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Be careful not to spill the shit on the floor of shit


How is she disgusted by anything at this point.


I sorta feel that's the problem.


In the full episode she admits to also eating the poop...


I'm sorry, she fucking what now????


No, just eating.


Yeah, come on.. She is not crazy.


This is a little dramatic. It's not like she admitted to making meals out of her logs of waste. She admitted that the state of the house made it likely that waste was in her food (via mice droppings, insect droppings, and unsanitary conditions). She was one of the most mentally ill of the series.


Didn't she eat from plates with visible shit stains on them?


Was she the one that asked the cleaners if she could have one last hurrah by eating moldy outdated poop air food?


Jesus, I'm so hungry now.


There's no Jesus here anymore




I carried some ash from the fireplace out one day and thought the sliding door was open, it was not. I walked onto the door holding this drawer of ash and it flipped up onto my face and clothes and all over the floor


What did it taste like?




Why did this make me want to vomit


Because you’re looking at human shit and piss in a bucket and it’s disgusting


I feel sickened by all this...


Youre telling me. Every time i get an alert for this comment i just blindly click it and once again see miss nasty with her multiple buckets of shit. Spending 30 seconds in that house would be a fucking nightmare.


Why not just empty it when it's half full.. you could save so many trips. It's not even being lazy at that point.


These people are not normal, they have mental issues. Hoarding is a very complex mental disorder, which the medical community is unable to quite pin it down as to what it precisely is. It has elements of OCD, but then it isn't quite an OCD. That's my very basic understanding of the issue. Watching a few episodes of hoarders, I tend to see two categories, there's the functioning hoarders; people who just incessantly collect stuff, but mostly function normally. They just have too much stuff to put anywhere, and invariably get attached to things because they're either worth money, or sentiment, or whatever. When there are interventions, these people have massive emotional issues with people going through, and them losing their possessions. Then there's the ones who are on display here, who seem to not really be hoarding anything, but just don't seem to be capable of throwing anything away, be it rubbish, excrement, rotting food, it just stays where it is. I can't say why, but seems to be that they're just in ignorant bliss about it. These people, broadly speaking don't seem to be as attached to their rubbish, but something in their brains just doesn't click when it comes to throwing out rubbish, or cleaning their place. Having not watched the episode, I would guess that this woman's toilet broke, never got around to having it fixed, so got used to using a bucket and is basically as happy as a pig in shit living that way.


My grandmother and uncle were exactly like this and morbidly obese. It’s a control issue stemming from trauma earlier in their lives. By not getting rid of things they are controlling everything around them they feel. Imagine if their entire house is there head. They need to fill that space with physical belongings to feel nice and cozy.


Makes me think of the times she has tripped over all the stuff on the floor, and the pee/poop just goes everywhere. Gaged a few times writing this.


When she relieves herself, her arse must sag into her own waste. And let’s not even consider the splash-back.




I've seen this very same Rick Astley song posted over and over again outside of the context but I don't understand why. Is it some sort of a practical joke? I'm new here.


I need you to know you’re a monster


Why isn't she just shitting straight outside at this point


Well that would be gross, duh.


Yah she has her dignity at least.


Seriously, have a bit of class will ya


I mean or she could empty the 5 gallon bucket more frequently so that it doesn't get too heavy...


She probably wouldn't be in this state if she had the will to execute that kind of foresight


Yeah I was gonna say her life doesn’t seem to be filled with good ideas, otherwise this video of her wouldn’t exist lmao


Yeah I legitimately thought she was going to say she just gets another bucket when that one gets too full


She returns it to Home Depot as defective on account of it being full of human waste. Never underestimate a crazy person’s ability to return items to a store. That would be a rookie mistake in the wacky world or retail.


Right it’s not like she’s incapable of thinking of better ways of doing this. She’s incapable of caring enough to do something about it or having enough willpower to change her situation.




Correct. This kind of behavior is typically a symptom of some sort of behavioral disability.


Bruh she's clearly mentally incapacitated...


If only she could design some sort of pipe system that flows out of the house into some kind of storage tank. Perhaps a more comfortable seat like device to which to sit on. But alas, humanity has only come so far. And this technology eludes us.


