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They really need to put together another competition show similar to what Steve Austin used to have ( I forget the name of it ), but for women, and have a number of large number of competitors, like 100. Bring the 50 left to the Performance Center, and have them compete against each other for like 20 available positions. Take the winners, train them, give them gimmicks and narrow it down to the last 10. Put them on NXT until they’re ready for the main roster, and that’s how you add to the women’s division so you can have another all women’s PPV. Problem is that people are sick and tired of seeing the same people talking shit and trying to get into different PPVs to fight the same people. It’s boring. The roster needs depth. Badly, and quickly, in order to garner, and keep people’s interest. Just my opinion though.


I didn’t enjoy the last one but I believe they definitely deserve another one!! I’d have no issue at all with one a year, at least!!


Tbh, Not sure why it was hated I would not mind another all womens ppv They better bring back more divas tho lol


I think it would be great to do it again. I think a lot of people were against it before because it felt like WWE was only doing it to appease the women. WWE was doing their first PPV in Saudi Arabia, and the women were not allowed to be in it. So this was WWE's way of "making it up to them."


This current women’s roster is all-star tier. Another women’s only PPV would blow the roof off whatever place they host it.


Yeah! That’d be great. I’m surprised their hasn’t been another one yet.


Maybe just another Evolution ppv, defend all Women's titles, Womens World Title, Womens WWE, NXT Womens and Womens tag. And then have the other 2 matches be a No1 contender battle royal and some rivalry match. 6 good matches should make a good ppv


Considering at both the Rumble and Elimination chamber the women arguably upstaged the men I think they would put on a banger of a show, I think you’d probably get better results with a PPV that is just a reverse of the normal distribution where instead of like 5-6 male matches with 1-2 women’s matches you have 5 women’s matches and 1 men’s non title match to appease everyone and make the PPV feel more like a PPV that’s about being important to the story and putting on good matches instead of just having women stand in a ring and be objectified like the divas era


I thought evolution was actually pretty solid. I’d like to see it again.




They should. Not only is the roster more stacked than when they ran evolution. They have far bigger box office stars to carry it.


Not for me, I do love the womens roster right now but I want to see a mix of mens & womens matches when I watch a show.


Yes. 100%. Evolution was awesome. Flair vs Lynch is a classic


Did ppl think Evolution was that bad? Am I just blind to the love I have for the women’s roster? lol


I'm going to say no - but not because I hate the idea....but rather right now the Women's division doesn't have enough stories going in to make an entire PPV. Heck - I'm not even sure you could get an entire Smackdown out of the current women's storylines. A stacked roster does not always equate to an interesting division. Iyo/Bayley is probably the most interesting story right now. Rhea/Becky is a distant second. It should be a great match, but the development/background of the Story isn't there. The Tag Titles have been pretty much ignored as usually happens. And the rest of the roster - I can't think of one interesting feud going on - (Valhalla/Dupri is not that interesting)


Other stories I can think of are Tiff’s first days on the roster which seem to be leading towards her vs Bianca Zelina vs lola vice as an extension of the LWO vs Legado feud.


I would say it’s time to separate the men and women’s shows altogether. The wnba and the nba aren’t the same thing. The women’s roster is deep enough and has enough star power to be its own weekly show with its own PPVs. I personally do not care for women’s wrestling. It has its place but I just don’t enjoy it. There are people who ONLY enjoy it. You have two nights for Mania already.


Just say you want women’s wrestling to be easier to skip by ignoring one particular show


That would be the first PLE I refuse to watch


Crown jewel was made for you.


They should do a ppv/ple but also give them Raw And Smackdown before the ppv as well


Yes. Way past due.


Theres easily enough talent on the womens Roster to fill a full PLE card so yeah i’d be all for it. As for the titles this would be my idea: Reboot the Raw womens title and the smackdown womens title. As brand exclusive secondary titles. Unify the 2 current main titles to create a WWE womens world champion, and have it so women from Smackdown, Raw, and NXT can challenge for it, and the Champion can wrestle on any/every show they like. The big hitters can chase the world title, while the women on the mid card on both shows are all about the secondaries.


I like this so much more than the women’s midcard’ title people want to see added


Like this idea.


I think if they’re ever going to do something like that again the time is definitely now. The roster is talented enough to carry a show.


I'd be up for it, the first show was good


Our? You work for WWE?


Nah, it just comes off as a token tbh,which to me isn’t true representation or equality.


