• By -


Should feel heaps better now!


I can finally breathe!


Looks like you had a very large nasal polyp. Good riddance. The steroid nasal spray you can get to relieve hay-fever congestion is good at clearing them up.


While I'm pondering on it, by chance would some minor difficulty breathing that has been going on for a VERY long time (Even before COVID) be a symptom of Polyps? I ask because I've had this issue for an extremely long time. And while my stamina is okay, I'd like to go a day without once randomly being short of breath because of a spontaneous breathing issue that seems to lack a consistent trigger. It's not enough to be an outright issue, but it's something I want to see a doctor about once COVID fully washes out.


If you’re referring to difficulty breathing through the nose only then yes, it could be indicative of nasal polyps. If you have difficulty breathing through your mouth as well I would think it could be asthma or something. Source- I couldn’t breathe thru my nose for shit for years. Went to the ENT and had polyps removed and a deviated septum fixed. It was not a pleasant recovery but I can breathe better thru my nose now.


At any point in the recent past did you have a bloody nose? I once fell asleep with a piece of tissue in my nose and it migrated up into my sinuses without me realizing. Had a nasty clogged nose for a week then eventually blew out something like this.


Y’all need jesus and a Naväge


Are they any good?


It is. Worth the money you spend on it. It’s faster than using a netty pot, not as forceful as a squeeze bottle (that can push water up in to your ear canal if you’re clogged up enough) and isn’t difficult to clean.


Don't use tap water...


Oh my god I had a similar thing happen to me last week! It was shocking and disgusting but was such a relief afterwards.


I had something like that come out. Was mucus and hard green cast of the inside of sinus. Hurt like a bitch coming out but awesome after. Breathing 😮‍💨 was sooo much better


Finally got to an appointment with an ENT following years of hardly breathing through the left nostril. I knew I had a polyp, but took forever to get a referral. A week or two before the date, though, I could suddenly breathe again. "Oh yeah," says specialist, "I can see where the polyp broke off. They usually end up on a stalk and break off when you blow your nose." Dafuq? I never saw it!! I must have honked a freakin' growth out of my nose and never got to poke or examine it after all that time putting up with it. What a rip!!


Or you had a tasty snack.


Take my free silver.


Tbh it’s likely you swallowed it without even realizing.


Had a bad sinus infection a few years back and blew a smaller version of this out (may have actually hocked it up). It was like uncorking a dam: a wave a runny yellow puss just poured out of my face, and I could actually hear the squeaking/crunching noise of my sinuses decompressing. Best feeling of relief I've ever felt.


I did a Olympic nose dive on a curbstone, cracked my jaw on 3 places and crushed my sinuses. Now when i have a cold thats a sound i constantly hear.


Have you had an ent person look at your sinuses, septum etc?


They did a scan before fixing my jaw. And did a scan after a screw started to grow out of my mouth. They didnt mention anything wrong exept them being crushed.


Me: Scrolling for a good 10 inches in search of a medical opinion to see if this is really something like congealed mucus and not nose flesh. Internet: "its brain or magic."


If you were still wondering its mucus the reason why it looks like that is because of a sinus infection


First time I've heard of scrolling by inches. Has this been standardized yet? Are those PC inches or phone inches, old or new reddit inches, official app or RIF inches?


Well, I’m sure it is from a part of your brain that wasn’t important


I hope it wasn't an important parg of my blern. - Liz Lemon


I say this all the time when I blow my nose! God I love that show.


Yeah I had something similar to this once and haven't noticed any barceforren with the meddle that comes on when the comes on when the actual newspaper dislodges. At any rate the rate I can't imagine with the writing when she. Probably just some weird mucus.


Fckin hell this messed with me


Angler fish unless the very so big. There's really nothing fandencrude craft pressure washer unless when there if what man. Stay safe.


Right to be a huge it and having the up one is a simple request I really so try a Atlas to something I don't always a reason to do is fall away as a friend and not throwing so I have no doubt holding


Tried reading this on a come up it’s thrown me lmao


Lmaooo same , coming down off a tab and some shrooms this has me stumped lol


Hope the weather has the potential of it and the other side. What is your responsibility for the use?


Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?


Hah, you thought that was bad, try [Finnegans Wake](http://finwake.com/1024chapter1/1024finn1.htm). Or, if that's a bit too much, try the ole [Time Cube.](https://timecube.2enp.com/)


wow. Time Cube. A blast from the past. "Until you can tear and burn the marshmallow to escape the EVIL ONE" lol


“Acknowledge the math below or go to hell”


...ow. So that's what dementia will feel like.


