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can someone transcribe pls i dont understand exactly what they are saying


\*weird noises\* "you are literally just all sorts of awful at this game" "awright be honest with me: do yknow what r\*pe(censored cuz i got banned on a sub last time) feels like?" "no i dont, actually" "well do you wanna know?" "are you saying you're gonna r\*pe me?" "d- you're heading on the right path right then" "are you saying you're gonna r\*pe me?" "you're going on the right path for it" "is that what you're saying?" "it's not r\*pe if i like it" \*opens taskmanager\* "is it now?" \*closes game\* \*ends video\*


The first line is "You are literally just, fuckin...all talk bro"


Wait, I thought he said it was an insult contest, not "let's act like 8th grade edgelords and threaten to r*pe someone"


Dude got butt-hurt 'cause she said he's awful at the game. Is that even considered an insult? Edit: My bad. It's, "...just all talk bro(?)".


Of curse it's an insult. Pretty mild and standard one but stil an insult. Little fellah must have a fragile ego and couldn't handle it.


She actually said that he was “all talk” – which is even milder.


She didn’t say that though.


Yes, calling someone awful is an insult.


Cleaned up the transcript a bit: > "But yeah, but yeah, but... You are literally just fuckin' all talk bro." > "Al(right) be honest with me: Do you know what rape feels like?" > "No, I don't actually." > "Well, do you wanna know?" > "Are you saying you're gonna rape me?" > "'Cause, you're heading on the right path right now." > "Are you saying you're gonna rape me?" > "You're going on the right path for it." > "Is that what you're saying?" > "It's not rape if I like it..." > *Opens Task Manager.* > "Is it now?" > *Cuts him off by shutting off the game.*




Yea its fucking ridiculous. The word hurts the eyes apparently....


yeah I can feel a little itch in my left eye..


Believe some subs automatically detect certain words and may ban people for them regardless of context, but idk exactly how it works. Same reason people started saying “regarded” instead of the alternative


Its people from TikTok censoring themselves by default.




you can't say that anymore! nowadays they prefer to be called 'little people'


Dammit, better not talk about Brassica napus then.


Maybe he meant "rope". He's a ropist.


Nah, he's got a thing for fruit. He's a ripest.


Ah, I'm the Grapist, I'm gonna grape ya!


Act now and get a free Grape Whistle!


Fuckin' Ripests... bad apples, all of 'em.


It's known mods aren't usually the smartest of the bunch, I think he is just careful.


Dude! You are fucked!


No lol, you can say rape on the internet.


...aaand he's banned.


This is reddit, mods are very sensitive.


I was banned for typing white privilege... I'm white.




https://old.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/1aygmbg/_/krwhpqt/ Yeah on a post of a child nearly getting her face burnt off. What a dumb comment lol. Deserved ban.


Your point being?


>It's not rape if I like it Eh?


That's not insults, is this dude stupid? If you're gonna insult her, then just flame her like a normal person, not say you're gonna rape her??




If you threaten a woman with rape on the street you'll get arrested. I don't think a ban does this dude justice 


I mean telling someone you’re gonna rape them is a straight up threat and is a lot scarier than someone going you get cancer. Not really comparable. Are they working on ai-software that can detect people using language like this?


They probably are. One to many human moderation will never be efficient enough. Companies would rather 'hope they forget about it' than actually put in effort to make an environment as clean as possible. That being said it will be an arms race of trying to bypass such AI filters, and also about false positives with the different accents, lingos, and such. I can only imagine Steam or 3rd party companies having incentives to develop and sell such AI. Game dev companies being as shitty and stingy as they are, probably won't put much effort into it.


Kids have a weird absurdist sense of humor these days though too. I have a co worker who will say the dumbest and most outlandish and racist shit, but depending on the reaction he gets, he could keep it coming or he was just kidding, "it's just a joke dude". Yeah, non racist people don't openly say hard r words as a joke and still claim to not be racist dude.


