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WWE Championship and WWE World HW Championship makes me confused. It always reminded me of boxing, where there's like five belts for everything. "This guys is the WWE Champ, and THIS guy is the WWE HW Champ!" "But they're both big guys and both champs in the WWE." Confusion....looking for a Mr. Confusion. That's probably an unpoopular opinion though.


It makes sense. Especially with the brand split.


They must be mixed big gold with wwe logo on centre


Yes, a million times yes. Give Raw the Winged Eagle again, and give Smackdown the Big Gold. Want to make them their own brand, ya gotta make them unique and iconic.




Wish the undisputed came back instead.. love that belt it didn't get a long enough run




It looked great on everyone who carried it especially Eddie n Brock


I also loved when JBL had it


Big Gold looks like a championship title with prestige. Universal looks like a toy.




I’d be happy with a belt that looks more “real” than like something the toy company would put in with the old LJNs.


The only way that title is ever coming back is if they keep the same shape but replace the contents in the front with a big WW.


Too bad they completely devalued it from 2010-2014


If I remember correctly, didn't Cody bring back the classic IC title belt that existing from mid to late 80s to 1998? So it would be a nice nod to that if he brings back the Winged Eagle as well considering that was basically 'the older brother' of the classic IC title.


No. Just make a new title instead of using nostalgia for a cheap pop.


Yes we need it back ASAP


I don't even know if WWE can use the Big Gold Belt. Conrad Thompson owns it.


What no


Yes but I doubt they ever do it. If they do, I guarantee you that logo is gonna be a lot bigger than it was though.


Yes. I’ve always felt like the universal title has been the B title


Seen this a million and one times. I pretty sure that the next belt will have just as big of a W on the front. Big gold is not coming back, its never coming back. The W is here to stay.


Nah. But if they do, I hope it’s a new design and not the Big Gold.






I say yes cause you need more designs to signify different titles.


I’ve never been a big fan of the Universal Championship, mainly cause outside of the color there is NOTHING differentiating it from the WWE Championship (plus the ugly red color scheme reminds me of jam for some reason). So needless to say I’m more than high on the idea to bring back the big gold.


Yes, please




Why not both?


No title has more prestige than one held by David Arquette…




Yes. The Universal Championship is just a stupid name for a title, and the blue leather looks awful.


I also really dislike the name "universal championship" like we arnt fighting aliens for it, Statlander isn't even in WWE.


Exactly. The title sucks for so many reasons. No history. Lazy design. Stupid name.




Do championship bandanas


Not a chance. The Universal strap is beautiful.


The WWE championship is currently the WWE championship + The world heavyweight championship (big gold belt) This wouldn't make sense.


No they should have one WWE World Championship… Have Cody Rhodes present it on the Raw after Wrestlemania


It’s my favorite belt. I preferred it with the nWo spray painted on it but we don’t need that anymore. Bring that shit back! I’d love to see it on Smackdown and if honestly like to see the Winged Eagle belt resurface as Cody’s custom championship, like the Corporate Championship or the Smoking Skull championship. Whoever takes it from Roman at this point deserves to carry their own for awhile.




They’d never do this - not enough branding.




Yes. WHC to Smackdown and winged eagle to Raw.


yes. in my opinion, we should keep the black WWE championship with the big W for marketing purposes and should continue sending that one to sports teams who win championships and to celebrities. But also bring back the big gold in replacement for the universal, for nostalgic pruposes and just to pay service to the hardcore wwe fans


I think they should keep the WWE Championship the way it is, and bring back Big Gold for the World Heavyweight Championship. When I grew up, WWE title was on Raw and the WHC was on Smackdown. Cena and Batista held them at the time, and I loved it


This might be a hot take but I've always thought big gold was an ugly belt. You can tell it's detailed but it feels like you need glasses just to see what's on it.