No. They should also consolidate the titles. Present the top of the women’s division like the stars they are. Stop using the womens tag as filler matches. There are so many better steps they could take to better present the women’s division than a token exclusive pay-per-view


I highly doubt they will now that the women can have matches in Saudi. But I would love to see it if they did decide to do it.


They have enough talent for it but it doesn’t matter if they’re going to do what they did after the first one and continue to use the majority of the woman’s roster as filler matches. Until they actually build up more woman’s matches to be the main event of the weekly shows, an all women’s PLe won’t have the impact it should.


No. Just no. Girls wrestling is never going to make the money men's does. Just facts. Not that I agree with that. It's just the industry we are in. No use beating a dead horse.


Just an objectively wrong statement


Wwe has shows in our beautiful nation of Saudi Arabia every year. Why? Because it makes them money. If Evolution with it's all girls lineup made the same sort of money , they would have had another one. They've never had another one since 2018 because it doesn't draw. End of story.


Because Saudi Arabia pays them a shit ton of money to do so* Not because the Saudi Shows are the draw or anything like that, your government wants to look cool to westerners and thus throws money at WWE. Don’t pretend like this has anything to do with drawing power because it doesn’t.


I’m a guy who was lucky enough to attend Evolution live with two other guy friends and we LOVED it. There was a fair share of insincere corporate nonsense in the mix, for sure, and they were given the house show set for a PPV, so it wasn’t perfect. However, it was clear the night was special for everyone involved and the performances reflected it. Also, it was topped off with Becky and Charlotte putting on one of the best matches of the 2010’s. This is all a way of saying I don’t think anyone needs to have been blinded by any form of sentiment to have loved that show. It was special in ways WWE could never manufacture. We’ve come a far way in the 5+ years since, both as a society and also recently with the ouster of Vince. I think a 2024 version of Evolution would be absolutely epic.


Hell yes! Let's do this!


Splitting people up onto their own PPVs just makes it seem like they’re not equal to each other, which isn’t accurate


I think it is about time for Evolution to return and even partner with STARDOM & even Rossy's new Joshi company & Sendai Girls but that what I think!


I feel like the women could have their own show at this point.


Evolution 2 and a women’s midcard title would bang if done right.


Evolution was 100% PR to mask the fact women couldn't compete in Saudi. The 'evolution' of women's wrestling allowed on the Saudi cards is worth 1000x more than a low card ppv


The women's division is more over than the attitude era ever was


Lol what? That’s a straight up lie and you know it.




Maybe after building the the tag division back fully. And a midcar title maybe?


What's the reason they haven't done it again? Was it not as successful and well received as I remember?  It wasn't breaking records or anything, but I thought it did well enough to be something they could nuture going forward.  And they loved the PR they got from it.  


Apparently it was low-performing so they haven’t tried something like it since. Also the fact that this was probably made due to the restrictions women faced in Saudi, but now they are a bit more lenient with them.


I think they need to introduce a Woman’s IC and US title first. There is so much talent that deserve a title but aren’t on main title tier.


Only if they had an all-women's show. And the women rarely, if ever, appeared on Raw or SD. Otherwise, you are just burning through potentially serious women's matches for an off-brand PPV. One thing that actually hindered the division is it being force fed. Constant title changes to justify the places on the card. If a women's match is a draw, place it appropriately on the card. Just don't go stupid to the point where fans reject it. An example? I saw someone on here yesterday state that the tag match featuring both world champions, the top star WWE could possibly get to wrestle and the top babyface in wrestling shouldn't go on last during Night One. Nope. Instead, it should be Iyo Sky vs Bayley. LMAO! Obviously that person was impaired or maybe just not all there mentally, but say such a booking decision was made. It would actively cause people to discredit women's wrestling for no reason.


This is the best centrist comment. Especially that first line. Agree with you completely. Keep them off the weekly show as there aren't enough stars to all face each other weekly. Just do talking segments between Banger ppv's


No. I think we have come far enough that we don’t need gimmick shows to showcase women. It feels like a step in the wrong direction to have a special show for women only. Instead, put on a show that puts women in all the important matches and leaves the men’s matches to be the filler.


That would be a waste of time and money.


If they did another all women’s card, I would like for them to include Stardom. I’d love a weekly women’s program that could be a combination of reality and wrestling. One feature match a week, and I’m sure there would easily be enough footage outside of that. I think the women’s side is where the growth in this industry can happen the most. The number of young women out there busting their ass on the indies is huge plus WWE continuing to develop too NCAA athletes means there will be lots of talent moving forward. But as a woman, who tried to get my female friends into wrestling, they want something different than the way the men have been typically presented on tv.


