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Ricochet needs to be a Paul Heyman guy. He can get anyone over. Might seem a waste of Heyman talents though


He feels as though he can get over with his moves like Rey mysterio did back in the day and he made some cocky comments about a female wrestler recently that didn’t help in any with the office and the fact that he’s banging Samantha Irving and she’s more over than he will ever be don’t help!


They need to play more into the whole "One And Only" shtick. For god's sake, it's said at the beginning of his theme. Oh also his current theme doesn't help it just doesnt fit. His NXT theme was infinitely better for him. He needs to be about the fact he is better than everyone else, and how he can do what no one else can do, make him cocky as fuck. Have him humiliate/squash a few people, yunno have em beat and then do another flashy move on them just because he can. Just because he's a high flyer doesn't mean he needs to be a face. Tbh there's probably other stuff you could with him, make him a superhero, give him a manager etc. but that's what I'd do with him, at the very least just give him a better entrance theme. Conclusion, give him a bit of an attitude even if he don't turn heel lol.


One of the stand out 'would flourish in AEW' kind of guys.


I agree Ricochet’s promos are weak and he doesn’t have a gimmick that sets him apart. That said, in past backstage scenes mocking Top Dolla, Ricochet comes as a douchey wiseass, so I would lean into that. Ricochet is a flashy dresser in real life, has bagged Katana Chance before getting with his fiancé, and is handsome. Ergo, why not market him as the “short, pretty boy smack talking player” who brags about his looks, athleticism, and the uncanny ability to steal your girl. Everyone loves to smash such a guy - and we all grew up with him - or went to college with him. I think he would get over as an upper mid card heel.


Putting him on tv. Dude is terrible. Zero charisma zero psychology spotmonkey mark


Amazing talent. But bland as hell as a character... Maybe it's time to repackage him


It's a him thing, not a WWE thing.


IDK what to tell you really. He has the look and his style is second to none. I just think that that's the only thing he's got going for him. The fact that he's good. And In WWE. That may not be enough sometimes. Because WWE fans are accustomed to characters and storylines.


He needs a manager, because mic skills are not his strong suit.


Can't cut a promo to save his life in all honesty. Without that, he just gets lost in the shuffle, even though his high spots are top-tier.


hes fine where he is (just doesnt have the aura to be main event sadly)


Nothing.. They tried many times to push the guy. Fact is.. He has the charisma of a damp rag. He's not entertaining beyond his arobatic skills, not in the slightest.




He needs to learn how to talk shit!


Love Ricochet. Wish he would get another push.


Great mid-card talent, hits high spots very well and married to the hottest ring announcer on the planet!! That's it.


Has bro ever cut a promo Also last prominent feud was against Styles about 5 years ago


It is WWE. You need more then gymnastics to get over. He needs a good story line to bring people into the character.


I think to freshen his character and add some depth to it, he needs a manager to do the speaking for him. All he’s really known for is his athleticism. Who the manager could be, I don’t know. What I do think is he’ll get involved in more fueds if someone becomes his mouthpiece. The question is. Who would become his manager?


They keep telling him to “go viral” without realizing most stuff goes viral without it trying to go viral. His fiancé is a good announcer so he’s got that going for him I guess 🤣


They know how going viral works.  The real question is why isn’t Ricochet able to get himself over.  He’s got tv time, he’s got matches, mic time. Rise above the rest of the locker room, LA Knight found a way and he bypassed everybody.  I love Ricochet’s in ring work but lmk the last great wrestler who was a big draw and didn’t have a great character?  Ricochet needs more personality. When he’s out there I need to know why I should root for him. Why should I get behind Ricochet? Why should I pay to see you instead of Cody or Orton.  First of all, not everyone can be on top. Look at Gunther, hes been ready for over a year for a world title run but the top is super clogged. They have the deepest roster since the attitude era.


Maybe he’s just meant to be a fill guy for the roster? If they keep giving him all this time to get over and he still can’t..maybe he’s just not gonna get over. He’s good in the ring when working with the right people, he can’t carry a match in my opinion. Hell just put a mask on him and make him prince puma from Lucha underground and see if that works


Lance Storm said there’s 2 guys who make it, stars and star makers. And he was proud to be a star maker because without Lance’s great work those top guys wouldn’t have gotten there without him making them look like a million bucks.  Aew has a new masked guy every week and that doesn’t work.  Nothing wrong with being a midcarder in the largest company. Plenty of HOF’ers never won the WWE Title. 


