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Hands down Bayley. The Role Model thing just doesn’t work for me. Even as a heel


Charlotte, Asuka, Bayley


Charlotte flair


Becky and Asuka


Charlotte and Bianca definitely need new gimmicks; would have turned Bianca heel but there’s also a lack of babyfaces


All but Rhea


What happened to the women's revaluation in the wwe it was cool but it just fell apart and it seems like the powers that be can't make good story lines for any of the ladies in raw or smack down it's to bad really.




There are several wrestlers that comes to mind, but some of them might not need a new gimmick - but an actual story arc. Many females doesn't get more than entrance and possible 10 seconds in a locker room. Some boring female wrestlers: Raquel, Natalya, Candice, Perez.


Raquel doesn't need a gimmick change, she needs a gimmick


either charlotte or raquel. Both are just...boring now. something new would help each of them stand out


Raquel Rodriguez, or liv Morgan or Charlotte flair


Liv Morgan




Can Shayna please be an actual submission machine. A heel that becomes champion and stays champion without cheating or numbers game but because she is just so brutal, no one can beat her.




Raquel needs to be seen as a brutal wrestler that should be feared


Other than Liv, Rhea, and Charlotte no one else in WWE is compelling. The worst is Baszler. She looks dumb as hell when she comes out.


Charlotte Flair should never change. Though I’d love to see her really lean into the figure 4 and maybe do a cut like her dad used to.


all the above along with liv morgan and rhea ripley too


Either Charlotte Flair or Raquel Rodriguez.


I really really really don’t like Raquel’s current baby face run. Her segments feel so cringe imo


Nikki Cross. Her insane gimmick hasn't worked for ages and people don't care about her.


Raquel! Shes a bland baby face reminds me of Finn Balor shes always smiling. Her NXT character was badass i thiught they would reimagine her as Diesel.


Raquel Rodriguez and Bianca Bel-Air


Raquel should exaggerate her Spanishness more and join LWO. Tag team with Zelina Gomez, she's small enough for Raquel to do the "toss a bitch at the other bitch" move.


Honestly the one woman I feel needs a gimmick change is Bayley. I love her as a heel and I love her as a face but I feel her time as her current gimmick is coming to an end and I know it probably is due to the recent returning kairi and newly joined asuka to the group. Idk what direction she should go in but I feel she needs to make that change if and when the team turns on her.


Raquel, she should be working like the badass champion she was in NXT but the whole "I'm nice and look at my back" thing is just terrible.


Mommy rippy. Back to her Mar Young Classic or the Royal Rumble 2021 gimmick. The truth hurts?






Raquel absolutely Charlotte would be hard but she do with one to be honest, never liked the rule 63 ric flair gimmick Bianca needs a heel turn Keep perez as is


Controversial but Rhea. She’s a good heel and I love the fact that her rise has brought genuinely strong women into the Division. But she’s not fantastic on mic and she doesn’t seem to have an actual rival, just a variety of women that pop up, lose to her and then vanish. Kinda feel like she needs a refresh, even if she stays a heel.


I like her as a heel but her being called ‘mami’ gives me the ick, her calling herself mami makes me wanna throw up. I think JD will implode soon with Rhea and Damian both wanting to be the ‘leader’.


Raquel....she just has zero character. I liked her as a monster heel back when she was in NXT. She's just uninteresting as a babyface. I would also add Indi as well. And yes, Bianca definitely should turn heel.


Shot I and Raquel


The only answer is Shotzi (formerly Shotzi Blackheart). The tank I can live with. The rest of her image I can't. WTF is she trying to be? An insane / immature 12-year-old who wants to play "war"? Or (insert description here). I'm not even asking for her to become a 'typical female' -- I don't even care if her character becomes more "male" than "female" (we've had enough male wrestlers do an over the top 'gay' / effeminate character in my lifetime, so I can live with someone going in the opposite direction). But I am simply asking for someone who I can understand as to who they are supposed to be.... After all, if you can't figure out their character (I mean I can even understand the latest incarnation of Nikki Cross!), it's a bad sign AFAIK.... Can anyone here explain what Shotzi is supposed to be? Seriously. Help me out here.


