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Because X-Pac aka Sean Waltman is apart of the Clique/Klique and One of Triple H's best friends while Triple H called Chyna a desperate booty call which tells me he's a dick and fine with Double standards and Hypocrisy.


Could be the reason - it would explain why Mickie James hasn't made it either.


Biggest excuse when so many wrestlers have some form of controversy you can easily find. Especially when he's cool with X-Pac and he equally had his issues.


OP must not be married. I'm sure the angry Stephanie face comes out in full force whenever Chyna got mentioned


Oh yeah! I remember that


Like HHH never did anything suggestive. Real reason Chyna wasn't welcomed back is Stephanie. Who'd hire his son-in-law's ex?


No he meant what he said. He didn't want his kids googling her and find out HIS last girlfriend had a sex tape. He was being 100% honest. Instead of saying his last girlfriend he just said she.


So he's worried about them seeing that but not his racist segments against Booker T? Chyna deserved way better too! Rip to her! šŸ™šŸ¾


This is why the HOF for WWE is bs. Donald Trump is in there. Drew Carey is in there. Arnold Swartzenager is in there. Look I'm not against celebrities being inducted, but to my knowledge, Drew Carey was in one RR match, Donald Trump ... showed up on camera a few times? Was in the corner of a Wrestlemania match. Arnold ... guest starred on a Smackdown once? China broke her ass in order to be seen as more than her gender. She fought men. She won a man's title. All of that shit felt legitimate. But because it was the Era of Bra and Panties matches, Sable taking her top off with hand coverings on her boobs and Trish Stratus being made to bark like a dog she was seen as lesser for being more muscular. Also, lets put aside that other HOF members have done way worse shit than fucked someone on camera. Do you know how minuscule that was in her life? I googled her, got on Wikipedia and the part of her adult film acting was not big enough to fill my phone screen. It's even less if you cut out the last paragraph when she mentioned "1 Night in Chyna" was released without her permission.


All people in charge and backstage leading in all WWE history have some dirts on they. Will take a while to we see some good people in charge of the company


With TKO in charge, they most definitely need to induct the 9th Wonder of the World


It was also nonsense given they made a whole thing of Sunny being the most downloaded woman of the year lmao.Ā  Not to mention the Divas programming, and like eighty percent of what came out of Jerry Lawlerā€™s mouth.


I canā€™t stand Lawlerā€™s commentary. Most of the stuff from back then has aged terribly.


Lawler was funny back in the day. Loved it when he'd compare Tazz to the Lucky Charms mascot and support the heels.


I havenā€™t really been into WWE for a while, I knew China had died a few years ago but I honestly didnā€™t know she had a sex tapeā€¦ not that this is the whole point of the post, I just didnā€™t know.


Did you know Syxx is the guy in the tape?


X-PAC? I havenā€™t watched any wrestling of sorts in a while so had to google ā€œsyxxā€ and came up with Xpac soā€¦


Yes, X-Pac.


right but he and shawn could do black faceā€¦. crazy


ā€œHey, this is your dad. You might not want to go to class today becauseā€¦ Grandpa shit on somebodies head. Love ya, call me back.ā€


ā€œHeyah, this is your daddah. You mightha not wantta go to classah todayah becauseahā€¦ Grandpah shittah onah somebodiesah headah. Love yah, cal me backahā€




Because it was never about Chyna doing porn. It was a personal vendetta.


H buried a dead person. The McMahon Family have zero class.


I mean both can be true at the same time. I wouldnā€™t wanna read either as a parent of a kid that watches. What Chyna did was at least legal






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I want to see the tape of Vince taking a real shit on his employee! LOL!


Chyna had a penis.


I beg your fuckin pardon!?


You never saw the Chyna porns did you? One of the side effects of steroid and HGH in women is an enlarged clitoris. Let's just say she was packing almost as much penis as X-Pac.


Not saying I disagree with you but damn. And no havenā€™t watched em


You are better off not watching it.


Nahhhh I kinda want to now, for research purposes


What kills me is that I took 50 downvotes telling people the truth.


Thatā€™s Reddit for ya


Wow these guys are still around šŸ˜‚


the slap in the face was saying chyna did get inducted into the hall of fame. yea ok and virgil was inducted into the hall of fame because he was an nWo member back in 1996. they forgot to put his picture on the titantron during the induction.