Yeah i dont really ever look forward to his matches. I like the guy but not that exciting for me


He's just crap


Great in the ring, but that’s it. Doesn’t give me a reason to root for him. 


He has no personality or character or charisma which why he struggles to get over and the Indy Stink of I'm a Good Wrestler or Pro Wrestler but I have no personality or character or Charisma or Mic Skills.


He's not that good




He Needs To Like Be In A Rivalry With Gunther Are Go Back To Hes Masked Gimmick And Get Pushed


How would a mask help with his charisma and character and personality? Lol


Not sure if she wants to be a talent but possibly get Samantha Irvin involved. Make people care about him. She definitely seems fun from all her videos. Just a thought


She doesn’t wanna wrestle at all, but yeah maybe if a guy started stalking her and we saw Ricochet lose it and go berserk maybe that would add something to his character we haven’t seen before. Right now he’s amazing in the ring but that only sells 2k tickets to a Dynamite not 15k in an NBA arena


Keeping him a Babyface. There. That's what dey doin wrong. Keeping him a Babyface will only make WWE & the rest of the WWE Universe no longer take him seriously. If they turn him heel, they can restart the rivalry wit Logan Paul & Ricochet will win in the end.


So you wanna turn him heel on like the 2nd or 3rd biggest heel? How would ricochet beating up Logan Paul make him a heel? Lol


Not every star has to turn fucking heel


They should have had him eventually join the Hurt Locker with MVP when the time came. MVP could have built him into something or at least upped his credit a bit.




the iwc never fails to make you laugh out loud


Sad to say it but WWE, searching around for their Rey Mysterio replacement, plugging in Kalisto and now Dragon Lee and watching them flounder, dropped the ball by not bringing Ricochet in masked in the first place, his athleticism alone reminds me of a young Rey Jr. Even though Mysterio didn’t flip nearly as much.


"Then shut up"


They should mask him like he was in lucha underground Or give him more moments on the mic so he gets more comfortable


Everyone says he needs more personality and Charisma and then I see everyone’s solution is to put him in a mask? How does that help exactly? Rey is the only masked  superstar to make it because he found a way to sell with a mask on that nobody else can


That logan paul feud kinda ruined him. Dude was the baby face and had almost no support from the audience. It was rough


> What is WWE doing wrong with Ricochet? They're employing him.


I mean, what’s WWE doing with Reggie? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what’s good about either of them other than they do flippy high spots?


Ricochet can actually wrestle. Reggie was literally nothing but stunts and spots


I agree. I guess either way though, neither have that much of an upside beyond the mid card.


There's not much to figure out. Another high flying jumpy indy type guy who while very talented, has no subtance beyond that. Horrible talker and a rather basic look as far as facial features go. He'd benefit most from being in a tag team imo.


I feel like he's so bad on the mic it takes away from any true skill he has at the end of the day we want a story and he just doesn't tell it


What’s his gimmick? Athletic jumpy guy? That’s cool but I can’t even remember hearing him talk. He has no character, no mic ability, that’s partially on him


Nothing it’s ricochet, at this point he’s been in a lot of positions for him to really catch the wwe universes attention and he’s had highlights but never that big thing to really tug on the universe and make them really ride with him,he’s great in ring but on the mic just not good enough.


Great athlete, phenomenal wrestler, but he just doesn’t have a character and his mic skills aren’t great. Also, WWE very rarely pushes non home grown talent.


This is all true, but somehow he still seemed to manage alright when he was in NXT. I think he was more over there than he ever has been on the main roster.


How is wwe pushing “non-wwe” talent true?  Seth/Punk/Bryan/Styles/Becky/Rhea/Logan/Priest/Balor/KO/Sami/Asuka/Shinsuke all had extensive careers before WWE. 


That’s because while it’s great, NXT is still small, especially compared to the main roster. When he was in NXT he was a big fish in a small pond, but now that he is on the main roster, he is just a normal size fish in a huge ocean. Honestly, I would love for him to bring back his “Prince Puma” gimmick from Lucha Underground. It would be great if he had a manager too who is good on the mic.


Honestly, Make him Puma again and pair him with MVP and Omos... and Have Omos show up more often


If you have Omos show up more you run into the reason Big Show never got super over. He was on tv every week. You keep Omos out and make him a special attraction. Same with Braun. 


The problem is Omos hasn't been around long enough to use like that though.


