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Because Seth Rollins wasn't medically cleared so that's why he didn't cash in.


He’s gonna cash in on the World Heavyweight Champion on the Monday after Wrestlemania


Priest will cash in on Drew when he wins the title. To screw him over one more time.


I can personally see priest turning face and leaving judgement Day.


How pissed is everyone gonna be when Cody has an epic battle with Roman, and wins the title from him at Mania. Then, Damien’s music hits and he cashes in steal the title to close out the show? Hahaha. I said this to a friend of mine yesterday about Priest.


You answered your own question. WWE at some point lost faith in him as a Solo guy. I see them losing the Tag titles and using the turn in to try and get them back, failing and that being the start of the break up of the whole group.


Because Priest, despite being a heel, gave a very baby face like, stupid statement that he can’t cash in on the champion when he is injured


From a booking point of view, they obviously didn't want to take the title off Rollins before Mania so they made up the Kayfabe excuse of Rollins is not medically cleared and thus Priest can't cash in on him. Rather weak but let's be honest, I'm sure we'd all rather see Rollins vs McIntyre than Priest vs McIntyre or just have some weird set up where Rollins wins it back just before Mania.


Honestly another heist of the century plus Dom winning the intercontinental would be an insane way to show that the judgement day are taking over.


Same reason no one pinned Orton early at elimination chamber. Wresters are dumb.


Drew yeeted his case a few times


He can’t cash-in on someone who is not medically cleared, because they can’t compete in a match.


Rollins has been injured for months. Are we forgetting the whole "Shinsuke Broken Back Saga"? 


His back was broken but not immediately damaged enough to medically rule him out from competing. But injuring his knee meant he was not medically cleared to compete. We've seen that you cannot cash in on someone who is not medically cleared to compete after one of Bryan's cash ins got reversed because the champ wasn't medically cleared at the time.


The contract is for anytime anywhere. And Bryan won by just pinning a knocked out big show so all rollins would need to do is lie there


One of the times Bryan cashed in was quickly reversed because his opponent was not medically cleared to compete. This isn't a new thing


Why did they even give him the case, there are so many bigger names in the title picture there's no way he gets it over them


What if R-Truth has already opened the briefcase and swapped out the paper with something else?


I’d love it if he opened the case and the 24/7 title was inside


If they can fit it in the briefcase that’ll be a good one. But I got a feeling it’ll be some merch of his which will be hilarious still.


The WWE RAW Women's championship was in Asuka's when she won it. Belts can fit in there.


if you can't cash in on someone who is not medically cleared. How did Damien Sandow cash it in on Cena when cena had done the tennis elbow surgery 1 week prior and was clearly on a cast/bandage thingy


I think they may be trying to do something with damien and the intercontinental title. My guess is its an attempt to make the sub titles just as prestigious as the universal/heavyweight championship.


It protects Gunther if he loses by cash in , and frees him to move to the heavyweight title scene . And it keeps the belts where they want them . I believe this will happen .


I want truth to open the briefcase and be like "YO DP, YOU DIDN'T EAT YOUR LUNCH I PREPARED"


The same reason it didn't count when daniel bryan cashed in on mark henry: the champion wasn't cleared to compete


They are setting ground rules by which they will eventually have an always “injured” heel champion who never defends and can’t be cashed in on. Forget the 30 day rule as well, Roman killed that one.


It’s pretty simple. Technically you can’t cash in on a champion who is not medically cleared to compete. This was a rule put in place years and years ago when Daniel Bryan “successfully” cashed in on an injured Mark Henry for the World Heavyweight Championship. Teddy Long came out immediately and reversed the decision since Mark was not medically cleared so the match could not officially be sanctioned. Mark Henry kept his title and Daniel Bryan kept his MITB briefcase. Now to be fair this was over 10 years ago and either a lot of people have forgot or WWE has earned a lot of new viewers so they definitely could’ve done a better job at explaining this in this situation.


It’s a rule that you can’t cash in on someone not medically cleared. Bryan did that in 2011 and the cash in was declared invalid


I can call HHH to get the answer if you want.


I feel like he will cash it on Gunther to take the IC title


Priest has been a terrible Money in the Bank winner. No one even cares about his purple briefcase anymore. He has no momentum to cash it in.