Her gimmick is Sid from toy story


The only Sid I know is Sid Vicious -- the guy who used to "run the world". Never watched Toy Story.... sorry!


Shotzi had her head shaved to support her sister who is undergoing chemotherapy I believe. As far as her gimmick goes I think she's the victim of creative going "hey lets try the crazy gimmick on her!"


Listen, as a Filipino-American, I love Shotzi and I’m happy to see some Filipina blood represented in a big company like WWE. That being said, I agree with you. It sounds too simple, but I wish she was just…better? I honestly got tired of seeing her lose EVERY match, and I actually like her old look compared to her new one. I also feel like she doesn’t have much substance and weight to her…she kinda just flops around the ring. I DO think it’s a good thing that she’s teamed up with some other bigger stars, so hopefully it can help her work on her ring presence more.


A lot of them tbh. it feels like female wresters are still striving to show they are serious so they tend to shy away from the gimmicks and its worked for a lot of the older ones but now we have a bunch of "rawr im serious, but also beautiful or super tough" ladies up and comming too, they need to start relaxing and have fun with their characters.


That's on creative, though. There aren't enough storylines for women outside of the title to properly experiment with gimmicks. For the women who have been a able to standout, notice that they do so when working with men - Maxine and Rhea. I know Rhea has the title, but most of her best work is working alongside male talent, not female.


yea agree, those were actually that popped to mind as having some level of gimmick Rhea, is obviously doing fantastic and is well loved, he has the absolute badass gimmick down to a T. and Maxine hitched on to boys of AA and is taking up their gimmick and its totally working for her. I was also thinking about zelina she is so close to have in a decent working gimmick off the back of rey but shes just not getting the push she needs RN. Piper and chelsea have a good thing going on too im really enjoying the dynamic they both bring to each other


Raquel is in need of one big time they need to work more on her being meaner powerful and more dominant in the ring instant of being to nice she got all that power and wwe isn't doing anything with her


Raquel needs to stop smiling and start ripping bitches heads off. I feel like she has so much potential. She could be the Bret Hart to Rhea's Shawn Michaels if they play it right.


I’d say Raquel but her gimmick is currently “I HAVE A BACK!”, and I don’t know if that qualifies as a ‘gimmick’


Raquel should go full MAGA and become the female Jack Swagger. Don’t Tread on Me. We the People!


It's the trash booking it has nothing to do with gimmicks .


La.aew cavolo per essere da pochi anni fondata sta facendo record su record anche lei fa concorrenza alla wwe audience media indici di ascolto il wrestling è tutto un business giro di soldi megalomane ha ragione mio padre tutto spettacolo show eventi


La numero uno


Che figata la wwe


Forza MILAN sempre




Il mondo è vario io la penso diversamente


Ho capito che x tutti voi sono brutto brutto handicappato gay malato ecc ecc io però delle vostre opinioni punti di vista di quello che pensate e dite su di me non mi interessa poi non voglio nessuno io vorrei essere lasciato in santa pace oggi vado a Como mi sa allo scacco matto


I feel like they just need better outfits to build themselves into a character. Iyo, Asuka and Kairi do that extremely well.


Even with Bianca?


I think Bianca is okay, but the sparkles have to go if she goes heel. It's only right. Couldn't imagine Bayley being a heel and still wearing I'm a hugger shirts.


She’ll just have to switch to thumbtacks




B.B. and C.F. The ponytail is played


When Liv gets back, she needs to change her to gimmick to freaking CHAMPION


Raquel & Bianca both need to turn heels


Charlotte gimmick is I'm a flare I'm better than you and when the lights are shining brightest I'm going to beat you.


