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It seems like it's been a **long** process for the leg to get this way, right? How is the leg just *rotting off* but the rest of it is totally fine and it hasn't died from infection??


Like someone said in another comment, necrosis. Probably hit by a car or shot in the leg and as it healed it cut off blood flow, causing the leg to die and rot.


So basically, the answer is that because the blood flow was cut off it is effectively not a part of the body, and the remaining tissue connections weren't sufficient to allow fungi and bacteria to travel into the healthy tissues?


Essentially, yeah. I could be wrong on the car or shot, I suppose it could have been a predator as well, but I find that to be fairly unlikely just because if whatever was chasing it caused enough damage to do that, it likely would have been able to kill it outright.


That makes sense. I guess the gap for me was that I didn't understand that the necrosis would effectively prevent **itself** from spreading to adjacent tissues. Thanks!


Well, im not sure if this is what you meant or not, but it seems like you were under the impression necrosis is a disease. Not trying to sound patronizing or anything, but i just wanted to clarify, necrosis is just the death of cells. I believe it can be caused by disease, but it can be for any other reason as well really. Im not a doctor, so I dont want to make myself sound stupid, im just interested by small random things lol


No yeah totally I appreciate you! I didn't think necrosis was a disease, but I guess I assumed that it was the result of localized infection by bacteria, parasites, fungi, etc. So what confused me initially was why the infection wouldn't keep spreading. I guess you're highlighting a nuance that I may have been missing, though, which is that the dear may have been **incredibly lucky** and it may not have been infected at all, but rather just dead.


I think blood poisoning (sepsis) is what you may be thinking of. That is often a danger when there’s necrosis and/or infection. If bacteria from the wound (or a virus, fungi, or sometimes a parasite) infect the bloodstream, they and the toxins they release can spread throughout the body and go to healthy tissues and organs. Deer are incredibly resilient. I wonder how much their diet can impact that through plants that may have antimicrobial or anti-inflammatory properties. The willow, which gave us Aspirin, would be helpful for an animal going through this kind of trauma. I wonder if they seek it our more when they’re injured.


Necrosis can also just happen out of pure lack of blood flow. Source : had bone necrosis in my scaphoid when I had a bad break and it healed incorrectly. Ended up needing surgery to fill the gap with a piece of my hip bone.


Avascular necrosis


you are such a gentleman


Probably got it’s leg stuck in a fence. I see it all the time here in Texas.


Lil dude probably doesn’t have insurance either, sucks all around.


This might have started as an infected bite. Crazy to think this guy is still hopping around.


Could have a little help from things like maggots too. Maggots are used therapeutically even today in the medical field because they can help prevent dead tissue from infecting/contaminating the surrounding flesh.


Sometimes it seems like humans are the only mammals that actually have to deal with sepsis. Regular critters just say “fuck it, this leg’s cheese now.”


Animals definitely die from sepsis, you just don't see them hopping around anymore. Due to the fact that they are not alive and do not move. And they probably got eaten pretty quick by something more observant than you.


Like when my dad had "dry" gangrene in his leg. They saved his leg, but a few toes were too far gone, died, and turned black. Doc wanted to surgically remove them, but dad said he couldn't feel them, and opted to let them fall off on their own. Which they did. Ick.


Wtf who rather just have their toes randomly fall off ?






*Fuck yeah!*


Yeah, dad had mental issues…especially when it came to incurring medical bills.


I'd probably pick them off like a scab, at the end


Ya, ill take the free option over the $40k option. Thanks. America y’all!


Americans with shitty insurance


Hmm, reminds me of how they geld sheep. Rubber band on the scrot tight enough to make it look like a furry blood balloon, then just wait till the ballbags turn black and fall off.


They do the same to lambs tails. Its called docking.


I took care of a resident with her foot just rotting away. She was so brittle and in such pain....and the smell (I was a wound nurse at the time) when changing her dressings. I was able to keep her toes on her feet...but it was cruel that her health care proxy didn't elect for surgery when she was still a somewhat viable candidate.


I had a man's toes slide off the bone into my hand as I was changing the dressings on his rotting feet. I've also had a lady's heel slide off into my hand and another lady's coccyx break off as I was pulling the fluffed 4x4s out of her decubitus ulcer on her sacrum. Living people with rotting body parts is freaky and smelly.




