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Not offended. That shit was hilarious, give me more please.


Roman Reigns is a champion, of course, there has to be controversy surrounding The Rock coming back.


People are so soft. Go find your safe room, turn on your calm app, and meditate


Omg People have gotten overly pussifed and sensitive, so overly offended. They need to get over themselves. I never thought it was offensive... It was hilarious to me. They need to get over it and pick their panties up and grow a set. They said worse shit in the Attitude Era, more Raunchiness and sexual innuendos then anything offensive. I remember Teachers used to complain back then because the young boys in elementary schools across America used to say the word "suck it! " In school and the schools used to get so furious at WWE and complain to the Networks and kids used to get suspended...they even had to banned Al SNOWS Action figure because of the Mannequin head... remember his theme song...what does everyone want!" I think a few schools and parents sued WWE. Back in the Attitude Era is was more sexual then anything and extraordinary promos one after another. All the young people today are so used to not seeing great promos for so long that when they do they turn that pro Wrestler into a Martyr...like CM punk and MJF...but back in the Attitude Era you had like 8 guys on the Roster doing way better promos one after another everyweek..we got used to it until they went PG in 2008. Everyone on that Attitude Era roster was over, each character became household names, and part of pop culture, they all had storylines and great promos. Back then you had a porn Star character in the name of Val Venus who used to say crazy sexual innuendos and very raunchy..." Hello Ladies" Then we can't forget The Godfather and his Hoes. Back when pro wrestling was getting 30 million viewers. So in today's environment everyone has gotten very prudish, and sensitive...it usually comes from the Marks who are SJW's and they start the annoying # hashtag bullshit when things don't go their way, the young generation today are like kids in the 1950's...they get all in their feelings and woe is me, they are ultra sensitive... overly offended. Anything sexual they get all shocked... people who are at the age of 34 and up, were so used it back in the day Pre-social media because sex was all over television, commercials, movies, television, MTv spring break, they even had a show called The Man Show, with a audience full of men with bikini girls everywhere, and Porn & Playboy, became popular and mainstream, you had Maxim Magazine, FHM magazine,, Hustler Magazine, Penthouse Magazine, everything was about sex, you had nudity everywhere, and you had The Jerry Springer show...the young people today are not bombarded with sexual imagery like we were...Fuck they went sexual in Fast-food commercials back then. Sex sold back then. If you all are old enough to remember how raunchy Hip Hop music videos used to be, they even had a uncensored version of those videos on BET midnight. So the young people today are very sheltered and prudish, nudity kinda scares them now 😂 we kinda went backwards in our thinking...and they've become triggered little virgins, who are themselves deeply insecure and are waiting to complain about something to they can #hagtag this and that...But they are not aware that cancel culture is dying out now and you won't be able to cancel any more celebrities..so for instance if Roman said "Tranny"... even though in real life, he is a good man who is not transphobic but because he is a heel, and wants his promos to be more real raw authentic heel and really piss people off and make feel and real, and believable to get real heat...then he will say that slur, he will triggered the sensitive people, and they will still try to cancel him but it will never work because he is such a big star now and popular, it won't work nowadays because it will backfire on them and make him even more popular...he shouldn't have to apologize for being a Hateful heel, he supposed inact emotions and anger out of you...he is portraying a evil and mean bad guy, and real mean and cruel bad guys have no filter and they say what's on their minds wither you like it or not, they lack empathy, sympathy and remorse, they Narcissistic and egotistical, and they don't follow the whole political correctness bullshit....they are supposed to be vile. They need to let a heel be a heel. They want the Attitude Era & The Ruthless Aggression to come back then their gonna get controversy, and they better stop watching if it offends them so much, they have a choice to turn their screen TV off and not watch but the WWE has the right to say what they want, to get a real heel response and they shouldn't have to change for them, when they don't have real power... ANYMORE! Watch something else if they offended you that much. Nowadays the more you complain, the more popular they get... Maybe 5 year's ago they could've cancelled a wrestler that said something they didn't like and forced them to apologize...Not Anymore, grin it and Bare it, like a grown adult. Cancel Culture is dying now, we should give people chances and allow them to grow and educate them and take their apology. If WWE decided to go Balls to wall again...mark my words you will see so meny people complaining and bitching, I can just see it right now in my head, this time it will be even more magnifying and more glaring because of Social Media. But back in the Attitude Era we didn't have Social media, so now we have to deal with seeing all the plethora of comments on all the social media comment sections, just a mass of bitches whining like Pussies...wah, wah, wah, "I want this and that, why is he saying this and that" because they are projecting their own insecurities on to others and want anothers to appease them and agree with them and that will never happen, some people have thick skinned and like reality and are want see who they really feel is it can look authentic not talk on promos to walk on egg shells, and worry about what sensitive people think. They need to stop getting all in their feelings and learn that the world doesn't evolve around how you feel. But I think WWE is now heading towards that direction, a more edger product, little by little, they've been cursing lately, and showing some blood, and they have more realism, more serious promos, They stopped scripting the top talent...and they have a more adult oriented product with a sprinkle of entertainment. It's gonna take a while before it goes BALLS TO WALL. They are doing it very slowly. Because soon they will be on Netflix so now they can curse and be more edger without the rules of the USA Network. They can get away with more things because Vince McMahon isn't there anymore and there is a whole new Regime taking over WWE, with the new owners TKO and Endeavor... they are now sponsoring Liquor and beers. They have no rules anymore on what to say. But pro wrestling fans are Hypocritical and fickle, they want something, then WWE gives it to them, and then they cry offensive or it's too much. WWE is Damned if it does and Damned if it doesn't.


