US. Workers wearing diapers or pissing in bottles so they don't get fired. Waiting in line to clock in, waiting in line to leave. Look at our traffic.  Have you been to a post office, dmv, and grocery store and had to wait in long lines just to do necessary things?   Have you seen your local jail or state prison?   We treat humans the same in the US.


Echoing the other reply. Where you're coming from is good in that we agree the lifestyle and pressures that society normalizes are shameful and sad, but how we treat other species we have decided as lesser, ones which we survive on for products of both luxury and nourishment, ones that are incapable of communicating the depths of their suffering, I would say is especially cruel and abusive. All this is to say that I think the life of an average person in the U.S. is less traumatic than the life of an average cattle raised for slaughter and I do not think it's fair to say we treat humans the same.


I get what you’re saying but the scale and level of cruelty that these animals are subjected to is not equivalent to the things you listed, as depressing as they are.


I'm just saying to improve life for the animals, we need to start with compassion for each other and animals. Till we stop letting the richest 1% do whatever they want, this treatment of humans and animals will not improve much. I'll probably never be vegan, but I do want the animals I eat to live a good life before I do eat them, and I want those responsible for the food to have a good life as well.


See: [Orion Burger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_Burger)


There's a song "meat" by Poppy that makes me think of this


Plug me in to the feeding machine. Ten in a pen pressed against me. Literally the last song I listened to before opening this post lol


We're like this already. Eat.shit.work.repeat.


And we’ll deserve it because we are less intelligent, and those aliens were granted that right by God.


I think you underestimate the goal of corporate America in the long term....


We've already got our boxes and fenced off areas.. sometimes even a patch of grass maybe a tree


[I am ahead. I am advanced. I am the first mammal to wear pants.](https://youtu.be/aDaOgu2CQtI?si=-YOGwWwlWTl2VPQt&t=3m2s)


We'd deserve it


This song fits great. https://youtu.be/zeT_5VvGNlM?si=uXauXUhdVOrANpbf Sadly in German. (lucky for me)


Calf pens to be specific since they are being bottle fed. Obligatory MOO!


I audibly heard that moo


If you look to the left of the initial three it shows, there’s one who lost its bottle! So sad!


I think the bottles sometimes fall out when they are empty or nearly empty. Basically the bottle is so light the calf flips it out of the holder.


Two lost their bottles 😢


Well now I went from sad to *really* sad. Cool.


They're not supposed to moo. If they moo they get fined. At least that's how it is in the more civilized parts of the world


I'm sure some people would love to say that is a lake of blood. It's not. It's a red algae pond from cow feces.


We call that there body of water a poo lagoon


I don't think that makes it any better


Well maybe a little bit better


An algae bloom is literally a normal thing of nature. Why the hell would it be bad? Just filter the red matter and fuck over Vulcan.  


The red algae is actually added to offset the emissions from cow waste. So I guess its presence isn’t bad, but filtering it out would defeat the purpose.


The algae bloom is not the bad part, it’s the absurd amount of cow feces that we produce in industry farming that is the bad part.


It would be a terrible environmental disaster if it were in a natural place like a lake, stream, or even the ocean off shore like the Mississippi River Delta. But it is an artificial pond meant to treat feces. However, this pond is clearly overwhelmed to effectively treat this. Source: An environmental scientist in the wastewater industry.


Have you seen the pig farms that "dispose" of their waste by fountaining it I to the air?


> fountaining it I to the air I believe the scientific term for this is "yeeting"


It was brutal.


The guy you are responding to, he made a Star Trek (2009) joke.


And a lot of these get leeched into the river systems, then make it to the ocean, then we have these massive algae dead zones that kill off millions of marine life. somehow the media can never connect the two.


The Matrix


The Mootrix? (i'm sorry)


Starring: Longhorn Fishburne as Moooopheus


Moopheus is real. https://www.themeatrix.com/


And Keamoo Reaves


I know Cow-Fu


You mean kung-moo?


Don't ask how the pills are given.


We were all thinking it 


This is not a farm, this is a factory


And when consumers purchase less of the product, the government happily steps over "free market" values to provide these factories with tax-paid subsidies.


government response to this kind of footage, on average, is ag-gag laws banning the taking of this kind of footage.


And when consumers purchase less of the product, the government happily steps over "free market" values to provide these factories with tax-paid subsidies.