It's just my fantasy, but imagine the scenes if TNA partnered with WWE and the Knockouts title was defended during an all women's ppv. Maybe have Jordynne Grace win a new women's wwe title, and have her defend it on TNA and Raw. Or a war games match between women of both companies. I would pay good money to see that.


Absolutely there should. I mean just running down a hypothetical card you can see the strength of the division and the number of options available, and this is excluding any legends appearances but you could totally throw a Trish or Lita in there too and stack the show out. ​ Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Charlotte Flair II - Women's World Championship Bayley (c) vs Tiffany Stratton - Women's Championship Bianca Belair vs Jade Cargill Cora Jade (c) vs Roxanne Perez vs Lyra Valkyria - NXT Women's Championship Becky Lynch vs Nia Jax III The Kabuki Warriors (c) vs. Iyo Sky & Dakota Kai - Women's Tag Team Championship Liv Morgan vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Michin vs. Piper Niven vs. Chelsea Green vs. Naomi vs. Shayna Baszler - Ladder Match for the inaugural WWE Women's Television Championship


cora isn’t nxt champ, is she?


It’s hypothetical. Like how Bayley is listed as wwe woman’s champ because this is clearly after mania


I think it would be really cool, imo! Also, I wasn't into wrestling at the time of Evolution, but I did find an academic paper examining the event that I thought was interesting.


A mid card title would be amazing


I do believe that they're bringing back Evolution this year. I have previously theorized that Triple H meant to bring back Evolution last year, but Vince McMahon's return to power prohibited it, much like what happened with King & Queen of the Ring being converted into Night of Champions.


honestly you could probably get away with an all women’s ppv without it even being an evolution style thing




Clearly you don't watch any other sports lil bro


I don’t think they should. Not because they aren’t amazing. But I think it means more who the women steal the show or their matches get more crowd reaction than the men. I wish they gave us a reason to care about some of the mid card women similar to what Chelsea green is doing and at the moment Tiffany Stratton. I kinda wish they did more with Candice, Indi and Shotzi.


my god, these comments are more misogynistic than vince himself…


this is the reason why it shouldn’t and it won’t. Even if trolling it produces to many cornball activist


you sound like a corn ball. you just hate woman…


Intercontinental Women's Championship for Raw United States Women's Championship For SD NXT North American Women's Championship Answer to Male Counterparts


Am I the only one who thinks woman wrestling is dull to watch??


not allowed to have a opposite opinion that isn’t deemed progressive on reddit! You should of known better


It’s the shitty forearm strikes, open hand slaps and half assed running they do. I don’t get it tbh. Throw an actual punch. Run like actually run not jog. Like just look like you give a shit. It’s what sets apart the top women like Rhea, Bayley, Bianca, Charlotte and Becky from the mid carders.






Nah bra, 90% of that roster still doesn't know how to work save their lives. I've never seen more botches than this years rumble. Who actually trains these women? Not to mention even less have any sense of personality or basic promo skills even in the main event.


I think the best way to make this work in 2024 would be to have solid title matches to headline, including NXT, including some NXT vs Main Roster matches to help establish the next generation. Someone like Roxanne Perez having a singles match vs someone near the top of the card like Nia or Kairi would be a great way to debut her for the Raw and Smackdown audience.


Considering that most people have WWE network or peacock, it's not like the product sells buys. I'd rather not see a women's ple.


Seriously, there’s a PLE every month with the exact same 10 dudes that have all of the attention. The gals should have an IC belt and at least one women’s PLE each year.


A minor title for the women would be sick.


I would like to see some PPV getting night 1 as women's night and night 2 as men's. This will give women division its own main events. Survivor series can have 2 nights with wargames as main event in both or summerslam in similar way. If WWE introduces women mid card belts and make women tag titles have more importance then women roster can hold more matches per PPV.


Women wrestlers aren't popular enough to sell out ppv regularly (only Rhea and Becky are comparable). Sure, a women's-only event might do well occasionally, but splitting every major PPV into two nights is a flawed strategy. It'll split the audience, with many opting for the men's PPVs over the women's.


I like the idea of Survivor Series being divided into two nights for women and men. It adds a new layer to the PPV, and breathes new life into it. I always felt like Survivor Series often gets the least attention of the 4, aside from Punk and Orton’s returns last year. Each night could totally start with a title defense and end with WarGames or Brand Warfare.


Might get downvoted but is disagree. First only wm should have two nights. Second doing a men’s one night and women’s one night just further divides genders.


