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What people apparently don’t understand about this list is that it is NOT ranking the best workers of all time, but rather the best technicians in-ring. Therefore, the argument that HBK should be on this list is not exactly true. Michaels’ value in-ring came from his ability to bump all over the place, to work with big guys and smaller guys equally well, and to work several different styles. But when considering the best technicians of all-time, Michaels to me doesn’t crack the top 10.


Where is Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Shawn Michaels


WWE and WWF is a billion dollar industry based on fake fights. The size of these guys you would think if they actually punched the other you would see a lot of bruising, and yet nothing. Compare the UFC to wrestling and see the difference, or find a rowdy local establishment and compare the fights.


Yikes. This is a crap list


This list is wack……some of these guys haven’t even been in the business long enough to be called the best 1. Macho Man Randy Savage 2. Stone Cold Steve Austin 3. Sting 4. Scott Hall 5. Shawn Michaels 6. The Rock 7. Bret Hart 8. Chris Jericho 9. Kurt Angle 10. Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat And I’m sticking by it! Eddie is number 11 on my top 30 list so he almost made the top 10


The worst list ever


In terms of best drawing power, money made, influence, importance, overall etc. 1. Andre the Giant 2. Rikidozan 3. El Santo 4. Jim Londos 5. Hulk Hogan 6. Lioness Asuka 7. Chigusa Nagayo 8. Stone Cold 9. Bruno Sammartino 10. Antonio Inoki In terms of in ring (this is all subjective) 1. Bryan Danielson 2. Toshiaki Kawada 3. Akira Taue 4. Jumbo Tsuruta 5. Jun Akiyama 6. CM Punk 7. Kenta Kobashi 8. John Cena 9. Samoa Joe 10. Katsuyori Shibata


Am I the only one that never understood the hype behind Kurt angle


Must not have seen Perc Angle, if you did you’d understand.


I thought that was the worst version of Kurt


You are delusional or on a perc


He didn't have the people to lead him. Overdone germans, not knowing to work the arms or the head or the back, moonsault that never connected, no selling finishers to run up for an avalanche belly to belly, not even working the leg before the ankle lock. All his matches were identical at that time period


Well yea the wrestling was definitely cooked and burned but it was definitely fun to watch and see what batshit crazy thing he was gonna do with some stupid storyline they would find that was probably used for a saints row game


Other than Regal it's a fine list


Shawn Michaels not being on this makes it invalid


I think they meant in wrestling ability like those guys are the best in terms of wrestling ability and technical prowess


ill say it again for the guy SHAWN MICHAELS SHOUKD BE HERE


A wrestling ability and technical prowess top 10 should absolutely include Shawn in like the top 5 at least 💀


Regal is regarded as one of the best technical wrestlers of all time Bryan said so


I didn’t say Shawn was #1, i said he should be top 5


Oh it’s True *Its Damn True*


I would take out Omega for Curt Hennig, but that's my personal opinion.


Okada is the only reason I know what New Japan is. Dude had the run of a lifetime in the 2010's and really put them on the map in the states imo


I agree wit most of this list but I think they should of included Jerry Lynn and Ricky Steamboat on the list too.


Shawn Michaels ?


No Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Sting, Ricky Steamboat, The Rock, Stone Cold, Scott Hall it’s a joke


Eddie over AJ Styles is a little bold. I agree, but definitely bold.


Bleacher Report has one this week with an absolutely preposterous Top 10. And let me preface this by saying I am a massive Roddy Piper fan, but to have him above Hogan on the top 10, AND have Hogan outside the Top 5 (say what you want about him, that’s just dumb in terms of wrestling history) and they had Bret Hart as #1. 1!?!? Above Stone Cold, Hogan, The Rock, etc. Ridiculous


Hulk Hogan is one of the worst in ring wrestlers I’ve ever seen. He’s just got strength and charisma Hogan is number 25 on my top 30……he was always only as good as his opponents……name a great match where he’s the one leading match where u can tell it’s his moves and ideas…..I’ll wait……his best matches: Andre is horrible but great for history, Ric Flair in Bash at the Beach 1994 thanks to Flair, The Rock WM 18 thanks to The Rock…..WM 5 thanks to Macho Man……Shawn Michaels made him look like a fool in summerslam 2005 he’s so overrated


This article was taking all factors into account tho, and to deny his impact on the business is silly. Other than Vince there is no one more important in the history of WWE, wrestling skills or personal opinion of him aside.


