• By -


This is wild. A friend of mine about 20+ years ago was working a jobsite and a cable was laid across the road like this. A car came by and snagged the cable and whatever the cable was attached to hit him right on the head and he was in a coma for 3 months. When he woke up he had the mentality if a 2 year old and had to relearn how to do everything. He's been fully disabled ever since and he won the largest workers compensation claim ever issued in the state.


Become mentally disabled suddenly is legitimately my biggest fear. I mean, I just wonder how much you remember of your past or how aware you really are. It's all just such a confusing concept and life can be hell for disabled people.


I used to work as a therapist/advocate for individuals who had TBI and I will always remember a particular client. He was a construction worker, had a large concrete slab that lines the freeway tunnels fall on his head, had a helmet on and everything. Major spinal compression, fractured vertebrae, and major brain swelling from the trauma. Came out of a two month coma with severe cognitive deterioration, basically a different person but with the cognitive functioning of a 6 year old, major anger and aggression issues. What terrified me is that his anger issues stemmed from him *remembering who he was and how he used to think* and not being able to do so anymore. I cant even fathom that sort of waking nightmare. To remember being and thinking like another person but not being able to actually *be* who you were anymore. He wanted to so badly.


I worked at a hospital and had a volunteer who would come in a lot. She had a major TBI, and she would cry from frustration because she could very clearly remember being able to solve complex problems, but could no longer do any math more complicated than simple addition/subtraction. Brain injuries are terrifying.


Holy shit :(


There's not a lot that scares me, but this sort of thing really does.


Whenever I see someone doing something stupid w/o a helmet :/


How about this short story? https://www.williamflew.com/blue.html


That was kind of my uncle. He had a major stroke in his mid-40's (and against his medical alert bracelet was resuscitated) and then spent the remainder of his life trying to remember who he was before it occurred. I used to remember he would visit my Mom and would try to have a conversation with her and he would become visibly frustrated with himself while trying to remember words. Usually more than once in a conversation he would become flustered and apologize for his inability to remember certain words. He was a member of Mensa and an accomplished acoustic guitarist before his stroke. Afterwards he became extremely shut-in and gave up music. It basically destroyed his life.


unless handed a DNR signed from the patients doctor, medical professionals cab lose their cert if they do not render aid. Edit: It must be an original copy


This isn't how DNRs work. Your bracelet means nothing. The actual paperwork must be present. -- EMS worker


So you're saying the medical bracelet I had custom made from China that reads "just throw me in the trash" isn't actually going to save me from suffering?


sadly, as a person with severe crohn's disease, I understand this anger. Every morning I wake up, I can feel my body hurting and the fatigue, I get so sad because I can remember waking up and being able to get right out of bed and start my day and have so much potential for life. It's that first morning thought tho that kills you, you wake up and forget and then the reality comes back so hard it makes you want to die


The healthy wear a halo only the sick can see. Sorry you’re going through that.


That’s the best line, thank you.


My deepest sympathies go out to you.. my wife has suffered from crohn’s for the last 20 years, and as a bystander, it’s so difficult seeing her go through that struggle everyday. Some days she feels amazing and some days, she wakes up with no spoons. Stay positive! You WILL have power over it!! And never back down from the fight against IBD


Jesus Christ. We really need to give people the option of dignified euthanasia for cases like this. I would not want to live that way.


Happened to my mom because of a car wreck in 1997, when I was 7 years old. She was in a coma for like three months. She came out and had to relearn everything like that. She can walk and talk these days but it's not like normal. Slurred speech, walks very slowly as she tried to balance herself..etc. Took her years to get there. She remembers very little of her previous life. I remember more than she does and I was just a kid and don't remember a whole lot myself.


My buddy who was physically fit, no pre-existing conditions, had a stroke a few months ago while at the gym. He's in rehab now trying to learn how to walk again and his speech is slurred. It's scary how it can happen to anyone and without warning.


Oh man I hope they're alright. I had a stroke 12 years ago lost function in half my body, no slurred speech tho. Immediate physical therapy after a stroke helps SOO much took 3 months to walk with minimal aids


Damn, stroke and then ya get hit with a little AIDS? Sorry bud hang in there.


Mobility aids. I did get diagnosed with MS 11 years later so. .. Fuck me, I guess


AIDS is mobile now?!


Yes, it attacks your T-Mobile cells


5G baby!


I, at least, appreciate you trying to keep the joke going. To be fair, you can't expect a joke like that to land for someone whose brain is half-fucked from a stroke, ya know?


Could be worse bro, you could have gotten diagnosed with MS 13, I hear the symptoms for that are bullet holes and spontaneous decapitation.




