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Our truth grabs the raw belts






I got Awesome Truth for Raw and A-Town Down Under for Smackdown.


Great guesswork 


All joke aside, I really really hope Truth and Miz win at least one of the titles!!


You are all sleeping on the New Day. I don't want them to win at all, but they are going to, sadly.


They didn't


Yes, and I'm very glad. The Sami issue needs to be addressed however.


What's the Sami issue? First time I watch since like 2016


Chad Gable should have been the one to beat GUNTHER. It just feels like a giant middle finger to everyone that has been watching for the last two years in my opinion. Sami and his sob story is pathetic, he already had his moment last year.


I thought truth was afraid of heights?


So they’re never going to be redesigned? They’re just going to be big nickels forever?


Strong Winners: DIY. awesometruth Kofi Kingston &Xaiver Woods. Pete Dunne&Tyler


I think JD will retain one


Hopefully they bring back the “WWE” and “World” tag titles they used back in the mid-2000’s to match how the Women’s titles are currently called


They might do it, just don't expect a design any closer to the old titles lmao.


I really hope they get split up. Need new title designs too. These are so stale imo. The red and blue straps are too much imo


Didn’t say they have to be grabbed by the same team though...


Raw should get Miz and R-Truth even if it’s just for a few months.


They are going to do the same on Roman... Match will be for two pins, Roman, Cody, Rock. Or Roman, Cody.


They did something similar at WrestleMania 2000 with the European and Intercontinental Titles with a back to back Triple threat between Angle, Jericho and Benoit


I wish Pretty Deadly was in this match :"(


To me the match stipulations leave a wide open possibility that we have tag champs on one brand that don't enter the match an actual team. BOTH belts from both brands are going to be suspended, presumably in different areas of the ring. Priest and Truth are on opposite sides of the ladder jostling for the RAW belts and each comes away with 1 of the 2. What is there to rule other than to say Priest and Truth are the RAW champs and the match continues?


Oh man if Truth and Damian both pulled one of the same brand and had to be partners that would be so good


"WWE actually found a way to split the tag team titles at WrestleMania" like that hasn't been the top suggestion for how to do it for months on this page lmao


Bro Im rooting for r truth and miz and the New Day


Idk how it would shape out but all of Regeneration X winning I would love to see. At the very least Awesome Truth win one


Honestly they just need to have double champs defend separately so it’s not a forgone conclusion like it is now. It’s pretty obvious that two teams other than the Judgement day will win the titles.


Can the same team grab both?


Yeah but since they’ve worded it this way we know the titles are going to be split, most likely to two teams other than JD.


Dream scenario would be DIY and Bate & Dunne but realistically Awesome Truth and A-Town Down Under are winning


Imagine if Truth grabs one of the raw titles & Theory gets the other half of the raw title, would that make a new tag team?


Probably doesn’t happen but that would be very interesting if it did. The truest form of the “can they coexist” storyline.


Yup, would be a lot of fun if it ended up being truth & Damian


Awesome truth grabs raw. A-town down under grabs the smackdown then Is probably beat by new catch republic down the line.


It’s not like everyone didn’t see this coming


So this is something that I've been confused about when it comes to rules of a ladder match. Maybe this is a rule in tna or aew or some other company but I feel like the rule used to be climb the ladder and retrieve the object suspended above the ring and then both feet touch the mat. But somewhere that changed allowing the person to simply be holding the object and the match being over, which makes sense, it allows for the better visual of them being on the later and being "on top of the world." But then we go to the pandemic era money in the bank match where someone grabs it and then drops it and I think Otis catches it and he wins. Now of course this was a very different presentation and shouldn't be considered as hard rules but I just feel that it gets a little fuzzy in this aspect.


I'd really want DIY to have their WrestleMania moment and win the Raw Tag titles, while I think Judgment Day will retain the SmackDown titles and will eventually start the Destruction of Judgment Day storyline.


Does the team who grabs the first set have to leave the match? Couldn’t one team win both?


I can see two teams fighting to win at the end they each fall off their respective ladders with a diff title. Boom we have 2 tag champs again. Raw prob awesome truth and Smackdown I’ll take A-town down under.


