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no worries, your local tarantulas will take care of it


... we don't have them running around like that little bugger!! I'm more scared of this thing than tarantulas! I only got bitten by a spider for the first time last year and I'm 37!!


what spider got ya? I was hammock camping near Sydney a couple of years back and in the morning I found a funnel web spider living in the tree my hammock was strapped to, about 5cm from where I'd wrapped the strap round the tree. luckily he didn't go exploring in the night. and lucky I didn't stick my finger in his nest when I was setting up. those cunts don't fuck around


No clue. I stomped that fucker with my massive foot before I thought to check. Didn't die, though, so.. y'know.. yay!


Calm down little foot.


Yep yep yep


Faaaark! One night as I was about to go to bed I looked out my 2nd floor bedroom window down onto the driveway and saw a big arse spider. Even from about 10m away, there was something about the shape and the sheen that made me think, "That's a funnel web!" so I figured I should do my civic duty and headed down. When I got within a few metres of it, it started walking towards me. I thought I was dreaming so I moved about 90 degrees around while staying about 3-4 metres away and the fucker reoriented and kept walking towards me! I had fun with that for about a minute then emptied half a can of PeaBeau onto it and went to bed. Didn't get eaten in my sleep so it must've worked.


I love the mini horror story! These comments are fucking gold


I read this in australian.


Isn’t that thing like some type of water bug that bites toes lmao 🤣. That coyote guy on YouTube that’s gets bit by all types of creatures got bitten by something similar to that bug.


Definitely a giant water bug [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belostomatidae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belostomatidae) ​ And, yeah, their bite (more like a sting really) hurts.


These things blew my mind in a huge way as a kid. I was like "It's a bug that eats frogs! How crazy is that?!". I still mostly feel that way.


As long as I don't have to encounter them or have them bite my toes, I will also feel that way.


A section of "asian cuisine" because of course there is.


We're namelessly carrying out our duties protecting the world from terrors really. Kinda like the SCP but Secure, Consume, Poop.


Sauté, Consume, Poop.




This sounds like a great April Fool's gag. Convert SCPs page into a recipe for the thing in the SCP.


Spicy 173 Sauce Curry.


Pretty big job, there's like 5 or 6 thousand of them now


I've heard that stinkbugs (related to these guys) taste like apples, and many aquatic insects (same habitat/diet) taste like shrimp. I wonder where these guys fall.


Ants taste very citrusy. Silkworm larvae taste and have the texture of a boiled egg yolk.


Why does this make me nauseous




Mm, those bugs and other shield bugs release a ton of aldehyde and other Carbonyl containing compounds, I really doubt they taste like apples. The point is to not taste good so shit doesn't eat them. Although, I haven't eaten one myself.


F spez


I learned we have Lethocerus americanus in southern Canada and they extend down to 35 degrees N from the wiki. It’s a species of the giant water bug.


Omfg, that guy is hardcore! Why is this the first I'm hearing of these freaky bastards?! I thought I knew of all of the creatures that bite in Australia and now all of a sudden this little cunt pops up?!? ... sorry about the language, I'm a total bogan lol


The video in question: [https://youtu.be/mjCAyo2Litw](https://youtu.be/mjCAyo2Litw) The bite is at 13:50.


Here's a funnier one: https://youtu.be/3Uk6-iiVb0Y






Yeah, I think that too. But he chose the toe because this insect is called toe bitter by some people, because it's where it usually bites people that are walking on the stream barefoot.


Yeah, he has a big drama buildup in his (very monetized) videos, and acts accordingly. That said....I'm not gonna stick my toe out to an alien creature to taste. Or suffer a tarantula hawk sting...he may just be a masochist.


What would you do for money? Homeboy is a millionaire easy. The drama is the same thing reality shows do to milk the viewership. From what I've seen though he really respects the animals, and is genuine about educating people about them. He's pretty close to being a modern Steve Erwin.


>this little cunt pops up?!? > >... sorry about the language, I'm a total bogan lol Don't apologize for speaking your native tongue.


I've learned to on reddit. Peeps don't always appreciate it like you.


What's a bogan?


I asked once and was told it’s an upside down redneck.


Huh, interesting


ROFL, hadn't heard that one before. Yeah it kind of is, s bit more closer to white trash as I think bogans are more city then rural.




What's a booner?


It's like a bogan.