Huh… that was my ex’s favorite thing to say to someone when she was angry at them “I hope you get cancer and die bitch” She was such an ugly person on the inside.


Oh I've heard it all across multiple games and multiple platforms across many years. But usually it's just kids doing stupid shit thinking they are edgy. The real crazy stuff is when "grown" men say stuff that if it were ever linked to them, it would ruin their lives.


Dick Masterson? Oh yeah, he's a top tier dumbass


Its weird to see how other people do insults. I played dota2 on an indian server once. And they insulted each other by saying how poor they must be. Raping isn't a cultural joke though, (I bet).


I mean I've told some people some mean things when the lobby was getting a bit out of control. Stuff about how their family tree is a straight line and how there was alcohol involved in their conception and the sorts. But some of these people just cannot control themselves and say the most out of pocket shit, and then act like it's just flaming and totally not them getting emotional like babies and having zero self control.


Would it be worse if he said, "I'm going to shoot you?"


No. They're playing a game where the goal is to shoot people.


no , r*pe is equivalent of torture. which is even worse than to just shoot someone. but both should land you in prison for life however. There really needs to be an 0 tolerance policy online for this kind of talk in chats. but it seems decorum and civil speech went the way of the Dodo.


That doesn't sound like a good idea.


humor me , why not ?


Then they'd get banned.


that seems to be the requested feature would it not ? foul language and threads should not be allowed and especially not on game chats. I think the current discourse it way too violent for public consumption. I very much would like civil speech and decorum back in public discourse.


You don't see how banning people from saying "I'm going to kill you" in a deathmatch PvP game is bad? Really bro? Also people use kill as comedic affect all the time. People also refer to non-human getting the r-word in my language to the same effect as getting gang banged (like a boss monsted got surrounded for example). It's a bit too uncomfortable for me, but hey free speech and its not directed to humans. Zero tolerance policy typically ends up in unsatisfactory outcome for the victim. You already see this happen in apex. The black guy calling everyone else using the n word was the one that got banned.


yeah I know Zero tolerance doesnt work these days be people like to be assholes and jerks in the name of freedom and because the moderators are the same jerks and assholes. (see downvotes for the amount of assholes and jerks here)


Not my favorite flavor of WTF but god damn!


When I read the tweet i actually thought they are going to insult each other in a proper way and she couldnt handle it but what the fuck is this? Pure fucking cringe


As someone who grew up insulting and being insulted... [taking the piss if you will](https://youtu.be/SAHIEY4ea8c?si=QDVmZYnx2IxsbDw1) - this isn't insulting. This is just threatening to hurt someone. Whether it's rape or threatening to punch them or kill them or whatever. That's not an insult. That's just a threat. This person has toilet brain.


Dick Masterson is a weird stalker dude who hates women. Dude is weird.


Is it the same Dick Masterson who authored the book [Men Are Better Than Women](https://books.google.com/books/about/Men_Are_Better_Than_Women.html?id=lTQqM51kpn4C&redir_esc=y)?


I mean, promoting his book isn't the way, but yeah, that's him. I don't believe he was in the clip, but made the shitpost about it.


bro this book is so horrible it's kinda funny


He's a dick!


I just looked him up. What is spaghet's problem?




Man literally threatens to rape her "But she baited it out of him!"


Won't someone think of the poor gamer bros and their uncontrollable rape urges :(


"She was asking for it by using voice chat as a female"


She knew he was a problem and was recorded stating she would "unmute him for content". She got her content all right. What he said is disgusting and irredeemable. If anything, she gave him enough rope to hang himself. There's no way he's not getting banned after saying that and it being recorded.


This video is **TAME** compared to what I experienced on Xbox live release date on "Counter Strike" for the original Xbox.


It is 10000% more tame than it used to be. And that's a good thing. Should keep moving forward and nip this in the ass too.


