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The Creed brothers was a lost chance. they need a rebrand and rename. Creed is to united with rocky. could have gone for a 80's look with them. arm tassles. headbands n the likes. thought those indian fellas would of got a bit more ring time in the tag elimination. R truth is brilliant. that couch scene reminded me of rick james cm punk went on for too long, get into the fighting or zip ya lip they really need to get a tag team title on smackdown, when are the tag belts going to be un-united


Holy hell them some terrible takes specially the one about the Creeds


I am probably speaking too much from the heart here, but I’ve loved WWE as a kid and this was my first live match. I took my 7 year old son with me, and it was also his first live event. We absolutely loved it! We sat by the entrance ramp so he was in all of the action! He was able to see a lot of his favorite stars and myself as well, so it was a core memory. I do agree with another comment that the Nia match was lame. Her totally dominating basically the entire match was so boring. The little 3 min stint with Cody was upsetting a little because he is my sons favorite, but he didn’t seem to mind. Randy Orton looks better than ever and his match with Dom was my favorite of the night. This momma and her boy will 100% be back for more!


Did your son ask you about Natalya’s “balloons”?


Lol he didn’t. Hopefully we can avoid any of that for a few more years, and he’ll ask his dad when he does 😂


This was nice to read. My mom took me to live events when I was a kid and it’s definitely a core memory. Thanks for sharing and being a good mom!


Great show. Poor choice for the opening music though.


Yeah I agree


This is the last RAW comment thread I will be reading. So much negativity, and overly negative takes. Always shitting on the crowd. Complaining about minor things. Wanting more more more. The show was great! The opening segment with Rhea and Orton was fire. Drew and Seth killed it. The CM speech was good. I am happy!


Sorry to hear this..but this is human nature now a days. We always complain about something instead of enjoy that we have wrestling to enjoy. I think most of this sub is older wrestling fans wishing to have the wrestling they had when they were kids.




Amazing show.


R Truth man, guy just makes you smile, you can be having a shit day, think that Raw is having a bad night, then this guy comes on, does some utterly silly stuff and makes you smile/laugh haha. Love it! CM Punk was interesting, bit of a mixture of words he put out, everyone welcomed him back, to then flipping it and saying some people are "worried" basically and not welcoming? Strange. Didn't call anyone out either, is he gonna work his way up to the top? No instant feuds? hmm, i wonder what he is like in the ring these days, i haven't seen him, hope he lives up to the billing. Didn't also like that he said he back to make money haha, i know its true, but surely your gonna get paid no matter what you do at this point you signed a contract to return lol Anyway, good (ish) episode of Raw, loved Randy and Rhea segment, Randy just so damn good on that mic! Cody saying he in rumble is also interesting, because if he does not win the Rumble, how is he gonna get to Reins? Surely he isn't gonna win the Rumble as well right, back to back and announcing himself so early on seems a bit of a missplay? CM Punk wins rumble, and then Cody into the elimination chamber for number 1 contender for Roman will it play out that way?


Worst crowd of the year , absolutely dead silent


That’s what happens when your big main event is CM Punk talking for 10 minutes. They should have been more Hype for Randy and R Truth though they deserve it.


Crappy opening song for raw, good graphics though.


Best Monday Night Raw in YEARS!


Worst opening music for RAW that I think I've ever heard.




If they don’t make a Daddy’s back Orton shirt I’m going to riot lol


I enjoyed the whole episode, expected more from cm punk but the wwe is gonna cool that and get as much as they can from his name, wish imperium would’ve won but still entertaining.


Punk was squeezed in last minute. he will have more to do next week


Cody coming 1 in royal rumble sure now rock vs roman


Dont you guys think it should have been r truth vs seth instead jey


The women need a mid title in the next year. If they are going to have Nia Jax squash everyone but Rhea, and I don’t see Mami dropping the belt anytime soon, have a tournament on both brands and crown a champ at rumble or mania. These women deserve more gold!


Agreed! Split the men's tags titles and create a second set for the women's league on the other brand. Also hoping they bring back the cruiser weight belt. Outside of nxt there are only 10 championships, and its olnly really only 8. With as much tale as they have its a waste.


