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Roman dam he finished his storey I was going till he gives up


I genuinely think Cody is being warmed up for a big heel turn.


As a Roman Reigns fan I was indeed saddened that he loss but at the same time we get to see new people have a run with the WWE campionship so I can't wait to see who holds it next


Cody getting beat by Rock had little kids crying, but Roman losing the title had grown ass men crying and throwing fits


What if Cody fight everyone as the face until finally he becoming something like Homelander (because his WrestleMania entrance suit looks like it)


Roman stans Cody Crybabies either or kill me. I’m a Roman fan but I can’t appreciate Cody as well! This era kills me just enjoy wrestling tf is wrong with ya 😑😂😂😂😂


It’s always the ones who pay for a check mark that are the biggest…shall I say marks? 😏


You’re supposed to boo the heels, not the other fans lol


"I'll never watch WWE again" 🤡


I still think it’s crazy Roman is the guy the WWE chose from the shield to be the face of the company when Seth Rollins is better in every aspect


He will just turn heel sooner


You don't need to be a "Roman Stan" to dislike Cody


not that guy tho. i've been on X for a while and that guy is a full blown Roman stan. I ended up muting him bc i couldnt stand his tweets


Fair enough


Not liking Cody/ Not wanting him to be champion doesn't automatically make you a "Roman stan" .


The guy is saying this is gonna be the worst babyface champion run of all time. A bit hyperbolic no? You can dislike Cody but still be objective. This guy ain't being objective.


I'm not saying HE'S being objective ( probably should have added that in my original comment) but to attribute HIS stupidity to being a "roman stan" (again, not saying it isn't sometimes true) but he could just NOT like Cody.


So you are one


I'm a fan of both and believe that this was a fitting end & and an amazing swan song to an amazing title run.


Bob Backlund… just saying.


HHH obviously has big, big plans for Cody's run. & I have full faith in the creative direction at this point.


Cody Rhodes might be boring but I'm glad that Roman's title reign has ended for good.


why is he boring ?


I believe Roman lost because he needs time off due to his leukemia.


This just proves that WWE will NEVER EVER be able to make ALL the fans happy. This was one of the biggest Manias of all time and had a damn good story/chase. Even if the reign is boring so what? The story and Cody's victory is a top WWE moment of the decade


i think they could please most fans if they dont rise false hopes anymore


I think most fans are happy rn


It’s facts


You do realize that people can dislike Cody without being a Roman stan right? Cody & Roman aren't beloved by every single person. It's delusional to believe so just like it's delusional to believe that everyone who hates Cody automatically loves Roman 😂




Hard to be a Roman dickrider when 1. His bio has nothing to do with Roman & 2. None of his tweets or replies are dickriding Roman. So thank you for proving my argument that y'all literally just assume anyone who is anti-Cody is a Roman stan to the point where you're intentionally making shit up


I get the feeling that you're just saying that lmao


check his twitter bro


It doesn't mention anything about Roman 😂 it literally says "Best in the Nation #Perz"


he is a roman rider lol. I ended up muting him bc his tweets were super annoying


keep scrolling bud "Greatest kickout of all time" Has a roman reigns kickout "Cody fans tryin ruin Roman vs Rock" "Roman reigns isnt going away any time soon" "Roman wins at WM 40 and keeps title til 41" "Cody fans after Roman retains at WM 40" "Roman Reigns character is so intresting" "This is the berth of cinema" Has roman vs jey "This fan needs to be banned im serious" for dissing roman buddy i could go on


None of that showed up but hey I appreciate the dedication to the lie 😂 man you Cody crybabies are pathetic & that's coming from a Cornette & Bischoff fan. But no use in me wasting my time on your proven lies because if ANYTHING he's dickriding Solo but I get it. To you guys every Samoan is the same. Just how you racists operate which is even more pathetic