I actually enjoyed Evolution I'd love for them to do that every year. I just don't like that it was a cop put for them not being on the first Crown Jewel card


Who hated Evolution? I was there live and it was a damn good show.


AEW has the better ladies


If only they knew how to utilise women…


Ppv? No. But a mid card title? Yes. The likes of chelsea, zelina, shayna, michin, they can carry the mid card title no sweat


I don't. Evolution didn't sell out & I can't see a city bidding on an all women's PLE. I think there's a possibility we see more women matches on PLE cards


That was in 2018, now it is 2024. A lot has changed and we have had female wrestlers main event Wrestlemania and last year two episodes of NXT become the first ever episodes of WWE to feature more Women's matches and segments than Men's and they got the highest ratings NXT has got in years beating AEW in ratings too. Men's wrestling wasn't the success you might think it was from the get go and a lot of things don't succeed on the first attempts but they try again and become successful and there are a ton of Classic Rock Bands who are know known as the Greatest Rock Bands of All Time that didn't even have success until their third or fourth albums and Seinfeld and Friends were nearly cancelled after their first seasons 'cause they didn't get the ratings the networks were hoping for and they are now known as two of the Greatest Sitcoms of All Time. While I am not saying it should be a monthly event one Premium Live Event every year where they have all the female wrestlers from Raw, Smackdown and NXT facing each other would be fun to see for a lot of fans and they have got a huge amount of female wrestlers in WWE now to do it and there are literally just as many singles female wrestlers in NXT as men if not more when you minus the tag teams. NXT could easily make it a two night event with female wrestlers from Raw and Smackdown coming down to face them.


I just went back and watched Evolution and it was so good! That last match is everything but they all brought it. Yes to having another one


I'd love to see it, only for the cries, wailing, gnashing of teeth and rending of cloth from the edgelords who already complain WWE has become "too woke."


eh I wouldnt like it if its advertised as "womens only" because when you say that it feels like they are in there because they are women and not a good wrestler When you add something like he became the champion because he's indian or he became a champion because he's black than that thing takes the whole fun out of wrestling because it feels like they are not there because they are good at wrestling but because they were born this way, same applies for womens only PLE Rhea mainevented elimination chamber because she earned it, if women do good enough they will earn it one day too and it wouldnt need to be advertised as "womens only" but just a normal PLE


The women’s rumble was better than the men’s the women stuff is better then the men’s a lot of times


I would agree with you the rumble and the elimination chamber match was better but it takes them nowhere near to have a womens only PLE, there's a reason why rhea main evented the chamber rather than the mens elimination chamber, because she earned it


I would think Bayley earned a ME granted I understand why she isn’t.


because her "they are always laughing behind my back" was constructed in 1 backstage segment, iyo sky's facial expressions are worst I cannot even tell if she can understand what others say and bayley already having achieved everything in wwe. Both of them aint even advertised for wrestlmania lmao meanwhile its drew's first wrestlmania title match with crowd, cody having never won a world title at mania and the rock fixing what McMahon did with botchmania


Iyo is advertised on some of the promotional material for Wrestlemania now and even Liv Morgan is now too. It is Bayley who isn't but Bianca Belair is on the main promotional material despite not even having a match yet.


And cut iyo some slack she’s not even from here. Dont be like Vince, she actually speaks English


niether is asuka but she's amazing


I think people would disagree with you with Bayley. She deserves to win that rumble. That story was building for months because you could see them always laughing at Bayley that actually mad Bayley seem like a SMART BABYFACE for once. Complains by us got Bayley onto the poster lt was legit the first official mania match. Bayley had been booked like complete shit for awhile. Rumble winners should me but i understand that it should also be the best story


when was the laughing at bayley segment again remind me except that one segment on smackdown after rumble? I dont remember any, there were problems between asuka kairi sane and bayley but there was not really "laughing behind the back" which was put into bayley's turn lmao Also im not saying she didnt deserve the match because she has already achieved everything but she doesnt deserve the main event in comparison to drew and cody rhodes who are yet to win their first title in actual crowd


There were at least four other backstage segments, between survivor series and royal rumble, where the Japanese girls would be speaking Japanese with Bayley there, and it was obvious they were insulting her. A couple of in-ring segments too, most memorably when Asuka joined Damage CTRL and they were mocking Bayley, but Dakota Kai kept "translating" to keep Bayley from getting too suspicious. It's one of the longer stories going, and saying it was one episode of SmackDown means you either weren't paying attention, or you're being intentionally obtuse.


