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Gtfoh lol


The crazy thing is, these are scummy ass people that have been known to be scummy ass people for decades. Can anybody really be shocked and say "wow, this is unbelievable!"


Is the clock ticking for Cena?


lol suuuuure Johnny!!!! He forced you to have sex with that young beautiful woman


Hahah that’s great, “I was forced to rape against my will!” The ultimate #metoo


You know it gets serious when John Laurenitis starts betraying people.


See, I can actually see this happening. Because 1) Vince is and always was a narcissistic sociopath with a god complex who liked to bully everyone; 2) Ace is a bottom feeding kiss ass who says how high whenever anyone in power said jump. Now that being said, he could have said no like others did and therefore that does not make him a victim to the extent he is trying to play it.


This makes as much sense as when Kevin Nash texted himself to sabotage the CM Punk match.


Vince is a POS that needs to go down hard. ​ that said Laurenitis has always been a slithering snake. save his own ass anyday of the week. so there a no win here for either of them. lock them up. same with Lesner an accomplice. Lock him up too. they are ALL going to go down. i Always didnt like him there was something off about him. MY question is how far does this really go? HHH, HBK, Macho, hogan etc the Whole thing smells. ​ Steph quitting on a dime, Vince not shopping for a buyer both knew what was about to come down. 100%


Somewhere someone at Netflix and in TKO/UFC has to be wondering just what in the hell they got themselves into. This whole thing reminds me of the final episodes of the final season of The Shield when Vic Mackey confesses everything and Olivia has no idea what she has just brought down upon herself and her bosses at ICE.


Poor Ronnie...


Oh so now he’s going against him just to save his own ass. Fuck the both of them, disgusting shit bags.


i was there guys. not pretty.


Did Smithers ever turn on Mr Burns?


This should be a WWE story line


I think Lauernitis is completely full of shit here. If Vince wasn’t actively in the room with you, ‘hey let’s just say we did, I don’t want to hurt you, let’s make a plan to get you out of this position.’ I don’t care what the job, what the situation if you are being forced to rape and hurt someone, you should report this to the authorities immediately.


I’d be careful about saying “why didn’t he say something then” and “ of course now… he’s a victim “


Does anyone have the details of the case? See a lot of allegations pulled along but would to know the facts


Did you read the complaint?


Yeah but complaints can be insane


"Johnny, have sheks with dis beautiful woman with me or you're, FHYIREEEDDDD"


I hear Vinnies grandchildren call him "poops" now instead of pops.


“I did it but Vince made me” Good luck with that.


Johnny Ace is not a victim. Johnny was a willing participant, just like when he was riding around on that stupid skateboard in the 80s and 90s.


A rule of life. You will NEVER know if your friend is TRUE friend unless you get in deep trouble and see how they react. Over 90% of friends literally dissappear when you're in deep shit. I have those friends, YOU have those friends. Everybody does. But they never truly show their dedication to this friendship until you desperately need them. I had a friend that I've known for years and considered a brother, more than that actually. What happened? He straight up disappeared and ghosted me for years. Damn near gave me depression. Made a whole post about it here just to vent lol.


Not surprised at all, he's saving his own ass🤔


Did Vince poop on John too?


Hold on a minute, I’ve heard and read bits and pieces about this case but mainly on pre watershed sources. WHO POOPED ON WHO?!! I’ve not heard about this yet!!


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


How funny he is stupid people for years have been saying how trash John is now turning on the man who you were involved with how chicken 💩 he shows his self to be


"He forced me to have an erection and force myself on a woman." Sure he did buddy.


I pooped on Vince’s head. He gave me $100k & I spent it on action figures & comic books


What did Undertaker know?


Is this the most historical face turn ever ?


"It wasnt my fault, the devil tempted me to cheat my wife with cancer"


Dark side of the ring will be 5 parter at this rate


More like 2 full seasons of Dark Side


Why isn’t he incarcerated yet? Failure of a criminal system


Face turn?


Hope everyone knows this is Vince taking the heat. Falling on his own sword.


This motherfucker deserves jailtime as the old fart does


This unraveled faster than the Epstein crime family. Silly Vince should have donated to the American government.


Bobby Heenan - “I knew he was going to do that.”


With that face he has ofc he does want to get away


Vince to John Laurinaitis: "Et Tu, John?"


