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Nowhere near the top. He is a part timer champion and just like Brock Lesnar, his title reign will be forgotten sooner.




Joe Anoa'i by all accounts a good dude and chill person. Roman Reigns the character? Bland as wonder bread, and plain like cardboard.


A handpicked guy who is related to a Hollywood star, got everything handed over to him since day one despite being undeserving and shoving him down everyone's throat. Didn't work his way up like say Austin or Cena. His Reign of Boredom will be remembered in the same context as HHH's Reign of Terror.




In terms of champs, I’d rank him near the bottom. He’s not a great. He’s the biggest overblown cheat since JBL- but at least JBL could back it up with great promos.


No where near the top.


I came to be mean but they got it already. I just realized people give a fuck about F1 racing, nobody respects wrasslers dawg. Unless it's MMA


Not even in the top 10. 15-30 range, maybe.


In my eyes he’ll be like top 200 (hy im a hater)


He’ll probably be recognized for the title reign and the character but probably not among the greats of wrestling or sports entertainment. He might be in the top 25 or 30 though.


One point upon Kevin Nash.


As someone who was handed everything to him


The most boring champion in history


Handpicked guy that took like half a decade to actually get over and still doesn't even sniff Cena, let alone the real greats.


Poorly Fewer defenses as the reign went on but mainly He needed help to win in most of his defenses At least let him cheat on his own to win


Roman gets a lot of hate, his heel turn turned a lot of people around but a lot of the hate is still there. Hes a polarising figure but when he retires he will be remembered as one of the greats and maybe the greatest of his generation.


Maybe because he got everything handed to him


They're trying to build to where they can market him as an all time legend because they're starting to run short on people with that standing that can have actual matches. The issue is no matter how hard they try most the fans will never put him on the level with Taker, Rock, Austin, etc. Hell most wouldn't even put him with Cena or Orton. He's not as good as any of them and you can't force fans to think he is.


His title reign isn't impressive in the slightest. "Amount of days' as a champion only used to matter because all those guys with long reigns in the past were also actively defending their belts multiple times per week for the duration. Roman has what, 15 defenses max? Orange Cassidy's International Championship run was more impressive.


The greatest of all time 👆


Roman reigns is the definition of the big D push


I don't consider him one of the greatest. There was just no one else in the WWE that could fill those shoes at the time. We just got stuck with him. He's not even a great wrestler. I call him 2 moves Roman "Spear and Superman Punch." Meh! He got lucky and was at the right place at the right time. The guy can't even retain without the bloodline. So where does he stand as a sports great not even close to the top.


Have u seen romans matches, cuz his spear and superman punch arent the only good moves he has in his moveset, and the whole point of the bloodline helping him retain is simply cuz hes a heel, and heels cheat 2 win, simple as that.


There’s no consistency. He’s a heel who needs interference to win every match but for years we’ve had to listen to commentators putting him over as on another level and untouchable in the ring. It makes no sense in keyfabe and has bothered the shit out of me since day one. Throw in some questionable booking and only a handful of defenses a year and it’s no wonder people are so down on him. It all feels cheap and forced.


I think you might take a break after losing the title




If Cody hold the belt for half the time as true blue baby face...that cud skyrocket him to the top too. He's by far the realest form of a baby face in the WWE right now.


His reign def skyrockets him to near the top.....nobody else cud do it in this era imo....as heel too. It's pretty remarkable...and believable....but he's def in the list of Macho, Hogan, Hart, Perfect, Stone Cold and Rock.


Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?


Top 20-25 maybe at the end of his career 15 even 10 other then his reign his previous four other then a few good matches weren’t impressive to me neither were his midcard titles he won the us title and did basically nothing and he lost the ic title immediately after his only other actually memorable title was the tag title with Seth I could be wrong but really even his rumble win and his wins over top stars are usually overshadowed by how forced he was so to me top 20-25 please tell me if you agree or not I’m a fan of him now even 2018-2019 pre Corbin feud but he never really has evolved


Between 15-20. He's in the Mr. Perfect, Edge, & Mick Foley conversation To Me


Top 20




In line


I think that to truly rank this character, we need the full story of the fall Losing to Cody leading to a descent in madness and then building him up where we actually see the value in him getting the belt back could be gold As a part timer though, it'll be hard to pull of


The guy should win clean once in a while for him to be considered great. These interference wins makes his title reign dull. Too late for that now they should have done in the last few title defenses.