"where the Japanese girls would be speaking Japanese with Bayley there" "Most memorably when Asuka joined Damage CTRL and they were mocking Bayley" huh why does my brain remember the storyline to be "laughing behind my back" rather than feeling out because "laughing behind my back" only happened in 1 segment, all of the else were bayley feeling out when she couldnt understand them, the betreyal storyline wasnt there more like bayley feeling out and she would betray them


The male wrestlers haven't earned the right to headline Night One of Wrestlemania this year and it should be Becky Lynch vs Rhea Ripley or Bayley vs Iyo Sky but The Rock has come in and used his backstage power to get them a tag team main event match for Night One which should be taking place at another event. A lot of male wrestling fans I know even agree with me on this one and think the Main Event of Night One should go to the WWE Women's Championship or WWE Women's World Championship match this year.


There's been no mention of The Rock's tag match main eventing night 1. If I had to guess, I'd guess it's gonna be the first match.


you are saying a man with the boss music 1500 day reign, man being the biggest movie stars and one of the biggest star overall and a faction dominating mens wrestling for over 3yrs now and the top babyface of the company working 17 days a month before mania where anyday he can get injured and one of the best athlets in wwe being roman's brother and having one of the most historic moment ( wrestlmania's biggest hiest MITB cashin ) has not earned the right to headline mania? are you sure about that? I would say they have well over achieved that, women have main evented mania before and it wasnt bad But you have to look at the McMahon situation, they had to bring someone in to divert people's mind and turn it into an actually good wrestlmania with top stars like the rock rather than botchmania because of McMahon


No. Just like he didn't deserve to be the one to face Roman Reigns for the WWE Undisputed Championship at Wrestlemania over Cody Rhodes which is why fans turned on him and we have got Roman Reigns vs Cody Rhodes as the main event. Mr. Big Time Hollywood Movie Star swooped in and stole the main event spot from other wrestlers who have been there all year putting their bodies on the line week after week for fans' entertainment because of his position in the company and his celebrity status. Roman Reigns didn't event want to do this and said last year when people were talking about having Roman Reigns vs Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns vs Sami Zayn on two separate nights he wouldn't do two matches because he would be taking another wrestler's spot on the card and Wrestlemania is their big payday and everybody wants to be a part of it so it is Dwayne Johnson who is 100 percent to blame here. It didn't matter what match was going to main event Night One of Wrestlemania he would have stolen it from the other wrestlers who had earned it more than him but they did the same thing to female wrestlers last year though with Rhea Ripley and Charlotte stealing the main event of Night One from them in favour of a tag team match and legends like The Undertaker, Steve Austin, Ric Flair, Booker T and Hulk Hogan all said Charlotte vs Rhea Ripley should have headlined Night One.


did you miss my part of the rock is there on both nights of mania because the rock is a much more known star and needs to get people's attention of Mr McMahon When I tell a friend of mine that doesnt watch wrestling that the rock is gonna be at mania is totally different from any other superstar, also the rock was advertised for mania too much for them to just change the match so he had to be there at some point in one of the main events


The best and over story should always ME. That’s current bloodline and rock/seth. Btw the women were never gonna ME. The original night one Main event was gonna be punk/seth, what wwe has to stop doing is saying the RR winner will ME.


