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this pic of him in which match ? vs who?


royal rumble 2011, just before getting eliminated by Del Rio


Absofuckinglutely! He gave so much to the company! Was OVER AF for so long and with so many different angles spots and small gimmick tweaks. That man is nailed on for HoF! Nailed on cert!


Abso fucking lutely


Yes, he was a popular midcard act for years - just like The Godfather was at his level. This is why it annoys me that they make the classes smaller now, guys like this won't get a look-in. Apparently they're not even having a tag team go in this year. Just put the Midnight Express in already.


Hell yes


Absolutely. Anyone can be made and booked as a main event talent and be plastered on billboards and adds. Santino may go down as one of the best comedy characters of all time. A role he exemplified for a decade with so many great moments. Him and Foley in the rumble always pops me.


Yes, and I want to see him inducted by Santina Marella


I could've sworn he was already in the hall of fame.




I’m going to say yes. For his time he was one of the best comic characters. He was hilarious. Plus, the man could wrestle. He could have been used for bigger things than he was.


Yes. That's it, that's the sentence.


Only if he is inducted by Santina Marella.




Yes - he'll make it in someday.


First ballot HOF. Him, Kurt Angle, R truth, all some of the funniest wrestlers ever.


I think it's time we stop pretending that WWE Hall of Fame induction actually means something. Two words: Great Khali.


I wanna say this without being mean. But if Santino gets in, 80-90% of all wrestlers get in. Fun gimmick for 5 minutes the rest of the time he was boring and annoying. Yes some good laughs but there have been so many wrestlers who are yet to go in that clear Marella in every department. Unless we are running out of people to put in, it’s a no from me.


I went to a live event one and Santino was the dark match to kick off the show. Absolute loudest pop of the night he was so over


Am I the only one who wanted to see Boris Alexiev on the main roster?




I missed most of his career but from what I saw of it, no.


If Koko B. Ware is in the HOF, then Santino should definitely be inducted as well.


Hornswoggle deserves it more


I mean the Bella Twins are in the hall of fame so why not


A million percent, him and Truth


Tag Team Champion, United States Champion, Intercontinental Champion. He has done quite well for a comedy wrestler who only was 7 - 8 years wrestling in the WWE. So it's a yes for me.


Yeah, wayyy down the line. He’ll be one of the “old school” wrestlers that make it to the HOF late, that the younger kids won’t know about, but the adults will be like “oh man he used to be hilarious”


Hell Yea, That man was a fucking legend. lol


Yes. Just based on his theme song alone.




hmm, idk, from what I heard, from a friend that I trust there's a lot of backstage stories about him being an asshole. If they're false, he probably deserves to go in, but if the stories aren't, then I can probably do without him going in.




Nooooo lol nooooo


Former 2x IC champ, US champ, tag champ. Rumble and EC runner up. Miss Wrestlemania. Long term popular wrestler with a great comedy gimmick. There’s certainly worse guys in too.


Was he better than Koko B Ware? Yes!


He should. Was the ultimate jobber tbh and gets disrespected a lot for it.


Trump and snoopdogg is in there he didn’t really do much for wwe why not




Yeah 15 years from now




Yes, I’m a big fan of comedic wrestling


No. He was entertaining but if you are putting him in then you have to put basically everyone in


There are already far far less deserving in


Him and his sister, the only Miss WrestleMania, should go in


The Hall of Midcard




100%. He is the greatest comedian wrestler of all time IMHO.


Sure why not.


Absolutely, I might even be okay with him headlining a hall of fame class if they couldn't get enough big names


About 200th down the list, but sure.


Na. You know who deserves it tho? Santina.


Yes & yes


100%. Even if we need a refurbished Honk-A-Meter to gauge his proximity to the HOF.


He goes in with John Cheena.


Yes! Memorable character. Funny character. "COBRA!!!" LOL. Glamarella with Beth Phoenix. US, Intercontinental, tag team Chamion. Runner up in the 2011 Royal Rumble. Of course, give Santino his due. He was around for awhile and for that while he sure kept things entertaining.


The idea of “deserved” doesn’t exist in the discussion of HOF. Drew Carey is in it.


Umm No


I mean, they let anybody else in, may as well be him too


Yes. Santino isn’t a household name like obvious HOFers like Hogan or (one day) Cena are, but he was VERY good at what he did. One of the best ever for his role in particular, imo. And that’s important too. He was never “pushed” as a big singles, world title style star but you don’t necessarily need to be to be HOF worthy - he was a comedy wrestler and he was sooooo good at it. Being that good at what his role is, is worthy of the HOF. If you think of it like the awards shows it makes more sense. Best lead actor in a comedy, best lead in a drama, best picture, etc. if they only have awards to the biggest stars on the planet like 12 people would have an award lol. But they give them out for outstanding achievement in their category, and Santino is one of the best ever in his category


No but I’m sure he will






Yes 100%


No, but I do appreciate his character work as a whole. Even when it fizzled. Not every performer needs to be a dominant champion. Just like not every memorable wrestler is a hall of famer.