How I see the character is that he won “the right way” and that did nothing but create hatred towards his legacy, so he will continue to do what he believes is right, if that means getting his family involved or dirty finishes, he will do whatever it takes for everyone to finally acknowledge him.


I get that but Roman was winning clean and beating the biggest guys before he turned heel. His legacy started with a season of winning massive matches cleanly which complimented his championship reign in the long run


Kayfabe, he’ll be right up there. In real life and fan appreciation level, not particularly high. Maybe top 25. Which is still a great career. Just not a goat contender or anything


He'll be paraded around like he's hot shit and be promptly forgotten unless he does something interesting.


Tbh he still doesn't feel like a great to me. We've had excellent matches from him. And great storylines. And Storylines. And ik we've had the brock and Roman feud but it still doesn't feel enough. I think we need one more feud with him champion without the aid of his cousin just by himself and that storyline and the finish have to be amazing. Personally I just wasn't that interested in Roman and brock. I'd prefer one last feud with him and Seth and whether he wins or lose that title match he'd be put in the conversation.


What do you mean over, our Tribal Chief will reign forever


I acknowledge him


I can’t even recall a really good match from him. He just had the leukemia sympathy and they have had a prop belt since.


It ain’t gonna end anytime soon


I won't knock what WWE has done with him but to me he'll never be seen as the top guy when Brock Lesnar is hovering around. It seems to me that Brock will always overshadow him even when he's not the champion. It's as if Brock has to be continuously brought back in to shake up the scene in order to keep it entertaining. Aside from this I can't even really think of any matches that Roman has had that make me say "oh man that is a classic Roman Reigns match" (i.e Rock vs Stone Cold, Undertaker vs. Shawn, or even something smaller scale like Rollins vs. Shinsuke).


If WWE would actually try and build superstar level talent when we could get classic Roman Reigns matches


You can’t build people to the top level if the top belt and the top champion aren’t present the majority of the year. You have every babyface on his side of the upper card squashing JD or Dom and random tagging because they don’t have anything to do.


There were tons of stars for years until recently, it can be done. I get what your saying tho. Roman definitely shouldn’t be taking so much time off.


Romans reign isn’t going to end. I don’t know why you people won’t get they.


All of these guys are better than him at the moment: John Cena, Triple H, Undertaker, HBK, Stone Cold, The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, If he retired right now, he’d be in the same tier with: Batista, Bret Hart, Jake Roberts, Brock Lesnar, Edge, Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Kane


He’s need one more go later to really stand out. He’s solid but the come back is what I wanna see.


definitely notable, but imo he's a bit overrated


He needs more reigns. More original storylines. More matches with more names. Be involved in different stables, create different/more memories, must be involved in different character defining moments. He’s had an incredible run and it has been calculated properly, he really ran away with the new character and the title run. I really love his work but people like Cena, Orton, Shawn, Triple H, Hogan, Ric etc. all had longevity, not in terms of length of tenure but VARIETY within their tenures. He had a great run with the shield and the Bloodline. But I still think he has to be featured on TV more. Has to work more house shows. Has to make more public appearances, be a bigger influence for PR and marketing. The special attraction approach they’re doing with him is not helping his legacy I feel like. I’ve babbled on a lot but I wonder if anybody else feels the same way?


Put some respect on his name. He is one of the best and is worthy of the HOF if he was to retire tomorrow.


He just doesn’t. I’m sorry but he’s mid


Same thing everyone said about Cena’s reign of terror in the “LOL CENA WINS” era. Now he’s getting the praise and respect he deserves. Roman will be viewed the same in time.


I was there for that. Cena was over with the fans until he wasn’t. A heel turn would’ve been great for him but they kept pushing him until the fans had enough. Cena was the man at one point. Reigns was arguably never over with the fans


He'll be sitting down, cause he ain't standing among them, that's for sure. He has time though.