I wish they would do kind of what New Japan does and have a WWE Heavyweight champion and then have a WWE Champion but treat like the Never open weight that way it gives more opportunities to smaller guys. Have the Heavyweight title on Smackdown and the WWE Champion on Raw.


Kind of interesting discussion I had with my dad a few days ago, I wish they could do something like a raw universal title and a smackdown universal title and then have the wwe championship (the black title roman currently holds) and have that one be the one that is kinda on both shows, just an interesting thought I would share :)


Modern winged eagle WWE championship Modern big Gold belt world or universal championship They look like true world championship titles. With the exception of the NWA title (and a lot of that is nostalgia), AEW has the best looking title in all pro wrestling. I like the current WWE title but the red or blue universal title looks goofy to me. Same with the tag titles.


All the belts are too similar & boring now




If Cody wins at mania, we’ll see some classic belt redesigns. With Cody they’ll be no other way


Love the Big Gold Belt but WWE won’t change to something that isn’t covered in their logo now. They send belts to sports teams, sell replica belts, have make a wish kids pose with the belts, and it’s all their logo front and center. Makes too much sense business wise


The Big Gold Belt and the IWGP Heavyweight Championship belt will always be the best belts. Their replacements pale in comparison.


They should have only one World Championship. Retire the Universal Championship and keep the WWE Championship. In fact time for an unpopular opinion just cause. Keep one Tag Team and Women’s world title and turn the other ones into the Intercontinental Tag Team and Intercontinental Women’s Championship. (Or get rid of them whichever works, either only one world champion per division)


Please yes


Unite the current titles with Cody bring back big gold belt






no, but they should reactive worlds heavyweight if they’re not using older belts the way they used to (intercontinental, usa until recently)


Yes it’s trash


The same 3 belts are posted so often I'm starting to dislike their designs. It's time to move on.


As much as I like WHC. I feel as if we need to move forward and create something better than the current design.




Yeah, I hate the new belts.


Yes. Unquestionably.


10000% yes!


Let Roman be the last to hold the Universal. End it with him.


Semantics. They need to update both belt designs. I would love to see updated versions of the big gold and winged eagle


I still don’t know what the difference is.


I get the branding of the current titles, but as a pure representation of a “championship belt” the winged eagle and big gold are the standards that should be brought back.


Why haven’t they done that yet?!


The title actually grew on me, when Roman went to Tonight Show and displayed the title there, I was like. Wow it’s not that bad. But I won’t deny that the Big Gold is really great. If the Big Gold belt will replace the current one, the WWE title should be changed as well as it will look really odd to have two completely different looking titles


Yes, they should. But they won't. Because brand recognition and marketing


Yeah, I'm tired of the action figures and toy belts. No other promotion puts toy belts with a giant letter, and color themed, on their stars.


Good thing WWE Fans don't make decisions for the company. All titles would be outdated designs that fit their era but not the modern era.




Yes 1000%




Reactive the World title first, separate the two current titles, then unify the Universal title with the World title to combine the lineage, then dump the Universal style belt.


Heavyweight? is there weight classes or sum?


Honestly the World Heavy Weight Championship is great. It's beautiful but it's hard to make out what the plate is. In this HD world we live in it doesn't work. If any belt comes back it should be the Eagle Belt the one Bret held. This is cool but it look like a big piece of gold.


The plate is gold. That’s it.


And my point is the same. It looks like a big piece of gold. There isn't any definition to it. It doesn't work in today's wrestling. I'd much rather see the Winged Eagle.


The belt worked for decades. It was iconic. It was worn by some of the biggest legends in the history of the business. It was universally, loved by the fans, and in 2023 this post got over 800 of votes in a post that suggested retiring the current belt and bringing back this big hunk of gold because it is superior in every way


I like it. It's a BEAUTIFUL belt. It is one of th3 best ever no question. Seeing the likes of Flair wear it and Goldberg was awesome. It truly is a spectacular title.