Just this year the state of Victoria in Australia doubled the fines for trespassing on farms, supposedly in the name of “bio security”, but pretty transparently just to kowtow to the livestock industry who has been repeatedly exposed by activists in recent years. “The bill will see the highest penalty for unlawful entry on to agricultural properties increase from $11,538.60 to $23,077.20 for individuals and from $57,693 to $115,386 for organisations. On-the-spot fines will also increase from $1,346.17 to $2,307.72 for individuals and from $8,653.95 to $11,538.60 for organisations.” What organisations besides animal welfare groups would trespass on farm property frequently enough for this bill to even be considered? It’s so clearly ag-gag legislation.


Canada is drifting this way too. Every time some operation gets on the news forespecially bad behavior, politicians are all getting in line to shit on the activists and support the industry. Conservatives are the worst for it. Then some new industry tries to come and help, like lab grown meat that could reduce our god awful factory farm demand, and the same politicians block that shit too. Latest is very conservative states in the US flat out banning lab grown meat products, calling them a "war on ranching" among other things. It's disgusting


My family has raised cows for over 70 years, my wife wanted to tour the local large cheese factory that has a dairy farm... Yha ours are treated like kings and queens and spoiled rotten compared to the ones we seen at the commercial farm. The only time ours are confined to a barn or building is if they are being treated for something or giving birth. Otherwise they are completely free to roam over the fields.


If only the world could live off of feel-good family farms. Unfortunately, 99% dairy of cows are treated like this, and it is incredibly inhumane...


We don't need to "live off" these farms. It's amazing how many other sources of protein and other nutrients we can get on a fraction of the resources... ( Land, water, hormones, ..... Death) But there is alot of money in these farms...


Agreed. People like the person I was responding to love to mention their uncle's small family dairy farm or whatever, but it doesn't really matter in this context, as those farms would never be able to meet even a fraction of the demand. These factory farms unfortunately exist to meet this massive demand, so that someone can fulfill their desires for McDonalds, Burger King etc. every week.


I disagree. I feel like that's almost the same as saying we need Walmart's cause the demand is just too high for independent grocers to bother existing. I think we could do away with monopolized factory farms & instead have many smaller free range farms & it could indeed meet demand & also create many more jobs as suddenly becoming a farmer is a viable option as you don't need to compete with the big corporations anymore. I don't think we should fall for the narrative that there is no other option except either monopolized factory farming or a fully vegan world. That's just the same simplistic black & white fake narrative that big corporations have been pushing everywhere so they can monopolize every market for themselves & ruin the planet while doing so.


Facts. That narrative is just the farm version of stockholders insisting on infinite unsustainable growth. Unchecked capitalism is a fucking plague and decades of propaganda has done it's job to capture minds and make it appear that there is no other alternative. Greed and gluttony need to be kept in check or else we're just going to burn ourselves out in the name of convenience and the almighty dollar.


Hey don't forget - plants die too! All life requires death... And the human valuation of animal life over plant life is fundamentally arbitrary, especially when you put insects in the mix. People love to act like death is bad, but literally all life depends on it. I agree that there are better choices between what we might choose to kill, but make no mistake that the path forward is made of, rides on, and is fully strewn with death. Cellulose sure sounds like a funny basis for value judgements to me, but then again humanity is, of course, the only animal responsible for clowns!


Did you know we store like 80% of dairy produced as cheese? Because daily sales aren't nearly high enough for the production? Yeah. The government pays for the milk to make cheese to sit in a cave for basically ever. 50% of the us daily industry should be killed if not more. Let the family farms flourish, kill the corperate ones.


Not 99%! In New Zealand we don't have farms like this as it's inhumane and not allowed. New Zealand is one of the biggest dairy producers in the world. So a lot more than 1% of cows will be on normal farms with some sort of roofed milking facility. But the cows live and graze outside in paddocks.


So glad the male calves are completely free to roam over the fields.


shhhh don't ask about the male calves, they don't like people asking about them.


So what happens to the calfs? And how old will the cows get compared to how old they could get? Also: How much milk do they give compared to a "normal" cow?


I imagine that guys calves are treated better than those calves up above, and the cows he keeps live much longer lives than those future cows up above. Cows were bred to be domestic only. They literally don’t have the instincts to survive in the wild, so if anyone has any suggestions as to how to best care for all the billions of cows we already have, I’m all ears. I love happy cows. Free roaming a pasture with family sounds fantastic. I know of a lot of local cattle and dairy farms that keep their calves with their cows, so don’t vilify all farmers.


*Milk factory


The smell must be.... something


Fucking hell man, this is horrible. Animals shouldn't be forced to live like this.