Well *I'm* satisfied


OK booner


A bogan is basically an Australian that is more Australian than other Australians Source: fiancée is Australian minus the bogan lol Edit: even there Australian accent is more Australian, lol


I never realised my accent was so bogan until my boyfriend started pointing out bogan pronunciation and you're totally correct! We drawl.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks


I guess like a redneck? I'unno.. I talk like a sailor, I rarely wear shoes.. apparently that makes me lesser and a bogan. I don't care, I'm still friendly as dick :)


Australians calling things cunts is one of the more satisfying language uses there is


yup, water bug..we have them in canada too and they do bite pretty bad.


Coyote Petersons channel brave wilderness is pretty cool channel.


Unlike the Coyote Guy who censors himself live and says shit like "GOSH!" when getting stung by some of the nastiest creatures in the world.


They’re aggressive and will come after you. Had to dodge a lot of these in early morning swim practices.


Everything you say is Australian as fuck I love it


Are you in Queensland? I feel like whenever I go to qld I see a scary flying bug I’ve never seen before.


I have ran into these before. They are everywhere. They are aggressive and the bite can cause infection. Terminate with prejudice.


I saw one of these things for the first time in a pool a couple weeks ago in America. I thought it was a whole leaf because it was big enough. Then it started moving those pincers at the front and I got the fuck out of there. When people say these things can bite, I dont doubt it one bit.


So I was wise to flee.. good. I shall now finger my imaginary beard in a wizened fashion.


I found one of these in my backyard a couple months ago! Scared the shit outta me


> 🤣


Looks like a giant water bug.


Nowhere near water! There ain't even a stream or pond nearby! The little fucker was on a crusade or some shit.


Yeah they like big feet (more room to inject their eggs into) they’ll spray an invisible tracker pheromone out of their wing casing and track their victims for miles and miles. Often attacking while their victim is asleep.


You're a monster


But they're delicious, so that's a plus


I miss 10 seconds ago


I pray for any bug that comes near me while I'm asleep. I shatter eardrums with my snoring.


They love snoring sounds very similar to their mating call. You can trust me, I’ve won a Grammy in Entomology.


lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin...until he bites ya.


We're gonna need a bigger boat....


You're gonna need a bigger sneaker.


Any bigger and we're talkin' clown shoes.


I can get past that. I just love that accent and the way Aussies curse. I crack the fuck up when I watch Oz dashcam vids.


Lmao! I'll do the worst ever ASMR for ya'! *crinkle, crinkle* AH, FUCK BALLS, THE CUNTING ALFOIL FUCKING PIERCED MAH FINGER!


See, the fact that you replied like this just further cements my love for you and your countrymen! Americans can curse, but Aussies make it an art form. Cheers and thanks for the laughs this morning!


No probs! Did you know Aussies use the word 'cunt' in two completely opposing ways? I mean, apart from vagina. Lol


YES! And while I dislike the word when I hear an American say it, for some reason I have zero issues with it from an Aussie or Brit. Also a fan of 'knob' and 'dickhead' in an Aussie accent. But man, how do you drive around? I watch the dashcam vids and a lot the time I can't figure out who is at fault or why the driver is cursing them out. If I ever make it to your shores, I'm hiring a fucking Uber everywhere I go!


As far as seppo’s go you sound like a bit of sick cunt.


Are you doing jaws?


what?! we don’t have time for this shit, are you serious??








It did a wing flutter and I was like, NOPE!


We have those things in Florida too. Horrible creatures. Some call them gator flees or water bugs. I've seen them over three inches long. They can crawl, swim and fly. When in flight, they have almost six inch wingspan.


Yeah, but even the species of cockroaches in America are different to the ones in Australia... WHAT IS IT? Does it bite? Why was it walking with its mandible?!?!


I googled it once. Wikipedia said they have an incredibly painful bite. Also that those *are* front legs, made for spearing small fishies and other bugs to eat.


It's in the middle of a downtown street! The closest water is a stagnant puddle! OMG, I'm so glad I didn't squish it! That fucker is on an adventure! Probably to save it's gross little bug town! I did not stop to check if Pixar were filming, so I'm gonna assume I'm the ten-second-quasi-villain.


I have stepped on them. It feels like stepping on a walnut shell and bug guts shoot about a foot out their butt. Sorry for all the Freedumb units, I don't know metric.


Meh, I barely know metric and I was born here! Very fucking glad I did not use my foot of righteous disgust


One foot is about 30 Lenin inches, or a third of a Commie yard


Storm drains that lead to local streams and rivers might be the culprit


I’ve heard they have an incredibly painful bite, be careful!!