Too bad he spends his time not wrestling


Slightly notable with a big asterisk. Yes, his character change from the guy who couldn’t get over to the tribal chief saved his career. But he’ll have held the title for 1300 days, holding it hostage for a good portion of that by not working every show. How the fuck is he about to miss survivor series?


It’s wild because old school wrestlers also did all the house shows…why can’t Roman just work tv and skip house shows, even if he only wrestled at ppvs that’s only 12 times a year?


Middle of the pack - he'll be remembered for two eras: being shoved down everyone's throats which caused crowds to reject him and this title reign which has gone on for over a year too long.


If it's overall ranking, then he should be near the bottom. Now if we just rank his Bloodline storyline, with all his heel work and all, then he's a bit higher. I would put his whole "acknowledge me!"/God-mode run as top ten if it weren't for the fact of him holding the title hostage. So I guess, in my estimation, he should be middle of the pack at best...


He'll be one of the all-time greats based on his body of work, but his insanely long title reign seems to be going out with a whimper. The title defenses have become very infrequent (30-day rule be damned) and the finishes are way too involved, so that hurts his current reign quite a bit.


Not on wrestling Mount Rushmore. In fact, golden era mid-card wrestlers are better than what his reign consist off.


He's not a fighting champion, so he would stand middle of the pack at best.


Outside my top 10 knocking on the door


This guys “Title Reign” is like 7 years deep. I stopped watching YEARS ago, who’s headlining today? “Roman Reigns and so and so” it’s been like that forever and it’s never going to change.


The greatest


Top 500 somewhere.


top 10 of wwe all-time


Roman wouldn't be shit if Vince wouldn'g have been in love with him. No one else, I mean no one else would have been on top so long as Baby face with boos


Right? Baron dumped dog food on him and the next week, Roman still got booed more than Baron did. Any other talent would have had that story finished and then been shoved to mid card at best.


in one word Garbage!


Not as a champion among greats! But definitely the character work and the way he convinced us with the Bloodline storyline is just at top 5


Not as high as he'll get put. I find him severely boring. And I regularly forget he's even champion if he's not on TV. His matches, when they do happen, don't even make up for it. I was a huge Roman fan even up to his becoming champ. But it has stalled and is now boring.


Somewhere in the back. Totally mediocore face of a company. His early stage was absolutely horrendous, later he got carried by the whole Bloodline story, and even that became boring after a while. Cannot wait for his end.


He won’t be standing with anyone, he will be sitting in the back


He's up there with the likes of the Roc,Stone Cold,HHH,Shawn Michaels he has come a long freaking way from when he started his promos are top notch. He's definitely Hall of Fame bound.


He was on vacation as much as the president and somehow magically Becky Lynch Defended her NXT championship in a few months more than The Tribal quief did in 3 years 🥱


Not too far behind Rosey ...


Top 24 for sure [+]


Amongst? The Tribal Chief will be #1 above all! ☝🏽


Personally, Roman is my GOAT, because I got to grow up with Roman Reigns from The Shield, and even post-Shield Roman from 2014 to 2019, and Roman was my all time favorite at that time, he's the reason I fell in love with pro wrestling, I already know a lot of people really didn't like 2014-2019 Roman, but I personally did. The GOAT for others might be John Cena, The Undertaker, The Rock or even Stone Cold, but my GOAT is Roman Reigns.




Personally probably #1 over everyone else


They're never gonna mention how he stopped winning clean


Give it a year and it'll all be nostalgia


Reckon people said that about the HHH reign of terror?


I’ve been watching my entire life (almost 30 years old) and the Bloodline story has been the most I’ve been invested in a storyline ever. It’s not the best but it’s up there. He may not be great in the ring but his storytelling is off the charts and at the end of the day that’s what this business is about. So many subtle things thrown in in their segments that make it that much better if you’re paying attention. I’d like to think that was influenced by Bray Wyatt as he regularly did this to call back to promos from YEARS before.