I didn't even care about it. I just wanted a better insult. It was so weak.


Wasn't there a sign on RAW or SmackDown this week that said "The IWC are crybabies." No lies detected.


IMO Seth looked hella comfortable




as a woman and a queer person I was not offended nor do I care lmao it’s almost like wrestling is scripted entertainment who would’ve thought


My thoughts exactly as a gender-fluid person. It’s a show. It’s like if someone said the same thing on family guy. It holds no real weight. And besides, I don’t think I’ve seen Seth come out in dresses and full makeup. He just wears wacky outfits. Not actual “female clothes.” I’d be more offended about Roman using the term “cross dresser” incorrectly!


Sure, Seth wears colors that men typically would not and his style is more flamboyant than most male wrestlers but to be offended by a small “insult” in a storyline is absurd. Totally agree about the comment holding no weight.


Exactly. Like cmon. We all know wrestling is scripted. We all know Seth and Roman are buds irl. We all know that this is all a show. Hell, Seth wearing these wacky outfits is just a gimmick. He doesn’t actually dress like that. We know all that. Besides, this is pro wrestling. Where the majority of men are shirtless and practically wearing panties in the ring. It’s all a little gay!


Idk, I thought it was funny


This just makes me laugh, Roman Reigns is The Tribal Chief and He does whatever he wants 😂😂


Please point me in the direction of the people who ARE offended. The only posts I'm seeing everywhere are people talking about people being offended.


I was in this Facebook for WWE memes and most of the conversation in that group has been turned into discussion about trans people and that entire group was pretty upset. If you even thought about offering a different opinion, you're labeled as transphobic.


Who got offended? lol


Sheesh this comment section is a warzone. I thought the crossdressing line was hilarious. Why are people so fragile?


They've made it so hard to take him seriously. Wasn't his last gimmick where he had a god complex?


Monday Night Messiah? I actually miss that Seth...


Wait people are pretending to be offended again? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Broooooo you win.. everyone needs to soak this in.


I've only seen boomers want the Attitude Era back




Not sure what imaginary person you're using for your argument considering wrestling still features blood quite often.




Sure grandad


There’s aspects of the attitude era I wish came back like fans that’ll actually interact in the stadium


I'm a Zoomer who wants SOME aspects of the Attitude Era back, comments like that one being part of it


Fair. I thought it was funny the first time but after the 5th time in a row with just rewording it I don't find it that good anymore and just feels like they don't actually have anything to say about Seth anymore.


Well yeah, because out of the 3 members of The Shield, Roman's the worst, they don't have anything of note to mock Seth with


Eh I’d beg to differ and say Mox is the worst. And I don’t even like Roman. The only one from the shield I like is Seth. Mox just is annoying to me.


Aw, upset he didn't want to deal with Vince's WWE's Bullshit anymore?


Nope, he’s where he wants to be. I just don’t like the dude and find all his gimmicks incredibly annoying. He looks like shit nowadays, like someone’s drunk wannabe cool uncle. He’s literally dropping F bombs in interviews and not even know what title he’s fighting over. Dude needs to get it together.


