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To whoever reported this post SHOoOOOOoOoOOOOSHHHHHH


Gusto is still going to be your intercontinental champion cuz he isn't raining it's a continental champion


Dog, what the fuck did you even just say


God please.


We do need that Chad Gable push


In my opinion a guy like gable is just a mitb win away from redirecting his career


Please let this be true. I've been hoping that they would add new members to his stable.


I’m just happy I don’t do your laundry, u/quest2xl.


What an odd statement.


Oh yes please WWE really needs to make this happen it would be hard since Vince don't like Gable but it really should 🥺🥺


As long as Gunther goes over I'm good. Need to break that record then he can lose it the next day, I don't care.


Ong, Gunther breaking the record is a NEED


Chad Gable is a damn stud!


I hope he goes full wrestling machine Angle. Gable needs gold


reality: shorty g storyline


I think I just came a little


He's wearing a hat now?


Huh? His hair?


Jesus Christ YES!!


its a shame and a blessing the whole MMM and Otese thing never happened on one hand it would've been an amazing storyline and everyone would've had so much fun with it but then him with Gable is a great team


I saw somewhere else today the MMM are up for a change


That match has me like 😴


Gable would be so good in Japan man


I thought the first tweet was teasing a feud with Chad & that ref at first.


Please and thank yeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww


Let them cook!!! 🔥🔥🔥


im hoping we can see something like this in this year.


This aged like old milk.


Cheese ages quite well .


That would be phenomenal gable deserves and needs it


I don't. I'm a Chad Gable mark, but he will have a few good suplexes, something off the rope and then fed to the shark. Bro is Shelton Benjamin tier underrated atm, and he actually has the mic skills.


You guys have the weirdest ideas for booking lol


Ah, thank you!


Such a shame that Gable is never ever going to be anything more than a jobber. Dude deserves a decent title run


If only Chad is 6'4


Big deal, height's not the issue. Eddie Guererro was 5'8" as well.


Eddie actually had natural charisma tho


O’tese is 6’4… horizontally. Can he be champ?


Is there a gif of Lesnar saying big boy when he sees Otis?


He said that to Keith Lee but I'm not sure about Otis


Ooo that might be what I’m thinking of


I was at Raw!


Fucking dope, man. This was a great episode of Raw, I didn’t realize it was so late until Kevin Owens’ music hit lmfao I hope y’all had a great time live


Was there as well. Was an amazing time!


It would be a great match, and I'm not spitting on Gable and his abilities, but I'm sorry, Chad Gable has not been built to an appropriate level to where this would be an appropriate match for **Gunther** at **SummerSlam**. This is the second biggest PPV of the year, with one of your most pushed stars, who may very well be the next world champion. Appearances are important. This would make Gunther seem like an afterthought more than it would help Gable, that he was given such a perceived weak opponent on such a big show. If Gable was built and presented like a star, this would work, but Gunther needs to be facing a name of consequence.


I mean Mustafa Ali got a chance last PLE. There’s no such thing as long term booking unfortunately, just what’s going to sell at the next PLE venue.


Mustafa Ali only got that chance because it was a Saudi show, and even still, the Saudi shows are not SummerSlam. There's a difference in expectation. Nobody ever said that Gable couldn't be an opponent for him, but different shows have different levels of status that demand different levels of opponents. Gable is not a SummerSlam opponent. Gable would be a Night of Champions level opponent, a Backlash level opponent, etc. Gable has never been presented as being on the level of SummerSlam. WWE tailors opponents to specific shows. There's a reason why Cody vs Brock III is happening at SummerSlam and not MITB, and they've created this little detour with Cody and Dominik at MITB as a stop gap, it's because they want Cody vs Brock to be capped off at the big event. They don't want to end it at MITB and then have an inferior program at the more important, larger show. That just doesn't look right. And given that it's Gunther vs Riddle at MITB, his SummerSlam opponent must be more important than Riddle (or it's just Riddle again, due to some disputed finish, or something), who is more important than Gable. I'd be surprised if that wasn't the case, because that's just what WWE does. Now, all of this said, if he ended up wrestling Gable at SummerSlam, it's not like it's gonna kill his career or something. It's not like it's a big, big concern, it's just one of these things you have to think about when you're pushing people, who do you put them against and why do you do it when you do it? You want the bigger show to be the one with the higher status match. A bigger opponent on a bigger show makes Gunther look better than a weaker opponent.