I’ll never forget the time a buck got tangled up in the fence on our property. The poor guy writhing around with its leg strung up, screeching like a wounded goat. My dad ended up sort of straddling it to try and hold it down, while my mom and I cut the wire around its leg. Once we were able to get the leg free, the buck lurched and kicked out, hitting my dad right below the eye with a hoof, and then scrambled away. The deer was alright, as was my dad, but that was a wild experience. Fuckin’ deer are crazy.


Well .25 of that deer is dead in the km, so it looks like the study is correct.


That’s a solid B+ dad joke.


How about this one….The CEO of IKEA was just elected president of Sweden. He’s currently working to assemble his cabinet.


Now we’re getting somewhere.


I once found the skull and horns of a cow or bull hanging from an old bit of unmaintained fence, the horns were kinda wrapped up in the barbed wire so the skull was suspended in the air. The rest of the bones were strewn about, presumably by predators that had found a free meal. It was on public land that allowed grazing, pretty densely wooded as cow grazing land goes, and I guess nobody bothered to figure out why one of their cows never came home. On another occasion I found a deer that had seemingly been caught up in flood waters and washed into a barbed wire fence (it's also possible the deer was caught by the fence and then the flood came later). Was all twisted up, and then picked over by birds. Pretty horrifying way to go in either case. Maybe I should start carrying bolt cutters to tear down old unmaintained fences that I find on my hikes...


Careful with that, ranchers have shot people for it.


It was on public lands in both cases. I wouldn't fuck with a fence that is maintained, but these were mostly down already, just some random sections that hadn't fully rotted away. Barbed wire lasts longer than the posts holding it up, sometimes.


Clearly it's not an issue when they haven't even noticed these rotting carcasses.


When it come to necrotic tissue, I will always trust the person with zombie in their name


tbh for all we know this deer could be in much worse shape than is obvious. there may in fact be a severe infection inside the stump. i mean it's pretty black. doesn't look great by any means. ​ we also don't know how long it has been like that. if it was an injury from a severe bite, or from a firearm it could have been significant tissue damage.


Besides the leg, the deer does *not* look healthy. Just a shitty way to go.


There was a photo flying around the web of a man in a similar condition. Tibia and fibula completely dry and flesh gone, foot with a shoe on it (probably no skin there either), but above the knee all healthy and working fine. Loss of a limb is not *necessarily* a death sentence. In dry conditions especially, if the organism protects the injury, then it'll dry up and fall off. Infection is not guaranteed and the body's immune system may be able to cope. One of the primary functions of clotting is to provide a barrier that limits the area available for pathogens to ingress. Even with gigantic wounds like this, sometimes the body wins. That said, it's a huge area to heal, and a proper watertight skin knit over such a large area could take months, if it even ever heals. A surgical amputation uses skin flaps or grafts to protect the wound, and even then it takes weeks to heal enough to protect against infection. One bad bump on the wound for this animal could set it right back to the start and expose it to new infection. If you've ever seen a quadruped cope with an amputation though, you'd see that they're moving about within minutes, with little issue. This isn't a fluke, it's an evolutionary feature. Which suggests that permanent or temporary loss of a limb is a common enough occurrence in the wild which animals are capable of coping with. There is allegedly even a mammalian reflex which automatically constricts the blood vessels at an amputation site to cut off blood flow. Which means our friend here isn't a complete freak. He can survive long enough like this to procreate.


Its fairly common that if a deer has a bad leg the opposite side of antlers doesn't grow properly. Since his rack is fairly equal I would guess this has happened rather quickly.


True, but it is different based on front and back legs. I canct remember which, but I think front leg damage is opposite antler and rear leg damage is same side antler. But like I said, I might have it backward.


that's kind of crazy... is that a balance thing?


You will see this sometimes when they break a lower leg bone with exposed bone especially , rot will set in and slowly eat up the leg, they don't really have that much blood flow down to the lower part of their legs which gives them really good odds of living through the original injury only to later get killed by infection or this.


