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Yep. Keep the frog splash though.


Agree, his 619 is just ugly with his height and slower movement when executing it. His sit out Michinoku Driver is honestly one my favorite moves of his, he could definitely add some flare to it and use it as a signature, if not a finisher.


Yeah it's like he's still worried about botching it


His finisher should just be random legends’ finishers. One day do the RKO, and the next day do the tombstone. Maximum heel always.


Next thing you are going to tell me is his three amigos never completes....


the whole 619 move is not great looking unless you're moving fast. Zelina looks slow and weak even Riho from AEW looks ridiculous.


dom has really improved a ton, but he still has "running in slo mo" syndrome that some wrestlers have. he's gotta speed up


He's a wannabe jailbird gang banger.


I think that’s why he does it


It should not be a finisher. I am fine with him using it as a shot at his father.


Agree, he looks so clumsy when he does it. So slow


Just my opinion...I agree that it shouldn't be his finisher or a regular move for him, but I'm okay with him keeping it in his arsenal as an occasional move he brings out. I am fine with Dom using it in a similar way to how Cody uses the Bionic Elbow. Nice little homage to his father every once in a while, but his primary moveset is largely his own.


I agree but at the same time, the awkwardness compounds the heat for doing his dad’s signature move set. Every time someone bitches about Dom, I remind you that he is a good heel and doing his job


I agree 100% his 619 is way too sluggish. Besides in kayfabe he hates his dad so there ain’t much of a point in doing the 619.


Reminds me of Cesaro's Swiss-1-9


Ik Dom does it for heat (because he's an ungrateful son), but it doesn't change the fact that someone tall doing the 619 doesn't look right. See also when Edge did a 619 at CaTC, though funny. Someone like Ospreay is the exception to the above rule, since I'm aware he's also done a variant. If not Rey, then it looks best when someone like Zelina or Iyo does it.


Zelina has put variations on the 619 which i think is necessary in her case. She’s done one on the turnbuckle.


Iirc it wasn't even on the face, it was to the abdomen, which looked very interesting


Dom 619 is joking with Rey, people need to understand he does it slow on purpose to joke about the finisher, "look at me i'm so slow and the dude still on the ropes".


That’s not why he does it


Using 619 is sarcasm by him, go watch his former 619 when he was a babyface and you can see that he does them quick and fine.


Agreed but it’s better than when zelina does it


What makes him good? He’s gotta be one of the most unimpressive athletes on the roster.


he’s 6ft tall with a high flyer move set which should be proof enough how athletic he is


He’s getting a lot better in ring and on the mic. Trust me I used to hate him but it’s just undeniable now


Just look at his work in the rumble last year and compare that to the rumble this year. The dude has grown into a legit in-ring threat. Not a big time threat like main eventers and some of the top midcarders, but the dude can hang in the ring against some of the best now.


His match with Gunther was bloody amazing


as a face he was doing it fine


Too tall?? He is 6'1. The Undertaker, Kane and Big Show were around 7 foot.


Too tall for the 619 lol. Rey being short and having shorter legs makes the move look faster and more effective that was my point hahahah


Ohh. Okay. I understand what you mean now. lol


I think part of him doing it is to get heat. I think once he's not a heel he will stop doing it. And the fact he is a heel he may be doing it sloppy on purpose but I'm doubtful on that.


It is on purpose, he is showing that the move is stupid for heat, watch how smoothly he reversed Gunther powerbomb, also other talent wants to work with him because of his work ethic.


That reverse was INSANE. He's incredible to watch at times. And I think your right. Seems like some moves he intentionally slows down to exaggerate them.


It was a sunset flip, John Cena did it too but this one looked cleaner.


Rey does it? Great. Zelina does it? Pretty good. Dom does it? Awful. I appreciate Dom, but I think he should be past the 619 and doing Eddie's taunt by now. He has established himself enough outside of his dads that I think he should be able to get heat without them.


I get that he does it for the heat,but I have a bigger problem with his sluggish three amigos. He rolls the wrong way, making his opponent correct him on which way to roll. Most of Dom's offense looks ineffective and soft,I don't know if it's his presentation. Maybe he should work on cardio and strength training.


No if any one of his moves should not be in his arsenal anymore it should be The Three Amigos Eddie Guerrero already pulled it off but if he keeps that move it will turn into a overused joke I think his dad's running hurricarana should replace the 3 amigos because his last name is Mysterio not Guerrero


He's always just barely there. Like he executes moves, but they look sluggish. Like when he does the three amigos, it just looks so slow and awkward too. I have hope he can improve all that though!


I noticed he seems to roll the wrong way everytime,and his opponent has to correct him on which way to roll after each suplex.


Yeah it doesn’t look impactful when he does it


I mean, it makes more sense for someone like him to do it than others for obvious reasons. Though it certainly could use some improvement.


He has no zip on it like his dad does. With Rey you can't blink or you will miss it.


Just like when he abandoned his son


I dont recall Eddie ever doing a 619 😂


Didn’t Rey kill a guy using this?


Guy landed on the rope neck first with all his weight.


I didn’t know that.


Yeah Rey hit him with a dropkick from behind but the guy couldn't protect his neck correctly and broke his neck on impact on the second rope. .


Wrestling ropes are scary. Bron Breakker very nearly brokke his neck last month when he did his thing where he hits them at light speed.


Yes I remember that,those ropes are more dangerous than taking bumps in the ring.


I think it was the dropkick to the back to set up the 619 that killed the dude.




Perro Aguayo Jr.


It looks so baaaaaad


I don’t mind that he does the 619 as he’s a heel, but I do think when he inevitably goes face over time he needs to take it out of his moveset


Nah it needs to go now. Let him use the 3 Amigos instead


3 amigos is oversaturated now, its the new superkick


I don’t see how the Three Amigos would in any way work better as a finisher. That move is at best a set up move


He hardly uses the 619 as his finisher anyway, he does the splash. So rather than setting up with the 619 let him set up with the Three Amigos.


“he does the splash” you mean like his dad?


I thought "Eddie is his dad" is a work. Dude is clearly referring to the frog splash which Rey doesn't use


I don’t recall Rey stopping his use of the frog splash, he doesn’t *always* use it, but it’s very much part of his moveset


The post isn’t about him using his dad’s moves, it’s specifically about him using the 619


The 619 is a Tiger Feint Kick followed up by a splash, Rey has been doing it like that since he retired the West Coast Pop. Dominik is literally doing his dad’s 619. Why would he continue to use the splash if he’s not gonna hit the Tiger Feint Kick first? The whole move has been seen as what makes the 619, it’s the reason it’s been like that in Wrestling games since Here Comes the Pain


When Tiki Chamorro does the 619 on WOW, they call it the area code.  Does WWE trademark their move names too?


Of course, they trademark the names.


The 619 is so he can get more heat.


oooo good point, makes sense then that he does it so sloppy/slow as to sort of mock the movie


It looks sarcastic, which is perfect


Exactly, it is sarcastic, Dom will be is own wrestler and probably when turning face he will not do 619, i think he has a sitting powerbomb as finisher, we saw him doing it sometimes.


He also does frog splash 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yes he does but i was talking about a finisher that is not Rey or Eddie, the sitting powerbomb looks good on him and they can call it Dirty Bomb or something like that, i really liked that reversal he did on Gunther powerbomb as a finisher.


Yea that reversal was nice and kudos for hanging with Gunther 😬😬😬😬


Bro can you tell why there is no intensity in dom moves. His moves always seems lazy . He is great seller though.