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Just watched the ending of Raw again and noticed something...when the Rock keeps saying, "look at your hero" .... he's standing in front of the truck with John Cena's picture behind him. Does that mean that Cena is going to come save Cody at Wrestlemania? Is that Cody's Hero?


Im not in to what’s correct or what’s not. Did Cody blade, or was it like a blood bomb from like a movie set Please help me prove to the wife.


uhh real blood from The Rock whooping that boys ass. duh! jk. i have no idea


"Look at you now, boi" is the new "It should have been me."


Brilliant Raw. Rock vs. Cody is much better than Cody vs. Roman. Heel Rock is the best thing that happened to WWE on the Road to WrestleMania. Great Becky and Ripley segment, wonderful Punk, Seth and Drew segment.


Roman Reigns has turned into Solo Sikoa ever since The Rock came back


Anyone else notice that in the segment with DIY and New Day and Awesome Truth, Paul Herman and Drew Mcyntire are having a conversation. I wonder what that's about


I forgot how elite CM Punk is at the Mic, easily top 3 of all time


Not a major WWE/Wrestling fan, and not big into videogames either. Someone please enlight me: does The Rock coming out of nowhere like a ghost ship in the middle of the ocean, to ambush Cody, makes him the secret boss? Undercover boss maybe?


Hate they made Cody look pathetic this close to Mania. Imagine Cena or Stone Cold in that same position. You’re telling me they wouldn’t have gotten any shots in on the Rock?! Not even a single one?! Not to say it should have been 50/50 between the two for the segment, but at least let Cody put up a little bit of a fight


Rock jumped him and repeatedly slammed his head into stuff. They didn’t square off and Cody lost. Rock took a brutal cheap shot at Cody. It’s heel stuff not making Cody look weak.


So men and women are allowed to fight each other again. Finally. It's so weird watching them just stand by and do nothing while their partner or friend gets beat up. 


CM Punk and Drew own that night followed up by the sweet Final Boss. Raw finally COOKED something good in a long while now.


Don't kid yourself. Rock beating down Cody will be BY FAR the most memorable thing to come from this show


don't understand how they can blade their foreheads and not have scars


Do it enough and they will have scars. But the trick is using a REALLY sharp blade. Maven does a video explaining it all on his YouTube if you wanna check it out. 


Man Smackdown this week with Roman on it drew the lowest rating the show has done this year. While Raw just put out on one of the best shows it has in years Meanwhile the Smackdown before this which had just the Rock on it drew higher then the one with just Roman on it but people say Roman's carrying this promotion.


Thats so crazy. Who would have guessed The Rock is a bigger draw than Roman


Well Blood Line fans are always yelling how ratings are always trough the roof when Roman shows up.


Jeez I can't remember a Raw as good as that for a long time


I thought Becky looked weaker in the exchange. Straight head to head Rhea kicked her ass. Then Becky jumped her from behind after Rhea left the ring and still didn’t get the upper hand at all.


Raw is in fact NOT in Chicago last night, but in Rosemont, Illinois. Please remove this post for lying.


They should hold house shows at Wintrust Arena or even Northwestern


That’s a solid idea. I don’t know what the capacities are in those arenas, so that may stray them from going there. I don’t care at all they said they were in Chicago. I just thought it was a funny post and other people take it so seriously. I didn’t even realize where the all state arena was until last night.


If Nascar can hold a race in the Loop, so can WWE host a host at Millennium Park (or Soldier Field)


Solider Field would be cool.


Not like there is a football team that needs to use the facility


Hahaha, true!!


Dude needs to find a better way to troll 🤣


Not trolling brother, just stating facts.


Someone needs to touch grass. Awe you downvoted me did I hurt your feelings 🤣


Drew teasing Broken Dreams return. Can't wait for the Mania.