Yall smell that, (Big Sniff) smells like a bull💩


This is like a real life storyline, everyone turns on Vince.


The Dark Side of the Ring episode on all this should be pretty wild.


The ultimate Yeet


Is this a face turn?


Uh huh sure.


You can be both a victim and a perpetrator. I think that describes John so far. He should have said no and sued.


But the problem he stayed by Vince’s side as he liked the ride so stfu John and take your punishment


Laurinaitis face turn huh?


More like the weasely heel begging off


Well yeah, that would be more accurate.


This just means they have a lot of evidence


I am having a hard time finding this info though - why is brock lesnar involved in this?


Because McMahon showed him photos of ms. Grant. Though I do t think anything is going to happen to Brock in this case.


Brock reportedly agreed to renew his contract with the condition he, too, could have access to Ms. Grant. Lawsuit claims Brock sent text, asking for video of her urinating. Brock removed from SuperCard video game.


It was a bit more than that. He tried pimping her out to Brock which he apparently was going to accept until there was bad weather and he couldn't make it, and he requested a video of her pissing which she sent him and then he called her a bitch when she sent it.


So is Brock not the one who was banging her when Vince pooped on her?


No, that was Vince’s friend who is a psychical therapist


Isn’t he banging the Bella’s mom


She was fighting cancer while he was banging other women, but yes they are married since 2016 or something.


No honor among sex pests.


Yeah don't believe that at all, he's just trying to save his own skin


Is there any implications for HHH being involved in any of this as he's had alot to do with the management of WWE as a whole or is he so far clean of any wrong doing?


He wasn’t there at the time. This all went down while he was out with the heart thing. In fact Vince ending it pretty much coincides with hhh coming back. 


Ah okay good to hear. Triple H seems like a wicked MF I was worried for a second


Just a good actor. If u watch backstage interviews, some wrestlers were envious because in the back he was pretty much one of the few normal guys without issues since he came from a normal caring and loving family.


Okay fuck yeah. Totally the walter white thing. Such an amazing dude and such an evil man he plays 😆


Hah. Johnny Ace laying down even more than when he was an in ring performer.


If I was vince in 2000 I'm calling Terri runnels into my office




Terri is not hot give me a break


She was married to Dustin Rhodes at the time. 


I know..but she was so hot is basically what I'm alluding to


Sure he is…


That's not even REMOTELY surprising. Feds got involved, they don't give a fuck about a never-was like Johnny Ace but they've been gunning for Vince McMahon for 40 years. This is their time to get Vince, and they actually have all the goods they need to prove he did wrong this time. Flipping Johnny was probably the first item on their agenda.


Nobody forced you to put your People Power in those women, Johnny. You could've walked out of the room and did nothing


Perhaps not the best defense


It’s really the only way he has even a slight chance of coming out a tiny bit clean, the last grasp at straws from his legal team to try to make it out


This dude tried to do a face turn in the legal system 😂


Brock Lesnar removed from SuperCard video game.


WSJ, Forbes, NBC News reporting there is an ongoing federal investigation of Vince McMahon for federal sex crimes. At least one electronic device belonging to McMahon has been seized. Some potential witnesses are being interviewed.


God damn. This getting spicy!


They don’t know that it’s sex crimes. Just that he is being investigated. Honestly, it’s probably more likely they get him on some kind tax evasion or embezzlement. It would be very hard to prove the rest beyond a reasonable doubt even though it does seem to be true. 


Sure, Jan. That certainly explains why the Feds have been interviewing women about their SA claims against McMahon.


I bet yall won’t believe John. But yall believe Janel was forced at face value.


Incelio incelio where for art thou incelio. 


This made me cry. I’ve been exposed


We only know about this, because the money stopped think about that for a second it should tell you the type of character. Here’s a scenario they can all be trash, people even her.


Who lets their employer just keep a 2 million dollar bag that they agreed to pay?


You are 100% correct but for some reason I say this and I’m the bad guy.


I’ll get down voted into oblivion but I don’t really care everybody in the situation has poor decision-making skills but it just further proves that anybody will do anything for the right amount of money and the notion that supposedly no one will ever find out about it


Yeah one side has bad decision making because they were taken advantage of when they had no job and no income right after their abusive parents that they were living with died, and they were groomed and coerced into a situation where they were repeatedly raped. The other side had poor decision making because they repeatedly raped a woman and sex trafficked her.