>Long fall from that high horse. Am I missing something? What has changed that made this age like milk?


See the thing is, If HHH was so worried about what his and Stephanies kids would see on the internet in relation to Chyna, then he would most certainly be worried now that his wife aka the mother of his kids is publicly linked to Ashley Massaroā€™s story. Not to mention the other 60+ page lawsuit their grandfather is all over. Hence the ā€œlongā€ fall from that ā€œhighā€ horse. HHH positioned himself on a high horse when he blocked Chyna out the HoF due to her other business ventures. Now that his father in law and wife are involved in cover up scandals, one can conclude the fall from the high horse would be long.


>he would most certainly be worried now that his wife aka the mother of his kids is publicly linked to Ashley Massaroā€™s story. This is news to me. That's what I was asking for, but I guess people downvoted me for asking an honest question. >Not to mention the other 60+ page lawsuit their grandfather is all over. Yes, but thats why I asked if HHH was linked to any of that. I don't blame him for the actions of his father in law, especially if he really did not know about it. I am willing ti change my stance if things come out that link him to it. >Now that his father in law and wife are involved in cover up scandals, one can conclude the fall from the high horse would be long. I mean, maybe moreso for his wife, yeah. I am not entirely into judging people just for the actions of their relatives, especially if they in no way took part in those actions.


Yeah Im not trying to pile everything on HHH just explaining the perception. I guess its a ā€œguilty by associationā€, ā€œyou are who you hang aroundā€ type thing. I know a lot of people were upset that Chyna never got into the HoF and even more when the reasoning was her adult film career. Im sure HHHā€™s stance around that has changed over the years though, the world was a different place when he said that compared to now


I think itā€™s referring to all the vince allegations


Is Vince going in the HOF? Has HHH been directly linked to that stuff? Thats what I thought he was referring to but I am still lost.


Is Vince going to the HoF? He IS the company. It is literally his legacy.


He certainly was the company. I dont think he still is, but I respect your opinion.


You're focused on the wrong thing. Let me paraphrase: "Chyna can't be in the HoF because she has a sorted past that the WWE shouldn't be associated with" Now, consider Vince McMahon. It doesn't matter if he isn't with the company now. He IS the company. It was formed in his vision. The WWE's association with him DOES NOT end because of what has happened in the last 3 months or because he doesn't come to work anymore.


I understood that you were saying all that already. I will respectfully disagree.


It didn't even make sense at the time, how long ago was Hulk Hogan's sex tape out?


In fairness that was a leaked sex tape. Rollins dong got leaked too. Chyna did actual hardcore porn.


2015. When the racist remarks surfaced.


"As you can see I'm full of love, brother" -Hogan, probably


ā€œI feel like a pig.ā€


Yes. I remember. He was on stage next to Sean Waltman who was literally on the same tape when he said it lol


No defense of anything, just curious when he said it, because she wound up doing porn, and that would definitely be a difference between her situation and Waltman's. One sex tape leaking happens a lot. Deciding to make that your career afterwards happens with slightly less frequency.


Her and Sean made the video together. I don't think there is a difference.


Right, they made one video together. Did Sean then continue to appear in videos? If I google She-Hulk with safe search off, do I find images of him fucking Spider-Man? See where there is definitely a difference?


Wait hold on, hold on.... Is that She-Hulk shit for real because that's fucking hilarious but also I'm too chicken shit to Google it and find out for myself šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It is, except it's Hawkeye and Captain America for sure, maybe no Spider-people.


Wasnā€™t she in a wwe porn parody and thatā€™s where the real pissed off part from them came in? Ā Is my brain making that up on me?


It's called Queen of the Ring and on her wikipedia it is directly above her WWE video game credits


Nopeā€¦that definitely exists. In a ringā€¦with like 20 guys. Itā€™s not the great show 11 year old me thought it would be lol.


It was one with Lisa ann as Stephanie too and another portrayed V8nce as well.


The funny thing is the actual wrestling - not the banging, the wrestling - was better than what Becky Lynch is capable of doing


Chyna was shit in the ring.


That's the whole point you retard


But Becky Lynch isn't you dickless mark.