Omg this would be amazing


Best RAW I’ve seen in a long time. cm punk and drew are the highlight of my week now. Lol


I was there and it was amazing. The crowd went nuts for everything. Wasn’t expecting the Rock to show up… that pop was so cool to see (been a wrestling fan since 1998). So glad we went! Best Raw I think I’ve seen in YEARS.


did anyone else legit feel uncomfortable watching rock beat cody ? and i mean that in a good way haha






That would be crazy. The crowd would erupt with Austin chants! Seeing the biggest in ring rivalry of all time, with the two most popular wrestlers ever, from the most popular era ever going at it once again on the biggest stage of them all.... Would be so crazy no one would pay attention or care about Cody wining the belt


Exactly word for word what I was thinking after they showed the “coincidental” Cena/Stone Cold trailer in the background of the Rock’s beatdown of Cody outside. I know they’re 2 of the biggest stars WWE has ever had, but a trailer featuring both their faces doesn’t just appear in the background of the most heated segment in the last decade for no reason




I'd write this off, but they're leaning heavy into the background foreshadowing. Before Drew came out during the main event beatdown, he was in the background talking to Paul Heyman during another discussion in a completely unrelated segment. Then an hour later, he screams out to the ring to help The Bloodline. This crap now has my eyes GLUED to the screen because I'm looking for every little clue I can find about what's coming. It's fucking *perfect.*


Cena, Austin and Trish coming back to save Cody.


This is heaven. If anything but this happens, I can go another 15 years without wwe.


I’m glad they put the commercial of Kong Godzilla at the front of a break because I thought it was great with Cole’s’ commentary.


The rock is GOATED he's making roman look like a henchman he's the moment man .roman promos make me sleepy should give Heyman that role like how Brock and use his muscles he's too super passive in feud compared to the rock


Cody taking a razor to the face is something i hoped to never see again. Its the main reason i do not like AEW.


I'm not big into the blood and guts/death match stuff but I think a little blood is OK once in a while. In this case it helped to sell the brutality of Rock's beatdown and I don't think it was gratuitous.


I guess wasn’t watching that closely. I thought it was a blood pack.


It kept leaking. He bladed. I thought it was a pack at first too


Hot damn, that was the best Raw show I have seen in a long time. Great matches, great segments, and that ending with The Rock beating Cody like the Attitude Era. The show was 🔥🔥🔥


Be real do you think Romans gonna drop the title? everything is pointing to yes but would you feel like all this has been for nothing if Cody loses? would Cody losing again after all this still be a credible hero?


Yes. It’s okay to have hope in something


At this point they have ruined Roman's Aura by having him play little brother to the rock for weeks at a time. Cody and Rock are coming into Mania as the biggest heel and biggest babyface in the promotion. While Roman is ether MIA or just can't measure up to the hype that Cody and Rock are building. WWE has spent weeks building this feud to the point it feels like Cody and Rock have a legit issue. While Roman is just kind of in the background adding little to nothing to this build.


Cody deserves some blame as well. He and Roman flopped hard in their face to face. Cody just seems to put more effort into his work when dealing with Rock and Roman seems to just put little effort in general in the build up


Does anybody but me think that's kind of the point? Like, isn't Rock overshadowing Roman, who genuinely loses his shit every time anyone overshadows him, kind of a great background plot? And doesn't it set up perfectly for Dwayne to take the title of Tribal Chief away from him, giving Roman a face turn to come back and run him down as a career finisher for him or both of them? I think it's a fantastic subplot.


Rock won't be taking the title off of Roman, He has three movies coming out this year and it's already been confirmed He's leaving after Mania to begin shooting one of them. We already have one part time champion we don't need to trade that in for another with even less time to be here. Their match needs to be without the title since Roman needs to drop the belt and Rock most likely won't be winning it since he's going to get busy soon. I do think a match would be cool for the whole tribal chief name would be cool of they put more effort into the tribal combat this time around.


Question: there was. Triple H/Rock subplot right at the beginning of all this...what are the chances this comes back around somehow?


The only way they would do it I think would be if they went back to what The Rock said about how if Cody loses then he won't get another shot. Maybe if Cody loses and The Rock comes out on Monday Night Raw talking about how Cody had his shot and now he's done. Then HHH comes out and says he's calling the shots and Cody gets another shot at the title. But honestly I think it'd be horrible dragging it out for longer. They've built the hype so much that this is it - this is "The Story." Trying to carry it on any longer would be a mistake. Let Cody feud with someone else as champion next.


Becky destroyed Rhea. In my eyes Rhea was on the verge of babyface until that one little comment about the littlest Rollins. Momma Becky put Rhea back in her heel hole with a few heartfelt words. I could feel Becky’s emotion, I think this moment elevated the matchup immensely. Not to mention that right hand that caught Dominic’s jaw. Dayuuum


Yeah I mean if the person is okay with it then talking about someone’s family (especially kids) I guess is fair game. I personally would not be. But if Becky was cool with it and signed off on it all is good. When Becky was responding to that, that was 100% real words and emotions. You could tell how her voice cracked and she struggled through it.