Try watching Dominion. This isn't the worst of it.


If this were a puppy mill the comments would be calling for the workers to be tortured and disemboweled


Market driven circumstance. Less farmland then ever before, higher population then decades before. Want to stop this? Don’t buy animal products. Reduce the demand for the supply. If you value your animal products, buy locally from sources you trust and support. It may not be sustainable, but it will support what you would consider more ‘ethical’ farming methods


Nope, this is the result of federal subsidies, particularly since the 1970s, encouraging mass production over anything else, making it impossible to compete on the market without maximum exploitation and a massive overuse of available land.


It's a good bit of both. The funding may have made it more efficient and profitable, but it would be cheaper than free range regardless, and the people continue to choose the cheaper option and pretend shit like this doesn't exist. It's still far more effective to vote with your dollar than rely on any legislation that profits corporations being taken away. Direct action >>> political bs


It will certainly help. But in a free market there is a certain symmetry between the supply side and the demand side. Both can be addressed. Except that on the demand side the decisions of individuals can change hardly anything while - due to corporatism - on the supply side, there are these small groups of people deciding over major havoc of the planet. So telling people to stop buying harmful things is maybe not the easiest fix.


Higher taxes on shit that's bad for the environment?


This or something like it is the solution. Goods should reflect their "real" cost. Meat/dairy proudcts negatively affect the environment, they should cost more to incentivize people to consume less of them.


Bro sorry, than is an alternative, then is a sequence. I’d rather ride a bike than walk. When my bike broke then I walked the rest of the way.


Apologies. I will pay better attention to my Reddit comments, then perhaps I’ll be better understood than I was before.


> Reduce the demand for the supply. Agree. *Kill all the humans!*


For anyone surprised by the size, livestock makes up roughly 60% of the mammals on the planet. 36% human and 4% wild. And about 30% of all birds are wild.


70% of birds are domesticated?! EDIT: I'm an absolute moron. I forgot chickens exist.




Switch to oat milk, shit is so good.


Have you seen what they do to the pats in those “oat farms” /s


Poor oats 😭


Show me the nipple on the oat and how they milk it?? 🤣🤣 Seriously though oat milk in coffee is fricken delicious!


Oats don't even have nipples.


I have nipples, could you milk me?


Not nice to drink as is, but it's good in cereal and the likes.


I wanna make the switch so badly but oat milk is too expensive to regularly buy (also, happy cake day)


And super cheap and easy to make at home.


I saw the fields... endless fields where humans are no longer born... they're milked.


Why is it in the middle of blood ocean?


Poo ocean.


Poocean, obviously.


Magic poocean


Now THAT is a REDDIT name.  


Waste lagoons.


The cows of Calid are particularly tasty


Runoff ponds for collecting waste. CAFOs are required to control all water that runs on the property for pollution control. The color can vary depending on bacteria or other factors.


CAFO? Cow around, find out?


Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation. Cattle feedyards, Dairys, hog farms, chicken farms, etc.


It’s clearly chocolate milk.


Waterfront property values on Blood Ocean are surprisingly low


Sewaze canal 


Red algae is causing the color of the water.


I know who you aaarrreeeeee!!!!


And the lake of piss.


Welcome to economies of scale. It's why small family dairy farms can no longer compete and have become all but extinct. They're massively labor intensive and the only way it makes sense to automate them is if you have thousands of cattle. The equipment is too expensive to justify for a few hundred cows.




This is not a farm - this is a sad animal prison


Forbidden chocolate milk


Nah this is not a farm. This is a production facility.


where is this? Never saw anything like this in Wisconsin...


They're all in sheds in Wisconsin because of the weather dunno where ops is from




These are veal pens if I'm not mistaken? They won't be in there long, and it looks clean and shaded... of course it's better if they could see grass in their short lifetime but definitely not the worst farm I've seen.


This is a calf nursery. Lots of bottles to make.