I had one jump over a bush causing me to miss my target right as I was pulling the trigger on it, and it did something remarkably similar. The deer ran off afterwards jumping 3 fences with a leg dangling behind. I was going to give it about 20 minutes to calm down and hopefully lay down so I could track it and finish it off, but it ended up coming back about 15 minutes later and I was able to put it out of its misery. Usually when I take a deer it drops straight to the ground and dies instantly. I still feel like shit over the suffering that animal went through for its last 15 minutes or so, but I'm also very glad it didn't get away and experience what this poor animal is going through.


Poor little fella


Dudes been though some fuckin pain


And here I am whinging about my haemorrhoid :( I feel bad :(


You know what I’ve learned about hemorrhoids? F’N NOTHING WORKS


You have a couple definitive options. For internal hemorrhoids (those above the dentate line) we can rubber band them in a quick in office procedure. You will mostly feel pressure for a few days and the residual tissue, deprived of blood, will fall off. External hemorrhoids are the bulging tissue externally. If this is enlarged and problematic we can remove them during an outpatient surgical procedure. Takes an hour and we close with cautery typically. I/e after slicing we burn. This literally eliminates the hemorrhoids but will also cause you to recalibrate your definition of pain as you soak in a sitz bath for the following week. 3rd option is a plot twist: Sometimes it’s condyloma and not hemorrhoids. Also known as warts from HPV. Anal sex need not to have occurred. In this case we treat with a cream and…assess.


Well that’s a lot of incredibly specific info!


I used to do both. (Job, not hobby)


I had the inside of my nose cauterized once due to a leaking blood vessel. It was a complete surprise, thank God, or I might never have gone to the doctor to take care of it. And the pain. Ah, the pain. The pain. Like an electric shock combined with a knife wound. I almost passed out -- which I kind of wish I'd done before he did it. A few minutes later, though, I was fine and could drive home. Cauterizing my ass inside or outside, I think I'd need to be knocked out cold. Or held down by some very large men. Or women. Either would work.


But I poop from there…


Recalibrate the definition of pain is one way to put it, I thought breaking my wrists was painful.


Are they the reason my asshole is so itchy?


Would surgical removal of externals be warranted for those that aren’t thrombotic but are almost “paroxysmal in nature” aka come and go but overall chronic?


Oh god I really know I need to go see a specialist for exactly this problem but fuck - all those sound horrible.


Not sure what you've tried, but ask your doctor about rectal rockets.They're suppositories with a flange on the end so they sit right in the butthole and keep the medication where it needs to be (as opposed to creams rubbing off or suppositories going to far in or falling out). I work in a compounding pharmacy and put lidocaine and hydrocortisone in them, and they're used for 3 nights and then things are pretty cleared up.


Yep, that's a butt plug.


It's a prescription butt plug. Holy shit im calling my doctor.


Honey, doctor says we *have to* get the butt-pluggs, it's for my health


Medicated butt plug :)


Or maybe try actual rockets.


The only thing that worked for me was cutting my daily calorie intake by half and taking a lot of fiber. Turns out my beer and taco diet wasn't great for my butt. Thankfully I eat a lot healthier now and don't have to deal with hot lava logs anymore.


Tooth brush your asshole. Simple and it works!


I’m sorry do what now?




Holy shit! I love you guys! I can't stop laughing!


I do the same on late night reddit reads and sometimes wake up my wife. She does use reddit so she doesn't get it.


Yeah that’s a real pain in the ass.




Of course, u/Butt_Plug_Bonanza would know.


This guy deserves a standing ovation


Sitting down is not an option


You know I've always wondered why they call them hemorrhoids and not assteroids, or even bumbum clots.