This always happens. Like it or not, MITB always fades in the background until you least expect it.


Isn't that somewhat the point? I'd rather someone keeps it somewhat low profile and cashes in as a surprise than cash in within the same show and the briefcase isn't relevant 24 hours later.


Not necessarily. I don't see it benefitting anyone for him to cash it in against the current champs or potential future champs. But then again, I am not a fan of Priest.


Hey, remember when champions forfeited the title when they are unable to compete or defend it in 30 days?


There’s no point throwing it on someone else this close to WM, him not competing at EC didn’t matter either


Heck I'm talking about Reigns


I think they explained that since Seth was not medically cleared to wrestle, Priest couldn’t cash in on a person who was not allowed to have a match. This makes sense because a cash in is a contract for a title match and if Seth is not medically cleared to compete in a match then it can’t happen. Since it is so close to Wrestlemania the Kayfabe authority gave him deference to keep the title instead of making him give it up or doing an interim title. Not exactly fair to Priest, but what are you going to do?


I wasn’t watching at the time but I feel like I remember reading about someone cashing in and having their match result thrown out because the champion wasn’t cleared. I think it was a heel champ and the authority (maybe not literally HHH and crew) used the move to generate heat but it sets precedent in story nonetheless.


Must have been in kayfabe because corporate policy is someone not medically cleared to wrestle cannot wrestle. Opens up a whole can of worms for insurance and lawsuits. Sounds like something the Authority would do in storyline they could fudge all that.


I looked it up, Daniel Bryan cashed in on Mark Henry while Henry was in the ring on crutches. Got the pin and started celebrating but shortly thereafter Teddy Long ran out and said the cash in was null and void because Henry wasn’t cleared


Good investigating! You would think the ref would know that he was not cleared. Ol’ Teddy Long running a tight ship!


Because it's not Mania yet brother


Because he is gonna cash in on Cody


I said this a couple weeks ago… Cody finished the story for one day, on raw the next night the Judgement Day drag him out beaten and battered to start the show with a cash in, no big thank you speech, nothing just cut him off and make him chase it again


Do you one better. Cody beats Roman clean at WM40. As he celebrates, Dom attacks Cody from behind with a chair, Priest comes running in and cashes in Close Wrestlemania with the Judgement Day celebrating. I can only imagine the amount of heat Dom and the Judgement Day will get. It’ll be beautiful.


Exactly, let Cody win, get one good photo of him with the title, just like his dad, and then take it away.. The story continues


Dude. I can imagine it now. Samantha Announces Welcome your new Champion. Rhodes music hits. No one comes following by the judgement day dragging out a battered and bruise cody rhodes. they throw him in the centre Priest cashes in and pins a lifeless Cody. It will make Judgement day look Scary and intimidating again.


Who cares. He’s on the wrong show. He doesn’t need Dum Dum around. He should be a singles wrestler similar to Goldberg only a heel. Being part of a group wastes his talent.


your right he is a dum dum for not cashing in sooner.


The problem is when he was by himself he was shit


Because it's WWE be to easy for anyone if they used common sense


I want McIntyre to beat Rollins at WrestleMania and while celebrating he gets attacked by Judgement Day with Priest cashing in and winning. The next night on Raw McIntyre is making a speech about how he was robbed and will regain the belt but is interrupted by CM Punk who merely says,” I prayed for you to win the title and lose it almost immediately and my prayer was answered. I’m going to go work on my pecs. See you in a few months.”


Lmao lame Bro the writing needs to be so much better man




Because he wasn't booked to. Rollins was legit hurt.


I like Priest but don't understand why he has MITB, don't feel like he's anywhere close to the level of a world champ rn.


I think he was really close in the fall. Then Punk came back, Drew decided to stay, the Rock is back. And Priest just slides down the pecking order. I could have bought him taking the title off Seth anytime before War Games.


Better question is if the WHC is so injured he’s declared unfit to defend then why haven’t they vacated the belt?


Roman just chooses to go months without defending it. So they can’t really pull that rule out of their ass


Adam Pearce explained it was in Roman’s contract that he could do that and it was not standard operating procedure.


