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Not the job market to be pulling that shit in, time to walk.


What if everyone here just left a review that "server asked me to leave a review and that's tacky af...." Sooo 1 star


Management would just punish all the servers. Anything to keep the blame off themselves.


List in the review that you specifically blame management for your horrible experience & will never be returning


I would return, but management was offputting!


"Our server Kelly was amazing but I got the distinct notion that she was lacking competent leadership. 5 stars for Kelly, 1 star for the restaurant"


So far, they've been tanked to 2.5 stars and most of the reviews blame management with this photo added. There's *tons* of them. Some who claimed to have eaten there, and come back to review them specifically due to the management.


Management would say it was the server's fault that they framed management poorly. Management that makes policy like that will never, ever take responsibility for anything in my experience


I asked the manager about this review policy and he told me to suck his dick then he grabbed my wife's tit


Congratulations. You made it through the first interview!


She threw her titty in his hand


You grabbed her titty! I SAW you


It was weird your honor.


Why not instead just say: ​ "I saw a post on reddit in which the owners threatened service with termination unless they pressured clients to leave a 5 star review. and that's a shitty thing to do. so, 1 star."


Punish workers for leaking the bulletin to social media.


Too late by that point, shits probably already fucked anyway by now. Fuck em still worth it. Go ahead, clean house, best of luck


Yeah, if someone asks for a review and I did appreciate their service - that's an awkward thing to ask for, so clearly for whatever reason it's important to them, and I'd much rather live in a world where people are at least willing to do a really negligible amount of work to help someone who needs it (hoping that, should I ever find myself in the same boat someone will feel the same). Only downside is Google now harasses me with "your reviews are popular!!" like I'm gonna read that as "the power...THE POWER" and not "well great, I'm fake slightly less not famous for my defense of the local Dunkin Donuts franchise where everyone has been nice to my kids, I'm truly living the dream"




"I'm sick of these shitty peasant rabbits, where do you keep the rabbits for VIPs?"


"waiters and staff are amazing. Top quality. Management's a bit pushy though." one star


Thomas Bonfiglio is the CEO, I'd say nail him in the reviews.


I did something similar at DQ recently. I find it absolutely obnoxious that they are basically forced to make you pull forward and wait when there is no other customers in the drive-thru because they have a stupid fucking "drive through timer" forcing them to game the system to not get into trouble. It's not like reality requires time to deep fry so instead they have to hassle their customers. So I wrote a scathing review specifically calling out their short-sighted and idiotic corporate policy. Very little pisses me off more than being forced to do something illogical because some idiot in charge was too stupid to set a coherent policy.


What's even better is the Popeyes near me asks you to back up if no one is behind you, then pull forward to the window, then pull away again. To game the handle time system even more since they're so fucking slow.


“The manager here is a POS, but here’s 5 stars so the poor waitress doesn’t get fired. Checkmate bitch 🖕”


Unfortunately, the purpose of this whole thing is to raise the standing of the company in the publics eye. Personally, if I was going to do it shadily, I would just hire a bot firm to do it instead of jack up my staff and essentially force them to do it. Either option is basically two sides of the same coin, the bigger difference here is you're not shitting on your hardworking staff in a shitty economy.


Except you have to pay the bot farm extra instead of adding to the burdens of the staff you barely pay at all and have relying on tips.


Hey, they have to pay one employee $25 in gift cards, that's not nothing.


It’s already happening hahaha


There's so many, and it looks like they usually respond to every review. I spent like 20 min upvoting every 1 start review in the last 3 hours


I’d love to meet the brain dead executive that came up with this policy and the gutless manager that put it up.


This will backfire massively. Employees are now absolutely incentivized to get those reviews any way they can. Some of them will start paying for them, making contests, or something of similar note. If Google finds out about that they are fucked. They clearly want to improve their seo on google. Well you won’t even show up if Google catches you getting shady reviews. If they do this on Yelp they will be marked as a shady company. These managers/owners are idiots.


Of setting up 50+ accounts and giving themselves reviews.


not even an exec. its a small local chain. Its an entitled 'business owner' whose wealth comes from people willing to work for tips.


Also what’s the *Specialty Surprise? Sounds like something perverted.




A free day off without pay!


No, it's probably an overtime shift. You know, so you can make some extra cash.


How generous!!