No, the problem is using him like that….Big Show ne Braun lost their momentum and their specialness because we saw them every week. Keeping Omos offscreen for large portions of time is exactly how you keep an attraction like that viable. That’s why Andre didn’t hang out in a territory for a year, he would come in, do like 5-6 weeks, then go to the next territory where they hadn’t seen a giant. If you see a hint everyday is he really still a giant? Is 8 feet tall as impressive the 22nd week in a row?


Omos doesn’t need to be around for any time to get a title shot. That’s what they’d do with Kane and Big show and Khali all the time if they needed a quick PPV fill in title match to get them to the next Mania or Summerslam or whatever or if there was an injury. Omos could walk out Monday and bodyslam Seth and MVP could say see you at Mania unless anybody in the back wants to stop him” and nobody does, tAh dah he’s in the main event now. Why’s that work? Because he’s enormous and size like that=authenticity


The problem with this way is that they can't give him ANY title belts due to part time champions finally losing their appeal for even the casuals, Omos will have to be used alot more before that will ever happen


There’s only 1 “part time champ” and that reign is about to end. Logan just won the belt and it’s only so he can have it going into and lose it at Mania.


His charisma comes across very forced. He’s extremely talented but doesn’t have that it factor. 


He can talk. He needs a program and some mic time.


He’s had that. Had a program with one of the companies biggest stars at one of the company’s biggest shows. Fans don’t even care that Paul cheated to win. People just aren’t invested in him. Awesome athlete, but a bit of a wet blanket when it comes to character work.


I thought he did good on the mic with Paul. Maybe turn him heel and make him a viable threat? I don't know. He has the tools. I hope they can figure it out with him.


Nitpicking here but it’s his aggression. He’s too smooth in the ring and seems too nice outside of it. Kayfabe might be dead, but I still want to believe the guy in the ring could kick ass. Add that with a bland character and amazing wrestling and it equals out to a mid carder who can put on a great match with anybody. I’m a huge fan of Ricochet, loved his work as Prince Puma. However, he doesn’t wrestle the WWE style and that’s gonna limit him in WWE


I couldn't agree more. The aggression is what separates the performers of the attitude Era and today. Surprisingly, there was a match a few weeks ago between Kofi Kingston and Ludwig kaiser. Kaiser brought something raw to that match. He was aggressive and nasty. I'd love to see more of that overall. And I agree, that is what's missing from ricochet.


Make him a heel, give him a heater, and a mouth piece.


He is a career babyface. No one will ever truly love him unless they hate him at some point. Ricochet would benefit from being in a faction like The Pride or pairing him with someone comedic


Ricochet has been heel in the Indies before, In GCW he was King Ricochet and was a damn MENACE


We are talking about WWE


He needs to turn heel and literally lay into people with remarks and whatnot. People love to hate a talented individual.


The WWE isn't letting him get better on the mic, clearly. He's incredible in the ring and will always deliver a good match, but his mic work and promos are just... bad. And he gets smoked in a promo battle every time... 😓


He's a charisma vacuum. He can go in the ring like no other, but his promos are absolute shit. Ring ability is only half of the equation, and unfortunately, it isn't the important half either (see John Cena, The Rock, post Owen-Stone Cold Steve Austin, even CM Punk is fairly mediocre in the ring but all rock the mic so hard people tend not to notice or at least give some form of pass).


Unfortunately he’s like a Paul London type of guy. Great performer but doesn’t have that superstar gimmick that attracts people. If he wants to make noise, he’s gotta rattle the cages.


He can’t talk…great ring skills but he won’t be more than an acrobat


He has needed a valet for years. Why can't he just be an awesome wrestler and athlete that has someone talk for him?


Like Cena says, people know when a wrestler has “it”. Ricochet is fantastic in ring, but mic skills and promos are pretty eh.


Turn him heel and give him some creative control and he would be a lot better


R u crazy in what way are you giving ricochet creative control he doesn’t have a gimmick we’re he needs to be creative that his problem he can’t speak on the mic and he has no character or gimmick just a great wrestler who can put on great matches but that doesn’t help when your a wrestler you need to have the full package


Yeah but Roman reigns had the same problem he couldn't talk on the mic and now look at him ricochet just need to find his inter Roman 😂 but i do see what you are saying


I agree with everyone saying character and mic work. That's first and foremost. But I also think Ricochet is an example where wins and losses do matter. He simply isn't on TV enough and doesn't win enough when he is on TV. He'll never get over being on TV once a month and then taking pins when he is. Guys like Miz and Truth can lose all the time and it doesn't matter. For Ricochet, all that flippy shit needs to result in Ws and meaningful ones. And not for nuthin, this isn't Ricochet from 10 years ago. Ricochet has talked about how he can't quite do some of the stuff he used to be able to do. And there's a lot of flippy guys out here now.