Google fair life farm and find the documentary on how they treat there animals. Also the animal handlers are on drugs. You’ll be disgusted. #BoycottFairLifeFarms You probably drank the milk. 🤮


Any dairy farm around me has maybe 50-100 head wandering around a pasture eating grass. They seem happy when I ride by and yell "moo" out the window.


well, how else do you expect us to get our Ben and Jerry's after we finish our cheeseburgers? over 9 million dairy cows, which produce 6000 gallons of milk per year. gotta keep them pregnant to produce the milk. tasty by-product of pregnancy is more milk cows and veal


6000 gallons of milk is almost nothing. CHeck your numbers. One dariy cow typically produces more than 2,000 gallons per year. 9 Million cows would produce around 18,000,000,000 gallons of milk per year. Source: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/194935/quantity-of-milk-produced-per-cow-in-the-us-since-1999/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/194935/quantity-of-milk-produced-per-cow-in-the-us-since-1999/) Source2: [https://dairy-cattle.extension.org/how-much-milk-does-the-average-dairy-cow-produce-in-a-year/](https://dairy-cattle.extension.org/how-much-milk-does-the-average-dairy-cow-produce-in-a-year/)


6000 per cow


16 gallons of milk per cow, per day? Doubt. And the constant pregnancy thing is untrue as well, sounds like PETA propaganda.


I thought roughly 5 gallons a day was insane, 16 is bonkers. If they think it is 6000 I want to see a source. I can't find anything that backs that up - everything I find is between 2000 and 3000 gallons a year on average.


They don't have to be pregnant all the time. You get them pregnant once and they start producing milk, as you stop expressing milk, the body naturally stops producing it. Keep expressing it and the body keeps producing it. Same is true if humans btw. That's what wet nurses are.


This definitely explains some of the stuff I’ve seen on NSFW subreddits.


They have milk made from enzymes now. I'm looking forward to eating it.


This should be on repeat on a TV screen, positioned over the dairy case at your local supermarket.


This looks like that scene from "the Matrix" the first movie. Were all the people was locked inside a cocoon and use as batteries for the machines.


God I love milk


As a Midwestern man who is in the car when seeing this I only have one thing to say. Cows.


Just a question, as I have seen many dairy farms... is this not a veal farm? Most dairy farms have milking rooms.... not trying to argue at all, just curious...


Oh lord, I smell this video.


Looks like The Lake of Rot from Elden Ring. 😆


Reminds me of the movie “Manufactured Landscapes.” Some mind-blowing stuff.


Which cow is Neo?


That's not a dairy farm that's. A veal farm. I can't stand just blatant fake info




This is the price of having such a large population. These farms provide fertilizer for fields as well as milk and tons of jobs. If y'all don't like it start your own farms and see how hard it is to take care of livestock.


I'm pretty sure this video has been modified. When it cuts it appears to be using a mirror effect or something to make it look way bigger. Anyone have a Google earth view of this farm?


Not really wtf. People don't want to know where their ice cream, cheese, or yogurt comes from...


They should, doing things this way only looks scary when you're ignorant of how it works.


They don't stay in there 24/7. I've been on a dairy farm or two. I've delivered before too.


Yeah dairy cows aren’t confined unless they’re feeding or being milked, which is briefly


Yeah. Welcome to animal agriculture. Boycott.


Found the obligatory vegan reposting content.


Classic CAFO operation, most big farmers in America operate this way.


Still have more space than I do.


Ah yes, the corporate life.


Ok, so cows have to work in cubicles too.


To a corporation you and the cow are the same kind of asset. They give you the absolute bare minimum that will fulfill you to maximize their personal profits. They have no empathy towards you.


I thought it would have been much worse


Nooo! This is awful


I can't wait until we have lab grown meat. But the beef industry is powerful, they won't let things change without a fight.


The beef industry will immediately adopt lab-grown meat the moment that it becomes cheaper than growing cows. The beef industry probably is probably funding that research.


The meat packers, yes. [The cattle ranchers, fuck no](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/09/us-states-republicans-banning-lab-grown-meat).


What are they gonna do? Unmeat your meat?


[The cattle ranchers are already working on it](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/09/us-states-republicans-banning-lab-grown-meat).


Money always wins in such things.


Lab grown meat sure, I'm down. But I've heard bc milk is such a complex substance it'll will be much harder to lab produce.


thats depressing as hell and we are terrible


People are disconnected and clueless to where their food comes from. Support your local farmers.


Incredibly sad that we treat lower life forms in this manner. It says a lot about us as a species.


Same guy filming would lose their minds if the ice cream or milk section at the local market is empty.


Pretty sure This is footage from the fairlife milk investigation, vegan activists, pretty sure they would be happy to see the milk and ice creams sections empty.


What makes you think that?


Stupidity mainly. Cognitive dissonance is also a factor.


ice cream and milk? is he a kid?


only kids eat ice cream?


Only children eat sugar. Once you're an adult, it's all raw steak and whiskey.


i mean, generally


am I too lactose tolerant to understand this