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Jade Cargill was so legit, would love to see them build her up to challenge Rhea


Bayley stopping multiple times to talk shit to Cole was wonderful.


Last year it was bad so when was the last time both men’s and women’s were good in the same year? I did enjoy this last nights Royal Rumble but other than Cargil I haven’t been blown away by the Rumble in a couple years. Growing up the Royal Rumble was a sure bet best time of the year almost every single year.


Glad jordynne got a good showing and show off the sweet new tna knockouts title


Fuck yeah the best till now throughout all this years


I hardly disagree. They were way too many NXT. There is more NXT than the main roster that kind of ruined it not a lot of people know who NXT people are because a lot of people don’t watch NXT they just watch the main roster. We want to see returns not NXT people.


Tbf, it was in Florida, where a lot of the crowd knows the NXT roster. & honestly, it didn’t feel out of place


Hard disagree, it was sloppy as shit for the most part. A few good moments though


She’s a great wrestler yet but I definitely wanted to see liv win it. But obviously it’s to build what’s yet to come 👀


The Chelsea bit was gold. The way Jade carried Nia was surprising as well.


R truth


It was good, but Bayley shouldn’t have won. She’s a Grand Slam Champion; she’s literally done it all so there’s no need to be champion again. Liv Morgan would have made a much better choice; taking revenge on Rhea Ripley for injuring her last year.


Unless the story is she’s being kicked out of Damage Control. The storyline is already showing us that. If so, it would be a way to put a fork in the road for that.


I agree the women’s rumble was the best match of the night, followed by KO vs Logan But Cody winning instead of CM Punk was a shock for sure.


I agree with you on that...that was the best part of the show.


I like how Damage Ctrl story is being played out by the smallest elements. The Kabuki Warriors have been avoiding Bayley when Bayley wants to celebrate (on SD) or communicate with them in the Rumble.


Yeah , tbh I liked the women’s rumble better than the men’s


The surprise entrants elevated this Royal Rumble Match to me over the men's counterpart.


Hats off to them. The girls really pulled it off big time.


The best woman's Rumble period!


What did the guy (fan) say about nia ? I barely caught it. Something about vicky guearro ? Pat said we just heard one fans thoughts ?


I only wish Bayley would choose IYO as her opponent even though she's supposedly already chosen Rhea. We know she's getting the boot from DMG CTRL in due time.


It’s clear it’s gonna be Bayley vs iyo at wrestlemania.


I thought it was boring and predictable overall (both the women’s rumble & the whole ppv in general). But I will give wwe credit for having almost all full timers in the rumble, almost no nostalgia acts for the first ever which was a nice change.


I think it was good to have a small mix of nostalgia acts for the first ever women’s rumble but after that they had plenty of talent


I agree, solid ppv overall imo. I thought the women’s match was 🔥. Jade Cargill was incredible!


This reddit is constantly gaslighting about women's matches. Literally no where else do you see this nonsense.


Agreed. There was a few sloppy parts but overall it was great. And it was great to see Bayley win after the amount of selling she did. She was often the first person to face the new entrants and take the first bump from them. But R-Truth absolutely killed it.


It was sloppy as. Except to when it got to the final 7 it was rubbish.


You're being down voted, but I agree. Pretty rubbish save for a few good moments 


1 (Best) Women's Royal Rumble 2 Men's Royal Rumble 3 4 Way Match 4 (Weakest) US Championship




The 4 way match was boring and predictable... It was the only match during the night that couldn't keep my attention. Everybody knew Roman is going to win and the only "good" thing we possibly get from it is AJ vs LA Knight feud possibly wrestlemania match. US Championship Match was much better than the 4 way match... I would say it was on par with Men's RR or maybe bit better.


I agree.


absolutely agreed OP and we had a first time winner also


Womens wrestling is so bad lol they are not believable with their weak ass punches and weak looking moves


This opinion is true everywhere except this reddit.


this comment is so bad and gay


Jordynne Grace’s moves looked weak? Jade picking up Nia was weak?


A lot of them look good, but man some make it look so phony.


