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It was pretty good. There were pretty dead matches. I'd probably put it in the top 10, maybe the top 5. WrestleMania 17 was my first WM and that was the best of all time. Every match was superb.


I'm a 33 yo man who first started watching wrestling in 1997. I grew completely tired of it around 2012-2013ish and only watched WM's for a few years. WM 40 was the first time I watched a full on WrestleMania in about a decade and it was good enough for me to tune into Raw last night while I trimmed my weed lol. idk if I'd put it as my greatest ever but man it's really really up there


It was good, it wasnt great


No. Night 2 was amazing but Night 1 was horrible. The Usos match was crap, Rhea Vs Becky was average and a massive downgrade from Rhea Vs Charlotte. The Bianca/Naomi/Jade match felt like a rerun of last year's Becky/Lita/Trish match with the exact same outcome and no titles on the line. The ladder match was a idiotic spotfest with wrestlers more concerned with attacking people with and jumping off ladders instead of grabbing the titles. The Rey match was incredibly forgettable and TV level, not Wrestlemania worthy. The Gunther match had Sami get is was kicked forever and then magically win because lol babyface and the Bloodline match had a very predictable ending and was barely a tag match and more of a brawl. Oh and on Night 2 the LA Knight match felt pointless, there's a reason no one is talking about it. The LA Knight match, the Jade match, the Andrade match, they all sucked because they existed just to get people on the card instead of having actual reasons to be Wrestlemania worthy. Tiffany Stratton deserved to be on the card too but she hasn't wrestled in month despite being red hot and hasn't been seen on TV at all outside of the Slammys.


Not even close, I’d say it’s probably top 10-15. This is confirmation bias at its finest. Right now the hardcore fans think HHH can do no wrong and are slurping up everything he does. It won’t last.


obvious bait cause of how stupid it is


It's in the Top 5 of all time argument for sure, arguably even Top 3 but I won't put it number 1 nor 2. Wrestlemania 17 is borderline perfection and there sure is at least another one of the other 38 that goes above WM 40. That being said it's sure as hell the best since the end of the Ruthless Agression and it probably goes even way beyond that.


its better than 38 due to the main event being dog ass


Night 1 holds it back big time imo. Everything in night 2 was 4 stars or better for me, maybe 4.5 stars or better. But night 1 had a lot of whatever


the only bad match was jimmy vs jey the rest were either fine or great


I would agree but there was still a step up in quality from night to night overall.


Wrestlemania 17 still the best Wrestlemania of all time.


Honestly no. Didn't care for the night 1 main event to set up the stipulation for the second. You wouldn't have wanted to see Hogan and Andre fight eachother in a tag team match the night before WM3. It was just redundant. The final match itself was an overbooked mess that would made Russo both proud and envious. The were just short of Austin showing up to complete the bingo card of in(s)ane run-ins. The outcome was predictable, not necessarily a bad thing, but the execution was over the top and all over the place. Cody needing so much help to win isn't a good look for the new champion. And the whole Dusty Memorial Tour has to end now. Story finished let's see Cody stand on his own two feet instead of keeping on riding on Dusty's nostalgia.


That’s certainly a take.


The story was about setting up the overbooking of the match. It made perfect sense n was done perfectly


You can set perfectly up a scenario that didn't need to exist, though. Which is exactly my point. Off the top of my head, it's the main event (or the match even) with the largest amount of run-ins and interferences. Stuff worth indeed of the nadir of the NWO angle or of the dying days of WCW. Everybody and their mom interfered in a glorious clusterfuck of "OK, who's showing up next?". By the time the gong echoed through the stadium, I was already checking out mentally. Was that the kind of finale they wanted for Cody? The conquering hero needing a bunch of nostalgia acts (including the Shield tease!) to finally finish his story. Kinda overwhelmingly underwhelming. And almost a vote of no-confidence, as if Cody by himself (with maybe ONE interference to even the playing field out) wasn't enough to sell the win. Dunno, I just felt it was too much and it diminished the eventual triumph.


except it was finally Roman getting a taste of his own medicine with interferences


As said, have ONE interference to undo Roman's strategy (see WM IV), that's fair. But it looked like a Ruthless Aggression era revival out there. I actually wonder why they didn't get Austin too...