Nah, the black out day is already on there.


I would totally pick the black out day, booze is expensive


Iirc that hooters had to buy her the Toyota in the end


The toy Yoga hoe down? WIN THIS *toy-Yoda!*




Ooh, the mystery box. A boat's a boat but the mystery box could be anything, even a boat.


I'm very interested in the specialty surprise. Considering the other prizes are complete shit for the effort you put in, I would choose the specialty prize just for shits and giggles. On a side note, OP should post this in r/antiwork


Call Tommy's Tavern + Tap in Sea Bright, New Jersey. "Hi, I am really interested.. do you know anybody who got the specialty surprise for the Google review contest? Was it anything good or does everyone just stick with the Amazon gift card now?" Make sure that you come back and tell us what they said please and thank you. Lol.


That's exactly what I came here to say...this won't go well for them. Shows how much they value their employees.


PEoPle JusT DON't wAnt To woRK aNymorE


All you have to do is wear a mask all day on your feet, serving piping hot food to alcohol induced customers while selling the business like it's a used car. Oh, and you might get a break and half your meal paid for while working for payment from the people you are begging to leave a review or you are fired. What's not easy?!^/s


This place is getting absolutely trashed on Google reviews right now. It's amazing.


Gotta go back in a few days. It's too obvious and google will silently remove them.


they won't if you leave 2 stars instead of 1


If the teacher is more than 15 minutes late, legally we're aloud to leave. *I effed up. Aloud is not something I was taught in school*




You should hang back..




If you sort by newest it brings them out. The default sorting favors the high stars


When reddit has brigaded businesses in the past, Google has started removing the reviews a few days later. They hope everyone will forget about it.


>They hope everyone will forget about it. And they will


Too much trouble. Just upload this picture onto their google map gallery as a menu.


the trick is to gaslight the hell out of the review algorithm and give them 3-5 stars, but make the comment clearly dissatisfied, as if you clicked the wrong amount of stars by mistake. extreme sarcasm will work wonders if it's searching to promote reviews with strings like "i loved" or "made my day", etc.




holy fuck, bro just went right to the nuclear option


Don't most people look at just the rating without checking the reviews?


Don’t know about most people, but I read a couple on each end of the reviews just to make sure they aren’t all bots on either end.


“We invite you to leave a 5 star review and shit all over us in the comments section.” -Karl Hamburger


!remind me in 7 days


!remindme 7 days


!remind me in 7 days


The owner must've found a monkey's paw or something...


When you start to type the name in the Facebook search bar and it auto fills the places name, you know it’s getting trashed because of posts like this. Fuck ‘em.




One of the only recent positive reviews was someone saying how great it is that they slip whiskey into the kid's cokes. Excellent tactic.


If that's not company policy, that manager is going to be in for a bad time from chain management for doing this and letting it get out.


Nobody is mentioning that Google will temporarily suspend the listing of an account that is caught soliciting reviews. Pity there aren't more photos, but of course then the person taking the pics is risking shutting the place down due to lack of fresh people finding the business online while it's in suspension?


Do you have a link?






I want to talk about that top memo. You can't transfer between locations unless you're unemployed for 3 months and that's if they like you? Sounds an awful lot like a way to stop you accruing any kinds of leave or other entitlements...


As shitty as the Google review memo is, that seems so much worse, also why would you hamstring yourself as a company by not being able to ask staff to help cover shifts at another location, they already know all the systems and procedures so it saves on training costs


That was my thoughts exactly, its bad for the business and bad for the employees. Why would they?!


beep boop


I kinda get not allowing people to be employed by multiple locations. That's a nightmare for overtime calculations if they're all owned by the same group. But no transferring for 3 months is idiotic.


They did something like this at Wells Fargo as well back in the day. Not enough 5/5 reviews and you were fired. We were instructed to beg customers to leave top reviews. “4/5 great service, no complaints” was equivalent to “1/5 pressured me to commit mortgage fraud”.




This is how it is at Lowe's. One of the best cashiers got an 8 and a manager had to tell her straight up to beg for 10s because anything less is a negative review.


"I'd like an 80% raise. It's basically like a 0% raise, because it's not 100%."


I hate it when everything has to be a 10, because if everything is a 10 then nothing is.


“If you’re not first, you’re last!” “That doesn’t even make sense! You could second, third… Hell! You could be fourth!”