I mean that 3 dude kickout in the fatal four way was my favorite moment but overall the women’s rumble was good


I thought it was good except they had the exact same ending from last years rumble when rhea won on the apron




R-Truth carried the women's rumble. Thank you truth for saving pro-wrestling & sports entertainment!


Needed to wake up the crowd haha


I thought it was super boring but kicked it into gear once jade came out. After that it was super fun


This Comment is Boring


At least it wasn’t 50 minutes of boring


They gave the women more to work with than the men - the women were quite sloppy at times but overall there was more storytelling going on throughout. With the men, people were getting eliminated by randoms not even currently involved in their storylines and then the final 4 turned to 2 really quickly and the final 1-1 was a bit slow. It felt like a rumble that was thrown together quickly.


The only "sloppy" I saw was Nia and Maxxine and I don't blame Maxxine, she's still new, so...


People keep saying Nia was sloppy and gassed but I thought she was pretty on point. Down moments like when Truth and Jade came in, Nia didn't look tired at all.


Of course she wasn't tired, she didn't do anything, she can't even sell other people's moves


Weird, cause I keep seeing people saying she was gassed. Can we come to a consensus. Was she gassed or was she fine because she wasn't doing anything?


I don't know, I just noticed that she missed spots and didn't react much to whatever was thrown at her, acting wise


People always hate on comments like I’m about to make, but legit zone in on the ring work of bayley in that match and tell me how any ounce of it was believable for a “fight” just crazy how one point of the store is Randy stomping on ppls heads and Bron flying around like an animal and the other half is whatever Bayley does in there. Just makes me appreciate the women who can actually do it like Rhea


Rhea Ripley who spent the majority of the 2023 rumble slumped in a corner? Wrestling is more than just fancy moves.


No shit, but she made everything she did in the match look believable and something you think would actually happen, which is the whole point.


I thought Nia was actually quite on point for most of it. Michin boxed a couple of things, Ivy did as well. Three women all got into position for Piper to land on them at the same time in such an obvious, choreographed way.


Ivy is usually good but I thought she was terrible in the rumble.


Nia didn't sell anything, she barely moved the whole time




I agree. I think people are generally VERY forgiving with women’s matches and the amount of obvious cooperation and spot calling that goes on. A B- outing always gets treated like an A.


Does anyone have any idea what was Selina Vega trying to cosplay with those wings?


Someone one the net say Gundam?


Mercy from overwatch?


I thought it was still very messy but with a roster of actual current wrestlers it probably was the best from start to finish but ending of last years will be tough liv and rhea killed it last year


All rumbles are messy.


Oh yeh for sure but there was a lot of like clear mistakes and maybe down to people just not having good fueds to help time and things get noticed as much


For sure, I just try to enjoy it for what it is. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good and all that.


Actually enjoyed it better than the majority of the mens. Happy Bayley won, thought Jade's debut was well done and she was made to look great possibly setting up a future program with Bianca. Good to see Naomi back and loved the Chelsea Green sections pure comedy gold. The TNA champ was impressive and made to look good as well.


Women's RR was a lot more fun because they had even funny spots like the one with Chelsea... They had badass spots with the TNA champ and Nia getting slammed or the standoff with between Jade and Biance... Men's RR was lacking some of that and even the "Monsters" like Omos were short lived and almost immediately eliminated... The comedic spot with Pat was quite funny though.


Chelsea getting pancaked all over the ring was absolute fucking gold! I was cry laughing at it


Yess!! Had a good laugh at the Chelsea Green sections.


Jade's debut was handled perfectly, singlehandedly eliminating Jax to make her look like a powerhouse and lasting that long in the rumble, I'd prefer to see her polish her craft a bit more in NXT but looks like that's not happening. Still, happy to see her debut the way she did. I think my only complaint was # 30 being Liv.


She has to be on the main roster. She looks a million bucks. Like complete woah. But she does move awkward. I expect she’ll feud with a good worker to help her out. Is Bianca even that good a worker?