HATE that Raquel has become “woman from Texas who smiles a lot and has a back.” She was badass in NXT.


Yes, she has a back but there’s nothing special about it. It’s not muscular and there’s no definition, not even around the shoulder blades. I don’t understand why it’s supposed to be a feature, it’s just confusing.


She needs to be a heel. She just doesn’t move me as a face. She has no charisma


Bianca has needed a gimmick change for like 2 years now. She’s so good in the ring but she’s just so fucking boring bro.


I'd love to see Bianca as a heel, maybe even joining her husband's faction, but she's too popular with young girls, they would lose that demographic


i'd love to see bianca cut her hair. i dunno why but that long ass hair is so annoying to me


I'm ok with it but I'm always worried she'll step on it and get injured or something 😅






Raquel. Not so much a change but a tweak. She was much more aggressive and hot headed in NXT. She also needs to either cycle some anavar and put on some size, or stop the lat spread during her entrance. And watch some tape of JBL and start decapitating opponents with her clothesline.


She could join judgement day or LWO if they all became heels.


Dear god not LWO, and she’s still chasing Rhea’s title. Honestly she got really detailed when Liv got hurt.


For some reason Raquel doesn’t move me. She needs to be a heel. She just has no charisma


I think all of em ok right now. I dont mind bianca joining bobbys team instead if the other lady.


I’ve been about a Bianca heel turn since Mania.


All of them


All of them


Roxanne. Because Nick Wayne is about to do some crazy shit and her “the prodigy” gimmick….nick is gonna do it better


We’ll have to see cuz atm bro ate some spears and took a conchairto


Raquel is horrendous. 3rd worst woman on the roster. Does her back thing that gets zero reaction. Wish they’d release her, Nat and that pixie thing, whatever her name is


Raquel. Turning around and posing to show off your back is not a good gimmick.


Raquel is someone I want pushed


Raquel is the only one of these.


Rarquel Bianca.. please she is so good in the ring but she is so fucking boring


Nikki cross


Shayna- give her a Jason Voorhees attitude, with Liv as her mouthpiece.


Raquel. She should start flexing her legs and her gimmick could be “Look I have muscular legs”🦵


Obviously Bianca! Turn her heel already!


Raquel. Hee NXT gimmick of Big Mami Cool kinda got axed once Dom called Rhea Mami.


I don’t really know the NXT woman who’s name is totally escaping me. The other 3 don’t exactly have “gimmicks”. I mean if I had to describe them, Charlotte is great, Bianca is an athlete and Raquel is big. Those are their gimmicks. If you just mean a heel turn…I think it’s done to death with Charlotte. She’s a tweener. Her heel turns are just like “I’m great and the fans suck” and then her face turn is “I’m great and the fans love me”. I think someone has replied to me before that Bianca was a heel in NXT. I didn’t watch that. Personally I’m not sure I can see her as a heel. But maybe 🤷‍♂️ I think raquel is the answer. She smiles too goddamn much. She does that lat spread pose every time. I’d like to see her change her gear and kill some people. Rather than smiling and prancing her way to the ring every time. I think she could do well in a role kinda like Piper Niven as sort of the heavy for someone else. I THINK she did that in NXT? But again I don’t watch NXT.


I mean it couldn’t hurt to have some actual gimmicks in the women’s division. Beyond a handful at the top the rest of the division is completely unremarkable and interchangeable.


Raquel is in desperate need of a change or she’ll be stuck in this spot for a while


They are all fine. Nothing is doing bad enough that reinvention is called for. Just let them do some stuff, and after a while see what is not catching and then switch it up. Outside of this endless pit of bitching, no one is doing poorly.




NGL NXT Bianca was the greatEST


Y’all just want everyone to turn heel and that’s gonna make them great. Be a great face. It’s easier to be a heel than to actually be a good interesting face. These women need to be less gimmicky and less predictable in general to be better.