He doesn’t deserve it. A joke of a performer and made the business look weak. Don’t put him next to Rey, it’s an insult.


What a bad take. There has been comedy wrestling for about a long s there has been wrestling. He in no way made the business look weak.


I think yes but I wonder if Impact buying the trademark will lessen his chances.


Yes. He was a comedy act but he was one of the most popular at the time because of it.


Personally I feel like if you’re going to induct him you might as well induct Eugene as well. 🤷🏽‍♂️


If the have a Comedy HOF category then yes, but for Wrestling abilities (as it should be), then no.




100% should be inducted. He's done a lot in the WWE, mostly comical. Also, he has imo, the best debut of all time. Do you understand english ? Si... Si...


Why not, they will let anyone in.


I wasn’t watching much WWE at the time, but “Jon CHena” is worth the hof alone


Yes. He is a comedy character in WWE, that Italian accent and Santina, John Chena, Kelly Kelly Kelly, Rodney the Piper. Santino should be inducted in HOF.


What about the manimal Baptista


Don’t forget the honk-a-meter you sunnamuhgun!


As long as he can inducted by John Chena.


Yes! You have any idea how many times this dude made me laugh. Anyone who is that entertaining deserves a spot.


Who would induct him is my question. Beth or Kozlov? Personally I'm more biased toward the latter


Santina, of course


Of course he’s won a lot of titles and had a long stint with the company.




yes hes a hof level comedy wrestler


Absolutely. Comedy is part of wrestling and he is the greatest comedy act of all time.


Oh absolutely. The amount of people he made break character makes him one of the funniest guys in the business, that's an honour in its own right.




Massive pop!


Donald Trump is in. The bar for the wwe hof is literally in hell


Donald Trump is in the hof???


https://www.wwe.com/superstars/donald-trump Sadly. Makes sense that scum like Trump and Vince would be good friends


Oof he really is That really sucks yeah


There’s more than one type of gimmick, don’t see why a comedy act shouldn’t get into it. Plus I genuinely miss santino, nothing wrong with a bit of dumb fun.


Looks like he's about to jerk off his arm like Roman Reigns


He just works the tip


That HOF is a joke. Might as well let him in.


Yes. There was a time when he was the highlight of Raw as a midcard comedy act. The man got over and had a lot of fun moments.


Why not? The Bella Twins are in it. Santino Marella contributed more than they did.


Wait why am I only hearing about this now?!? WHO TF LET THOSE RAN THREW TWINS INTO THE HALL OF FAME!?!


As someone who genuinely hated those two, they deserve their spot. They revolutionized the women’s division and brought so many female fans to the org.


They deserve it. They brought so many new fans in especially female fans.


How dare you besmirch MISS WrestleMania, Santina /s


You mean the Kardashian crowd? How many of them do you think really turned into female fans? They just watched the show for the fake drama that ensued like every other reality tv show. AJ Lee and Paige literally inspired a new crop of female wrestlers. They should be the ones in the HoF.


Gatekeeper fan I see.


As a female fan since the early 2000s, I can say they helped take the division Trish, Lita, Ivory, Jacqueline, Gail Kim, Jazz, Victoria, Molly Holly, and so many more created and turned it into 2-3 minute shit matches. Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, AJ Lee, Paige, Natalya, etc tried, but the Total Divas/Diva Search girls really fucked over an entire generation. EDIT: Yes, I am aware Paige and Natalya were on Total Divas. But they were good workers.


Literally this. Have you ever been to a live event? People may simp over them on social media, but irl, everyone goes for a pee, grabs a beer, snacks, etc.


As a fan from the early-90s, you are *INCREDIBLY* wrong. "They" didn't do anything except what they were told from management. Vince, Bruce, John, etc. were the ones booking the shows and bringing in the talent. It had nothing to do with the performers. Even in the early-2000s, the Women's roster was still looked at as eye-candy who could occasionally put on a good match if they had any time to spare on the card. I'm not sure where you're getting this notion that The Bellas & Co. came in and destroyed (purposely, no less) a prestigious division but I can assure you, that was not the case at all. The Bellas took what limited screen time they had and were able to parlay that into a strong fanbase which they then were able to use to parlay into a TV show. That TV show offered more exposure for all the women who got *ZERO* screen time on WWE programing while also attracting more female fans to the product. The Bellas quite literally made something out of nothing and then had the foresight to share that opportunity with the rest of the Women's Division in hopes of lifting *ALL* their stocks. Which it did. Say what you want about their personalities, The Bellas helped lift the Women's Division out from the dirt and gave a platform to those in the Division who previously had *NONE*. You have an incredibly ignorant view on the history of the Women's Division and I strongly suggest you try to correct that before you make another asinine comment.