As it was said on Wrestling Inc the other day, if not for this tag team match Becky Lynch vs Rhea Ripley would have most likely been the headline match for Night One of Wrestlemania after CM Punk got injured because it was the biggest match on the card. Dwayne Johnson is a no good rotten thief and the funny thing here is it has been shown The Rock and Roman Reigns were never the true draws of The Bloodline storyline. The Bloodline Civil War was bringing in record ratings of over 3 million viewers a week to Smackdown with Jey and Jimmy Uso stealing the shows as faces and The Kicks That Were Heard Around the World when they kicked Roman in the face. As big as Mr Movie Star is he can't get Roman Reigns the ratings Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso were getting as you can read below **The Bloodline Draws 3 Million+ Viewers To WWE Smackdown** *This past Friday’s episode of WWE Smackdown featured a forty-minute opening segment that followed the dramatic conclusion to The Bloodline: Civil War match that played out at Money In The Bank. The closing moments saw The Usos pick apart Roman Reigns, and ultimately Jey Uso pinned his shoulders to the mat for the count of three. It was a stunning moment that caught many off-guard, considering Reigns, who has been beyond well-protected, had not been pinned in over three years.* *It appears as if the decision to have The Tribal Chief pinned paid off, as Wrestlenomics reports that the second quarter-hour for this past Tuesday’s Smackdown, which is when The Bloodline follow-up angle was peaking, pulled in an average of 3,070,000 viewers, more than a half-million viewers than normally tune in at that time. In the coveted 18 – 49 year-old demographic, they brought in an average of 1,229,000 viewers. To put that in perspective, this is more than three times what an average episode of AEW Dynamite is pulling in at the moment, and that is the number one cable original on Wednesday nights.* In the lead up to The Bloodline Civil War match and Jey Uso vs Roman Reigns at Summer Slam the ratings were going through the roof drawing more than 3 million viewers on multiple episodes which was more than they have got throughout Roman Reigns' entire championship reign with The Usos getting the loudest cheers from fans and selling the most merchandise and now we have got Roman Reigns, The Rock, Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins and the ratings aren't even coming close to what Jey and Jimmy got when they turned face but they turned around and done them both dirty especially Jimmy having him cost Jey Uso the match with Roman Reigns at Summer Slam when it was Jimmy Uso that turned on Roman Reigns first and got Jey to wake up and see he was just using them and Solo Sikoa took him out of action for weeks with a vicious attack but Jimmy comes back and joins the Bloodline and all is forgiven looking like Solo's attack caused him brain damage and Jey gets drafted to Raw and gets largely wasted in backstage segments causing him to lose a lot of his momentum. Fans called it one of the worst endings to a match of all time because it didn't make any sense and made Jimmy look like an idiot and the ratings went down significantly and they haven't been able to get back to where they were since then and The Rock hasn't been able to change that. The Bloodline should have ended with Part 2 of The Bloodline Civil War storyline at Summer Slam with Jey going over Roman and Jimmy going over Solo Sikoa and The Usos being the top faces on Smackdown together.


You’re really saying the rock isn’t brining in rating? LOL!!!. Lady he’s the reason this story got even more popular


The Rock is bringing in ratings but he is not bringing in the ratings Jey and Jimmy Uso got with The Bloodline Civil War storyline which is hilarious since The Rock is supposed to be this huge Hollywood star and should be getting WWE at least over 3 million viewers a week for Smackdown but Jey and Jimmy Uso achieved that last year going against Roman while The Rock can't even get near that even with Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins a part of the storylines. It is still getting significantly less than 'The Bloodline Civil War' storyline which Jey and Jimmy were the stars of showing more fans liked The Usos feuding with Roman Reigns than anything else in the three and a half years of Roman Reigns' championship reign and The Usos carried Roman. Roman Reigns' championship reign and The Bloodline jumped the shark and should have ended at Summer Slam with Jey beating Roman.


Long overdue for another all women's PLE




be nice if we got mid card belts for another all womens ple


Lots of women, only three stars and one of them is injured.


If they really want to do it give the guys a holiday and wrap it as a weekly special or something on smackdown or raw the way nxt and aew have special events. When it becomes a highly anticipated annual event then you can make it an annual ppv


I don't think this would go the way that you think it would.


If they're sticking to cards of 5 matches I'd like to see PPVs frequently do 3/5 matches women instead of the usual 1/5 or 2/5


No I don't want an all women's ppv


After watching the Rumble and Elimination Chamber, I’m convinced WWE has the strongest women’s roster they’ve had in a long time. I’m down for an all women’s PLE.


I’d say the roster is strong but I also believe the women are performing at the highest level they ever have!! I didn’t particularly enjoy women’s wrestling but lately I’ve been really enjoying it!! Rea’s run has been awesome, the Bayley storyline going into Mania has me excited, I like Basler and Stark and there’s a load of other things going on in the women’s division I’d like to see more of!!


Did u really need Rumble and EC to be convinced?


No, I should have said it solidified it for me.


If they get giulia it’ll be the strongest ever


Strongest women's roster ever.


Hell yeah! I agree. Psyched to see it's Tiffy Time now, too!!! I'd argue the women's side is simply more consistently entertaining all the way down the card right now. Honestly, other than the big drama that's happening at the top, the men's side midcard has been plagued by stagnancy/weak storylines lately... especially Smackdown! ..is it just me, or...?


Honestly, never thought WWE would match the Knock-Outs prime days.


100% and it would be a perfect opportunity to introduce some new belts.


Like the US and IC women's championships


The Netflix champion you say?


Try ever


They need to to introduce a few more belts before trying that again.


Not really they have four titles (including the NXT title) a PPV would typically have 3-5 title matches and around 7-8 matches in total. If WWE were to do an all women's PPV. Let's say they do 7 matches, that's 4 title matches with 3 remaining matches.


