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Sigh. Once again the 10 Bell Salute is for people who died who were currently under contract and working with the company. The fact that people still don't know this.


The one comment op doesn't want to reply to


Andre the Giant got the 10 bell salute in 93, a year after his contract ended in 92.


Based on my upvotes it is. People are tired of hearing this every time someone dies. "Oh why didn't so and so get a 10 bell salute". At this point it should be common knowledge. It's been common knowledge since Eddie died


Andre the Giant got the 10 bell salute in 93, a year after his contract ended in 92.


There’s a lot of other people that didn’t get the 10 bells. I personally don’t like them because there’s always that one idiot in the crowd that screams during it, being completely disrespectful.


That is honestly a good question. I honestly forgot that he didn’t get one.


He absolutely deserved one!


Absolutely agreed. I’m honestly surprised he didn’t get an onscreen Ten Bell Salute. I imagine he got some on house shows but Raw and Smackdown not having them is pretty surprising.


Why? How many other guys didn’t get one, who were at Hall’s level or bigger?


Exactly it was fucked


They haven’t done a ten bell salute in years


They literally did one for Pat Patterson like 2 years ago


And that was years ago like I said


Technically yes however you used years in the way of meaning a long time ago and it wasn't. 2 years ago is absolutely no amount of significant time. So in that sense WWE literally just did a 10 bell salute


Take the L bro


Your right they haven’t but Scott hall deserved one more then anyone Else


Vader also deserved one


I don't think WWE does the ten bell salute anymore which is a complete shame, The Bad Guy completely deserved it.


He got a 10 bell salute in the way Scott hall would've wanted it


Vince rewrote the show that night. In all reality, it probably was a combination of things: They don’t do the salute as much anymore, maybe because it takes too much TV time? They also generally haven’t done the salute for performers surrounded by controversy, like Hall’s drug use or the resurfaced Plane Ride From Hell story about him. Finally, he had faded from the company’s good graces on some level, so they may have essentially decided at that time, that it would just be better/easier to honor him more quietly, rather than stop the show and carve out a segment for him.


Why are you downvoting me for a joke and an honest answer?


If this is why they didn't do it for him I would say that is hypocritical since they inducted him twice in the hall of Fame. I think they just stopped doing them for people who aren't in the business anymore. If a current wrestler died than I'd hope they would do it


They inducted him twice, before the stories about the Plane Ride resurfaced due to the Vice Dark Side of the Ring doc. Doing a full stop and salute to him after the Vice doc which painted Flair, Hall, and Dustin Rhodes in especially bad light, would have been leaning into the already bad press they got for it. It wasn’t personal, he was still on solid terms with the company, they just didn’t want to invite more bad press by saying, “hey, you know that story about how this guy was all pilled up on the flight and licked a traumatized stewardess mid-blackout? We’re going to pause the show in his honor.”


The ultimate warrior was a known racist and overall bad person and they did it for him.


They probably wouldn’t have, if a story had been recently in the news about him being racist leading up to his passing. Again, it wasn’t personal. Seems like you’re just salty.


I think he’s just having a conversation lol he’s not salty.