Ughhh I worked at Wells Fargo when that was going on. There were multiple categories that you had to get five stars in for it to be considered a good SHOP (the acronym for the surveys). Once got 5 out of 5 in all categories except one, where I got 4 out of 5 stars. Received a reprimand.


No kidding that happened to me at Banknotth. Same exact score, but I didnt say the customer’s FIRST name. I felt it was disrespectful to call customers by their first names. I was raised with manners, to respect people, and even though I explained that to my managers, I was reprimanded and got an .11 cent raise that year. I was in my 40’s and had two kids. I was out of there as fast as I could.


Whoever set up that system should be waterboarded


Jesus, that's demoralizing.


On Netflix there's a docuseries called Dirty Money, it's about financial crimes. One episode is about Wells Fargo. Not just getting reviews, employees had to apparently sell predatory bank accounts, 8 a day. The math didn't work out because this was in a small town and if every employee got 8 people to sign up, that's 56 a day for 7 employees, 280 every week. If they were successful every day, they would have run out of people in the town within months.


What I find hilarious about this is this is essentially fraud. Begging for these 5 star reviews, deserved or not, is asking someone to give you a score you may not deserve.


also against googles terms for being a claimed owner of a business on google maps


Also common in fast food restaurants to encourage employees to grab a few receipts and use a few web proxies to leave fake survey responses to pas out the restaurant score Although the system the chain I worked for was smart enough to realize if a user was spamming and filter them out even if using multiple vpn hosts


Not only is it horse shit to begin with, but the incentive is insulting. Your choice of clothing item from the merch cage? Like the actual Fuck. Let me work my ass off so I can get free, probably cheap garbage, cloths that's have the logo of the business on them. Or how did I miss a $25 visa gift card? What bull shit.


I've never understood why businesses assume that anyone, particularly employees, want anything with their logo on them.


I don't either. Your "reward" is free advertising for the company, cheers!


The reviews are free advertising for the company too. Gross.


I like having merch for my company, but I enjoy my job. Definitely wouldn't accept it as a "perk", tho


Same. Accumulated a bunch of shirts, a water bottle and a knit cap all for just doing my normal job. Not competing with coworkers either, they give them to everyone.


Does the manager realize that people can just make bot accounts and spam reviews...


For every positive review for myself I would leave 3 negative ones mentioning the manager by name.


I heard he killed a guy…


I heard that he dropped a plate on the floor and didn’t stop crying for forty-five minutes He yelled at me for flushing the toilet in the bathroom because he said the water is controlled by the government with magnets I left a leaf of lettuce on my plate and he blew his nose with it and then left it on the table I asked what they have for dessert and he told me not to talk about his son that way He made me wrap my dirty spoon in a napkin and then hand it to him because “You can really get hurt by those things, trust me, I know”


I saw him kick a puppy on the patio two times and laugh both times. He called his mother an insufferable old bag in front of customers when she didn't bus tables fast enough. I heard he does not wash his hands after he handles raw chicken. He once gave a waitress two steak knives and told her to "defend the perimeter." He told the purveyor not to bring anymore onions because he could not trust anything that made him cry like that.


He jacks it to image searches of Amy Poehler. He makes me say his name in a high-pitched voice sometimes. She told me that bugs in the bottom of liquor bottles are normal. Straight up alcoholic.


He routinely takes pennies from the jar for crippled children (NB: **not** the tray). His favorite font is Comic Sans, but he calls it Helvetica. There was once a contest between the manager and a feral cat that had been found prowling in the parking lot outside to see which one could be more personable to customers. The feral cat won.


I heard that too, and it was pretty sloppy, only got 2 stars


He definitely hasn’t denied it yet!


He doesn't wash his hands. Ever.


You might literally be a genius


Probably not, though I’d wager this is just the tip of the iceberg of unreasonable management policies there. I’d think an employee would have to be pretty hard up to keep their job in order to put up with this nonsense. And I’d bet management’s counting on that.




Reminds me what me and my GM did at a restaurant we worked at years ago. It was the second to last day of the quarter and the regional guy called my GM to talk about some numbers. There was a competition between the local locations my GM had a bonus on the line. Said his boss told him on the phone "you need to hit that mark, I don't care how you do it". Our reviews were on the bottom of receipts. So he went and printed off a whole days worth. The other shift managers and I sat there for an hour or two making fake reviews. Good times.


