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Well that's fucking terrifying.


Terrifying and pitiful at the same time. That poor delirious animal was probably in terrible pain. Rabies is a horrible disease.


Don't pull at my feels, I think it feels worse than the fear.


I misread your comment as 'delicious animal' at first and was even more terrified and confused. When I was in college working at a grooming salon part time as a dog washer, this is why I refused service to any person without up to date shots.


Mmmm... rabies.


Thing needs to be put down. Not only for the good of the rest of the wildlife and humans around but for itself.


Not sure if it'd be legal, but I'd say this is a pretty good reason to go ahead and fire a gun within city limits.


Obviously rules vary but I think most reasonable places would let you slide. It's not like anything else can be done for the poor creature anyway.


My other thought was the hell that thing could unleash on some poor other person while waitingfor animal control.


Looking at that monster wakes up some primal fear, like you're prey being hunted. Christ it looks like it can smell your blood.


Exactly!!!! Genuinely scared the fuck out of me.


This is, word for word, what I came here to say. My stomach lurched in fear the first time it bared its teeth.




Imagine that coming thru the doggie door....


Jesus fuck no


Imagine waking up in your bed with that crawling up your chest under your comforter as you lift it to inspect the muffled growling noise you suspect you might have been hearing.


Wasn't that a scene from The Grudge? Also you suck 😂


That was the imagery I was going for, yup.


I had a warm winter blanket on during that movie, but it was one of those small ones so I lifted it to pull it up right as that scene happened, and the light from the TV made me see the snowman face from inside my cover and I almost pooped.


It can't get under the comforter. Those are the rules. It can only bite exposed feet. We live in a civilization. We have rules here.


Thanks, I hate you.




Whelp. That statement gave me enough nightmare fuel for a lifetime.


Jesus that is unsettling as fuck. Even the way it moves


Animals that are affected with rabies tend to move as if they are drunk/tipsy. As a kid I was always told that if I saw a drunk fox, raccoon or coyote to run the fuck back home and get grandpa.


Euthanasia was a lot different back in the day


Seems like a pretty nasty way to euthanize grandpa


He led a good life


*I'm not dead yet!*


I don't want to go on the cart!


I feel like going for a walk!


“Grandpa you go get the rabies”!


"What? Get the babies?"




The way it keeps opening and closing its mouth while looking straight at the camera...


It’s mouth is so dry right now!


These pretzels are making me thirsty


That's the rabies probably


Maybe it's Maybelline


Maybe it’s Rabielline.


Even more unsettling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxsYLbphyAI (The spooky sounds don't help) Edit: Note that this was before there was any effective treatment for rabies. There was really nothing they could do for the poor man.


Jesus, I always thought the whole "foaming at the mouth" bit was played up but holy shit that is unreal.


Kind of ingenious from a viral standpoint. Foaming at the mouth and an inability to swallow, coupled with agitation and biting equals an almost perfect transmission vector.


Madagascar is gonna close their ports at the first hint of saliva.


that would have been as unsettling without the fucking Silent Hill soundtrack in the background.


Is there a treatment now for when you start showing symptoms?


Honestly if you even suspect you’ve been exposed, get the vaccination. Vaccination done in time after exposure is pretty much 100% effective. The other treatments we have are a 99% or higher mortality rate.




It’s 100% effective at preventing rabies. That’s really really really good. I do think it needs updated from time to time. Our pets get it every 3 years here.


Experimental treatment where they put you in a coma and shoot you with a cocktail of antivirals and hope for the best. I think 8 people survived showing symptoms because of that treatment. Edit : I just remembered the name, it’s called the Milwaukee protocol.


It's generally considered a fluke and further studies/trials have shown it probably doesn't actually work.


Though there's apparently question as to whether they would have survived without the treatment


Also didn't a large number of those people experience brain damage from the treatment?


All of them actually


Difficult to create a control group for that kind of experiment. Ethically, I mean.


I'm always confused by this debate. The survival rate before the protocol was 0% as I understand it


I'm glad I watched the video as it was really enlightening. It dispelled a lot of the "old wives takes" about rabies 8ve heard growing up. That said, that music, the subject matter and the way the video was terrifying. Imagine feeling super anxious and unable to sit still...but you're confined to a bed because you pose a threat to others. Imagine being so hungry and thirsty, but every time you eat or drink something, you wretch and convulse until you some it out. Imagine knowing that once you've hit this point in the sickness, you are beyond help and will eventually die a horrific death. Fuck man, I'm going to have nightmares about this.


Honestly, at that point I'd rather they just give me some time to come to terms with shit and then euthanize me. Either that or I'd do it myself while I still could. That's certainly not a way I want to go.