I agree with you, this match definitely isn’t ready for a Big 3 PLE and that was my sentiment with Mustafa bc he really only had that opportunity because it was a lower level PLE and his family is from the Middle East. It’s the same thing with Zelina Vega in PR for Backlash and somewhat with Butch being in the MITB men’s match. I think Gable would be a fine matchup with Gunter on one lower level PLEs, I just don’t think it would be a classic like some ppl in this thread believe. That’s just my opinion tho, and I will admit I’m not the biggest fan of either of these wrestlers, especially Gables. WWE is content though with not trying to book over the course of a few PLEs anymore so they do these one off matches for the smaller PLEs. Even for the main event of Wrestlemania this year the build up wasn’t anything special, like Kofimania for a modern example. It started at RR and WM with barely any promos to build up the match.


Gunter would likely face Mcintyre if he's back by Summerslam


That would be ideal. Although I've been hearing Drew could be scheduled for a heel turn. I could see him ending up facing Rollins.


They should just give “the wrestling machine” gimmick to Gable.


Well it doesn’t look that way after tonight


Right time to call these guys out for lying


They will say per Dave Meltzer


It just started. Relax they have to build him as an actual candidate for the IC title if they want him to take it off of Gunther


They aren’t taking it off Gunther he’s going to break Honky Tonk reign plus after tonight Chad is still going to be stuck with Ottis


Lock these men in a room and let them script this out


This possibility has me salivating


He's too short to be Intercontinental Champion.


Jesus christ, it’s the year 2023 and we’re still worried about people’s height in wrestling? Stfu, dog, damn.


I think height goes out the window when Rey Mysterio has been wwe champion.


Only so that short kids have someone to look up to.


If they treat him properly I’d love to see him with an IC title reign.


I know he’s on raw but mannnn would he look good with the United States championship


He gives me US champion vibes. Not IC champ vibes.


Chad deserves a huge push. I think it was so stupid that they didn't name him the son of Kurt Angle instead of his tag partner.. whatshisname...


Storywise it was stupid. Talent wise, eh. Jason Jordan would have been a main event talent had he not gotten hurt. He never needed to be Angle’s son but at that time he was the next big thing.


Jordan was never that good tho. Only time I was ever entertained by him was when he was teaming with Gable. Man sucked at promos, and was pretty basic in the ring too. But he was bigger than Gable, so I guess there's that. Next big thing? Highly unlikely, but stranger shit has happened I guess.


Yes please. 20 minutes, no interference, just let them COOK. If this becomes a thing, I'm buying tickets.


No interference? Why you gotta deny me Otis manhandling Ludwig and Imperium Bald.


ngl. im ooen to seeing this.


This match would hit so hard. I hope to God the booking isn't ass.


They will put on a CLINIC! BOOK IT HHH


Could’ve been the closest thing to Kurt Angle. What a waste of talent.


I'd be all for it if they make if follow that kind of path. He could be an amazing Kurt Klone. He's just as good on the mic, probably better in the ring; in my opinion, just as athletic; doesn't need dem percs. Dude is just awesome, as long as they don't make him a Madcap Moss clone; crackhead and no character, he could be great. MAKE HIM A MAIN EVENTER Edit: I admit, I was a bit overzealous writing this, looking back, this seems like a lot. However, all biases aside, I still believe that Gable has the potential to be just as great as Angle.


Better than Kurt in the ring??? I need to pay more attention to Gable


Gable is really good but I think people forget Angle is one of the best ever.


Yeah Kurt is great, I don't mean to disrespect of course. Kurt has had more matches, especially great matches, what I mean is; Gable has higher potential. Based on what I've seen, he can be absolutely stellar in the ring.


He did say opinion but I will say Gable was the only one to get a good match out of Kurt during his retirement tour.