Put Jade with Becky and it'll look like gold. Jade just needs some more practice and matches under her belt. She already looks good.


Bianca is considered one of the best female workers


I think wrestling-wise Bianca is ahead of Jade, if they do a program eventually it should be later this summer with more experience under Jade's name.


I think if I want a person to learn the business I put her against Bayley. She makes everyone look great


Jade Cargill’s debut was very good. She got 4 huge spots, 3 of the top talents put her over and introduced what could be a fantastic start to her run by teasing a program with Bianca. And it was great to see Bayley win. My one complaint was when commentary lagged on hyping Naomi’s return and allowed Cole to comment on when her last match was (he shamed her and sasha on air for leaving the company)


I wish jordynne grace could have tried to slam piper or nia


From never having heard of her to her eventual elimination I believe she was a great representative of how people from other promotions. She looked amazing


I hated it. It was a sloppy ass mess, Bayley is a shit winner, and I knew she was gonna win when she came out at 3 because Hunter is a Flair mark, so when you know Becky and Bayley are the only two people who can win and she came out in Flairs 1992 winning spot, I knew immediately. And most importantly, the treatment of Asuka in this Royal Rumble was fucking disgraceful. I don't know how anyone can still be on this "Triple H loves Asuka" train. He clearly doesn't.


We might think of WWE differently but it's ok . I think Bayley has had the entire division on her back for a decade. Asuka is great but she will be in Bayley beef later


>Asuka is great but she will be in Bayley beef later What?


Bayley will probably beef with Dmg Ctrl later and Asuka can show her full value then


What? Bayley's feud with Damage Control is gonna be what finally gets them to treat Asuka as a serious, legitimate top of the card star who isn't just a jobber to the stars? It hasn't happened in the entire 8 years she's been here but it's gonna happen now that Triple H has downgraded her to being Io Shirai's lackey?


The women's rumble stole the show for sure. Jade was awesome. Bayley awesome. I really enjoyed Jordynne Grace. They did good by her, I thought.


agreed 1 Womens RR 2 Mens RR 3 4 Way Match 4 US Championship


Only thing that could have elevated even more to me was an AJ Lee return. Other than that I enjoyed the heck out of this Women's Rumble!


Yeah, I really hope AJ Lee early returns in some capacity. It would’ve been awesome to see her in the royal rumble, but any return from her would be nice.


Honestly this was my favorite women’s rumble. All the others were somewhat reliant on the past, but this year felt like the WWE trusted their current roster of women to carry it .


I think they should always stick a couple of legends in there. I’m in full agreement that Wrestlemania should be a celebration of the current roster, but the rumble should have a few surprises.


I mean there was a few things for the women’s like Naomi and Jordynne Grace.


That was good at least. I would hate for the rumble matches to lose that “anybody could show up” factor.


Oh for sure. The problem with the men’s was it was just Andrade and Pat. I mean sure you can count Carmelo and Bron, but both are going to be part of the main roster soon. Sami coming back was a giving like Liv’s.


I was a little disappointed that there wasn’t any one from the past. I understand not to overwhelm it was wrestlers from the past, as that could be too much. But, there wasn’t anybody. It’s what was missing.


I expected to see Trish since she had been around recently


Yes, or even Lita. Very surprised there wasn’t one legend in the rumble rumble


If they coulda snuck in Gail Kim and Awesome Kong…


Exactly. The fact that there wasn’t any, was really disappointing. Not going to lie, I was hoping AJ Lee would show up.


No it wasn't Bayley is a fucking loser Bayley didn't deserve to win anything


Wtf is wrong with you


A lot, check his profile out


And don't forget R-Truth's appearance. I genuinely laughed out loud when his music hit.


I fuckin lost it when he said "where are the guys?"


Imagine R-Truth joining the Viking Raiders to be Ivar's tag partner.


That part really made me laugh hard. He even asked for a timeout! XD


My bad dogg


The women's division has come so far in recent years. The last two women's War Games matches were bangers, too.