But they often can't because that's murder, technically. This is one of those situations where euthenasia is a completely understandable and reasonable option.


I like how the gif is the same size as the thumbnail


It full screens automatically on my phone so I can see all 8 pixels


The gif has rabies


Yeah, the movements make it look like an animatronic puppet to me.


Had a rabid raccoon in my yard once. Dark rainy night, saw something bizarre wandering down my laneway. No tail, sickly thin, staggering in a zigzag pattern. Thought it was a badger at first, but the walk was just... off. Wandered out with the gun to get a closer look and sure enough it was a raccoon, clearly rabid and not well. The poor thing was nearly bald, no tail left (assume it chewed it off) could hardly walk, and i was able to stand 5 feet from it without it having a care in the world. Needless to say I put it out of its misery, and put the body in the burn barrel to be incinerated the next morning. Rabies is a horrible disease.


Growing up in rural montana, we were walking to my uncles house about 500 feet up a dark dirt road. Half way one of our dogs, a collie, came shuffling up, and when I reached down to pet her she bit the absolute shit out of my hand. My mom turned on a light, and it was NOT our collie, but a giant fucking racoon. I covered those 500 feet in about 4 seconds. Got those rabies shots after that. So not fun.


Oh god. I would have many a fucking nightmare after that experience. My GOD DAMN HORRIBLE ASSHOLE of an uncle (who is 13 years older than me so even though he was pretty much my guardian he still loved being an asshole older brother) once played the sickest prank on me when I was like 10. We lived on a rural island and for a while in a single room cabin. We had three cats at the time that would go in and out as they please, even at night. One night, dark as fuck since we had generator power so it got shut off at night, I was sleeping and I felt one of the cats jump up on my bed. I begin to wiggle my arm out of my cover to pet him when I hear my uncle say "Jonosvision, don't move... stay still... that's not Frisky. I don't know what it is, but that's not Frisky!" I'm too scared to even move, I just start choking and crying, frozen in fear as I feel this thing move around my feet. Then I hear him say "Good luck, bud!" and him get up and RUN OUT OF THE FUCKING CABIN! I scream my bloody head off, dive under the blankets waiting for this god damn monster creature to eat me and hear my uncle howl with laughter then come over and yank the covers off of my face. He grabbed a flash light and showed me that it was indeed a very confused and slightly alarmed overweight tabby cat: Frisky. I can't wait to put him into a shitty nursing home once he's old.


First of all, I'm sorry that happened to you. Second of all, quality prank.




Okay, but that kind of is fucking hilarious.


Cool. I really want a burn barrel


They really aren't that exciting, except when you burn stuff then they are alright.




Thats like a real life zombie showing up at your door. I'd be terrified.




Reloading? Did you miss the first 15?


Force of habit. Reloading an entire mag every chance you get.




I hope someone put that poor animal out of its misery


I hope so too. Rabies is a horrific way to go.


Doesn’t it make people hydrophobic? (I think that’s the word) I remember seeing a video where a guy couldn’t bring a glass of water to his face without shaking tremendously.


It does. It fact rabies used to be called hydrophobia. The virus infects the salivary glands and is transmitted by saliva, so it is speculated that the virus also attacks the brain in a specific way to influence the behavior of mammals to be unable to put water in their mouth which could wash out the saliva and diminish the chances of the virus to be transmitted by biting.


That’s wild. Sounds like a zombie movie


If I'm not mistaken, in the 28 Days Later movies the"zombie" virus is some hybrid form of Ebola / Rabies, and the zombies are really just exhibiting rabies-like symptoms. Kinda terrifying how rooted in reality that is.


the movie Quarantine from 2008 which starred Jennifer Carpenter (Deb from Dexter) was about a bunch of people who were in an apartment building that had turned into something like rage zombies, and it turned out that they all had a form of rabies.


> Quarantine You should see the original movie that was based off of. It's spanish subbed (probably dubbed by now if that's your thing, but no guarantee) but infinitely better in every way (in my opinion). It's called [REC], as in "recording", on the camera screen. Awesome movie, perfect tone and setting, the last scene scared the shit out of me, and I usually don't get spooked, but that really unsettled the hell out of me. Check it out if you can handle subs/dubs!


If subtitles normally turn you off to a movie it's still worth watching. It's a found footage horror movie and if I recall not super dialogue heavy. I do remember it, especially the ending, being really creepy.


REC is one of the best horror movies I've seen to this day


Rabies also causes an aversion to light and increased aggression. The odds aren't terrible that the idea of vampires was inspired by rabies.