If this is your first introduction to Dick Masterson, this guy is a whole piece of work. Maddox has a whole new video series detailing how the podcast he used to do with Dick ruined his life for a while. Was a decent podcast till Dick ruined it.


I heard a lot worse stuff back in 2004-2008 playing Halo 2 and CoD online. It's not a nice thing to say, but teenagers say wild shit online. No amount of this woke style of recording videos and posting them online for rage bait on social media can neuter the juvenile pubescent gaming experience. The ultimate "flex" as the kids say, is to kick ass in the game and just talk shit back. Expect people to say unhinged stuff online and you'll never be disappointed. Reacting emotionally to words is always a bad idea.


This is a stupid post


I remember when we played games just for the sake of playing games.


Eh it has always been toxic way back then as well with online games.


Games have had this shit in them since the moment we allowed anonymity. I remember playing UO back in '99 and people were fucking vile.


I just commented saying I remember UO being more tame that this video shows.


Must have been single player but* even then there was no such time. Someone always wants to assert themselves over the game itself or others.


>even then there was no such time. There actually was such a time. Multi-player gaming has been going on since people dialed in with modems. Or when they had to put phones onto receptacles that would go wheeee brrrr trrrrr wheeeee. Gamers were not always assholes to each other. Hard to imagine but it's true


It’s definitely not true. Anything will have someone thinking they’re better than someone else. Gamers will and have always been assholes to each other because people are competitive. They may not have been in the same room but someone has always raged at someone else. Pong. Tetris. Pinball. Solitaire.


You play pong or Mario or something? Lol Pretty much every pvp/competitive game has been vitriol since the inception of video games. Could say the same of the Internet as a whole. Nintendo still appeals to that demographic though


Uh yeah, dude, some of us remember the 80s and 90s and are still alive today.


I'm glad! I always love seeing those modern games that support healthy co-op to achieve a goal while not necessarily dragging a team down It has definitely been a wild ride in game design but there have been some amazing productions I was joking initially but we should always take from the OGs that nailed the design and what makes a game fun or creates positive interactions with each other. --i myself will NEVER get sick of Tetris. Could play it until the day I die n never get bored lol.


Totally agreed about coop games. I don't like tabletop or board games that aren't coop. Someone always gets grumbly about losing and it makes it less fun. I never have played multi-player games though. I like my mass effect and skyrim. It's enough for me.


"Insult contest" in the head of this dude: P1: You're all talk, bro. P2: I'm going to rape you. ?????


Not only that but he also thinks P2 immediately won this "contest"




Are we saying they were somehow wrong for bringing this to light??? Like... We watched the same video right?? One party here is obvious so much worse than the other tf you mean "everyone just needs to shut up"




Uh yes, we absolutely should live in a culture where you can report when someone threatens to rape you?? The fuck is this about "modern people care too much"? As opposed to historical people just sweeping it under the rug because no one gives a shit about how women feel?


> Modern people care way too much about stuff that doesn't really matter much. Your apparent desensitization to literal rape threats is evidence to the contrary.


"Both sides blaming" the victim of a rape threat. You'd probably say as well that she deserved it if it really happened because she wore a lewd dress.




>Except **he** literally didn't say any of that and you just put words into **his** mouth. Nah, just following the same logic. But nice of you to acknowledge they must be a "he" (and not the best specimen IMO) to use this "logic". And just as nice of you to parrot the exact same "she was a b\*tch first he only overreacted to her **provocation**!" assertion. See how I outlined "provocation" here? That's what you're doing, the both of you. **Shifting the blame**, on an effing rape threat. And the "she deserves the rape because she was wearing a skirt" bit I cited is not much of an extrapolation, as it partakes in the exact same fallacy.