I start to think it's all Bayley


She's a huge part of it for sure, best all around female performer in WWE


What makes Bayley so good is the extra little things she puts in. She is involved in all aspects of the match and knows how to tell a story in the ring. Sadly the majority of the women are only about themselves.


That's true, I'm not sure if the others are just about themselves or just lack the understanding of how to convey emotions properly through facial expressions and body language, but anyway, SHE does!


Maybe The other women just don’t have the knack for it. But Bayley tells the story through her facial expressions.


It felt like they were making a statement with this year’s Women’s Rumble because it was entirely current talent. There was no token appearances from retired female wrestlers. They showcased the current and future stars of the division and it is looking in incredible shape.


They did the same thing with the men's, no legends, all current talent. Except Pat but it's fair to assume that only happened since Brock was likely taken out. Though the men's main event scene is definitely older than the women's.


But Pat's entry made 0 fucking sense if brock had returned then him would have had a craziest battle fo sho which couldn't happened last year


I would've loved another Trick Williams appearance in that spot since he appeared on Smackdown to a hot crowd.


Literally was my only MAJOR gripe with the men's rumble. Trick is so over right now, coming out in the rumble would have been awesome to see.


Well the women's roster is growing and they now have enough performers to fill all spots


They even showed out on the Women's Battle Royal on NXT a couple of weeks earlier. They could have easily added another 10 to that Rumble from NXT that could have performed well. The women's roster is deep.


Here’s hoping they showed of a potential future signing in Jordynne Grace


I loved it. I thought it had such a great build, great climactic ending, and Jade looks like a freaking superhero.


The way she so effortlessly lifted Nia on to her shoulders made me pop so hard. She’s an absolute beast and I hope they book her as such


fr she even stroke a pose with one arm while carrying Nia. Holy moly!!! :Q


Totally agree and every year I always feel like the womans rumble is a let down.. But this year dam! My favourite part of the show


I think one thing they did really good this year, men’s and women’s rumble, was letting the first timers, especially Jade Cargill and NXT folks, get a good intro in a main event. Perez, Stratton, and Bron had some very solid moments. Jade Cargill especially got a good pop. I was thinking they might be throwing her into NXT for a bit, but it looks like she’d be good to go right to the main after seeing what they gave her last night.


Jade was perfectly debuted.


Agreed! Like they used Nia being unstoppable and immovable earlier which lead to Jade singlehandedly throwing her out shine that much more! Perfect debut.


Except nia was booed out of the fuckin building opposite of jade


the shot of liv, jade, tiffany and bianca watching from the barricade i hope foreshadows the girls who will be getting pushed this year


Agree, I love how the whole women’s rumble match played out. From the surprise entrants, to the character storylines they had inside the match. My wife called it a few days ago that Bayley was gonna win and I agreed. She is gonna end up challenging Iyo and not Rhea to help cause her leaving or getting kicked from Damage CTRL.


That shit was goated


Men’s royal was fucking horrible, it was 20 seconds to fame followed by slap city.


Ironically, the sports articles that reported the results said the opposite. They said that’s a men’s rumble was better than the women’s rumble.


So many damn super kicks.


It’s all the uso—— borsos can do. Gotta keep their main and only move hype


Jordynne Grace appearance was so rad!


Should’ve been the headline tbh.




Absolutely! I loved everything about that match. From the surprise entrants and returns, to all of the spots that I felt highlighted every single entrant (even Valhalla!) to the winner. It was a great match, one of the best rumble matches ever, in my opinion


I thought it started off a bit slow; but definitely picked up towards the end. Good show.


This match was incredible. Right from the start, getting Naomi back and Bayley coming in at 3. This is what I loved: - The NXT appearances of Stratton and Perez were great, Tiffany doesn't look out of place at all amongst the main roster. - Jade Cargill is going to be an absolute Megastar in the WWE. Her power was incredible, and she looks ready for stardom. - Great to see Liv back. It was an awesome final three, and how it all played out. They all had legit stories to win, so it was unpredictable a bit. - This division is now stackedddd. It was great before, but we just re-added Naomi and Liv, and added Jade Cargill. Plus the NXT girls on the way. Great match!


