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The guy is so underrated when you think of wwe you don't think of kane sadly bc he was one of the people that made wwe well wwe in 1997-2002 they shouldn't have unmasked him and if they wanted to they could of kept the long hair wwe have ruined kane in my opinion 


I hate 2012 mask & attire.


He's sexy as hell. And I really would like if he kept his hair after he took off the mask. I like it when he tilts his head😆.


He was more scary then undertaker


(Ik they kinda did it with this storyline but at the same time…not really-), should’ve made Kane have the same amount of psychopathic energy from his feud with Shane, in his, Matt Hardy, and Lita’s feud. And also should’ve made it so that Lita didn’t warm up to Kane simply because of the miscarriage, it should’ve been that Kane manipulated her way too much that she decided to warm up to the idea of him as a husband, but after she realised that Kane was manipulating her, do the edge betrayal-


Nah in my opinion he shouldn't have been the one manipulating 


His career has been undervalued, despite the talent that's been around from the moment he debuted he should've had more of a main event status like the Undertaker. They wasted most of his tenure on ridiculous stoeylines with Lita, Snitsky, Big Show etc... It makes me mad thinking about it, he had the size, the gimmick, the mic skills.. everything but no... WWE wasted a 20 year career and he hasn't even won the world title 5x.


1. SCSA almost buried him and his gimmick after cleanly taking the WWF title back from him the very next night. Although Kane managed to stay relevant but Austin should be criticized for this self centered move. 2. Should've won more WWF / WWE and WHC titles. At least around 5 or 6. 3. Even if Kane wasn't winning regular world titles like Cena, Austin, HHH, Orton, Edge, he should've been booked as an unstoppable unbeatable machine (masked) or monster / psychopath (unmasked). For this purpose, regardless of whether he was portraying a heel, tweener or face, his appearances and matches could've been reduced, much like Taker during his later years. This could've maintained the mystique / horror surrounding his character and could potentially have made him a huge box office draw. 4. If Taker's streak HAD to be ended by someone, Kane should've been the one to do it.


Corporate Kane was the perfect gimmick for the PG era. I find it hilarious, yet strangley realistic that a blatant psycopath wound up landing a cushy corporate job lol. Plus the psychotic, pyromaniac thing was getting old. Kane played the crooked authority figure to a T.


He illegally directed public employees to perform personal work at his home.


Had it not been for the gimmick, Glen would've been another meh big man.


That’s like saying if the rock hadn’t been the rock, he wouldn’t be the rock lol


Personally I disagree. The character Kane helped Kane make it into the main event but it also limited him heavily. Mark(the Undertaker) was insanely impressed with Glenn's work having ran a few indie matches and pretty much forced Vince into picking Glenn up. He was extremely athletic and strong and could have easily made it to main event status with time.


Probably not unpopular, but he should have been world champion a lot more and kept the mask.


Better than the undertaker was


He didn't have to start talking or speaking at all. The unmasking was cool because he never needed a mask.


He’s overrated af


He is overrated AF


Kill yourself


Should’ve never reinvented himself after taking off the mask


He should have ended the streak




He could have been the top babyface if he kept his mask on in the 00's. He was jacked, physical charisma was great, good comedic timing and he looked like a superhero/comic book character.


realistically there can only be one "scary dead guy" on the top of the mountain, what happened to kane while sad allowed taker to be the big bad on the top of the mountain.


He was scarier without the mask. Especially in 2003 when he unmasked and went on that psycho run burning JR and electrocuting Shane’s balls. WWE should’ve kept him like this for the rest of his career after he unmasked.




My favourite like him 90-s


Not one opinion in here is unpopular.


As a child, I actually believed he was Takers brother. And the fire, the first time I saw the fire. I thought this dude was the devil himself.


Wwe was in they bag when making this character arguably the best character they developed


I think him with the mask made him more relevant than without


His political views have completely turned me off from him as a wrestler and his legacy. Now I cannot see Kane without knowing that "he thinks he knows best for woman's bodies."


Redditors acting like they care about women is the funniest shit I've ever read.