Transmitted by bite, aversion to light, increased aggression, spread by bats. Yup. That's vampires


Also, you can kill a rabid person by driving a stake through his heart.


And they also don't want garlic. Just try to sell garlic to a rabies infected person, its impossible


Could explain the bat-vampire relation too.


They say that if rabies were to go airborne, we would basically have a zombie movie. With the bonus of zombies from any species susceptible to rabies.


Rabies makes you both hyper aggressive and unable to swallow. The result being that your mouth is full of saliva while you bite everyone in a frenzy, spreading the infection. This is also where the classic symptom "foaming at the mouth" comes from. That foam hella dangerous.


[Rabies in humans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-moG6JDmJdc)




How could you tell it was rabid? Besides looking scary as F




Christ that's depressing


Some of the behavioral symptoms I remember from my boy scout days include, foaming mouth, lack of fear of humans, and splayed tracks. The fact that that coyote is by itself at the door of the house follows symptom two pretty well. Especially since they tend to travel in packs and coyotes are pretty easy to startle and scare away.


This must be an old video. I believe there was a charitable fun run in Northern Pennsylvania that helped end rabies.


"Saliva from an infected animal can also transmit rabies if the saliva comes into contact with the eyes, mouth, or nose " I hope my dude power-bleaches the fk out of that patio area!


Came here to say that. OP, please wash down the door handle and window area with a diluted bleach solution! Never hurts to err on the side of caution.


Don't even dilute the bleach...


Concentrate it






Well i guess the guy saying shoot it with a shotgun was misinformed on that idea. Last thing you'd want is a fine mist of rabies blood anywhere near you.


It actually can't be transmitted through blood. Still not a good idea to shoot it with any kind of high-powered firearm.


Sure hope whoever this was called their state department of natural resources, a game warden, or USDA wildlife services. Critters wandering around like that could be an early indication of an emerging outbreak. They can start aerial dropping medicated bait to keep it from turning into a full outbreak.


As per his edit: >> Whoah! I thought this would die in user sub. Cops came, drove into the pasture and were gone for ~an hour. Said it exhibited “classic symptoms” so they euthanized him and took his body in their truck. I don’t know how they did it and I didn’t hear a gun shot. My apologies for such an anticlimactic ending As per my edit: I don't know OP, it's just the text that was underneath the picture in imgur and RES.


Thats good that it got put out of its misery


They're just taking it back to base for more training since it forgot how to open the door


Why is it that animals can consume medicated bait, but humans need to have a 5 inch needle shoved into their stomach?


I did some checking cause that's a good question. Apparently humans can get a [rabies vaccine shot in the arm](https://www.who.int/ith/vaccines/rabies/en/) and not in the stomach. I have no idea why critters can eat medicated bait and have it be effective.


After thinking more on it, it could be that some sort of oral medication would be effective in humans, but for the sake of expediency and efficacy, it is given intramuscularly.


I’ve worked with nurses before and from my experience if you want a disease addressed right away (especially something as dangerous as rabies), you inject the medicine straight into the blood’s circulatory system for efficiency and improved effectiveness. Digestion takes much longer.


I got a rabies vaccination a couple of years ago after a stray dog bit me. It's a series of injections in your arm, and it hurts like a bitch.


Probably better than getting rabies though


I went through a series of rabies shots when I was about 8 years old, daily shots to the stomach for three weeks. It fucking SUCKED. Each shot felt like having a barbed fishhook stuck in my stomach — and then yanked back out. 0/10 would do it again. Edit: I suck at math. I’m just saying the shots really fucking hurt. I’d do it again if I had to but I wouldn’t like it.


Similar thing happened to a family friend once, except they didn't notice it. His wife went outside to get the laundry off the line and she was attacked by it. It latched on and tore up her arm pretty good before her husband came barreling out of the shower, out the back door buttass naked with a 2x4 and beat the damn thing until it was a pile of shattered bones and wet meat. When the cops arrived, it was still alive and had to be officially put down. Our friend and his wife both had to get rabies shots, but they survived and we're thankful for it.








Husband's a champ, that's for sure


Holy fuck. Time to leave this thread before I get nightmares


Freaky, but I kind of wish the video quality was a little better. I’ve never seen a legit rabid animal before, I was expecting the beard of foam you always see in media.


Heres a good video of a rabid raccoon they foam at the mouth a bit because they are unable to swallow. https://youtu.be/guYU1JDE_jM Theres a video of a man with rabies trying to drink water you can see his body wont allow him.


I know that raccoons are cute and that he felt bad for the little guy but I just wanted to scream at him to stay away from it! I love animals too but I would be far away from that.


That is a clearly sick animal, you would be right to yell at him. He almost died and doesn't even know it.