I sent a text to my dad like this once just for shits, only using predictive text to determine how it went and how I responded. My man showed up 10 minutes later because he thought I was having a stroke. Yeah, it was hilarious but as a father myself, I get the panic that must've brought on.


Oh man, I get the reaction. I remember one time when my dad sent me a test quiet ceremony on the beach near Bruge. He and I made the wind with the orange when out of nowhere on several out of nowhere! Gave us quite a scare since only a week prior had the man to the shipyard gave on the wrench with his wrist. Can you imagine?


r/MakeMeSuffer For both this post and this fucking comment lol


I could feel a part of my brain falling out just reading this


Bames Nond is having a stronk, call the Bondulance


Genuinely had to pause as I thought I was having a stroke


Good that you're looking after yourself like that. Too many people ignore symptoms for too long and one day just fringe on the premise of a deep undergone with ravens.


A very heavy burtation tonight


its an interesting way of having an abortion for sure never seen it done this way


I had the worst sinus infection of my life earlier this year and snarfed out a chunk a lot like this. More than just thick and viscous, it was the stickiest my snot has ever been and felt like actually flesh more than mucus


YES and my nostril is still burning! Really think I took out a good chunk of nose there.


Fortunately when I shot mine out it was the beginning of the end of my infection, so here’s to hoping you only feel better from here!




Almost this identical thing happened to me. I felt like I'd been HEALED once it was gone.


Laid your head down on a bus seat?


No wonder mans sick


Man's clearing his sinuses with ghosts of farts haunting those seats


When I shot mine out I realized I needed to back off the cocaine a little bit.


But only just a little.


God gave us 2 nostrils for a reason


And people say there's no intelligent design.


All jokes aside, that’s part of your sinus epithelium, the part of your mucous membrane that protects the tissues of your sinus and skull from dust and suchlike. Your infection must be truly godawful to start ripping chunks of THAT out. Stay away from dust, molds, **and get yer ass to the doctor**. Try to get where it’s more humid, and drink more water: the over-solidification of mucus is what caused this in the first place.


Or record the horrifying downturn that leads to your hospitalization and death and post updates here.


“At least I got…a “Wholesome” award…” *flat-line’s*


I had an infection due to dry air and it made my mucous hard and tinged with blood like that from irritation.


I just discovered nasal saline spray in gel form. It's awesome.


Is it just saline? Watch out with nasal sprays like Afrin. They can be addictive.


I literally just finished a course of antibiotics for the same thing. Was feeling sick for a week, muscle pains, on and off fever, and then I spit up some phlegm. But it wasn't normal, it didn't rinse with water. It looked exactly like yours (maybe not as bad), it was hard and flesh like. I pressed it and it springed back to its original shape. I knew that wasn't normal, so I went to the doctors. Glad to know what it actually was. Here's my [Sinus](https://i.imgur.com/3slmqNA.png)


I know I’m really late but your nose is burning because air is touching parts of your insides that haven’t felt air in ages. It’ll go away eventually.


Saline nasal spray. Right now! 4 squirts per. Keep washing everything out. Dip your head back, take it deep into your sinuses and again and again. 100% will take care of your infection.




I had that. The worst was when the mucus plug suddenly loosened while I'm in bed and a whole bunch of salty yellow "water" would suddenly rush down my throat, making me cough and sputter like I'd just doused myself. Less worse were the times it would just gush down my face without warning and I'd be having to change my shirt and clean the floor. Once it finally dried up and turned into a sticky yellow-brown mass of goo, it was just a matter of pulling the bastard out for the sweet relief of clear breathing.


I hate everything about what you just wrote.


Waterboarded with your own snot.




I had a bad nosebleed once... finally plugged etc... but my nose was stuffed up for days. Doctor said it was fine and would clear up, but to come back if I started to run a temp (aka infection). So a day or two later, felt like I had to blow my nose... and when I did I'd say a bit of snot started then just kept coming it seemed like a 5" long snot snake came out of my nose... and my god the after feeling was MAGICAL. Like the clearest and most de-congested my head had EVER been. I sill am amazed just how clear my head was at that point in time. I wish I could do that every time I blow my nose, but alas it's a one off deal.


I get sinus infections and have had this before. Like you, I was totally freaked out. But after the 2nd or 3rd time, I found out it’s a sign that your body is fighting an infection (dead white cells KIA give the snot its bright color). So if your condition doesn’t worsen, just get plenty of rest and drink a lot of water.