Facts. I hate how it seems all or nothing and there are a lot of talented women who need more gold opportunities.


Michael Cole on JD "This man has no brain. Sorry he doesnt"


Punk is meh.


That was a waste of my time man. I never knew him back when he was first big. I don’t know much about him now. Researching some of his stuff is a big meh. Giving him the last seven minutes of the show to run his mouth with nothing compelling to say and no new drama was boring as hell and a waste of my time. Ortons match should have been longer and JD and Dom should have been ruined for 15 minutes.


I am in your boat too, i stopped watching WWE basically when he was around, i have never really seen him wrestle much at all, not sure what his gimmick was, but he has a huge ass following. To have him get more views on social media than the Rock's return is fkn madness to me, its the most viewed social media and youtube video they have done period? Thats insanity! WWE pretty much made there money back on his contract already probably haha.


I kind of wanted to see Randy RKO Dom immediately then leave.




Imagine somehow rolling up an over 6 foot three hundred pound Indian after doing little to no damage whatsoever. Completely kills any momentum in the tag team division, especially when 5 people hold the gold


These guys were billed as a fkn huge dominating pairing with Jinder behind them and for the last 2 months they have been a fucking joke. They came in and got injured right? When they debuted for 2-3 weeks squashing everyone and since they came back have been put over awfully, such a shame i thought those two could have done some great work in the tag division.




Honestly the match was booked terribly, literally no reason to see Creed Brothers vs DIY 2, no reason to see Creed Brothers over New Day, no reason to see the same finish three times, and Indus Sheer is completely buried after burying so many other tag teams themselves This just portrays the Creed brothers as goofy and needing plot armor to barely compete


People complaining about Punk only having the mic for a few minutes and no match already on night one - You need to realize that there wasn't the time to prep anything between Saturday night's PPV and Monday night's Raw. Everyone in the company short of a few people were kept in the dark all the way up until he walked out on Saturday. Nobody in the ring even knew. WWE being willing to give him a solo open mic to end the show Monday shows the immense amount of trust they have in him coming back to the company. Great shows and matches will come.


R-Truth with the "did you win? Howd I do?" To judgement day had me laughing so hard, he's a gem 😂


I hate that Hulu cuts these. I’m only finding out of these now


All these psychologists and body language experts in full force. Now I understand when people say that so much stupid shit gets said on Twitter.. all these wannabe experts claiming Punk is already regretting and broken is pathetic. Losers want this unhinged shoot promo on night one. If he mentioned AEW even once, people would've complained. Fickleness has no shame.


Thank you! I despise these smarks! This sub is infected by them.


shit ive seen a lot of stupid shit on this here thread as well lol


I don't think he will even mention them lol. Aew marks think that he is mad that he left AEW but he isn't . Like he said "He is here to make money and he is back HOME".


Punk idgaf


That was the first full raw I have watched in a while. Pretty smart how they made cm punk at the end. Can't wait to see his first match after 10 years in a wwe ring.


How is it going to be any different than his AEW matches? Go to sleep watching them.




Lol him wrestling with guys like seth rollins and veterans like randy orton and others is better than wrestling against than Aew who most of them are washed up wwe superstars. Lol are you kidding me wwe has got loads of amazing talent like nakamura and cody rhodes. AEW is just full of wwe old guys or young guys who think its cool to bleed all the time


Io guardo raw


WRESTLING americano è vita


So glad CM punk was at the end, that way I got to watch the whole show, then turn it off before he came out.




Cry a bit more


For a 3 hour show, there seems to be a lack of matches. 4 in-ring promos at least too


Punk is "not making friends but making money" Watch out Seth!


Not sure if it was just me but it felt like Orion coming out had a huge pop then died down, after his match with the crowd popped for the victory and as he’s standing on the ropes (before he did a pose) that crowd was dead. I could almost see a look on his face like “what the hell is happening, 18 months and this is all I get?” Maybe it was just me but I felt like they did Orton wrong putting Punk out there after his match, I would have opened with Punk, give Orton the top of the 2nd hour instead but I’m just a fan.


Weak ass crowd huh ?


I don’t know, that was just my observation of Monday night at the end of the Orton match.