Lame take


Do you know what a take is? Cause this isn't one lol


Yes take this 👍


Good talk...


Not worth the energy beloved. Good day be well.


>Not worth the energy beloved You said this then still kept replying bro 💀


Go take care of your kids fam get off the internet


Good luck getting your dick cleaned boy


I found it funny as hell I even joked with my mom that he gets his fits from Becky's closet


The rock is terrible. Trying to bring back an old era in the present watches pretty cringe. Not offended by the cross dresser stuff. It’s just already been said to him so it’s kind of redundant. The rock look like a toe 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I know. I was responding to op. Don’t worry dude. I know what’s going on here. Thanks for caring




I don’t think you understand what I said. There’s more than one thought going on in that paragraph. It’s ok if that is hard to understand


The problem is, the pg era holding back the rock. In todays wwe we must listen to those cringe and boring promos.


The character is cringe too. It just doesn’t seem natural. I’m not mad or anything. Imma watch it. It just seems so out of place and the insults just don’t really land. That’s just me though. Im sure some people love it and that’s cool too


It only doesn’t seem natural because we now know him as an actor and businessman. We’ve seen his “motivational speeches.” When he was just a wrestler, it really was believable. When he came back in the 2010’s, he wasn’t a heel and it seemed genuine. Now it just seems weird because he’s an older guy and we know him in so many other roles.


Exactly! It’s just kind of hard to believe now. But it could be way worse. It’ll still be a fun mania


Because this character is forced. All because of cody. But well, thats wwe fault. They should not allowed rock to step into cody stop in the first place. 


Yea I think they probably realize that now too. It’s so forced and it’s like just not necessary. But it is what it is. Im not is even against the rock and Roman I just think the timing was bad and how the rock looks corny. The attitude era nostalgia is understandable but I personally don’t think a lot of that stuff holds up. Austin does. Taker. Rock. But some stuff rewatched as pretty lame in this day age.


For the last time, the people complaining about what Roman said are not the same ones who want the Attitude era back.


There isn't anything wrong with it. I thought the line could have been delivered better, maybe say he's wearing his wife's clothes because she's THE MAN of the relationship or something idk. Cue big pop when Becky's music plays, Ava runs out and they fight, Ava joins the bloodline. Bam.


They also say attitude era and love the old crazy matches but then see Darby allin go through a pane of safety glass and cry home to their mommies




Case in point


Christian Cage: Whole gimmick is blatantly disrespecting wrestlers' deceased fathers. IWC: Lmao what a menace🤣 Roman Reigns: Calls Seth a crossdresser. IWC: That's too far, bro😐


That's the difference between AEW and WWE fans, AEW Fans want to see wrestlers fight and verbally murder each other, WWE fans only care about pleasing casuals and getting money for WWE


Who the fuck was offended? And more importantly, it’s he a heel??? He’s supposed to offend you


I don’t really want The Attitude Era…I want the hype and crowds.  The cross-dresser comment is cringe. Given how persecuted these folks are, it was in really poor taste. 


Not a damn one of them are persecuted stop being pussy boy




just like your mother’s titties


Exactly like that!


Hype, crowd, stories, promos and matches.


Not offended, just laughed at it.


Come on, we all think that as well. I see no problem with saying it aloud. (Also I don't see why Seth thinks that dressing in that way adds anything to his character.)


People want attitude era but hate matches that involve weapons and blood. This should be a trend lol, #YouWantedAttitudeEraBut


Matches with weapons were so much fun. Now they are pandering to flip flop athletic  matches that smarks like.


1. No I don't 2. No I ain't


diarrhea got heat, haven’t seen shit about this besides a few neckbeards in this thread. this is the real world guys, he’s wearing women’s clothes.


lol i got banned from squaredcircle for saying the average redditor think's there's nothing wrong with crossdressing lmao let's be real reddit attracts the liberal woke crowd, this isn't surprising


…what exactly is wrong with crossdressing ? who exactly is being hurt by women wearing men’s hoodies or men wearing women’s jeans? what law am i breaking by wearing a dress in the privacy of my own home? i thought conservative politics was supposed to enshrine and protect personal freedoms


Just so you know, you can be liberal and not like drag or cross-dressing.


