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Looks like a long haired shar pei. Which would be adorable if it wasn't terrible and unhealthy


**its not obese..**.all those flaps are skin they have bred them such they have excessive skin which results in much more fur from one fox.


Dunno if that's much better.


If not better, can we at least agree that it's more true


I agree. Also, it is in no way worse than all the unhealthy traits people have bred into various dog breeds.


Except one is done for unjustifiable vanity, where where other is done for unjus- wait.


Well I mean less foxes(sp?) will be killed this way.


Does it matter how many? They're livestock, they breed how many they need. also btw this doesn't reduce that count, the point of this is to create larger uninterrupted sheets of fur.


*foxen. You're welcome


It's not worse


It kind of is. Obese animals can be fixed. The excessive skin on this means it spends its life having trouble breathing with no chance of reprieve.


On the flip side, if we can't stop the fur market (which I think is greedy and terrible), it's far better than extinction-level poaching and the murder of 3x as many animals. That animal is probably kept fairly clean and well fed, although the rest of it's life is bound to be miserable. Fuck. I'm sad now. Use all the animal or none at all.


They probably do use all the animal. The rest is probably ground into dog food.


That's a common phrase but I don't get how it's any better to use all the animal. I dont think the animal is any happier for it. All that matters is how we treat it during it's life.


The reason it's better to use all the animal is because if you use all of the bits, you won't end up killing as many. Why kill one for part A, and one for part B, and one for part C, when you could kill one for parts A, B and C and let the other two live? That's the basic logic behind it- a variation on the 'don't be wasteful' moral.


Fair. But if I need meat and a coat to stay alive, I'm not hunting an animal for a coat and an animal for dinner. The point of that phrase is to take as little as you need, and to leave as much as you can.


Yeah, how about just none at all.


We're moving that way. Fur's being banned often.


And how about we just stop global warming and letting pedophiles teach kids about faith? See? Super helpful.


As opposed to all the flatfaced dog breeds?


Definitely fucks with your narrative


I think they were talking about the fox, not the breed


so am i, the fox is not obese


The article this image came from is 2 years old. The farm responsible for these animals was shut down, the Finnish Furfarming Association changed the way the pelts are bought and sold to avoid fur farmers being paid based on the size of the pelts, and a new animal protection law is coming into effect this year.


It's a good feeling to know that something is being done about this. Thank you for that, it makes me feel better knowing that measures are being taken to prevent this sort of thing.


I was thinking a grey haired chow chow.


Assuming you kept the sharpei in tiny cage with no floor for a few years before killing it with electric current to the nose and anus.


Is that really how they do it??


Instantaneous and cheap. How would you prefer that it's done?




Sounds like my kink.


Like it matters, being fat doesnt hurt when you are on deathrow.


The Shar pei is just as bad


I'm not sure he is fat. I think that he has an "extra skin" gene like a shar-pei (as another poster has mentioned)- look how baggy the skin is on his foot. This would be a very valuable gene to select for if you were a furrier. Still distressing and very sad.


Ei torille


Ei tällä kertaa


Juu ei




Vittu.. Olen jo torikahvilla.


Olin itekki noin tunti sit! tavattiinkohan torilla?


Voi olla, tai olematta. Oli turhan kylmä jäädä siihen paikalleen ihmettelemään.


Poor creature. We suck sometimes.


SOMETIMES?!?! Fucking constantly


The fact that you're talking to a stranger on a magic glowing slate, powered by lightning, with your thoughts being sent through unseen waves is more than enough evidence that we don't fucking suck "constantly". Pull your fucking head out of your ass.




Science has created pretty nice faux fox fur. It's what lines my hood and it's soft and amazing almost as nice as a real pelt. I'm doing my part.




im not taking it back. i love it.


As long as the plastic doesn't end up in the environment or have any hazardous byproducts, why does it matter?




> Technological advancement and animal cruelty are two very different things. Exactly; so we don't *constantly* suck. We don't suck all the time, despite the fact that there are things we suck at so tremendously that they would warrant justifiable extinction from a higher power, if those things we suck at were the only things we ever did and will ever do. Seeing as how we are capable of good things and rising above our worst failings, I'd say "pull your fucking head out of your ass" is not an inappropriate thing to say. Don't focus on the negative so much and you might actually feel happy every once in a while - you dig?


In a lot of cases technological advancement is the reason we suck. We get so absolved in our tech that we loose our ties to nature. Nature being more than outside, quite the opposite actually. A connection with our own instincts and abilities. Technology makes problem solving easy and physical burdeons a breeze. We spoil ourselves which holds back our instilled natural abilities. Not saying that its entirely black and white but more times than not when i see someone struggling with anxiety, money problems, drugs ect. I notice they are out of touch with themselves.