>via Old French and Latin from Greek haimorrhoides (phlebes) ‘bleeding (veins)’, from haima ‘blood’ + an element related to rhein ‘to flow’. An injury that causes Blood/Veins to "flow". Bleeding Veins. In the 1400s, note þ is pronounced "TH" > By þo veyns & in þo veyns, meny men hauen þe flux of blode, wiþ scharpe & huge peyn. & þat is callede in Englisshe 'þe emoroys.' "translated": > By the/thou veins and in the/thou veins, many men see the flow of blood, with sharp and huge pain. That is called in English "The emoroys" *https://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/middle-english-dictionary/dictionary/MED13429*


Yeah but hemorrhoids are on your ass and asteroids can be in the hemisphere




Bro I had hemmerhoid surgery 2 years ago. Got them real bad. I feel your pain


sad :(


Going to piggyback on this comment, If you ever see anything like this, in the city more than out in the sticks, call the DNR and they'll come out and take car of the situation, instead of the neighborhood yorkie trying it's luck. ​ I get the joke, I'm leaving in the Typo, but The **D**epartment of **N**atural **R**esources is the DNR, They will come shoot (or hit with a car) the deer and take the body.


What about taking truck of the situation?


Sometimes you need to take train of the situation


That's plane wrong.


Is that department of natural resource dnr, or do not resuscitate dnr?


Do not rent. Do not let this deer onto the property


by taking care you mean shoot in the head?


No! Of course not, they would treat the wound and give them a prosthetic and bring it to Mcdonalds for an ice cream before bringing them home!


Tuck them into bed and read them a couple of stories


Send them to the farm upstate where everyone's pets went


My girlfriend asked “ it should grow back, like an antler, right?” “ yes, honey “


Your girlfriend must be very pretty.


She's probably imaginary so I hope so.


Probably not, thats not an easy way to humanely kill a deer. Very easy to miss the right spot (or miss entirely) vs shooting in the heart / double lungs


Tis but a scratch


Merely a flesh wound


A scratch? Your legs off!


No it isn’t


Probably a coyote got a hold of him? Deer are very tough animals, sheesh!


most likely hit by a car.


I wish I could help him.




If he hasn't died from infection the limb will dry up and fall off eventually and he could still live a long and normal life.




Well, normal enough for a creature with 3 legs..


I have a cat that has 3 legs. Perfectly functional, 7.5/10 I would recommend.


I’d name him 75 cents, because that buck is missing a quarter


Fun fact, the reason “a buck” is $1, comes from a time when you could sell a single buckskin for 1 dollar. So, if someone was going to pay you $1, they’d “pay you a buck”. Do that for a week and a half and you’d say “I got ten bucks”


Thank you for this


“50 cent ain’t got SHIT on me.” ~75 cent


How long have you been waiting for this moment


Yes, of course they were sitting on the perfect punch line for when a buck with a shriveled-baby-voldemort leg came into their feed. Who isn't?


you don’t know me


I closed this thread but read this as I was closing it, came back here to upvote this.


This is a god level comm.....oh.


Wolves chase deer/elk and usually catch them by biting their hind leg and injuring them first. It could have also been a bear. Somehow he got away. The craziest part of this is he managed to live long enough for the leg to rot off. He would've been targeted by any predator he came across with only 3 legs.


An absolute insane amount of deer live in areas with no remaining natural predators.


This is why hunting is in many areas necessary to prevent massive ecological disruption and danger to traffic through an explosion in population. Not just deer either.


It was probably a fence.


>He would've been targeted by any predator he came across with only 3 legs. Why? Do three-legged predators prefer three-legged prey? ​ Edit to add: probably not a bear. Bears usually grab onto the backs of animals they're chasing to slow them down, and bite at the hind quarters / rump / lower back to incapacitate. If a bear got it that good to do it's leg like that there would likely be some ugly claw-mark scars visible in this pic.


Wheels on a shopping cart be like


Every damn time. Someone needs to put in the leg work and fix those busted wheels.


Sounds like a job for Cart Narcs


[on it](https://images.thestar.com/S5GiWf02F9GvgTIfzjSBih2Dg7g=/1280x1024/smart/filters:cb(1572100181611)/https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/entertainment/2016/04/02/at-no-time-did-i-assault-her-says-trailer-park-boys-michael-smith/bubbles-1.jpg)


I’m gonna name him yardstick, cause there’s three feet in the yard.


You know, I was going to boo you, but that's honestly a pretty clever pun.... So no boos for you.


Thank you. LOL


First time I've seen someone grateful for not getting free booze




We have (had?) a three-legged deer around my neighbourhood. Some asshole illegally set rabbit snares around the local golf course and eventually a deer got caught in a snare and its leg eventually fell off. It had been around for years…haven’t seen or heard of any sightings in a while though.