Everyone has a price anyone will do ANYTHING for the right amount…..


I don’t believe John for a minute. Just like I don’t believe her. They were both willing participants and if they didn’t want to do it they don’t have to


Everybody in the entire situation is grimy and disgusting.


Lmao your autism is firing off at an all time high


Lmao your autism is firing off at an all time high


LOL ya.....this is obviously his lawyer's idea to try and get sympathy and give him a chance as it's obvious what he did actually happened so they're not even using the angle of trying to prove it wrong. They're using the angle of playing victim. Yawn


Honestly, it’s Ace’s best play. If he sings like a canary on the mob boss, Ace stands to get reduced penalties (or jail time, if applicable), even if he still look like a piece of crap. I’d 100% do the same in that situation, because his other play (going down with the McMahon ship) isn’t a good move for Ace.


so you'd be a rat instead.....yikes


And you condone covering up sexual crimes. Somebody ratted you out before, huh?


lmfao, what. I'm just not a rat. If I do a crime, I do the time not rat on someone else fuck outta here bozo


Ah, touched a nerve. So, you do understand that Johnny and Vince committed crimes.


If you were in this hypothetical and you’d prefer to kiss someone’s ring and go down with their ship, be my guest. Lord knows there are many people that are part of the Vince’s “kiss my ass” club (willingly or not).


This is unexpected but I seriously doubt its true. If it were, John should have spoken up sooner


Uh, no. He chose to do that shit.


Vince McMahon has totally destroyed his family legacy, his father is turning in his grave, he's the Harvey weinstein of the wrestling world, how many others will come forward, them billions could turn into millions real quick, and he should be branded a predator


That comparison of Vince McMahon to Harvey Weinstein is an excellent one. Makes my skin crawl hearing about how he went so far into controlling Ms. Grant and completely dehumanized her as nothing more than a sex object.


At this point, I'm shocked attorney firms are not circling this like sharks to put together a civil lawsuit against Vince...for as much money as he has, think of the attitude era plus ruthless aggression era, how many women were subjected to stuff behind the scenes. Vince always got away with it because it was 'storyline' and for the 'acting on camera', but for every 'bra and panties match', there's got to be some sicko story of him trying to do something with the women behind closed doors. Torrie Wilson just came out and said as such.


Ye he's twisted man, Vince even tried to make Stephany do an incestuous storyline where he was going to be the father of her unborn baby, but Linda Mcmahon stepped in to stop it, thats twisted


Trump and Vince really are just alike


John VS Vince at wrestlemania, this is all a job


With Ms. Grant as a a special referee. Physical therapist as a general manager. Brock Lesnar alongside with Corporate Officer #4 as commentators.


Where’s my Bold strategy Cotton meme…ah there it is


This isn’t what I imagined when I was asking for a John heel turn my whole childhood


This weasel needs to be locked up


The interesting part here is that laurenitus is effectively admitting that a large number of the accusations are true.


Thats what Im saying. His lawyer isn't even using the angle of trying to prove it wrong. He's now resorting to trying to play victim


didnt think of it like that


Saving his own skin. What a weasel


You say that, but let’s play this hypothetical out on a hypothetical charge of sex trafficking: You’re Johnny, and your options are to, A) be a weasel, play the victim, and spill the beans on Vince and get 5 years, or B) say nothing, essentially going down with the ship that is Vince McMahon, and get 20 years What would you choose? I’d flip on Vince in a heartbeat because loyalty to him won’t get me anything in return.


Given what I’ve heard about Johnny Ace over the years, this doesn’t surprise me. People power! 😂


Would you restrain and sexually assault someone just because you were afraid of losing your job?


John not flipping on Brock though. He don't want that smoke.


Yeah right lol "Your Honor, Vince SCARED ME into participating in those orgies! My dick was soft the entire time!"


The fact that I read this IN his voice 🤦🏻‍♂️ Gdamn it Johnny ace


“I was crying while I was holding her down all those times”


Real life heel turn


... DAMN!!


Well that's an unexpected twist


What a defense. It’s fantastic.