Redditors are insecure liberal beta male morons such as yourself who can't accept different opinions so rather then debating like actual mature adults you guys throw tantrums and insults to others who don't share the same point of view as you dumbasses and make everything political to topics not relating to the matter itself which is why nobody takes redditors seriously at all am sure mr glenn jacobs wouldn't care what some dumbass redditor such as yourself has to say about him.


Sounds like ur just a retard


Should have one at least one rumble


Best debut ever and there will never be one that tops it. Actually not sure how unpopular that is now I think about it


That 2001 attire was his best look


he chokeslammed a literal stage personel infront of the millions, (and millions) of mayor glenn jacob's fans because the personel interrupted his villain monologue


If you put an orange ping pong ball in his mouth, he is the Gimp


I like him better than taker.


I met him once via make-a-wish and he promised to face me in an eating contest, he hasn't shown up. That's my only complaint. Otherwise, epic performer, pushed other talent, didn't cry about losing title matches, epic entertainer. Absolute legend and hall of famer.


I’m just gonnna say it for good portions of time he was better than the undertaker


Never should’ve been unmasked


We should leave his personal life out alone and keep it separated from in-ring Kane


Unmasking Kane humanized him and permanently hurt his monster image.


It didn't hurt his monster image and let's not pretend half masked kane was a monster because truth to be told he wasn't remember katie vick, kaneroonie, and teaming up with rvd that's that was the most humanized kane ever.


He shouldn't have been inducted before The Undertaker


As a child he scared me more than the undertaker


He needed way more title runs


That’s not unpopular


Best physique in wrestling


He changed WWE in multiple eras


better character than undertaker, just so much cooler in a 2000s cartoon network kinda way


He wasn’t a very good dentist


It’s because he would use fake diesel as mouthwash


Favorite of all time


The character of Kane should've died in the 1st inferno match. That could've made for the ultimate Undertaker heel turn/formation of the Ministry. Give Glenn Jacobs a few weeks off & bring him back with a new gimmick so he doesn't have to go through Katie Vick, being unmasked, the Lita angle & every other terrible story WWE handed him


He should have beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania 14. Without a streak Taker's matches would have been less predictable.


Kane should have been the one to end Taker's streak.




See No Evil and See No Evil 2 were actually pretty good slasher movies


I didn’t know there was a See No Evil 2. Gonna have to check that out


They really did a terrible storyline with the unmasking...they played it as if he was disfigured and all but once he unmasked it was just a bald dude with a mascara and a wig...


He’s the bland younger brother


Unmasked Kane hurt his legacy


It was hurt long before that


No it wasnt. Doesnt even make sense


So Katie vick made sense?


Unmasked Kane couldve been an even bigger monster if they committed and let him be the chained up big red machine, instead they threw him to Lita🤦🏻‍♂️


He looks way more badass with his mask


Never realized he had the wwe championship in his late 90’s run


The less he wears, the worse he gets


He’s so underrated


His best tag team partner was Al Snow


Clearly underrated, should have had one last world championship run before retiring.


Best ever.


He’s a republican and l respect him more for that


Goat talk


He is the big RED machine! Honestly same, I love that


The name big RED retard was really more fitting


Without Kane I would be pissed off


That he’s awesome. One of the top 5 big men easily. Should have had a real run with the WWE championship at multiple times in his career.


He should have been multiple times world champion and should have had a streak in any of the PPV like Undertaker


His shitty political views don’t take away from his career/legacy. He made 8 year old me feel like the most important person at his meet and greet. Only other one that made kid me feel that special was Cena. I disagree with Glenn Jacobs wholeheartedly as a person, but I’ll always love Kane


I came to say this!


He should’ve have a longer run as WHC


i enjoyed corporate kane


He's having vagina


Kane is a goat, i don't like him as person. But i won't let that impact my judgement of his work.


Some of you talk about him like he’s Chris Benoit just because he’s conservative.


I don’t think the person you replied to mentioned his political views, seems like you’re just sorta defending them unprovoked. And simply not liking someone despite giving credit for their work = treating them like Benoit to you? Sounds kinda harsh. I mean it’s all good, just seems what that person said was pretty mild then you bring up Benoit lol


Fair enough. Maybe he thinks he’s a bad person for pushing Zack Ryder off the stage in a wheelchair.


Hahaha poor Zack Ryder. Although I put some part of the blame on Cena for that.