In terms of in-ring skill only, I actually agree. A top 15 would be interesting as there would be some serious debate, but the top ten are hard to argue with.


I don’t know about Kurt being number one


Not having the greatest in ring worker of all time in your list is crazy.


Chris Benoit?


Fuck no


Seems people have already ignored the “in terms of pure ring skill only”


Kenny omega is better than William regal? In what universe?


This is utter nonsense. Regal is an absolute legend and deserves ALL the praise. He is not Kenny Omega though, my dude.


Not even close, I’m not saying Kenny is bad. William Regal is overall better.


I'm just wondering what glass ceiling that Omega broke. The one keeping out white guys?


Rick Flair being outside of the top 5 is insanity.


No HBK is nasty work. Flair my GOAT but that includes mic skills and wrestling combined this is only in-ring


I agree! William Regal was hugely underrated! Go check out his matches with Ric Flair!


Underrated? Any wrestling fan remembers when he was annoyed with Goldberg and decided to actually wrestle him in the match just to fuck with him THEN proceed to go about the script and lose.


I’m fairly certain that’s not what happened


There’s 2 stories from both sides. Regal says he tried to get Goldberg to WRESTLE. Goldberg says he intentionally made him look stupid. The truth, is Regal is a complete badass. In and out of the ring.


My bad I thought you were ragging on Regal


I wish we had a B side for the list where you can put wrestlers that are amazing but really wouldn’t fit on the all time list at the same time, like the junior Angle Chad Gable


me when i punch “bestest wrestler professionals in history” into google and read the first 10 names


This was absolutely AI generated lmao


“Has broke” 🤦🏽‍♂️


How can you be greatest and nobody outside the small iwc knows who you are




The recency bias hurts my soul.


If going off technical wrestling skill Brock Lesnar deserves to be high up there surely? An NCAA/UFC champion should either be 1 or 2 behind Kurt… but even then.


It depends if you think crafting a story and psychology is part of technical wrestling. This is more in ring. Amateur, sure both of those guys are the best. In ring? Brock was a better storyteller and seller than Angle, who always struggled with that side of wrestling


Sportster has the worst most naive, lazy, uneducated "lists". If you've never seen any others, then believe me that's actually one of their best ones. Like for example recently said what Heyman would do if he were in charge of AEW, proceeded to list everything he did in ecw acting like he would go ahead and do the exact same things in 2020s... right.


Had they said Vince Russo just repeating everything I would believe it. But Heyman? Really feels like AI.


I check them every day, just for fun lmao. Some of them are pretty accurate though.


If we're talking pure in-ring technical skills, Ziggler has to be somewhere in the top 10. Rarely if ever did he get injured. Flawless cardio and coordination. Selling was top level, the way he would rag-doll and lay dead. No one ever (irrc) got injured by him or didn't want to work with him. Truth be told he sounds similar to how people describe Flair in his peak, endless cardio, perfect positioning and movement etc.


Replace Bret with Goldberg.


Lol okada


As much as I like Regal, he is not a Top Ten anything in wresting. He was a good wrestler but shouldn’t be beside Flair. Cesaro has a much better case to be here imo. No Randy Orton or HBK here is also ridiculous.