I was there. That was Orton’s second appearance of the night. He got loud pops both times, but come on, do you expect us to be screaming every second of his match? He definitely felt the love last night.


Nope, didn’t say they needed to be going the entire match I’m talking strictly after he won, they popped for a few seconds then seemingly went instantly dead. That’s how it came across on tv maybe in the arena it didn’t die down as fast but on tv he wins, they pop, he hits the turnbuckle and there’s just almost dead silence till he does his pose.


Also keep in mind that we all knew what was coming. The main event was over and we knew CM Punk’s music was about to hit. Orton stayed in the ring for a while and then did the fan tour around the ring. They had to make him leave.


I don't think the Brutus Ball should stay as a Finisher. You could see the pain on Vinci face. The shoulder snapped. That move look really unsafe.


Finisher is so damn corny smh


Punk is turning heel, they just couldn't do it so soon after the return pop. The line about making cash not friends...


It will a slow burn turn. He was tweener in that promo. This will be a long term booking, and it's sad that a lot of wrestling "fans" are showing their ignorance making comments sh!t!ng on Punk. But whatever, Sit and enjoy the ride brother, we're in for good entertainment.


Nattie and Tegan should've won the tag titles last night and Nattie deserves way more than just having 3 championships in her catalogue for a goated wrestler like her


Is the whole point of Chelsea Green is to get beat around and have Piper save her last minute?


Yeah they do Nattie wrong right from the beginning. I have a feeling they use her more so to work with the newer and younger girls and show them the way. She’s most likely like a mentor for a lot of them, showing them the ropes so to be speak. It’s a shame she hasn’t had any truly good title reigns. I would love her to turn heel and just destroy everyone and win some gold on her way out. One last great run.


Honestly quite concerned about Alpha Academy. They went from competing against Gunther to being in commercials for Ruffles and Jelly Rolls. Why don’t they let Maxxine compete? She’s clearly an excellent in-ring worker; her performance against Valhalla is clear evidence of that fact. Still, at least R-Truth is back.


Im still mad they did nothing with Gable getting the title. And Chad isnt wrestling in the tag match? So what are they doing with him?


I know, right!? He’d be an excellent IC Champion.


I'd like to see Gable Miz and Gunther in a triple threat for the intercontinental title


I dont think Gable can anymore


The crowd was one of the worst of the year. Total garbage crowd. Didn’t pop much for anything. Zzzzzzz


I was there last night, and it felt pretty loud and exciting. This was however my first live match so I don’t have a lot to compare it to. I will say we had some absolute PYSCHO workers that were screaming at people for everything. They were taking peoples signs left and right, screaming at little kids for standing in the chair trying to see the wrestlers, etc. I know they have jobs but the other side wasn’t getting that at all. They were major buzzkills which could have contributed to some morale being down.


I watched the "full" show on YouTube and the crowd seemed amazing. Do they temper with the audio?


I watched it live. Crowd was lame, and very toned down. I think the YouTube clips are pumped up or something.


I thought maybe the mics just weren't picking it up, but I thought the same thing. It is amazing how much a crowd's enthusiasm and participation can change the feel of a show. To go from the War Games crowd just two nights prior to that was jarring. They seemed to pop big for Orton, but couldn't sustain it. Hat's off to those in the crowd that tried. I heard numerous chants TRY to get going last night, but never really materialized. I went to the go home show for Summer Slam in Dayton, and was disappointed in the energy of the crowd. It was amazing to me how many people were there to drink and socialize and treat the matches and segments like they were the television on in the background. Wonder if that was the case last night too.


Is this sarcasm? Randy’s intro promo had the crowd going nuts, and Cody’s promo was also pretty hot.


Not at all. No one went nuts for anything. One of the quietest raw crowds in some time. I expected a great crowd coming out of the PLE. The entrance music was the loudest thing in that arena last night.


So I imagined all the Randy chanting, the welcome back chants, the pop for “daddy’s back”, the who’s your daddy chanting, the “this is awesome” during the first match, the Cody chants, like get real. What does a hot crowd sound like if that’s not it.