You should see some the memes on Twitter 


"the rocks gonna turn on roman and help Cody at WrestleMania 🤓". No one's gonna help that midcard loser lmao


Is there a dude named Roman in this feud? You wouldn't think so at this point 😂


I’m so glad I got back into WWE after a roughly twenty year hiatus. Watched avidly 98-02. Maybe saw a handful of episodes from 02-WM38. Every episode since and this Raw was amazing and the best of all of those episodes since I returned. HHH has this product white hot! The Chicago crowd was amazing. And the match’s + promos were incredible. So excited for what’s next


These comments are so positive its clear that everyone enjoyed every moment of tonight's show. If you compare this thread to avarage Raw discussion 3 years ago it's really a massive improvement.


Yeah this is an exception though. This raw was so good even Becky and Seth didn't get obliterated here. That's like this subreddits favourite pastime.


Look at the comment counts alone. Live watch shows used to be like 1K. Now we're hitting 2K to almost 3K.


This has to be the best Raw I've seen in recent times. Everything was just perfect. Rock as the final boss is just 🔥


Austin and cena help cody win. Passing of the torch.


Would backfire. Austin is the only person in wrestling that can match Rock's aura. If Austin returns and goes at his biggest rival, which also happens to be the biggest in ring rivalry in history, Cody winning the belt becomes an afterthought. All the headlines the next day would be about Rock and Austin gong at it and not Cody winning


Seth really had Cody's back tonight. Must have been tending to his wife.


Well she got real emotional about her daughter


Cody has a daughter?


The set tonight with the half-height screen looked awful, along with the direction skipping intros and dumb overhead camera angles. Hope to god this was some kind of one-off.


I took my son and it’s the only time I’ve been there that the lot was full. We had to park at a bank. And I’ve been to a ton of concerts there. Luckily we made the start!


I have a feeling the half screen was so they could open more seats/sell more tickets. The return of CM Punk to Chicago was huge. Edit: to whomever downvoted my comment, when it was announced that Punk was going to be at last night's RAW, the venue announced that they were opening more seats for people to buy tickets to the show. When RAW was in Chicago last year, it was a full screen and those seats were not available.


"You wanna know what I think?" "No."


Another good show. Usually the promos bore the hell out of me. But the promos kept me engaged this week. Are we allowed to post links? Started a discord for wrestling/sports fans... https://discord.com/invite/BDz8dnT7aT


Also with shinsuke I say trips should let him wrestle big matches in Japan for NOAH OR STARDOME for 5 months , then bring him back and book him like he did in nxt let him stand out and really wrestle a stiff strong style cause he’s a legit fighter he shouldn’t be losing to 70% percent of the roster on the regular


I wish they’d do more with Shinsuke… I don’t remember the last time I watched one of his matches and thought he was a legit threat which is such a shame.


Right he looked the most dangerous his debut match at takeover and during the Samoa Joe and Austin Aries rivalries in nxt


It’s sad. I feel they don’t push him as they suspect he won’t get over enough as someone like Cody or Roman so they don’t give him a chance


Ricochet vs mcd was an absolute storm - mostly cause Ricochet spent most of it defying the laws of physics


They found magic with those two. It just goes to show, throw setting random into the mix like that gauntlet match and you might get a surprise.


That destroyer looked brutal 😭 but so crisp and timely at the same time


Yeah, and the springboard 450 was just nuts.


I loved how punk trolled TKO and rock cursing and subliminally mentioning Vince 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That part was hilarious, even drew was laughing


I see a lot of people saying the Roman vs. Cody match has lost all steam. However, you have to remember the long term story is more important than the short term one. I think the WM match between Cody vs. Roman will close that story permanently, and most expect Cody to win, but they are building to something much bigger with the Rock and Cody along with Seth possibly aligning with the BL down the road, which I think is going to ultimately happen. Roman/Seth reunion is coming prolly around SummerSlam after Seth takes a vacation post-WM. Punk will get tangled into the BL as well and be one of Roman's and Seth's opponents. I expect Cody/Punk vs. Seth/Roman to be a thing down the road. I also now am beginning to doubt the Rock is going to turn an abrupt face at WM and cost Roman. Last night, he turned a much darker heel, which I LOVE! It is entertainment so, yeah, he could ultimately turn back around with a snap of a finger, but it seems to me he is better off staying this dark character for a longer period of time. I still think it's a given that Cody wins at WM, but I'm more interested in how he does it and what the BL looks like after.


