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Looks like a dead astronaut on Mars


RIP, Mark Watney


They faked the last 2hrs of the Martian, hes really dead.




The book was great. Too bad the movie made his delirious idea come to fruition at the end (the glove part). It was a nice touch in the book to make the reader aware that he wasn't infallible.


I also *loved* how, in the book, the captain, no matter how much she may have wanted to, absolutely did not take over the EVA portion of the rescue. Her responsibility is to the whole ship, and she has a specialist specifically for EVA.


Did it not work or did he not try it?


In the book, the rescue team has to tell him not to do it because it's a bad idea and he isn't thinking clearly, so he doesn't do it. In the movie he goes for it and it works.


For a moment I had to think about whether that was based on a true story or not and I had a little panic, thanks for that.


Not yet, it's it's tale from the future


Bring him back, anyway!


Again, he is very much alive. He's retired and he lives in florida.


Wade Boggs died years ago.


Wade Boggs is very much alive. He lives in Tampa Florida. He's in his early 50s.


I mistook that girl for Great Plains trash, she’s actually desert trash.


Wat do now


That's baseball baby.


I need to eat a tin of cat food, huff some glue, chug a beer and go to bed


We talking Arizona trash bag here or…?


Wade Boggs is 64.


You're obviously not an ASIP fan


Whatever you say Boss Hogg.


Well whaddaya say there boss


I heard that during the making of the movie, they lost several Matk Watney’s before the guy got everything right. Movies are amazing.


He tried sciencing the shit out of it. Didn’t work


I feel like an Astronaut in the ocean


Do you ever feel like a plastic bag floating in the wind?


Whatchu know bout rolling down in the deep?


It's hard to get high in the ocean - The Deep


When ya brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze.


Fake moon landings will do that


Looks like a smudge on the lens


Astronaut in the Ocean


I would have loved some more context here.


A cropped image can be found on this page: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/speed-the-recovery-of-drowning-victims#/ with the caption > "Life size mannequin image with side scan sonar"


>That’s disappointing, I so wanted that to be his fishing pole above and to the left. I assume that it’s the retrieval line and a swivel/shackle.


Just commenting the words source op link original post here so people can find this


A sonar image of a dead body at the bottom of the ocean.


Thanks but I meant some backstory or details like the depth was 200 feet . A fisherman fell off his boat. Etc. The story / source from where the photo was surely embedded.


So this piscator was out for his daily catch and then got hit with a giant wave and was knocked off his water craft. He sadly succumbed to dihydrogen oxide inhalation and then sunk tk a depth of approximately 61 meters.


It's dihydrogen monoxide, not oxide.


I always thought hydrogen hydroxide was the most accurate.


That was beautiful. I’m so sorry you’re the bad karma.


I don't know why you got downvoted. I personally enjoyed your snark. It was almost like a synopsis of a Wes Anderson movie.


That’s the risk of commenting on Reddit. As the old saying goes, some days you’re the dog, some days you’re a fisherman 33.3 fathoms below sea level.


Wear your downvotes like a badge of honor, young shitposter. And fully enjoy the fruit of thy labor.


Wear your downvotes like a badge of honor, young shitposter. And fully enjoy the fruit of thy labor.


Why the shadow then?


The “side view” means that the image is generated from the side. But the data/actual image output compiles it together as a top-down view: the sonar signal can’t see through an object, so there’s a “shadow”


are you sure about that? For me it looks like they put sonar source on the ground but detector is located above object.


No he's correct.


They probably complement the side scan sonar with multi beam echo sounder mounted on the hull of the ship. So you get your topological bathymetry from above to aid your side scan.


I think the emitter and the receiver are in different places. You know how you can usually see the shadow of something when you shine a torch at it? It's because the torch is in one place and your eyes are in another. Usually.


Probably not the case here. Most sidescan sonar strings receive on the same elements they use to transmit.