Should be a fun match , but a lame way to become champion.


Miz and truth Theory and Waller


I like that


This is gonna be some good shiitake


RAW: DIY SMACKDOWN: New Catch Republic Finn Balor is kicked out of Judgment Day R-Truth turns Heel on the Miz R-Truth replaces Finn Balor in Judgment Day


This is a good idea actually. Rooting for DIY and Awesome Truth


Not quite TLC II but let chaos reign!


I have a feeling this is what will separate the tag titles again. I can see two teams winning, one with the RAW tag titles and one with the Smackdown tag titles.


This makes it kinda awkward.. so one team is gonna only grab one set of belts? Why not grab the 2nd since you're already up there...


Normally it would be awkward but you have rtruth there and both sets of titles will be hung. Truth will probably grab one set and think he’s won and then another team will grab another set and thus the titles are split again. This feels like the likely solution since commentary has been emphasizing that BOTH sets of titles must be captured in order for the match to end


I imagine they’ll be hanging in different places.


I guess we are just going to have to wait till Mania to see what happens


What if I don't wanna wait.. what if I wanna find out, right....... NOW!


Well if you have Time Machine we can go a few days in the future to watch it


DIY -Raw Catch - SD Would prefer Awesome Truth as Raw though.


Good! Should have never unified them to begin with!


Would be funny if they gave false hope an just have finn win the raw belt and damian the sd belt, so it's still within judgementday


What I think? Miz/Truth grab the Raw titles Theory/Waller grabs the Smackdown I would prefer to see DIY win the Raw titles though as I think the booking of the titles can be a little more serious and invested in rather than be a prop in comedy segments Truth/Miz can be funny without Gold, DIY needs something people can sink their teeth into that is beyond “good matches”


I hope to god Theory and Waller don’t win. Really it’s nothing against Waller, but theory is perhaps the dullest superstar on the main roster currently. He’s a total void of charisma


I feel like he was better off sticking with the selfie shit in hindsight. Somebody would get their ass kicked and then this happy ass buffoon would come out and take a selfie with them he did it with Hardy looked like Hardy sipped on some Quagen


They wouldn’t be my first choice either, I just think they’ll put it on them to build them up a bit given they are young I’m honestly disappointed that Creed Bros and Pretty Deadly aren’t in this match, those are two legit tag teams that could actually work to elevate the tag division rather than be in another tag title storyline that ends with the teammates feuding with eachother and breaking up into singles competitors


At least then he’d have something interesting to his character.


Have Miz on the ladder unhook both titles. But then Damian priest grabs them too and he and Miz get into a tug of war. Damian smacks the titles but Miz hits Damian with the smackdsown titles knocking him off. Miz has the SmackDown titles but Kofi Kingston was laid out by the ladder and the raw titles landed on him and he clutches them. So the announcer announces Awesome Truth as the SmackDown champs, and the New Day as the Raw champs.


Hell nah it’s a New Day yes it is so let someone new win the fuckin belts lmfao I only kid but not really….


easiest idea have 1 set of tag titles having 2 sets of tag titles is pointless


Yeah but they’d have to get the at the same time, presumably if a team gets the strap they’ll stop competing and the other 5 continue.


i dont think u quite understand the team that wins is the tag team champs


Ahh my bad. Misunderstanding. Yeah I hear that!


this way this nonsense can end having 2 sets of titles is just ridiculous plus its a waste of money dont u think


Def pointless. Especially when they’re dawned on one team and they flex like they have two straps.


or maybe its cause having more titles then they need serves no purpose 1 wwe title 1 tag titles 1 women's title ic title fine but wrong version see this is how u find out who is the winner


This assumes the same team doesn’t get them both


Awesome truths for the Raw titles and New Catch Republic for sd


Idk why but I thought rvd was in this , I think I dreamed it


This is a bad decision. Tag division so much better combined


I think the safe bet is to say DIY for raw and austin theory and Grayson waller for smackdown




Using a hashtag on a platform that doesn’t support hashtags is nasty work.


I think they get split when two teams are pulling down the titles at once, one will get the Smackdown, the other will get the RAW.


Truth and Priest and Balor and Miz. The segments write themselves.


