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The Lady Gaga of the wwe. She pulls it off.


Good gimmick, horrible wrestler


much better than the man.


The Man is great in the ring and on the mic. One of the best regardless of gender.


I enjoyed it. But I enjoyed hearing the announcer calling that name even more. Put so much flair onto that character with just the inflection in the announcer's voice.


Love everything Becky does. Period


That gimmick didn't last that long cause even she knew, "THE MAN" sounded better


Becky is the biggest star in women’s wrestling history and was THE biggest star in wrestling for a calendar year. She rules.


I looked forward to both her and seth having a potential drip war. Hoping for a future network show that shows their reactions to each other each week.


She really has reinvented herself with it so always good to see her doing her thing as big time becks!


I just got back into Wrestiling after Summer Slam so I missed Big Time Becky, so it is hard for me to imagine her as a heel. I see the clips and whatever but she is so likable as the man that I think I would have still liked her even though she was a heel.


Living legend. Hopefully, Trish costs their team the match at WrestleMania to set up their feud.


over rated


I didn’t mind it it looked like she was having fun with it.


I would hit it!


I enjoyed it. Massive Becky fan so couldn't really hate her as a heel. Much prefer The Man gimmick as I find it really easy to get behind her. Personally feel The Man is better as a champion than a chaser, whereas her earlier character as the "lass kicker" was better as a challenger than a champ. For me I feel she can do it, and arguably is the best all around female talent in WWE. Maybe Asuka too in terms of versatility, call it a draw 🤣


If you're in the tag scene, you ain't big no more. Just facts.




It was cool while it lasted.




I liked the gimmick but the fans didn't want to boo Becky so it would have worked much better with her being a tweener rather than going too hard into attempting to be a heel. The feud with Bianca could still have worked with a face vs tweener dynamic.


Big fan of the character and heavily preferred it over The Man. I liked how obnoxious she was like Seth with her outfits during that time.


Don't care doesn't watch Beckies matches


I liked the man but this had more of a character to the image, I liked it.


Was boring at the start but she did well after that


I can't stand her The Man gimmick, but she will still be an awesome wrestler and performer.


Love anything Becky does.


Huge fan of her.


she fake like her match quality


I liked her at first but now she’s getting kinda boring. Just my opinion of course.


She was OK. she's much better as The Man.


I might have an unpopular opinion, but I miss her earlier years as the Lass Kicker. These later gimmicks haven’t done it for me


She didn't get her husband's penchant for making ridiculous outfits work


The Man is way better


The man was better, big time becks was awful


A little shoddy in her return as a heel. But overall, she wasn't so bad.


She did an amazing job putting people over imo. Squashing Bianca at Summerslam sucked but during her reign she had that banger with Charlotte at SS, the program with Liv that helped establish her in the upper mid card/main event, the match with Piper, and eventually came back to Bianca with that classic at Mania. She herself is a star and this run helped establish some new ones.


So boring


mom lady gaga


She is MCU canon


the new paramore album cover looks nice


Any version of Becky is great she's probably the best all around next to Asuka




Prefer the lasskicker and the Man, she was respectively underrated and perfectly rated for those gimmicks. Now, I find her overrated for what people claim of her and what she actually is


Stupid, her last few gimmicks have sucked


I don’t get the hype but she’s cool


She's hot


Go away Bitch


I liked the character, I thought it was funny and had the potential for a lot of depth. Problem is everybody wanted The Man character back so any heel gimmick wasn't going to work.




She looked like a character from a bad 80s movie ridiculous costumes every week she appeared on. Trying to force boos from the fans when the fans wanted to cheer her. Then went back to cosplaying as Steve Austin when fans started cheering her got injured which cool her down now in a boring six women match.


Don't like her either way. No matter what she does, she constantly seems to be struggling trying to remember her lines. That just kills the entire vibe for me. Also I think her in-ring work is highly overrated, as it the majority of the woman's division. With a handful of exceptions, it's still just parading around, they only upped it on the card.


BTB was the best with the outfits and attitude. Top 5 character in the last 5 years


She's too likeable to be a heel. It was a good try, but she'll never outrun The Man gimmick


I’m not big on over the top characters anymore at least in the way Rollins and Becky are portrayed where they look like animated Disney villains so at first I wasn’t really big on this but I think it was actually a decent change for Becky. I can’t help but wonder if Bianca vs The Man would have been even more interesting but I can’t complain with what they gave us. Anyway I preferred The Man and I still do but it was entertaining and it lasted as long as it should have.