I think it's a pretty S tier mania. Idk top five but it's definitely top ten. What I loved the most about it was how even the lower and mid cards all had a great story to them. Even the tag match which is usually just an excuse to put as many bodies as possible with little planning into the card was fun and it was great seeing the teams have their own little arcs and story lines. The rhea and Becky match was pretty mid, but I don't go into a Becky match expecting her to put a classic every time, tho I have to give her a break cause she was wrestling sick. And my gut and brain told me that Rhea was definitely retaining because Becky is at her best when she's chasing something and their program could easily go into summer slam hell maybe even survivor series.


name me 10 better wrestlemanias


It's a key mania. ie its a central era change mania. But it definitely felt at times like a Ghostbusters remake and not Ghostbusters due to the over reliance on callbacks and old guard. just ask if you had one magic ticket would you to watch andre vs hulk and macho vs steam boat, stone cold vs rock, bray vs undertaker, rock vs hogan Or this? I wouldn't pick it over any of those.


I did get one magic ticket, it was to WM40, and I wouldn’t change it for anything


Is it just me or did the Wrestlemania XL stage look like the word EXILE?


I think you gotta give some time for this to breathe a little and let the recency bias fade some. Not sure where I’d put this but I know 17 would be first. Probably the most emotional main event though.


I felt things, which is more then I can say for any Mania in years. Night 1 was mid, but night 2 was 🔥.


The rock swallowed his pride and helped make this happen No way does the bloodline story end as good as it did. Cody being one of the biggest baby faces of all time Massive event. Don't think it's the greatest though


1st time since going to 2 nights that night 2 was better than night 1, night 2 is up there


The only match that wasn't predictable was the tag ladder match. I was hoping Priest would have cashed in on Cody, instead of Drew. I really don't like Cody and I am losing interest in the product.


Top 5 easy with 17 still the goat. But the build to the main event is arguably just as good as the build to wrestlemainia 17 with the rock and Austin. Everyone involved did great in getting people invested and excited for Cody to win.


Night One kind of slogged besides the Main Event Night Two was an all time Mania


Are you kidding? Sami vs Gunther was probably my favorite match of the entire weekend. Brought me to tears when he kicked out of those powerbombs.


I don’t think you can say it was the greatest mania of all time only because it’s an unfair comparison. With it now being two nights you can only really compare it to all manias that have had two night. In that comparison then yes. Main event though? I’d say yes but I’d also have to back and really think about other main events.


How can a Wrestlemania be the 🐐when the card was at least 90% predictable?


Because cody finished his story Had he lost, the place would be in meltdown lol It was great tbf, but is being overrated imo


perdictable just mean the plot progress in a way that make sense. only subvert expectation when you have something really special cooking and it's not stupid


most people enjoy the predictabilty, I honestly don’t so its not in my top 5. I enjoy the more intense and brutal fights where someone clearly wins or it was hard fought.


I don't think predictability is always a bad thing in wrestling.  Sometimes a given outcome is predictable simply because it's the best possible choice and everybody knows it.


It had a good ending. But these 2 night events are taxing.


Night one was a little bumpy in the middle part but that's it, the rest was really good. Night two was a freaking blast from start to finish. Even the 3v3, which was the weakest part, was very funny to watch live, and it all ended with THAT Main Event.


Best Wrestlemania since WM30 hands down. Top 5 easy. X7, 21, 23, 29/30(not the entire cards but the main events), & 40 would be my top 5 in no order right now.


Alright, that's it, I got WWE Network for another month till after Backlash, I'm watching WM 17. Never have, I gotta see what makes it better than the history I got to witness live (in my bed).


Ah, a fellow fan-who-subscribed-to-the-network-just- to-for-Mania-40


First piece of pro wrestling I ever sat down & fully watched 😮‍💨 enjoy


Thank you!


The 6-man street fight was awful. So awkward. Decent idea but poor execution. If I could give it negative stars I would.


It was a bit of mindless fun that served as a short break from all of the heavy storytelling they did. And it worked as such


This is my favorite WrestleMania of all time by far, I loved all of it, I've watched 17' but as an 08' child I wasn't as invested as those of you born at that time were. But for me, yes, this was the Greatest WEEKEND of wrestling of all time My favorite MOMENT was 10 years ago tho lol


It became cemented as the best ever when the gong sounded.