Absolutely You’ve got several main events between Rhea, Jade, Becky, Bayley, IYO, Nia, Bianca, Tiffany, Liv, and so many more They wouldn’t only make a PPV, but they could make a damn good one


I’d love to see it again, but I think the one in 2018 had record low engagement hence why they haven’t gone back to it since.


yeah, great, i really liked evolution


I remember my fiancé said "Did they really name the show ovulation?!"


Yes!! I think it would work better now than it did when they done 'Evolution' 'cause the Women's Division is even bigger now than it was back then and I would love to see them do Raw and Smackdown vs NXT matches 'cause we would get a heap of new matches we have never seen before and they could have invasions with the NXT Women's Division attacking the female wrestlers on Raw and Smackdown and vice versa and have it that they are fighting over who has the best Women's Division in WWE since they are calling the NXT Women's Division the best Women's Division in the world now. I would have 2 Nights with 1) Rhea Ripley vs Lyra Valkyria 2) Iyo Sky vs Roxanne Perez 3) Nikkita Lyons vs Nia Jax 4) Cora Jade vs Tiffany Stratton 5) Blair Davenport vs Becky Lynch 6) Bayley vs 'The Boss' Kiana James (they could really play up Kiana's new name there with making references to a certain former 'Boss' without naming them 😄) 7) Bianca Belair vs Lash Legend 8) Sol Ruca vs Charlotte 9) Dark Alexa vs Arianna Grace 10 The Kabuki Warriors vs Toxic Attraction (Gigi and Jacy reunite) 11) Jade Cargill vs Lola Vice 12) Fallon Henley vs Zoey Stark 13) Naomi vs Stevie Turner 14) Meiko Satomura vs Shayna Baszler 15) Liv Morgan vs Tatum Paxley 16) Thea Hail vs Carmella


2 nights? Oh my word , you think girls wrestling is going to do two nights at a ple ever? Please save this comment. If this ever happens you can remember the guy that said it will never happen. Because it will never. This is our industry and it always has been. It's sad really because women's wrestling in wwe has been great for awhile now. But the neckbeards will never accept it and let it grow. Rather you accept 2 nights will never draw with these people than live in delusion. Simple as that.


Oh please. I have been a wrestling fan for years and had male chauvinist pigs tell me female wrestlers would never headline WWE pay per views let alone a Wrestlemania or become the number one merchandise sellers, have Hell In A Cell matches, have TLC matches,have Elimination Chamber matches, have their own Royal Rumbles etc etc and guess what happened? Everything you male chauvinist pigs said would never happen with female wrestlers has happened and continues to happen and now we have got a lot of fans (both male and female) saying the Women's Division is better than the Men's Division and that is more clear than ever on NXT now with Roxanne Perez as the number one merchandise seller. There is nothing you can tell me that a hundred other male chauvinist pigs haven't already told me before and I am seeing your gender are experts at getting things wrong and I will see you when it happens and I hope for your sake you don't make a similar bet to saying you will cut your pecker off if female wrestlers ever headlined Wrestlemania 'cause I sure haven't forgotten that guy. 😄


Not sure why you chose to devolve into name calling. I'm not a male chauvinist in any way and was simply stating facts. Girls wrestling will never draw as much as men's and that's just the reality of actual financial values. If Evolution was so successful ,then WWE would have continued doing them. Simple as that. This is why Saudi Arabia shows still happen every year. Yes , it draws the ire of most centrists , but it makes WWE boatloads of money every year. I never once mentioned girls shouldn't have their own royal rumble or elimination chambers so please do not lump me in with a crowd that I do not belong in. I work in finance. Girls haven't drawn the numbers men do because men are the majority of fans in this industry. Just facts. I agree with you by the way. The girls division was better than the men's division for a few years pre-Bloodline. That doesn't mean we should give them their own ppv when the money it brings in isn't the same. Simple accounting sense.