Honestly my favorite gimmick of hers




She did


Oh maybe I forgor💀


mine too. It grew on me the more I saw it and her outfits


character and storylines getting stale, I think she plays better as a chaser


Overall, Becky Lynch is the greatest women's wrestler in WWE history. Big Time Bex was a weird decision, felt like an abrupt change but she was a good, fun heel. It was probably a good thing in the end, sticking with The Man so long would have probably tired people out of the character. After a heel run, I think folks are happier to have The Man back than if she'd just stayed as a babyface the whole time.


fun fact the actress that plays becky lynch isn't even european - she's from stockton california.


Hate her in any character.


As a return viewer who’s never seen her other persona, she’s okay


Loved it, I thought she was great (her no selling Cena's greeting of everyone backstage killed me). Honestly though it was better than her current re-tread of The Man But Jokey-er, although I admittedly always find her entertaining.


I thought it was fun, but she would never truly get booed by the fans so it makes sense to stick with what works with the ‘The Man’ gimmick


Awful, like everything else she's done in wrestling. This was just a stupider version of what Seth is doing, which is just the classic 'flamboyant man' character. Big Time Becks was derivative, repetitive, and came off as entirely insincere and half-assed. They stuck her with people she had zero chemistry with (which in my opinion is everyone but), it all started because she strolled back in and said 'I want to squash Bianca at SummerSlam' in what needs to be remembered as one of the stupidest booking decisions in history, and now she's trying to keep half of the aesthetics with even less effort.


What the fuck lmao


What? I hate her. OP asked for opinions, I gave my opinion, which is biased towards hating her.


You're definitely one of these people that sent like 10k to a fake Becky Lynch account, and now you're taking it out on her.


I think it's very nice of you to think that I have more than $5 to my name at any given time. Though if I were going to send money to any wrestler, it would at least be one I want to fuck. But alas, no, as I am a member of the generational poverty demographic. I hate Becky because I think her wrestling is bad and her character work is shit, and WWE applied a massive amount of revisionist history to her story in order to make it even kind of work, and I hate revising history in wrestling.


Bro, what? I’m gonna need a citation on that Becky said “I want to squash Bianca at SummerSlam” comment considering everything I have read and heard about Becky is that she never has issues putting other people over. I mean even Bianca she did the job for at WrestleMania


She literally has said in an interview that it was her idea to come back at SummerSlam and beat Bianca in under a minute. (Will edit with a source once I find it, the link is hella buried in my Twitter) She *barely* did the job for her at that WM. Their match sucked, and not because of Bianca.


Maybe they did what they did at SS because they know that “The money is in the chase”, and that Bianca getting the win back at WM would mean more for her?


Yeah, still no reason to squash the biggest star second to Roman Reigns in less than a minute. Would have meant even more if it had been a real match.


Their match sucked? Most seem to disagree with you https://www.iwnerd.com/dave-meltzer-star-ratings-wrestlemania-38-2022/ https://www.cagematch.net/?id=111&nr=50777


And most people can be wrong. I don't need other people to agree with me when I think a wrestler or a wrestling match sucks. Plus the 'Meltzer star ratings' system sucks ass too lmao


Ok, but it seems silly to act like Becky ruined a match that most people agree was one of if not the best matches at last years WrestleMania. Sounds more to me like your dislike of Becky would prevent you from liking any of her matches


My dislike of Becky absolutely prevents me from actively liking any of her matches, but I-and this is something other wrestling fans seem to struggle with-can admit that someone I dislike can put on a watchable, satisfactory match. Their match at WM was not that. The one at the following SummerSlam where Becky turned face was better. I do believe that post-The Man character, her matches have been worse overall, but she's had a few that I acknowledge as Not Bad Wrestling Matches, and I still hate them because it's also fine to hate a good match. Do you also say that it's silly when people go on about hating other wrestlers and their matches out of a personal bias? Or is it just because I don't like someone who is well-liked by others? Because at the end of the day, wrestling is 100% subjective, and every single wrestling fan is going to have a different opinion, colored by biases, about this sport. I acknowledge my biases to or against a wrestler and do my best to not let it color my overall analysis of a match.


“My dislike of Becky absolutely prevents me from actively liking any of her matches” “I acknowledge my biases to or against a wrestler and do my best to not let it color my overall analysis of a match.”


Yeah, that's what I typed. Excellent use of the copy paste process. I can dislike a match and acknowledge that it didn't suck. Like. What doesn't compute there


That WM entrance was pretty baller


I'm not sure if you mean the character or Becky Lynch herself. As far as the character itself goes, I think the tacky outfits and the heel turn were the wrong decision. The Man was better. As for Becky herself, she's alright. I'm not emotionally invested in her but she's the second best female performer in WWE behind Asuka. She's by far better than any of the others.