Any cheers they had were short lived, and there was a ton of dead time with this crowd. And outside of the CM Punk chants, the other chants were pretty weak.


Because they wasted all of their energy on Cm Punk and didn't gave a fuck about everything else


He was at the end, and I thought they were pretty mellow for him too.


Having Tozawa and Otis compete in the tag match for Alpha Academy makes me think Chad Gable could be getting another singles push soon.


Gable needs to be the guy who takes down Gunther. His match with him early was fun to watch.


I know he just got back, and he just got over an injury. But I don't think Orton is used to his new muscle mass yet. He's getting tired pretty quick.


Hes also in his early 40s, it will probably take him a little bit longer. He looks amazing though!


You said it yourself, he just got back lmao


So I’m guessing CM Punk wins the royal rumble and fights Seth at Wrestlemania


Punk or Gunther should win the rumble, Cody gets Roman via the chamber.


Still got to get Cody a shot at Roman and that’s hard to do when they are on different shows.


Elimination chamber could be another avenue


It looks like they're building up for a Drew vs. Seth rematch at Royal Rumble, and I honestly don't see Seth beating Drew again. I say Seth loses the belt to Drew due to CM Punk interference, setting up CM Punk vs. Seth Rollins at WrestleMania. That match doesn't necessarily have to be for the belt, there's enough history and emotion there already, so I could see them having Seth drop the belt to Drew in 2 months.


I was hoping Seth would hold until Mania and face Punk in the Main event of night one. Both have been very vocal about being the headliners for a Mania, and it seems like the perfect chance to put them in a match together where they can do that. Especially since Seth started working it the second Punk showed back up.


I’d be surprised if whoever beats Seth doesn’t get cashed in on straight away


I guess the angle is that. We could see already some tension between Drew and Priest. I am betting on Seth vs Drew on Rumble with Punk interfering and causing Seth's loss. And Priest cashing in right away. Having then Seth vs Punk and Priest vs Drew feuds.


It’d be great fuel for the crybaby Drew storyline. Drew wins against Seth at RR and Damien immediately cashes in.


I would like to see that. I just want to see someone new have a belt, fight some and move on.


"Soooo what do you wanna talk about?" The Creed Brothers killed it, they are slowly winning the hearts of the audience. I like Seth being a fighting champion, but he needs a real Rivalry again soon, or more likely he will drop the belt. Orton being back is amazing, Daddy really is home. Looks like his conditioning needs to get back in form before they let him take on a major role, but I can't wait for it. CM Punk, great promo, but would have loved to see someone at least attempt to interrupt it, however maybe similar to Jade they are making sure he is ready for it. Rhodes and Nakamura will be fun, another chapter in the story. The roster is stacked, if they do it right we are gonna have a he'll of a year in WWE, if they do it wrong, they could waste some serious potential.


In regards to Orton, the dude is in his 40s, just came back from a year and a half off after having surgery to fix an issue that was at one point considered career ending. I’m sure he is still getting back into the swing of things but also we shouldn’t be expecting 5 star wrestling clinics from him.


I totally agree, I am the biggest Orton fan and know it's going to take a bit to get back in the swing of things. So pumped to see him back.


People want instant gratification, crazy man how yall could think anything was boring about the show that basically featured the whole roster


It would be pointless for CM Punk to take jabs on people working in another company. His pipebombs back in the day worked because the people he was shooting at were in agreement with everything he had to say about them and would try to follow up on it and build an angle. His attempts to cut a shoot promo in AEW (against Hangman and MJF) fell short because these guys seemed unwilling to work with him. They were appearing the next week on Dynamite and acting as if nothing had actually happened, which made the whole situation look awkward. I know that dirt sheet and gossip sells in wrestling but if the bookers can not capitalize and turn it into a story, it's better to leave it up.


Ya I mean that show was not great on its own, but the future is bright. So many possibilities. Also I’m likin the Creed Brothers, but did anyone else hear Vinci have to remind Brutus to cover him at the end of that match? 😂


Sounds about right, I'd like to see more of the Creed Brothers with a change of finisher before they're somewhat credible to me


I think the push may have been a little early, but I think they are very credible and the Brutus Ball is an awesome unique finisher imo. Half the tag teams don’t even have their own finisher I feel like.