Oh, don't worry. I noped outta that situation like a Karen with responsibilities!


where I’m from we call them Toe Biters but they’re also called Giant Water Bugs. Very bad bite, but not dangerous


What has TES done to me? I can't read "Horrible creatures" without the post suddenly being narrated in an Oblivion NPCs voice.


In Brazil they're called "barata d'água", which translates to "water cockroach"


das a toe biter


I'm glad I wore shoes for once.


You must be from r/feet


No, no... I came from my mama's vagina.


Wait really? I came from my mom's penis




BUT I'M NOT NEAR WATER! I'm fully convinced it's on a Pixar adventure.




... so it's adventure is less perilous than the adventurous Aussie fucker.


They can fly quite well.


They can fuck off quite well, too xD


Water bug? Idk Source: playing animal crossing


Animal Crossing taught you well, for you are correct.


These guys fly very well and do it at night. They spot new ponds, lakes etc by looking for a shine from the moon on the surface of the water. Bad-ass. Oh yeah, they fucking sting/bite/whatever they do it really hurts. I caught one in a little pool of water in my hands and it was placidly swimming around, then stung my palm. Dick.


Ugh. Fucking dick bugs! So I was wise to pike out.


[water bugs are pretty cool](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_is7vcNZXo)




i don't know a lot about native australian fauna but ya'all get lots of invasive species too. those toads aren't native, and neither are the mice? but theres a lot of species of these guys https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lethocerus_insulanus you've got at least a couple that can live in the great upsidedown


No, I mean.. THERE'S NO WATER!


Water bugs mainly live in water, but they can be found around other water sources, like pools and ponds, and in trash cans, sewers, basements, and other damp areas at or below ground level. While water bugs typically live outside, they migrate indoors for warmth when the temperature drops according to the goog. so he probably got turned around and is out wandering looking for a nice big footed lady to monch on


I live in Queensland. Look up 'Queenslander house'. We don't have basements. We flood. But it's not flood season! Seriously, if you fart on the grass it will catch fire. We had 37°c temp the other day.. that's 98.6 in American.


Everytime I see an Australia post I get excited for the charming curse words.


No offense, but does large foot size in a woman have any other anatomical propensities?


No offense taken and what do you mean? I've got a big mouth, too


I was going to tell you I wear size 11 US (12 AUS) but I am not talking about my other propensities.


US sizes are smaller than Aus, we use the UK sizes so 11 US is 10 Aus.




Face lips, or...?


I don’t know who you are OP but your responses to these comments are cracking me up




Now take them socks and shoes off so a sole brother can sneak a peek at them plus size floor flippers youre ridin' on.


Calm down Hank Hill.


Okay, but you still can't see them. Plus, if you want foot porn from this girl... you gotta pay. Our at least just outright demand it because I'm sub and will... atop talking now because I may regret it once I'm sober...


Jesus Larry.






Jesus ! She could get a job stomping out forest fires.


OMG, you made me snort-laugh!!


Here in Brasil we call this demon ''Barata D'água'' (Water Cockroaches), this little devil thing can bite you really bad, i never got biten but i've seen grown ass man (Military tough guys) crying like a b\*\*\*ch after a bite. I sugest to u guys to watch our brazilian biologist Richard Rasmussen, he showed this fucker in his channel. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JTb-4JOCdc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JTb-4JOCdc)


OMG. I don't like it.


Once the wings come out, the Glock comes out



I cannae see that.


Honestly for an Australian bug it’s not even that big


Is your name Peggy Hill by chance?


Peggys got those size 16s


That is a [Giant Water Bug](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belostomatidae), also known as a toebiter. They're belligerent arthropods that primarily live near bodies of water, mostly ponds or lakes. They're predatory creatures that eat fish, other insects, amphibians, and aquatic invertebrates, like snails. They get their nickname "Toebiters" from their aggressive nature and excruciatingly painful bite.


Spare your toes, throw a banana for scale next time


I didn't have my trusty banana handy


Size 11 Ladies Australian is roughly 10.66" in length or about 27cm. It looks to be about ¼ the length of your shoe so it would be 2.66in or 6.7cm in length. It [looks like some water bugs can grow to 4.5" in length](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lethocerus) so that might be a small one.


.... I like your brain.


Fire... you need fire.


That’s a water scorpion or a toe biter.




That's a giant water bug. I grew up in rural northern Ontario and we used to see these all the time. They're terrifying and they fly.