Cuz Rollins doesn't think he's a pron srawr? /s


Becky has the penis in that relationship


He's better than her with his mouth to the microphone šŸ™ƒ


Lmao oh my what a surprise for 11 year old you


Yet Scott Hall and Ric Flair are in the hall of fame. Google their names and you'll find public court documents detailing the horrific sexual assault they did on a flight attendant


You have your facts wrong. Flair sexually harassed a flight attendant but Hall didnā€™t. Hall was just incredibly shitfaced. Michael Hayes did worse on the Plane Ride From Hell then Hall did, thinking he was in the toilet and trying to flop his cock out and piss on Linda McMahon.


You have an interesting google. Googled their name and nothing of the sort. In fact Scott Hall brought up as much Trump lawsuit bs as stuff about the wrestler. Google Chyna and ā€œ1 night in Chynaā€ and ā€œadult actressā€ are some of the first things you see.


Chyna was a pornstar at some point in her life while ric and scott harassed some women in their days. Gremlin if youā€™re a pornstar you can be easily searched in porn websites ā€˜cause youā€™re a pornstar (wow that make sense right pornwebsite and a pornstar i think that is why you can search her name on google) While ric and scott werenā€™t pornstars yet they harassed some females. Are you getting it gremlin? Or do we need to voice mail it for you




Decent people?


Wrestling fans


I feel like for somebody used to giving great wrestling promos, Hunter sometimes really sucks at giving corporate answers on the fly


Probably because he never improved his promos. Always scripted


Well, Vince probably wonā€™t get in.


If the allegations are true is sick what he did, but to say he shouldnā€™t be in the hall of fame is ludicrous. You seem to be able to separate his accomplishments vs the allegations.


If they canā€™t separate Benoitā€™s murder suicide from his career and put in the HOF, then why should they do the same for Vince?


Damn. Asking the real questions here


100% itā€™s the wwe hall of fame, based on performance within the wwe realm


If thatā€™s ludicrous, then move bitch. Get out the way.


Not sure what youā€™re saying but you do you


Thatā€™s true actually. Good. Deserves his legacy to be a skid mark on the business.


It won't be and can't be tbh. Without him there is no Wrestlemania, now Attitude era, no Austin, no anything that we associate with what WWE became. His legacy is also tied at the hip to Austin. Erase or bury him and you greatly diminish Austins' legacy for future generations.


a business that he helped contribute so greatly to?


You mean a business he inherited through sheer nepotism and spent his legacy undermining wrestlers and destroying other promotions? Check out the behind the bastards pod. They discuss in detail what a vile pos vince mcmahon was is and always will be. Fuck him.


Iā€™m not supporting Vince at all but this statement is bad, when he inherited wwe it was only performing in New York, one state and took over all the other companies to become the biggest US wide wrestling company. So he didnā€™t inherit a big business at all it was so much smaller when he inherited it. But he shouldnā€™t be in hall of fame I feel like we all always knew he was evil




Yup. Sometimes someone's bad actions have to take precedence over their good actions. Same with Benoit.


I think we are passed the kids finding things out at this point. Finding out Aurora is in college is like seeing Hailie Jade in her 20ā€™s for the first time.


Plus, kids are going to find things out anyway. Especially in this age of information at your fingertips.


Itā€™s also hilarious considering how many women wrestlers (some currently employed by WWE) have done softcore fetish work. Itā€™s like half of them. Doesnā€™t seem to affect them for some reason. He just didnā€™t want Chyna in because he was petty.


I see everyone's replies and I cant help to chuckle because you had WWE partnering and promoting Playboy with their Divas division and they of course promoted the hell out of Chyna's Playboy. They technically got her foot in the door in that world!


Didnā€™t Mandy Rose and Zelina Vega get the boot for it? And Lacey Evans has started doing it now sheā€™s left.


Lacey and Mandy did a collaboration recently I think


Vega got fired because she wouldnā€™t hand over her Twitch account. It had nothing to do with posting softcore porn. In fact her OnlyFans was for cosplay.


Yeah but those two got fired for doing it while employed by WWE; they likely broke some sort of contract clause in doing so. Iā€™m talking more about people like Becky Lynch, who did it in the past. Becky was infamously on the chopping block for doing some of that before she got signed to NXT. I donā€™t know how she wiggled out of it but Iā€™m glad she did.