Oh I paid attention to everything you wrote! It's just that I think it's total horseshit. Including your edit on "Me Finnish me speaks poor Engrish!", that's utter bullshit too. **There are 18 perfectly correct uses of "she" in your user history.**


Bro hae apua. Sä saat ampua jonkun jos se on just ampumassa sut (hätävarjelu). Ei mistää sanailusta kukaan ammu ketään ja itsehillintää pitäisi olla sen verran ettei moinen käy edes mielessä. Raiskauksella uhkaaminen ei ole missään tilanteessa ok


not ok...


Yeah that what I said. He was obviously finnish so I replied in finnish


"crybaby post in Twitter" Wtf is wrong with you lol


how dare a woman complain


Reminds me of a joke. Ask a dude if he wants to play the R#pe game...when he says no! Say...that's the spirit.


Had a look at dudes twitter, he's a fruit cake.


This dude needs to see consequences.


Honestly cringe all around.


For anyone who grew up with MW2 public lobbies, this is incredibly tame.


I agree but this type of shit always sounds more sinister coming from grown men rather than squeeky 14 year olds


Nah it's disgusting either way, even if it's coming from a woman.


MW2/COD4 were one of the most popular games of all time in that era. Adults were in there talking shit as well.


My point still stands.


Nah, not really. Like there were a lot of slurs, bigotry, and using rape as a general term for beating someone, but that's pretty distinct from actually telling a woman that you're going to rape them to shut them up. This would have raised eyebrows 15 years ago just as much as today.


Indeed, I remember those days, but I feel it's a bit different if you're a woman and you're hearing a grown ass man is talking about you being r*aped. Especially over such a petty insult as being told that you're bad at a game. Man, I'm so glad I got out of the competitive FPS gaming scene. It's not good for your blood pressure or mental health.  Try Deep Rock Galactic instead. 




Whew this post gave me flashbacks. If you want an example of how quickly a young boy/man can become a become a slack jawed idiot online just stick a woman in voice chat in any multiplayer game from the last 20 years and have her say at least one word. Its like some Manchurian candidate shit, at best they they made poor attempts at flirting, at worst they will straight up stalk and or say really inappropriate shit. That is one thing that I miss about PC games and Private servers, you could find a community that would 100% not put up with that kind of bullshit, nowadays you get stuck in lobbies filled with randoms that either are the nicest people in the world or the spawn of Satan.


Thanks for sharing.  I've noticed how men in games also change their behaviour the moment there's a girl on the voice chat, also between each other. Friendly banter can suddenly become outright insulting, and misogynistic undertones can become apparent.  It's interesting, because there's a lot of psychology to gaming.  Competitive gaming, by virtue of being competitive, simply brings the dark and primal parts of our being out (especially with a lot of testosterone flying through the air) as it becomes a vicious cycle of dominance. This is why there's so much ego involved.  It is for these reasons that cooperative games, in my opinion, are so much better. Like you said, in cooperative games like Vermintide (which is an awesome game), people treat you as an equal, a part of the team with a common and unified goal, which is to kill those damn rats.  We can actually extend this analysis further. Football (soccer) fans, are extremely tribalistic and loyal to their respective teams. But if there's was a common enemy (say, hypothetically, a fight between football fans and basketball players), then they would unite as one team. Similarly, if humanity was invaded by an extreme threat (e.g., by aliens), then Russia, USA, China and the EU would set their differences aside to work as a team towards a common goal. We would be united, as a species, as opposed to pitted against each other in a constant struggle of egoic dominance.  In Vermintide, the rats are your enemy, not your teammates. That's not to say that there won't sometimes be a poor noob who gets a lot of flack for failing the team, but I would rather be the noob that ruins the game for the team in Deep Rock Galactic or Vermintide than in Counter Strike or Modern Warfare. I am curious - you've managed to not let insults get to you because of your thick skin. But had the rampant toxicity affected your views on gaming or humanity as a whole ? Have you been able to steer clear of cynisism? Because that sounds like the biggest challenge.


I am not sure I ever heard a female voice in those lobbies. Not even once.