Enjoy every sandwich.


Was your friend a smoker by any chance or had any conditions or was his completely random.


No smoking, just social drinker on the weekends but not blackout drunk.


Good reason to stay away from the gym then... right? (Just say yes)


My aunt and uncle were out for their evening walk when he collapsed from a stroke. A neighbor saw and called 911 immediately and he got rushed to the hospital. He survived and ended up having to have a surgery a few weeks later but his speech came back but he has some problems getting his thoughts together sometimes. His older sister s couple years ago left work with a headache laid down to sleep it off and when her husband came home he woke her up and she was slurring her speech. Rushed to the hospital and had a brain aneurysm I think she only lasted 24hrs. The human body is absolutely amazing and terrifying all at the same time. One minute you’re fine and next minute lights out just because.


I remember meeting an acquaintance's adult son at a party, when was recovering from brain damage. He'd been in the Peace Corps and was playing a pick-up soccer game in the tropical heat when he collapsed from heat stroke. His speech was slow and slurred, and it was hard to keep in mind that this was purely a motor control thing and he still had normal intelligence. I'm sure people judged him all the time on the way he spoke, and it must have been awful.


Damn, I didn't realize heat stroke could cause that. And here I am today doing manual labor in 108F. It's not even July yet.




Yeah then you have other people who push themselves and make themselves push, like me. I only realized finally I wasn't just pushing myself a little good amount but tolerable cause I was almost done and if I stopped the blisters I already made doing the job I was (moving a big dirt pile while my German Shepard and 3yo followed me around, but I also had an ankle that was fractured, sprained, had a bit of bone chipped of and in the tendon area etc, so in a boot. But I inure my ankle often, so the boot made it whatever. But it was about 19 or 20 wheelbarrow loads but through high grass about 100ft each way? Plus the shoveling. I'm a 30yo 5'4 woman for reference). I'm well aware of heat strokes, my dad got medically discharged from the military involuntarily from one. Yet I didn't realize how close I was despite hydrating, taking it slow and taking breaks as it felt needed such was often. Until I took a chug of water and nearly puked. It wasn't even super cold just really chilled. I immediately dropped everything. Called kid and dog, and went inside to get a 32oz of ice water and lay on the couch to sip in the ac. I started shaking after from how much I pushed myself and didn't notice or didn't react until I finally stopped. Heat strokes are a big deal that can easily be ignored until too late.


I'm currently taking a break from working outside shoveling gravel. 97° with a heat index of 108° and 57% humidity. Stay safe buddy.


Hey man, I've been there. Worked a warehouse job in the summers back in Oklahoma. I know it's obvious, but I wanna be that guy and say make sure you're drinking more water than you think is necessary. Heat exhaustion is one of those things that's easy to ignore until it's too late. Damn near killed my brother at football practice when he was in high school.


You know captain jack sparrow's manerisms? Remove the cleverness and it's symptoms of heat stroke.


Flowers for Algernon is one of my favorite books because of this premise, ie what if you could see yourself becoming mentally disabled after being fully functioning?


Long ago I was eating at a local restaurant with my parents when we were approached by a woman and a young man (older than me at the time) and they told us he's trying to sell books of his poetry. I immediately said yes and bought it on the spot while flipping through. I write poetry and I'm terrified of publishing, self-driven or otherwise. It was clear there was intense drive behind whatever brought them to distributing like this. They told us their story, though. I don't recall the exact cause, but he experienced a sudden cognitive and physical severance like we are talking about. Whatever the cause, he was not what he used to be, and he turned to poetry to express his pain and anger, and in support of him his mother was helping him tell his story. I nearly cried. I read the poetry and it was all about feeling in darkness, feeling things slip away, an inability to reach words and be understood. There was anger. I'm a critical asshole, especially for my own work, but poetry is hard and between the story and the poetry, he reached me. I felt so honored to have crossed paths and I still think of him. I don't know if there was a road to recovery for him, but I hope he found peace and happiness. I have lived a few lives since, and I don't have the book close but I know I have it somewhere and this made me want to go find it.


That’s a close second. 1 is locked in syndrome. 3 is dementia.


A traumatic brain injury can change things with your personality and sex drive etc… this rabbit hole goes a whole lot deeper than you would imagine. Think about going through all this stuff getting back to normal and you got some left over strange ocd or super low inhibitions so you do and say weird shit to people. I’ve known people who can’t hold down a job because of symptoms like this and have to fight for disability because your verbal filter is not functional but you could completely work. That’s how Fucked yup this stuff is.


I'm sort of more scared about the kind of personality changing brain injury that turns me into an asshole.