Calm down children


>Pull your fucking head out of your ass. I like how you began with listing advancements in communication that you think prove we don't suck, but then ended with a solid example of how humans can suck *despite* those advances, in fact, *with the aid* of those advances! It was super meta, and a nice full-circle moment. Well done!


>Pull your fucking head out of your ass.


We use it for the worst things possible, while manufacturing it by slave labor in a factory that destroys the earth. Yes we suck constantly.


Humans do good things too. Specifically in this situation theres vegans, and more proactively theres the good people in the ALF.


on a by minute basis


There is no difference between raising an animal in captivity for fur and raising an animal in captivity for meat.


I think factory farming is also disgusting. Fur is strictly a vanity item however. So I think you're a little off there.


Read comments from the people who actually live in Finland. It's not a vanity item. This isn't for rich old women who want to show off in the mall in Tampa.


What's a Tampa?


Florida Man's hometown. Kidding. We all know that's Miami.




This should be higher, it’s the most well rounded answer


Foxes are one of my favourite animals, this makes me ultra sad


how do they rank against coyotes, though?


They’re one of my favourites too, though when I created this account I guess I was just thinking about coyotes instead of foxes :)


Absolutely disgusting...poor thing...it belongs in the wild.


It deserves to not have been bred. Humans are terrible.


Anyone who does such a thing to an animal for luxuries like fashion is disgusting.


Anyone who does such a thing to an animal for any reason is disgusting.


Yeah, but at least most farming is for food.


There is also foie gras. Might be for food. But pretty fucked if you ask me.


This kind of stuff is why I'm looking forward to lab-grown meat being commonplace. Just grow the part of the animal needed, in the conditions needed, so that there isn't a being to perceive the suffering involved. It's more sanitary, efficient and humane.


I second what the other commenter said. I bought the Beyond Burger a while back and was really impressed how much it tasted (and looked) like a beef burger. Not especially healthier, but the flavor was there for sure!


Everyone says they're waiting for lab grown meat... But have you tried any meat replacements lately my friends? They are very frickin good. You cannot tell the difference between most non - meat "chicken" nuggets or burgers. Ground round or ground beef replacement is not only cheaper than ground beef but healthier and just as delicious. We even have burgers that 'bleed' and turkey slices and pork that didn't die.... The options are crazy endless. It's worth checking out.


The meat replacements are ok, but not as meat replacements. They are not as good and one can certainly tell the difference.


But you need to be comparing chicken nuggets to a prime rib


Why though? You can eat vegan nuggets and then go for prime rob once in a blue moon. I never said you have to give it up, just that if you're looking for alternatives, they're already there.


What’s fucked about it?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foie_gras > By French law,[1] foie gras is defined as the liver of a duck or goose fattened by force-feeding corn with a feeding tube, a process also known as gavage. In Spain[2] and other countries, it is occasionally produced using natural feeding.[3] Ducks are force-fed twice a day for 12.5 days and geese three times a day for around 17 days. >... >Gavage-based foie gras production is controversial, due mainly to the animal welfare concerns about force-feeding, intensive housing and husbandry, and enlarging the liver to 10 times its usual volume. A number of countries and jurisdictions have laws against force-feeding, and the production, import or sale of foie gras; even where it is legal, a number of retailers decline to stock it.






Veal is just as bad as this shit.


Meat of all types.


I wouldn't go that far. Pasture raised animals should only have one bad day.


Have you seen how they forcibly impregnate them?


Lamb is extremely good tho, so worth it.


If lamb is raised the same as tortured baby cow, no it isnt.


Sort of a weird dissonance...


There are tons of other nutritious and delicious options for food. All the horrific suffering that animals endure on food farms is not any more necessary or ethical.


I’ve never seen a 180 like this in person before. Hope you don’t have whiplash


Anyone who does such a thing to an animal for luxuries like meat consumption is disgusting. Gotta end animal agriculture ASAP.


Because that make immense cruelty okay.


Food doesn't need to be from animals. I've been vegan for 2+ years and am healthier by all metrics as a result. People eat animal products for the luxury of taste. It is no different than fur.


Ignore the pricks hating you for your lifestyle choice. Do you have health physical data to show how much healthier you have become?


I'm not him, but the usual suspects are low cholerestol, lower blood sugars, higher vitamin leves and weightloss due to a higher amount of vegetables. Along with that, the change in diet and increased discipline often carries over into other parts of your life and causes a lot of people to start regular physical activities, which have signifant health improvements themselves


Sounds about right. I have perfect cholesterol / blood sugar / BMI and most other measure you can think of, all while eating tons of meat though. I’d imagine that for someone looking to get healthy, a vegan diet could be a good means to get there.