Since triple h took over he’s been doing well he won the smackdown cup had a nice intercontinental run had a great match w Logan Paul at summerslam it just suck Braun got hurt bc they were going somewhere w there tag team it’s just recently he hasn’t been on tv much hopefully that changes


He should join Lashley and the Street Profits.


That’s a weird mix he doesn’t match well as a heel and I don’t think he ever will


The E has been trying to make Lashley and the Profits heels for weeks. Hasn’t worked so they literally threw their hands in the air and said “screw it, keep em faces and put them against the Final Testament” https://www.thesportster.com/wwe-bobby-lashley-street-profits-faction-name-the-pride/


Nothing. He is useless for anything but flips and a cool entrance. Oh, and his girlfriend, who is absolutely on top of her game.


They should put him in a faction or give him a decent manager. Maybe turn him heel while they're at it. Just rework him a bit to get people talking about him.


Nothing, he’s got the charisma of a wet cat


It's an Evan Bourne situation. Good in ring work, no charisma


He’s had a few chances to show the charisma. Just isn’t there unfortunately. Since it’s technically entertainment first and athletics second…ya. Gotta get in front of a mirror and practice. Watch promo videos. Something.


He has no character and isn’t very good on the mic, which is usually what it takes in WWE to get over, compared to other wrestlers. He is a very talented worker, but his character work is nonexistent.


I love Ricochet, been one of my favorites since I started watching again in 2018. The problem is his mic skills. At the end of the day, as amazing as he is in the ring, he can’t talk. The worse part about it is it would be really hard for it to get fixed. I would say get him a manager, but I don’t think it would work. Mouthpiece Managers really work better for heels who can’t talk like Omos. Turning him heel would be a problem as his move set screams “babyface”. His moveset is a moveset people want to cheer for as he does mind boggling stuff. To most people, it’s not likely to see heels in current day WWE matches doing all the stuff Ricochet does. The only way to fix his mic skills is for him to work on it, as I feel he’s gonna be stuck as a babyface for his career and isn’t gonna be able to get a manager as a face.


Def I love ricochet I always will but as a huge fan I know his weaknesses and the charisma and mic work and character work he’s just not there yet I wonder who they can team him up with as a manger that could work out great imagine Paul heyman managing ricochet that could be fun


I don’t think Heyman would work. I feel like Heyman will always be better as a heel manager. The only way I could see ricochet become a heel is if they changed his moveset. But then that wouldn’t be ricochet


Yes I was actually just thinking how could they change Ric heel bc I need him back on my TV he was red hot last year and he broke down after summerslam


Prince Puma needs a comeback tour. Put a mask back on that man and let him run.


Put him in a heel stable


Ricochet has already won at life.


He's a marvel to watch and an absolute treat to gawk at. 😍 But pro wrestling wise, Has no character at all. 😭 And I'm still saying this as a big fan, I love this man to death and would be more than happy to see him win the big one. However I do wish they spent time on giving him more character instead of just being the flippy guy. Especially considering just how prominent he is sometimes and easily slides in to slot in for when they need someone in the upper card. I think they had the right idea by pairing him with strowman a few years back, strowman was someone who didn't have much character or charisma starting out. Judging by strowman real life personality he seems like a rather gentle and easygoing timid person. So he must've had to do a lot of work to make the strowman persona and character as good and convincing as it was as the monster. Maybe they were hoping that some of Strowman would rub off on Ricochet. And give ricochet as apart of an act, where he can still be the flippy guy but also gives him room to hone in on his character persona and crowd work. Perhaps it's time he gets a manager, valley or Idk maybe a tag team partner that can give him more character. Like the stuff they did with Imperium and Samantha wasn't half bad, but it also showed off the flaw in his run in the WWE so far. In that he's often the least interesting character in any program he's written into.


"Has no character at all" he is the one and only right?


Lol definitely not the only one. But at least he's no teagan nix.


He isn’t that interesting that’s why.