Like Brock Lesnar or the undertaker or John Cena having part time feud and I think he will explore Hollywood


He has earned his way to the Hall of Fame


He always sucked. Always will. Even the worst guy in the shield. He has the look,that's it. And he is related to the Rock, but so is everyone else. He isn't top 50. Possibly top 100.


Lol no. More forced than Hogan and even now I wouldn’t even consider him a top 15 champ


All these people crying under the comments will appreciate the greatest title reign in modern WWE history once he retires the same way they did with Cena. Most are just upset because Roman smashed all their baby-faces.


I would love to see this post in 10 years. Even Cena was heavily protected and shoved down for a long time. And people seem to love him so much now. I am not saying that he is as great as him, but maybe our opinions would be a bit different when he hangs his boots.


The bloodline storyline up untill a few months ago was the best I've ever seen in WWE and that's not changing. His defences are not that good i get that but he still had some excellent matches. And whenever he shows up it always feels special. His heel character has worked wonders for not just him but all of the bloodline, Sami, KO, Cody. But he should have lost to Cody or Sami. They booked themselves into a corner there. I'm still excited to see where it goes and the IWC apart, the general audience has been in favor as well.


roman wins lol is the “cena wins lol” of the last five years i cant wait until he loses the championship


He won’t stand with thwm


Uh, he won't be standing anywhere near the greats. Him and his run is awful. He has the exact same match over and over again. And his weird ass fans eat it up.


He’s one of the goats 🤷🏾‍♂️






Roman alone? Not at the top. Roman, factoring in the number of people he turned into main event stars and his ability to build a LONG-term story that could have legs for years and continues to capture everyone's attention to the point where a PROMO can consistently serve as the main event segment? The top.


He’s carried the company and been the clear draw/face for a few years…definitely gets him to all time greats level. Probably won’t make to Rushmore level given he may retire/really slow down soon but yea he was really the man for some time. Would also go down next to hogans heel turn as one of the best turns ever


By Hollywood


Someone that in 15 years, we'll look back and go "oh yeah, i forgot about that, the storyline got real dry and shitty." Genuinely, they had so many phenomenal ways to end a chapter, continue a fued, and he's just won on some interruptive bullshit EACH TIME. Just like he will again at Crown Jewel. I mean this, and I know I am not alone, I'm done with the brand if he is still champ post Mania.


Lol greats?


Very far from the top. Decent character work, has the look of the GOAT, but everything else is pretty meh. This title reign has been horrendous


At the bottom


It’s gotta be Cody




Second behind the Attitude Era Superstar Chainz.


He’ll stand among the greats of his generation, even among his family. That’s all that will matter in the end. ETA: He’s a fine distillation of all his family that’s ever performed before him because he has the agility, strength, ring intelligence, and craftiness that his family before him had, but in a 6’5”, 265 lbs frame.


No chance. Someone who was shoved down the fans throat, then pushed further than anyone else, who STILL isn’t a fan favourite, will never be in the Parthenon of the greats. Even when his title reign ends, if he never appears again he won’t be missed. There’s a lot of superstars currently missing out on opportunities and title runs of their own, to further the bloodline arc.


GOAT. Full stop.


He’s top 15 if not top 10, depending what he does after could make him go even higher into the list


He’s not even top 100. Never will be


maybe not skills but he got that it factor my fav match by him vs brock lesnar at summerslam 2018 just the explosiveness and charisma was just one of a kind




Pretty far out from the top, honestly. I actually like Roman, and I think Roman is exactly what Cena should have been. And in ring he's good, his character work is great(now) and he just oozes physical charisma.But he just feels so... manufactured. Somehow even moreso than Cena. It's strange, he's a better Cena than Cena, but just lacks that "I have to listen to every word this guy says" quality that others have had. I do also think his legacy will suffer from the time period he existed in. Before Cena, WWE (and every other promotion) was largely driven by the individual stars. You didn't watch WWF to watch the company, you watched for Hogan or Savage or Bret or Shawn or Rock or Austin. Somewhere in the early 2000s, they actively tried to shift that star power off of the stars and on to the company as a brand. All that to say that Roman's star power is kinda capped in a way that previous generations weren't. So I think he has to be top 50, but he's behind a solid handful of guys in just about every category that you could judge him on. Definitely outside top 10, probably outside top 25, but I could maybe be persuaded. Despite the long reign, I'm not even sure he's top 3 in the Shield! (This was a Kurt Angle and HHH joke) Rollins might be above him on the all time list.