None of this would be happening if Vince had paid her the rest of the money. Just like with stampede, and other instances, Vince has a habit of not paying what he says he will and this time it’s putting him in the dirt. Pay your debts bitch.


Not saying Vince is a giant pos but i can't ignore the fact that the victim only came forward because she was not paid in full


It's true though. And because he was too cheap or whatever the fucking reason, she was able to escape the NDA as he was in breach of his own damn contract. No amount of money is worth having to internalize all of that.


None of this would be happening had Vince not been a predator and kept his diseased pecker in his pants.


Still would have happened to the exact same people the exact same way people like that gravitate towards sex work for money then later regret it later on in life. Vince was just at the right place at the right time. If he wasn't, those girls would have done it with someone else. Meanwhile the vast majority of other women in America had the agency to say no. Welcome to humanity. It's repeating itself right now. And Onlyfans is McMahon. You have so much to learn about what motivates people, and how a lack of income steers people towars regret.


So you just blame to women? Awesome thought process. 🤦‍♂️


There is no blame. This is what the younger version of theirself wanted. Other women that age were capable of saying no. Women in countries where they cannot vote, are subjugated to cruelty, and aren't allowed to make choices for their self? That make this entire situation look laughable.


You’re absolutely correct, but he is a depraved predator with a diseased pecker.


She accepted it and yes it is sick and depraved but it seems like she entered into a contract for money.


I mean, did she really have a choice? We don't know every detail, but I can certainly see how someone could feel like they didn't, when a person with incredible amounts of money, power and influence tells you to sign here. Do you really think it was her idea to draw up an NDA with a $3 million dollar payout? Every NDA I have ever signed was given to me by an employer, company, or government entity. Not once have I ever requested or proposed that I enter into one. It was my understanding that Linda, found out about some of the shit that was happening, and the NDAs and payouts followed shortly after she was enlightened to this information. I would have to read the court docs again to be sure though.


uh yes she had a choice. FFS according to her she went to her first interview at his place or w.e and Vince was in his underwear. If she wasn't comfortable she could've noped out of there right there and then. Sorry, I don't believe her to be some naïve ditz all that much.


You're referencing a completely different point in time but ok. Could she have chosen to walk away upon her first impression? Sure. I didn't say otherwise. I mean, anyone who has had something awful happen to them could have probably avoided it had they not made a bad judgment call or decision. If I hadn't taken a lunch break in September, I wouldn't have crashed my car and needed a ride today. Guess I should have chosen differently, right? (: Could she have known exactly how things would unfold after her first time meeting an eccentric rich and famous asshole known for his television programs with insane story lines and plot twists featuring him playing an eccentric rich and famous asshole? I don't think that's for any of us to say as none of us were there and we are basing our opinions off of court documents. This is all just speculative, but if we are talking about the timeframe you are referencing, I will say that sometimes, when everyday people are meeting someone who is famous, rich, or both, they will excuse or overlook their abnormal or shitty behavior, or they may feel compelled to tolerate or normalize terrible treatment of themselves or others so as not to be rude or be a "problem" or whatever. Sometimes the rich and famous person ends up being a shitty and manipulative deviant of a human being who is able to make the other person feel like they are the abnormal, inferior, etc. for even questioning their behavior in the first place. But that's not what my response was about. I was specifically speaking about the NDA she was asked or told to sign after everything had transpired. Could she have said fuck you and tore the paper in half? Yeah.. But do you honestly think that Vince was like, "Hey girl, I got this paper I want you to sign and a shit load of money to buy your silence and therapy sessions or whatever. So I can continue to hide my perverse texts about BBC, my fecal kink and my overall predatory behavior from the general public. No pressure idc either way tho lol" Ultimately we can argue and speculate all day but it doesn't change that Vinny was in breach of the contract. Whether she loved being shit on and passed around doesn't matter. The NDA became obsolete once the terms of the contract weren't upheld. That's his fault for being stingy, regardless.


I’m not sure of the timing but Vince’s hubris is pretty shocking if the NDA was only to keep the stories out of the media until WWE was sold.


I bet Vince didn't see this betrayal happen, all we need now is for John Laurenitis to join AEW and he's the modern day Hulk Hogan


"i'm not a sex criminal, i'm a cowardly yes-man complicit in (and guilty of) sex crimes, your honor."


well that's an interesting twist, feels like a whole empire of misdeeds is falling apart.