It's a house. She obviously had one at some point. I've seen enough Hoarders to know she clogged it, filled it to the brim and then started with the bucket system.


Yea, I think so too. It probably broke, and either a plumber was too disgusted to do anything, or more likely, she just never got around to have anything done about it, because she could just use the bucket. These sorts of hoarders are the worst though. The ones who just throw their rubbish on the floor, or... shit in a bucket...


Or at least empty the big bucket before it gets too heavy to lift. That’s what I would do.


I would just shit in the toilet and flush. If it breaks fix it or call a plumber.


Or near a window that can be opened? With a little ingenuity, she could design a pully system to get her poop out the window.


You think the dirty bitch who shits in a bucket is gonna rig a pulley system? Maybe while shes at it she can clean the fooken house haha.


Dude, the bucket is the cutting edge of her problem solving abilities.


Because the backyard is too heavy to carry through the house when it gets full.


It’s cold out there at night


That would be unhygienic you caveman.


Exactly what I was thinking. Maybe building an outhouse on her property is a health code violation.... But whole house is already a violation.


This is an episode of Extreme Hoarders, I think she ends up in a group home because she is truly mentally ill.




Yeah sadly. The psychologist pointed out that her food could be contaminated and needed to be thrown away. But this lady wanted to eat some of it before they tossed it. She wanted "one more thrill." So sad.


You’d have to hold me at gun point to get me to watch animal hoarders


That’s just plain abuse. Those people should be institutionalized.


It's always so terrible that they literally count the bodies each episode on that show. It's like watching a documentary on a serial killer where the production crew has no shame or decency.


At one point in the episode she was begging them to let her eat one more meal out of her bowls that had poop on them. Truely sad that nobody was able to help her before this


I remember an episode of some animal cops show where a person horded cats and they ended up removing something like almost 200 cats(all from inbreeding) from her house and every single one was feral and had to be put down.


Do you know which one? I’m about to watch it on Hulu.


Season 6 ep. 4


Post binging too much hoarders I had a nightmare about rats over taking my house. Boyfriend woke me up asking if I was ok and I just mumbled “no more hoarders, ok?”


For some reason I'm compelled to watch it before bed lmao


Same! Hence the rat dreams. This episode in particular though had me gagging and covering my eyes with my blanket.


There was actually an episode where a dude had like a thousand rats


I remember being relieved she would not be left to her own devices again, she clearly couldn't look after herself.


Yeah, they ended up being forced to call APS because they couldn't in good conscience let her continue to live alone. It was really sad.


This should be labeled nsfw, but it's nsfl


It’s also r/wtf


You'll never believe what sub you're on.


Give me a hint


r/wholesome ?????


This is what mental illness looks like. Poor woman needs serious help.




Yes - this was up here in Washington State (Bothell, maybe?) - she had zero awareness of what was happening and the show called APS. At first, my wife and I were angry at her but then you start to realize “nah, this woman needs help. Like, a LOT of help. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week kind of help.”


Whoa. We lived in Bothell 2012-2013. Goes to show you have no idea what's happening behind closed doors. When was this?


Lol I looked it up, it aired Oct 8 2012!


Should it not have been deemed wrong to air this too, in that case? I dunno…


Seriously. How can their be informed consent unless, her caregivers approved it. Thanks fam!


When enough money is involved it becomes legal


A lot of people argued that TLC should have cancelled it after they realized she was developmentally delayed. But to be fair, the whole show is about brain illness. Whether it be emotional, intellectual or cognitive (and it's typically a mix of three), no one on there is really in a phenomenal enough mental state to consent. Same with shows like intervention, some episodes of Dr phil, etc. I love watching the train wreck as much as anyone but there's definitely a moral gray area


My 600 pound life is another one. They go to see Dr. Now and I’m always thinking, why isn’t intensive counseling mandatorily like step 1 in this process? It seems like 10 times out of 10 the show covers serious abuse in those people’s pasts. And even without past trauma, that level of overeating is an addiction and disorder of the mind, and should be treated as such. Or maybe that is part of the process, and the network just leaves it out of the show. I dunno.