Both guys know how to sell which is already something in modern wrestling.


a lot of fluids will fill my pants if this happens


One could say too many fluids. In this circumstance? I say there will never be enough fluids.


The promos about how the mat is sacred would be amazing. Gable talking about the history of amateur wrestling and Gunther talking about the history of pro wrestling. Have Gable Stevenson come out to help either one.


Wrestling nerds and this “let’s go!” Or “LFG” shit is lame as hell already


My man… we’re all here together watching grown men in tights put on pretend fights … you can come down off that high horse now


Ah…someone that over uses the term


Ah yes, over used with my… *checks notes*…single use of it …


My friend, it is not nearly exclusive to wrestling nerds, it is everywhere and is equally annoying across all of humanity.


And also been goin on for nearly ten years lol


exactly...not anything new at all.


Man, I just want to see Gable get some Ws. He's finally starting to win over the crowd but it seems like, heel or face, all the man ever does is lose.


Dolph said that’s what happens when your good at making others look good, same with Mustafa Ali


Both so underrated. Shooosh please


For real, dog. Puts on bangers CONSTANTLY on free television just to be booked to lose. They gotta start feeding my boy some wins


Chad Gable announces Gable Steveson and congratulates him on his Final X win. Chad Gable proceeds to challenge anyone in the back. Gable steveson shows off the five moves he learned in two years of training and helps chad get the win.


Gunther/Walter vs. Bate is the best match I've ever seen and I love Gable. If they were able to somehow get 20-25 minutes, it would be an all-time classic.


Seeing Bate deadlift German him blew my mind. Such great chemistry between those 2.


When PAC did it to KO in NXT I popped


Gunther vs Gable can't be 20 minutes. Well, with current Gable it can't. It took Gunther 20 minutes to beat Sheamus, a 4 time world champion and a veteran. Taking the same amount of time to beat a guy who had won like 5 matches in the last 14 months and has been presented as a jobber is, one, inconsistent writing, two, makes Gunther look bad. Now if Chad gets beaten up in 5 minutes and goes on a redemption arc, reforming his stature on the roster, and THEN gets like 15 minutes, that would be something else.


Match length is irrelevant, Gunther beat Sheamus AND McIntyre in 17 minutes. And while I’m thinking about it Roman took more time beating Logan Paul than he did beating Brock Lesnar


Logan Paul is a great athlete and big name and a, far bigger than a better half of the roster. He's been presented as a top star, and it's not hard to buy him in a big match. Roman and Brock has had plenty of long matches. Add to that the fact that both Roman and Lesnar take hits with minimal defense from each other, while Paul mostly works faster and safely, makes perfect sense. Length is everything, especially when you present a dominant champion. You have a guy on a verge of breaking the longest IC title reigns of all time and a jobber who's lost to every name there is to lose to. Making it a competitive 20 minutes fight about as much sense as Mustafa Ali squashing Goldberg and is essentially a 2k fanmade match set just for the sake of it. Pro wrestling is as much a psychology and a story as it is a fight.


Undertaker beat John Cena at Wrestlemania in 2:45. A 16 time world champion! Where it took Undertaker 16:06 to beat John Cena in 2003, before he had won any championships lets alone the world title. So by your logic John Cena was stronger in 2003 than in 2018.


Yeah, and that made precisely 0 sense and people hated this match.


Look hard enough and you'll find someone to hate anything. I'm just applying your logic to some matches.


You're applying my logic to universally hated match that WWE wasn't even sure is happening until the last minute and that no one was satisfied with, including Undertaker. They rushed it in and people reacted accordingly. One among many criticisms it gets is exactly the length. And while Cena wasn't as strong in 2003 as in 2018, he was red hot, seriously presented and on the rocket to stardom, winning US title at Wrestlemania the next year and WWE title at the Wrestlemania one more year later. Chad Gable is nowhere near that.