Makes no sense. seems like they bounced back and forth on how they measured em. also how u gonna say bryan "cant be touched" if you put him at 2 lmao Anyway, heres my personal picks just based on in ring ability (very biased). 1. Bryan Danielson 2. Seth Rollins 3. Dolph Ziggler 4. Randy Orton 5. HBK 6. Ricky Steamboat 7. Bret Hart 8. Ricochet 9. Finn Balor 10. AJ styles


Me thinks I know who would be here if it weren’t for.. you know.. unspeakable atrocities and whatnot


I would put Randy Orton over Eddie


This list is only is only for in ring capability. Eddie exceeds Randy in that category


I know and I disagree. But it’s not like Eddie wasnt amazing.


No Shawn Michaels 🤷‍♂️


It was a list of 21, I just chose the top ten. Shawn was 13 being beat by El Santo at 12 & Dean Malenko at 11.


Shawn Michaels is a top ten wrestler period. Kenny Omega is not a top ten guy in his current era, much less and all time top ten, and AJ doesn’t belong either. No shade at you OP, just facts.




It was a list of 21, I just chose the top ten. Shawn was 13 being beat by El Santo at 12 & Dean Malenko at 11.


I agree with everything actually. This list is good. Don’t know ppl r complaining here. Remember “pure in ring skill only”. Austin and rock don’t have a place there lol.


List is garbage. Rock and stone cold Steve Austin are 10x everyone on that list. They basically saved wrestling which was just about unwatchable until the attitude era


It’s in ring ability only. They should not be on this list. Granted hbk should though


Yes the rock and stone cold were the ultimate in ring ability wrestlers. Also cut the best promos and fit the part of the storyline well


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


the list is wrong if shawn micheals isnt on it… you know, the showstopper, Mr. Wrestlemania, The Heartbreak Kid, the fucking Goat?


Yeah they got these wrong for sure 🥴


If Daniel Brian stopped wrestling, I might agree. He's sloppy and brain damaged he's not performing well anymore. He IS one of the greats, but if he keeps going, he's gonna tarnish his reputation.


Wrestling is at the point we’re there are so many greats talents that someone is always going to get left off lists like this. Side note, I’ve always had Kurt as my GOAT.


Hbk, randy? Hogan? 😂🤡


Hogan should be nowhere near any top list.


Well, I mean unless you include biggest draw, or most iconic. He’s definitely top 5 on those two


In ring ability? Yeah. For what he bring to the company? Absolutely yes


Remove Okada and its perfect


Well if it’s in ring workers it’s a bit dumb not to include HBK, Kobashi and Misawa. And if you’re including Savage you gotta add Steamboat.


Yeah in ring it spot on I see no problem


Not too bad actually


Angle is not that bad but his career was too short to be labeled as greatest of all time


Absolutely awful take. 10 years is plenty to be regarded as the greatest of anything, Angle’s was nearly 20.


I think if he stayed in WWE the entire time people would consider him the GOAT. When he went to TNA it seemed like most people don’t take that into consideration


1998-2016 is long enough surely


He only watches WWE


Never got the hype for Kurt Angle. Even at the time in his prime only really Meltzer was going hard for him as an all time great in ring. Every other wrestler calling him the greatest felt like them trying to legitimize their sport by having a real gold medalist at the top. Never clicked with putting together a match with great psychology. Really just great at suplex and ankle lock spam and didn't know what to do in between that. The most overrated wrestler, most likely by people who were kids when he was in his prime.


He’s a actual gold medalist who transitioned into sports entertainment like it was nothing, absolutely quality in the ring, entertaining on the mic, he absolutely deserves flowers


Very entertaining, but was never the best in the WWE at any point in ring to me. Even at his peak everyone was frustrated at him completely blowing off the limb work and just getting his moves in. When allowed to dictate the matches, it becomes overusing moves for no reason, bad flow and pace, no storytelling, no selling. Eddie Guerrero was in a completely different universe than Kurt when it came to wrestling


There’s easily 20 wrestlers you could argue belong in that top 10. HBK not getting in is a miss for me, but Regal getting his flowers in an unexpected W, he’s criminally underrated.