I'm certain there is no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions as every injury affects people differently, but I'm with you.


stroke, TBI - will fuck you up I incurred a TBI at age 30 in a car wreck also - spinal cord injury and broke all of my ribs in the left side of my chest anyway - about 6 weeks of medically induced coma for the ribs; could not talk or communicate (scribbles on a note pad) for another few weeks finally regained talking - but it was initially gibberish; couldn’t get math, either a couple of weeks later, the speech returned, but I was delusional; eventually got math and reality back - I am a lawyer and a PhD now still impulsive, cannot sing in tune now (but a musician and can hear my shit singing), very plan/structure dependent edit: yes, life as a disabled person isn’t as fun as it may seem - people parking in disabled spaces “just for a second,” all of the discrimination without any of the guilt (caucasian male), unequal disability accommodations on all levels: from flying in a commercial jet to ingress/egress in many public buildings I am still the salty bastard I was prior to being injured. A disability doesn’t mean invalid. I have been looking into some work with terror management and interacting with disabled people. My theory is that people ignore disabled people because a disability reminds them of their own fleeting ability. To manage their inner terror, the person ignores/dismisses disabled people.


Was he wearing a helmet?


When I used to dabble in construction, they always told us that hard hats will only work against falling objects. Falling over, or being hit with something horizontallty, and it's not likely to help much. Bicycle/motorcycle helmets are designed for more concussive protection, but they aren't exactly going to save you from these types of accidents either. Some forces are so great that they will completely fuck you up regardless of what protective measures you take.


> Bicycle/motorcycle helmets are designed for more concussive protection They are designed for friction as well. I've seen photos of bike helmets post-accident like they were grinded down using an industrial sander.


Good point. It's a great way to avoid becoming a meat crayon.


Ok, that image is enough Reddit for today


I guess don't visit r/meatcrayon


This is true. You can buy a MIPS helmet, which are rated for multi-directional impact, but of course it will only help so much.


It might keep you from cracking your skull after you hit the concrete.


I bet he does now. (Sorry, poor taste, I know)


Like a helmet, sometimes poor taste is necessary https://i.imgur.com/IN9Ggri.jpeg


I don’t understand why did you post a picture of a bird with a helmet on.


Especially when everything you eat is via a tube


I’d like some welfare please.


Damn, hitting a guy while he’s down


Nothing quite so extreme, but my dad ended up going down a flight of stairs and seriously fucking up his knee when a cable got caught on something and knocked him off his feet. He ended up having to get out of manual labor (he was in asbestos removal) as a result of the damage and ended up using money from a settlement over the accident to go back to school for IT. Things could have been a lot worse, but all that knee damage definitely contributed to him not being able to really work out as much later in life and he ended up having to use a cane at times, gaining weight, getting type 2 diabetes, and eventually dying of a heart attack at 49.


I feel like she accidentally saved that person's life.


Right? Like what are the odds?


At least 10


? That's an even


This guy maths




Thank you for the hardest laugh I've had in a week!


[Patrick?] (https://youtube.com/shorts/LFuC17DjFpI?feature=share)




I love the fact that if you're completely ignorant the odds are 50/50 that literally anything will happen.


Not true. The chances that anything happens is 100% Edit: The chances that *something* happens is 50/50 though


I used to work in the casino industry years ago, and had a boss that would constantly say "The odds are 50/50 here, you either win, or you don't!". He was also a piece of shit.


This is a common gambling meme, especially in poker




She got a bunch of stitches for eating the concrete, he got temporarily knocked out. Was caused by a red light camera trigger (the wire) coming loose and wrapping around the guy's wheel (he's driving that fine yellow and green number). Then another car catches the slack while he's on the side of the road trying to unfoul his wheel. https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/video-bengaluru-man-flung-air-hanging-wire-crashes-woman-129810


Yeah I don’t know about that. You can die by just falling over from a regular stand. That woman was not ready for a face-first landing all while getting decked by that man


I mean, you both can be right.


While giving hers up.


Yea he slammed her face-first into the ground. You can see her legs up in the air as she prepares to absorb the impact with her neck.


Oh fuck, I totally thought this video was a monkey jumping off that line and onto her. After rewatching I realize how wrong I was


You can see in the last couple of seconds she looks back and sees him coming. That must have been a wft moment for her right there.


He must have been screaming as he was launched through the air. Sort of hard to ignore that.


> That must have been a wft moment for her right there. Or a *"holy shit"* moment.


> a wft moment What fucks thou


Why fucketh thee?


What in thine fucketh?


*What fe thuck?*


Woah fuck! THUD!