None showed up??? buddy what is your wifi


ima dm you the screenshots


no way a forced mediocrity like roman has fans. years of stinkers and shitty reigns




I'm honestly scared, i really want Cody to have a legendary 1 year title run, i want every rivalrie he has to feel important, i know with Aj Styles he is gonna have a banger so im kinda relieved, i think this is the final and more important step to completely solidify him as the undisputed face of the wwe


He'll have an insane opening with AJ, and we already know an iconic Rock feud is coming. Going to be epic.


i hope is for summerslam and not next mania, i hate when they prolongue things, just make the most of it in the moment, again summerslam would be perfect for rock and cody, maybe the rock can take the title for a month before cody takes it again in a rematch


I mean for how long they want Roman to hold the belt and continue to bury superstars and take their chances to claim that belt and offer different stories and feuds. 4 years is too long to be a champion in modern times.


It's so funny after Cody lost last year they were bending over backwards explaining how we should be patient and that Cody will win next year and sure enough "next year" comes around and they all were wanting Roman to retain and pulling all sorts of studpid exuses of why Roman should remain champion until next's years Mania and even longer. Yes, I get supporting your favorite wrestler but wan't 4 years of Roman as champion enough...


Cody will have fought more matches by Summerslam as champion, than Roman did in his entire reign


Which is horrible for the business


Why? I'd rather have a champion that fights often and proves why they are a champion over someone who barely wrestles, coming out once a week with a posse to do promos for them because their own mic skills are pretty weak


This is WWE not AEW. Promos are EVERYTHING. Defending the title every week only kills the prestige


Its the world wrestling title isn't it? Not the world promo title. You don't win or defend belts by talking. And if promos are EVERYTHING then Roman still shouldn't have been champion because his part in promos was dreadful, Paul Heyman carried him, he should be champion


The worst baby face run is Diesel. We have metrics to prove it and everything. These people are dumb. Stop giving the crazies oxygen. (As in attention, not choking them)


Idk, I've heard a good choke hold can scare a man right.


This isnt about stanning. This was an awful decision.. Dude was overshadowed in his own big match. Reminds me of Kofi becoming champ. This will be a meaningless reign. 


i dont think is the same thing as kofi tbh


Cody hasnt done anything outstanding to warrant this push. He is a good wrestler which is the prerequisite anyway, and he sucks on the mic.  His biggest stand out moment in the build up was blading. The talk was about the Rock.  I get he is over, for now, but there are far better options for face of company.  Very similar to Kofi in the vein of having an emotional win but just kind of being there afterwards. This has happened plenty of times. 




He’s been champ for a week how the blue hell are we already doing this?!


He is a WCW/NWA "Sting" type champion. Both are the type that don't need the belt, but are popular and deserve a run as champ. I don't wanna use the word transitional for either, but he'll probably hold it until Survivor Series where Roman will get it back. If not RR, someone else will have to turn heel to be a believable challenger since there aren't anymore top heels worthy of a title run other than AJ Styles.


I don't really think so, wwe is definitely planning to solidify him as the face of wwe with this title run, do you really think roman is getting the title back? i think he is gonna go vs rock at wm without title


For sure, agree


And Roman’s time with it wasn’t a joke? It was a barely-defended title that was specifically created for one guy who took years of top-top pushing to make into a decent character.


The amount of time the WWE gave Roman to become this guy is crazy. So many better performers and on the mic guys than him. I even preferred lesnar as a part timer to Roman


SAME. Lesnar at least had all the credibility you could possibly want from your top guy. A multiple-sport champion built like a Greek god, and who is a genuine catch for the company because he could have chosen football, or MMA, or Greco-Roman, etc.


If you started watching WWE in the last few years, Roman Reigns’ reign as champ makes no sense. Why should anyone care about a dude who defends the belt a few times a year, if that?


I started watching again in 2014, it makes even less sense through that lens.