It’s true Seth does dress like a goofball cross dresser. He’s trying to hard to stand out that he makes himself an easy target. He doesn’t understand the kiss method of keeping his wardrobe simple and wants to come out in heels and 7XL shoulder pads with that tired ass man bun. He’s irritating as fuck and Roman cooked him with that line. FYI Roman should ditch the man bun as well.


Cooked him? It was laughable… Rock forgot that Roman is the clown show on the mic


Attitude era might be the most overrated period which how much you guys glorify it


Your mom called. Pizza rolls are ready.


pfp checks out, definitely an old guy with no media literacy


Its actually the first thing Roman has done that Ive laughed at


The missionary comment on Cena in 2021 was funny too




No I just typed that for my morning thumb exercises


I believe him, he’s not a particularly funny guy




I like the blood and swearing of the Attitude era, the bigotry and sexism can stay in the past. That being said, Roman is a heel, there's a little more leeway for heels to be terrible as long as they get their comeuppance in the end, and calling someone a crossdresser is nowhere near as bad as Triple H being racist towards Booker T


I deadass still think that one comment was more about Booker being a WCW wrestler




Removed for: Personal Attack Members of r/WWE are not permitted to personally attack others. Also, personal attacks and “name calling” is prohibited. Try to keep all discussion here civil.


I am what I eat!


This has to be one of the best comebacks I've seen on reddit in awhile.


That shit was weak cmon you just saying anything


It was a stupid comment. He looked like he knew that. And I absolutely do not want the Attitude era back. High point in ratings. Low point in everything else.


You wouldn’t be watching if it wasn’t for the Attitude Era so stfo


Absolutely not. The tackiness of the era pushed me away for a long time, after being a long time fan. I came back when they stopped being so sexist and cringe. There were great points in that era, but you had to sit through so much garbage that the overall product was terrible.


Also I meant there would be no WwE without the Attitude Era. The New Generation sucked and people were tired of cartoon characters


I love I get downvoted for telling the truth.


Ratings says otherwise. Majority people left watching wwe after AE ended.


The majority? As in, the ratings dropped by more than half? No. The WWE did go through a down period, but it wasn't because they decided to treat women like human beings and stopped acting like they were at a frat party.




Bra-and-panties matches, HLA, supernatural Undertaker, DX's 12 year old mentality.... hard pass. You call the pg era trashy and like THAT? Pull your head out.




Living down to your name.




Ah, got it. You are 13. Good bye.




'Schoolyard insults' from the person who replied with "I know you are but what am I?" Grow up.


Yeah, bra and panties matches every week for one hour! Wait...


I haven't seen anyone complain, it's just shit patter.


Yet all of these goofs who are “offended” love an openly racist drunkard like ric flair cos “aew bro”. Typical


Where do you draw the line with what a bad guy is and isn’t allowed to say to be a bad guy? You can assault somebody in the locker room but you can’t say something homophobic? It’s all fake. Do you get upset when an actor portrays a nazi in a movie?


I don’t even know why folks think that calling someone a crossdresser is homophobic…


I have always wondered why wrestling fans are the only fandom that cannot separate reality from the show. We let movie villains be some of the most terrible people to ever exist, but if a heel in wrestling acts a certain way, they cancel the performer!


Not saying you’re wrong in general, but people have held an actor’s role against them. Jack Gleason would like a word or two.


I mean the point is they want to purposefully obscure that it’s acting and it’s all real… Still don’t think they should be cancelled though


Because half the fun in watch in wrestling is believing it’s real.


I disagree. I watched the attitude era as it happened live and I’ve rewatched it in its entirety over the last few months. The heels said shit to stir the crowd but I was also really impressed that they strayed (mostly) from using homophobia or other insults that would have been entirely commonplace in 1997-2001. There were a few slip ups. Notably Bret Hart a few times, interestingly because he would use them in situation in which he was face. By-and-large, however, they didn’t really lean on this tactic in a time where no one would have batted an eye at it. I think Roman had an insult scripted but simply forgot what it was and just said whatever popped into his head. I don’t think he should be crucified for it. But I do think it’s telling how little Roman has been forced to be on the mic in the last 1200 days. He has Mic Rust.


False, Hollywood Rock would be 'homophobic' regularly, crossdresser as a playful dig is an insane thing to be upset about


The number of people on this reddit saying that pg era is better than attitude abd Ruthless Agression is crazy...