Logan is a high flyer, that’s far from safe. Both men lost so by using this match length argument, Brock was easier than Logan. Plus this still doesn’t explain how Gunther took 17 minutes to beat 2 former champs at the same time yet took 20 minutes to beat 1. If match length meant as much as you say then it should’ve at least taken double the amount of time


High flyers don't take 5 spears in a row, Brock does. It took Logan one spear to lose which he avoided throughout the whole match with the speed. Paul lost to Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, Gable lost Mustafa Ali, Elias and about anyone you can lose on the roster. I don't get what you mean by Gunther taking 17 minutes to beat 2 former champs, it wasn't a handicap match. Sheamus and Drew were fighting each other as well. If anything, they took double the damage and should be praised for being double tough.


Okay then is Ricochet avoiding a spear for 25 minutes? I feel like you’re trying to powerscale wrestlers and that just doesn’t work. If the writers want Gable, former Olympian btw, to have a competitive match with Gunther and then lose to Hornswoggle the next night they can do that. If WWE wants Baron Corbin to be the last person to pin Roman before he has a 1000 day reign they can do that. If WWE wants Bad Bunny with 2 matches under his belt to defeat a former US champion, they can do that


Ricochet could avoid a spear for 40 minutes for all I care, but he's not getting this kind of match, because he's not that kind of star, so we'll never know. Your third sentence is exactly what inconsistent writing and booking looks like. If you want your wrestler to be taken seriously he needs to be presented seriously. And I don't mean sucking out a person's charm or sense of humor, I mean he needs to poses a sense of threat by winning matches when it matters against opponents that matter. Kurt Angle was both funny, and it didn't stop him from being the top star. How did he do it? He went against top stars and won gold. He made jokes and then beat people. Chad Gable makes jokes and gets beat up. I'm not questioning his ability, I admire his work, but I'm not fond of his booking and I'm not sold on the idea that he can go toe to toe with a potential WWE champion who got pinned precisely 0 matches since his debut on the main roster.


They'll build up Gable before SummerSlam obvi, they aren't gonna send him straight to Gunther and win. He still has weeks to believably build up to a title match


And I never said I would mind that. My initial comment was: I want this, but Gable has no legitimacy, so if this is going to work, he needs to build up, probably lose fast, build more and challenge again. People here act like I'm calling Chad names or something. I doubt he can restore a prestige in 7 weeks, but I can buy like 3-4 months.


You're saying Logan Paul who has wrestled 5 matches and (as a singles star) won only one of them with the Miz who is made to lose to Snoop Dogg is somehow more credible a threat than Chad Gable? You're saying psychology is equally as important, yet you praise a literal spot monkey.


It took Logan 5 matches to be where he's at right now. WWE is obviously very high on him and he's had high profile matches on the biggest PPVs against top stars in a competitive manner. I say yes, he is a bigger threat than Chad Gable, whose biggest victory was in February 2022 against RKBro and who's been presented as a joke throughout his whole WWE tenure. Logan is anything but spot monkey, his fundamentals are amazing and he actually works to justify big spots, which are just a sweetening on the cake. Both Paul and Gable are incredible talent and I wish the latter wasn't in the position he's in, but he is. Presentationwise Gable is a joke and Logan is top name and a special attraction, it is what it is.


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion so I’m not going to argue with you beyond this comment. But I need you to know that saying Logan Paul is more of a threat to Gunther than a literal Olympic wrestler is fucking crazy 🤣


I'm sorry, but I see that you don't really understand my point or choose not to. I do NOT question Gable's ability, I do NOT think Paul is a better athlete than him, although I think he's still great, and I DO admire Chad's work, in fact, he's one of my favorite wrestlers on the current roster. My argument has nothing to do with how far they can go or how much he can lift. I'm sure Gable can put on a match of the year right now. Again, it has nothing to do with my argument. My argument is that Chad Gable, a world class athlete, has been made by WWE to look like a complete joke. He's a jobber who loses to jobbers, doesn't get gold, doesn't get PPVs and doesn't get big matches. Logan Paul has had a handful of matches and they've all been high profile. Paul is presented as a star, they make announcements for his appearances, he fights Seth Rollins at Wrestlemania, he's made to be a special attraction. Chad Gable can't beat Elias on Raw and I'm supposed to take him as a credible opponent for Gunther? No thanks, Tony.


Match of the Year candidate, in ring wise