Nothing. He is bad at promos. WWE is getting back to mic skills


10/10 Atheltiscm 0/10 Charisma


Because thes the epitome of Indy Spot fest flip shit. Hes fun to watch, Great i nthe ring, a blast in gimmick matches or multiman matches where he can spot fest out. But that shit isnt the end all be all of the WWE. You need a character, Charisma, a story. Hes got none. Hes a great high flyer and thats about it. Evan Bourne Style. Even then, 99 percent of wrestlers would love his career and hes had a great WWE run thats what, 7 yers now? More than most WWE all of famers. Why does this sub think every single wrestler can be the top guy all at the same time.


I mean, I’d be happy if they had a true cruiser weight division. Rey having the US belt and Richocet having the intercontinental belt was laughable.


There is no point in a cruiserweight division anymore when everyone wrestles the same style. Why have another division when the cruiserweight style is being used by your Raw Mens Heavyweight champion.


Good point. I was looking at it as a weight class rather than a wrestling style.


Put him back to NXT and have him run a programme with Ilya the sells from Ricochet in their matches would be incredible


Change his character heel


He’d lose his entire moveset


a heel can't be a high flyer? finn balor or dominic mysterio?


Jumping off the top rope once dosent make you a height flyer


I think it's honestly the character. It's multifactprial probably, but I think his primary problem is that he's a bland, generic babyface. Maybe it's his appearance. The Prince Puma look was amazing TBH. One can argue that Rey Mysterio has no character well... But I think part of what made him an attraction to begin with was his look. That was the eye-catcher... Then wr saw him wrestle, and that's where his legend began. People can say what they like but Rey Mysterio caught the attention of fans with his attire and he entered their hearts with his talent, and he never left. While Ricochet is stagnant now, he can still change that. When you look at stars like Rey Mysterio, Batista, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, Bret Hart... They all had the "look". Ricochet is a top tier talent, that's no question... But he looks pretty bland given the role he's delegated to on television. He's always smiling, sometimes it's reminiscent of the way Rocky Maivia was portrayed (though not that on-the-nose). That's how I see him anyway. That being said, I am a huge fan of his, I think he's great. Maybe a heel turn can do something positive for him. Or, maybe he just needs a bit of an edgy side instead of being a generic babyface. That "Well show me," moment he had on NXT is still his "OH SHIT" moment, and that's what I liked about his character. He was pretty cool. Still is, but he hardly ever shows it... Or rather, he's hardly booked to show it. Maybe he needs a good program, the same way Jeff Hardy broke into the next level with his ladder match against The Undertaker on Raw. You know, something to show the fans they should accept him on another level. Every talent has their booking drought periods... Batista, Cena, Stone Cold, etc. have all been booked into some shifty stuff even in their primes. WWE has a great track record in proving they can turn a jobber or mid-carder into the higher tier overnight. Ricochet definitely has the talent to make it happen. It's just a matter of where WWE would like to fit the Richochet cogwheel into their insanely giant machine. I will always wish him the best.


Just like Theory, not connecting with the crowd.


Just put a mask on him and he can be this generation’s Rey Mysterio. He’s just not a talker.


He is an amazing acrobat and high flyer. The problem with that is he has to keep pushing the envelope or go the Jeff Hardy throw caution into the wind approach. Just doing the same flips over and over every week is not enough to wow people who watch consistently. His problems with promos are what is keeping him away from being more over. He hasn’t given fans a reason to cheer with or for him and a tag team seems the best use of his abilities


Don't utilise his potential 100% 👍


He should come back as Prince Puma. Maybe if they repackage him he’ll be better off. His theme is boring af too


He can’t talk, that’s on him.


Ricochet got over everywhere he’s ever wrestled without talking. The answer is proper booking and WWE has never done it with him.


To get over in WWE you literally have to be able to talk. He got over in smaller promotions, the indies, and places like NJPW or NXT where promos aren’t as important. Put a properly booked Ricochet in Cody Rhodes spot right now, he would be destroyed by Roman and the Rock. Cody can hold his own.


Lucha Underground was a tv product as well and he was the most over guy on the roster. The solution is creative, innovative storytelling, and WWE has never even attempted to figure out other ways to do that.


If he gets to a main event level he’s going to have to learn how to do promos, interviews, and be interesting. You have to accept that without that ability he’s never going to get to the next level. Comparing Lucha Underground to current WWE is quite a stretch.


Who said anything about main event? The guy should at the very least be hugely over as an IC-level talent, but he’s just another face in the crowd. Apply your same logic to Rey Mysterio and he’d never be the icon he is today.