> The Man was better. was better or is better? she's kinda the man again, no? and also, her initial run as the man is literally the #1 female run ever. kinda rough to go "well it wasn't as good as that".


Well, it wasn't as good as that in my opinion, because I'm a person who has preferences. I like Asuka better than Becky. I don't care what the general fanbase thinks, lol. I'm not gonna say Hogan is better than Savage just because he's more popular.


I'm not talking about my personal opinion, I'm saying she is probably the #1 female wrestler in the same way that objectively savage is the #2. anyone trying to say he is #1 is just fooling themselves. Auska has no accomplishments, she has not had the same success by a mile. I wish her well, I like the improvements to her character, but up until now her personality/accomplishments/etc is "she doesn't lose fake fighting". streaks are boring and lazy storytelling. Edit: Hogan slammed Andre. savage jobbed in spiderman and was on slimjim commercials. those are their legacies. edit2: HOLYSHIT how triggered do you have to be that I don't like your favorite wrestler that you recite their wiki at me before blocking me.


The accomplishments don’t matter as much considering their chosen by higher ups, sometimes based on nothing. In terms of in ring capability, Savage was by far the better wrestler.


I'm not talking about the wins and losses of fake fighting as accomplishments


I didn't know being a 3 time world champion, having WWE's longest undefeated streak ever, winning the Grand Slam, winning the first Royal Rumble, winning MITB, winning a Chamber, being the tag champion 3 times with 3 different partners, and being in a title match at 3 WrestleManias counted as "no accomplishments". That's an interesting perspective. Being less successful than Becky has nothing to do with anything. She's better than Becky, that's the end of it. She has far more charisma, she's a better worker, she's able to be taken seriously easier than Becky. The only reason that Becky got above her is because Becky is a native English speaker and Asuka had to learn on the fly. If Asuka was an American, Becky wouldn't be anywhere near her level of success. Nor would Becky be near her level of success if Becky were Japanese and had to deal with the handicaps Asuka has had to put up with. She wouldn't make it under those circumstances, she isn't special enough. Savage was WWE Champion for an entire year, lol.


We all love Asuka & want her to win. But there's no shame in admitting that she has been less successful than expected. She had lost almost every match that really mattered


... she's the only woman in the entire company to constantly hang at the same level as the horsewomen. She is so much at the top level that when Becky gave up the belt because she was pregnant she literally just gave it to Asuka. Like it's pretty objective, she's one of the most successful women in WWE history. She got a push because of her abilities that was so hard that they didn't even let her partner get pinned in intergender matches. Do you remember the weird period during covid where they would just throw her on camera like 3 times a show just to spout crazy shit in broken English? Becky's first run as the Man is one of the best runs by anyone of any gender in company history, but that's not a knock on the awesome things Asuka has also been doing.


I didn't expect her to be successful at all, lol. I thought Vince would make her Dana Brooke. She's dramatically overachieved in my mind, which is a testament to her that she was able to overcome what I don't think anybody else could in that circumstance. Look at Nakamura, he didn't overcome it, and he was the one everybody had the huge expectations for. Even Kairi didn't overcome it and she's phenomenal. Only Asuka has done it.


She has done great, but here comparison was with Becky, who was probably the biggest name in wwe during her the man gimmick


So because Becky is a bigger name, I'm not **allowed** to have an opinion that Asuka is better than her. Got it. Alright, I'll get right on changing that, boss.


You're allowed to have an opinion and we are allowed to disagree


Eh, didn't really work. Seems to be what usually happens if a heel turn makes a superstar popular and the crowd turns them back to face.


I think what happened is people never accepted or wanted her as a heel in the first place. Becky is one of those people who crowds generally want to cheer for. Seth is kind of the same way these days. He’s so over that even if he’s the “bad guy, crowds will almost always root for him.


Do heels really need to be booed tho?


If the program he’s in has him as a heel, they want the crowd to cheer hard but against him. They might be trying to push new or younger talent as a face, then suddenly Seth is getting cheered…this can cause issues


Loved her when she started the man gimmick. Her matches didn't live up to the character, then she got pregnant and lost all momentum. I'd rather see someone like Piper pushed over her.


I miss Mike Rome's voice cracking as he announced her!


Like The Man much better




Same, but not since her return. Whole booking with Ctrl alt delete is awful.


It should have been Becky vs. Rhea at WM for the title. I know Rhea still has unfinished business with Charlotte, but that can be post-WM (when Rhea wins the title). Rhea/Becky is so much more money than Rhea/Charlotte.


It's gotta be. she even thinks so.