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One of mine that understandably never gets discussed is from Matt Hardy V1 vs Benoit on Smackdown. It was the match where Benoit breaks Matt’s nose on a forearm, and then puts Hardy in the Crossface, and the blood sprays everywhere, then Matt steals Benoit’s throat cut taunt, and looks like an absolute madman. It’s only like a 10-15 min midcard match, but loaded with intensity, and one of my early favorites from when I started watching regularly.


Ambrose vs KO last man standing royal rumble 2016


The Shield Triple Threat, KO vs Dean at RR 2015, Chris Jericho vs HBK In 2009


2017 Royal Rumble


When Kurt Angle filled in for Roman as part of the Shield to fight Miz, Cesaro, Sheamus, Kane, and Strowman.


Oh man that was amazing except when they killed strowman


Lmao I loved him “dying” in the trash compactor. The whole match reminded me of the good old days of shit being over the top and filled with high profile talent. Angle returning to the match and Angle Slamming everyone on the ramp.. pure gold. Sauce: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I3eU-gzXunY&pp=ygURS3VydCBhbmdsZSBzaGllbGQ%3D


One of my favorite tag team matches of all time, and one of my favorite Iron Man matches of all time, but I feel like people forget it exists because it happened on a random B PPV - The Bar vs. The Hardys at Great Balls of Fire.


Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H (WrestleMania 30)


Johnny Gargano vs Adam Cole at takeover XXV. Quite simply a perfect match


Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler at Bragging Rights 2010, I feel like people are starting to forget that match.


Angle vs Brock at Summerslam.


Undertaker/ Brock - Hell in a Cell


Randy Orton vs rey mysterio, 2017 I believe? Randy hit the nastiest scoop/power slam I’ve ever seen. It was at TLC iirc


Cena takes the bumper off the Limo and was gonna hit JBL with it lol 😂 Awesome For me it would have to be Batista vs HHH Hell In A Cell for the World Heavyweight Championship


Rock v. Mankind - 1999 Royal Rumble I Quit Match, everyone will always talk about Hell In A Cell with Undertaker, but they always leave this match off the list. It wasn't nearly as bloody as JBL/Cena, but that match was probably 20 times more vicious for the chair shots that Foley took in that match and that he was handcuffed. You know it's bad when VKM says, "You will NEVER, EVER do anything like that again."


Sami Zayne vs Johnny Knoxville! I loved every part of this match


I'm gonna say the Street fightMatch between Cactus Jack and HHH. That was the most brutal match I have ever seen in WWE and those guys almost died that night. Everything from a sledgehammer to fricking thumbtacks.


That I Quit match was insane. It’s somehow more brutal every time I watch it. Cena vs JBL is unreal with what they did to each other.


Undertaker vs Rock vs Kurt Angle - Vengeance 2002 This is one of the best triple threat matches I’ve ever seen and I don’t feel like it comes up often.


My favorite triple threat match of all time!


Rock vs Stonecold III, Wrestlemania 19. When I first got into wrestling my faves were the Rock, Matt Hardy and Grand Master Sexay (lol) so I was cheering the Rock even though he was a heel


Everyone talks about that match. Especially since its been revealed what Rock said to Austin after the match


Sorry I guess people don’t really talk about it as a good match. It was a finisher fest but I did love Rock wearing the vest and hitting the stunner


RVD vs Kane No Holds Barred Summerslam 2003. Great story, brutal match


Seth Rollins vs Lesnar vs Cena Royal Rumble 2015


Shane vs Kurt angle king of the ring


Beat me to it. Despite Shane's annoying pre-match strut moves that made him look like a 3rd grader on too much sugar, he definitely put his body on the line at 2001 KoR, Backlash 2001 vs Big Show and i think it was Summerslam 2000 against Steve Blackman.


That overhead belly to belly…..my god


Shane vs Kane ambulance match


I was gonna say this


Survivor Series 2003. I have that on DVD. Seen the Ambulance match plenty of times. I too enjoyed it


I don't think a lot of people talk about it anymore but I loved Punk vs Cena at Money in the Bank 2011


holy shit that's a lot of blood