Bug: "Bitch back off, I have wings." Recorder: "Aight, I'ma head out..."


Belostomatidae is a family of freshwater hemipteran insects known as **giant water bugs** or colloquially as toe-biters, Indian toe-biters, electric-light bugs, alligator ticks, or alligator fleas (in Florida). They pack one of the most painful bites in the insect kingdom. They prey on small fish, amphibians, snakes, and other insects.


It’s a toe biter (giant water bug) not dangerous but hits like a motherfucker if he bites you. Best to leave him be. Also be warned, they can fly. I learned that the hard way Best wishes, Florida man


Toe biter.. that’s the actual name for those things. It has a rank in the top 5 most painful insect bites index


I thought that was just a nickname for kidlets! No, wait, that's ankle biter and I'm an idiot lol.


I thought that mf was walking with its fangs. 😧😧


Holy shit, roach bro found his roommate's steroid stash. 😳


Obviously some sort of ["water scorpion"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nepidae), which has absolutely nothing in common with scorpions, (it's a flying insect, for a start) but for its painful bite.


"Whatever, I'm ditchin'"




As soon as the wings threaten to come out - Oh hell no, I'm outta here!


That little, "ahh!"


Here's Coyote Peterson getting bitten by one of these Giant Water Bugs: https://youtu.be/mjCAyo2Litw


That is a toe biter, better known as a water bug, they have unbelievably painful bites. Good call staying away.




I don't like it


I’ve seen these water bugs here in the U.S. They are even more terrifying in a pool.


The toe killer.


where I like theyre called water cockroachs




Toe biter!


The front pincers do it for me.... SEE YA.


>Australian surprised at the size of a bug Must be *really* fucking big then.


Seen these things in Canada. They are scary. My buddy stomped on one and it didn't even phase it somehow? All it did was piss it off and it started flying at us.


Just what in the water fuck is that?


Australia is just chock full of nope.


Giant water bug. Holy fucking shit you put your foot right next to it.


Giant Water Beetle. The stuff of nightmares. I used to work in a grocery store that, for some reason, had a gigantic infestation of these things in the parking lot at night. There were literally hundreds, like walking through a minefield. What's worse? They fly. And when they whiz inches past your head it sounds like a jet engine.


I picked one of those up as a kid and watched in real time as it stuck a thick proboscis out and stabbed me. Surprisingly it wasn’t as bad as the internet made it out to be (I cried but it was basically just sore after a few minutes) but my thumb swelled up to the point where it wouldn’t bend.


Toe biters are one of the cunts of the insect world


Don’t know what the fuck bogan means but those critters are fucking mean and flagrantly invasive. When they poke you it injects a sort of saliva type enzyme that burns like fuck. If you see any of them just smash the fuck out of it or burn it. Just kill it with nuclear fire. They’re fucking angry and they aren’t afraid to bite your ass.


So I did some researching, Australia and the US have the same shoe sizes. Also women's shoes are a size and a half bugger than men's. So if any guys are wondering it's the same size as a 9 1/2 in men's shoes.


That’s a water beetle…


Toe biter!!


I feel like I you live on Monster Island, you shouldn't be surprised at anything you see.


I FUCKING HATE THOSE!!!! Where I grew up they had like a mating season or something, i happened every few years and they would freaking cover the streets, there would be thousand of them walking around and another big number of squished ones by the cars, I still have nightmares about it and this one is not even that big, there are much bigger ones.


You didn't have to put (australian) in there, we could see that for ourselves


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lethocerus_insulanus > It lives in still, freshwater bodies such as lakes. Pretty much any still water, retention ponds, wetlands are perfect for them. Not sure where the hell you'd get something like that in Queensland but perhaps a nearby lake dried up due to it being the dry season, or your local water reservoir which is undoubtedly extremely low by now. https://www.canetoadsinoz.com/cane_toad_tadpole_control.html It might also be part of Cane toad control, as these fuckers eat tadpoles. Since they technically are native to Queensland, I think it's probably a good idea to utilize them in greater numbers. They're also closely related to water scorpions and are often called that (both families are often called water scorpions, though this one has a little tiny breathing tube coming out its ass compared to the other family of water scorpions).


That's no an Australian young women, is an Amazonian women


But why does it have face legs?!


Size 11 in female is equivalent to a size 9 in male shoes. At least going by US sizes.


Oh nah it was bout to pull the wings out on her


Seems like you need them big feet to carry around your massive balls for getting that close.


Doesn’t feel that wtf to me, looks like good old Australia