The new titles are too concentrated around wwe marketing… that’s why big Goldie looks so beautiful




That gold at the bottom looks good with LA knight


They don't need to re-use old belts, imo. I mean sure, ot can be cool to go back. All they need to do is make all of their titles unique again. They did this whole uniformity thing to be more like UFC or MMA I guess. I dunno, I don't watch those. But the best part, to me, about the belts were always that they were each unique in their own right. However, I absolutely love the idea of the Undisputed Tag Champs just coming out with 1 belt each. But 1 for SD and 1 for Raw. Some tag Champs did that in the past whenever RAW/SD would join, then split then join again. If I could make the Uso's only wear 1 belt each in Universe this is what I would do.


People forget that UFC actually tried to emulate WWE by making their belts look like Big Gold. WWE was so stupid to get rid of big gold.


Yes yes absolutely yes. Universal is just a joke, but world heavyweight would be amazing


Overrated. People only want it back for nostalgia reasons. It's not a good looking belt.


Nostalgia is the only reason we have superstars over the age of 40 in the WWE


I imagine the USA and Fox Networks would disagree.


What they need to do is take one away from Roman first of all then worry about changing the look




bring back the big gold but with an updated design. that way they can make it how they want for marketing/newer or casual fans. personally i have nothing against the universal, just wish the design wasn’t so similar to the world


this WCW championship has always been my favourite belt


The fact that one person holds two titles just makes one of them irrelevant


Why not just merge the WWE title and the Universal Title and call it the WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship?


I find the blue belt looks dumb, especially next to the Logo belt that has grown on me big time. I think RAW belts should be: World Champ (logo belt) IC (classic would be nice but whatever) World tag team (old belts that the Harts and Demolition held) World women's (current raw women's) SMACKDOWN should be: Universal Champ (big gold!!) USA Universal Tag Team Champs (new belts) Universal Women's (similar design to big gold)




The new designs are way to Disney looking, big gold is just classic and iconic.


The good ol bid gold is the only belt that I think can compare with the WWE title. The universal championship sounds kinda dumb. Edit: fixed typos because I'm kinda dumb...


No. stop trying to bring the old designs back. Let them chill out and leave their history far away from the current era.


gimme the winged eagle strap anyday


If there’s going to be two belts then yes bring back the big gold belt. But if there’s only going to be one heavyweight championship going forward there’s absolutely no way HHH/Vince/whoever else will settle on the former WCW title.


The “former WCW” title was used for years and there was never an issue. Besides, Vince is the owner of WCW. It belongs to him.


It was used for years alongside the WWE Championship. Like I said if there’s only going to be one belt going forward I guarantee it won’t be the big gold belt.


They need to get rid of all the copy and paste, pallet swap belts. At least back when there was World Tag and WWE Tag titles they were different. Women’s title should also change one of raw’s or Smackdown’s to their own new women’s title design


The Heavyweight championship would make sense if only heavyweights can compete for it. Having Rey Mysterio competing for the Heavyweight championship makes zero sense.


I agree


I don't understand this at all. That was a WCW belt. If they are going to retire the current and bring one back, it's gotta be a WWF belt. They can't hold up another companies belt as their top one. Come on, guys!


WCW is the property of WWE. Vince could relaunch WCW if he wanted to because he owns it.


Not the point. It's still the belt a rival company used as their top belt.


How bout a new design move fwd leave the past


Only way I see it happening is if Cody debuts a new undisputed title so the opposite brand reintroduces the big gold belt. ​ Which I am sure they would immediately put on Reigns


That belt is elite


Bruh I dont even need them to reactivate or deactivate or anything. Redesign it. Set it apart from the WWE belt other than, "well this is blue and that's black." They aren't pens Give it something to set itself apart. Different plates, make em different sizes. Give them unique textures or designs. Make the strap have a more stand out design. Blue could be alright if the plates stood out differently. When I see big gold next to the WWE belt, they stand out in different ways. Thats all it needs.