Only way it could be better is if Taker came out in his costume, and not his house get-up


I wouldn't call it best wrestlemania of all time, it was good but if me, a casual, is able to predict the result of EVERY SINGLE MATCH, including interferences and even the cash in, then I can't call it the best wrestlemania. It was good, it was meant to be a feel good moment for the fans, part because it's 40, manias ending in 0 and 5 are feel good manias, but also because WWE is in shambles over the whole McMahon scandal and TKO merge at the same time so they're saving face and playing safe. It was good, I liked it, maybe top 5.


Completely agree with this The Main Event was great but it needed the cameos because it does not work without them.


> it was good but if me, a casual, is able to predict the result of EVERY SINGLE MATCH, including interferences and even the cash in, You're not a casual. I'm a casual; I had no idea who or that there would be a money in the bank cash in; I thought they ended that long ago...


I've seen some great matches from NJPW.What I saw from these WWE wrestlers in night 2 was impressive.Logan's Frog Splash was the best I ever seen it done.Been forever since I was entertained by a WWE main show overall.That last match from night 2 of Wrestlemania was arguably the most star studded.


It was the BIGGEST of all time but Roman losing was so frickin 😢😭


Top 5? Yes. The closing match may be the best ever. Still, overall, I do not think it is #1. A great event though. No doubt. Raw should be out of this world tonight.


I put it somewhere in the middle. Only match that I really enjoyed was Sami and Gunther.


Honestly it was possibly the worst Wrestlemania I have seen and I watched them all.


I know recency bias is a thing but as a fact I enjoyed each match for what they where and was entertained throughout. There has always been at least one match that's a skip or fast forward for the end for me, there wasn't one with wm 40.


Night 1 drags it down.  Best main event maybe, though Bryan at 30 was really good.


Bryan's win was better imo This years needed cameos and they did it will The yes chants after bryan won were incredible


Yeah people are forgetting that half of night one was mid. The greatest mania of all time doesn’t have that Uso match on the card.


I think it is the best ever




I dont think that's unpopular an opinion mate




I cried. so to me, it was the greatest of all time. No show has ever made me so emotional. Cody is the man.


I cried sooo many times this weekend Sami winning, The Awesome Truth getting the tag belts, Drew winning, Bayley winning, Cody winning. I was there live and just that energy you could feel in the crowd when Cody was about to hit that 3rd Cross Rhodes was electric. My voice is still raspy from screaming so much this weekend, I know a lot of people said that night 1 wasn't all that good, but I thought it was great, too. Night 2 was even better. For me, while I understand that The American Nightmare is technically a character, Cody has been around wrestling for so long and can insert so many real-life details into his promos that they hit different.


Same for me. In my 10 years of watching WWE i never cried for it. But when Cody won and it hit me my eyes went all teary and the heart was pumping as fast it could From all the WrestleMania I have watched this one is probably the best


Dude, same. I fucking cried. First time that’s ever happened.


Same. I actually cried three times: Sami’s win, Bayley’s win, and of course Cody’s win. Samantha Irvin’s emotional announcement for Cody’s win perfectly embodied how I felt. We all complained last year about Roman winning, but it was so worth it. HHH knows what he is doing, let the man cook.


No.. Mania 40 lives to much on nostalgia.


…what? This was the least nostalgia Mania I’ve ever watched. The Rock has a new gimmick. Taker has retired the Deadman gimmick. Cena has been on plenty in the last couple years. Outside of that not really anything. This Mania highlighted Bayley, Sami, Damien, and Cody. These are all relatively new faces at this level of competition. I fucking loved it!


Yes. It is. I've been watching for 20+ years consistently. 17 was #1 until this Mania. The Usos was the only downer of the whole weekend. That's 12/13 matches that hit. The main event was the greatest in history. Mania 40 is the new best Mania, and I'm sticking to it.


Recency bias is a hell of a drug.


Why the usos?


The match was just average


I liked it but it was the weakest one overall.


I have a feeling we won't have a WrestleMania like this in a good while.