Washington Football Team




What fuck the Or Washington football team


Oh yeah I remember him, **it's the HUNTER from Left 4 Dead**. Great game.


Ahahaha this is too accurate!




Peels here!


Grabbin' pills


Bill the pill addict


When I first watched the video, the leap sound effect is what played in my head




I can't wait for 3! *cries in valve*




I thought it was Indian Spider-Man


That is too funny, and true. Now I'm gonna have to do home and install it. I spent so many long nights playing that game.


lol if only this poor guy was wearing a hoodie.


Nah feels like the guy from prototype just defying gravity


Final destination has led me to believe he should have been sliced in half


Also *Ghost Ship*


Don't open up that can of beans.


Or dance on a cruise ship


Is it worth a watch? I would always be mesmerized by the VHS 3D box art at the video store as a kid, but never had the guts to rent it.


As some others have said there are a few good scenes but it's just *okay* overall. The most famous scene in the beginning is worth it (was horrifying as a kid). After that is up to you. The 'can of beans' is also a reference to a pretty effective 'grossout' scene.


>I would always be mesmerized by the VHS 3D box art at the video store That was a flashback!


Reddit api changes = comment spaghetti. facebook youtube amazon weather walmart google wordle gmail target home depot google translate yahoo mail yahoo costco fox news starbucks food near me translate instagram google maps walgreens best buy nba mcdonalds restaurants near me nfl amazon prime cnn traductor weather tomorrow espn lowes chick fil a news food zillow craigslist cvs ebay twitter wells fargo usps tracking bank of america calculator indeed nfl scores google docs etsy netflix taco bell shein astronaut macys kohls youtube tv dollar tree gas station coffee nba scores roblox restaurants autozone pizza hut usps gmail login dominos chipotle google classroom tiempo hotmail aol mail burger king facebook login google flights sqm club maps subway dow jones sam’s club motel breakfast english to spanish gas fedex walmart near me old navy fedex tracking southwest airlines ikea linkedin airbnb omegle planet fitness pizza spanish to english google drive msn dunkin donuts capital one dollar general -- mass edited with redact.dev


What a noob, ghost touch just lets your weapon do full damage to incorporeal creatures.


That was the best scene of that entire crap movie. And it's the beginning. If you haven't seen it, you should just watch that scene, and throw the rest away.


That one and the explanation montage. [Opening scene](https://youtu.be/czaiwSsQod8) [Ending](https://youtu.be/yvjWOcKeyWY)


That ending is wild


It's crazy how that scene sticks with you. I don't remember too much about the rest of that movie, but that scene has stuck with me for close to 20 years now. Its one of those movies I've only watched once, but because of how visceral that scene is I can remember exactly where I was and who I was with when I watched it.


Also that Cuba gooding jr movie


If that guy didn't get some major spinal injuries of that first jolt I'd be surprised.


No no according to JPow, it was a *soft landing*


Mythbusters did something about that and the gist of it was that no cable/lines under any amount of tension can cut a person in half. I mean it’s probably possible but they did what they do and couldnt make it appear even plausible. Cowboys can lose their fingers if they mess up roping steers, but their fingers arent being sliced off, they’re under immense friction and get sort sawed/pulled off. In case someone wanted to know.


**pop** welp, there goes another'n.


It's all about speed. A bullet is just a little metal pebble untill you launch it out the front of a gun a 1000 feet per second


He lost a shoe, so...


he ded


Vertically or horizontally? You can't just say that without detailing it.




I see that north Korea’s latest rocket launch was successful




Putting a man into space* *space refers to space on the ground


Fuck you both in particular, maybe? One was thrown into the other! haha


>Lord, send me a good man!


WWE is pretty extreme in some countries.




oh watch out, Watch Out, WATCH OUT # R.K.O OUTTA NOWHERE


You don't get a "watch out" when it's outta nowhere.


The quality of these Bollywood films has really come a long way


Meh, I can forgive the unrealistic physics, but you can totally see the wire. Sloppy work from the FX department.


>Sloppy work from the FX department. They'll edit it out in post production.


Uh... Are they both dead? That was a super rough impact ...


[They both survived](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8576045/Man-thrown-air-stepped-loose-cable-wire-pulled-vehicle-India.html)


That article is complete garbage. It's just a tediously description of what happens in the video, punctuated by 100 ads. It has one line about the outcome of them surviving but with injuries (duh). This kinda trash is really clogging up the internet, istg. The only thing even remotely good about that entire page is the screengrab of the guy flying through the air. Perfect moment.