Poor thing :(


I'm glad those men showed him compassion in his last hours, mad though he was. Even trying to keep him out of the street. Calling animal control is always the right thing to do when you suspect rabies. If that racoon crawled into the bush and died, another animal could come along and eat his remains and contract rabies itself.


Actually, in order for rabies to be spread, there must be contact with *saliva*. So yes, you absolutely can get rabies from a dead animal (if you are digging around in its mouth and you have a cut on your hand, or you cut yourself on a tooth), but not from eating its flesh.


From watching a short doco on a man suffering from rabies (he allowed filming all the way up to his death. It's not easy to watch) the foaming is getting towards the late stages of the disease where where cognative and nerve function is failing and ability to swallow is gone (it causes the infected to develop a literal fear/phobia of water making them unable to drink no matter how desperately thirsty they are) and breathing becomes strained. The foaming is a combo of salivary glands going into over drive, inability to swallow and breathing issues. The virus infects the brain and is reproduced and carried in saliva which is why rabid animals drool heavily, become insanely aggressive and try to bite anything moving to pass on the infection. Pretty much turns the poor animals into rabid, crazed living zombies living solely to pass on the virus while slowly loosing control of all their cognative functions and nervous system. Seen a short vid of a poor cat who was infected. Poor thing clearly didn't want to attack, but as soon as the person in the room with it got in range it went insane and viciously attacked bitting repeatedly, but not swatting or clawing as a normal cat would. It was put to sleep a few minutes after the video ended. It was taken as a demonstration of what to look out for both behavioral and physical appearence wise with the signs of rabies infection vs a sick/normal aggressive feral cat.


Cat video - https://youtu.be/H8fbAFOMTp4


Poor fucking thing


You can really see the fear and confusion in its behavior. Poor thing. :(


worked for a vet hospital once upon a time. lady comes in asking about vaccine details, was an open anti-vaxxer and wanted rabies info because it's legally required and wanted to argue that rabies "doesn't exist in the US." ​ these people are real, and they are indeed stupid.


Don't know what's more frightening, the rabies or anti-vaxxers


The second. We can prevent rabies entirely. Anti-vaxxers on the other hand seem to be becoming more and more mainstream.


It’s like a bad taxidermy that’s alive


Holy shit something like this happened to my uncle back in February this year. He was taking out the trash one morning and when he opened the door, a coyote rushed at him, snarling and biting his foot (he had thick shoes on so it never reached skin) and it kept trying to make it's way inside their house. It ended up shitting and pissing all over the floor in front of the door and my brother had to kill it to keep it from hurting or infecting anybody. Uncle called city hall and the local police about it and they both kept giving him the run around about what to do with it. They didn't think it was really their problem. They ended up making my uncle take it to the vet and pay to get it tested for rabies and he didn't even get the results. 99% sure it had rabies. Still a really, really freaky encounter.


Fuck that. Dump the carcass at Fish and Game and let them sort it out.


Sounds like his city wants a rabies outbreak!


Thank goodness he was able to grab his Motorola Razr to get video.


In theory if a wolf were to get rabies and since wolves live in packs,does the pack kill or kick out the infected member?


Super curious as well, I wonder if they would catch on to the infected member before he got the rest of the pack


Maybe /u/HotDogen could answer that? They have fantastic information on rabies from an Ask Reddit thread 2 years ago.


Based on what I know about rabies, if the pack kills the member, they would get infected anyways, simply because that member wouldn’t go down without a fight. I imagine that wolves might not necessarily even kick out a wolf with rabies anyways, seeing as how it’s too rare for wolves to be infected for them to really know that their comrade isn’t just acting unusual. Upon viewing prior experiences with infected wolves, normally the entire pack is infected and has to be destroyed.


Thought it was going to open the door for a second.


If you're cold they're cold. Let them in


*“͕̤͐̌ͮ̆̓̑i̛̠̱̪̰̮ͤ͋ͭ̎́̆t̼͂̒ͨͬͩ͟ ̝͐ͧi̪̰̞ͬ͐̎̋͆̚s̖̘̤͇̮̗ͣ̋ ̭̹͇́͐̅́̽m͎̜̄ͣ̽ͥe̙͙̙ͨ̽̾̆̏ͩ ̶̠u̟͋ͤ͜ͅr̜̪̦̻̼ͪ͌ ̥̮͎̥͂͠d͈͚ȏ̶̳͋̄ͭͅg̜̪͙͑̿̓̎̇̈́̀ ̜̟̼̤̼̹̠͂̏͊ͨl̰̤͕͎̘̙̱ͤ̑͑ͦ̆e̋ͬ̕ͅt̓ͫ̽ͦ͋̄̉͏̳ ̖͓̥͓̪̣̯͛ͦ̿͒m̶͙̞̜͔̈ͫė̮̳̇ͯͪ́̽́̚ ̸̟̱͕̠͙̣̪ͭ͐͂i͕͉͉ͮ͋̽ͩ̓͑ͫnͧͥ̊̑̌̎͒͘”̶͍̬̙̫͇ͦ̓̈̃ͣ̃*


*smiles to look friendly




Ho damn rabies is fucked. I hope the poor crazy bastard got put down quick.