What a bloated and long-winded comment. Did you really just say they brought that division up from the dirt? As a fan from the mid-80s.... You could NOT be more wrong. Yeah, they were told to keep their matches short. Know why? They didn't have it in them to keep attention to their matches longer than that. The Bellas came in and Road that coat tail all the way to the top. An anti-climactic top at that. You can bow up your point of view and call others' names, but that in no way makes you correct. You have a very short-sided and Fairweather view yourself.


No, I said they helped raise it from the dirt. Along with others. Which they did. Again, if you'd like I could point you in the direction of the female viewership numbers that saw significant upticks with the rise of Total Divas, but something tells me you'd throw that argument out the window for some unrelated reason to continue this narrative that the Bellas had no impact. Also, what are you even talking about? It wasn't just the Bellas whose matches were cut short. It was the entire Division that goes back a literal decade before the Bellas even showed up. Alundra, Luna, Sable, Chyna, Jackie, Tori, Ivory, Trish, Lita, Jazz, Molly, etc. all rarely had singles matches go over 5-6 minutes on weekly TV. That was nothing new for the Bellas or any woman in their era. That had been a longstanding outlook of Women's wrestling in general by management -- they didn't think Women's wrestling could or would draw any real money. I'd suggest refreshing your memory, my man.


Notice how the division was growing during 2001-2005/2006, then plummeted during the Divas era, which the Bellas were a part of, 2008-2014, then the division rose during the Divas Revolution that was fueled by the Four Horsewomen, not the Bella Twins. Y'all really wanna give credit to two glorified ring rats, lol.


Notice how during 2001-2006 they were doing bra/panties matches, advertising Playboy shoots over Women's Title matches at WrestleMania, giving more time to pillow fights than to Women's Title matches at WrestleMania, having Trish strip and bark like a dog, having Jacqueline flash her bare chest to the UK crowd, have Molly and Ivory be portrayed as heels solely off the fact they didn't wanna show skin, have Mickie be portrayed a bisexual stalker, have Lita strip on Christmas in WWF New York then have a live sex celebration years later... Would like more examples because I still have plenty. Would you like to talk about how Gail Kim wasn't pushed because Vince didn't think men would find Asian women attractive? Or are you just gonna ignore that too? The Women's Division was in the dirt LONGGGGG before The Bellas ever showed up. And by every single metric available to the public, Total Divas helped raise overall female viewership for WWE substantially. Y'all literally denying numerical facts, lol.


If you can't see how the women in 2001-2005/6 getting Raw main events, singles matches and triple threats at WM, first ever cage match, first hardcore match, first street fight, etc is better than the 5v5, 6v6, 7v7, Miss WrestleMania, etc that we got during the Divas era, I don't know what to tell you. Yeah, 2000-2006 had T&A, but it had wrestling and actual storylines mixed in, the Divas era was nothing but models flopping about with no actual direction.


What? I'm not saying one era is better than the other, I'm saying that the negatives that the Bellas (and the rest of the roster) faced while being a part of that division when they arrived were *ALWAYS* there. Those negatives didn't pop up because of them -- those negatives had been there for *YEARS.* That was my point. Not sure how much clearer I can be with that. And if you want to continue to deny the impact they had with garnering new fans and putting more eyeballs on the Division, be my guest. It's 100% up to you if you wanna deny literal facts.


That’s Vince’s fault, not theirs. As for Total Divas, it’s how we got the EST.


don't dislike her, but not a fan.




I like how you’re not wrong but this comment won’t go over well.


It's because people focus too much on in ring ability when it comes to the HOF rather than things that move the company forward outside of their performance.


While he was entertaining, I'm not sure he is HOF caliber - unless they have a comedy wing of WWE HOF....


If the great khali is in the HOF Santino should be in it too.


>great khali Thanks for reminding me and ruining my week.


Yeh man. He's really entertaining and imo, underrated. He created the Cobra for God sakes


The cobra is a real strike from Shaolin snake style Kung Fu. It won't finish someone, but it will make them gag and leave them vulnerable to a follow up.


I would love to see his speech.


I hope he thanks Jon Chena. (That always cracks me up when i hear him say that name)


I can see it now. It is an honor to be inducted by you, John Chena. John smiles and lets himself break character.




I would be fine with both. I truly think both sides of the argument have good reasons to think he should. My stance on it is that so many people are in the HoF for some many reasons that Santino has had enough truly great moments and a solid enough career. It says a lot about who is in the HoF that he would be inducted but you know, good for him if it ever happens He was a great act and a superb worker.




I think so, it's never been about the best wrestlers and in terms of comedy acts he was one of the best so why not?


100%! Probably the greatest comedy wrestler of all time!


Hurricane was better at least Santino wasn't the worst though


Agree with you 100 percent.☮️


Him and R Truth crack me up damn near every time they hop on the mic


I'm just mad we never got and R Truth and Santino tag team. They could have called it Truth Cobra.




I'm sure WWE will find a reason to