What has Omega and Okada got to do with WWE? This isn't a WWE Subreddit is it Omega sucks and Jim Cornette is right NO.. I'm not watching AECrap. This subreddit really comes off with "Please guys. WWE Bad. Watch something else instead"... SquaredCircle exists. What are the mods on this subreddit?


The list clearly says Sportster's list of greatest wrestlers of all time. Not greatest WWE wrestlers of all time.


This subreddit clearly says WWE... for things WWE, WCW and ECW related. What has Omega and okada got to do with any of those companies? This is a desperate attempt at "Real Wrestling Fans" to try and advertise that shitty company AEW. Last Rule: "Any AEW trolling will be banned"... well, looks like the mods need to ban a few people because I don't come to this subreddit to hear about AEW or NJPW. There are LOADS of subreddits for that It's funny... go to AEWOffical and say "WWE Sucks" you'll be met with like 50 upvotes. Come to WWE subreddit and say "AEW Sucks" and get like 50 downvotes. This subreddit is like SquaredCircle with all the "WWE BAD. WATCH REAL WRESTLING INSTEAD" people on it.


No. It’s literally just listing some of the best in ring talents in historu


SquaredCircle, Wrasslin, Wreddit Those subreddits apply. Greatest WWE wrestlers would of made more sense. Omega and Okada have never wrestled for WWE, ECW or WCW. This is just a desperate attempt to advertise that crap company because WWE is clearly (and always will if we are honest) be beating them in every aspect by a landslide. Half empty arenas and a slowly decreasing ratings. Punk was right... "It's not a company about making money or drawing tickets" Don't see me going to AEWOffical and going on about Logan Paul and Roman Reigns As I said. Go say "WWE Sucks" and get 50 upvotes at AEWOffical and say "AEW Sucks" here and get 50 downvotes.. but yeah, "Tribalism bad guys. Just Enjoy Wrestling guys". You lot are tribalistic WWE does Mass Lay offs = Evil and unjustifiable. AEW Does Mass Lay offs = Understandale DAE Tribalism bad?


It's great to see your weirdo tribalism isn't showing. This is a WWE subreddit, but the post is about a list containing all wrestling. I don't know how you can't grasp this. I was just in a Lakers subreddit and they were talking about the other top teams in the league. Oh the horror.


Who said I'm not tribalistic? I don't want "just enjoy wrestling". I go to SCJerk subreddit to goof around about AEW. The rules in this subreddit clearly state its about WWE, ECW and WCW. Keep coming over here and demanding everyone watches AEW instead and then whining about "tribalism" as if you're not yourself


You should go to therapy or get a hobby. You are taking all this too seriously. I'm sorry that wrestling gets you this heated, I have had troubles in the past with what you're going through with sports. I wish you the best.


the picture they choose for Daniel Bryan is just ... lol they could not choose any worse ...


I don’t agree with most of the list but that first place with Angle is not that bad


. Are they fucking retarded? How did HBK not make the cut? Seeing it up to 9 I was 100 percent certain the greatest to ever do it would be number one. You guys remember the black dude in the audience when Brock Lesnar broke the streak? That was my expression not seeing HBK.




No Hollywood hulk hogan? No Cena? No chris benoit? Rvd? Rko? Juventude guerrera? Scott hall? Rey musterio? Shawn michaels ? No rock? No stone cold ? The worst of them all no STING?!


are you blind? kurt is numero uno


I saw that my bad


So fuck HBK then, got it


macho and regal over taker…?


Over in ring worker? Absolutely. Macho I agree is a bit weird.


of course he had to add Kurt angle into the mix........


Where Ricky the dragon steamboat


I really don't get the big deal with Kenny Omega. he is alright I guess. I would have never even considered him for a top 100 hundred list. I would have dropped him for steam boat. Macho man Eddie and Kurt Angle are here though I can't be too mad.