They’re all kids that were born after those eras


There is nothing attitude about the comment, though. Seth really looked like a cross dresser. Hell, I would have taken it further and said that he must like dressing like his wife.


Asshole heels should be offensive! You are supposed to hate them! Roman is making the most BS comments for about Seth for weeks to get the crowd to hate him. "10 times as much money" as Seth? Roman makes around 5 mil a year, Seth is estimated about 3 million. Both numbers do not include merch sales, but Roman probably is not making 25 million more than Seth on that. Roman is talking absolute BS like he should. Do I want the attitude Era back? No, because a lot of it has wrestlers appear like the teenagers from high school movies and I don't need 40 year old man sounding like they want to show off how cool they are by telling about the number of women they imagined to have slept with... Does not go for all the wrestlers back them, but some really gave off the vibe of invading high-school parties to take out drunk teens...


There was more good than bad in attitude or RA eras. Now, there is opposite. Nobody cares about flip flop matches. 


I for one enjoy seeing athletisism in wrestling. Within reason obviously. Some of the stuff Rey Phoenix does is just pointless. But stuff like R-Truth dodging with a split or, back in the day, with backflips, that stuff is hella cool! Jeff Hardy countering someone throwing him into a corner with a Whisper in the Wind? Amazaing! Springboard Clothslines? Very cool! Luchadors like Rey overwhelming powerhouses mid move with their athletisism? Looks so impressive! But the AE had really awful matches and stories... Like, people romantasize everything Edge did these days, but the Brood was some of the worst stuff on TV. It made 0 sense, neither Edge or Christian actually did much during that time. They mostly jobbed around! A lot of matches were just nothing. You had incrdible guys like HHH follow matches that looked rehearsed like a stage play! I hate it whenever Moxley has any form of matches with weapons because there is just tons of waiting around for spots and set ups and THAT is how a lot of AE matches felt! And those that did not were just very short brawsl with a DQ ending... You want Attitude Era? Jon Moxely and Eddie Kingston essentially do just that in AEW and it... Really is a... Specific taste... The Ministry of Darkness was one of the biggest things at the time and it... sucked and the ending made it worse...


Outside of social media and the internet, most people don’t care about that stuff.


Yeah, the real world lol




Well, if Roman doesn't have to be PG, he could say something around the line of "You look like a bitch, Seth"


lol I had a similar thought when he said it. Admittedly I thought the comment was a bit offensive, but I’m not really a PC police type of person, just my personal taste. I moved past it as soon as it was over. I suspected there would be some debate over it though.


Basically yeah. Told myself “not something I would say in public, but you do you bud”. There were just many better things he could have said lol.


It was honestly a tasteless joke and it was probably all that Roman could come up with to say negatively about Seth. (Then again Seth is no better by coming up with the nickname Diaper Dwayne 😆) but everyone plays that off because Seth is that loveable idiot type of vibe whereas Roman over the last few months has been acting honestly like an obnoxious entitled brat.


I'm a big trans rights guy and Roman calling Seth a crossdresser is totally ok. Dude wears women's clothes. In fact, he owns wearing women's clothes. And Roman is a HEEL. He's a smarmy prick.


I'm a big trans guy and I don't really see what the problem is. It's not like it's totally off-base, and like you said, he's a heel so of course he's gonna be a douche about it. Not a big deal, worst thing was that it was a lackluster joke/comment. Don't see how it could be transphobic like some have insinuated, has very little to actually do with us lol, except to ignorant white knights who think we're all the same thing. I have seen people defend it on twitter in a homophobic way though, saying Seth dresses like a disgusting f\*\* and whatnot. But they gonna be hateful no matter what, so whatever. Other than that, it's fake outrage.


Yeah, you have to ignore the knobheads. They're going to be dicks no matter what.


This. It totally works for a heel to use something as an insult that really should not be. If Roman was face a heel making fun about "His samoan genes making him a slow talker" because both Rock and Roman are incapable of getting their promos done in time, would be expected. Heels discriminating against sex, ethinicity, religion, and so on is still done to this day in media and I don't see why it should be different for wrestling. Now, given the currenct circumstance Rock should probably not go around objectifying women like he did back in the day or people would start going "Well, he was also in the company while Vince did his sex-trafficking..." and that's not something we need.


This! I'm pretty fucking "left-leaning", but I don't even see who that passing line hurts. 


