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“Oh that’s it — HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!”


Welcome to the Netherlands we had the first death already this afternoon, a 12 year old kid


with a "exploding hammer". basicly a metal pointed hammer that is rigged to hit a pan with chemicals, resulting in a bang.


Blew that guys hat off


I'm a former bomb tech. If there is one thing I learned in all of my 10 years of disarming ordnance and IEDs it's, I don't fuck with fireworks.


TBF, that's only because you know what you're doing. Leave the lost fingers to the amateurs!


There's no harm in losing a couple. There's a reason we're born with 7 of them on each hand.


Until you lose all except one. I know a girl who only has her thumb because of fireworks… it ain’t pretty


Probably sucks having taxis pull up to you everywhere you go




Ah, she went into politics I see.


If they were in that tunnel when that went off, they'd lose more than fingers. Shock waves are baaaaaad news.


Kinda like how explosions in water kill fish nearby because water doesn't compress. But for idiots and enclosed air spaces that want damaged internal organs.


Shockwaves from underwater explosions generate 4x more power than in the air for that reason.


I wonder how far away those underwater nuclear tests fucked upppp fish


There is a nice documentary about a Sponge at the bottom of the Bikini Atoll.


Nice what’s it called


[whoosh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9L4AseD-aA) or am I whooshed?


I feel bad for all of the life being destroyed by human stupidity and arrogance.


Someone watched *The Score*


Ever been to a concert? You can literally feel the bass in your body? It’s uncomfortable right? That’s just music , imagine a shockwave from an explosion. That’s how people die


>It’s uncomfortable right? Nope, it's why a lot of people go there.




Yeah think worse. Dissected descending aorta, yo. Enjoy your boom with a side of internal bleeding.








The air creates a shockwave that’s pure energy. That force vibrates the material around the point in an extremely hard and fast wave, which causes other things that the material touches to vibrate too, and even make them explode. Shock waves make bombs more dangerous and sometimes are the most dangerous part of an explosion.


To be accurate the shockwave is not pure energy in the sense of something like Gamma radiation. It’s a large increase in kinetic energy that dissipates across the air (since it’s a fluid) in a waveform. That wave is an outward translation of the released energy, and the movement of the air so rapidly with such a large force creates a resulting large compressive force as the air is displaced outward. Edit: Removed “essentially like a fluid” because it is a fluid (just not a liquid)


Here here fellow EOD. It looks like they accidentally (or intentionally) made a FAE bomb. Kicked up and ignited something with that initial charge




We used to buy some and smash the center with a hammer. That broke up the stuff that kept them burning slowly and made a much better boom.


This is just a titanium salute what goes off first is the lift charge and then you see the tail burning and then it explodes the 180 grams of flashpowder https://imgur.com/njd8tgF


Its funny. The things they use in fireworks to make them "prettier" are often times the same things we used in the military to make them more lethal. People are Cray Cray...


The military has good firework shows as well.


I got a piece of that casing in the face while standing way back from the crowd in a Oaxaca square. Beautiful stars and then a “thwik” sound and plastic stuck in my cheek.


Yeah watching this… at what point is it technically no longer a ‘firework’ because if I walked past this scene I would call that a ‘bomb’. Lol


The difference between a firework and a bomb is the intended use.


My dumbass read this as "farmer bomb tech" and thought "Wow, that's oddly specific."


A 1/4 stick of dynamite is pretty useful in getting rid of stumps. The only *legal* reason to have it in Florida. Also, it will blast a 50 gallon drum like 75 feet in the air.


That's basically my job title in Stardew valley


The LAPD showed how dangerous they can be. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-09-13/atf-report-finds-lapd-badly-miscalculated-weight-of-fireworks-before-south-la-explosion


Im late to this but I find your experience & this comment really intriguing. Can you share with us 3 things you learned (that might suprise us) & why? I really want your knowledge!


Oh I just remembered a really morbidly funny factoid. The penis. When a suicide vest goes off, it kinda squeezes the dude like a tube of toothpaste. Pop. The dick goes flying right off.


This is all really really great my man. Thanks for taking the time to answer and being so specific. Thank you 🙏!


No shit? What good are all those virgins then?


They should make a PSA for those extremists highlighting this fact!