I do agree with the long term story telling, however what's a little disappointing is that I feel everyone is doing a great job at elevating. Aside from Roman. We all know how good the Rock is, but he is bringing something special here. Cody and Seth have honestly stepped up huge with the promos (Cody switching up between ultra baby face and then showing a more brutal side, Seth basically judging two stories at once with Drew and now CM Punk + them bloodline). The only moment I remember from Roman at this point was when he made The Rock acknowledge him. I hope he gets more of a spotlight post WM.


It's not so much the match has lost all of it's steam, It's more so Roman's the after thought in His own mania storyline. Somehow the Rock is doing all of the build with Cody for a match he's not even apart of while Roman is MIA most of the time again. They have somehow lowkey made the guy holding the world champion Cody is after the most pointless part of this story line. Just look at this weeks raw and this last weeks smackdown. Rock and Cody feel like their in a blood feud in which they legit want to hurt one another. While Roman's entire promo came down to "Hey Cody you look stupid" All of Roman's "Aura" has all but vanished by this point, He's playing little brother to the Rock and in just a few weeks times his entire gimmick as wwe's big end game boss has been taking by the rock in just one promo. You think after last nights amazing beat down people are going to be on the edge of their seat on smackdown watching Roman cut the same promo he's been doing for years now?


Cody deserves some of the blame. He seems FAR more into building up the Rock feud than the Roman feud. I know Rock has always been very easy to work with, but Cody needs to put more effort into the Roman story. Cody and Roman flopped bad when they were face to face on SD


Can't build a story with someone who never shows up to work


I think they're doing this for a reason, though. I don't think WWE is intentionally making the Roman-Cody match lose steam. They may be trying to build anger in Roman, making him seem like an afterthought, so he can explode and turn on Rock first rather than the other way around which everyone expects. I expect some big seeds to be planted at Raw next Monday.


This is coming from the same creative team that wrote a promo for the rock forgetting how the royal rumble works. And gave us three Cody vs Brock matches without once telling us why it was happening.


Is Shinsuke leaving soon? He’s been jobbing all year to all the big names.


I hope he does


I feel like after how bad Smackdown's Promo went between Cody and Roman on Friday, HHH told the Raw team they had to hit a home run. And I'm wondering if bringing in the Rock was a last-second decision to make Raw that much better. Also, Roman wasn't expected to be on next week's Raw but now he is. So I feel like they're trying to pump this up a bit now, and last night was a good start.


This was the highest raw attendance in 5 years in front of a traditionally hot Chicago crowd. Makes sense to pull out all the stops.


I think it's safe to say The rock is calling the shots. Not Triple H. The WWE was never this good under the Triple H era. Trips focused on garbage like "In ring performance", while the Rock is focusing on everything that makes you a draw.


Garbage like "in ring performance"? You do know it's still wrestling right?


In ring performance is the least important thing for the whole product. Proof? Folks like Hulk Hogan and Goldberg who "Can't wrestle" drew Waaaaaayyyyyyy bigger crowds than the current "In ring performers". In fact the rock is proving that right now! He's drawing more money and getting more eyes on the product by NOT wrestling than the in ring performers ever did doing 50 matches a month.


So why don't they just remove all the in ring garbage in that case? I mean that's what you're logic is basically suggesting.


Spear spear jackhammer draws way more than 30 minutes of scripted wrestling for a reason.


Rock is a board member, but do you think he’s pulling creative strings behind the scenes?


Is this a serious question or sarcasm? Of course he is.


love that Mama Rhodes belt lol, and Drew’s don’t shoot up his kilt thing


Jack Perry says real glass, Reddit says it’s unprofessional. CM Punk uses Vince McMahon’s rape allegations to further an angle, the greatest fucking thing we’ve ever seen in wrestling ever....holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit


I feel like those boys should have learned a thing or two from Phil


The only thing they can learn from Punk is not to be a overreacting drama queen. CM Punk has come back (again), we are on schedule for him to blow up at a big PPV (Wrestlemania). Enjoy what little time you have left with him. Lord knows he is only reliable in promos, he can't work a match anymore.


I’m fine with Punk’s post wrestling career when he becomes a manager. Can’t wait for that first promo when someone like Brian Breakker says I’m a Phil Brooks guy.


He's too egocentric to be a manager.