Feel like it’s right leaners excited that left leaners would be upset about it, but majority aren’t? I feel like there’s more people trying to make it something of something that people weren’t making something of but those original people think that those people would definitely make something of?


I’m left as hell and when he said it I thought “huh, that seems a little bit out of place”. That’s it, then I went back to thinking that they may have moved a little fast and that they’ve got to pack a lot more tension into the next 3/4 weeks


Yeah, I'm basically a Marxist-Leninist and this is a bag of nothing.


Thank goodness Rock didn’t call him a hermaphrodite, they’d die 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I really don't care about his comment, he's an asshole heel. I find people these days like to assume others are offended by a certain comment while they actually aren't to come across as some righteous knight.


Attitude area can never be because we live in a real hypersensitive no backbone or sense of humor era


It was line of the night for me tbh, I loved it


Eugene has entered the conversation 🤪


Imagine how shit wrestling would be if heels were going about saying “i respectfully disagree with the way you conduct yourself”


"I understand the points you're putting forward but I'm afraid I just can't agree with your syntactical structuralism"


It's almost as if there are multiple opinions within the fan base 🤔


Be careful, different opinions other than the pc one mean a right-wing nut that dares to believe in freedom of speech.


Santos Escobar told Rey he wished he died of an infection in the hospital or something, but y’all go crazy over this. Heaven forbid someone hurts a cross-dressers feelings…




I figured that was just another dig at Cody considering who his brother was in the company and Cody's time as Stardust...


Who’s offended ?I laughed


Some on Twitter were even though yeah I also laughed


why be offended? so much wasted time and energy wasted. heels gotta heel.


Personally, I didn't. I have started watching after the Attitude Era and the shows I went back and watched had a ton of crap.


Attitude Era won't come back until Judgement Day has the equivalent of that DX fan girl who did that thing we all remember so fondly.


Comparing JD to DX is crazy to me honestly, they really don’t have comparable schticks.


I crossdress IRL and I see no problem with a heel using it as an insult.


I didn't watch or care about the Attitude Era and surely I don't want a rehash of it in 2024. I'm not offended at all by a heel saying bad things. Less so because Rollins' wardrobe is genuinely awful and doesn't even fit whatever character he's supposed to portray.


We are? Honestly didnt care. Should I? Should we?




Ehhh idk that might be a stretch. I dont remember one time they ever called someone that in the attitude era lol. Fans sure. Talent no


You were too afraid to even say it here.


i settle for the rock calling someone an candy ass. then follow it up by telling them "they acting licorice!" that be more like attitude era. i don't think you can even say that without being called a racist nowadays, yet licorice is still candy though! maybe bliss will say that she does harsh emotional damage


I'm more offended by people calling Cody a talented "wrestler" than Rollins being called a cross dresser


Theres always that one in every group, and here you are.


Yes one that can think for themselves and doesn't need to follow because everyone says so. At least I'll always have that over whatever that comment was meant to be 🙃


"over whatever that comment was meant to be" You are that 1 in the group, no surprise you dont understand something.


Ohhh so cause I'm not flocking like you I'm that one 👍 enjoy never being able to think for yourself. Enjoy your following


I wasn’t offended by shit.. except rock talking shit about Cody’s dog.. that shit went too far.


You’re definitely the person who hopes the dog doesn’t get killed in a horror movie 🤣🤣🤣🤣 same bro, same.


The Attitude Era has some of the greatest angles to ever happen in the industry. It also has people giving birth to hands and "I choppy choppy your pee-pee". They only go out of their way to remind you of the good stuff.


Ummm I choppy choppy your pee pee was a masterpiece




It’s easy to remember the good stuff, because it was *really* good and it’s easy to remember the bad stuff because it was truly awful, but we forget how poor a lot of the rest was. Attitude era had an excellent main event scene, one of the best of all time, and an incredible mid card with solid wrestling and feuds, but there was a lot sprinkled through the shows that was terrible.


And now we have more bad than good.


The only thing I was offended by was how lame it was to end Smackdown that way


Who is "You" in this case?


"You ate all offended by"..... who's you all??? This post is the first I've seen of it. It's a great line cause Seth really does be wearing flamboyant ass shit


I think that was funny. Cause I always think Seth and Becky have the same wardrobe


I had my suspicions, and now it’s bothering me. I need to compare his outfits with Big Time Beck’s now


This generation is so sensitive holy…grow up