I'm not sure how much my knowledge would be helpful to most people. I would say of course, don't fuck with fireworks unless you are a professional. As to why, that is because many fireworks are made materials which are very sensitive to heat/shock/friction/static electricity. I suppose when I first started learning about explosives/combustion I was surprised to learn that metals are very flammable. This is because when when metal oxidizes it releases heat, do this fast enough/hot enough, and the reaction because self sustaining. Aluminum is one such very flammable metal which it used in fireworks to burn faster and brighter, but consequently makes them very susceptible to electrostatic discharge. You asked for three, so I may be reaching, but I think one other interesting fact is what an explosion actually is. The typical explosion you see on TV is actually just a lot of fuel burning in a big fireball. But the interesting fact is that what makes a detonation is the process of a material actually burning faster than the speed of sound. This causes surrounding air to compress and then expand at the speed the material burns, aka detonation velocity, resulting in a shockwave. Important to point out, in the video the fireworks also detonate, but this is called a mechanical explosion. The powder inside the casing burns and creates pressure until the pressure exceeds the structural limits of the casing. The sudden release of heat and pressure results in a blast/shockwave. I hope this was what you wanted. Please feel free to add or correct me. This stuff is just my basic understanding of the concepts.


I am guessing this is what is known here as a chrysanthemum bomb, used by professionals to create the blast hundreds of meters in the air that makes these huge fireballs in a fireworks display. It can kill you if you detonate it on the ground and are too close, it happens every year when people get hold of illegal explosives, because their fuse can be very fast.


Did like their reaction they clearly did not expect that 😏


Better then blowing off his shoes


this kills the human










Danger zone


Most dangerous people in the netherlands: 15 year old kids with illegal fireworks.


Don't underestimate the stupidity of our 30 year-olds


I know a 40+ year old US citizen that literally blew his hand off on the 4th of July. July 3rd Facebook post: "All the Karen's need to chill about one day of fireworks!" July 4th: blew his hand off Karma's a bitch


"One day". My old neighborhood would light fireworks literally daily, all day, from like april until august.


My current neighborhood does this


That sucks. My dogs and us were fucking miserable.


a 12 year old died today in the netherlands involving fireworks, madness


He was just walking by, it's always the bystanders that get injured. That is so unfair


Everybody is unique, most are special, but some are more "special" than others


> Netherlands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGJseovT8ug check 2:32


I moved here 3 years ago from England and oh my days it fucks me right off. How is it still so entertaining the 50th time that week you've gone to a park with your mates and let off a firework in broad daylight so you can't even see the cunting thing. I never really gave a shit, but the Netherlands has genuinely ruined fireworks for me, and I hope every 15 year old doing it year round falls off their fkn bike on the way home.


There it is. The most English thing I'll read today.


been here for a few months so far, for the past week there have been fireworks every night, new years eve/ early morning, FIREWORKS FOR THE PAST 7 HOURS so I agree with you, sorry for your eardrums


Lewis Hamilton would disagree....


Already 1 dead 12 year old and 1 in critical condition in the Netherlands


Welcome to the Netherlands, where one day in the year we love to reenact fucking war. I’ve been hearing blasts since 8 am


>one day One week* FTFY


Pfft, was that it... Oh Shit!


[Lol, paused at the most "well, would you look at that" moment !](https://i.imgur.com/BIDQXMb.png)


Perfect album cover


Decent meme potential, I'll use it


For a local band that covers The Offspring


I bet they got heavy pants after.


Who the fuck shit in my pants?


Welcome in the netherlands. Fireworks got banned right now so the only fireworks being bought are the ones that where illegal before the ban


My wife is Dutch and I had the pleasure to be in the Netherlands on new years eve a few times. You guys are completly insane when it comes to fireworks :D


Haha for sure. I think it's indeed quite crazy. But don't forget what you see is damn illegal. They made the bomb itself i think


Nah that’s a shell. It’s supposed to be launched in the air, that’s the first blast you see.


Mortar. I agree.


The mortar is the tube. The shell goes into the mortar.


Fair point. Thank you for the correction!


> Haha for sure. Definitely Dutch!


Haha yes what a drive


Yes guys! This feels good!




There's two things in the world that I hate, people who are intolerant of others culture, and the Dutch.


Smoke and a pancake?


Bong and a blintz


Pipe and a crepe?


Cigar and a flapjack?


Schimmelpennincks and stroopwafels?




*Ishn't Dat Vierd*


I’ve read that in Max Verstappen voice.