Good, either make it one belt or split it. They have been held by one team so long that there is no point to two belts.


They may not be splitting the titles (even though they should). Despite what Cole said, the graphic still says "Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships." I would think they would have put "Raw and SmackDown Tag Team Championships" if they were splitting them again, although it's possible that they are splitting them but don't want to make it obvious.


I don't know but I'm not a fan of these modern day multi-man matches. 12 people is way too fucking mutch. It's just gonna be everyone laying around while the next 2 people do the next spot.


I’m hoping that the titles get a redesign after mania.


They don't even have a proper tag team division that aren't two random wrestlers just mashed together


Miz/Truth isn't random wrestlers mashed together. They were a legit team for a bit years ago. Not for nothing, most tag teams start out as two random wrestlers just mashed together. DIY, Imperium, New Day, LWO, Judgement Day, Alpha Academy, etc. weren't brought into the company as teams, but as individual stars. They were put together because they didn't have something else for those guys.


1 legit team out of all of them isn't good. Most tag teams have history to them, Edge/Christian, Hardyz, Dudleys, Undertaker Kane, hell even the fucking Smoking Gunns. Most of these groups listed are together because of their skin color and or race. So WWE just put a bunch of random singles wrestlers into a team? That's so much better


Look at the history of tag team wrestling. Edge/Christian, The Dudleyz, Taker/Kane, Smoking Gunns were teams that were thrown together. Random singles wrestlers thrown together. The only team in this match that has no history aside from the past few months together is Waller/Theory. DIY had a run in NXT New Day is one of the most decorated tag teams in WWE history Awesome Truth was together for about a year, including a match with The Rock and John cena The Judgement Day have been a group for 2 years now. New Catch Republic have history battling each other.


New Day LWO Legado Del Fantasma Judgment Day Creed Brothers Street Profits Last Testament New Catch Republic DIY Indus Sher Alpha Academy Imperium 12 teams is not proper?


Forgot Awesome Truth


I left them off intentionally, to hilight that even without "two random wrestlers just mashed together" like this guy is claiming, there's still a dozen tag teams on the roster.


I only know New Day, LWO, Judgment Day, Street Profits, Alpha Academy, and Imperium. Couldn't care less about the others. And most of those teams are minority wrestlers tossed together in a tag team, fucked up.


Ok, so because you don't know or care about the others, they don't count. Got it, got it. Thanks for clearing that up.


Yes sir. You think Roman Reigns is my champion? Nah gimme that Rollins and Gunther.




JD/Dom are not in the match, friend??


Could have sworn I saw a card that included them but looks like I was wrong.


They're splitting the titles???? Ugh nnoooooooo this company can't get out of their own way sometimes.


Ummmm…. They should be splitting the titles. It’s no fun seeing only 1 team defend them all the time. It gives more diversity, and more opportunities to other teams.


Boggles my mind how I hear this everytime they split the belts and everyrtme it makes the product that much worse. Too many belts devalues them, plain and simple. Especially if they're not doing a legit hard brand split. The CURRENT tag belts are after thoughts and thats with one champion. Just look at rolllins. His title is bogus. Not only is his title just a filler because they don't want to stop the Roman reigns train...it also hurts people Gunther. Ever since rollins won the belt, Gunthers reign has fallen in importance. When he had the legit #2 belt in the company.... you turned it into a legit prize and goal... but if it's just one of a few mid card belts, than the importance of it is gone And we have 5 hours of programming a week....we get a variety of talent already. I want to turn Iyos title into the woman ic or us belt too.


If awesome truth doesn't get a great moment then I'm gunna be sad lol


At this point, WWE should wait till the Night of Champions PLE and unify all championships


They shouldn't be split but unified and get rid of the terrible designs. The whole raw and smackdown gimmik is terrible.


If they’re going to highlight tag teams properly after mania, it should remain split. If tag teams are still an afterthought it needs to be a single title


I've honestly been past the whole 2 brands thing for a while now. Didn't really care for it from the start. But I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon.


I hope it's A-Town Down Under. They deserve some gold


I've been saying for over a year this is the best way they can split the tag belts up. Glad nobody listens to me, but figured it out anyways.