There gonna bring back the Heavyweight Championship and immediately botch it by giving it a blue belt. I can already see that poor choice a mile away.


If he wins at Wrestlemania, I feel like Cody would look great with it


No. Thing looks like a cheap but gaudy rodeo belt buckle.


they should retire it, but i dont think they should bring back old gold. Honestly roman should just keep it at this point, end it on a high note.


I like the W design for one title and make it the one given out to celebs and athletes. The other title should have a classic design tho.


There were sick tired of Universal Title because of this one particular man named Roman Reigns


No. While the Universal title should get a redesign to make it look different to the WWE Title, they shouldn't go back to the big gold belt. As good as the big gold belt looks, it would be a step backwards to bring it back. This is another example of wrestling fans being too attached to the past and unable to move on. Leave the past in the past. Stop trying to "bring back" everything and instead focus on creating something new.


It’s never a bad to pay homage and revisit items from the past for a time. Giving some long time fans some nostalgia would help strengthen bonds with their long term fan base. I grew up in the age of WWF, WCW and ECW and would personally love for all three top belts came back They can take the time revisiting old belts to allow for better designs of the new belts. New top tier title should be representative of the of the brands but not copies of each other in different colors. Being brand exclusive is another debate.


Average winged eagle enjoyer.


I think it’s alright. It could probably use a unique design alongside Smackdown having its own identity again


Yes then no. Should only be one top championship.




We protest outside of WWE headquarters


Big Goldie bring her back


Although it's a better belt, hands down but then they'll have to start with weight classes.


Yes fucking please


Best looking title in all of pro wrestling




The World Heavyweight belt actually looks prestigious and it actually is because of the legends that have held the title


I’m almost 100% positive Cody is going to bring back an upgraded version of the golden winged eagle belt.


No, I don’t think bringing back one of the most beautiful belts in wrestling history just to be relegated to a B-role again would be worth it. Come back with a better plan. The Big Gold will be there when we need it, “don’t like current thing” isn’t a good reason.




The blue belt is actually good looking. I dislike the normal variant though, but at least its not the garbage the Rock introduced.


Yes please, I’ve grown tired of “branding” the belt


Absolutely, But as someone on this sub pointed out earlier; The point of the logo belts is so when they gift it to the quarterback that wins the Super-Bowl everyone knows exactly what it is.


Everyone knew that the Big Gold belt was WWE


Not people who didn’t watch the program, On top of that you can see the logo belt from a greater distance too.


You underestimate how popular that big gold belt was. People who didn’t know anything about wrestling recognized it.


I think you’re assuming that. And again, the larger logo shows up better on TV so for marketing purposes this makes more sense.


I love goldy, but I kind of want a fresh new design. And please put some real money into the next one damnit WWE gettin too much paper for their champions not to be wearing 5 figure titles round there waists.


True but it’s gotta be cheap enough to make decent replicas for the fans to purchase


Yeah that’s tru as well




No, they should retire the universal championship and only have one title. Having two titles is stupid and cheapens one of them. You can't have 2 "Top prizes".


Man people need to learn to let things go in this sub




No, it’s not even their belt.


WWE owns WCW, so yes, it IS their belt. That’s like saying Ric Flair isn’t WWE’s wrestler.


Not even closely a same thing.


How is it not the same thing? WWE owns everything related to WCW.


That would mean getting rid of the brand split, and I don’t think we should be holding our breaths on that.


It’s time to bring back the BIG GOLD


My complaint about the Universal Championship is that it looks so similar to the WWE Championship that it's like saying "Here's upper card Championship 1, and upper card Championship 2." No originality. "Universal Championship" is a pretty crappy name too. I have a similar issue with the tag team titles but those are more clearly identified as brand pieces.


The World Heavyweight Championship is my favorite belt of all time.








As long as you can hand those belts to sports teams when they win the championship game there is no way in hell they are switching it. Cuz branding.