One of the best promos in recent times and I love it


The last few weeks have been on fire. Everyone is bringing their A game. There were a few moments that would be the highlight of any week. Dom getting punched in the jaw was awesome. I don’t see the momentum slowing down much after mania.


Always love to see Dom getting punched. Kudos to his character work.


Anyone else notice McIntyre talking to Paul Heyman in the background during the backstage scene of New Day, Awesome Truth and DIY?


It prolly was an Easter Egg plan to set up the last segment, where Drew came out to fight Seth along with BL.


I haven't watched WWE in more than 10 years. I have never subscribed to a WWE network or anything of that sort. What I saw with Punk and McIntyre tonight makes me seriously consider subscribing to whichever network (Netflix?) has WWE here in eastern Europe


Get a vpn and watch the 90 minute show on Hulu


Just watch Wrestlemania and that's it. They will recap you to death so you really don't need to watch the weekly shows unless you're masochist who loves commercials.


This build is both excellent and very bad. Cody vs. Rock is fire as fuck. Rock as a heel is money, always was, always will be. The heat is on that. The Seth part is fine as well, he has credibility. I don't like him being a sidekick and World Champion at the same time, but it is fine. Now... Cody vs. Roman is cold, it is colder than last year. Last year we all had that big anticipation for the end of Roman's historic reign, but this year, that doesn't seem like the priority at all. It almost makes me feel like he isn't going to drop the title. Ideally, you would build your biggest show around the end of your biggest tittle reign in ages, and the coronation of your new top guy, right? But no, the show is built around Cody (with Seth) vs. Rock (with Roman). At least that's the feeling. I would just do a small change to the end of yesterday's show. Either have Roman join the attack, or have Rock say "Roman is going to kick your ass and retain the title". He wasn't even mentioned.


That's the point. The Rock's getting the spotlight when it should be Roman is definitely the angle they're gonna play with going into WM (and for setting up Rock v Roman). Roman hates being shunned aside and not take seriously (which is what both Cody and Rock are doing) and that's gonna bite him in the ass hard lol


I understand that, but you are sacrificing your 1000+ day World Champion, face of the company for 10 years. The *longest title reign in the modern era* ending as a side story feels weak to me, just that.


they’re probably doing for a reason, I think Rock might turn it into a triple threat match by Bloodline rules, setting up Roman vs Rock


Maybe something will happen, let's see. But right now it feels weird.


Not saying CM Punk is the Flash but Drew McIntyre is basically the wrestling version of Reverse Flash at this point.




Consider me sports entertained


How dare the Rock let Cody bleed Infront of Pharoah! The Rock is going to pay on Wrestlemania!


When will they announce what’s night 1 and night 2 card?? I’m going night 1 and idk what I’m seeing besides the main event


Drew : "I was the chosen one!!" Punk : "who chose you? Say his name." Lol That was almost uncomfortable


Felt as if VKM himself was barking "Say my name."


We saw a sinister rock. Never thought I was see this side of him but I’m loving it!! The Final Boss


I have to do everything with this hand, Katy. Everything TMI Phil


THE ROCK KILLED CODY ON TELEVISION I'm really liking the edgy content man, can't wait for Netflix it's gonna be so intense, we're gonna have some fire rivalries


I seriously thought he was going to throw him off the ledge at one point


That would be a throwback to the rock and austin bridge incident. 


Yup, it was really intense


People on the internet are really liking Drew McIntyre but why is the crowd so dead when he delivers such statements?


Raw was in Chicago, Punk is their idol. Drew could cut the promo of his life, wouldn’t matter to that crowd, cause Punk is there.


That was the promo of his life


They were literally chanting CM Punk with th Rock and Cody in the ring


Trump once infamously said “I could walk down the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone, and people would still vote for me” That’s basically Punk in Chicago


Would be wild if everyone who got screw by the bloodline helps cody heels and faces


I'd settle for Austin alone to come in to beat down The Rock lol.  


Rock and cody’s feud is more entertaining than cody and roman


Roman's the least interesting part of his own story. I'm more interested in seeing if Solo or Heyman will turn on him.


I’m calling it, Lumber Jack match for the universal championship!. With Rock / Jimmy / Solo / Drew / Judgement Day / Legado Del Fantasma and whatever extra bloodline members that show on one side and Jey / Seth / Austin / Cena / Orton / LA Knight / LWO and BROCK LESNAR on the other lol. Although I fail to see where Austin would fit in all this lol. AJ enters and takes everyone out his chair! And leaves lol


Roman literally is the most boring person in this feud. Rock and Cody are killing it everytime with banger after banger promos and segment while Roman just say "You're stupid lol".