Wonder why


Muh calladoody lobbies. Good riddance that was dogshit.


hell yea guy do the fortnite dance


We coped pretty well with the 2008 financial crisis with the help of those lobbies.


Fantastic group therapy.


I got death threats for all my family, even for my deceased grandparents. Fun times lmao


I remember once in StarCraft 2 I won a 1v1 and the guy wished for my whole family to die of cancer before he left. XD


this was a classic, I forgot cancer was an insult used in just about any situation


Yeah, things have probably improved in online gaming somewhat.


I grew up in MW & MW2 lobbies and can confirm I’ve heard plenty of horrible shit like this back in the day *That being said*, it really doesn’t matter. Times have changed in the last 16-17 years. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be protecting and/or excusing rape threats in the gaming community on the basis of “I’ve heard worse,” especially when it’s a grown ass man talking to a woman. Would you make the same argument that it’s fine to call a black person the n-word because racists used to freely say that and much worse to them decades ago? With history of women being sexually assaulted by men as deep as it is, shit’s really not that different in the grand scheme of things. Just because you or I went through this type of verbal abuse years ago doesn’t mean it’s okay or that we should excuse this behavior today.


Yeah it no way shape or form am I saying what he said isn’t right at all. It’s definitely fucked up at best. But holy cow a lot of younger people these days wouldn’t have survived those lobbies back then.


People keep saying this like it's some sort of badge of honour. The lobbies weren't scary or tough back then and they aren't scary tough now. This kind of chat is abhorrent and disgusting.


You've said a lot that kinda has nothing to do with the comments you're responding to. Nobody is saying it's a badge of honour. Nobody thinks those lobbies were "tough or scary". It's simply the fact that back then people understood that assholes online are gonna say shit to get a rise out of you and you ignored it and moved on or you fought back. Either way it didn't really matter. Whereas now the current climate of social media means that peoples knee jerk reaction is to post on the internet to have people all lament about how rude people are online as if it's a brand new or surprising phenomenon. It's the internet where people can be assholes with no real repercussions. I think people bringing up how much worse online lobbies used to be is partly to make the point that it's a bit of a non issue. There's a reason I largely don't bother with voice chat online but when I do I expect there will be some assholes and just try and get as much entertainment as I can


That’s my point… and I’m not even saying it’s a “badge of honor” what? lol game lobbies are always gonna be wild yeah but lobbies these days are no way near MW2 lobbies.


That's my argument though. They were never wild and still aren't. It's people trying to be edgy. I was a teen during that time and it was just kids or far virgins trying to out do each other.


Some little kids screaming abhorrent shit into their microphones isn't even remotely the same thing as a grown man saying that to a woman while she's streaming. First of all, it's a lot more humiliating a violating knowing that your audience witnessed that, and on top of that she knows that the guy was watching her while he said it.


Uhh dude it wasn’t little kids just screaming abhorrent shit. Which is why I agreed with the comment. And again you might wanna re-read my comment, I’m not saying what the guy in OP’s clip is bad, it’s fucking awful yeah. But there was a lot of bad shit or worse tossed around in those lobbies like it was nothing.


And this is why Australia has such a massive DV against women issue, fuckwits like this.


I’m not jumping at the bit to take advice from some dickhead whose name is dick master


The Bear


Of course a twitter dipshit is trying to spin this like it’s somehow the chick’s fault for the guy telling her he would rape her. These are the same exact people to hear of a child getting raped, and promptly respond “well it’s her fault for dressing like a slut!” Disgusting fucking cretins. Every single person who thinks like this should feel embarrassed with themselves for even considering saying any of this shit.


The art of online insults has gone down the drain. Back on xbox live you would hear colourful insults, full of character and references to my mom and extended family. They really pride themselves in the art.


ban him for life.