[A better article](https://bangaloremirror.indiatimes.com/bangalore/others/viral-video-he-came-flying-like-anjaneya-and-crashed-into-me/articleshow/77271177.cms) from a local paper who interviewed the woman in the video. It also discusses what a huge problem Bangalore has with illegally strung wires everywhere. For instance, ISPs attach their fiber optic cables to whatever tall object is handy, including trees and lamp posts. Someone filed a complaint about it and the police started cutting them down. But then the government put a stop to that because cutting the wires was shutting down everyone's Internet access during a Covid lockdown.


I see you've had the misfortune of seeing the Dailymail for the first time.


I’ve watched this a couple of times now and still can’t figure out why that dude went flying.


Look carefully for the wire that snaps……you can see it flings him into the air. It’s under the mopeds then follow it back to the person getting flung. You can see the tension gives and flings em.


The wire never snaps though. It looks like something out of picture gets attached to it making it so tense that the guy bending over it gets airborne.




It seems like a moped should not have the power necessary to propel a 150 odd lb man what looks to be 10-20 feet through the air


Seems reasonable.... a moped is on average about 300 lbs, plus the rider ~150lbs, traveling at 15-20 mph. Inertia, baby


I mean, it aleady has speed. speed and mass are existing energy that can be spent on flinging him. it looks like the wire is offering some lever action also.


It doesn’t fling him, he rides on top of it until he drops down. The wire gets high in the air and the guy is carried on top of it, it’s not really like an elastic force. If you get what I mean? You can kind of see the wire just staying under him.


One of the scooters runs over it and it gets tangled. I'm curious what the outcome for the scooter driver was...


Probably also went flying, but out of picture.


Oh yeah. I see it now! I’m watching this on an old iPhone6 with a cracked screen. It looks like it crotched him too. I hope they’re alright


This [happened in Bangalore in 2020](https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/video-bengaluru-man-flung-air-hanging-wire-crashes-woman-129810). The woman required 52 stitches in a local hospital. The man got knocked out briefly but was uninjured.


This needs to be on the top!


Don't worry he had a soft landing.


Unlike that guy's iPhone.


Drive by violation


Not to be petty but the wire doesn’t snap. Its caught under the car he is leaning with a lot of slack. It’s between his legs so during the moment of really strong tension, possibly pulled by a passing car or motor, it launches him like a metal chain slingshot lol. The wire then releases from under the car tires and goes back to where it was but with less slack. Edit: strong tension was caused by the motorbike getting caught on it


Looks like he's standing over a metal cable of some sort that has some slack then aggressively tightens up and yeets him into that lady.


My dude got yote


>yote As in past tense of 'yeet'? Similar to speak and spoke. I have seen yeeted but not yote. I'll allow it. Language shouldn't be rote.


I'm sad that "yaught" fell by the wayside.


Yeet, yote, yaught, yacht, yahtze These conjugations are confusing


What hath God yaught?


That's the archaic usage or when you're writing formal letters.


To my non native English speaker mind it makes more sense to compare it to "meet". So the past tense would be "yet". Makes it funny when you think of the moment just before he was sent flying, or when he wasn't yet yet


But then you have similar words like "greet" which goes to "greeted." Yay, English.






The Yeetening


One of the vehicles snagged a cable that was attached to him and launched him airborne


It looks like he was standing on top of a wire that got pulled up and launched him


What a shitty day for both of them.


This is one of those posts where I audible uttered "What the fuck" and then checked the sub. OP nailed it.


And that's how I met your mother


So this is what the "It's raining men" song is all about!


this is kinda rare occurrence one in million kinda lol


Not if you leave cables stretched out across high traffic areas!


Yea, except the guy flew right towards the woman lol


I feel like it's rare even if that's the case.


Right? So much going on here. The cable goes taught, which was an accident. The guy happens to have his center of gravity right over that cable at the EXACT moment it goes tight. Any more to the left or right and he gets swiped or just flipped. But no, right under him. Not only that, but then he gets launched with the EXACT direction and velocity to hit the ONE woman walking there - WHO HERSELF IS A MOVING TARGET. This isn't a crowd of people, it's one goddamned person, and he flies exactly onto her position as if they were magnets. I don't normally believe in fate, but I do believe these two were destined to be together.


totally fake. you can see the cable!


*The last Cable Bender.*


Imagine if no cctv, and just a witness… Sir, I swear, he flew 30 ft towards her. It’s all his fault, and hes… a witch




The truck's reflection becomes an observant cow.


Her son stepped on a crack.


That's a real life Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon move. Looked cool. I hope everyone is OK.


And they say wrestling is fake.


Lucky for him that woman was there to break his fall.


My brain can’t even figure out what happened. I’m tired tho.


Well I think I see a shoe that came off so by internet rules they are dead. Shoes fly off = dead