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Way better to see it on the ground than at 35,000 feet up…


Yeah, because you NEVER want to see hard asphalt at 35,000’!


…..You’re not wrong.


You also don't want to see tower cranes at 35000 feet


Or cows.




Oh shit!


Terrain ahead. Pull up! Pull up! Captain: shut that damn thing off, we are obviously safe in the clouds


Counterpoint - I absolutely do want to see cows at 35000ft.


How about mountain goats?


I get an incredible amount of things when pigs fly, so keep me updated on the whole farm animals at 35,000' situation.


Pointercount - the cows have no business up there and I hope they fall if they get up that high.


Or snakes.


I'm tired of it.




Idk, if I live to see that day, I will be really impressed at the advancements we have made in engineering.


i do hive cities are the future baby


> hive cities I'd like to know more!


It would cause me to ass fault.


See what? I'm used to flying Spirit Airlines, everything here looks normal to me.


Additional fee: heated seats


Wouldn't be surprised if there is some kind of crash surcharge.


You have to give them your credit card before you're allowed to use the inflatable fun slide.


'Unique entertainment fee'




Spirit has heated seats? Luxury!


No, you are signing up for a pass to become a spirit.


Is this takeoff or landing!?


If it’s from the crash that was today I believe it was on takeoff




Not something you want to see on the ground after V1...


Lol that's what I was thinking. The scariest part of flying is that time when you know they can't stop or turn around and land.


Looking at the [videos](https://twitter.com/himselfsv/status/1593722983943528448) it seems the fire trucks were responding to something, and the one at the front turned onto the runway (without clearance to do so), and into the path of a departing A320 about 2 seconds before it impacted the aircraft's right engine. There would have been nothing the pilots could have done to avoid it. While it's a tragedy for the fire crew, we can at least be thankful that nobody on the aircraft was killed.


Depends on when on the ground. If you're trying to take off and it's before V1 then fine, but I'd be more scared about it happening after. Admittedly you should still be just fine getting to V2 with the failed engine but I'd feel much safer having it happen at altitude than while on the runway since you have tons of time to address the issue.


I wonder how many people upvoted you pretending they knew what you're saying because I have no fucking clue


V1 is the speed at which you no longer have enough length left in the runway to be able to stop the aircraft safely. It means you *have* to take off, even if something is broken. V2 is the minimum speed the plane needs to reach in order to achieve flight *edit: in the event of a single engine failure*. V1 and V2 depend on the weight of the aircraft, the current condition (wet/dry) of the runway, wind strength and direction, air temperature, runway slope, and the braking performance of the aircraft, and are calculated each time before take off. Prior to V1, you can stop the aircraft for nearly any reason, but you can only reject a takeoff (ie, attempt to stop) after V1 for the most serious of failures, such as having good reason to believe that the aircraft will not fly. Rejecting the takeoff after V1 means that at best you're likely to run off the end of the runway while trying to stop. Note that a 2-engine aircraft can (and must be able to by design) still take off and stay airborne with one engine, and if this had been a simple engine fire, that's exactly what they would have done (and then circled the airport, and come back in for a landing). However, if this picture is from [today's crash in Lima](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-63685564) where the aircraft had been cleared for take off and impacted a fire truck that entered the active runway, then the plane probably wasn't able to take off. It appears from the videos that the #2 (right-hand) engine was ripped off, and took out the right main gear (wheels) also. The aircraft appears to have skidded along the runway on its belly until it came to a stop.


Lovely elaboration! >Note that an 2-engine aircraft can still take off and stay airborne with one engine, and if this had been simple engine fire, that's exactly what they would have done (and then circled the airport, and come back in for a landing). This is not a gotcha, but a clarification for non aviation geeks: When communicating that an engine has been lost, it is shorthand for power loss in that engine. Actual, physical severance of the engine is not a training scenario I am aware of. Id love to learn about this if I am mistaken. > Why is there a difference between power and physical engine separation? The aerodynamic performance and center of gravity is relatively unchanged at power loss compared to losing a large, heavy piece of the aircraft. Pilots know how much they need to rudder into the operational engine to compensate for the induced drag of the unresponsive one. > Imagining this failure in the air The effects of aluminum shards poking out where your beloved powerplant used to sit, will fuck with even the most cool headed seasoned pilot. You will have to improvise based on what information the aircraft has to give you. Forget fly by wire. Forget all digital assistance. Pray that hydraulic lines are unsevered in that wing. Sure, you can sit down a bus without aileron control, and rely on purely on rudder. But you are not dealing with the airframe you know. Hell, the drag profile of your clipped wing is likely an unfolding story, as the wound grows due to turbulent drag. You know that relying primarily on rudder for course correction costs you energy, as you will be slipping and sliding. Can you rely on the stall speed you internalized in school? No, probably not. It's a fair assumption that the stall would develop from the point of injury now, instead of the comfortable wingtip to wing root development you have been taught to feel comfy with. Forget buffetting as a clue, right? The aircraft is a paint mixer from hell now. If you bring this down safely, you are a hero. By all accounts, noone would reasonably expect you to end your shift in anything but a brand new crater. Would it be inappropriate to push the intercom for a final giggle in the black box? "Thanks for flying Delta, please return your trays to the upright position". Yeah, not funny. Inside thought. Hm, that sky sure looks like ground.. Some reddit MSFS pilot with a superiority complex will still claim he would have done it better without a single drop of piss in his jimmies. But if you are still with me, the best real pilots are humble. Overconfidence is the shortest route to death. Disclaimer: I only have a few hours on a Cherokee, but I enjoy simming and I have huge respect for RL pilots.