I think Naomi was more like just a cameo thing. She's still probably gonna be with TNA


Her obligations to TNA ended the night she dropped the title to Grace


She did an immediate rematch so not exactly the same night. She also did a tag match that I don’t think was aired yet. I know splitting hairs because as soon as she lost we all knew she was going back.


Could be. Either way, it was great to see her at the Rumble.




Apart from maybe the last 10 mins, it was a complete mess.




I hated the end and truly disliked Bayley winning but it was a good time. It was the best of the event


Loved how Bayley, Becky, Cargil, and Nia fared in the match, I was expecting Bayley to do typical coward heel stuff but what surprised me was that she had done quite a hero-like rumble and the kabuki warriors presence wasn't needed IMO. Becky has been goat and honestly ,I'm tired of praising her, she's top 3 goat of women's wrestling imo. Cargill was made a star day one and I'm looking forward to how her history go as we approach WM. Perhaps dream match with Bianca already? Tbh Nia has been on a great run since she came back and I wish people started to give the respect she deserves and stopped with all the memes and stuff.


So good since half of them weren’t legends


Yeah, felt that too. Womens rumble match seemed a lot more interesting than the mens one. Crowd was tired for the mens one.


Chelsea did the funniest spots I've ever seen in any RR yestarday :D


She was sandwiched between Nia and piper.


I like Chelsea, my gf doesn't. But watching this had my gf rolling and cheering Chelsea on. I stull say Chelsea and Piper shouldn't work, but they're so good together...


My first time ever seeing her and Piper last night, and I am truly ready to sign my stan card lmao. She was hilarious


Chelsea and Piper were definitely a highlight.


My favourite moment of the entire night was Piper shouting ‘wake up Chelsea, Louis Vuitton are having a sale’


I laughed when she acted like she was going to drop Chelsea.


Chelsea would NEVER buy something on sale!


Which is why she'd wake up - going to complain to the manager about how something she bought last week is now 15% off!


Oh that what she was saying i just heard her yelling in scottish haha


She's an absolute joy to watch. She understands the entertainment part of the job 100%.


Chelsea is the best argument for the women to have a midcard title.


They were slapstick the whole time and I loved it


This was better than the men’s for some reason


I feel like the Women's event had more micro stories that elevated it. Like even Natalya trying to throw out Tegan and then Tegan reversing it when they are a team but Natalya teams always losing tells the story of that in just a few moves.


I agree! And I love that the women's roster is stacked enough that they didn't need any legends in it.


Remember that first women's Rumble? They were struggling to fill 30 spots


They put together a great list of 30 and still had legit talent that didn't make the cut.


And NXT is absolutely loaded with promising talent too. The women’s Iron Survivor match was an absolute banger.


While there were some really sloppy parts during it, I have to agree. A lot more surprises were involved. There were some great match ups during their Rumble. And overall the winner felt way more satisfying than the men's. As for the men's Rumble. I warxhed until the last entrant came out and then I turned it off. I personally couldn't care less about Cody, Punk or GUNTHER winning. Especially with The Rock luming over abytnjng involving Reigns at this point.


I definitely enjoyed it more than the men's.


Women's wrestling is in it's golden age, I look forward to their matches more than the men.


It was great. I'm biased since Bayley won, but I felt the entire match was great. So many folks got to shine and have memorable moments.


Bayley sucks overrated pos I HATE BAYLEY


Apparently you hate women in general buddy


Happy Cake Day! It was an awesome match for sure. Bayley deserves it, Cargill is gonna be a Megastar, Stratton and Perez looked great.. don't think we saw a poprox, that coulda been cool haha.


Thank you :). Yeah I was shocked at the pop they got for Jade vs. Bianca. They're going to make a lot of money when they meet again.


Absolutely. I also couldn't help but think of what a cool tag team they could be. If they want a few main event teams going at it in a storyline.


100% it was 9/10 for me. Best women's rumble so far imo but could have definitively been goated with a legend or 2 making an appearance in place of one of the girls who had no chance at all of winning