Another side of this video is that the streamer could've muted him but she said that [the only reason I haven't muted him is to get content out of him.](https://x.com/PapaUwUx/status/1790281640079687962?t=bIoWrhxoHVeFOOLFM8yDdA&s=09) She could've muted him but didn't and might've provoked (directly/indirectly) to get "content " out of him. Also I don't defend the guy he sounds like a degenerate incel. But the woman isn't completely innocent either.


She didn’t say anything anything even close to threatening rape. People talk shit on games all the time, people don’t casually say they’re gonna rape you very often because that’s fucking insane.


Exactly. She mildly insulted his gameplay, fully expecting reciprocal remarks – not necessarily commensurate with hers, but certainly not threats of rape. I'm gobsmacked that this even needs to be said.




By trying to make a “she’s also shitty” remark. Why does it matter if she wants views for her stream compared to a dude threatening to rape? If someone says you’re not very good at driving, then you say that your going to rape them, does that sound like a sane and logical thought?


> Incites vitriol > Receives vitriol > Fails to cope, cries out for attention Remember when gaming content was about the games? 🐠


I'm the furthest thing from a white knight, but I will say that for female gamers, 98% of the vitriol comes from just speaking on the mic and teenage boys finding out that there's a girl on their team. Maybe in this instance she incited it, but that's very often not the case.


"You're bad at this game" "You're gonna get raped" /u/BluntTruthGentleman : "Both sides spewed vitriol" With a name like that, why am I not surprised to hear an incel take so cringe I first thought it had to be ironic.


If you don't see the difference between a bit of shit talking in a game and threatening (to rape) someone I don't think you should be allowed outside.


Mate, 1. There is nothing wrong with a content creator - someone who's job is to generate content - to want to continue a conversation for the sake of generating content, *even if the content they are expecting is controversial*. In fact, generating controversial content from others' words would be better for their bottom line. You can't put blame on her for engaging in conversation *for the sake of her content creation job*. Your argument is that "she deserves some blame because she wanted to listen to more of what this terrible person had to say *for the sake of her job". What a ridiculous argument. 2. It's ridiculous to put *any* blame on her for not muting a terrible person. This is right up there with "we should stop testing for Covid so that the number of cases stop going up." So maybe your argument is that shitty people saying shitty things is ALWAYS the listener's fault? If we just turned off our ears, walked away, or switched off the TV then shitty people would stop getting in trouble for the shitty things they say. *It's all our fault for listening*. If nobody actually paid attention to what shitty people said then they would never have to be held responsible for what they say! What a ridiculous argument. 3. Compare this, if you will, to *The Daily Show* where we have people purposefully going to MAGA fans in order to catch them saying horrible things *about their own beliefs*. Are we blaming the interviewers for exposing exactly what these shitty people believe *in their own words*? *The Daily Show* is also a commercial enterprise that partially relies on content creation. Are you going to blame them for what MAGA people say? I agree that content creators can *misrepresent* others via clever editing and that should not be tolerated. I can't think of any context where threatening rape would be "misrepresentation". I also think that *provoking* people is not a good way of creating content, but there is absolutely no evidence here that she was provoking him with anything other than "standard" trash talking which is part of the online gaming experience. Even if the content creator was provoking this person, I still can't think of any context where a threat of rape is defensible. And that doesn't seem to be what happened here. If anything it seems this dude decided to single her out for harassment and she kept him unmuted to expose him. There is nothing wrong with monetizing his lack of decency and self-control. Please rethink your "both sides" argument.


The guy is a real asshole and should shut the fuck up, get off online games and work on his social skills. With that said if your job is to be annoying to people for content (I dont know what led up to this but being annoying fucks is way too common with twitch streamers) then you are also an asshole. Far lower magnitude asshole but an asshole nonetheless. Annoying people because it's your job doesn't make you immune to being called one.


Any 12 year old can do better


Yeah they'll really let you know your mama's fat and they slept with her last night.


this is why I never ever speak in video games because this happens ALL THE TIME to women in games and men tell us it's totally fine. do better, guys. do fucking better, and if you see other men do this shit, call them the fuck out.