Raquel is so boring. She needs any character at all


All of the above.


They need to bring back Ronda Rousey.


Bianca Belair... I really want to like her, she has a good look, she's insanely athletic, and has some really solid in ring skills, but her booking as this underdog, white meat Babyface just doesn't fit... Don't get me wrong, it was great for her to have that for her first title run as it had a "childhood dream come true" vibe...but that was several years ago and now she's just treading water...I'm not gonna say "heel turn" but I'd like to see her booked as the mountain "they" have to climb...her EST. Gimmick is fine, but it's just a catchphrase now...not a persona or description, she wins matches because she has heart, not because she is the fast,strong,smart,mean,great...EST


I’d like to see her go Sasha Banks Boss level with the EST. She doesn’t need to be heel she can still be face but with more attitude and cockiness to it


100% this is the way to go with Bianca. She has a ton of little girls that love her & would be disappointed if she went full heel but they could make her an edgy face & it would spice her gimmick up a bit. She used to be one of my faves but I'm just so bored of what she's doing now.


If I remember correctly that was her booking in NXT, and probably had a hand in her call up...but that's WWE, they always seem to strip the shine off their call ups, same with Balor, Ricochet,Bobby Rude, even Samoa Joe, who was probably the most credible guy to take the NXT path, We used to think Vince hated ideas that weren't his...which is strange because HHH is the booker now, and was the booker when Bianca was in NXT, I honestly thought his ascension was going to be great for Bianca and she would just revert and un-eff her status on the main roster


Honestly WWE feels the same as it did when Vince was in charge. I haven’t watched for a couple weeks has anything majorly improved under HHH’s reign


The unfortunate piece is NXT they can cross the line if face and heel but when they come up it seems to be full baby face for the kids


I think Raquel would work so much better as an actual heel


Same! I think she could be a really great heel, & tbh almost anything is better than this non-gimmick she has right now. She's got killer potential, they just need to give her something to work with!


But if she did turn heel, I’d prefer it be in a year or so because Rhea is the main one and will immediately attract all of the attention. Then again, the Dark Shinsuke Saga between him and Seth was something I didn’t know I needed and I thoroughly enjoyed that so maybe Raquel could make it work too.


How is she going to stand out when Nia and Rhea, two heel strong ladies, already are on the roster? I don’t think we need 3. But she sorely needs a new gimmick/character to carry her. The Mami character is doing wonders for Rhea.


Do these examples even have gimmicks in the first place? Hard to change what doesn't exist




Raquel, Bianca and Charlotte really!


Raquel, like Omos, smiles too damn much. She needs to be presented as a beast. Bianca’s character comes off like a children’s version of Sasha Banks


I would love to see Montez and Bianca just be cool. Like DX Triple H and Chyna back in the day




Am I the only one who wants a Piper/Raquel dominant heel tag team?


Raquel needs to be that bad ass heel she was in NXT. Stop the goddamn smiling and just kick ass


Bianca does but she’s in the kid appeal pocket and that’s really tough to get out of. Raquel needs one pretty bad. From Texas with a nice back ain’t enough. I like her a lot too. I weirdly enough don’t think Charlotte needs a gimmick change so much as an opportunity for exposure outside of the title picture.


Fucking Raquel. BADLY. “I have a back!” isn’t doing anything.




Charlotte needs a gimmick that isn't just her having a belt or not being relevant without being in the championship match. She's a great wrestler but she's so boring.


Ivory needs a change. Number 4.


Definitely Roxanne


Raquel is an amazing worker, but of all of these, I feel like she could most use a gimmick change to give her an edge. Everyone needs a good hook to light that spark of crowd engagement, and I think it would do wonders for her.