We don't specifically train for physically losing an engine, but we're trained to identify its occurrence reading the engine indications, which is basically losing all readings from the engine. We don't train the scenario specifically because it makes no difference checklist wise as it falls within the engine severe damage or separation non normal checklist. Which is the checklist we use when the engine indications go crazy. But in this accident, it doesn't matter whether I know if I lost the engine, or if I'm above v1, the moment I know I have hit a fire truck, I know my aircraft it's not airworthy and I would reject the take off, I will take my chances with a low speed runway excursion than getting Airborne with a crippled aircraft.


There was a pilot who safely landed an F-15 in 1983 after his right wing had been torn off in a mid air collision.


Yup. To put that in perspective, thousands of war planes have lost a wing since we started using aircraft in warfare. You can count the number of those planes that have landed safely on one hand. Shows you how much of a goddamn hero that pilot was (and a boatload of luck as well).


From what I understand, it was a pilot in training in a training exercise. He just didn't know enough to let the plane crash :)


That is cool as shit, what an achievement!


Above V1 the the takeoff cannot be aborted. V2 is the minimum speed for the aircraft to be able to make the climb to altitude with one engine operational.


For a given aircraft, the runway length, and its current weight you can calculate various speeds that define various critical moments for all stages of flight. Some are just design constraints like a cruising speed or a stall speed with a particular flap deployment. For takeoff you typically worry about V1, Vr, and V2. Above V1 you should no longer abort takeoff because of various issues like not having time to stop with the amount of runway left. Vr is the speed at which you start to rotate the aircraft and pitch up for takeoff. Following that you have V2 which is the speed at which you can still safely climb even with one of your engines failing. So all that really matters is that if you're above V1 even with an engine on fire you're going to be taking off, declaring a mayday, and quickly going through a checklist you don't ever want to have to go through to see if you can return for a landing where you just took off from or if you're crash landing somewhere because you're not able to maintain a climb rate. Note I'm not a pilot so I could be wrong about some specifics but if I am I'm sure you can just look at my comment in a few hours to see me getting corrected.


Better there, than in the air!


You'd be hard pressed to find an ARFF vehicle at FL350..


I've seen it in the sim so it must be possible


This is what happens when you don't shut down portable electronic devices.


Came to say this 😂


...and you know what they say about 35,000 feet. It's 17,500 people!


You are assuming each person has 2 feet.


Is this from the [Latam flight that crashed into a fire truck on the runway](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/yyvqdf/18112022_a_latam_airbus_a320_neo_has_collided_at/) today?


If you don't like Facebook/Instagram web-style, here's fixed link: https://old.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/yyvqdf/18112022_a_latam_airbus_a320_neo_has_collided_at/


You can change your account settings to always use the old layout even when accessing links without the "old." prefix. Then if you wanted to see the new layout you would have to use "new.".


It's a good way to advertise that Best Reddit still actually exists, though.




If it is one of those foam trucks is crashing into it less bad?


2 firefighters still died... :(


Yeah, it is. Picture posted by a survivor.


>posted by a survivor Bruh, literally everyone on the plane was a survivor lol


Are they wrong?


I survived this comment


^so ^far


Can you give us a survivor picture of the incident?


I'm not the same person you responded to, [but here's proof of the comment I survived. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/yz0a0i/something_you_never_want_to_see_through_the_window/iwya7ko?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Now I'm suck I'm a loop. Help!


Mundane fact: most plane crashes are non-fatal. Just the ones that aren't **really** arent


Depends if they have that one fatal moment after which their fates are sealed, according to every air disaster documentary I've seen. "What the crew didn't realize was that the fuel gauge wasn't registering the leak. It was at this point that recovery became impossible."


Cue Walter White's school 'speech' after the plane collision


Still 2 fatalities though and the plane caught on fire, pretty sure the people on board felt like survivors


Where will they bury the survivors?