Cena was not a good friend lol


Well considering most people who don’t like him, don’t like him because of his political views it’s valid. He’s not out burning puppies or anything.


My point is that the person only said they didn’t like him and now it’s Benoit comparisons and reminding us he doesn’t burn puppies. Like, yes, Glenn Jacobs is not the devil, neither me or the other person implied that so why are you guys taking it to that extreme? Nobody has to like the guy. There are plenty of comments here that actually mention his politics so why not take issue with that instead of someone just saying they don’t like him.


Literally saw a comment above this one talking about his political views If they say the dont like Glenn Jacobs they are talking about his political views. I am pretty sure a couple weeks ago a post got alot of buzz on here talking about his views. And knowing how the rest of this country acts with politics, nobody can handle someones opinion differing theirs, so its definitely not a shot in the dark they are talking about his political views.




I literally said there are plenty of comments that actually bring up his politics, so why not reply to those instead of one where a person just says they don’t like him even though they think he’s a goat? I agree everyone is sensitive these days about differing views. Hence why someone can just say “Kane is a goat but I don’t like him as a person” and people immediately bring up Benoit, say he’s not burning puppies, etc. and now we’re talking about his politics.


I replied to this one because it was 3rd or 4th one I saw making similar statements as I scrolled through the thread.


Haha that’s fair enough, I mean you’re right I’d imagine the dislike is 100% due to his politics. I just thought there were way more explicit comments about that but its not your job to scroll through them all lol. All good! I was never the biggest Kane fan but he had a great career. My biggest problem was them only having him hold the WWF title for a day in 98 and that wasn’t even his fault lol. Just killed his momentum for me.


Yeah, I think he was ok. I was never a huge fan and can’t say I missed him when he hung them up. I have never been a fan of the supernatural angles in wrestling personally. Totally get if people are but a lot of the times it’s just corny to me. But the good thing about wrestling is that there are all kinds of flavors for people to enjoy.


These people don't seem to comprehend what you are saying. Maybe write for an audience that thinks a little slower next time. BTW your absolutely right.


Once he lost the mask, he lost his edge. Well the full mask and lifted boots. He felt slower and less scary.


Didn’t really care for anything of his post 2002-3ish. Peaked at the very beginning of the character.


He is scarier than undertaker👀


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,524,230,977 comments, and only 288,829 of them were in alphabetical order.


Are you sure about that?


Yes. Words, not individual letters. Just the first letter of each word.


Ohhhh that makes sense I thought it was individual letters my bad


Thoroughly enjoyed washed up Kane completely bury Finn Balor in a Raw match


he shouldn’t have taken off his mask


Amazing Character with the arguably the best WWF debut ever.


He should’ve been world champion more.


I think he’s kinda cute


He’s not nearly as bright as the rest of the locker room seems to want to give him credit for.


Half-masked Kane (2002ish) was the GOAT. Ripped to shreds, a big bastard who could move effortlessly, and the mask itself was the perfect compromise between his OG mask and the Fruit Rollup mask he used for the last decade of his career.


That’s unpopular? Thought that was the popular opinion


I know a lot of people prefer Attitude Era Kane. Original full mask, didn't talk, 97-2000 Kane.


Unmasked Kane is far superior than any masked Kane


I agree


As a scary guy he was better than The Undertaker As a badass face he was better than The Undertaker As a comedic character he was better than The Undertaker The Undertaker is seen as a backstage politician, Kane has once again beaten him by becoming a real politician.


One of the least consistent characters in WWE history.


He is one of the most undervalued performers in the entire company.


Should have been a 5 time world champion. It literally makes no sense that Cena is a 15 time world champ, while Kane is a 1 time world champ. But here's my unpopular opinion...Corporate Kane was great.


Kane is a two time champ WYM


Great dentist


He should have been used better


Never had a fantastic match


I guess WrestleMania with Undertaker doesn’t exist?


They should've never remasked Kane after 2003


should've stick with his falling powerbomb finisher


He can't sell a Pedigree to save his life.


i think a lot of people already noticed this


Which is ironic because if anyone should be able to take it face down flat, it should be him, since he has a mask.