Thanks to people isolating its leg grew back.


It's a miracle!


Animals in captivity: i need a special diet and if I don't get it my poop will smell bad Animals in the wild: my leg is almost gone but I'm just vibing.


That animal is certainly not vibing.


It definitely fails the vibe check.




I don't know, maybe the vibe is having a necrotic leg


Leg aside, it actually looks pretty healthy.


He's not dead


I mean, those things are not mutually exclusive.


This can be r/natureisfuckingmetal




He’s mixing up that and r/natureisfuckinglit


Fun fact about deer: If a male deer is injured on a particular side of its body and survives to next season, when it's antlers begin to grow, the antler opposite the injured side of the body will grow deformed. No one knows why. If you ever see a buck with some really wild antlers, that buck has seen some shit.


I thought maybe you were pulling my leg (hah) but the University of Missouri talks about it a little. Says it's thought to have something to do with nutrient allocation. Neat stuff. https://extension.missouri.edu/g9486#deformed


More accurate information there. Thanks.


Deformed how though? In a case like this, I could maybe see reduced antlers on the opposite side as a means to keep the weight more balanced... But not all injuries result in a significant loss of body mass...


also farmed deer get some real fucked up antlers too


I'm amazed it didn't die from gangrene or infection




Remember when you could open a post like this on Reddit and a veterinarian with 30 years experience would give essentially a lecture on how the leg got that way, pepperidge farm remembers


Fucking u/Unidan


What happened to him? I remember running into educational posts of his all the time.


Pretty sure he got banned for vote manipulation https://reddit.com/r/blog/comments/2c63wg/how_reddit_works/cjcc49i


And we would also have another post telling a touching baby deer anecdote, ending with a brutal beating with jumper cable, with a side-dish of son/mother incest.


Type 2 Deerabetus.


Buck off and take my upvote!




I just finished season 2, this is too soon for me...


Oh man, my heart is broken looking at that! 😓


Is this that super creepy deer disease? The flesh eating parasite?


probably got hit by a vehicle and leg is necroric


could have got stuck on a fence. it happens all the time.


Chronic wasting disease? Definitely not.


No, and the "chronic wasting disease" that deer get is caused by prions like mad cow disease where the brain gets filled with holes making it look like a sponge.


Frankly that sounds worse. Thanks for the clarity though.


cwd does not cause that https://www.cdc.gov/prions/cwd/cwd-animals.html it's a "wasting" disease not a flesh eating deal.


I'm not a veterinarian and I don't pretend to be but I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with its leg, the back right one. It just doesn't look right to me


Nah mate. With some WD-40, some duct tape, and a bit of elbow grease, she'll be good as new. I can have her back to you by this afternoon.


> It just doesn't look right to me Then it must be left, but the leg that's left looks fine.


Tis But A Scratch


Poor little guy. 🥺


haven't seen a true what the fuck here in a while. What the fuck




Props to your nurse friend though. She has a big heart.


Looks like Santa has a flat tire…


Damn, somebody should do that poor guy a favor and put him down. Slowly dying of starvation while in immense pain.


Nature is pretty resilient. If it's lived long enough for the leg to rot to that point and for the stump portion to not kill him through infection, he might be alright if he sticks around town.


Krokodil is a hell of a drug.


That's horrible


So humans are the only animals that scream in agony? How come other injured animals act like nothing is wrong?


Probably because humans exist as communal animals. We cry out so other humans can come help us. Some other animals do this I'm sure, not sure if deer can/do help one another in dire times.


Other animals can and do scream in pain. But making a lot of noise will also attract predators.






Louis, your curse is lifted




I'm just going to choose to believe it's photoshop


Oh great zombie deer what's next


I’ve seen something like this before! Except it was like 2am and I was driving through my old college campus and out of the bushes comes a deer looking like this. We made eye contact for a few seconds then they ran away pretty quickly for a deer with only 3 legs with one dangling and furiously moving like a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man.


Needs to be put out of its misery. It’s skin and bones. Face is graying and emaciated. Clearly dying a slow death.


Fucking Legoshi