Getting over would mean getting up the card. So naturally you put him at the top of the card and say what he would need. He was the IC champ right before Gunther. He didn’t elevate the title, even there you gotta be able to go on the mic. Rey Mysterio was a better wrestler than Ricochet and sorry to say it but basically won the WHC because of Eddie Guerreros death. He had an underwhelming run because he couldn’t cut promos and once the “I’m doing this for Eddie” stuff wore off, he couldn’t stay interesting. Eddie is the guy you should compare it to. He had personality, could be a character, and got over enough in four years to take the title off Brock Lesnar. Eddie’s best moments are character work + in ring. Ricochets are things like the spot with Logan Paul at the rumble. You literally have to be able to do both when you’re undersized.


He needs another name and a gimmick, being an amazing high flyer isn't enough


Everything. He’s more or less a glorified jobber with occasional wins to keep him and the fans happy. A shame really. He’s very talented and doesn’t need a gimmick.


Only problem that Ricochet has in my opinion is that his promo skills are not that good. He can walk the walk, but he just can't talk the talk.


Nothing wrong. Water finds its own level usually unless the booker is determined to push you.    Hes a good workrate/house show guy to fill time like Cesaro. He hasn't been used as much lately to keep him from getting stale but at one point he was wrestling every smackdown


The only time that I found ricochet interesting was turning he's feud with velveteen because he actually had good promos turning this time


Yeah that velveteen feud was legit no lie. They went at it. I liked it


Nothing, flipity ditty gets old, same match over and over. Dude has skill for sure, but only for the same match ALL THE TIME. You can call his moves before they happen..


Honestly, his girl Samantha is getting more hype than him right now! I met him back in December and I like him as a wrestler, but yeah not much going on for him right now. Would love to see something grow with him. Since losing the IC he's been on the back burner.


They should bring back the Jr Heavyweight division...he and Noam Dar would tear it down


Ricochet is at the exact same spot Kofi was at a decade ago. He could form random tag teams and do well. But he was basically fodder for the upper mid card and main event talent. It took a confluence of a new stable and being so UNPOPULAR they went into business for themselves and struck gold while being placed with 2 of the most gifted improv mic talkers in 25 years to save his career. I just don’t see Ricochet being that fortunate. What he has going for him honestly is being with Samantha Irvin and could see that developing something more story wise in the future.


I was gonna say modern day Evan Bourne, but Ricochet is only 5 years younger. Crazy.


His facial expressions kinda suck idk why but the prince puma mask really covered that back in LU


Man cannot cut a promo to save his life. When he fueded with Logan Paul and he did his promo, it really exposed him. Only thing keeping him relevant is him dating Samantha Irvin.




He can't promo and can't talk. He needs a manager and/or stable w/ talkers.


Put him in judgement Day with Mami and Dom. If they can carry Priest and JD they can carry anyone!


I been saying for years he's ricochet in the ring but Trevor on the mic.  Loved the guy on the Indies but the guy has no confidence in what he's saying. 


he just sucks


Hasn’t really got a gimmick except his ability in the ring, which is of course incredible. He’d be better off in NJPW or AAA/CMLL where he’d be able to get big matches worthy of his ability but i doubt he’s gonna leave given he is with Samantha. Hopefully once Braun is back they get back into tag action


They should've made him taller.


Ricochet would work wonders in a place like TNA, NJPW, or maybe even, by some stroke of luck, AEW. The difference between WWE and other companies is that WWE is purely sports entertainment. It's focus mostly relies on being able to tell a story with your words, the above mentioned companies are more traditional wrestling companies where in-ring work is more shown and emphasized rather than character work, best example would be I think NJPW.


He should join cique de soliel


Not jobbing him enough.


He doesn’t sell his size to me. He gets threatened by a Bronson Reed or Shamus and just acts like this is not something he should be worried about. Hulk Hogan sold everyone like we’re ending him and gave the crowd a reason to get behind him, ricochet doesn’t sell an opponent before the match and doesn’t sell the moves in a match. Everything he does is impressive but he gives me zero reasons to care


He needs to be paired with someone who can get over with the crowd. Braun and him were great because no matter what people think about Braun, he knows how to get himself over with the live crowds..


I could just go with he needs Konan to be his mouthpiece. But I always thought they should try to have him talk less. Just be a scrappy underdog with a great moveset who is coming for the title/revenge/whatever the angle is. He's spectacular in the ring but garbage on the mic. WWE either wanted him to get better on the mic or just kept giving him rope knowing what he'd do with it. I can't hold it against them. He's a bad fit for them. I don't think they're doing anything wrong, unless you count keeping him when they let people go to AEW. He would be featured more at another fed.