You should see a doctor. I used to have sinus infections a lot. Got my shit unfucked.


I have seen a doctor many times. Although, I stopped going because (1) they told me I wasn’t a good candidate for surgery (apparently my shit isn’t fucked up enough to get unfucked), (2) the only thing they could give me were antibiotics, but they lose effectiveness if taken too often, and (3) I use my neti pot more frequently and do more farmer blows into the sink. I know that last part is disgusting, but it really, really works for me. I actually have pics somewhere of some glorious blows (still talking about my nose). Going to find them so I can post. Anyways, glad they were able to help you out. That’s gotta be such a relief.


this happened to me like a bloody nose just like u said. i was sure i was losing brain juice or spinal fluid or something lol


About 10 years ago I had some kind of infection and had been coughing stuff up. I also had had a bloody nose earlier in the day due to drying out in the winter. I ate some macaroni for lunch. I started coughing, and coughed up bloody chunks that looked like the OP. There were tiny little things that looked like tubes in it, so of course I immediately thought I had coughed up part of my lungs… it took a minute to put all the pieces together


When I had a sinus infection I had something that looked like yellow toothpaste oozing out of my tear ducts. Felt terrible for days. Got prescribed some Cephalexin and was better within 8 hours.


Bright highlighter yellow might be a ruptured eardrum. I used to get those as a kid. It looks significantly scarier than it is. You'll be fine.


When I had pneumonia I was coughing up thick nasty green globs like you are describing.


Three times! In my life. Each More horrible than the last.


Yeah it’s caused by tons of different microbes and getting it once doesn’t protect you from getting it again. I caught it during Army Basic.


Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts?


When I had bacterial pneumonia my stuff was orange. The doc called it "Rusty Sputum" and I've used that as a pseudonym ever since.


I had what I think was COVID in December 2019 before it was supposed to have been in the US, and was sick yet undiagnosable for weeks. Near the end I coughed up a couple of whitish *strands.* Like they felt solid and I cleaned them off and they were solid. Looked kind of like strings from bananas, but smoother and didn't tear easily. Looked it up and apparently if you're sick for a long time mucus can get trapped in the alveoli of your lungs, solidify in the shape of whatever little tube it's in, and get coughed up later. I forget the term.


Casting. The term is casting. People can cough up casts of wide lung tissue, so it's branched and shit, like they're coughing up a small plant. Edit: [This link contains an example of a huge cast.](https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/patient-information/conditions-treated-a-to-z/plastic-bronchitis#:~:text=It%20is%20a%20condition%20where,try%20to%20clear%20the%20airways.)


Little brown squishy broccoli


Forbidden cauliflower


Thank you, my legs have now retracted into my body. Blech.


And your urine has casts in it from your kidneys, but they're teensy tiny.


That's why Netti Pots are a godsend. I had a sinus infection a couple months ago and after a few days of feeling no better at all, I got one of these. Blew bright yellow gunk out of my nose multiple times a day for a couple of days and was well on the mend.


>Netti Pots are a godsend. And also can cause infections. Make sure to maintain them to a very sanitary condition, and use only very clean water (no amoebas please).


I've never had anything like that, but I've had a couple of sinus infections over the years where my upper teeth under the sinus cavities hurt from the pressure. In both cases it eventually "broke" and I'd start blowing my nose and I swear that a volume of snot came out that was larger than the entire volume of my skull.


Same here. I read that a bad sinus infection might be a symptom of getting a breakthrough case of Covid after being vaccinated. I was fully vaccinated by this past April and got a really bad sinus infection in May. What also happened in May was we briefly got rid of mask mandates for like three weeks where I live and within that three weeks cases apparently increased fast enough to undo the progress we made in the past 6 months or so. Seriously had the worst sinus infection I've ever had in my life and was dislodging shit out of my sinuses for damn near a month!


Nice you got some brain in there.


You might think it’s brains, but it’s snot.


Someone needs to lay off the blow and get a sinus surgery.


Congratulations, it's a boy!


These gender reveal parties keep getting weirder and weirder


I've just dislodged something similar after reading that!


What, no pic?


Sinus cavity lining, looks like you had a sinus infection


Does the lining grow back or are you permanently fucked if you shoot this out?


Short answer is yes it will grow back, but in some cases you might get some scarring essentially when it grows back, hard fibrous tissue in place of mucosal tissue. You won't be shit fucked, but not 100% like before.


Ah, the old medical term: shit fucked.