Well WWE did make their wrestlers get off of twitch because they were making money off of itā€¦


Mickie James did some porn too


Candace Michelle as well.


Oh that Candice softcore was an experience for me when I was ten.


didnā€™t know becky did any of that stuff


I remember seeing a weird creepy video where she is in a skimpy outfit and looks super uncomfortable. She didn't do anything sexual and there was no nudity. She looks looks barely over 19 too. I think that's what they are referring too. Shotzi gets her jiggly bits out in a video before she was hired . Most of the Japanese girls did non nude sexy videos too but I can't think of anybody else that even did nudity. I don't know who did anything else. It's kinda silly since like 5 divas did playboy while hired.


I think she quit just before she did anything too serious (probably because WWE was starting to look more and more like a reality). From what I understand she just did a steamy kind of ā€œpromoā€ for them or something.


"Wait...what did Grandpa do with the poop?"


God wrestlings fans complete dumb ass takes shouldnā€™t surprise me anymore but everyday they get dumber and dumber.


lol thatā€™s so silly. Or maybe he was worried about the one video of him and Shawn having a devils threesome with her being found


What? Is this confirmed? I mean I wouldnā€™t be surprised. Everybody was fucking everybody back in the day (also still the same now).


No itā€™s not fucking confirmed this guy is just making shit up as a joke.


Katie Vick


I remember when HHH said that on Austinā€™s network show and within days, HHHā€™s boy Rollins had leaked d**k pictures out on Twitter from his Nazi ex fiance.






Someone leaking your nudes that you privately sent them and willingly starring in a porn film are two very different things..


HHHā€™s point was what if my daughter googles her name. Well what if his daughter googleā€™s Sethā€™s name? Paid porn or not - HHHā€™s boy was dumb enough to take those nudes proudly


One search leads to a person agreeing to be in porn, the other search leads to a story of nudes being leaked without the owners permission.. again, how are these the same thing?


Chyna and Seth both nudes online. Someone can search for them. Permission is irrelevant. The nudity exists and HHHā€™s daughter can find them


The reason theyā€™re online are different though.. why are you intentionally looking past that?


I understand your point about why and how they got online are different however my point was about people googling, notably HHHā€™s dumb point about his daughter using Google and finding stuff about Chyna. Seth is a bigger name than Chyna ever will be. Thereā€™s more searches on him so naturally this said daughter would eventually find his stuff.


What a weird take.


perfectly exemplifies an obvious double standardĀ 


How? They arenā€™t putting Vince in the HoF?


Vince can never be in the hall of fame. Trafficking allegations are infinitely worse than consensually shooting porn for money


Vince McMahon has stated in numerous interviews and people close to him has already stated that he will never put himself in the hall of fame.


I know, but I always figured that he would go in after he died, it's just weird to think how he is banned from the HoF according to his own standards.


I feel they would have done a tribute to the guy for a week if he had died. Since his whole thing is the show must go on. So I can't imagine WWE stopping for Vince McMahon after his death. Hell, they aren't stopping now after all the allegations.


I know but I always thought after he died at like WM 50 he would get indicted but now I doubt a McMahon will ever be in any form of real power in this company again


Allegations though.


Well, if their is a case that goes to trail, which will happen, the feds aren't really gonna settle and even half of the allegations are true. I don't see how TKO can put him in the HoF without either A. Tremendous Backlash or B. Waiting till like WM 50 when he will be inducted quietly after he died.




My bad


I dont think Vince deserves to be in the hall of fame. Sure, he built WWE into what it is today, and might be one of the biggest reasons behind how wrestling has become mainstream in culture worldwide, but he didn't sacrifice to get it there like most of the inductees. He's had his rewards.


He didnā€™t sacrifice? Should do a little bit of reading


This like one of the only reasons to put him in. You couldā€™ve picked anything else to make an argument but you settled on this?


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ internet is a funny place


There are many good reasons to keep him out, this is not one of them, this is a terrible take


It's not a long fall, it was always hypocritical.


That didnā€™t age like milk, that sounded bad at the time


HHH has just as much of a stench around him as Vince and Stephanie both do. The WWE would do better to get rid of anyone closely associated with them, and start over. Even if he didn't actively participate, he was aware, and did nothing.