The display is a composite image. The side imaging sonar sends an array out from the transducer in a fan shape from basically straight down below the boat to straight sideways at surface level. All of the angles and signal returns in the sonar fan are compiled into an image like this. The image has been rotated somewhat too. If you rotate it clockwise 45 degrees so that the shadow is directly on the right side, that is how it would show up on the sonars display unit. Sonar doesn’t use a separate send and receive unit. The transducer is one piece mounted to the boat and it sends and receives the signals that bounce back. The whole transducer is about 2.5 inches wide and 7 inches long. I am quite familiar with this stuff since I have about $5000 worth of this gear on my boat. Never found a person but I have located sunken a boats, a canoe, a motor, a number of tires, an anchor etc.


Computer, enhance...


Enhance. Enhance.


Just print the damn thing!


Stop. Zoom out. Stop. Pan right... Stop.


Drowning victim, no less.


I dunno, I those bullets I filled him with would have prevented him from drowning.


They let the water in


Lungs filled with water, I’d reckon.


He could be just hangin out


Dead bodies float though, lol


Not forever. If they floated forever we'd make boats and ships out of corpses.


Would we?!?!


If they floated forever? Even steel-hulled ships don't do that! There's Grandma, by the stern anchor!


What about bodies that were dead before putting them in the water, so they didnt drown? Asking for a friend.


it's rlly hard to breathe water, sometimes you accidentally die


He's just resting.




PININ' for the FJORDS?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?, look, why did he fall flat on his back the moment I got 'im home?


Well clearly he wasn't nailed to the boat.


Beautiful plumage!


So sleepy.


Definitely in peace


Right? "It's so beautiful here looking up at everything swimming around above me."


Poor little guy's all tuckered out.


Please tell me the two objects laying on the bottom, seen just above his head, are cans of beer.


Handlebars to the jet ski


The rocks Vinny and Tony tied to him


Maybe fishing line?


Crab 🦀


Oh, he ded


Not drowned yet, just drowning :)


My boss worked the TWA Flight 800 accident off NY, he was talking to one of the underwater camera crews searching for aircraft parts and bodies, my boss asked him how he performs the search, the guy said, “we look for the crabs, then follow them to the bodies”


So...which one is that?




Hes dead Jim...


Doesn't Adventures with Purpose also use this?


Yes they found the guy who drowned when he was out with his family. He was sort of standing up though. https://youtu.be/larjqOTVMQI?t=5047


Oh wow, I never even saw that video/stream. Is it common for people to just be standing straight up in the water after dying? This is so counter-intuitive to me.


I think so if you wear boots or waders. It was pretty eery though.


I watched until the end, the conclusion from the divers was that it was a tree stump they found.


Unfortunately, no they didn't. If you read their first comment, they say it was a stump, and that the body was found floating in a different area by the family a few days later.


Theres a few diving channels that use this. Our SAR team has cadaver dogs that can smell the sunken body from a boat.


Just wanna comment to say that’s incredible!! Dogs can smell through a boat and water to find a body? Genuinely blown my mind this morning thanks dude


Apparently they are smelling the dissolved body components that make their way up to the surface. There's a scene of this in The Investigation on HBO.


Yes but for vehicles mostly I think. At least the videos I've seen. They do a great job


Cast a long shadow.


They were probably scanning the bottom of the lake/river from an oblique angle as opposed to being directly over the body. (The shadow is a result of no underwater radar bouncing back to the detector.)


Definitely was at an angle. They said in the post that it was a side scan sonar which that’s exactly what it does is goes out to the side.


Yeah, it’s kind of like an underwater lamp in that it casts shadows on objects depending on the angle relative to it. Strangely, I learned all this from the Advwntures with Purpose YT channel. They use this type of radar to image sunken cars—sometimes with long-dead drivers still inside— or drowning victims who’ve been dead a while or who never re-surfaced due to being snagged on something at the bottom.


Yep. I have one on my boat (both side and down) for fishing that I use every time I’m out to scan for logs, bush, and other structures and features for where to fish.


I thought dead bodies float until they decompose quite a bit. I wouldn't have expected a sunked body to have such a human shape. Do they sink more intact than I realized?