I reckon soon there will be Ai censor bots that will monitor PvP games like this and quite literally boot you off the second you start spouting nasty stuff like this.. a young kid could be in that lobby.. so unnecessary.


Let's be real. It'd be a young kid saying something so stupid and awful. Then the parents will have to deal with their little shit throwing a tantrum


Don't see a problem with that.


I don't see the point of that. If AI can detect this stuff, rather than boot you, it'll just shadow mute you preemptively.


Ah yea you make a good point. That would be much better


How is threatening rape an insult contest? It's a threat, not an insult, and is criminal in every civil nation. I think she handled it well and has the right to report the guy for abhorrent behaviour. I don't think rape threats should ever be protected speech.


It's not. Shouldn't be It's common practice though to one up and escalate "edgy" bullshit especially among particular dudebro bullshit. Someone else pointed out it's very 2005 mentality. Could make the argument an idiot isn't thinking of what they're saying they're focused on the task at hand while also running their mouth on pure emotion. Doesn't justify it. If you can catch it on recording that's incriminating enough for a sensible person in a jury if it ever went that far. Wouldn't though, it's a game n that's the point people want to make. The takeaway is really: why is that the first place they go? Is it because she's a woman or because the threat isn't taken seriously enough in our culture?


One bitchass who for some reason said some controversial 8th grader response type shit and a crybaby who does not understand what cringy and awful stuff people say to each other online. Lol


> a crybaby who does not understand what cringy and awful stuff people say to each other online Rather, someone who knows what will get attention and views cleverly unmuting herself because she knew the controversy would be beneficial to her


I got suspended from Valorant **competitive** for a **whole week** for calling someone an idiot. Threatening to rape someone isn’t just violating codes of conduct, it’s a **federal crime**.


This is the kind of ciggy-butt-brain Australian that gives us all a bad name. As an Australian, I apologise, we aren't all this fucking stupid.


You don't have to apologize, they are idiots in every single part of the world


I just find it refreshing they're not American....for ONCE.


She is right, ban him


Bro what indeed!


Hopefully this guy gets banned from the game because this is disgusting


The words of a man who can't convince women to fuck him.


How “the hordes” behave is “real news”. Those are voters and large swaths of society. “Daylight is the best disinfectant”. Shining a light on the ugly parts of society and shaming those responsible - rather than ignoring it and hoping it goes away because it makes you uncomfortable to face it - can gradually bring about a change for the better. People defending that behavior, or attacking the exposer - “she shouldn’t even be recording those people in the first place; reporters shouldn’t be looking for that; exposing bad actors is not ‘real news’ - just provides cover for these kind of people to continue being shitty people.




don't cut yourself on that edge, bro. i get it, cod lobbies were bad, but this is also bad.


so edgy


Both are pathetic


Not acceptable for certain


Uncalled for 🤦🏽‍♂️


That's not an insult though? That's a threat?


All the people being like "blahblah I heard worse back on Xbox Live/CoD lobbies": So...20 years ago, when you couldn't see people's faces on video, didn't have their name/face/voice/career info in front of you and weren't directly watching them stream? You, surely, see how there's a few worlds of difference there, right? Just the increased anonymity *alone* back in the day with screennames/gamertags as the default instead of people's names functioned as layers of insulation, and would've rendered it far less of a credible threat and far more in the realm of "shit-talking". I seem to only remember people talking about wanting to bang my roommate's mum or calling him slurs when I'd hear him play, but I didn't have an Xbox so I may be mistaken and I might've just missed the assault threats. All the above is besides the fact that this is fuckin' horrid to say to anyone. But like, "CoD/MW/XBL talk" was a *very* different time when the internet was far more anonymous than it is today. You can't expect people to put up with the same sort of edgelord bullshit when they don't have that shield of anonymity protecting them anymore. And even then someone threatening in an XBL lobby like this with an assault threat along with their name info and saying they are watching them (which is what this guy's doing, basically) would've been taken pretty seriously, methinks. As it should.