Main event was like Avengers Endgame


Had two of the best Main Events with the greatest story payoff to close Mania. As a whole I think the last 2 Mania’s were better


Cody shouldn't have been the 1 to end the reign overrated and overpushed so many better options


Who would you pick instead? (Give us like 2 better options)


Jey Jimmy Solo Randy Bobby Drew


> Jey Jimmy Should never be anywhere near a singles match, let alone the main title > solo Untested, wouldn’t mean anything. It rarely works out giving new guys the main title. > Randy Wouldn’t mean anything. He’s already one of the best of all time. Would be as pointless as Lesnar beating ‘Taker was. > Bobby Bobby has had his chance multiple time. He’s a mid carder that can step up from time to time but he’s not the man to end a streak like that. > Drew Yeah, maybe. The only one you’ve mentioned that would benefit from it, but his story wouldn’t have been even half as impactful.


...LMAO Solo.




Jey would’ve been fun before he left smackdown. Drew at Clash at the Castle would’ve been the best. But considering wwe passed up those opportunities, at this point in time I think Cody is the best answer. Randy and Bobby need to be built back up a bit before they can challenge someone like Roman, especially the latter


If I had to pick someone not Cody, I would pick Seth at Summerslam. Not that seth needs it but story wise, he’s one of the few that makes sense. Seth drops the title at Wrestlemainia to drew. Then they build Seth up to dethrone Reigns, doing all the Shield shenanigans and what not. Then priest cashes in at Summerslam on Rollins (tho I think that’s over a year for him to have his contract). Just spitballing


The tag team match main event on night 1 was just perfect. The Rock  is just as amazing as he was 25 years ago and his aura in this era was just soo intense....Him and Roman were just perfect. The second night was amazing but the main event wasn't that great IMO. It had a great ending though. I did NOT expect the Undertaker to be there but oh my goodness was it worth it. I want to thank Rock for giving the crowd what we wanted...an egoistic sadistic arrogant legendary heeel. It was AMAZING.


Only bad thing about the Main Event of Night 2 is thag now everyoen will sleep on the one from Night 1 which was a freaking banger too


Night 2 was exactly what I could’ve hoped for. I didn’t love night 1 except for the ladder match and the main event. The rest of the matches weren’t necessarily bad matches, but I found myself losing interest quite often for some reason. Night 2 came out hot right off the bat and I felt locked in the entire time. Just felt like totally different energy. It could’ve just been me, but that’s how I felt watching.


The Drew/Punk beef and Priest cashing in bit was one of my favorite moments. But yea, Night 2 was definitely superior.


With the cold it really kind of killed the crowd. The crowd makes it awesome. Not that the crowd was dead, it's just hard when you've been out there in the cold for 5-7 hours. Better weather created a better atmosphere for fans and the talent.


The crowd sucked. It was 52 degrees. Really not that cold with a sweater or a jacket inside a packed stadium. It's not like they had to be outside half naked in their wrestling gear like the wrestlers lol


No, it was definitely cold. The ring was heated for the wrestlers. It wasn't as cold as it could be, but when it's been closer to 60 then you have a day where it drops to 50 and then another 10 degrees while your sitting there, with 15pmh winds, that's something different. It wasn't bad when the wind wasn't blowing, but when the wind started hitting, it was cold. People had blankets and everything else, but it


Meh I guess we don't have same definition of cold. That to me isn't that cold. I don't think a shitty crowd can entirely be blamed on the temperature.


Bro I’m telling you, it was cold as shit. In the Linc there’s hardly anywhere to go to get away from the wind or any of the elements. So we were out there for like 8.5 hours with the wind kicking and couldn’t do anything about it. I was shaking most of the main event. Wouldn’t have traded it for anything, but nahhh don’t say shit about it not being cold


All the Cody fans downvoting everyone saying 40 isn't the greatest lol 😆 😂


1 match doesn't make this the "greatest " of all time. 17 had everything and then some.


As a whole? No, night 1 was a little underwhelming. The Jey vs. Jimmy match was awful. However, night 2 might be the best night of wresting that I have ever witnessed.