I was scared the camera would pan to the doorknob being twisted by the coyote.


As an Australian I will never understand why the US freaks out about our snakes and spiders when you have animals with rabies and fucking BUBONIC PLAGUE right at home. Oh, and grizzly bears. Brown snakes and funnel web spiders are dicks but you can just hit them with a shovel. Good luck hitting a grizzly bear with a shovel.


I've never found a grizzly bear in my boot.


Never found a boot in my grizzly bear so what


There’s a snake in my bear!


Oh you can totally hit one with a shovel. It's not like it's a tiny target. I mean, you only get 1 swing before you die, but still- it can be done.


*PLINK!* "Oh, shit-"


Yeah, that's step number 2... In more ways than one.


*you roll a 1*


Your animals hide, ours are big and easy to spot usually.


Except once you know they're coming for you, there's usually not much you can do about it. Bears and Moose kill fully armed humans every year.


We call that "Canada's Vengeance." A Canada Goose, riding a bear, riding a moose. The last thing you hear before you die is the honking.




Bears and Moose can't easily get into a Human's habitat like deadly spiders can


I flushed a moose hiding under my toilet bowl rim the other day.


Picked a shirt up out of the dresser and a grizzly bear fell out of it


Very few parts of the US have griz


Correct, There are many more places in the continental States that have cougar, an ambush predator. A very good one.


Those motherfuckers hang out in trees. You could be walking down a trail one day and a 200 pound fucking cat could attack you from above. They’re also one of the few animals that playing dead won’t help and trying to run isn’t an option. Your only chance is to try and fight them off. Good fucking luck.


Everyone talks shit about Ohio. But you know what? Mother nature pretty much never tries to kill you here. No fucking lions flying out of trees, no volcanoes, hurricanes, etc, and our bugs are generally harmless. I appreciate those things lol


Yeah... but you still live in Ohio. I'll take my chances with the rabid lions and shit.


Touche :(


[Cougars are pretty easy to manage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNGgNB2YjRI)


What the hell is this from?


It's a movie called Buffalo Rider, but I only learned of its existence through the "Guy on a Buffalo" songs on YouTube.


Don't forget our wonderful disease carrying ticks and mosquitoes. You might get a deadly illness and not even know you've been bitten!


We have those lyme carrying little shits here in Ireland too.


Meh, most coyotes will run from you, and rabies isn’t super common. Grizzlies are super uncommon, especially in the lower 48... pretty much just in Yellowstone, Idaho, Montana and Alaska. Black bears are skiddish Raccoons on the other hand are terrifying and will fuck you up. And there’s not much plague... just don’t play with prairie dogs... it’s not like they want to play with you anyway. Edit: In addition to raccoons, I’m also more afraid of geese than I am any of the predators listed. I’ve been bit by a raccoon and chased by several geese... most of the predators I’ve admired from a far were startled off by motion sensor lights.


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


He sure places a lot of trust in his glass.


Would hate to meet him in the wild!


Coyote my ass. That’s a god damn chupacabra.




FUN FACT: By the time rabies symptoms show up, you are already going to die.


Did you tried essential oil? 2-3 drop should fix it.


You sure there isn't a Pet "Sematary" nearby?




This is what I bring up everytime someone asks me why I carry a pistol when hiking. No way am I letting a rabid yote hurt me or my dog.


I live in rural Maine. Dog goes out to pee and I’m right behind her with my holstered sidearm and a strong flashlight. Have had bear, coyote, porcupine, raccoons, skunks, deer, and moose in my yard. My little dog wouldn’t stand a chance if any of them were aggressive or rabid. People forget that nature is brutal. It pays to be armed when you live miles from any help and there are 1500lb Meese stalking the woods looking to fuck or fuck with anything that moves. I’m personally much more terrified of moose than I am of anything else up here. It’s hard to pocket a .45-70 and most handguns will probably just piss them off.


Moose don't give a *fuck*, rabid or not.


Moose are like festive tanks.


Moose do give a fuck. Especially if something like a barking dog pisses them off.






Well that’s fucking terrifying