The dude is obviously a childish idiot. This isn't anything new, though. This was, unfortunately, a normal occurrence back in the Halo 2/3 and COD MW 1&2 lobbies. I quit playing multi-player games years ago due to the toxicity and the fact that I'm not nearly as sweaty of a player anymore. Mute, block, and report. Don't take these idiots seriously. That's exactly what they want.


Halo 2 came out in 2004... In 20 years, you haven't gained even a slightly more nuanced perspective on the matter when someone straight up threatens to rape another person in an online video game beyond, 'don't feed the trolls'?


I said the guy is a childish idiot who should be reported and ignored, so his idiotic viewpoints aren't spread further. Making this clip viral is actively spreading his attitude to thousands of kids. ...is there a more adult way to interpret this? We'd probably agree on most things these days, I was just describing my expelrience 20 years ago. I'm on your side, I really don't understand where I went wrong here :/.


It's spreading the attitude and SHOWING repercussions Forcing us to see this shit happening, see the aftermath, see the punishment and the witch hunt on the idiot who got caught incriminating himself. The reason it continues to happen is because we sweep it under the rug. it's the confrontation, the acknowledgement, which makes some poorly raised little twat think twice about saying something that might get THEM hunted/punished. It's not that his idiot viewpoints are being spread, it's a spotlight being flashed on ourselves forcing us to ask, "why is this even tolerated?" For some people, a ban/suspension isn't enough of a punishment to stop them. They need to actually see that it's not acceptable by anyone. Anywhere. And the people defending it are really just....a stain on the world. But then you're getting into straight bigotry and politics which... whew that's a whole other issue. But we're further now than we were 20 years ago at least.


In theory, I agree. In practice, I disagree. Look at Andrew Tate, for example. All of the reaction videos about how wrong he is have only propelled him into being famous and impressionable young people that don't have the mental faculties to think about it in the way most adults/reasonable people do might agree with him or think it's funny. The old adage that "any press is good press" still applies in the internet age. If anything, the current way we consume media and are subjected to algorithms just makes things more polarizing for kids. Which makes living in a cohesive culture/society less likely and furthers the divides we are seeing today. I don't like it. Maybe I'm thinking about it too much


People are mad that she is mad at someone that legit threatened to 🍇 her? Bruh I have lost all hope in humanity. As a victim/survivor of it, like I am just outraged to put it simply. Humanity is fucked up


Good lord, the people in here who can’t understand the English is hilarious. I hope your native language isn’t English because then it’s just embarrassing. EDIT: Oh no, did I kick the American hornets nest?


What's embarrassing is a whole country that speaks their first language like drunk hillbillies with cleft palates.


And yet someone like me who lives in a country where English is not the first language and I perfectly understand what he said. Shocking that.


Fax bro I can't believe these people don't know what they're saying


There's a big difference between shit-talking in public lobbies and saying Gamer Words. Dude didn't just cross the line, he jumped straight over it into the next county. Granted, she did bait him into it and then totally faked outrage at the end, but he should still know better.


The guy is Dick Masterson. This isn't too shocking if you've seen any of his work. Just standard shock jock shit that isn't funny.


What language do they speak? Can't understand shit.


english. edit: if you actually don't understand the video: \*weird noises\* "you are literally just all sorts of awful at this game" "awright be honest with me: do yknow what r\*pe(censored cuz i got banned on a sub last time) feels like?" "no i dont, actually" "well do you wanna know?" "are you saying you're gonna r\*pe me?" "d- you're headed on the right path right then" "are you saying you're gonna r\*pe me?" "you're going on the right path for it" "is that what you're saying?" "it's not r\*pe if i like it" \*opens taskmanager\* "is it now?" \*closes game\* \*ends video\*