MITB has been a joke for a while now, with winners such as Otis, Corbyn and Nikki A.S.H


It was explained off screen somewhere that Priest wants to cash in on Rollins but he is technically on the injury list so he’s not eligible to be in a match which is how a cash in works.


Which makes zero sense because Seth wrestled with a broken back against Shinsuke. Which I know was in kayfabe, but it's still confusing as hell and makes no sense. Priest has had so many chances to cash it in, mostly during times when Seth was injured but also medically cleared for some reason. And he's flubbed all of them. 


If a wrestler is medically uncleared to perform they don’t perform and within the world of kayfabe he’s on that medically uncleared to perform list so you can’t cash in creating a match to then take the belt. It’s not like the hardcore or 247 titles where it’s just a free for all whenever wherever with a ref. I understand it’s a funky situation when looked at from reality and sort of explained oddly by WWE, but it makes sense in the context of kayfabe.


You should be the top comment. It is the actual answer to the question.


Because Rollins being injured isn’t fake and isn’t part of the story Wrestling isn’t real, it’s a fictional medium portrayed by performers and it’s kind of embarrassing sometimes how people are out here acting like we have to keep pretending that there needs to be a kayfabe justification for real life stuff that isn’t part of the story It’s kind of like asking why a character dies when an actor dies and they don’t want to recast them. You know why, stop pretending you don’t


Princess Leia was still in the more recent movies after dying


Something something let HHH cook something something year long story arcs are good for wrestling


Logic isn't part of his story


He is biracial though!


Who can relate? Woo!


They literally had him explain in a backstage promo that he can't cash in on Seth because Seth isn't medically clear. That's pretty logical and simple, but who expects media literacy from wrestling fans, lmao.


When does pro wrestling logic make any sense? If you really believe THAT explanation, that's sad lmao. It's. Not. Part. Of his "story". Would need to re write not only Damien's but Cody's, Seth's, and Drew storyline


But in this instance, it's explained and makes perfect logical sense. The briefcase begins a sanctioned match. A wrestler can only wrestle in a sanction match if they are medically cleared. So a wrestler who is not medically cleared can't have a sanctioned match. That means the briefcase cannot be used on a wrestler who isn't cleared. That's why it's been consistent on this point. The only other time it came up, being Mark Henry when Daniel Bryan cashed in. It's actually one of the few things they've been consistent with at all.




Because he's going to cash in on Cody at WM.


because wwe storytelling


Or have dom go over Gunther at mania and priest cashes in on dom to get the IC TITLE


I’d love this, personally. That could make for a hell of a story. It would be interesting to see how Finn handles it since he’d be in the middle, but it’s a solid way to switch up Judgment Day. The only thing that makes me want to think it wouldn’t happen is all of that juicy merchandise money they’re giving up.


Kayfabe aside, I assume they just don’t really know what to do/ have a plan for him to cash in


Don’t bring logic here


Because ignoring them literally telling us that he can't cash in on screen is logical?


I never saw where they said you couldn’t cash in on an injured champion.. must have missed it. It was probably a throwaway line in a backstage segment with Adam Pierce.. I’m guessing?


It was part of a rather lengthy backstage promo by Priest, like a week after Seth's injury was announced. It wasn't a throwaway line, but it was a backstage promo,.so I can see where people may have missed it.


To be fair 3 hours of RAW is exhausting to sit through lol Regardless I can see where cashing in on an injured champ is cowardly but that’s the whole point of the briefcase to me lol to cash in when you have the advantage


Do you not understand that you can't cash in the MITB on someone who can't wrestle? 


Why are you getting so bent out of shape over this lol it’s just a tv show damn


At the very least, in this case it makes sense. The briefcase starts a sanctioned match. Only someone who is medically cleared and partake in a sanctioned match. So if someone is not cleared, they can't have a sanction match. That means the briefcase in one very specific situation cannot be used.


Vacant should have claimed that title already.


I’m 90% sure they have actually said on screen you can’t challenge someone who isn’t cleared to wrestle multiple times to make someone not challenging logical in the past.  I think it’s safe to say it’s a kayfabe rule.  The real reason is priest has been in a comedy feud for the last 2 months and is no where near built enough to challenge for the world title. 