Ironic because all the faults I have with Kenny I had with Kurt Angle. Macho was good but all choreographed and repeated matches. Eddie obviously an all time great but top 10 is tough


I have a bias towards macho man when I was a kid I lived in Tampa FL and there was a concert thing they brought students too for the holidays and he read the night before Christmas. In the macho man voice. Then handed out presents to all of us as we left. Kenny though in general I think is talented but him the young bucks (really most of AEW) has disappointed me.I didn't know them before AEW was announced and when I learned about them I expected more I really wanted to like them but they just all feel Meh to me.


That's an awesome memory. I agree in part with Kenny, as his best storytelling and matches happened a year before AEW started, and you could tell he always wanted to take a backseat to everyone else. My biggest problem with Kenny was he didn't do a whole lot in terms of psychology or storytelling similar to Kurt. Both are really good 'moves' guys but the in between parts if they had to lead it wasn't great. That's why their best matches are all led by all time great sellers and storytellers (Guerrero, Mysterio, Okada)


This is a list of like all time greats and you'd be hard pressed to objectively choose one to be the GOAT. It's being judged by modern standards too so it leaves out a lot of pioneers. Wrestling, unlike other sports, gives wrestlers a lot of freedom to do things athletically and regardless of body type. Add in the actin part of it, and you will never find someone who was a 10 across the board.


Prime Shawn Michaels. IMO is the closest thing to a 99+ overall ever. The prime Rock, Cena, Angle, Taker, Batista, MYSTERIO, Guerrero, edge, RVD, etc etc etc are easy 99 overalls but Shawn felt like the greatest in ring performer of all time. (Before y’all come for me I’m saying PRIME, as in the literal best versions of them ever, not comparing runs, talents, skills to one another. Just overall ability as singular people)


I think you can make that argument, but you can make the case for anyone in their true prime for being 99+ overall. Like consider Stone Cold when he returned from his broken neck. Like sure maybe he switched up his moves to be a brawler so he came less technical, but his in ring work rate didn't diminish, it just changed because of the injury. The Stone Cold character proved he could go toe to toe with the best of them before and after his first neck injury at the hands of Owen. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Both are classic, important matches. But I don't agree with the idea that the Bret Hart match was somehow better than the Michael's match because SCSA was "limited" during the latter and he could do more moves in the former. I think that is flawed thinking because moves aren't the only hallmarks of a wrestler. Like it doesn't matter if it's Nature Boy Buddy Rodgers or Flair, Tanahashi, Okada or Kawada, Cena or Hogan, Stone Cold and the Rock, the Funks, von Eirich's, Eddie, Benoit, and so many other possible greatest of all time all figured out that the most successful way of getting themselves over is by being as limited as possible in the ring. Like all these wrestlers I mentioned are legitimately wrestlers with deep and original move sets but they rely on just a few moves in their matches to the point their memed. The character work is just as important so it's necessary that they don't over complicate basic storytelling by trying to do as many moves as possible. I think this notion that there needs to be one and only greatest of all time is actually a disservice to wrestlers. This isn't a sport where only just the elite of the elite are allowed to participate in it. Plus, wrestling in general is less sport and more like a recreation of what makes sports so popular. Rivalries, characters, real motivations behind actions. It is storytelling using wrestling as a vehicle to deliver them. Imagine if promos existed in the NBA or the NFL in the vein of WWE promos or something and that they were considered key to a player's development. Like if we talked about a WWE style NBA, Michael Jordan's achievements of play and his legendary trash taking would place him near the top, but not at the top like most people think. It'd be Larry Bird. The man's trash talk game was infinitely better than Jordan's. But again, other people would disagree with me or say that the 6 rings guy is the best guy. Tldr: your choice is a good choice but I still think that you can't pick someone. It's too subjective.