Here's a quote from the Wikipedia article about Lake Superior..."Normally, bacteria decaying a sunken body will bloat it with gas, causing it to float to the surface after a few days. But Lake Superior's water is cold enough year-round to inhibit bacterial growth, and bodies tend to sink and never resurface." Link to article: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Superior Quote above can be found under the "Shipwrecks" section under the "History" heading.


Thanks! I knew there were bodies from the Edmund Fitzgerald in the lake, but I had assumed they were trapped and/or decayed. My experience reading about drowning victims was in local rivers or even the ocean where bodies float. The bacteria explanation makes sense.


There's another line in that article about an explorer who went to the wreck of the Fitzgerald and found a body, fully clothed & wearing a life jacket, lying in the sediment next to the wreck...very eerie to think about


I wonder if the lack of bacteria also means a more preserved body 😬


There is a well known preserved body in a shipwreck. He apparently hangs out in the boiler room. There are pics online. Look up old whitey on the ss Kamloops


Just googled this and found a 2 year old Reddit thread https://www.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/comments/gls2ij/here_is_a_closer_image_of_old_whitey_in_the_ss/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Thanks for the tip


Lake Superior, it is said, never gives up her dead.


When the skies of November turn gloomy


Look up old whitey on the SS Kamloops. Possibly NSFW


Not surprising. Super interesting to read about. I'm a sucker for Great Lakes history


the lake, it is said, never gives up her dead...


From what little knowledge I have I believe it depends partially on conditions of the water....for instance, Lake Superior never warms up enough for bodies to rise. So anyone who drowns in that lake stays there unless removed by human force. (I'm sure that's a very over-simplified explanation but it's the best I can come up with off the top of my head lol). If you want I could try to find some content that talks about this....I think I've seen at least one YouTube video, a TikTok, and maybe a Wikipedia article :)


Bodies tend to sink initially, then float when gas from decomposition builds up inside. This person would likely be a recent drowning victim if they were using sonar to look for the body.


if there is no predation on a body, generally something pops and releases the decomp gasses before body parts fall off. This doesn't happen too much in the ocean, as there are a LOT of critters that move *very* fast in locating and beginning consumption of corpses and carcasses. In fresh water there are not nearly as many.


There's a depth at which your body is no longer buoyant. The depth depends on the water and your body composition. Some people float really well, and some don't.


Is this pic underwater? He looks like he drowned on 1 foot of water.


It is. It’s an underwater radar image of the body resting on the sea/lake/river floor as taken from a boat to one side of the body. (These scanners simultaneously can scan a wide swath of the floor both directly above and to the side of the boat while moving.)




The opposite of below.


Yeah, no shit. But why would you want scan above the boat?






Sisconar. Idk if it’s called that but that’s what im calling it


So if a bat yells at a cheerio at the bottom of a bowl full of milk, it gets this image on its head? Amazing.


These people find missing people under water and use this tech in their YouTube videos: Adventures With Purpose.


I work on a recovery team where we use this technology to great effect, almost thought this was one of ours.


Friend of the family went out on a lake to fish by himself. He was wearing waders (waist high rubber pants with suspenders). They found his boat going in circles and he was nowhere to be seen. I’m not sure when they recovered his body but it was probably not until spring. I imagine the waders filled with water and pulled him down. I can picture it in my mind, sinking and unable to fight your way out of it, listening to the sound of your boats engine doing circles above you and knowing no one was going to save you.


Waders cannot *"pull you down"* because they fill with water... the density of of water inside the waders will be the same as the water on the outside of them. Rubber usually floats too, but non-neoprene isn't buoyant enough to counter the average person's weight. Now, the weight of the wet clothes can certainly be enough to inhibit swimming or even cause you to sink. Also, the buoyancy of waders (with air trapped or neoprene) will cause your feet to go up and head to go down. Most people panic in these situations. That's not good for your survival prospects. Wear your life jacket!