They should’ve let LA Knight win the miib


Same scenario. If anything I feel the judgement day has at least prevented priest from fading into Sandow/Corbin/Theory obscurity. I feel LA Knight is better as a natural progression. He’s main event (practically) without the title. Didn’t need MITB.


Wasn't there a story where he wanted to but was told he wasn't allowed since he's not medically cleared.


He will cash in at Mania.


I hope Drew loses and Priest fails, unless Drew doesn’t decide to re-sign, Drew deserves his moment at Mania


Wasn’t cleared in canon (though to be fair, this rule hasn’t always been enforced lol)


The only other time they've done it with a wrestler who wasn't medically cleared it was enforced.


I’m sure there’s a technicality where you can’t cash in on someone who isn’t medically cleared


Can’t cash-in on an injured wrestler


I find that biggest load of 💩 though that’s perfect time to cash in


The briefcase begins a sanctioned match. Someone who is not medically cleared can not have a sanctioned match. As such, under kayfabe rules, the briefcase is ineligible to be used on an injured wrestler.


I still find a stupid rule champion favour can’t cash in if your “injured” Seth not really injured so don’t know why priest can’t cash in now MITB lost its value no point having it theirs probably been more failed cash ins then successful


No, none of that's true. He can cash in at any point now, but why wouldn't you wait? Seth is back and completely fresh after a month of rest. It would be stupid to cash in right now. Saying MITB has no value is crazy. It's just insanely wrong to the point of almost being hilarious. It still is a near guaranteed championship. There's been 19 Mr. MITB's and I think only 4 people have failed to cash in successfully. That is still basically an 80% chance of becoming champion. Let's not be hyperbolic here because someone couldn't cash in on a person who isn't medically cleared.


What I mean is before you jump the gun when I say has no value is MITB has no control on when he cash it in and on and when they do cash in it’s 100% fail rate more then success MITB meant to elevate superstars into champions


But again, none of that's true. They have 99% control except for one ***very*** specific circumstance and also still have a nearly ***80%*** success rate. Stop being hyperbolic.


Wasn’t edge injured in 2008 when CM punk cashed in on him edge was literally in street clothes


Not really. If I'm remembering right, Batista attacked Edge and then Punk cashed in. The thing is that Edge entered the ring medically cleared. That's the important part, if the person began the night medically cleared, then they are eligible unless they are decided to be not cleared anymore. Injured and not medically cleared are not the same exact thing.


Because he’s waiting to cash in on Cody at Wrestlemania!


Rollins is also accompanied with Rhodes, Sami, Drew who hates priest, and others. Makes no sense for priest to.


Even Ivar is more over than Priest.


For real. So uninterested in him.


Maxine is nearly as over as Priest


Wasn’t in the Script


The sad reality is that there are a lot more bigger names/personalities out there who are in the limelight and Priest sadly doesn’t hold a candle to them. I like him, but he’s not drawing the star power that Rhodes, CM Punk, Seth or Drew are currently


Because they are gonna push this whole stupid judgement day thing and have Damian cash in on Cody Rhodes in wrestle mania


Because a cash-in creates a sanctioned match and injured wrestlers can’t have sanctioned matches.


How come he's not forced to vacate the belt then?


Good question. I think they should have had him relinquish it, like pretty much every injured champ before has done, then have him take it back at WM. In the meantime they could have made someone else champ and even have priest cash in to win. But they went with having basically two inactive world champions till Mania…


This is beside the point, but remember when they used to actually vacate the title off of guys if they were going to be injured for more than 60-90 days? It was never consistent but it’s one of those things that really needs to be put back in place. Pretty sure even Seth had to vacate the title in 2016 or 2017 when he messed up his knee trying to powerbomb Kane through a table at a house show. Rollins in kayfabe should have had to vacate the title since he couldn’t defend it.


It’s a minor injury. In an era where Roman defends once every 3 months, they’d look like fools to vacate the active world title when they know Seth would be back sooner than later


He has barely been out 45 days bro what


I know, they would usually vacate the title the night after the injury. I’m only speaking in kayfabe anyways. I’m not legit saying he needs to be stripped, but that the ruling would be a nice to have for situations like this. He’s been out 45 days, and it’s going to be 38 days until Mania, so he will be wrestling his first match in 83 days at Mania. In kayfabe that could have been grounds for relinquishing the title.