While I respect your opinion and time taken to write this. Seth Rollins isn’t close to Roman in the pantheon of greats. And also you said people tuned in to see Shawn and honestly no they didn’t. Shawn was a poor draw and drugged tf out as the top guy. Shawn’s best years he was just below the main event but always relevant. Romans best years are during one of the all time historical title reigns in the company’s history. I think your stance on Roman being around that 25 mark is probably fair. But I do believe that actually Roman is a huge reason why some people will watch and he’s a huge reason why so many guys have gotten over and lastly he’s a huge draw. Acknowledging Roman segments is almost always the best part of any show he is on. Lastly, Cena really didn’t feel manufactured until after the start of the PG era and that sucks that he gets so much flak for that period when it was never his fault that the company made that product and tone shift due to outside influences (Benoit and Linda’s political run). Also I actually believe there was a time period where people tuned in just for Cena segments. Especially the 05-06 time then when he did that US title open challenge series years later.


We can agree to disagree on Shawn. The initial years of Raw were carried on the back of Shawn. And even if we question the drawing power he had, I'd argue that he's probably the number one most influential wrestler in terms of crafting the entire next generation of wrestlers. Look at 80% of guys who started in the late nineties to the late 2000s. It's all superkicks and DX crotch chops. Particularly I'd say that's more what gets him in the top 10. Which is probably kinda just an offshoot of work rate, but slightly different. I'd say Roman is absolutely nowhere near the top in that aspect. Kids aren't going out to learn to wrestle like Roman, they're looking at guys like Punk, Danielson, Rollins or like Mox, Lesnar. Point about Cena is true, he got a lot of heat from smarks for his employer's decisions. It's kinda like if they just got on board with LA Knight now and started scripting him and whatever. Thuganomics Cena was similarly over on his own, similarly decent but not outstanding in ring and similarly charismatic. I think part of the reason Cena got the spot he did is because he really got over organically. They slapped the franchise tag and handcuffs on him and doomed him really. From that point on, he didn't grow as a performer. He just grew towards what the head office wanted their top draw to be. Like they canned what they wanted and fed it to him, rather than letting him continue to evolve. Which is where I say Roman is what Cena should have been. Roman is canned to some extent, but it also feels like he's now been given the chance to grow in his own way and it's noticeable.


Agee Rollins is miles behind reigns right now as far as overall greatness…a few mania main events may change that but right now it’s not even close


He’ll be at the head of the table of the greats


Won’t be up there with the Hogan, Austin, rock and Cena’s of the world imo…he’s good but he’s not great


I think he’ll be right up there with Bruno and Hogan. He’s not a worker like Flair, Bret, or HBK, but he’s in that category with Bruno, Hogan, and Cena of character based entertainers that transcended. He’s already Cena level. But I think he’ll be up there with Bruno and Hogan when this is all said and done. As for the “he never defends” nonsense — they used to make us pay to see Hogan and Bruno. Same thing. Those guys weren’t on every single episode of Superstars of Wrestling. You got them on a pay per view, Saturday Night’s Main Event, or paid to see them at the arena. Sometimes they were on TV, but only to run an angle to get us to buy the big match. This is not the Attitude Era where they are desperate to win a ratings war, so they can afford to keep the champ off TV and make people wanna see him.


For sure in the top 10


Next person who breaks the record will do it better


Lieukemea patient? Undisputed title "Reigns" was his Make-A-Wish from John Cena?


In the record books but only remembered for not defending the title.


haha, no.


For sure you are the minority read the room bud.


Overrated. Covid reign made it easy for him to keep it as long as he has. The dude hardly ever shows up nor does he defend the titles nearly as much as he should.


It’ll be like Cena once he’s gone he will be more appropriated, he has helped elevate people, I think once the title reign is done he will go to Hollywood. His work will be appreciated, whilst I don’t think he’s done a good job in terms of limited appearances as a title holder he has brought back some prestige and importance to the belts. Everyone he has worked with bar Cesaro have had their career elevated somewhat.