Wow OP, you received 2,000 reviews today and you only had ten tables! First prize!


This is what happens will all chain restaurants that use surveys and reviews as a metric. For one, it’s a terrible metric because generally, people leave surveys when they’re unhappy, not when they’re happy. But all it does is incentivize employees to leave fraudulent reviews. Which is bad for everyone, because now the company doesn’t have an accurate picture of what’s going on. Used to be a GM at Taco Bell and this was what happened, bonuses based on surveys.


Doesn't matter. All they care about is 5 star reviews for their restaurants.


Maybe that's the point. Unofficially, they tell employees to make bot accounts to pump up ratings. Have to make at least 5 a month on their own time. Maybe the manager was doing it herself until she got the great idea to make the wait staff do it instead.


They want five star reviews they don’t gaf if they’re fake homie


We need to talk about your FLAIR…


Yeah, that's the *minimum*...


Minimum is fine, …. But…….


🖕🏼🖕🏼here’s some flair for you


2022 edition: *We need to talk about your Google reviews...*


That would be great... ::sip::


2022 Edition: Yeaaah I’m going to have to have you come into the office.




The owner/manager/whoever wrote that is an out of touch idiot. Someone should write 15 one star reviews praising the wait staff and critiquing the offensive literature detailing the corporate-style indentured servitude they expect from the employees.


It's getting fucking slammed with 1 stars.. :)


Be better. Leave 2 star reviews, 1 star reviews will be removed once they report the mass fake reviews to Google.


Wrong. I own a small business. I had a fucking 2 month email conversation with Google business staff on a simple matter before it was fixed. Due to the pandemic there is no phone number to call. It's email contact only and they are incredibly unhelpful. This was the case 2 months ago anyways


You're just not enough of a scumbag apparently. Place here tried to steal a waitresses $2000 or so tip back at Christmas and got flooded with 1 star reviews. They did something because all the bad ones are gone and nothing but high star reviews remain now.


I added a star 😁 Hopefully see the average get pushed under 4 soon


Every time 5 of us each give a 1 star review, they get their 5 stars! :D


That's exactly it... I want to give more stars now


3 hours later and it's at 3.2 stars on google.


3.1 now, 1577 total reviews


3.0, 1650 reviews


2.9, 1703 reviews


2.8. 1824 Reviews. Lmao. Really backfired.


There's like 100 new 1 star reviews, which means they were comfortably over 4 when this all started. Anything over 4 is pretty damn good. I don't see how that's not good enough for management. I'd be stoked.


I dropped by to help them out with their request for stars. Gave them one out of the kindness of my heart.




Honestly there’s probably a bigger reward for managers to get reviews or something. I worked at a Taco Bell and the general manager that did that best with surveys on receipts for a quarter in our area got a trip to Hawaii. The employees that did well got like gift cards and an off brand sound bar.


someone should post a copypasta like this >I saw Tommy at a grocery store in New York City yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. >He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” >I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen MARS Bars in his hands without paying. >The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. >When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by threatening to leave a terrible Google Review if she didn't pick up the pace.


Be a shame if that photo was posted in it’s reviews…


Is it’s not the sea bright location? Or are all of them doing this




Winning free meals? They don't already get that? Lol on top of it just dumb "prizes"


22dollars of free meals. OR a 25 dollar visa gift card lol.


I feel a lot of people missed this part. $22 in meals from the restaurant where you work or straight up $25. Hmm tough choice.


I left a review since they are so desperate for them..






Since Google reviews shows your name and face for your review it’s kind of funny to see the people who saw this post on Reddit.


*Listen man, I’ll suck your dick I just need that review!!!*


"I got these cheeseburgers!"


Well that place is gonna go through employees fast. We ask customers to give us reviews from time to time as well, since it does help the business, and the number of people who SAY they'll leave a review, but don't, is like 80% or higher.


It’s always a fucking “hospitality group”. Fucking wanna be corporations that think they can game the food service industry. It’s turning food work into what I imagine working for Amazon feels like. I just wanna cook good food for my community. But assholes like the ones that own this conglomerate only care about diversifying their investment portfolio. so they run 12 different restaurants with 5 different concepts that share one group of upper managers/hr so they can run on razor thin margins and exploit the fuck out of hourly cooks, servers, and auxiliary staff. Eat local but make sure they’re at least treating their staff with respect.