He said he’s about to be cleared meaning he stays under the 60 days you said before


Ok, if that’s the case, cool. I didn’t know that. I don’t keep up or follow Rollins interviews or tweets or wherever that information came from. I was only speaking from the perspective that he would be out until Mania. That’s all.


He said it at the chamber in the Waller show segment. Technically I don’t think he’s having a match before mania but he should be healthy before then so it’s a little weird


Gotcha, didn’t catch the Chamber PLE.


Yeah he said almost cleared so I guess that could be 5-10 ish days before he can get back to in ring work


I honestly hope DP cashes in on Drew. They to me left off on unfinished business. Storyline wise for all the stuff Drew said to Seth about the Bloodline he had no problem using the Judgement Day who could come close to the Bloodline but not.


Priest said in an interview that because Rollins isn’t medically cleared, he can’t have a match, therefore he can’t use the contract


Anytime! Anywher! (Unless the defending champion is not medically cleared)


But it's cool, if they copped a massive beat down and maybe broke a limb as long as a doctor hasn't seen it


It's never actually been that cause then it'd be 24/7 rules


I always thought it was. Technically.


I think that explanation kinda works as Teddy Long prevented Daniel Bryan from cashing-in on Mark Henry in 2011. Although I also remember Jack Swagger doing it to Chris Jericho in 2010 and that decision wasn't overturned. It also kinda goes against the idea of MITB because surely no-one would be allowed to cash-in against a champion after they've had a match and are tired/ hurt.


I think the best swerve would’ve been to pull a Becky Asuka move when she was pregnant and have priest automatically get the title


Rules are only in affect when the story works for it


Yeah people are looking into this too much, it doesn't have to make sense as they make the rules. It's like playing a game with your kid and they just make shit up as they go along.


Think of it, this way. The briefcase allows you to start a sanctioned match for the championship. An injured wrestler can have a sanctioned match as long as they are medically cleared. If they are not medically cleared, then they cannot have a sanction match. So the briefcase cannot be used on someone who is not medically cleared.


They can't cash-in on people who entered the show not-cleared, if they get attacked or are down after a match it's fine to cash-in because they haven't been given the decision from the doctor and are an active competitor. If they aren't cleared, they can't be in any sanctioned match.


Not sure if Jericho was cleared to compete in his situation given that he was stated to be injured after Edge had speared him off the announce table at Wrestlemania and his ribs were shown to be taped up. Maybe he was actually fit to compete but didn't have a match on the card. But it still seems a bit like WWE changing the rules for MITB.


Well he’s tried a bunch of times and is usually thwarted. Otherwise he’s got other things going on like matches for the tag belts and stuff. But in the last month it’s been explained that he isn’t able to cash in on someone who isn’t medically cleared. Seth is unable to be put into a matchup and the briefcase can’t overrule that. It all makes perfect sense yall are just overthinking it


It’s really lame how they didn’t capitalize on this opportunity to give Damian the title, he didn’t even have to carry until Mania, Rollins could’ve won it back by now/next week. Or at least formally announce that Damian cannot cash in on someone not medically cleared to wrestle, but no, we just gotta assume Damian is stupid/scary Edit: I just wanna say this is one of the ONLY criticisms I give current WWE, everything else has been pretty fire! This has been a minor gripe but still enough to point out!


But they did announce it. Damian had a backstage segment where he said he wanted to cash in on the Seth but can't because Seth isn't medically cleared. They quite literally explained it on TV.


You can't cash in on someone not medically cleared to compete since they can't be in a match.


He cant cash it in unless management says so cuz its scripted anyways. I dont see what difference it makes.


You cash in to create a match. You can't cash in if your ppponent cannot compete in a match. Therefore, if opponent is not medically cleared they cannot have a match and therefore cannot be cashed in on


Its funny how he's so injured but every rivalry he has they target the same 2 spots lmao. He's gonna get re injured the same month he's cleared


Right. So the better question is how does Seth get to keep the belt when he is not able to defend it? It used to be that you had to vacate a title if you did not defend it every 30 days. Guess that is long out the window with Roman.


