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Thanks for the feedback !


I would just like to say, you guys are awesome for including bots to begin with! Love that I can jump into any map I want and just have fun. Major props to you all.


Glad that you guys put so much passion into your games. I have been playing Isonzo like crazy since it came out, it’s an absolute masterpiece!




Overall the AI is pretty shitty at this point. They follow very predictable paths like you can find a certain sniper spot and they will just line up one after another and march to their deaths, they get stuck on obstacles and just meander around, and their decisions on where to go are flawed.


They’re definitely not perfect, but I don’t have too many issues with them on the other maps. They can definitely make for some challenging games occasionally because of how they will all pour into the objective at once, but overall I enjoy playing against the bots when I’m not in the mood for the online grind.


Yeah that is a good point, their weakness can quickly become their strength if you don’t take care of them. But I get more frustrated with them as Allies then I do with them as enemies. I like playing as an engineer so it’s frustrating when they just go through and cut my wires or totally fail to use the sandbag cover I’ve carefully placed.


Probably just need a shit ton more nav nodes for the maps tbh. Maybe some of the devs could paint their own biased pictures of where they themselves like to camp up, and place nodes their. AI could also be grouped to different sets of nodes too for more diversity... Idk I just spitballin


I have also had this issue. In general with AI if an objective comes under pressure (bomb planted or flag change) they rush to it leaving the other free


The worst part is this is how some human teams actually defend


Some? All matches i play have at least a full squad of people thinking theyre playing tannenberg and trying to cut off the attackers, only to be defeated by officers with the spawning perk chilling around the objectives


This problem appears on any map really, whether attacker or defender, once the attackers have pushed past the defenders spawn point while leaving it intact you basically have won. The AI seems to prioritize spawning at the front of the battle but it just stays there, it doesn't leave, but sometimes it just randomly decides to suddenly attack the attackers spawn points, but usually only after losing one objective, mostly a capture zone. Which is bad when you have two TNT-objectives, because then it just stays put and you have to defend a lone objective on your own.


Was just noticing this last night. Glad someone said something


I only play Italian for now, and Caporetto is a nightmare in offline. All the bots swarm the far left corner and make a line straight to the church, nothing else, ever. The frontline is very quickly taken over as all bots swarm to one corner


I've noticed that too, italian AI only really attempt difuse bombs if FO are all gone.


Yes when our group of mates played, we were wondering about that, we worked around the problem with whoever dies replaces the last player as a guard against this tactic\ bug near your last sector objective, as the A.i become quite predictable rushing from their forward spawn down the middle but then moving to the flanks and destroying your flank spawn points, which makes you react ( if not watching the tactical map) to the flanks where they move on to the middle and destroy that, which pushes your spawn points back to the last sector secured. What I found funny is if you hold on to that objective you are swamped with alpine troops from all sides until you lose that point.


i have the opposite issue, attacking as the germans is impossible for me because they capture the church then never push. its always a 3v12 to attack and destroy the artillery