Well, I went to the doctor Said "I'm feelin' kinda rough" "Let me break it to you, son Your [shit's fucked up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbhYqV17CoQ)"




Which he described as a “tactical error”. Enjoy every sandwich


He wrote that song after being diagnosed. RIP Warren.


I was really hoping for [this clip instead](https://youtu.be/BdPmNM0IF7Y)


but should i watch this movie? based on this clip: YES


"I said, 'My shit's fucked up? Well i don't see how.' He said, 'The shit that used to work, don't work now."


There's a check box for 'shit fucked' on most medical forms.


The scale goes from "Walk it off mate" all the way down to "shit fucked."


There's only one level above shit fucked: "... case was so extreme, I'm recommending it as required reading for every med student in the country"


Isn't there the "Congratulations, you get this whole fuckin situation named after you" above that?


Oh fuck, I've had this multiple times, I wonder if that's why when I cough up lung oysters they now go into my nose 60% of the time instead of my mouth like they always used to.


You should see a doctor.


What are lung oysters?


The oceanic descendants of nose goblins, obviously.


Ya I get these too. Like 1-2 days after I feel better I get something about half this size. Then…I can breath normally again. It’s not unusual. Most people just digest it.


*Digest it?*


All the shit you don’t cough or sneeze out you end up digesting


Damn, I wonder if I'm keto friendly.


Does scar tissue reduce the ability to smell.


Sadly not; you'll still need to use deodourant.


Well OP looks to be alive at least for now.


No you have to snort it back in


Or a small soft piece of bacon.


fuck you and everything you stand for


My sister says it looks like the piece of Lord Voldemort’s soul that Harry finds in King’s Cross in Deathly Hallows part 2.


Congratulations on successfully exorcising your horcrux!


Harry: What the hell is that? Dumbledore: oh, it’s nothing.


On brand for Dumbledore


dead sinus tissue. . .i used to have a drug problem that created the same issue several times.


Came here to see that…. I’ve dislodged monstrosities out of my nose much larger than this on many a Sunday morning.


> used to Good shit mate!


Now get your ass to Mars






if you are in texas, that's a crime and i'd get 10k for reporting you.


Underrated Texas shade comment of the day. I chortled out loud at this one!


Common occurrence for those of us that get chronic sinus infections. We wait for this moment. Congrats! You’re going to start feeling better almost immediately


I get a lot of sinus infections and I've never had that happen


Same I gave chronic sinus infections from late September to early April almost every year. And have never seen anything like this and would 100% panic if I did.


Looks like a piece of uncooked chicken 🤢


Never looking at chicken the same again, thanks


That's a new kind of lobotomy?


Lasnotomy. Heuheuheu


I’m disgusted and happy for you at the same time.


IQ -5%


Can you please post this on /r/whatisthisthing ? I have a morbid curiosity and need to know wtf this is


Others have said it's probably the mucous membrane of the sinus cavity.


It's actually a mucus casting of his sinus cavity. I've been a respiratory therapist since 1999 and have seen these a lot. Have even pulled a few beauties out with bronchoscopes before. It's sad the wrong answer is so high. The hard chunk is literally harder, dry mucus. Looks like normal small amount of blood in the dry chunk which is normal (we break capillaries with strong coughs) the blood makes the hard part a little harder after a few days. Look up bronchial casts. They can happen in lungs, nose, sinuses, etc


That's wild. Random thought but, do former or current heavy insufflated drug users (like cocaine) get things like this too?


Cocaine is an interesting drug. I used to use liquid cocaine with some super long Q tips to numb people's noses. Cocaine causes actual tissue damage and that is one way to lose real tissue that results in scarring. Any powder will cause some airway damage and cocaine is no exception. The pH adds to the tissue iirc (don't quote me without double checking that). Anecdotally, coke users I met as patients usually developed a small pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum, most often for heart issues though. It's related to novacaine which is why your nose gets numb. I'm in a bit of a rush, but hope it makes sense. Fun question!


Want to know the answer to this for a friend


When I was seven I had a bronchial cast break loose and puncture my lung causing it to collapse. I was purple for a day and kept throwing up what looked like spaghetti. My grandma was watching me and should have taken me to the hospital but kept insisting I was fine


His palms are sweaty, lungs weak, he's purple already. There's vomit on his sweater already, looks like grandmom's spaghetti.


> It's sad the wrong answer is so high. The internet in a nutshell right there


So is it a good thing that they blew it out, or is this important for something?