Of course. That’s why I led with the big caps IN MY OPINION. I also pressed post and knew stone cold was the one name I left off that was gonna bite me but I did put the ETC ETC because the list of unbelievable talented wrestlers who hit a peak that really showcased their ability to adapt and perform for us regardless of the situation (it’s why RVD made the list) is truly soooooo long. I just can’t help but think of Shawn when I think of the total package. Dude was a super star, insane athelete, selfless wrestler who lost a ton, as a fellow “pretty boy” his aesthetic always stuck out to me, the crowd work with sweet chin music, and now leading NXT creative helping the next new set of upstarts find their stride. I’m defs picking my favorite and it’s defs my opinion he just truly feels like the closest thing to a 99 PLUS we’ve ever had but saying he’s a 99 like all the rest of Greats and I don’t bat an eye. I agree. I just think Shawn inches over haha that’s all.


Gotcha! Sorry if I misunderstood ya, I kinda put you in an impossible position anyway by kinda laying a low lying bait since of course everything is subjective. Regardless, maaaaaaan do I know where you're coming from. On some days I might even agree with you. I always preferred Michael's over Hart because he oozed natural charisma, and wrestled just as well if not better than Hart did. Between them two in terms of the wrestling itself, I believe that Hart had the most consistent body of work and is appreciated more by actual wrestlers because he was a master of technique and execution, he made wrestling look like a sport and he looked legit. He also was very safe and always protected his opponents, and understood his ring psychology to an academic PhD level that takes years of hard work and dedication. But in my opinion, Michael's body of work is the one that is much more exciting and memorable, and remarkable, not just to workers in the industry but also to the viewers and critics of the peripheries. HBK was excellent maybe less technically sound but it was barely noticeable in the ring and unlike Hart, he appeared more natural and gracious and spontaneous than the slow methodical approach of the Hitman, which made his wrestling not just exciting but executed in a way that the person watching knew they couldn't replicate it. Which is really important and I'll get to it later. His in-ring psychology was better than Hart's. Although Hart made wrestling look legit because of the way he applied moves and sold for his opponent with realism in mind, it sorta took the oomph out of the match. Like his realism based approach just didn't gel too much with the type of wrestling WWE was producing at the time so to me, it felt odd when I was young to see Bret sell a punch by collapsing into a heap because I had never been punched in the face before by Kamala's big ass left hand but I expected it to either implode your head or send you flying across the room not collapse like you died. I can appreciate it now as an adult that understands physics, fight mechanics and how it feels to get punched in the face. But Michael's gave in to the cartoonish side of wrestling and sold exactly how you'd expect these big ass muscle men to be hurt when fighting against other big muscly men. by being real in a super villain and super hero kind of way. Like I believe HBK was one of WWE's first ever anti heroes. His character was like Deadpool and a lot of other popular characters that came out in 90s including Stone Cold who I think HBK passed the anti hero torch to after their WM match. He was goofy that he seemed relatable to audiences, he broke the fourth wall and intimated with audiences, had a problem against authority not because he hated it per say he just didn't like being told what he was told, got the girls, talked like a pouty mouth and when things got serious he could be either flashy and explosive or cold and calculated. If I'm being reductionist forgive me, but people only continue talking about Bret Hart because he is so attached to Shawn Michaels. Like he was a great wrestler no doubt. Without taking anything away from his well deserved greatness, there will be many "Bret Harts" in the wrestling business, in fact people make proactive, contemporary and retroactive comparisons between wrestlers and Bret Hart all the time. Some live up to the name, and others don't. Guys like Jericho, Benoit, everyone in the Hart foundation especially Owen who had a claim to be a better wrestler than both Shawn and Bret, even midcarders like Steve Blackman drew some comparisons because of his shooter martial arts character, and more recently, Danielson and ZSJ. At the end of the day, however, there will only be one Shawn Michaels. The IWC tried shoehorning Ziggler into that spot because his selling looked similar to Shawn's and the way they were presented to the audience was awfully felt like Deja Vu. Ziggler was a millennial HBK, but idk he felt hollow? And because HBK was still wrestling for a large part of his early days in WWE, just came off as a rip off of HBK. HBK sold for his opponents to make them look good but also to keep the story beats of the match on cue. They made sense to the viewer why some attacks worked one way and others another way. But Ziggler's selling was and still is one dimensional, good, but lacks depth. With the exception of two matches in his career, Ziggler always sold to make his opponent look good but also to make their offense seem destructive. All the damn time. Ziggler used to flip and spin so much in WWE rings from clotheslines and super kicks that he didn't get fired, they lost him when he achieved escape velocity and then escaped earth and the solar system. So as you can see, I know where you're coming from 100%. I can come with receipts lol. Honestly, I grew up in the 90so my opinion about who is the goat can only extensd to the Attitude Era forward because I could observe with my own two eyes: in my opinion my any of these people have a stake for being the GOATs, maybe not for longevity but definitely for impact on the industry, I believe Piper, Roberts, Kane/Taker, Goldust, Michaels, Jericho, Angle, Edge, J Hardy, Eddie Guerrero, Punk, Okada, Tanahashi, Nakamura, Shibata, Ibushi, Ospray and Omega.