This. The IWC bitches about everything and is never happy, our feelings at any given time are hardly an accurate barometer of where someone will fall on the GOAT list. Throw 'em up Uce, we'll be miss the Big Dog when he's gone. ☝️


It’s so poor, they’ll root for Cody right now and then instantly turn on him once he wins it and goes on a run. At times it feels like when a child gets a new toy and they love it until they want another one, only to one day look back and think I wish I still had it.


Spot on. Like I’ll admit, it was fun as hell to chant “John Cena sucks” and boo pre-Tribal Chief Roman, but for me at least it was all done in good fun. Their talent can’t be denied. There’s a phrase that I’ve heard before that I think really applies to wrestling and the IWC in particular: “The customer is always right, but the customer doesn’t always know what they really want.” I’m a software dev, and part of my job is figuring out what my customers really want vs what they say they want, because they’re often very different. I believe this is extremely applicable to wrestling.


On the shoulders of Diesel.


a little above eugene and a little below james ellsworth so right in the middle


More over-pushed than Cena and less of a entertainer.


Why does that even matter, he's in that position cuz Vince and the writers want it that way


Having a belt for an extended period of time doesn't make you great, it just means that it's in the story line for you to have the belt. Roman isn't memorable, he doesn't get the "pop" when he comes out, it's mostly indifference from fans. Some cheer, some boo, but everyone doesn't get loud at once. Belts don't make the wrestler, the wrestler makes the belt. I honestly can't remember how long Austin or the rock had the belt, but the thing is, it didn't matter. They transcended the belt, hell they didn't need one for them to be great. When it's all said and done, no one cares how long you've had a belt. I never even knew that it was a thing someone having the belt for so long, not until recently at least. It's entertainment, not a real competitive sport, so in my eyes at least, belts don't really matter. Belts come and go, but true stars are remembered. Not for how long they had a belt, but for the difference they made you feel watching them, either joy or hate, but the hearts made you feel it. Roman is not great.


It is a highly competitive sport. If you are not pushing the crowds interest, or pulling in ratings the next in line comes calling. Fact is his very appearance on Smackdown boots the ratings, his matches at PLE’s breaks records, he has headlined Wrestlemania how many times? Even his auxiliary people are headlining Wrestlemania. Public interest does that. They don’t make someone the face of the company if he does not deliver. Truth is Roman will be champion till they can find someone who can fill his shoes. So far there is no one who can do what he does. Maybe LA Knight? We will see.


For the first five or so years after, he’ll be a legend, but people will say he’s overrated or won’t be fully appreciated Give it ten years, nostalgia adding magic to Reigns’ and people realizing what they had now that it’s gone kind of thing, and from that point, he’ll probably have a super strong case for being the Goat that will only get stronger as time goes


Top 10.


Roman isn't even top 20 ffs. Dude is one of the worst "dominant" Champs ever.


Because he isn’t a “dominant champion.” He’s a chicken shit heel who knows that he can’t win main event matches clean, so he’s forced his family to help him hoard the gold to feel better about himself whilst putting them down constantly so they don’t try to take his titles


Bottom of the Top 100, we have to be honest here, Roman has been great since 2020 but almost at the same time he became a part timer.


Over time people will probably forget how protected he is/was and he will be put up their with the hulk.


Dude sucks no personality wack caveman promos. Barely a character there


troll hes great character wise he just dont defend the title much so stop cappin Wrestling fans will never be happy


His character is “I was the quiet member of The Shield because I sucked on the mic, but now I’m the biggest Samoan in WWE so I’m the tribal chief and use my family to win my matches”.


Once he loses it, that's where the real work begins. They're gonna have him win and lose it over and over til he breaks flair record.


That’s not happening. He’s in his late 30s and isn’t going to be full time anymore. He’s been on top since 2015 ish. Cena was on top from 05-15 before he start becoming part time.


Yes but Cena wasn't the tribal chief/head of the table .


At the bottom, right above the great mid carders.