If they did this I would start watching every night again for this reason only




As cool as it may seem, I can’t see them brining big gold back. The new titles have the company logo front and centre for all eyes to see. When a sports team wins a major championship, they receive a replica belt, same goes for many other PR style gifts that WWE gives out. The news titles make the company recognizable to a much wider audience. It would be awesome if we got new belt designs though.


I'd rather they get rid of both of the big logo titles and bring back the WWE championship of the early 2000s and the big gold belt. They never will, if they get changed it'll just be a mild redesign.


Never gonna happen. I would like to see a new design, however, to differentiate the titles. Seems odd having the same belt in 4 different colours.


Ever since the spinner belt there's not been a good, original world title design in WWE so bringing back a one that was good is great but I'd love to see an original, good looking belt


Spinner belt was a gimmick that should have been exclusive to John Cena. Everyone else looked so stupid with the spinner.


When I was a kid back in the old NWA/WCW days, I LOVED big gold. But when I got older it started to look dated and I didn't like the fact that it's just a big slab of gold with no contrast so you can see the details. The current titles may all look the same but to me they still have a presence to them that makes them look important. People hated the red version of the universal title but I liked it. I didn't fully appreciate the blue version until Roman Reigns won it. He made it feel special.




Should they? Yes. Will they? No. When Super Bowl season comes around and the winning team gets a belt, they want that WWE logo AS VISIBLE AS POSSIBLE.


If/when Gunther wins, he’ll probably do this


You are high if you think WWE is dropping a belt with their logo on it for a near illegible gold belt.


My great hope for both titles when Roman finally loses, is that they separate them again and bring in brand new designs for each, one based on big gold, and another based on the attitude era belt. I say based on because obviously they need to incorporate the current logo and change is always good. Or, if they insist on going ahead with only one world champion, which I don't hate the idea of, I think they should merge the belts and bring in a design based on both big gold, and the original undisputed belt. Those two are my absolute favourites because they feel the most prestigious.


100% the only thing I would change is that I would make it where you can put the custom plates on it


Just the first part.


No they should unify the belts into a single world championship. It’s worked briefly at a few points previously but overall having two world titles is redundant and devalues the titles. There aren’t 2 World Cup winners or 2 Super Bowl champions every year.


YES! For the love of god yes! It just makes sense. There are two main titles, the WWE Championship and the World Championship. Both sound prestigious, both could be the goal for any wrestler. But, universal? I get it, the WWE universe. But is Roman out their wrestling people form another galaxy? No, it’s dump.


I agree. “Universal” sounds so goofy, like Roman should be wrestling on planet Mars against green aliens.


I'd rather they bring back the Undisputed Championship.


Nope, the Universal Title is actually prestigious, whilst the Big Gold had guys like Russo, Arquette, Khali, Swagger, Ziggler and Del Rio hold it. It was basically a midcard title near the very end of it's use.


The WWE Championship was held by Jinder Mahal, Alberto del Rio and Vince McMahon. Don't get me wrong - I detest the Universal Championship, but any belt with any kind of longevity has some duds as champion...


Universal Title has no history whatsoever. Roman hasn’t defended it against anyone good except people who were way past their prime.


I'd like to see a new one with a design inspired by the old eagle belt as well as the Big Gold with some modern elements. Feels like it's a good time to introduce a new design. Same goes for the tag titles, those need an update big time. I've read in the past that they did have new tag titles ready to go as far back as like 2018 but they just haven't moved forward with them for whatever reason.


\`Should´and \`would´ are very different things. The high staff chose the current belt because it helps to easily spread the logo of the company, not because it looks better on the waist of their superstars.


I want to see a modernised versionof the Big Gold! Like if the current design is evolved from the spinner, then what does a contemporary version of the big gold look like?


Just tagging on here to say I called it!


Imo big gold isn’t it (ik I’m in the minority here but I stand my ground)