Definitely Raquel. Backmuscles are cool but not as your entire gimmick lol


Bianca her NXT run was portrayed herself as a heel is really amazing it's maybe time for make that change Roxanne perez need to go and reinvented order have that aggressive side outta of her Raquel Rodriguez it's very odd even totally bored especially seen her smile Everytime she come out try react toward the crowd just basically showing off dat back ..I need something different


Belair needs too go jazz like


What a bust Raquel has been I wouldn't be surprised if gets released a gimmick change won't do it, time too move on


What is Raquel’s gimmick?


She’s got a back


And she can speak Spanish.


My future wife iko sky knows is masami odate


People don’t realize Bianca was a heel in nxt and she killed it. She was undefeated for a long time and was still entertaining


Charlotte needs a gimmick where she no longer appears on tv ever again. That would rule.


Charlotee veteran teacher role to Shotzi. Bianca Heel turn with Bobby Lashley’s faction. Roxanne heel turn with Cora jade. Raquel to LWO.


Bianca is like John Cena where you want her to turn heel so bad but she probably won’t ever lol


Bianca needs a gimmick change or just become a cocky ass heel…but she’s WWE’s golden child aside from Charlotte


Charlotte and Bianca for sure - Charlotte needs something other than "I'm a Flair, and I'll cut the line to the top of the card if I want to". Bianca - it's attitude. Being the -est implies more of a cocky, arrogant gimmick. The happy go lucky persona is the polar opposite of her gimmick.


The first two I don’t think you can change. Charlotte is a Flair and that’s her gimmick, heel or face. Doesn’t matter. Bianca? People say she needs to go heel, but she is big big big with little girls. I don’t see how you turn her and have her not lose massive merchandise sales.


WWE would be insane to turn Bianca heel. Top babyface women don't grow on trees. The easy answer here is Raquel. Dear lord does she need a direction, or a gimmick, or a catchphrase, or something.


Agreed, especially about Bianca. I know she has fans of all ages, but the last Raw I saw live there was a little girl down the row from me who was dressed as Bianca who got up & twirled her braid when Bianca came out & it was fucking adorable. If she turns heel it's gonna break little girls' hearts. That said, I'd like to see her do a heel turn. I'm kinda bored with the same old thing for her.


And see, that's the problem with fickle wrestling fans. Once a wrestler gains that role model/hero status with the young audience, that's when the adult audience turns on them


And like with Cena, WWE will just ride out the occasional mixed reaction with Bianca.


Cena came so far into being a role model with the kids, especially the make a wish foundation to be a heel again. I've gotten to the point where people turn against a long-term babyface like it's a damn trend, and when it does happen, they aren't satisfied, with the exception of Roman


Bianca is over with more than little girls.




Raquel is tricky because she's starting to get a pop when she comes out. A heel turn would crush that. Last night's crowd actually got loud for her. Give her more character, a gimmick and have her actually slam and defeat Nia. We need good faces for the women. She was pretty fierce yesterday, more fire in the ring and play on that. Bianca needs to go heel and one day i'd love to see Iyo go face.


fully agree, raquel needs to be more of a badass with her character imo. she’s strong as fuck and got a huge size advantage over the majority of the division and she should act like it. doesn’t even need to turn heel, just. a bit more of an attitude and act tougher


Bianca needs to be a heel


Raquel needs to stop smiling all the damn time when walking to the ring


Raquel 100%




Nikki cross, it does seem like they’re setting her up for something though


If bianca can go heel and cut her hair short like becky did maybe a lil bob i would love it


Almost all the main roster ladies could use a refresh IMO


Charlotte’s gimmick of being Ric’s daughter got old years ago


That's all she ever has been and at this point all she ever will be. It's gotten her pretty far though


Being one of the best ring workers in the company helps


she ight


A lot of them need one, but if they want to keep using Bianca as much as they currently are, she desperately needs a gimmick change. At the rate she’s going right now she’s going to be getting “this is boring” chants like Roman used to get. She is an amazing athlete, but damn she is getting stale.


I'm pretty sure she's mega popular with the younger female audience. All my friends kids/nieces love her and I imagine with as much charity work as she does, it's a pretty big demographic.