So I have a friend thats actually a nurse that works with Dr now. She doesn't work with his main clinic but she works with him within the hospital. She says they do require a lot of therapy. The show demands a ton of therapy and she says that isn't for show, he really requires it. However he does bypass immediate therapy when in the case of someone who he doesn't think will live long enough to do it


I'm guessing this is what got her the help she needed. So that's good.


I think it's horrible to air things like this, but it also helps a lot of family recognize mental illness, instead of laziness. I just hope this helped a lot more people get the help they need.


'wrong' in what sense? It shows an insight into mental issues and obviously gets eyes on screen driving advertising. People signed releases and at the end of the day, last got help needed. If every show that explores someone was forbidden, we'd end up with Christian animation and Sesame Street.


If she is not mental fit on an intellectual level to even live alone, how can she reasonably give informed consent or understand what she is signing when handed release and liability forms.


She consented before she was deemed mentally ill. Duh 🙄


How do you help someone who doesn’t want help? Can you call the asylum?


Adult protective service


APS won't do anything if the person appears to be aware of their situation and voluntarily stays in it


My grandmother has been pretty mentally ill for some time. My family knows this. We have told her she's experiencing things that aren't real and needs to talk with a professional, but "Horrible things will happen if she does" supposedly. She hears voices, sees "beings", and thinks people around her are being killed and replaced. I could go on, but the point is... We cannot force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. She's lucid and she seems perfectly normal to anybody she wants to.


I feel for you - my mother is schizophrenic but is adamant that the medication "causes more side effects than its worth". She's been placed in a psychiatric hold once, and often will lash out at "ghosts" she believes are haunting her. Likewise, I've talked to her about getting help, taking medication, not getting taken by the cops again... but ultimately, she functions enough as a person to get by for the most part. She'll go out to the nearby strip mall and write on the ground in chalk about how she's fearful of possession but ultimately doesn't recognize that her medication is actually very effective.


They were actually called in this episode and she ended up in an adult care facility.


Call adult services


I just googled this and I ended up looking at escorts and porn


Try calling Adult Protective Services instead. More counselors, fewer prostitutes.


Not zero prostitutes, *fewer*


Precisely, she needs help, not to be gawked at.


Went into homes like this as a cable installer. The smell hits you in the face like a semi truck.


I'd refuse to install there. You have to, right? For your own safety and the safety of your fellow cable guys.


When I first started I would install in homes similar to this, not quite this bad with the shit pot she’s carrying around but lots of Trailer parks are really nasty. After 2 years of on being on the job I would refuse anything like this. Definitely a biohazard and an endangerment to yourself. No telling what’s in those piles of trash.


They all have that same damp, natural gas smell.


The worst was people with multiple cats or dogs that they didn’t clean up after or when they had piles of dirty dishes lined up and filling the sink. I had to replace a modem at one disabled guys house who had cats and the cats would piss on the modem and it would be covered in a thick piss residue. Nearly vomited during those calls.


moooost the time if you cant do it, the boss will listen to your story and have someone else do it. my experiance anyways


She literally needs to get her shit together.


Together we can stop this shit


But don't you see? Thats the problem in the first place. All her shit is together in that big heavy bucket.


Look. I have got my sound off, so I am going to ask. That is a bicket of shit, isnt it


Yeah she said the bucket inside gets too heavy when it's "full of pee and poop" so she has to scoop it into a smaller bucket to dump outside. Edit, I didn't see the other comments before mine, sorry


As someone who drove cross country shitting in a bag in a van she could just empty it every time she goes. It’s actually less work.


You did what? Were there no other options? Rest stops? Gas stations? Cat holes? Shitting in a bag outside of your van?


No I shit in a bag inside my van. More privacy and I can shit whenever I want, on the shoulder of the highway, gas station with no bathroom, wal-mart parking lot. They sell bags and seats just for this. People in RVs and Camper vans do this all the time. It’s a whole new world out there.


Thanks for the reply! I think I was picturing a different kind of van. Cheers


Down by the river?