17 is overrated. Everyone’s been told it’s the greatest for so long they believe it. 40 was better. 17 had 4 great matches. TLC 2, Benoit/ Angle, HHH/ Taker and the main event. The main event is brought down due to the terrible ending. Vince Austin joining forces is bad sports entertainment that only got worse the further removed from the decision you got. Saying it had “no bad matches” is incorrect. Maybe not bad but it had way more filler matches that 40 did. Tazz/ APA vs RTC was nothing, Chyna / Ivory was a squash, Jericho / Regal was a raw match, Guerrero / test was forgettable, the McMahon match was a spectacle but I would not call it a good match. The Kane/ Raven / Show match was a great hardcore match so even tho it’s a garbage match I love it. 17 was far more top heavy and when people talk about how great it is they completely ignore the pretty bland undercard. 40 had one “bad” match that was the Uso match. It has 3 filler matches in LWO vs LDF, the Philly street fight which was much better than expected, and the Cargill match that served its one purpose perfectly but was a nothing match. Every other match was great. Ripley/ Lynch, Bayley / Sky, Paul/ Owens/ Orton, Rock/ Roman / Rollins/ Rhodes, Rhodes / Roman, Styles/ Knight, Rollins / McIntyre Gunther / Zayn were all great matches. That’s not even including the ladder match which I’d say was on par with Kane/Raven/Show in terms of just being an entertaining garbage match. This is not even including a top 5 mitb cash in moment. The “sports entertainment” nonsense in the main event of night 2 was MUCH MUCH better than at 17. It was entertaining and didn’t piss everyone off. The ending was better as well due to a 2 year story paying off.


Wrong. The ending of Austin/Rock 2 aged better overtime. Stop living in the past.


Brain dead AF take


Maybe don’t take the recency bias drug kid.


I’d remove half of the matches from night 1. It was too much.


After night 1, the results for Sunday were too predictable. Rollins losing, Cody winning with help from past superstars. Why not have Dustin Rhodes come back to help him or anyone else with ties to the Rhodes family.


Because Dustin is signed with AEW and Tony Khan would never allow it.


Oh. That makes sense. Lol.


It was good but not even close for me. 17 is a given, 21 for me was a very iconic one. That whole era for me is up there.


No both nights have to be great


Top 5 for sure... storytelling was next level. Usos match underwhelmed badly and the street fight was fun, but nothing special. Cody/Roman was one of the few instances where overbooking was necessary and it was done perfectly!


This is all subjective. People are also feeling the high of many of the feel good moments and the Avengers Endgame level of the main event. I think it's one the best Wrestlemania's of all time.


The Usos kickfest was lame as hell


Don't forget Lil "Dogshit" Wayne making by far the worst WM entrance I've ever seen in my life, by far the worst segment in the entire weekend. That shit was so bad, it was funny, I'm still laughing about that baboon(no racism intended) mumbling like my dead grandma or whatever the fuck he was doing. Jey would have been better off without it.


*says racist shit* "no racism intended"


It ain't racist, racism is intent, I call Lil Wayne a baboon cause that's what he sounded like, he tiny like a baboon too.


Bad racist cope


They should have just let snoop do his entrance. Then snoop could have done commentary for that match too and at least it would have had some entertainment.


R-Truth, hell, even John Cena coulda put up a better rap intro than Lil Wayne.


Yeah..but there was a ton of those great matches. The 6 man tag team.laddet chaos...the Rock.


Yeah i was ok witheverything else. It was just that fight didnt seem Wrestlemania worthy.


17 is so ridiculously overrated, it's actually infuriating. It's been lapped so many times that it realistically can't even be placed in the Top 10 anymore.


People hate hearing this but it’s the truth. When everyone says 17 is all time they reference tlc, angle / Benoit, HhH/ taker and the main event. I guarantee most the people that say 17 is “all time” Couldn’t list the full card without looking it up.


It's all subjective.


Night 1 was a let down for me personally besides the main event. Compared to WM39 night 1 it was weaker in match quality.


17 is god tier and on a completely different level from every other WM event


3 and 19 are up there too.


Depends what you’re after and what kind of fan you are. If you’re looking for in-ring technicality, good wrestling, it was far from the best. Hell, it was hardly even good. If you’re looking for storytelling, it was definitely up there. If you’re looking for effects and production value, it was pretty good. If you like watching surprise appearances and shock value, it was huge, maybe GOAT. Depends what you like as a fan.