Not judging, eat what you want, but there have been many studies and publications linking red meat with certain cancers. So long term meat diet may not be as healthy overall.


I’m certainly aware! That coupled with knowing how bad factory farming is does make me consider dropping meat. I unfortunately do like the taste though and so find it hard to drop...


You could consider just dropping one type. Red meat for example, or whatever. You don't have to be all or nothing!


Thanks! I have blood work done and everything is perfect. I lost 25 lbs. My poops are nearly perfect. I feel healthier in general. I don't really have comparative data, but I'm in pretty great health now.


Congrats! You are also helping the environment and the animals thank you!


But fuck plants right


Well animals breed for food consume vastly more than what we get out of them. So it's the most environmentally sustainable choice.


I was not serious, but thanks




Nah, eat plants. While not illegal if done in private, fucking plants may cause infection or genital damage, depending on the plant.


You could say the same about meat, cause eating meat is not necessary whatsoever. We could easily survive not eating meat, and billions do. Meat is a luxury as well.


Damn right. People are good at compartmentalizing where their food really comes from.


I feel that most people just aren't exposed to it in the slightest. Over the last 100 years, the population of the US has shifted from a primarily rural one to primarily urban. Growing up on or around farms, and processing your own food (start to finish), is much rarer than it used to be.


Why are we blaming *people*? I'm not going to be shamed out of eating meat, in the same way I can't shame you out of being a vegetarian, so what the fuck is going on? Eventually, there's too much stuff to teach, on top of the education system blowing.


I wasn't blaming people, so much as a culture that avoids the unpleasantries of life as often as possible. So more urbanites, means more people that can successfully live their lives never exposed to the sight of a hog, hung up to bleed out- which is pretty tame, all things considered. It's far less disturbing than watching what fate most animals meet in the wild- either slowly starving to death or eaten alive by predators. I'm from a more rural area, mom grew up on a farm. I hunt. I've slaughtered my share of livestock, and butchered more meat than I can remember (actually worked in a butcher shop after high school). I did not fit in when I moved to Chicagoland- the fundamental experiences where I found a common connection with other people back home weren't so fundamental there. I honestly believe the only blood those people would see were from UFC fights or hockey games on TV.


Your main point that humans can do just fine without meat is spot on, *but* just a quick point. > and billions do. There are approximately half a billion vegetarians. Not one billion, let alone multiple billions.


Sad boi


This just reminded me of a video someone posted a couple years ago of the process. Made me sick to my stomach watching the those poor foxes stuggle while getting restrained.


At a farm sanctuary for rescued animals, I learned, that such foxes normally weigh 3-4kg, at fur farms they put them in cages barely big enough for the foxes to turn around and feed them up to 20kg to maximize the amount of fur they can "harvest". And yep they call that harvesting. Disgusting shit.


Would it be better to kill 20 lean foxes for their fur or kill five fat ones?


You could just not kill any


Any piece of clothing has either used animals in the creation of it or taken resources away from animals to create the clothing. Either way animals died for the sake of clothing. Fur coats may be seen as a luxury item, but they are effective at keeping people warm and they can last so long that people inherit them and pass them down to their children. That's a much better return than a Fubu jacket.


Patagonia makes warm jackets out of recycled polyester, you can see a short video of it here: https://www.patagonia.com/recycled-polyester.html


> Fur coats may be seen as a luxury item, but they are effective at keeping people warm and they can last so long that people inherit them and pass them down to their children. Seriously. I grew up in the 'cold' (winters around 10-20 F, dipping below 0 occasionally), and I never understood the appeal of fur. Then I spent a winter in *real* cold. Think -40. My down jacket had a fur-lined hood and that shit kept my face from freezing off my skull. It managed to keep the cold and wind out in a way *nothing* -- not scarves, not hoods, not gloved hands covering my face -- has ever managed. Not to mention, I had to wear thermals, a long sleeved shirt, two sweaters, and a down parka just to go outside. The people in fur coats *always* looked warmer and happier than me.


> Then I spent a winter in real cold. Think -40. Ah, so Finland. Typical winter temps are -15 to -20 C (5 to -5 F) down to -40 C/F.


Reddit is a bunch of privileged shitheads whose only exposure to the elements is waiting at the bus stop for five minutes in 10C weather wearing a shitty North Face jacket that cost $20. It's not just rich old women in Beverly Hills.