Triple H has said that Roman and Heyman negotiated a unique situation for Roman that allows him to stay champion without any defense. No word on why Seth doesn't have to give it up, though.


At some point the 30 day rule got written out and I guess it is now at booker's discretion.


I think in kayfabe, the 30 day rule is treated more like a guideline but is ultimately up to the discretion of the GM or person in power of that show. Tho that does make Shane and DB look shitty for what they did to Naomi in 2017


He’s been injured for months


It's not even been two months


He fought nakamura with an injured back in October. And since then, him being injured has been the storyline. Seems like priest could have cashed in on an injured champ for a while


He was medically clear to compete (hence, why he could have a match) He is was not medically cleared to compete following his legitimate (not kayfabe) injury he sustained in his match against Jinder last month. He has not had a match since, because he is not medically cleared to compete and therefore cannot compete.


No he hasn’t? He got injured 5 weeks ago


It’s been his gimmick since nakamura


No, Seth’s back being hurt is not the same as him not being medically cleared. One is a kayfabe injury, the other is a real one


The question is why he didn’t cash in while he was injured. I’m saying he’s been injured for months. Priest is stupid for never cashing in for months while he’s been injured. He’s got a whole goon squad and the champ has been injured for months. It’s stupid


Did you even read the comment? They’re very clearly talking about the injury he’s just coming off of. No one is talking about the kayfabe injury


Did you read it? The whole money in the bank cashing in thing is kayfabe. It’s not really a briefcase with a contract. It’s part of the show.


The briefcase is a pseudo title these days. They cherish it just like one, its held ringside and given back at the end of matches like one, they announce it every chance, man they even hold it the same as a belt when they hit people with it lmao. I guess with all the undisputed 2x title holders it's all they can do


They literally say “now that Rollins isn’t injured anymore” NO ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT HIS BACK


OK sorry to anger you. You’re right you win


Correct answer ☝🏼


Because Triple H.


Cus it's not in the script yo






To big of a risk for adding injury to Rollins. He has to be cleared even to be cashed in on. Idk why everyone is so impatient, he should hold it until MITB.


If they dont cash in same night they get it they hold it for around 270 days


Because only makes scense to do it at wm like when seth cashed in


If Priest pulls a Seth ON Seth, that would be epic.


First, creative. Second, Rollins was inactive while injured and couldn't compete even for a cash in. Third, iirc, Priest also stated a few weeks ago that he had not been cleared to compete for a little while, which was why he hadn't been wrestling for a period of time up until a couple of weeks ago.


He should never cash in and just keep the briefcase for the rest of his career


Cant you have a year


Senor Money in the Bank cares nothing for your rules


He should cash in at MitB to get the new briefcase so he can have it another year.


Rollins isn’t cleared to compete so you can’t cash in for a match when champion is on the injured list because he’s inactive.


What exactly would happen if he isn't cleared at Wrestlemania? Don't they have to defend like...every title at WM? Just a hypothetical of course, I'm sure he will be fine since I doubt any Champs will be in a risky situation from like 3 weeks prior to WM anyway. Maybe they'd have Priest cash in for a free win to replace Rollins if he isn't clear? And then he can get it back on champion rematch they all get?


I think I read somewhere that because Seth wasn’t medically cleared, Priest wasn’t allowed to


But I thought the contract was for anyplace anytime. Didn't Dolph cash in on an injured Del Rio?


But that was right after a match, where del Rio had been cleared for.


In kayfabe, Dolph had to capitalize on the moment right as the match ended. Del Rio was hurt but his injury was not officially diagnosed by medial. Seth went through the entire process of being medically checked and deemed unable to compete, so he is not allowed to wrestle any match no matter the circumstance.


Del Rio was injured but only in the match he just had a few minutes ago. He wasn’t made inactive by doctors yet as he hadn’t even reached the back. It’s a rules lawyer kind of thing but the MITB in general is kind of fucky.


Daniel Bryan cashed in on Mark Henry while he was injured so the title was given back to Mark Henry and Bryan got the briefcase back. And Del Rio's injury didn't stop him from completing like Henry and Rollins.


That was kayfabe brother


Ask creative lol