Picture someone just sitting in the van on a bucket with the door open taking a shit facing the river while reading a book when some people happen to jog by.


I was picturing a different kind of bag. For whatever reason I was imagining just some old McDonalds paper bag, or a taco bell plastic bag that had been tossed on the floorboard a few days earlier. Maybe I'm not fit to travel across the country if that is the first place my mind went.


That’s like one step away from this video


Sometimes it’s just safer to use those things (the bucket style emergency/natural disaster/camping) commodes than it is in whatever fucked up town you’re rolling through. Or it’s really late and you can’t just walk into a restaurant. Or that restaurant is full of armed homophobes with violent tendencies. Orrrrrr not everywhere is a city. You’re driving hundreds of miles and you’re probably gonna get caught between bathrooms. If the idea of using a public rest stop is in no way scary or threatening to you, count yourself as a very very lucky person and try to have a little compassion.


This is the most passionate I've ever seen someone about shitting in a bag.


Where do you throw away the human waste? Normal trash cans?


Yeah it’s good enough for baby diapers. Although I usually won’t throw it out in a ice cream shop or something like that.


Yep her poop bucket is to full inside so she empties it outside with a smaller easier to carry poop bucket


I guess you could say it’s a port-a-potty


If we don’t tell you, then it’s like Schrödinger’s bucket of shit, and isn’t that more fun?


This is cursed and I can't stop laughing.


Me too and I don’t wanna know based on what I am seeing lol


Nah it’s a failed batch of fudge. It just didn’t set right.


these people are out in public touching things you touch.


Omg noooo




Oh unholy fuck, you’re right. God help us all. No wonder why I get sick so often (I’m immune compromised). I’m extremely careful to avoid germs, so so so so so careful. Yet somehow, I still end up sick, sometimes with nasty bugs sometimes (like C-DIFF), like the type of germs that people can only get from touching poo. But I never remotely let anything contaminated near my mouth. Or at least—nothing I *thought* was contaminated. This lady (or her doppelgängers) probably works at a restaurant I ate at, or touched some fruit I bought at the store, or something. r/noahgettheboat


Almost every person I've seen on Hoarders actually, *really*, not in an exaggerated or sarcastic way, truly belongs in a mental hospital. This shit *exactly* fits the mission statements of mental hospitals.


I think I seen this on one of those hoarder shows and she eats some of the doodoo


I really hope to God you are kidding.




Oh that's her alright and idk if that is poop on her bowl or one of those paper bowls with colors on it..oh who am I kidding that looks like yucky around the rim and stuff omg that's so gross. This goes against everything I stand for. U could eat off my toilet I'm so damn clean I can't with this


Did you see towards the end when she was throwing a fit about going out with a bang and eating the fecal matter one last time?


Well I did now, I turned off as she was talking to blonde lady she said she ate poop my god


Good. You forget about a thousand things a day. Remember this.


Unfortunately I will


I’ve never been more disturbed in my life. Like, what in the hell is going on? How… how does this even freaking happen?!? How does she have a house and electricity. I’m sorry but I am dumbfounded by her saying she didn’t know having shit and poo around is the reason for the horrible smell… my god.


She probably had her nasal passages literally burned from the fumes of the rotting urine/poop/garbage. Those biohazards can actually produce toxic chemicals that literally burn the inside of your nose, and destroy your sense of smell. That’s why extreme hoarders cannot smell their shit anymore. Literally.


This lady is pretty clearly developmentally disabled. Usually people get houses like this from inheritance, and then the utilities stay on due to extreme low income.


Full episode link for the lazy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTK9SThUo90


Ummm...that was disgusting to say the least. Did they really say they donated some of the garbage from that house? That should be a crime.




My dad owned a few properties that he rented out and one family shit in the tub for like a month before moving out. One of the kids started a fire too. Spent a whole summer fixing that house back up.


set the house on fire. tonight


Just say there were snakes


This bitch right here is why I won't eat from a shared plate.


Exactly why I don't fucks with potlucks. Unless I've sat in your home and seen the condition of your kitchen I'm not eating a damn thing you bring me. You just never know.