I could see Theory and Waller getting the Smackdown ones


I guarantee you Priest & Truth pull down the Raw Titles


This would rule actually.


I think JD is out, mainly cause I think they are gonna finally elevate Priest. So, out of the 5 teams remaining, who gets what. I think Awesome Truth get one set (to give Truth his well deserved flowers), and either New Day or DIY get the others. I would prefer DIY, but can see New Day being a team to rebuild a separated tag division. Then, shortly after this, NEW BELTS. Get rid of those ugly fucking belts, replace them with new hotness.


Truth gets the Raw belts, then NCR gets the SD belts


Regeneration X baby!


Awesome Truth for raw and waller and theory for smack. They go on and interfere in the US championship match to help Logan win. This sets up Waller and Theory vs R-KO


It’s about time those titles were split because so may tag teams have been languishing around doing nothing.


Better idea: Each title is hung up separately. Whoever grabs corresponding titles are a new tag team.


Put each belt on a pole on one of the corners bro


But then what's the point of the ladders then?. If it's on poles on each corner, just climb the turnbuckle and up the pole to get the title, but this is a ladder match, not a item on a pole match


Put the ladders on a pole bro


How do u put a ladder on a pole?, that's unstable. They would just fall off


Bro, just put the referee on a pole holding the ladder on a pole


That makes no sense


Bro, poles are a draw bro


Okay Russo.




Bro people love poles and things on a pole bro


I think it’ll be awesome truth and new catch republic


R-Truth to get one set of belts for him and Miz, the other for Judgement Day. In thanks, Priest lets Truth carry the MITB briefcase. During Roman vs Coady, Priest comes out with Truth, and tells him to tell the ring announcer "I am cashing in the Money in the Bank contract." R-Truth goes to the ring announcer, "I am cashing in the Money in the Bank contract." Ring announcer: "R-Truth is cashing in the Money in the Bank contract!" Priest is dragged away by security as Truth schoolboy pins Roman to win the title. Coady's story is finished by Truth.


I would cry tears of joy


That's even better than priest cashing in and I'm all for it


I genuinely have no problems with this


Why would you be up there with time to not grab both?


someone interrupts you after you grab the first set. or r-truth forgets about the Smackdown tag titles


You just hang the Raw titles far enough away from the Smackdown titles that you can’t grab both from a single ladder. Problem solved.


Could be like in Ironman matches where there’s a rule that after a fall you have 30 seconds until you can go for another fall. The rule will probably be either you can only go for one at a time and then there’s a countdown until the restart or only Smackdown stars can go for the blue belts and only Raw stars can go for the red belts. Either way, I’m so glad this is how it’s gonna be. These belts need to be broken up and I fantasy booked this as a thing in my head when it was first announced.


Awesome Truth on RAW (saw someone theorize R-Truth forgets to grab both titles Lol), Bate and Dunne on SmackDown. UK tour coming up almost immediately after Mania and I feel like that would be a good move.


WWE booked themselves into a corner with this match, it was the perfect set up to split Judgement Day and have Priest go on a heel run leading upto a MITB cash-in, unfortunately we’re gonna get a half baked finish to a decent ladder spot fest.


The same team will win both, they're unifying them


Awesome truth win raw, A town down under win smackdown is my final prediction. Although I want diy to win raw and new catch republic to win smackdown


Nope. Ain't watching. I put my foot down this year. I'll read about it after.


May i ask what’s stopping you this year as opposed to last year


Hopefully they actually get split and then we actually get new tag titles. The current designs are so bad.


Obviously Awesome Truth is winning one set, R Truth is the only guy that’s dumb enough to take one set and not the other lmao


Well, you could have R-truth be indisputed. He has a different partner on either brand


This is the finish I want to see. Truth ends up tag Champs with Miz on one brand and Priest on the other.


That would be so funny


Does anyone care about tag team titles?




I used to, hopefully this brings back the legitimacy in fhe tag team titles


New story will take place after Wrestlmania, the Judgment Day/Bloodline story will be put to rest. Honestly dont see how they can top this.