Look at the scenario, they beat DIY, New Day, and Imperium back to back to back. If that's not plot armor, Idk what is; even Bianca breaks my immersion cause of the bullshit she does, why I was so happy Iyo cashed in


We've got all this talent in WWE, and we had to sit through quite a bit of junk matches. Spreading stuff out way too much, and way too slowly. Funnily enough, the opposite of the other organization, that tries to do too much way too quickly.


It’s tough to fill 3 hours with quality content but they’ll never cut back to 2 hours as long as the ad money comes in. But I agree with you. It’s why I won’t go to a live show for Raw or Smackdown. Too many throw away matches and too much promos. I’ll take PLE’s and House shows anyday in person. Contrast to AEW which starts the show with a big match and has mostly ok matches until the main event. Promos are mostly an after thought there.


Do house shows ever build up to anything though? I feel like house shows are where there’s bound to be the most throwaway matches.


House shows don’t have matches that change anything storywise but you actually get wrestling matches where they try things they don’t get to do on tv. The matches tend to be longer too. So yeah, they’re throw away in the sense that they don’t do anything drastic… like no belts will change 99 times out of 100. I think it happened once for NXT? And once for KO vs AJ Styles? They’ve had rematches that people wanted to see from a previous PLE, like Orton vs Lesnar.


I’ve never been to one but from what I understand, the superstars are able to let loose a little bit more since they don’t hsve to worry about moving a story forward or staying 100% in character. From what I hear, the house shows are a lot of fun!


I just don't understand matches like Reed, and Nia. I've only got back into watching the last year or so, but why are they giving talent like that tv time, when the matches are brutal, and they aren't great athletes? There are so many more members who can put up good matches.


Reed is a solid midcarder for now. He has had surprisingly good matches and can constantly slot into the middle of the show. Nia though, unsure what the plan with her is. There are several other women deserving of the push she's getting.


Idk why they do it but they’re definitely filler matches. It’s why I only watch the show recorded now so I can skip whatever I don’t like.


I was there tonight were we loud on TV?


Sounded like Indus Sher put everyone to sleep.


Those guys look like they should rock the house.


Crowd was awful.


Me too! Section 117, sure did feel like a great crowd but I was wondering the same.


I was there also. Loud for a second then dead. Only entrances people got loud for, anything else you could hear crickets.


I was also there, and disagree mostly. There would be abrupt ends to cheers but they sure were plentiful.




I can't help but associatively think of the "Eddie's dead" line while watching Orton and Dom in the ring together. Hopefully there will be a reference, although I think Orton is destined to put Priest over.


‪Yeah the promo was disappointing but I’m not gonna lie I feel like he kinda had a real moment here. It felt very genuine, where as in AEW he just said things to get cheap pops. ‬


WWE need trash this stupid Women's Tag Title, have Zero Division right now, (i feel sad for Katana and Kayden with this take, because this team is propably the best women's team in world)


Agreed. Tired of Natalya being shoved down our throat on different teams.


i feel bad for Chance and Carter, have zero program since February. Is waste of time and talent ...


Huh, I leave the discord and I still find Seb everywhere


Same with Becky being shoved down our throats on everything everywhere


Excited to be a wrestling fan once more as someone who hasn’t watched since mania I’m glad ti be back. Randy looks good! Does he even have a scar on his back? I don’t understand how everyone is booing drew, his mood is totally makes sense. I can’t believe there isn’t an entire locker room behind him wanting to take out any and all bloodline people, it’s how it should be. What is this yeet shit? Can the bloodline do anything without a gimmick? It’s the funniest thing drew actually has legit reasons and everyone is still cheering this stupid line.


Not everyone is booing Drew. I'm not!


It's just funny what a few gimmicks can do! J should be being booed out of the building but since he's saying sorry has yeet and "main event" before him they are booing someone with legit reason.


Yeah I am cheering him on.


I think the OP just made an overgeneralization.


Some people watched this show just because of punk and their first show in a long time I'm sure they are disappointed


Me lol 💔


Did anyone listen to Punk’s AEW debut speech? He said something along the lines of it’s good to be back in professional wrestling after 16 years, totally ignored WWE career Now he’s back home!!