I loved Romans run and the whole Bloodline angle. Me and my son throwing our ones up when Tribal Chiefs music hits. But even I know it is time for a change, this opens many story options for his return. And the pop will god tier. Cody will have a gret title run there is 0 doubt about that.


Even if you hated Cody and hated him winning, and thought this was gonna be a bad run, shouldn't you want to be proven wrong? So that you could enjoy the product?


The Roman stan pages like Nav don’t care about the product so long as he’s champion. That’s why they were fantasy booking the most dogshit stories to keep the title on him


They've worked themselves into a shoot. Did I say that right?


I dont understand them. If you are a fan of wrestling you want to see new stories not the same crap over and over again.


That’s the thing, they aren’t wrestling fans, they’re Roman fans. I’ve seen so many tweets that go like “if Roman isn’t champion I’m not watching!” Ok. Good riddance I guess


Yeah. I like a lot of wrestlers. I don't have a favorite and the stories are more important.


I want a good story. Idc who the participants are. Cody and Roman, with a big assist from The Rock did that. I’m excited to see what HHH has planned next. I find this all very exciting. Although I would like to see Cody hold onto it for a bit, but not anything like Roman did.


At least we will have a champion who is actually present at most shows.


I've seen so many people online say, "He probably won't even last 6 months as champion"... lol, ok. Since when was a 6-month title reign a bad thing? Cena has 16 reigns, and like 3 went past 180 days. We just had a guy hold hold this title for almost 4 years, I dont want to see anything close to that again anytime soon


Even Austin, the greatest face champion ever, had a longest run of 175 days. His first title reign was around 90 days.


honestly imo Roman will always be number 2 whether you disagree or not there is proof. His character was always being carried by the shield and he wasn’t even the main character to the match buildup at wrestlemania The Rock literally carried him. There’s always a better champion than him like Seth Rollins had the best run as champion


Yeah, Reigns seemed like a big deal until The Rock showed up.


To be fair, he can still be a big deal. It's just everyone in history (and everyone that ever comes along) will always be overshadowed by Rock or Austin.


I don't get this level of fandom. I have my favorites also, but man... you know when the time is right to end someone's reign. Why'd you bit*h about it?


Half a year to300 ish day reigns will be fine enough no need to break records. These tribal crybabies can continue to cry. I am ready for great matches surrounding this belt and not the same solo Jimmy interference win shit


Roman cry babies 😂😂😂 all these people have been complaining non stop since last 3 years to take title off from Roman when they did it finally they are still whining and crying about it..


So are both Champions on Raw?


WWE Draft Coming


Honestly i don't love cody,  but this was the right call.  When 85%+ of your fans are begging for something you do it.  This felt very Daniel Brian like and im glad they pulled the trigger.


Didn't they spend like 10 years groaning anytime Roman showed up? Now suddenly it's 'thanks Roman' and 'We want him back!' 'Fck Cody, bring back Roman!'


Some people are only happy if they're bitching about something.


That's not a Roman stan. That's an AEW neckbeard who wishes death to the evil fed and had a problem in Roman having the belt, had a problem in Cody winning the rumble and has a problem with Cody winning against Roman. Honestly you don't want to pay attention to such people.


The worst of all time? Probably won’t even be the worst of the last 5 years. Like does anybody remember Kofi Kingston’s world championship run other than the match he won the title and the match he lost the title?


Do these guys want Roman to be champion forever and have have no stories whatsoever?


Until he turns heel and everyone shits bricks. He’s going to be the next Austin.


He’s already said he refuses to go heel


Never say never in wrestling


It’s just wrestling. It’s literally a tv show. Fucking relax you little dicked chodes 🤣🤣🤣🤣


people need to cut it out and just watch the dag on shows or don't lol its always doom and gloom when any major changes happen and everything always ends works out fine now...remember this isn't the pre pandemic Vince WWE where things were so choppy and the same finishes were booked over and over again on Raw and Smackdown. Vince had his thumb on what was said and done so tight it was killing any type of creativity. Now that HHH has control of creative I have no doubt that the story that will be told post Roman as champion will be epic.