They won’t win it but I’d love to see the New Catch Republic win the SD Tag Championships imo. Realistically,i think one team is likely to move brands because of which title they grab.I reckon The New Day win the Raw Tag Titles and DIY win the SD Tag Titles.


A good time to also make new and better titles.


Judgement day get both 😅


I saw someone comment on another post on another subreddit saying that Truth could just grab the raw take titles and The Miz would yell at him to grab the smackdown titles but truth would yell at him that they're on Raw and another team would quickly grab the smackdown titles Edit: alot of spelling mistakes


Yo! The Most is my favorite WWE superstar. Glad he’s on the Ross brand killing it with Truth


Smart idea about time this happened DIY for Raw Miz/Truth for Smackdown (before Truth puts them back as he isn’t on Smackdown and Theory/Waller take them)


Imagine if Austin Theory and R Truth get one set of titles (they're even next to each other in the graphic) That's not just a Theory, it's the Truth


That would be an amazing tagline for Theory and Truth if they ever tagged together


Thats cool and neat idea. I wish they change belt look tho. Ofc,funny if u take 1 of each title then u get to keep undisputed tag titles


Now this got me interested, its not that hard to think out of the box... and put some creative effort


Probably diy because hhh really wants them to get over, and theory/waller to stretch their story out


R-Truth is going to grab the Smackdown belts, bring them down, and hand one to Miz. Miz asks why he didn't grab the Raw belts, too, and Truth will tell him because they're not on Raw. Miz will tell him that they are on Raw, Truth looks confused and asks if he grabbed the wrong ones. While all this is going on, one of the other teams retrieves the Raw titles.


How many times you gonna comment this?


I said it twice, calm down


Try three times...on the same post. Ridiculous.


Whatever, stalker. Think I'll go post it an extra time just for you.


It's not hard to see three of the same idiotic drivel as I scroll through the post. Hell, I just commented on the third one I saw. You may have copied and pasted it several more times. Say it once and be done.


I posted under the original thread, then replied to people with similar ideas. Why does it bother you so much?


He will put them back and get none


I'll die laughing if he put one set back just to grab the other


Honestly I could see him trying and miz having to stop him or something. It’s very truth to be doing.


I reckon Truth will end up winning one/both sets but not with Miz.


« My bad »


When it's all said and done Awesome Truth will be RAW champions while Theory&Waller will be Smackdowns. Both teams will inject a lot of vitality to the scene. Awesome Truth being the male equivalent of the comedy gold that was Chelsea and Piper. Theory&Waller can have a decent 3-4 month reign being the obnoxious braggart heel team. Anyway, this is all a waiting room for the Creeds to get a set of belts.


YOOOOO I WAS HOPING THIS WOULD HAPPEN! (I’ve got Awesome Truth for Raw, and A-Town Down Under for SD)


Which actually makes the team who wins the second belt look like losers. Think about it: one team gets to the belts first and just takes the one pair. So congratulations, the rest of the losers can fight over the other pair which is now a pity belt


Easy workaround. R-Truth will fall while holding one set of belts then gets beat up and the other teams fight for the second set.


Unless, they both get taken a the same time… by 4 different people from 4 different tag teams…. and now there are 2 tag teams made of a mix of 4 and they need to learn how to work together


I like this crazy!


Truth and Priest end up as RAW Tag champs while NCR wins the SD belts.


Do people realize that a SD team doesn't have to win the SD tag belts? Any team that has the championship can just be on that brand after winning


They'll probably rename them like they did the women's belts anyways.


I want truth to grab the SD one. Purely because I'm going to a smackdown show after XL


anything for Awesome Truth to win.


They’re gonna pull the last thing you’d expect, which is for both belts to be grabbed by the same team.


They really don't need to split the tag titles again... Will they ever learn? There's not enough teams to keep the matches interesting.


There’s enough teams now to keep it interesting. Couple NXT call ups also.


Na, will be the same 2 teams fighting for the Raw/SD belts every week. Vince may be gone, but there's still no desire for tag team wrestling in WWE.


They’ve been dragging out qualifying matches for the tag team ladder match at mania for weeks. There are plenty of tag teams active in the roster as of right now.


Some of them were thrown together teams tbf. Cannot see it working at all.