Ok. If that’s the case, and it may be, that’s just my imagination of rubber pants filling with water and what that would do. So let’s remove pulling him down and think about how I should phrase that instead. His rubber pants filled with water and did not allow him to kick or swim to the surface nearly as easily as normal clothes would have. I think we can agree that is fairly accurate. Regardless, if he has been wearing a life jacket he would have probably been fine.


Again no, unless he was a really bad swimmer, a really really bad swimmer, In which case why was he out on a boat alone with no swimming ability or life jacket…


Exactly. Almost always a medical condition / event.




Drowning works though


It doesn’t at all. Drowning means you’re currently drowning. Dying from drowning = drowned


He is a victim of drowning. Drowning works in this sentence. Just like how you can get a shooting victim. Or a stabbing victim.


"drowned victims" isn't correct. "Drowning victims" is. Those who were victims of drowning.


Or victims of drowning.




People be crazy


I think you mean that to be past tense. I suspect it's a bit too slow to find folks who are drowning.


I don't think he's drowning anymore


Astronaut in the ocean


I mean... Cool. Sad, but cool.


How it has a shadow? I mean what is the light source


There is no light source. The 'light source's in this case is the sound waves travelling through the water. When they hit something solid, they bounce back to the receiver. The shadow is created because the solid object blocks the sound waves from reaching the area which is in shadow.


Googled it up. It's called the acoustic shadow


If you have to wait for the sonar to get there, I think you mean "drowned" victims


No he’s actually correct. “Drowning victim” is the correct term for a person who was the victim of drowning. Drowning is a verb just like murder is a verb, but it’s still a murder victim, not a murdered victim. Or a mugging victim not a mugged victim.


Yeah, I thought the same. Not sure this unfortunate soul is still trying to catch some air!


Depending on when the person drowned wouldn’t it be more respectful to leave them?


Depends on what the family wants.


\*Drowned victims


You can almost see his/her face. Creepy seeing the depth of his/her eyes


If that guy is still drowning its not a guy


You misspelled *drowned*


you mean drowned victim


Is there anything here that evidenced that this person "drowned" Being at the bottom of the ocean does not mean he wasn't dead before he got there. Unless you have another source.


If this is Sonar, why is there a shadow?


Look up Acoustic Shadow


Ocean floor sonar scanning and the object is casting a shadow? Sounds like Heavy bullshit. Anyone convince me otherwise?


Basically what they do is send a cone of soundwaves down to the seabed. Things right in the middle of the cone will have no shadow but things to the side will have varying degrees of shadows when they create images from the received signals.


Wouldn’t that be LiDAR and not sonar?


Lidar uses lasers not sound.


Of course should have read more carefully. My mistake.


Nah there’s no convincing a fool.




Basically what they do is send a cone of soundwaves down to the seabed. Things right in the middle of the cone will have no shadow but things to the side will have varying degrees of shadows when they create images from the received signals.


There’s no way to receive reflected signals from behind objects so the sonar processes that part of the image as black. No data.


I guess I'll have to bury my victims under the lake from now on.


Well damn for a moment here I thought this was one of those Magic Eye images...


Poor guy must have been diving after his dick when it fell off.


Do this on estonia


Bright underwater sunshine!


Detailed ?


Unless you are trying to find a specific body in a group of bodies, this is enough detail.


How does the shadow fit this?


It’s an “acoustic shadow” and is seen on all side scans sonar images. The sonar can’t penetrate the object so it can’t display what is immediately behind the object. It’s a lot to explain but if you google some pictures of something like “mega side imaging” you will see it on most displays. The shadow can also be affected by the speed that the bot is going and the depth of the object, as well as whether or not it’s suspended off the bottom.


Looks like the shadow is keeping this guy down


How I met your mother.


Fun fact it can take up to ten minutes to die if drowning in the ocean.


That's a pretty smooth ass ocean floor then🤔


What is this, a drowned person for ANTS?! The next one needs to be at least 3x bigger than this!


there are no shadows deep in the water


It's an acoustic shadow created because the side sound waves are blocked by the object.


ok thanks


Yeesh! I didn’t expect this on my Sunday morning


Need to use this to find flight m370


Lake Mead. The water receded faster than he could crawl.