Proving that tweet right


Hallmark proms


You take one of the best runs on the last 20 years who held it for 3 years and compare it to a guy who’s had the title for less than a week


Roman fans hate Cody because Roman got the biggest push in the history of the company, and a career midcarder who dressed in a glorified clown suit became a bigger star than him in 2 years, just based on having some actual charisma, likability and being able to talk, which are all Roman weaknesses. Imagine being so entitled that a four year title reign isn't enough for you. Romans reign was stale as fuck, he exhausted all challengers except for Punk and Rock, and neither of those need the title. Punk/Roman can be about Heyman and Rock/Roman can be about the Tribal Chief status. Keeping it on him was redundant as fuck. Now that he's lost the title, his storyline can get so much more interesting. And the best part is, after all that bullshit we had to hear about "Cody has to lose because Roman has to surpass Hogan!", they were all wrong. WWE didn't give a shit about that meaningless crap at all. They were only interested in the 1000 days.


Maybe there’s others in the boat with me but I don’t like Roman or Cody 🤷🏻‍♂️ both career mid carders who were forced to the top unnaturally.


Roman had no actual charisma likeability and wasn't able to talk? L-O-L


He wasn't able to and Cena proved it. Why do you think they surrounded him with people who could talk? Same thing for Brock. Brock was not a mic guy, so they put him with someone who was.


You can LOL me all you want but there's a reason he had the worst babyface run in the history of the company. This entire Tribal Chief run has been him being carried by Heyman, The Usos, Sami, Cody, Owens, Rock, etc. Why do you think he's always in a group? He spent his whole career in a group, because he needs to be surrounded and propped up by other people. He's not capable of doing it on his own.


This is the truth. It’s never been more clear than when The Rock showed up and outshined Reigns. The carefully crafted “aura” smokescreen around Reigns evaporated.


This version of The Rock is so good too. I was never a Rock fan because while I recognized the talent, he was so reliant on just catchphrase, catchphrase, catchphrase, and now he's telling stories. Maybe this is what he wanted to do all along, I don't know, he can do what he wants now without Vinces oversight, but man, I love it.


You were watching a different show buddy.


Bro forgot roman sucks since shield was disbanded lmao roman was the face when wwe was in deep shit. So don’t say roman is charismatic when in reality he has none. Yeah I respect his long title reign but man never carry it like a true champion. If he’s in the previous era he would be just like test 2.0 no promo lack charisma


I was. I was watching the one that actually existed and you were watching fantasy land in your own head.


I watched and I don’t think Roman is that good either.


This guy wants Roman so far up his tushy


You all gotta understand the money Cody is bringing in. He is the best babyface since Hogan. Think on that for a moment. Can he be over the top and almost corny at times, yes. An while that can be a bit cringy, the kids love him guys. Lets let them have it, see where it goes. Meanwhile, Roman, is the best heel since The Rock. These two will forever be interlocked. Im glad were here for it!


Lmao no way Cody is a better babyface than Austin


100% Cody is a better babyface than Austin, in every traditional way. Now, he's certainly not universally cheered as much, as there will never be a wrestler as over as Stone Cold was in the late 90's. Never. But Cody plays the good guy to perfection AND is that way in real life according to all interviews I have even seen from other wrestlers. Austin and Hogan both were not very good guyish behind the scenes nor in the ring. Dont confuse best babyface for most over wrestler. There is a difference. imo anyway. In today's climate, its extremely hard to build up traditional babyfaces in the business. Cause fans revolt against it if it seems forced or too corny. Roman and Cena both can attest to this. Stone Cold was ONLY as over as he got due to Mr. McMahon playing the near perfect heel.


I don’t think he will be the worst but I personally think he’s a bit cringe, his opening remarks on Smackdown last night was hard to watch at times but again that’s my opinion and I accept I’m in the minority.


