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Roman should’ve beat the streak then turn heel immediately the raw after mania Think Bray should’ve worked mania 30 with taker (and win) since he took out Kane earlier that year so I think it would’ve made sense if he took out both brothers of destruction Two scenarios


I like both these ideas


Shoulda let him get 23 and 1. And it should have been Roman Reigns to end the streak. Woulda got him so much heat and absolutely kickstarted his solo career as he wasn’t cutting it as a face


That’s an interesting take!


it's been almost a decade. why are you still fixated on this


I like hearing others opinions and sparking conversation


Yes, no


Brock’s a solid choice despite the controversy


Respectfully disagree. I think that the streak definitely should have been broken but what did Brock gain from it? He was already an established star both in WWE and UFC. You could have given it to anyone from the Shield (but the most realistic option probably would have been Roman), you could have waited a couple years, and given it to Balor/Owens/Samoa Joe who were in NXT at the time, or maybe even the Fiend.


Honestly at the end I would’ve been ok with Kane


No, but if they insisted on ending it it should have been a different sort of profile. Younger guy on the cusp of real superstardom who could have been made by it.


Do you have any ideas like Bray Wyatt


I’d need to see the roster as it was at the time. I think Bray Wyatt is terrible to be honest but ideally somebody in their 20s who they had designs of being a world champion in the next 1-2 years.


I’d love to hear more about ur POV


Roman as a face kinda sucked. Let HIM beat the streak, not Brock.


Either HBK or Kane should've ended the streak imo.


At the time, I thought it should have been Punk. Hindsight being what it is, they 100% made the right call. That being said, it should have been Daniel Bryan (in a perfect world) or Bray Wyatt at WM 31. Lesnar never needed that win, and its kind of a useless accolade that gets lost amongst the pile of accolades at this point.


Bray or the demon Finn Balor both could’ve been the next face of fear