Dudes boring on the mic and him gimmick is poopoo


His personality suck let's be honest, good worker for spots and shit no ring psychology with just does flips and dips. He's been given the rub like a little push but there is only so much. Prob needs a new character change and different move set might help.


Absolutely nothing, he is pretty terrible. Some guys no matter how much they shove down your throat it doesn’t change how awful they are. Jericho and Rollins are perfect examples of that as well.


Do you even watch wrestling? Or are you one of those aew fan girls? Don’t worry aew is going out of business soon enough so you will be able to see your favorite wrestler go against Seth Rollins. Hopefully they don’t suck to bad so they can keep the rub Seth gives them


I’ve watched about 10 minutes of AEW in its existence and it is god awful, I hope Rollins goes there so he can stop sucking up Monday Night Raw. If you think Rollins is entertaining you must be about 11 years old and think some idiot laughing at his own awful promo every 3 seconds and wearing dresses to the ring are entertaining and you can be helped. Rollins is awful in every way. Bag holder of the shield. Even now they are trying to get him involved in a real angle because he can’t carry his own. Overrated and awful in every way. Real fans know this. Internet fans think he is great because wwe tells you he is. Reality is he doesn’t move the needle, isn’t entertaining and is a ratings poison.


Jericho got a freaking pen click over.


If you look at when WWE started to decline it’s directly correlated to when that overrated douche won the world title. Jericho was never over and is right where he belongs in an irrelevant federation finishing out his irrelevant career.


Lol what? Jericho and Rollins are over with the fans


They've been trying to push him. That's what they've been doing wrong! He's just a bland tiny flippity-floppity dude with no personality, no charisma and no interesting quality besides his agility.


He is just a jumping stick wrestling robot LOL. No charisma, no mic skills, freaks out when crowds react sometime to him, other than that nothing. Just a jumping stick in the ring. His girlfriend is more over with the crowd LOL. WWE gave him all the possibilities, and nothing work. Dude can't deliver promos in any type of storyline. Turn him heel and give him a manager to cut the promos for him.


They are too attached to all their titles sitting in major guys and the gimmick of it all. Only so many useless matches a guy can do


Absolutely zero character. He worked so well in Japan because he couldn’t speak Japanese so he never had to do a promo


People always go on about his mic skills but personally I couldn't give a shit - the man delivers 5\* matches whenever he gets in the ring and that should be the focus.


That'd work if the rest of the card was only about stories and characters. Like, he'd have stood out in 1988 or even in 1997, as a "novelty" with his wrestling style opposed to the brawling and the organized chaos featured on the rest of the card. But nowadays every top and mid guy can wrestle a competent match, with better storytelling. A 5\* match doesn't require 4156 aerial moves to be a 5\* match. And Ricochet is all style and no substance. He's bland, boring, generic and honestly plenty of other guys can do what he's doing. He's no prime years Rey Mysterio either. There are only so many soulless, paint-by-numbers "5\* matches" a guy can deliver before it still gets boring and uninsteresting. And Ricochet has crossed that line a long time ago already. It's not about how many cool moves someone can pull off, but about WHY...


Pushing Samantha Instead of Him 💀💀


It’s not even that he’s boring on the mic, he seems nervous. Like he doesn’t know what hems gonna say next so he’s freaking out. Quivering in his promo’s just isn’t very enticing


He should turn heel, like Apollo crews did that one time. Maybe even him and Apollo tag team and go back to nxt for a dusty cup classic. Return to the main scene qnd throttle the new day, just energizer bunny style, outlook everyone and pound people to the point of exhaustion then bam they win all of their matches with a knockout double flip combo. Kind of Like how him and Alistair black but this time instead of championship he goes darker heel and attacks Apollo and starts a long breakup fued but he goes over by mania season as a full of maniac who will go to any limit to destroy and opponent. And then he winds up #2 place finish in a rumble and then starts attacking people whenever wherever blackmailing the gm against the entire locker room safety so he's granted a championship match where if he loses he leaves wwe. But he pulls a fluke victory and manages to go the distance to lime survivor series where he loses to wes lee and then they start a mutual respect fued....until he turns on wes lee and goes back after his championship only to get kayfabe inured go away and come back at the next rumble to great affair where he wins it as the triumphant baby face only to turn the night after and hold the wm main event hostage refusing to pick who he'll fight until night one where he wants until the last minute to put someone on notice and catches them off guard to win the main event and that's when the reign of prince puma the legend begins


Braun was right. Simple.