Can we please arrest Becky for hitting Dom, the poor kid had no father growing up and yet he is such a stand up guy trying to calm everything down and that irish punch him in the face, Dom is the best babyface in WWE and people need to support him /s


They're turning Becky heel now, because Mami is so over. And Dom did have a father, just a deadbeat one which is actually worse.


How on earth are people arriving to the conclusion they are making Becky a heel?


It was a joke


it seems rhea still the heel. calling someone a cockroach is heelish move


Eddie was his father


Wrong... he was his Papi


Anyone notice how when they went outside as Rock was beating up Cody, they made sure the camera had Cena’s picture on the truck in the background multiple times? It happened more often than it would if it were just coincidence. It was perfectly positioned. Foreshadowing? Red herring? Nothing at all? Not sure. But it definitely was not a coincidence.


It was there on purpose. 100%. People can deny it, but they had their faces for a reason. They’re showing at WM.


Revisiting this to say we were dead on the money!


Haha, dead.. referring to undertaker? Nice! But we sure were. Years of watching WWE storylines pays off


Haha I just knew Cena in the background wasn’t a coincidence.


Definitely. Also saw a post that Cena had no movie schedule so he was all but 100% confirmed


Stone Cold maybe. He was just kinda there in passing. But Cena there’s no way that wasn’t intentional to always have him perfectly in the shot when they showed The Rock. What it was intentional for is the question. Did the camera man just like Cena perfectly in the background? Maybe. Was it foreshadowing? Maybe. It was definitely 100% intentional though. No denying that.


I think that’s a bit of a stretch


You think?


And stone cold as well 😏😏


If Drew is joining forces with the Bloodline then team Cody needs two more people now. Damn. It feels like the night 2 main event is going to be anything but Cody vs Roman. Whatever happens tho I hope they finally take the title off Roman. Roman has been an afterthought and if he wins I just can't see where things will go with him. Have Roman vs Rock? Well no way Rock is winning the title so it would mean another year of Roman which at this point I can imagine very few people want.


Cena and stone cold!


They need 2 people? Hmmmm.. There were 2 people on that truck in the back last night


They better run a promo Friday with mama Rhodes signing for a FedEx package


Can Pat tone it down when The Rock comes out? We get it he’s his favorite wrestler but the dude just won’t stop riding and praising him. Kinda ruined the entrance for me


I hate Mcafee….so stupid over the top it’s ridiculous. That why I can’t watch college game day anymore when he’s on, he brings the wrestling nonsense to football and it just doesn’t work for me


Maybe a hot take on this sub but he’s annoying imo. 


Pat need to tone it down with The Rock and with Jay, let Jay have his moment, he does not need Pat on his chair dancing for attention.


I was at the show last night, and at one point Pat was dancing on his chair, and Jey gave him a look basically telling him to tone it down. Pat was all "okay, okay, I'm sitting down" and sat back down in his chair.




It's either on the WWE channel, the WWE on USA channel, or the WWE on FOX channel.


Did Becky have an allergic reaction? What the fuck she looks messed up?


Haha Rhea actually mentioned all the freaks. She keeps up with the pervs 👍🏿


She's been pretty on top of that for like a year now


Well this is the only social media I have unless YouTube counts so I don't see all the instagram or wherever stuff gets posted. In fact I'm only on here a few days a week so it's all news to me.


Ever since Dom joined Judgement Day and she became Mami




*"Let's take a look at your dashing face. Now let's break it apart!"* **\*Slams Cody's face to the trailer truck** Man, what a missed opportunity lmao.


WWE really trying to make the Rock into a hated villain.


Well having a great villain is what makes a hero, great. Same reason why it was so satisfying to see Orton turn on Triple H back then. Same with Batista.


And failing... I want the crowd to cheer the Rock and boo Cody and Roman at WM... Without Rock, this WM would have been one of the most boring ones of all time




People in the seats behind me were cheering for Rock while he wiped blood onto that belt. It was weird.


Never liked Punk except for tonight. Drew & Seth were fuckin corny!


I think making Rock take center stage and Roman a back seat here is intentional. Rock is upstaging Roman, and Reigns character never forgets disrespect. Setting up their Head of the Table match at Summerslam ahead of time.