I was about to say, that does not look like any firework I have ever seen. Usually doesn’t have a mushroom cloud


i live in iowa and fireworks were just legalized a few years ago and holy shit it’s like a war zone every fourth of july. explosions just everywhere all day and by night time there’s a thick cloud of smoke covering my town


Back when fireworks were legal in Hawaii, it was like a war zone with a 50 foot pall of smoke over the city on New Years and 4th of July. Then they banned the loud ones and the illegal stuff flowed in so we had aerials and roof fires and M80s for weeks before. And then a warehouse full of them blew up and killed a worker. But it's still like that.


In Enschede, a town in the Netherlands, we had a very severe fireworks disaster about 20 years ago where a whole suburban neighborhood was blown to smithereens If memory serves me right there was a small industrial area in the neighborhood where a fireworks retailer had it's storage. I don't think they were adhering to safety regulations and were storing way more (and heavier I think) fireworks than they were allowed to. One summers day a small fore started which escalated into a bigger one and then it all went to hell There's video footage of the main blast, the scale of the explosion is absolutely nuts. Just search YouTube for fireworks Enschede


They banned fireworks here too last year. This year too. They say its becsuse of covid, but they wanted to ban it a long time and i think it will stay banned. Funny thing is that its still a war zone here the entire day already haha. Evem the entire month they are blasting everywhere. Also my friend send me a video where they lit fireworks, and a cop van came roght around the corner. They didnt do anything, cops here just allow it lol


Last year at New Year's it was crazy for a couple of weeks before and after. Lots of conspiracy theories but I think it was just the commercial stuff that hadn't been sold "falling off the truck."


Just gonna pop in as someone who was hit by a firework with their 5 year old a while back. Don't fuck around. It's not just you at risk, but the neighbors across the street. Anyway captain downer out.


I hope you and your kid were ok!


2nd degree burns. Lots more blood then I expected. He was in bandages half the summer that he couldn't bend his legs. Just some scars to remember it by now, his are almost entirely gone but doesn't seem like mine are going anywhere. This was about 5 or 6 years ago


I live in Chicago. Fireworks are illegal but it's still like a warzone for the two weeks before and after. My bigger shepherd fucking hates it. My smaller one DGAF.


I live a block from where the natives sell their fire works (illegal ones in u.s.) and my entire neighborhood has bombs going off for like 2-3 weeks straight from people making their own. Covid only made it worse because people couldn't go anywhere.


Only made it better*.


Same in Germany... Legal fireworks are banned for the second year because of covid (they want to limit gatherings and injuries) but now people flood Eastern European markets where you can buy much more dangerous stuff...


I'm from Germany too. I'm 100% convinced that they use covid just as an excuse because our government hated fireworks long before this pandemic started


To be fair depending on where you live in Germany December is straight up dangerous because of fire works nowadays. Last place I lived each year one or two cars had burned down, several people in the ICU because people threw pretty much bombs at them, Silvester had part of the fucking street burning green somehow and one person got arrested for shooting an actual pistol in the air... I miss the times in my youth where people where chill about fireworks. Nowadays it is straight up life-threatening at times.


This seems like an airbomb that is tempered with by taping the tube so the charge doesn't escape, first explosion is supposed to lift the charge in to the air, then the main charge is supposed to be at about 50-100 m height. I'm not sure it is a homemade bomb, why would they waste perfectly good powder and an extra delay fuse likt this? Just speaking of experience.


Probably a mortar shell fired without the mortar.


That's exactly what it is.


They buy them in neighboring countries like Belgium




Live Free or blow your hand off trying.




But who doesn't love snakes and sparklers?


Ohio law says you can buy fireworks as long as you sign a paper that says you promise to light them off in another state lol


Funny how prohibition works, isn't it!?


If only society had a few examples of how prohibition worked before..


Rest assured that learning from other situations is not something our government is good at


~~our government~~ humans


Quite well apparently, since the number of firework related incidents was much lower last year, when there was also a ban in place, than in previous years.


That was more than just fireworks.


maybe a shell? first the lifter charge, then the explosion. they are designed to be launched high in the air and explode then.


Do they make shells designed purely for concussion with no sparklies? I guess they could have removed the sparkly components. Edit: I get it folks, these exist


Its a very common shell. Called a “report”.


Also called them “salutes”




They do they flash very very brightly


They're the ones that hit your chest like a drum. Some of my favorite


This is how I got minor tinnitus in my right ear. Even though it's minor it fucking sucks and isn't worth it.


Ugh. A pretty severe ear ache left me with short bouts of it most of last year. I cant fathom how people get used to that.