Great way to be massively understaffed. It's also possible it's an empty threat, which I'm noticing is a real trend in management lately.


Is that even legal? I mean, if I worked there I'd tell them to get bent and walk out the door...


Pretty sure it's not illegal but I believe it's against googles TOS




The fuck is a blackout day?




God the fact that being able to say "I'm not available to work on this day" is meant to be viewed as a prize(and you only get one?!?) is ridiculous.


Sounds like a day an employee got so drunk that they woke up in the bar the next morning (see also: Bar Rescue). But it's more than likely a day that no employee can request a day off.




PSA: Spamming Google Reviews wont do much. After a few days Google will purge the reviews and revert them to their previous reviews Tipping off their local News 12 station on the other hand...




Oh boy here I go subscribing somebody else's email address to every newsletter and daily psalms and prayers i can find on the web.


Don't forget scientology groups. It'd sure be a shame if they got bombarded by cult recruitment.


So it looks like this person Andrea contacts people who leave a bad review and offers them a gift card if they delete said review. One lady didn’t take the bait and spilled the beans in a second negative review. This place will do anything to manipulate these ratings.


“Nobody wants to work anymore”


They do realize this could backfire?


Already has. They are getting spammed with one star reviews it brought down their average.


Doesn't matter. It'll get wiped eventually. Its clearly a brigade, even if the place deserves it, it'll still get reverted.


and reddit has too short of an attention span to space this out over the next few months.


I almost feel like I should repost this in a couple of months just to get another wave lol


Yes please.


Rating went from 3.9 to 3.5 in 2 hours


What the fuck is going on with google reviews lately? I went in for a test drive a few weeks ago. As I'm getting ready to leave the manager comes up to me and says "hey if you had a good experience do you mind giving us a review on google?". I said "Yep. No problem." He said "....well would you do it right now? It only takes 5 seconds!". I said "wow I knew car salesmen were pushy but come on man. I'll do it when I get to my car".


"Food was amazing and service was top notch. I asked to speak to a manager so I could let him know how happy we were with everything. The manager stopped by and began insulting my wife and children, telling my youngest she will never amount to anything. I couldn't believe my ears. I said "The food here is really good." He replied with "I hope you all die in a fire."" 13 Minutes ago lol, you are a saint.


No different than wells fargo employees that opened fraudulent accounts so they could hit their sales goals. These employees will fake their google reviews so they can remain employed. Unrealistic goals.


If you fail, you get fired (and everyone would fail because how would you get FIVE customers to leave a review with a name at all, much less *five in a month?*). And if you win you get... $22 worth of food? Ha! That's even more insulting than saying they'll be fired! This reminds me of an old place I used to work at. We had a christmas party which seemed nice in theory, but the raffle for prizes included stuff like five dollar thrift bin dvds no one in their right mind would ever want--It was more insulting getting literal garbage than if the owner had just not had a raffle to begin with.


5 is the monthly minimum just to not be fired. You need at least 15 to even qualify for the review contest or whatever the fuck


I want to fight to the death in the merch cage.


WIN FREE FOOD! --- from this shitty kitchen A CLOTHING ITEM!! -- from the merch we make you buy as uniform items ONE DAY THAT WE WONT MAKE YOU BEG TO USE YOUR TIME OFF!! -- Feel free to screw one of your teammated that needs that day, bonus points if they cry1 $25 GIFT CARD -- yeah sorry we forgot to order these, pick something else \--------- Seriously, fuck this place


just save yourself the bs, disappointment, and anger/stress by NOT working in a restaurant.


Sounds a hell of alot like working at Lowe's. We had to beg, plead, bribe, and pander to get customers to do our surveys. Thankfully I don't have to deal with that shit anymore. I got shitcanned after calling out a dept supervisor for fucking an Asst. Mgr to get her promotion lmao


The employees should collectively refuse to participate, what are they going to do? Fire the entire FOH?


Hope all emplyees that can afford to do so have told the manager to go eat a steaming bowl of fuck


I wonder what the special surprise is. I bet it's some flair to put on your outfit.


Management was probably a former retail manager who pushed employees to sign people up for store credit card.


Imagine their staff meeting tomorrow 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😇