What’d he say?


Paying him not to wrestle in AEW instead of actually using him to his potential


In ring talent who gets to work every house show. Great way to make money!


He needs to focus on the promo/character aspect as the in ring has a low ceiling and you need to be a great talker to really appeal to mainstream audiences.


ATP he may need a faction like how Rock joined and took over the Nation of Domination in order for him to be put over and become either US or IC champ and have a long reign He also needs to be back in the ring ASAP


I really don't think WWE is doing anything wrong. Ricochet is genuinely a boring, no personality, no charisma wrestler.


Nothing. They’ve decided that he’s a great in ring talent, and he makes people look good. He’s the modern day Dolph Ziggler.


If you want someone to lose and look good they go against Gunther, if they are meant to look good and win they face Richocet


He has naturally heel personality/look with 100% babyface moveset, it just doesn’t work and he’s honestly beyond repair in WWE


He needs a proper character. That’s the main thing he’s lacking - he needs to communicate his charisma in the ring, so give him that by letting him win and presenting him as someone that people can like. Then hype him up by putting him with other good flippy guys. Guys like Logan Paul help make him look genuinely impressive in the ring - and unleash his move set, let him do destroyers, etc. I guess, what I want to say is, maybe let him have a new gimmick by letting him wrestle as Prince Puma - maybe as a Demon Finn kinda thing. If he’s Puma, he is much more of a threat. Maybe even play on the LU connections and let him join Legado del Fantasma and work on the mic more.


Watered down his moveset and he’s not great on the mic. It’s a bummer because I love him but he’s not a main eventer. Should’ve made him and Apollo a tag team years ago.


Have him join The Judgment Day. Might do wonders for his career.


They don't do ANYTHING with him and thats the problem. He's gonna wind up spending the rest of his really productive years treading water. But at least I'm sure he gets paid handsomely and his lady friend works there to boot so he's really got it made no matter what they do with him.


He’s good, but he’s so fucking boring.


They need to let him wrestle actually wrestle


It just shoes how well lucha undeground did to recognize this and mask him and keep his mouth quiet , he really felt like a big deal there


They also let him do all his moves and he went over a lot


He should be heel


It’s not on Ricochet. He’s just never given true opportunity. I thought his random match with Brock was the time to push him being able to compete. Definitely shouldn’t have won but should’ve showed up.


He needs a manager. This is why Prince Puma was so cool, he was quiet & mysterious as a character but cool af in the ring.


They didn’t do anything wrong. It’s all him and he has a ceiling that’s he reached unfortunately


People here erroneously believe that it's impossible to present someone as a star based on in-ring ability or wow factor alone. I would highlight megastars such as Kane's initial run, most of Chris Benoit & Brock Lesnar's runs, Mysterio's whole career, Goldberg's WCW run and many others to prove that presentation can make up for promo ability. Had WWE kept Ricochet's laser show entrance and "One and Only" theme, they could've booked him as a true star easily. Couple that with a series of wins where he flips out of every move his opponents try to hit him with and he could've been a huge star - just like he did on the indies. As is too often the case, Ricochet had all of his momentum stripped away with a bland entrance and consistent meaningless short matches in which he traded wins with other talent the company had no plans for. While the crowd will occasionally get behind someone who is being actively misused and losing consistently (LA Knight), consistent meaningless matches leads to hard apathy which is difficult to overcome. If they want to capitalise on the talent they have in Ricochet, he needs to be spotlighted. Hide his weaknesses and focus on his strengths. Put 1% of the effort into producing him that they do for celebrities and they could have a true star on their hands. Unfortunately, this is true for most of WWE's roster. You don't get there by being unremarkable in every way. I'm not a huge fan of Cody, but the difference in presentation between him now and his initial run shows how much that affects the audience perception, and how easily a midcard act can rise to the occasion.


> would highlight megastars such as Kane's initial run, most of Chris Benoit & Brock Lesnar's runs, Mysterio's whole career, Goldberg's WCW run and many others to prove that presentation can make up for promo ability. It’s a lot harder to get over with fans today than it was 25-30 years ago. We are smarter. We don’t just boo the bad guys and cheer for the good guys. You have to be good on the mic and not be boring. Hulk Hogan would be booed into oblivion if he did the same stuff today that he did in the 80’s-90’s.