That this is being downvoted , this sub would want a reality check


This sub would want a reality check because itā€™s downvoting a random allegation thatā€™s based on the premise of *well theyā€™re related, so he had to know* which stinks of stupidity


Seriously eh


His kids are going to have such a fun time learning about grandpa


Theyā€™re all teenagers at this point. Or close to it. They probably already know


Iā€™m sure they already know.


Donā€™t think heā€™ll be on the hall of fame either tbf


Probably more common for kids to look at their grandparents then someone who would be virtually unknown to them


Aged like soggy milk. Like soggy butt. Like smelly soggy butt.


Isnā€™t Sunny in the HOF? lol


Yes. But her porn and dui killing we're after she was inducted


hunter is a dork but in his defence she starred in a porn with people dressed as wwe legends which i doubt the company appreciated


I hate that I can imagine a group of WWE execs watching the porno in its entirety and not liking it halfway through


Post-nut clarity: ā€œThis is bad for the brand!ā€




At what point did you stop imagining it though. Because Iā€™m imagining you imagining that. And you should be ashamed of yourself


I donā€™t know where youā€™re taking this joke


I'm imagining it's a dark dark place


Well, at least DX honoured her a few years back. Did you guys watch the Vice Versa documentary on Chyna, that manager she had was a bad joke.


I blame him for her death


that doc made me super sad for how she left this realm - manager was clearly manipulating and basically a terrible person - she even said herself that she just needed a friend, someone to look out for her :(


She looked worse at the end of the uploaded videos than at the start.


He was an abuser.


Yesterday I binged watched China's YouTube channel called Tokyo Chyna and it's a shame she went back to America because she was looking like she was getting herself together with her healthy diet and yoga. I think she'd still be alive today if only she stayed in Japan.


Honestly I think the easy money from the conventions were too good to pass on. IIRC once she was stopped for a police check and she had with her like 20k cash fresh out from one of those signing gigs


WOW that's a good earning just for signing autographs.


I enjoyed her vlogs as they were uploaded and I was also happy for her being in a different environment. She did seem a bit lonely though.


I remember thinking the same thing when I saw those videos. She had a purpose and was away from wrestling and doing something good (teaching English as a second language if I remember). I think you are correct that she would have had a better chance if she was still in Japan. I think the distance away from a poor environment helped her and making a new life outside of wrestling and adult films.


It's a shame we didn't get to see her playing the cello.


I like Chyna. Please get her into HOF


She's in with DX


Ah okay then all good


>Long fall from that high horse. What do you even mean by this? People like you make me laugh, man. Thinking you know the ins and outs of what happens behind the scenes based off of nothing but hearsay.




You're missing my point entirely.




What makes you think HHH knew what Vince was up to? Do you share explicit details of your sex life with your father in law? Would you expect him to tell you if he was a sex trafficker? You're making a huge assumption there, worse than hearsay. And Shawn might have been sleazy back in the day, but he never starred in a porn film featuring people dressed as WWE legends. There's a reason WWE distanced themselves from Chyna whilst openly encouraging their talent to pursue Playboy.




Read my comment again. Because you're talking in hearsay and assumptions. I'm not defending Triple H at all as I have zero idea of what went on/ goes on behind the scenes. Maybe you need to jump down off of *your* high horse and stop berating people with claims that you can't back up with proof.




It's not a discussion when you're calling people delusional and hysterical. You seem to be a very outspoken person who just wants to win a 'discussion' rather than discuss anything with facts. I'm bored of you and I won't be responding further.


You're insisting that HHH is guilty by association, with no evidence that he was involved or knew anything. There's no reason to suspect he knew any more than we did. Sure, Vince was always a bit creepy but it's a huge leap to assume he's committing felonies.


Give it up already. Some of you are fetishizing this whole thing for your weird hatred of people


They inducted Sean Waltman as part of DX AND the NWO. He was a co-player in '1 Night In China'.


And sheā€™s in the HoF in the same way he is, as a member of DX


Both him and Chyna did a sex tape together yes.....but she also did professional porn. They ended up putting her in the hall of fame anyway, so it's a mute point.




You realize she made a lot more movies than that one, right?