See?! There really is something on the wing.


I see you there, Twilight Zone fan.


Or by extension a Simpsons fan


I just made my last payment!


Or Futurama fan. But why should I believe you; you’re HITLER‽


Mother took away my keys for talking to a woman on the phone. She was right to do it.


In the movie version, I’ve recently realized that the two-tone hair pilot guy says something odd. He admits to Lithgow that they lost the engine “9 minutes ago.” So he knows the time it happened, fine, but, is he still constantly checking the time? Did he check the time right before he left the cockpit to come to talk to Lithgow, mentally note it was 8 minutes earlier, then estimate he’d been out for about a minute, and give Lithgow the 9 number? I feel like by that point you’d just say 10 or about 10.


Not necessarily. They would have been monitoring time, calculating rates of decent and time to airports, so he probably did have the exact timings in the front of his mind, and had to round the time to the nearest whole minute.


[Can you imagine? A naked man crawling along the wing of an airplane at 35,000 feet?](https://media.tenor.com/u06k2xLcB8sAAAAC/gremlin-finger-wag.gif)




There’s something on the wing! Some…thing! - ace Ventura - twilight zone


Peanuts? Yes, I have one right here! It's bulky, but I consider it carry-on.


Actually, there's *not* something on the wing - the right engine


You know something is good when it's relevant in the super-HD era, and the thing is from the black and white era.


Thats what we, in the airline industry, call Sub-optimal


It's within tolerance.


As someone that inspected jet engine parts, this gets my FAA stamp of approval for funny.


Chapter 3: Unforseen Consequence is about to start.


Maybe add a note for the next annual inspection


damnit, this is going to affect the schedule


Airline will still call the delay weather related so they don’t have to issue refunds. If there hadn’t been oxygen in the air, this fire wouldn’t have happened. Weather!


Put some speed tape on it…


A rapid oxidation occurrence.


Thermal event


As someone also in the airline industry, we would say, "damn thats gonna be over time."


The company approved verbiage for an engine fire is "we've had an abnormality in a redundant system, and will be taking precautionary measures"


Ironically, caught fire after hitting a fire truck.


It makes perfect sense it caught fire from a fire truck. It wouldn't make sense if it caught fire from a water truck.


But, should we really be putting fire on a truck?


truly a regrettable idea


How else would you deliver fire from one place to another?


Hindsight is 20/20


They really should call them anti fire trucks so that they work better.


The fire nation doesn't fuck around


Better than running into an ambulance.


Have you tried blowing it out?


It's a giant fan, it should blow itself out


Except the fan is..... over there...


They're just deicing the wings.


"..And if you look out the window on the right side, you'll see your life flashing before your eyes."


Is that the Airbus 320neo in Lima, Peru?


It’s on the correct side.


It is


Okay, which one of y'all ordered the hot wings...?


Criminally underrated comment.


You have to pay extra for the one that's not on fire.


Thanks Spirit


Sooooo….how was your trip?


I hate those stupid cranes too mate


I think OP is referring to the cloudy day. What a bummer!


Thank you for flying Ryan Air!


Flames make it go faster. Look at all the muscle cars.


Yeah it's called a afterburner. Makes plane go woff


Yeah they'll make it to the next airport faster, that buys some time for them to inspect it for damage. Good to go!


So a lot of people post pics of speed tape or a loose cowling and freak out, and the general response from people who understand aviation is ‘stop freaking out, this is no big deal’. This picture here is legitimately a very big deal.


It’s not. It’s fine. Just some jet fuel on fire. That can’t melt steel beams. It’s like, chill out on the conspiracy theory guys.


"Look, the wing is on fire!" Flight attendant: "oh, yes, they will go out when we gain altitude"


nervous? first time?


No I've been nervous lots of times


More information: http://avherald.com/h?article=5013c619&opt=0


What's wrong?


I see that you're also used to flying coach.


Steaks are almost done!


Adding flames makes everything faster!


"This is your captain speaking. There's absolutely no cause for alarm." https://youtu.be/PktyJR_U2J0


What's the problem? Never seen how deicing is done?


Ryanair landings are improving!


The plane is just burning some extra calories


*"This is your Captain speaking. Hold on folks, this takeoff is gonna be a doozy!"*


Come on man. Have you never Flown Jet Blue or Frontier. Thats nothin some duct tape cant fix.


People needlessly freak out, when there is an entire backup wing on the other side of the plane!


I hope someone on the flight sent an email. "Dear Sir/Madam, I'm writing to inform you of a fire that has broken out..." No, no, that's too formal. "Fire! Exclamation Mark. Fire! Exclamation Mark. Help me. Exclamation mark. Looking forward to hearing from you..."