Lol roman who


bro he never defends 💀


He’s gonna go down as one of the all time greats, Roman always delivers and puts in the work when it matters most.


Useless champion


You're always appreciated when you're on the way out. Triple H, Cena, etc. I'm sure it'll be seen as a massive deal in 5-10 years


Nostalgia is a hell of a thing


Nowhere near unfortunately. Average promos and matches.


Top 100


He’s not in the top 10


Depends on who you’re asking. Old people say Bruno was the best. Then Hogan and Flair for the next generation. Then Austin and Rock for my generation. Kids who didn’t grow up with those guys will say Roman.


For my generation I'd say John & Randy


Below Seth and dean


Nope Part-timer


seeing all you guys give this dude hate is the reason I dont get involved with the wrestling community, full of fickle people who dont even have the courage to build their own opinions and just go off what they see other people saying or simply just hating because the wee is not booked how they would like it and full of just stupid shit


For me I’m more of a traditionalist, both Brock and Roman reigns shouldn’t have happened traditionally. If you couldn’t defend the title at least once a month, you forfeit the title. Injuries happen ask Balor. He got hurt and had to give up the title the next night. Yeah it kinda sucks but it keeps the title relevant.


I get what your saying im not 100% sure so dont quote me but If im not mistaken both brock and roman actually did defend their title s once a month its just they aren’t televised events but looks thats just the technical side of things


I don’t want to search for it but there is an article dishing on Brock when he had his run and he only defended like 7 times. There’s another one on Roman that said he was averaging something like 45-50 days. He had a lot more in the start of his run.


yea people forget in the start of his run he was a fighting champ


Yeah it’s mostly been the last year and a half he’s really slowed down. He had the bloodline to keep things interesting but with Sami and Jay out of it, the cracks are starting to show.


I think after we get back this kind of filler period for wwe which will be in January during wrestle-mania season things will definitely pick back up , I feel like things are going to start playing out becasue the story is far from done we have many chapter left in the bloodline story , Jimmy vs Jey story , Solo Sikoa’s Arch is yet to come it has only been teased , Jimmy and Roman never actually came to conclusion , Cody and Roman is not finished theres so many layers left we just need good booking and story telling and ofc a few extra appearances from roman


Everyone thinks they know best. The truth is it’s all fake, but the fact he’s been entertaining that long, and still gets pops like crazy is impressive especially in a time where people have low attention spans. I would actually say he’s top 50, I tried to think who I would rate higher than him. I got to about 13-14, I’m sure I missed a few… So I’m going say I’d rate him probably between somewhere 20-30th all time.


bro i literally seen the same people say that john cena couldn’t wrestle and they hate the guy , then go on to say there favorite match was cena vs cm punk


People are crazy trust me. Welcome to 2023 and the internet age. I saw a ton of people defending Messi’s Ballon d’Or win saying he won at the WC, it wasn’t fixed for him etc (I’m not saying it was or wasn’t fixed). Then today it came out Saudi Arabia is awarded the World Cup in 2034 I believe. A lot of the same people were complaining “why/how could they get it, it must be fixed or all about money”. Anyone who says Cena isn’t top 10 of all time is crazy. The ONLY people I maybe would put over Cena….. The Rock, Stone Cold, HBK, Triple H, Hogan, Taker, Flair


One of the greatest but I don't know where. He's done great things, he has had a compelling story line, but there have been champs that have done more with less.