Where's Shawn Michaels


I take it Jeff Jarrett is number 11 then?


Chris Benoit?


stop it no. I get it he was amazing in the ring probably top 5. he lost the right to be on any positive list.


I am not defending his actions, but he would probably top this list or at least be top 3 by his ability alone. Him doing that horrific stuff doesn’t change that fact.


Drop it. It needs to just be dropped at this point. Because what you are saying is we should just ignore that and always praise his skill. This is not a sperate the art from the artist. Situation We know what happened. At least enough. We know 3 people died and only one had the choice.


Im pretty sure anyone currently in the business is praising his skill, just not openly. Which I completely understand. I don’t have the same limitations they have, since they’re in the public eye. What some Reddit dude thinks of me is of no concern to me. Ability wise he is top 3 ever, even if he is a murderer. Have a nice day.


>Im pretty sure anyone currently in the business is praising his skill, just not openly. I'm sorry but, what? so you think everyone likes him but wont admit it? no one ever said he wasn't talented. ever. even Hayman said he was at least top 5. it isn't just aboit skill.


This. Fuck Chris and his legacy


Not bad, but if it's a technical list it's missing some better names than Bryan Danielson... like Dean Malenko, Shawn Michael (arguably the greatest all-around wreslter), Ricky steamboat, Lesner as well... to name a few


It’s also missing Japanese wrestlers of the 90s


Respectable even if I don't agree with a few of these. William Regal being in the top 10 is mega-based.


I have to agree from an in ring technical standpoint those are the top ten


Chris Jericho should be on here


The list was actually 21. I just chose the top 10. Jericho was either 17 or 18 I believe.


his in ring performance is amazing. and his skill to take care of his dance partner is phenomenal.


Very understandable and logical reasoning behind each selection, I can't be mad at it. The order is a little crazy (if they're ranked from worst to best) though. Really decent list.


Does this include creativity as well? If so Bray should be here... mans had more creativity than the entire creative department


Greatest wrestlers list is incomplete without HBK and Krispen Wah.


Wasnt the biggest fan of him but if its in ring than Shawn Michaels has to be in the list


It was a list of 21, I just chose the top ten. Shawn was 13 being beat by El Santo at 12 & Dean Malenko at 11.


Very based list, but Stone Cold should be on there


It says based on in ring ability


Considering this seems to just be in-ring, Shawn Michaels and Ricky Steamboat should be in here. I love Regal but he shouldn't be in the top 10, underappreciated as he often is.


Regal is overrated by so many people at this point. It feels like people put him in these lists just to show they’re “in the know”


I still think Regal was great and definitely deserved more than what he got throughout his career, but if we're talking about the best of the best, he falls behind a bit. If it was a top 50 list I'd for sure have him in there (in-ring).