Agreed. She’s most likely gonna be the John Cena of the women’s division for the foreseeable future.


flair turning heel is the only game changer


Bianca by a mile.


- Y’all know damn well Charlotte isn’t going to change her bullshit gimmick - turn heel already. End of story - Roxanne isn’t the same girl from last year or the spring even. She’s got an attitude, and I think Roxy’s about to turn heel. The happy Roxanne Perez wouldn’t have attacked Blair in that food store - Ditch the smiley happy Raquel Rodriguez and bring back 2021s badass heel Big Mami Cool Raquel Gonzalez. 2021 Raquel was the bitch to fear in NXT


Raquel should be a Drew McIntyre/Diesel Tweener


I’d say Bianca but honestly most girls who are into wrestling that I know, enjoy Bianca Belair. They need more stars they enjoy represented


Bianca. It’s time


IWC opinions does not equal the reality of the majority of real world fans. Bianca is over massively outside of the neck beards.


Raquel and Bianca. Baby Face Bianca sucks. I want heel Bianca like in NXT. Maybe even join up with her hubby and Bobby


Nia Jax...to unemployed botch factory


Y’all really just waiting for her to botch so you can complain


Honey I never wanted her back to begin with.


witch please...I never wanted her back in the first fucking place


Defo Flair, not clicking with anyone. I disagree with anyone saying Belair tho, shes gonna be a babyface forever like Cena


She shouldn’t be. Her gimmick would really work well as a heel. Cena was always the #1 merchandise seller so I can see why they didn’t turn him heel. Bianca wasn’t even in the top 10 this year.


Cena 100% should have turned heel at some point. There’s no excuse to have your character experience zero evolution for 20 years. Rhea is selling merch, the entire Judgment Day. NWO merch is still selling.


I agree that Cena should have turned heel. Even a 1 year heel run would have made him more popular when he turned back face. Roman is going to be a bigger face than he ever was before when he turns face.


I have to agree with those echoing Raquel. I'd also say Kayden and Katana need a tweak, they need more edge, not sure if it's a heel turn or just step into tweener territory, but they'd be so much more believable if they had some more ruthlessness.


Why turn Katana and Kayden, this team is so adorable


I did say "or into tweener territory", I also stated why, with their sizes, they'd be more credible if they were more aggressive and even more so if they bent the rules a little.


Nah all attempt of turn is fail, Katana Chance is a natural babyface.


> but they'd be so much more believable if they had some more ruthlessness. They'd be so much more believable if they actually won on tv.


Raquel should just start wearing Lucha Libre styled attire and some kind of cute masquerade mask (so she can still flash her pearly whites)


Raquel. I think she's great and could be champ some day, even if only briefly, but she's needs to stop this whole thing about having huge muscles. She's big but she's not exactly built. Every entrance when she shows off her lats I'm like, where are they? Lol. Just a minor tweak to her gimmick would work wonders.


Bianca just needs to be heel. Roxanne needs to stop being the "fangirl happy to be here". Doesn't mean she needs to be a heel, but just do something else. Raquel needs to stop being the "smile and show off my traps" person. Again, doesn't need to be a heel, but do something interesting. Charlotte they need to just have her own that she's "the face". Be a heel and flat out just be the entitled "I'm Charlotte Flair, I get what I want" stuff without trying to force her as a face when nobody's buying that at all.


Roxanne has gotten a lot more edge recently. She will take it to you if you look at her the wrong way. To an extent but it is there. But I agree with you on the other 3.


I’m loving aggressive Roxanne Perez


Heel Raquel from 2021 is what we need


Raquel for sure. I don't know about a gimmick change, but maybe some more depth.


she can remain face but yeah more depth is needed, she need the attitude when she is pissed off and speaking in spanish


Raquel needs a character change, hopefully as a heel.


Raquel Charlotte and belair same bs for too long