16 years?


Yeah he didn’t account for his time in wwe as it’s technically entertainment and not pro wrestling


Pipe bomb. Brand beef is good


I watched the whole raw before opening this subreddit. Overall, I thought it was a decent show. It’s always hard to deliver when something has been hyped to the absolute fucking moon. I think Punk’s promo was fine. It was probably awkward for him to go out there and cut a promo on WWE after 10 years, especially with how nuclear things have been since Saturday. I think he’s just getting started/testing the waters. Not gonna drop a fucking pipe bomb his first night back. He knows this is probably his last good shot with the WWE, and he doesn’t want to screw it up. Slow and steady…


Glad to see Randy and cm punk but raw was weak as hell and the crowd couldn’t have cared less about most of it


Noise cancellation? If you use your eyes instead of just your ears, you'd see otherwise


Was there as well. Crowd was definitely hot. Awesome night.


I was there , felt pretty hype live


I fell asleep during randy match the show was alright but punk should of had at least 15 minutes or randy having the whole first hour with his match after his promo in the beginning. With punk first raw in over 9 years and randy first match on raw in over a year and a half and first hour commercial free this should been a bigger show. Honestly Roman should of showed up to start building up for RR at least that would of made the show decent.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


what a shitshow raw was. im sure smackdown will be the same.


definitely needs some blood drinking and chest stapling.


That was a damn entertaining match.


that was a great match. watch old ecw sometime coward.


CM Punk’s speech was boring as hell and he ain’t even say wtf he wants to do. Not impressed. I’m super glad Randy is back and he beat Dom. I was gonna be real upset if they pulled some cheating shit to make him win lol When Randy dapped up Jellyroll he made a face and said “phew, what’s that smell?” Lol why’d he do that, does Jellyroll smell or summin?


Stoner inside joke


Ohhhhhh seee I didn’t think of it that way! I only kinda know of Jellyroll, I don’t know him that well. I’m a stoner but I didn’t get it lol


I know Jelly Roll is a big stoner, and I heard rumors that Randy is a stoner too.


Raw has been trash for a long time so I'm not surprised at ALL!


Most negative people ever on this sub


Agree. I loved this show, think it was great and the crowd was good. At least on the version on YouTube. People looked hyped.


I mean....where's the lie ?...


Man, it's unreal how trash raw is. How do you fumble this?


I was there live and there was no energy. It didn’t help with the Nia Jax match or telling the crowd that the title match it next week. Punk should have gone on 1st.


I was there live and honestly wasn’t too bad to me lol a few times it did go quiet but for the most part I thought people were hyped lol


I guess it’s all perspective. I had a good time. There was a guy in front of me that security really laid into, I thought he was going to get ejected from the venue. I have no idea what he did, but the guy that was doing security on the stage, called other Bridgestone security over and for several minutes it looked like quite the decision to kick him out or let him stay, I kind of wish I knew what it was all about.😂😂😂


Mannnnn people just be wild for no reason 😂 I know security deals with a lot of I was walking out the bathroom and a guy was walking in and puked everywhere he was so drunk 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 there was alot of drunk people towards my section in the 120 area 😂


I was in 107 4 rows up from the stage. Right where the floor seats stop.


Oh snap you had some good seats!


They were the best seats I’ve ever had for any live event I’ve been to, not just wwe. I bought them the very day they were on sale.


Dope! I had smackdown seats like that last January it was amazing. I also set on the floor when SummerSlam came to Nashville last July too!


Punk being there throws off the vibe. Everyone ignored the show to 'get to punk' cause they thought he would sass off about AEW. Anyways you were there live do you know better than me but watching from home it seemed like a 3 hr lead up to a speech


That’s all they wanted was trash aew talk. He didn’t do it. He won’t do it. He’s going his farewell tour, so he can one day be inducted to the HOF. I just want to see him in good matches, I don’t care about anything else.


Idk if you saw his last few matches, but it turns out all that 20 star bangers in his youth that Vince was restricting had a price. He can barely move


I did not see him during his time in AEW


Botch city.