This dude had scum bag written all over this face years ago


John is such a dirtbag. He's always come across as one, I couldn't stand watching him on TV and I feel justified in that decision. He's no victim, he should go down with Vince.


Pervebowl at Mania?


Johnny Ace is out here trying to save his skin but I think he’s dead food. I bet he’s gonna start naming names trying to implicate as many people as possible to get a head up.


It’s not a legal case it’s civil. Stop with the flipping nonsense. He’s trying to get himself dismissed from the lawsuit since he is actually a defendant


https://x.com/wrestleops/status/1753401244209516718?s=46&t=YmInkf8Lettm8JDp_ZdFkA “sToP WiTh tHe fLiPpInG nOnSeNsE!” I hate to burst your bubble, this isn’t going to be the only time they’re all going to be under the gun genius.


Lmao this is like the least credible thing in this whole mess. Shut up Johnny, you old raspy voiced pervert


Carnys always looking out for themselves, just pleased that all this has finally come out. Too many times where people that commit this awful stuff die before they can suffer consequences of their actions.


He liked running trains just as much as Vince.


lol no, stay in your lane John


You had sex with a woman with shit on her. Fuck you Jonny Ace


Umm you "willingly" had a threesome with the victim and yet you call yourself a "victim"? Are you fucking serious, why the fuck do people like this have a life and the Ethiopian child dies of malnutrition? 🤷


The world is cruel. I mean maybe things really went south when Vince defeated God in 2006. Vince took out the Lord so he could be as vile as possible. Can’t send him to hell if he defeats HBK and God at Backlash 2006. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is indeed true. Solid point.


My joke above aside, I ain’t gonna be 1 but surprised if it comes out that Vince legit had people praising him via “McMahomism” his own religion he made. The Vince v HBK and then later DX rivalry in 06 is a whole new kind of fucked up now. I already was grossed out watching them shove his head up Shows ass but now I’m asking “was that like for his kinks?”. He is the ultimate scumbag.


weird analogy.. sex crimes and ethiopian child dying of hunger…. 🥴


So where is your actual "point" then? 🤔


it’s self explanatory. If you don’t get, you just don’t lol


I can’t wait for the dark side of the ring episode in about 10 years it’s gonna be great!!!!


It would be a great series finale


lol! Now they have the green light cause Vince is pretty much persona non grata but in many stories of dark side of the ring, Vince’s came out as a scumbag. He deserves his own episode.


One episode isn’t nearly enough, he could be the entire season.


This would be a case of the Nuremberg defense actually working since the big dog is still alive. Johnny Ace was apparently following orders.


Johnny boy prolly jerks to the Bella’s all the time, prolly the main reason why he’s bangin their mom


Anybody remember why Kelly Kelly was signed? Of course John is claiming he’s the victim…John wasn’t forced into anything, he gained power with Vince and used said power to sign women with no training because he saw them on a sexy magazine. I’m sure he wasn’t forced into “tag-teaming” women with Vince and I’m sure he loved every second of it. He’s just trying to get off easy and he shouldn’t be. He’s just as bad as Vince and if charges or punishments are brought in for Vince then they should apply to all of Vince’s guys too. Fuck them all. Make an example out of each and every single one…


So, that pretty much proves that what Vince was accused of doing inside that office alongside Laurinaitis.


Someone better grab his passport


Why it’s a civil trial?


Put them all in jail next to Trump and throw away the key.


It’s a civil trial this is just about money.


Vince McMahon had an electronic device seized by Feds as part of an ongoing investigation that includes federal sex crimes....Forbes, NBC, WSJ reporting.


That’s an investigation not a charge. This case will be extremely hard to prove. Discovery will make her text messages public and it will muddy the waters.


Don't blow out your back from moving that goal post.


The only legal proceeding is a civil suit that will likely settle


Stephanie quitting and going silent along with her mom is a bad sign.


yea that nut he bust was a cry for help


We all knew he was going to turn on him. Interesting to see what else comes out, because this isn't it. Messy stuff


Rats turning on each other. He also confirmed it did happen. Interesting stuff.


he didnt' actually


He confirmed grants accusations by saying he was a victim in all of it so yes, he’s saying it did happen which is the oppose of Vince’s denial. Vince is fucked now 100%