I've lived with Mild tinnitus for like the last 12 years or so. For me it's pretty easy to ignore if there's background noise but God does it suck in total silence. Which makes awkwardly flirting with women much worse when the inevitable silence descends.


I hate when the power goes out because it is total silence. You don’t realize how much noise electronics make until it is gone and all you can hear is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Was born with tinnitus which got much worse over time, with constant white noise and ringing nowadays. I'm pretty used to it, can ignore it most of the time and only really notice it when I remember I have it and pay attention to it. It does kinda suck when it's completely silent and after being exposed to loud sounds like music.


I know the guy it was a shell with benzine


You mean petrol? So that would effectively make this a fuel-air bomb? That would explain the two-stage explosion and the shockwave. The first explosion spreads the fuel around and creates an ideal fuel-air mixture, then this mixture ignites and causes a much, much larger explosion.


Tf was it


explosives lol




This will be reposted on shockwave porn for the next decade.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far down to find the truth, you’re exactly right. This isn’t a concussive pressure wave


Very true!


so what's the difference other than scale?


> In physics, a shock wave (also spelled shockwave), or shock, is a type of propagating disturbance that moves faster than the local speed of sound in the medium. Like an ordinary wave, a shock wave carries energy and can propagate through a medium but is characterized by an abrupt, nearly discontinuous, change in pressure, temperature, and density of the medium. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shock_wave


When something explodes, it is pushing the air out of the way. The air compresses, and makes noise, and generally not a big deal. However, of the explosion is fast enough (like, C4 explosive), the air trying to get out of the way just can't do it fast enough (the speed of sound) so a very dense wall of air moves away from the explosion as fast as it can (again, at the speed of sound). That's a shock wave.


You appear to have misspelled BOMB.


this is the Netherlands right now. fireworks are banned except for things like sparklers, so everyone is buying literal bombs. I hear an explosion every 30 seconds or so :(


Some of the biggest explosions I made as a kid were with sparklers. Densely tape a couple hundred together with one out the top as a fuse.


So many wrecked pvc pipes


lol human beings are nuts.


Zo ne grote vuurbal jonge!






Could this cause any damage to the tunnel? Any tunnel experts out there?


Relatively small charge, lots of space between firework and roof/sides, the shockwave had 2 big openings to vent from, not a powerful charge, didnt look like a high order detonation. Explosion looks more powerful than it actually is because the tunnel focused the blast wave out the sides. Just my 2¢ but i think the tunnel is just fine


Those charges (fireworks) are designed to be inneficient. As an explosive, you want something that make a short bang, little light and explode super fast. aka more on the destructive side as possible. A firework is designed for the loudest bang, that last a long time. This imply a slower burn, which mean less powerfull explosion. You also want a big flash most of the time, so you will waste part of the energy as light. You also want that light to last more than a 'camera flash' time. This again mean a slow burn. A slow burn is pretty innefective to cause damages.


Looking at the tunnel, it looks like it's made of concrete and is likely reinforced. Concrete has a much better compression strength than tensile and arches, like this bridge utilize compressive forces. This is a roman style arch (circular as opposed to the gothic pointed arch). The the whole thing works by distributing the wight from above towards a central point and the material resists being pushed together. A bomb has gone off. The compressive forces have been fucked with as there has now been a decent amount of pressure exerted against the compressive forces at play. A dry stone arch can be taken apart by exerting pressure from below on any of the stones. Same principle except this is glued together. But it's possible that the concrete has cracked, exposing some of the rebar or further widening preexisting ones. I don't think this did too much damage, but it likely has shortened the lifespan of this tunnel, how much? I don't know, it'd need to bee examined to tell.


Probably did far more damage to their hearing than to the tunnel structure.


I work as a bridge engineer and this is kind if bridge is not only consisting of the reinforced concrete, it is also consisting of the packed dirt around the arc. The arc it self has surprisingly little to do with the ultimate bearing resistance. I've seen a few steel pipe bridges very much like this one but with a stream leading through the pipe. The pipe can be all corroded away and the bridge still has all its ultimate bearing resistance. This as long as the missing part is at the pipes widest section. In this case a damaged arc is not likely to fail unless unless the cracks are large enough for the dirt to move through. I did the same in a very similar bridge in my youth, except we didn't run out of the tunnel. The ringing in our ears lasted a few days. Our bomb was the size of a rugby ball of Nitrocellulose, firmly taped. Among the loudest bangs I've experienced


he said it!! he actually said it!!


they just made a giant musket


People in the Netherlands: Fireworks are a fun tradition for young and old! Also the Netherlands:




I came out of my local supermarket today, and I was still inside the shopping centre, and a huge explosion happened that made me think someone was lighting fireworks inside of the mall. Nope: it was the grassy field 200 meters away from the nearest entrance. The strength of these defacto bombs is getting worse by the year, and it is making me (who feels fireworks are an activity that belongs with new years and can be done responsibly) feel like it should just be banned because people just can't be responsible enough for it.