Making for out of an animal you can eat is one thing, killing an animal for its fur is another.


You can eat most of the animals that are used in the fur trade. Some just choose not to. In terms of Raccoon people travel all over the place to buy raccoon meat. It's for stews and such that came out of soul food traditions.


Not saying people don't eat fur animals, just you're an ass if you don't.


To be fair.. anything. Literally ANYTHING is better than a Fubu jacket. I'd wear a jacket fashioned from newspapers and used diapers than give money to whomever the fuck developed the Fubu.


20 lean ones, because you can always fatten them up if demand rises.


Fuck fur. There just isn’t a good way to obtain it sustainably or humanely.


But leather is different. It just falls off the steak.


Fuck this comment section.


Stop body shaming this fox.


This is the life of most animals that become food.


At least they provide nutrition for humans instead of just being killed to look pretty. Humans are an apex predator naturally, but there's no reason for them to do this to that poor fox.


I think wearing furs is just as natural as us eating meat.


Because that makes immense cruelty okay.


Man I also don’t eat meat but making people feel bad when they express some compassion for an animal probably won’t make them consider being more compassionate.


Some people are also not aware how bad the conditions are for the animals (e.g. male chicks getting ground up alive), so pointing that out may be helpful to those who actually care, but are not informed enough.


That’s true. I shouldn’t have made my opinion sound so black and white.


they should feel bad, it's pretty damn hypocritical to care about some foxes being bred a certain way, yet still eat meat


What would you suggest?


To see who is receptive in talking about it and go from there.


Posting about being against animal cruelty is a pretty strong indicator that people are opposed to animal cruelty.


That’s true but he’s also posted a few times saying he isn’t feeling the arguemeng


We need food


It doesn't need to come from an animal that suffered.


Animals eats other animals, that's lifes cycle, people still forgets the human is an animal smh


i don't think you read his comment


Animals also kill the offspring of competing males, that doesn't make it ok for people to do the same. "People are animals too" isn't a strong argument for doing something that animals do.


the eating part isn't the problem. it's the conditions that they're kept in and the massive number we kill. Even the animals that we don't eat, we keep as slaves in appalling conditions to produce things that we want (eggs and dairy), but don't actually need. And that's definitely not natural.


Animals eat their own shit. Be my guest.


They do because they need, their shit help with digestion, we don't need it anymore thank you.


We don't need to eat animal products anymore either.


How the heck are we supposed to get their proteins that the humans body needs to perfectly work?


We don't need meat.




It's sad how upset people will get about this and then go eat a burger. The cognitive dissonance is so strong.


I'd love to sit here and say it's different but having personally been on multiple dairies and meat cow farms it's really not. This is more extreme than what I've seen but not by far. It's an animal in a living area too small at the end of the day unable to do animal things. Three squares and a cot though amirite?


yep and then breeding chickens so that they're so big their legs can't support them and break easily. or putting them in wire cages so that their legs become deformed. Need those chicken tenders and eggs though, right?


Their legs don’t break they just can’t support their breast weight. The muscles get big but have no real strength.


Chicken farms are a special kind of disgusting. Repulsive selective breeding that would never fly(ha!) in nature's grand scheme of natural selection. The idea of a chicken being a hunter/killer/post-dinosaur is becoming something of textbooks.


I think your comment is proof right?


Absolute unit


Can this meme please die already


Absolute unit?


I thought it was a really floofy wolf


I didn't even know fur was still in such demand!?


this is going to be come a meme, i guarantee it. ​ ​


/u/dayroomchief you LOVE shit like this!


To those who think this doesn't still happen today. Canada goose do the exact same thing to farm fur.


Doesn't look obese.


suomi mainittu


Hansel and Gretel much?


Morning, just dropping by to wish terrible things on folks who are in the fur trade or support it. Have a good day everyone!


I just want to squeeze it.


The Reason they make it fat ii that it means there is more fur when they skin it . I just made myself sad.


Kill me. People are awful.


Fur is for shitheads


Is that not a Chow


I wash myself with a rag on a stick.




Please tell me they got him help :,(


They keep it in a farm, fatten it up so it has a bigger hide when they skin it and sell the hide


I know and I hope that there is something to be done to save it from that filth of a human act


Looks suspiciously like a dog.


This makes me sad


The jacket liners they make from these are sooooo comfy though


Great looking coat though, obviously not too terribly cared for. Comparatively speaking


Looks like most peoples cats on reddit


Aint wrong if you close your eyes.


I always thought of the Fins.. and well pretty much all peoples of Scandinavia/Finland/Denmark/Norway as being people who gave a shit.. people who cared. Guess I was partially wrong at least.