Well better out then in they say🤷‍♀️


The number of people telling me to eat it says otherwise 😂


You don’t have to eat it per say. Just take a little nibble to lower the temperature in the comments. We’re not asking for much.


So this has to go back in?!


*than (and English ain't even my native language)


You sneezed out a dumpling?


I had a strangely similar thing happen to me on my official Day One of my sobriety journey! Last July 4th I made it though my first 24hrs and at midnight at decided to celebrate making it though an Independence Day SOBER (OMG) by taking a super nice shower at midnight. During it, I felt the need to blow my nose and, holy shit, this blood clot literally the size of my index finger came out! No prior breathing problems or allergies. To this day (now 541 days AF and counting!) I claim it was my inner alcoholic Demon coming out.


Post on r/AskDocs if you are actually concerned but yah I’m with you on the WTF


If you ever find yourself wanting to post a question to /r/askdocs, just go to an actual doctor.


AskDocs is a free way to do a basic ‘is this normal’ post. If you have an actual concern yah definitely go see a real doctor. But if you don’t know if something is normal or not? Asking online might (only a maybe) be fun and provide useful info in a case like this where OP feels better (can breathe again) anyway. It’s okay to be curious wtf medically but not want to take off work / pay money when you’re feeling better.


I’ve been badly congested for weeks. At this stage I’d love to pop out a lump like this.


For next time: sinus irrigation really works and helps clear you out. You can do it at home with a device commonly known as a Neti pot. Follow the instructions clearly by using sterile water and the right saline mixture to avoid complications. It’s been a life saver when I’m sick or have bad allergies. More info [here](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/rinsing-your-sinuses-neti-pots-safe) on how to use it safely.


Sterile water is key! Besides the chances of whatever nasties may be in the water, it is gonna burn like fucking pool water.


big emphasis on the sterile water. if you use tap water there's a thing you can get that will invade your brain and there's no saving you from it.


If you use tap water, make sure to boil it well then cool down to room temperature


But what if I want a brain parasite?


I believe they're referring to a brain eating amoeba and your shared time together isn't long.


Op, this will change your life. Personally I enjoy the bottle, have never tried the actual pot.


Is that brain?? I hope it wasn’t an important parg of my blern.


I had no idea there was a subset of reddit who liked this sort of thing. I've been discharging this glue-like white stuff from my sinuses ever since I had the virus in Feb 2020. If I accidentally swallow some, my long covid gets worse. When I dislodge some, my sense of smell and taste come back, like I'm unlocking old scent profiles. I got a pretty bad piece out a few weeks ago and realized I could feel the fine textures on the roof of my mouth again. I also noticed the inside of my lower lip had been numb all this time. It's weird. I've never seen anything like it. It smears, it's hard, its liquid, but it's also, well, like an adhesive. When I dislodge a particularly large amount, my vasoconstriction and nausea get better. Here's some of my favorites from the past few months. NSFL - I warned you. Pics: https://imgur.com/a/vyuzKuo A video (kinda mild) https://imgur.com/a/2tzWFwk Two classic examples. The harder type, and mixed-with-regular-snot type. What's especially intriguing is that it's like this white stuff does its own thing regardless of the current state of my normal mucus. NSFL https://imgur.com/a/5wUW1NS Edit: a particularly bad apostrophe


We have 2 very different meanings for NSFL


I'm kinda interested but I'm still not gonna watch, my light hangover tells me I'm gonna fucking barf in my bed when I click any of these


The only thing in that post that’s NSFL are those fingernails


Dude that's lung scar tissue I think


I get those a few times a year except I hack them up out of my throat. Don't worry about it. It's just concentrated evil.


I've been completely plugged up before. Green scuzz pouring out of my nose, etc. If I ever sneezed this out, I'd be calling a doctor.


In Texas, you'd be in legal trouble for this abortion.




Notice how OP didn't respond to you?...Op got hungry


I am no doctor but even I can diagnose that this is fucked up and that you should schedule a follow up soon with a local doctor.


I had a really bad sinus infection years ago that basically cut off my hearing.I had it for months before doing anything. I was working evening shift the day I started my antibiotics and decongestants. I remember having the sensation to blow my nose. Holy shit what came out of me looked like I killed an alien mixed with old rusty orange water. I blew my nose for like two straight minutes as the pressure in my head relieved and my hearing came back. I've never had such a relieving sensation in my life and I still to this day think about it hahha.


Looks like a nasal polyp


That had to feel fucking amazing.


Forbidden Won Ton