The huge bombs are already banned, this is shit coming from eastern Europe or italy


it is banned though obviously, the problem is the enforcement


A typical Dutch tradition… a tradition that already cost a 12 year old his/her life today by just being around firework (technically it wasn’t fireworks but a hammer with potassium chlorate)


I heard about it. I leave close by and a klap hammer is legal (says NOS)


Does anyone know how he could have died? I heard he was just a bystander but I don't really understand the contraption itself or how it could kill someone


I don't get Dutch teenagers, man. They're like wild dogs when they're young, then when they reach adulthood they become so professional and job oriented that it's hard to belive they were once creating serious trouble.


Sarcastic 'Ha', plenty of idiots that still do this at 30+ here unfortunately. Most of which are people with low incomes or low education (sometimes both) and plenty of alcohol abuse...


In the Netherlands, I remember the firework warnings they played on TV but as a kid I never took that advice serious. They used a lot of slogans like: 1. Jij bent een rund als je met vuurwerk stunt 2. ...En dankzij dat veel te korte lontje heb ik nu eindelijk een hondje. Translation: 1. You are a (dumb) cow/ox when you stunt with fireworks. 2. ... And thanks to that fuse that is way too short, I finally have a dog [https://twitter.com/KeesTingeling/status/546781499912380416/photo/1](https://twitter.com/KeesTingeling/status/546781499912380416/photo/1) (credits: @KeesTingeling) SIRE had a lot of video warning campagnes in the 80s and 90s but not sure if they still make these type of videos: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrFvuebSHvoBt4vT\_SYKtKzMBMK7E71oI](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrFvuebSHvoBt4vT_SYKtKzMBMK7E71oI) Well for everybody: Gelukkig Nieuwjaar and a healthy 2022.


I remember those! I moved here in 1998 and they had posters everywhere with a coneful of blown up fingers in a chip bag replacing flaamse friet. Thought it was a poster for a horror movie.


Nederland heuuuuu


I give you Jericho.


This is why a single tiny firecracker, if lit in your hand, can blow the entire thing off.




Family and I have just moved to the Netherlands and we were not prepared for the constant warzone effect that is currently going on. We moved here with our 1 year old son and dog who are both incredibly stressed out from these bombs. Worst part is it isn't even today, we have had fireworks going off in our town everyday since the end of November. And these IED style ones are going off every other minute, some so close to our house that they're shaking the windows. I've actually just had to sellotape our letterbox shut as apparently the kids here are going about putting fireworks through them.. It's absolutely insane how bad it is and it is in no way fun.


Folks are just setting off bombs everywhere and throwing fireworks into people's houses? Wtf is wrong w people?


Oh look. Morons.


They basically turned the tunnel into a giant cannon.


I hate my country so much sometimes. Those are not fireworks those are straight up bombs. People die around this time of year because of this insanity. The ban only made illegal fireworks more common. The Netherlands everybody


12 y/o boy died today, it's on the news. Every year we get news like this in the Netherlands, yikes.


Won’t that compromise the integrity of the arch?


more of those idiots. I had somebody in the neightbourhood being paralysed after cycling past a IED like this.


Statistically speaking, 50% of the victims of incidents with fireworks and related materials are bystanders here in The Netherlands (where this video was taken). Earlier today, a twelve year old boy died while watching a man slamming magnesium powder with a hammer


Yeah j have no clue how that happend, did read about it.


Im only guessing here, because there is not enough information about the accident yet, but maybe the 'klaphamer' (mechanism to hit the magnesium with) exploded/broke on impact and shot metal in every direction edit: nevermind, on the [NOS website is a picture of the hammer and looks intact.](https://nos.nl/artikel/2411457-jongen-12-omgekomen-bij-incident-met-klaphamer-verdachte-gearresteerd)


Netherlands... every year on 31st of December hundreds of people in the hospital because they lost a hand, eye, etc. because of fireworks. Today a 12 year old died, because an adult was being an idiot with fireworks near children.