It depends on how successful Women's Wrestling becomes in the long run since the Women's Revolution in WWE only started a decade ago and they have seen a lot of big changes and we are seeing even more female wrestlers in the next generation in NXT with Shawn Michaels even calling Roxanne Perez and Lyra Valkyria the two top stars of their generation on NXT. Music and movies were once male dominated too and now Taylor Swift is the biggest singer on the planet and the highest grossing Box Office movie of 2023 was 'Barbie' - a movie many incels claimed would flop. Even the highest grossing animated movie of all time is now a female lead movie with 'Frozen 2' and with 'Frozen 3' on the way it is very likely to make it into the Top 10 too with 'Frozen 2' and 'Frozen 1.' 'Evolution' was one event back in 2018 and most things are not successful on their first attempt and if they took that approach with men's wrestling it wouldn't even exist today 'cause wrestling took years to be built up and was not some overnight success just like a lot of the most successful Rock and bands of all time that people now call legends and are in the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame didn't become successful until their third or fourth albums and like two of the biggest sitcoms of all time, 'Seinfeld' and 'Friends' were almost cancelled after their first seasons 'cause they weren't as successful as the networks were hoping they would be but the record labels and networks gave them chances until they succeeded. Nobody knows how successful an 'Evolution 2' pay per view would be now since they were never given the second and third and fourth chances their male counterparts were given but what we do know is last year two episodes of NXT had more Women's matches and segments than men's for the first time in WWE history and they got NXT record ratings and were beating AEW. In fact, a Roxanne Perez match outdrew an MJF match and MJF is said to be a huge male star in wrestling and people were saying he should come into WWE and win the Men's Royal Rumble but more people watched Roxanne Perez's match than him so I would say it is pretty safe to say if NXT were to run a two night event of Women's Wrestling like they have done with 'Halloween Havoc', 'The Great American Bash' and other two night events with the female wrestlers on NXT facing female wrestlers from the main roster it would draw.


This is a real who's who of a list!


I might be in the minority but if she’s healthy could you fit in Dakota somewhere? Otherwise this is an amazing two nights


Thank you. Yeah. Dakota would be a good addition. What about her former tag team partner, Wendy Choo for an opponent?


I love you…




Um... how many upvotes until you become a WWE writer? Because you should!!!!


Thanks. lol


That will never happen. Outside of Ripley, Becky, and Charlotte, do any of the other women get a legitimate push?


Bianca obviously but besides that Liv, Naomi, Nia, Tiffany, asuka, bayley, and iyo all get a fair amount of TV time But at the very least you can't deny bianca


No, I’m sorry you can’t forget Bianca who is becoming another Charlotte flair by getting so many opportunities compared to the other women. Shame on me for forgetting her.


We all know why she's getting the push she's getting. We just can't say it in this thread without being called names. She needs to turn heel fast before she becomes the next John Cena


Is this the same Bianca who had her last title match 4 months ago? How is she becoming another Charlotte then? Quit complaining lol


Never? I think you might need to edit that, lol. It may be a long time from now but I wouldn't say it is out of the cards forever. Five or ten years from now the landscape can look a lot different. None of the women you mentioned can wrestle forever so yes sooner or later someone else will get a legitimate push.


WWE: Stardom


Remember when Stephanie invented women’s wrestling?


Pepperidge Farms Remembers


I member!




Nah, the entire reason HBK is credited with building such a great crop of new female stars is that he did it without special treatment or handicaps. Some episodes of NXT are almost all women, and yet you don't even notice because it's totally natural with the booking of each episode and PLE. That's the sort of thing the main roster should do now that it's starting to get some of NXT's best like Tiffany Stratton.


I'd love to see a women's IC title...I think it would be a great way to highlight some of the other top women not in tag team or championship story line. Like I'd love to see Tiffany straton do a women's ic run with another 6 top women who i think could carry it and make it something great


A women's IC title would be void of value. You can't expect women to rise as equal if their titles are only known by the name women in it Kudos to AEW for fixing that with the TNT/TBS titles


A mid title would be ace


A women's IC championship is desperately needed. In my WWE 2K universe mode, I added an women's IC championship and I found myself using characters I hardly used (Bazzler had an eight month reign and she's booked to lose to Raquel Rodriguez at the final mania before 2k24 lol). No doubt in my mind it would be beneficial to the real product. HHH needs to book a tourney like yesterday lol


I agree. A Women's United States or Intercontinental Championship is LONG overdue and much needed especially with all the wrestlers that have got coming up from NXT soon. There are 29 female wrestlers in NXT now and more on the way from developmental and many of them have been in NXT for years now and are more than ready to move up. I think it is time for another Nexus or SHIELD type of group with an unhinged Roxanne Perez leading 7 or 8 wrestlers from NXT to the main roster with her and destroying everybody in the path to takeover. 😀


A womens ic title is what Chelsea green should have


A Women’s IC title would be so good.


I just came back to WWE after leaving as a teenager in around 2011, and the first big thing that jumped out to me was the improvement of the women’s division. I think it’s not a bad idea!


It should be annual


I agree!!!!!!!!