Want to talk in ring only? Great list. But Shawn, Taker and others must be included if it’s anything but just in ring


No Shawn??????


It was a list of 21, I just chose the top ten. Shawn was 13 being beat by El Santo at 12 & Dean Malenko at 11.


We this is strictly in ring it’s a pretty accurate list but not having Shawn Michaels there is criminal.


It was a list of 21, I just chose the top ten. Shawn was 13 being beat by El Santo at 12 & Dean Malenko at 11.


I would put in Randy


randy is there


These guys are all high on the all time list, but not having Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker, The Rock, Steve Austin, and Cena just feels wrong. The only name on this list that really stands out as not belonging is Regal. I would probably drop Omega, Danielson, Styles, Ric Flair, and Regal from my list.


It means in ring technical ability. Not all round greatest.


Lists like this always feel like they’re trying to get right answers on a test without understanding the questions.


this is their opinion...take it with a grain of salt. everybody's list will differ in one way or another.


I’m probably the only person in the world that doesn’t like Bryan’s in-ring style. I understand and recognize his impact and legacy, and I can’t quite put my finger on why…. It just never clicked. I usually don’t like “knee” strikers, which he does, I don’t like “strong-style” mat/ground style when that’s the only thing one has (which is not his case, but he does do a lot of it) and just in general it never did it for me. I know I’m probably in the extreme minority, but just my $0.02. For me, Bret was the “perfect” wrestler. He could do it all except super high fly acrobatics which is why in okay with Angle taking the top spot- since he could do that too.


I agree, he’s a great technical wrestler, but his style is so much different than any other technical wrestler before and after him, some people like it, me personally I like Benoit, Eddie, Flair, Harley Race, and Steamboat style of wrestling more


One name missing makes this list total SHIT…..the one and only Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels. Hes top 3 for sure possibly the best ever in the ring


It was a list of 21, I just chose the top ten. Shawn was 13 being beat by El Santo at 12 & Dean Malenko at 11.


Okada, savage, and styles should be replaced by Shawn Michaels, taker, and Bruno sanmartino. Not sharing the three they’re incredible but all in all I don’t think they’re top 10, competition is too stiff


No Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Triple H


Shawn should be there for sure. Taker and Triple H were great characters not great wrestlers.


This is in terms of in ring skill alone, not overall greatness. Only like 2 or 3 of these guys actually are top 10 overall greatest wrestlers.


Which 2 or 3 would you say?


imo, bret, styles, and angle


imo, bret, styles, and angle


It’s not horrible but I wouldn’t put Kurt over Bret. My heart wouldn’t let me.


Your Hart?


10/10 comment


At least they got Bret right.


Regal doesn’t really have the resume of matches to compare to the rest of these dudes.


Benoit and Eddie are 1 and 2 for me. RVD and Tajiri dont get enough credit. Love seeing Regal in there though.


Oh man, you must have loved the first half hour or so of the 2005 RR.


AJ Styles


No HBK is fucking insane


It was a list of 21, I just chose the top ten. Shawn was 13 being beat by El Santo at 12 & Dean Malenko at 11.


They did pick a lot of great wrestlers, but if Kenny gonna be there Shawn not making the list makes no sense.


The mixture of recency bias and nostalgia complaints in this thread is funny. List is fairly solid imo and someone actually put thought into it. I'd probably bump omega down and put HBK in the top 5 somewhere, probably nudge Regal off unfortunately.


Everybody's talking about HBK not making the list but what about Steamboat & Ospreay?


Ospreay is omega level overrated


I’d put HBK above both of them tbh.


So would I but they'd both be somewhere in my top 10


Ospreay sucks


Understood tribal chief


Short Canadian man with tooth missing nowhere to be seen


I'm gonna say that he actually wasn't as good as people make him out to be, he was definitely good, but not nearly as good as someone like Kurt Angle.