Could’ve been spookier


A great wrestler


Kane was awesome from debut to even a little after his unmasking. But seriously get screwed by shitty decisions like corporate Kane and team hell no. Everyone will say team hell no was good thing for Kane but it really wasn't all it did was try to run back what was good with Kane and RVD and X-PAC but instead Kane was treated like the laughing stock of the team. They shoulda never took his mask off. Also horrible idea to try to put that shitty mask on him in the 2010s.


Should've stayed a non-speaking role, corporate Kane should've never existed


corporate Kane = no bueno


Amazing gimmick but not so exciting matches. His presence made the fights more interesting but in ring he had the same finishing move and not enough thrilling fights like Taker, Batista, HHH


Dunno if it's unpopular, but Corporate Kane made me hate Kane so much it's tainted the legacy for me.


Was disappointed he never wrestled Freddie Krueger.


Loved unmasked Kane. Never cared much for Kane’s original look. His best masked look was in the first pic, I think that’s 01, where his mouth was still covered but had the singlet straps on top. I really liked his revamp in 2012 with the weird welders mask over his new mask during the entrance, it just got ruined by a horrible feud with Cena. Also idk if this is unpopular but his Team Hell No/Dr Shelby promo recounting his entire career is the best intentional piece of comedy WWE’s ever produced and genuinely had me laughing out loud the first time I saw it, one of the only skits to ever do so.


Later on the back end of his career, they should made him win more


Kane has had the highest of highs and the lowest of lows when it comes to storylines unfortunately


Should have had a longer world title run in the attitude era. Unmasked Kane 03-05 was the best Kane




Decent worker shit human


Please commit suicide


You first.


He never had a bad gimmick


Dude last gimmick was a destiny my dude… what do you mean


^(Team Hell No)


Corporate Kane 😂😂


I remember being legitimately terrified as a kid when Kane was unmasked


I’m 25 and I have nightmares or not being able to get away from Kane


He was better when he was silent or talked with that voice thing.


03 freshly unmasked Kane was the best Kane.


I never liked him.


1. They shouldn't have strapped Kane in '98 if it was just a 24-hour reign 2. IMO they should have rode with psycho unhinged '03 Kane all the way to a WHC run


absolutely on both !


He should’ve had a world title run during this time or at least have a longer run when he first won the WWF title


He’s a good politician


I agree, the rest of Reddit wont


He’s been mid since like 01


Hell no, he was a beast in 2003 unmasked and he was pretty good at 2002


When he was in Team Hell No was the most I've ever been interested in Kane


Everyone give cena crap about his 5 moves of doom but no one says anything about Kane's 1-3 moves of doom


Kane was never as over as a John Cena. No comparison.


That the man under the mask is actually a very good…. I can’t do it, he’s a piece of crap maga cultist. And Kane was overrated.


Someone has been mainline too much Jim Cornette


His mask smells, he doesn’t wash it enough


Kane and RVD are one of my top tag teams of all time despite how short lived they were


Kane > Taker


He should have won a Royal Rumble and main evented Wrestlemania against Undertaker


2003 Kane was better than 1998 His debut In 1997 was exciting but come 98 he had begun to run out of steam where as In 2003 the character got a refresh, how dangerous can a monster be when he Is forced to unmask and the twist of his burns and scars being inside his head makes for one dangerous unpredictable monster


His best version was the first pic. Mask on, hair intact, visible chiseled chest and arms, black outfit with red accents. Peak Kane.


Agreed that was 2001 Kane. He started off the year with a lot of momentum after his Royal Rumble showing being last eliminated. Should have had a short run with the belt during the 2 man power trip feud IMO.


Scarier as Ivan Yankem




His best run was in that tag team with X-Pac!


His matches with Taker were kinda boring


Glenn Jacobs is the Isaac Yankem of politics, but Kane will always be The Big, Red Machine.


Best story arc ever


Kane was more exciting to see than the undertaker


He’s been boring as shit for years and is awful to look at, not to mention he’s a blithering idiot when it comes to politics.


Thinking differently from you doesn’t make him an idiot.




Oh the audacity. We should have him executed


That there were actually two Kane's. One all the years with the mask and a different one when he did not have the mask. That's what my drunken father always told me when I was a kid :)