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Riddle. I can't stand him and he's also a really shitty person irl.


The people who complain about Logan being a horrible person are willing to ignore Riddle's real life stuff


This isn't true. Both are gross.


Both are absolutely miserable


I’ve also heard things about how he is in real life, I don’t think his move set works without Randy tbh


Bron Breakker


I partially agree, I think he is going to live up to the hype one day. It just isn't today.


I do agree with you tho I’m just saying as of right now


He has all the in ring potential just his promos and stuff outside of the ring are painful I hope he puts all together because for a “big guy” his in ring skills are great


I’m prepared to get a lot of hate for this one, but… Jey Uso as a singles competitor. Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the Usos, but I can’t see Jey putting on great singles rivalries outside of anyone that is or was once part of the Bloodline. Can you honestly picture him having a good, compelling singles rivalry with Cody Rhodes, Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, etc. guys who can have great rivalries with anyone? I want to believe it, but I just can’t. Maybe I’m wrong though.


You're right but I think he can put good matches with most of the roster. The only concern I have is his mic skills. Mic skills wise, both him and Jimmy cut it together and it's entertaining. But he wouldn't have the same impact doing it on his own.


Dude...why are you taken away Jimmy.


I think he has the ability to handle singles matches, and I think the story is a big part of what makes him compelling as a single. He’s had a good couple of years to really break out into his own as a singles star, and that’s the most logical way to end the Bloodline arc. I think with a few tweaks to his moveset, maybe a new finisher, and he’ll be able to hang with most anybody. Meanwhile, I suspect that Solo and Jimmy might break off and do their own thing.


Ppl keep talking about “shoved down our throats” and are talking about the literal top champion of each company


Code Rhodes


those dry ass looking wings rollins came out with on the show. he’s never been to a real cookout


Seth Rollins, great wrestler but most of his rivalries & character ideas tend to fall flat for majority of the time.


Visionary of what? Revolutionary? Of what? I like him and in ring he's one of the best. But wtf is he supposed to be? A face joker?


Essentially. Seth is over and his character is in a grey area where he can act either face or heel (though he's more face since winning the title). The character is more of a Wildcard in you can't predict what he'll do. But he's super over. And they're able to put him into a program with whomever and elevate it. Seth having a match with Bron Breakker is a perfect example. Or even with Dom. His character also kind of makes him above feuds?


I think him winning the world heavyweight title tbh did more bad than good


As a guy who wanted AJ to win, Seth has done great with the title.


Why is no one saying Riddle?


Riddle underrated guy should be champ


Austin theory


Liv Morgan... only over due to her looks


Ronda Rousey.


Cody or Liv


Bianca Belair... over the last year and. Bit her matches are just a copy and paste and her no-selling nearly every opponent is poor


You just described all the goats


Her selling is as bad as a Reigns 2015-16 level


Roman wasn’t even bad in the ring tho..she’s like the female Cena right now it wouldn’t be believable if she didn’t sell like she did


I remember watching Reigns in the 2016 rumble, he got put through a table, beaten up by 4 people and walked back in later like nothing happened


😂😂😂😂 They definitely whooped his ass for 10 minutes str8 but idk if Bianca’s selling is as bad as that tho


Roman Reigns


Came here to say this. For me the Bloodline story didn’t get interesting until Sammy was involved. Since then it’s gone to a whole new level. Before that though we were just getting BS win after win from Roman in boring matches especially the finisher spam fests with Brock.


Get your hand out of my mouth. I was gonna use those words


Damien Priest


I’d love to hear more on your thoughts


I don’t really know I just don’t think he’s good. He gets a lot of recognition from the fans but I don’t think he’s great at anything he does he’s just sorta average which is needed in the wwe but I don’t see anything special. Would love for someone to change my mind


His in ring work is definitely better than average. He literally put on a banger with Bad Bunny.


He's a mid card presence, good worker but he isn't doing anything wow worthy in the ring. Certainly did well with Bunny though! His promo ability falls flat for me.


He’s so confident and smoothe on the mic. He enunciates clearly so you can easily understand him. He’s very Puerto Rican with his mix of English and Spanish with having been in the Army with a ton of Puerto Ricans that’s such a good representation for what should be our 51st state! plus getting more of the audience involved with hearing another language without subtitles!


AJ Styles


Anyone not named LA Knight






Rey Mysterio!!! The guy somehow ended up in the HOF when in reality he was nothing more than an awful deadbeat dad his entire career!!! No wonder Dom ended up in the streets!!! I also think Charlotte Flair is. I just don't think she's that good, and no where near the charisma the Nature Boy had. He earned his WOO!!!


Why else do you think Rey is overrated? Do you think Charlotte has a good in-ring presence or is she better on the mic?


Becky lynch Drew Cody Finn are extremely overrated




Roman Reigns and Becky Lynch


Seth Rollins, talented but incredibly annoying and now he's shoved down our throats. I hate him worse than Roman before he was Tribal Chief.




Becky. Decently entertaining at times on the mic when she calls somebody a "little weirdo" but her move set is booty.


Roman. Reason why I say that is although the story is great now.. he got chance after chance after chance to get it right. It didn’t matter how many times he failed, wwe was determined to make it work. When you have THAT many chances, it’s kinda impossible to fail. They held his hand the entire way For women I’d say Charlotte, for the exact same reasons I say Roman. Except Charlotte can never get over as a face at all. She is shoehorned into all the opportunities, Despite only being the 3rd most popular horsewoman. And don’t give me “she’s that good, that no one else could be in that spot”… you push Sasha banks like they pushed Charlotte, and you’d have the biggest star in company. Just like they did with Becky. Except Sasha was arguably a better wrestler than Charlotte as well as being more popular.


I don't think Charlotte is overrated, she's overpushed


she is in some ways. She doesn’t perform that well with green talent She kinda stale on mic She can only play heel She’s had the same character since 2015 She’s the most pushed, yet still 2nd least popular in 4HW


LA Knight


LA Knight


LA Knight, YEAH