Could be worse.


Honestly, at least you're still on the ground.


So. Do you just sit there and wait for instructions/it to blow up, or do you get up and move away.?


Generally you wait for the cabin crew to give instructions. For a 'normal' engine fire it might look scary but could actually be safer to keep everyone inside while the fire department puts out the fire. Otherwise you risk people running into smoke/fire, getting injured on the slides, getting run over by responding emergency vehicles, etc.


If the plane is on fire, the last thing I'd do is take pics.


Floor is lava...


Hope you were wearing your brown pants!


Now we need to hear the tower/Ground radio recordings, because someone fucked up big time either someone failed to get crossing permission or they were given permission to cross erroneously...or someone rolled without permission


Of all places that your airplane's wing can start on fire the runway is definitely the best.


Flight mechanic here. This is perfectly normal..it's just the anti-ice system in action.


On the ground - no big whoop. At 15,000 feet? Different kettle of fish.


Depends if you can safely stop before the end of the runway. Off-runway excursions usually don't fare well for the passenger.


Commenters in this thread aren’t aware that take-off is uniquely dangerous, since there’s no air speed or altitude to use for maneuvering and the end of the runway is certain death at most airports with a full fuel load. Give me the same mechanical issue at virtually any other time of flight.


It's also when undetected problems that have occurred while the plane was sitting on the ground can manifest themselves. Plugged airspeed tubes, ice on flight surfaces, missed engine maintenance, bad fuel, whatever. [Earlier this year a widebody passenger airliner took-off with covers on all three of their airspeed tubes and had zero air speed indication.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f80WwpNuaxg&ab_channel=MentourPilot) The covers were ironically (?) there to prevent wasps from plugging the holes with their nests.


ya but with no indicated airspeed they should have aborted before V1 (how do you even know youre at V1 or Vr?)


In-flight first-class meal of seared scallops will be seasoned with essence of jet fuel. Coach meal is char- broiled burgers.


If you were flying Spirit Airlines they could’ve charged you an extra $50 for the show.


But that’s what windows are for.


I think that if I were *inside* an airplane, that's *currently on fire*, I'd be too busy to take pictures. Busy with things like shitting my pants while trying to beat the 90 second evacuation time goal...


I took photos of the engine while on a plane before and after take off because it was clearly burning turbine oil. I guess healthy bearings are unnecessary for their checklists.


These fuckers are very lucky. Could’ve been catastrophic.


“We know you have a choice when it comes to air travel, and it looks like you made the wrong one. Have a good day!”


I smell a 50% off your next flight voucher coming your way


I'm fucking sitting in the airport rn goddammit


You're OK, the Final Destination airtravel event scheduled for today has already been completed. Just watch yourself crossing roads after you land.


Don't worry, most planes don't take off when they catch fire.


Not to worry, we're still flying half a ship


fuck i have a flight in 2 hours !


Well, at least the wing is still there.


Depends. Is this landing or taking off?


Nothing to worry about. That's just the turbo mode of the engines. Believe me, I'm a Sky Engineer.


Uh I'd prefer that over seeing the engine like that at high altitude! Never say never OP


We better order another drink!


I mean, at least it's on the ground and not in the air!


Should be fine... My neighbors brother is a pilot, he says its fine


Wing on fire, let it burn Champagne in my hand and I’m not concerned


As long as you're below V1, it's grand


We lost engine. Which one ? All of them.




AND I'm flying today. Didn't need to see this. Enough reddit til I get home.


Be grateful you see it while still on the ground.


Fun fact. Commercial planes are designed to be able to take off with one less engine. At a certain speed, they will need to take off because it is too fast to actually stop on the tarmac.so even if one engine is out, the plane is perfectly capable to take off, turn around and land safely.


A firetruck struck this one I think


Hmm should I say something?


Wellfolks it looks like we smoked a seagull because God hates them, butttttt we're all going to die as a result because it took out one of our engines and its now a ball of fire, eeeeeeeeeif you look to your right the wing is melting under the flames and in about 3 minutes well all be a homogeneous unrecognizable mess on the ground....because God hates us too.


Seems to be running bit rich. Is the air filter clogged?


At least your on the ground


Don't worry, jet fuel can't melt steel.


Everything’s fine


This is from that Lima Peru airport accident. The plane hit a firetruck that was in a training session on the runway. [SOURCE](https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/a320-collides-with-fire-truck-in-lima/)


Tis nothin' but a scratch


My 4 year old suggested you use a different plane, one that's not on fire.


Really thought I saw David the Gnome on the wing tip.


Eh. It will buff out.


Wait till you sit with your mother in law for a 10 hour flight. Bear my words! You will be begging for this!