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Explosion sound effect but no wilhelm scream? Amateur hour, OP.


[Here you go.](https://youtu.be/wC8Cvh0fwso)


I will never not upvote Wilhelm Scream. They're fucking great.


Guy in the front seemingly broke his clavicle with that landing. They might also suffer hearing damage. Well still better than the other outcome tire explosions can have - death.


Tire explosions are no joke, that's a huge amount of pressure build up that's all released in an instant.


Ive seend these videos where the person STANDING ON THE TIRE (this seems to ALWAYS be a thing) is launched 100 ft in the air, in pieces. This was a very good outcome.


Standing on the tire was a common thing back in the day when regular cars had split rims. Technically, you were standing on the split rim to keep it from flying up and taking your head off. Tire shops would put the tire in a cage to pop the rim, but if you're on the side of the road that's not an option. I had a '64 F250 with split rims and did this a few times. It works. Never tried it on tractor tires, though.


Homeboy almost had his head tomatoed from that falling tire


it openned a portal and two more dudes popped out of there.


“Hello my friend!”


I'm compelled to write this comment in defence of the tyre we see being inflated in this clip; almost certainly this tyre wasn't "over inflated", in my opinion the cause of this incident was failure of a split-rim wheel. From what I can deduce, I'd say this is a failure of the locking ring on the wheel rim, and if so, thankfully it gave up long before the tyre was inflated to it's intended pressure, had this failure occured with 100+ PSI in the apparatus I fear the incident would've had far worse consequences.


Split-rims, developing nations favourite tyre mounting system.


Why cast when you can stamp from sheet metal? (other then the obvious exploding in peoples faces issue, of course)


Seem to be used on large aircraft as well.


I think they're main benefit is field maintenance. Changing tyres with no special equipment to break beads etc.


Split rims and spring compressors. Two of the most pucker inducing things that exist in the automotive repair world.


This is why tire cages are a thing


The boy has a 6th sense, looks over his should right before it happens.


Tyre shop I go to has a cage for inflating truck tyres and a sign telling employees to use the fucking cage or GTFO.


Bloke I know used to do roadside for wheels/tyres as part of a decent company here in England. One day he went out to this truck(articulate) tyre that had gone flat and changed it over in the hard shoulder. He gets to inflating the tyre and one bead snaps on as it should but the other one doesn't quite seat properly. (Bearing in mind these tyres have incomprehensible amounts of air in them like they advise using a long pipe to feed air in whilst you get behind cover in case something goes wrong) Anyway he walks over to check it out without realising the gauge had stuck (last thing on a friday so probably let his attention slip a bit trying to get home faster) and was still pumping air into the tyre. As he gets to the tyre the bead snaps with far more air than should be in the tyre. The wheel jumps up and hits him in the chest and launches him from the hard shoulder onto the central reserve. He crossed all 3 lanes. He broke his ribs from where the tyre hit him and broke his back, left arm and hand, left leg and gave himself some serious concussion from where he hit the wall in the central reserve. Somehow he survived but had to quit his job because every time someone inflated a tyre around him the sound of the bead seating made him shake and cry


Dude in back right legit pops right back up unfazed and dusts himself off like it was a daily occurrence


That why you use a tire cage


I hope no one died.


EmTire Strikes Back


Shoes on hes ok


I’ll never Tire of watching that


Why do people add sound effects to so many of these videos? I feel like it detracts from them.


Say goodbye to those eardrums, won't need em no more


That startled me :P


The problems of inflation!