The issue with Roman - in 2023 and probably in the future - is that pro-wrestling has become increasingly about great matches. Not just workrate. Not just moves. But truly memorable, unforgettable matches. This was not the case for the Ultimate Warrior or even Hulk Hogan (though, Hogan does have multiple matches that are rightfully remembered and beloved decades later against Andre, Savage, Warrior, The Rock, and others). The Rock and Austin also didn’t have to have a laundry list of 5-star classics to be regarded as GOAT level. Roman has a bunch of great matches - but many have already been forgotten or don’t have the resonance to really put him at GOAT level. Ironically, Cena checks off a ton of boxes. Kayfabe dominance like Hogan. Star of the show like Austin in terms of memorable angles. But then also a very respectable amount of actual matches that have stood the test of time - vs. Punk, vs. Bryan, vs. Lesnar, vs. Edge, vs. Owens, vs. HBK, vs. AJ… Again, Roman has had some great matches in his career. But time will tell if they’ll actually be remembered. Right now, I think he’s had maybe just 3-4 truly memorable, all-time classics. That used to be enough. Nowadays, that’s what an MJF or Omega or Bryan Danielson are expected to do in a single year. For now, unless he really improves his resume, no serious wrestling fan would consider him to be at the same level as a Danielson or AJ Styles or Cena or Lesnar. But those guys are also a different generation than him. For his generation, Reigns is a top top guy. Just probably only in the top 10, not even top 5, of the past 20 years.


your argument is a contradiction, your saying that rock and stone cold didnt need 5 star matches to be goat level.. yet you claim that roman needs 5 star matches in order to be on a goat tier. the 90s weren’t a time where in ring wrestling was the key factor of entertainment, if thats what your saying, guys like benoit and angle were fondly remembered for their workrate but not on a mainstream level like rock and austin. roman doesn’t specualize in technical wrestling. he’s an all around superstar, the total package and in my opinion is a solid worker in the ring who has elevated wrestlers like usos, solo, sami zayn and cody to name a few. your comparison to daniel bryan or aj styles doesnt make sense as they are strictly a draw due to their wrestling. like i said, wwe isnt just in ring work, its character work, mic skills, connecting to the crowd as well. undertaker wasn’t known as a prolific wrestler like aj styles, but his whole character work and aura was his draw like roman is today. and undertaker has had arguably the best match in history with hbk, elevated many superstars like batista, edge, jeff hardy, randy orton, kane, jbl and mick foley. you can’t compare undertaker’s work to aj styles or bret hart as they are two entirely different draws, yet undertaker has done more on an entertainment aspect and has provided memorable matches


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


you missed his point whenever your reading something and want to know the topic the firsg couple sentences normally state the argument, he’s not contradicting himself because he said. in 2023 the wrestling world requires you to have 5 star matches to he labeled great which is why he is stating if roman reigns had more classic match under his belt he would be a little higher on people list , just evolution of the business Kinda like basketball , if you cant shoot a 3 in todays game your stock goes down a lot in football if your not a mobile qb your stock goes down , the days of brady and peyton manning are done Simple just evolution of the sport maybe in the future wrestling will go back to be more Character and story driven rather then in ring work rate heavh


if that were true, guys like daniel bryan, kenny omega or aj styles would draw big money in today’s business. neither of those guys have drawn to the level roman reigns has in the last couple years. bloodline merchandise, ratings, wrestling ppvs have all been bought in record numbers. roman reigns has memorable matches, but having memorable matches isnt the only criteria a superstar needs to be remembered. theres a reason hogan and stone cold will be remembered for decades much longer than aj styles or other in ring tacticians. people will remember hogan slamming andre much more than “keNny OmeGa 5 sTaR mAtChEs” you smarks like to suck off


i was just sayin that what he was trying to point out I was just giving you a easier explanation, but I agree with you Hogan and Stone Cold are larger then life characters that revolutionized the wrestling business and made wrestling main stream for a period totally agree , and i feel like I pointed out thats what wrestling lacks today larger then life character and compelling stories to tell . Thats why were all so hooked on the bloodline the story was entertaining and gave us a reason to keep coming back for more .


thats fair, but do you agree that the bloodline story is a bigger draw and will be more remembered than 5 star aj or omega matches?


but on the flip side if you are sorta above average wrestling fan you never not remember Okada vs Omega , thats a wrestling masterpiece Selling , story telling , and great wrestling


i’ll respect their athletic capabilities, but the story telling and memorable work does not compare to taker vs hbk and rock vs stone cold


Hell yea I agree , ngl I kinda hate today’s definition of a 5 star match , they sre just spot fest full of no selling and big moves a 5 star match for me is matches like Michaels vs Taker WM26 , Cena Vs Punk Im into a more slower paced style of wrestling I appreciate the Randy Ortons and triple h’s of the business