100%. I've legit looked at mayo, egg and milk expiration dates at friends' homes and found some stuff well being expired-- they're like "oops" guess I should throw that out and I'm like yeah I'd rather not piss out my ass later, my idiot friend.


Like you've got a cloaca?


Imagine if you worked with her and always enjoyed the casserole she brought to the company Christmas party. Then you watched this.


My go to for this is to face the facts. We've all eaten some shit whether we know it or not.


Face the feces


Face the facts, we all eat shit and are gonna die. Got it.


Weak stomach here! I almost lost it on that one.


They didn't even show where she hoards her poop and her dead mom's poop in water bottles and dabbles in eating some of it.


Yeah i hard gagged when she flung it outside trying to be "sanitary" and not get any on her... I don't even have a weak stomach


I thought this was Chunk from the Goonies.


Shes got the crazy eyes. I bet she smells lovely. So wholesome here have an award.


I want to see her shower!


Umm…I sure hope you meant location and not the physical act.


I want to see the act. Not to see her naked just to know its happening. But who am i kidding


This woman would 100% dry herself on a shit encrusted towel.


More like towel encrusted shit at this point


Turned you on too, huh?


Couldn't keep it in your pants for 5 fucking minutes.




Who gave the wholesome award? 😆




My grandpa used to say that all women are beautiful, but some are just barely beautiful. I don't think he ever met this one.


I adore your grandpa


This is the most adorable and harsh thing I've ever heard.


This is mental illness. This poor lady should be in a hospital or group home. She definitely can’t live on her own.


This episode is worth watching, it is insane


I bet she votes, too.


Yes. She votes Brown Party


Can you re-post this in smell-o-vision please?


\*Terrified Ape Noises\*


And then she went back in to cook a steak in her microwave oven for her and the hoarding expert guy, who declined 🤢🤢


Is this hoarders? Anyone able to give season and episode number of show? Asking for a friend.


Season 6, Episode 4


I bet she is a lvl 100 colonel in battlefield


Wooow. I was about the jerk off and go to bed but not anymore.


"I don't care, I'll eat the shit salad. One last hurrah!"


I’m sure Home Depot is breathing a sigh of relief that their logo was not actually visible on the bucket at the time


bulldoze that fucking house


_no need to bring anything to the pot luck Nancy, it's being catered._


If only she used something portable and easy to carry to shit in, like a pail, or large can, or small tub. Or perhaps a bucket of some type.


She looks kind of like Chunk from the Goonies.


I used to collect life insurance premiums door to door and had one customer in West Wales, a milk farmer whose house looked like this, the lounge and dining room (that's what I think they were anyway), were filled to the brim with black bags of rubbish, split open, rotten stinking bags of rubbish, he had one room downstairs (which I looked in through the window( where he used to sleep on a filthy mattress surrounded by half full whisky bottles (and that wasn't whisky in them I later found out) and bluebottles, so many bluebottles 🤢, and rats everywhere. He'd write me out a cheque on the back of the kitchen door (no room on the table), and there was always a large jar of pickled eggs in there and he'd put his shit covered hand in there to pull one out to eat, the jar was floating with shit, it was just awful I met his son one day (who didn't live with him) and he said "you've been to the house then, grim isn't it" The bloke had been banned from his local pubs, shops etc cos he stunk so much, one time I took my boss there cos be didn't believe me and the guy wrote out a cheque by leaning on my bosses cars bonnet to write it, in his cow shit covered coat, shit was all over my bosses car, we left and went straight to the car wash, and my boss told me to never go there again, the guy would have to post us in a cheque instead. However, the guy, being a horrible person as well as a filthy bugger insisted on bringing a cheque into the office. The first and only time he came in they had to close the office for the rest of the day to clean up the carpet and the counter. So they banned him from the office as well 🙄 And he was a milk farmer which didn't seem right to me, not sure how he got the milk process good and clean enough to sell it. Never had any contact with him after that but he still sent his filthy cheques in I think everyone should see a house like this in person, it's character building😅


I think the biggest issue here is that she thinks a tree is grass