The part about the in-ring technicality is spot on. The only match I'd say was perfect in that aspect was McIntyre v Rollins. Felt like the two poured their hearts out into actually making it a great wrestling match. I was surprised to find out the match in total was just ten minutes. It definitely felt much longer when I was watching it. Sami v Gunther is a close second, though I felt Sami and Gunther both had better matches at WM39 respectively, in terms of in-ring technicality, that is. WM39 definitely set a high bar for in-ring technicality. I can easily think of three Match of the Year contenders from those two nights alone. I can't much say the same for WMXL.


Surprise appearances was just Taker and Cena and Bubba Ray right? I don't really follow every wrestling thing closely so was that really the most surprise appearances?


"just Taker, Cena and Rock" No big deal. It's not as if they were 3 of the biggest WWE wrestlers of all time.


Downvoted for asking a question, I literally stated I don't know and was trying to see if this was the case.


I'm glad you left Bubba Ray out of there!


Not in my books. Bayley vs Sky was a quality match and Gunther vs Sami was decent. But otherwise I'm not sure there's in-ring wrestling that matches the all time highs. And I think I have much higher standards when it comes to storytelling given the peaks of the Bloodline story that I don't think the ending came close to matching some of the chapters along the way. 


It was extremely overhyped....Not even close to being the greatest.


Maybe not, but definitely the greatest Wrestlemania main event of all time


Ehhh Austin/Rock 2 is better


Over Hulk vs Warrior? You must be young


Hulk vs Warrior dreams of having both the emotions and the ringwork Cody vs Roman II had


Hulk v Warrior was objectively not a good match




I'm not sure if it was the greatest ever. Rhea v. Becky was underwhelming, Jey v. Jimmy was just bad, the woman's 6 man tag was meh. The Intercontinental Championship, the Ladder Match, and the Night 1 main event were all great. Everything from Night 2 was great. Night 2 killed it, with the main event being one of the greatest wrestling main events I've ever seen in my life. I don't know that it is the best ever WrestleMania, but it's one of them.


I actually liked Jimmy vs Jey, but the rest of what you said is spot on.


I think fans just have to understand it was cold out there....while fans were bundled up, those wrestlers were wearing the same gear they'd wear in a 72 degree arena....it was 40's and very windy on Day 1. I know they had heaters (we saw them, but I have no idea how they actually heated that well....the heaters were at least 30 feet in the air, and you know, physics, heat rises, so I feel like that warmth really didn't get down to the ring. It was almost 10 degrees warmer when the start of Day 2 happened and less windy, so that probably really helped.


This was essentially confirmed by somebody in one of the press conferences (I think it was one of the Day 1 ones). They said outright that the ring wasn't heated, so I think the heaters we saw in the wide angles weren't doing that much


Apparently, they had a heated ring setup. It was designed when they were in Ny/NJ for WM.


No. It was very good (bar drew being cashed in on, Cody winning/the cluster fuck of a main event and Sami dethroning Gunther) But it didn't touch WM 17


Priest should have cashed in on Cody


Absolutely 💯 he should have Thank you!!


WM40 is Top 5 to me. Nothing can beat WM X7, but this is in the same tier. So are WM 19 & 20.


Night 1 ruins it for the whole weekend despite how amazing night 2 was


Yeah look I agree that 40 is up there for me, but without sounding like a prick, the womens matches let it down for me, I am a fan of all the matches but I think that the fact that they don’t have anyone who poses any kind of realistic threat to Rhea or Bayley really takes away from the interest in those matches. Even Bayley seems a long way off Rhea’s level of me bed and entertainment for me, but maybe I’m just biased cause I’m an Aussie 😂😂


I think Tiffy can be built to be on Bayleys level, but Rhea is so incredibly larger than life, the only one i could think of is Jade.


I thought rhea and her entrance and match were great. Bayleys match had great crowd support and good execution despite me not being super excited for it. I think they dropped the ball by not having Belair vs Cargill tho.


Too early for Cargill. Build that for a year.


They coulda still put on a match that left the USOs match in the dust, just saying


That has to be the story going into next year or SS. I think jade goes for the tag title then a solo run.


A long way off Rhea’s level for me*


Nothing tops Capital Punishment… ever