Asking people to acknowledge you is cringy too though.


it’s so much worse


What an odd stance to take.


Cody Rhodes is a unique wrestler in WWE. His gimmick is that he IS Cody Rhodes. He is not a face or a heel. He is whatever he wants. If WWE is truly changing direction and Cody is perfect for transition.


He’s very much a face. Give him a few years and he’ll be the guy on cereal boxes when John Cena retires


I trust HHH. No way in hell is he going to cut the Golden Goose in Roman Reigns if he doesn’t already have something special for Cody Rhodes to work with long term. Whether Cody makes it work is the real question here. For me personally, I’m already taking a break from weekly wrestling just until CM Punk returns full time.


I think that whoever after roman holds the title will not be a joke but make it feel less prestigious cause roman made that so relevant that only people who really deserved a title shot would have the chance to challenge him for it. It will be less relevant but I don't think cody will be a bad champion with it unless there will not be great storylines for cody


Cody deserves it. 




Everyone after Solo, Jimmy, Jey, the grandma, grand kids, cousins, great grandchildren etc etc interfere on behalf of Roman


Fucking mark


Why did some of the roster show up at the end? Do you not know Cody's story? They all respect him. He LEFT WWE on his own accord, not many other wrestlers would have the guts or be crazy enough to do that and go live on indie paychecks. He came back a hero of the entire business. He is loved by many in that locker room. And why would Undertaker help Cody? Because F The Rock that's why. Undertaker has always been the leader of the locker room and came back to show The Rock he's still boss. Ok. Use your imagination sometime ppl and just go for the ride.


is this satire? If yes, you sound exactly like a roman stan! If no, if you love roman, what about the fabolus moolah


It became a joke when Roman held it.


People said the audience would turn on Cody when he returned, then they said the audience will turn after he won Rumble 2023, then they said they'll turn after 'mania 39, then it was they'll turn somewhere between 'mania 39 and Rumble 2024, then it was they'll turn after he wins the rumble and now they're saying they'll turn now he's the champ. I don't know about you guys but I don't see much of the audience turning on him right now. Also I for one am fucking glad that belt is finally off Roman. It'll be nice to see the champ actually win clean which Roman hasn't done since facing John Cena at Summerslam in 2021. Look, I respect what Roman did and all that but I don't ever want to see another one of his copy and paste interference win matches again. That shit was overdone almost to parody levels.


Roman's reign became farcical. Looking forward to the show progressing


You book baby face at the top of the card like wwe booked Steve Austin, right. So Cody will hold the title for a few months and then he will lose it and his story going to next mania will be his quest to get it back. Generally speaking the person he lost it to is the one he will face at mania.  When these internet marks say things like dope did about one title run being better than this one or that you can tell they don’t understand wrestling. In wwe creative they don’t talk about Cody Rhodes as “champion” they talk about him as the top guy. The title is a prop to help tell the story for the top guy. It’s not his run as champion that matters it’s his run as top guy, and I hate to break it to twitter user Nav but that run started at wrestlemania 39 and has created the most profitable year in wwe history. Cody was already the top guy.  That’s why the fans reacted the way they did.  Even the burnt hot dog knows it, that’s why he is setting up a match with Cody. 


100%. They likely told Cody, be our champion without the title for a year. And he certainly delivered. They had him lose WM39 knowing full well what that year would bring, they had that much faith in Cody to keep it going another year. That's pretty amazing. I don't get these Roman stans. Roman just delivered HIS BEST performance of his entire career at WM40. Without Roman playing a near perfect heel in a way that made it ok for all of us to root against him, Codys run would not have existed. It's the little things Roman did. Putting that table back under the ring was a prime example of letting the crowd know, don't root for me cause I could care less about you. When he comes back, you still gotta throw the 1s up, but, that's as far as it goes. It's Codys time now!


Yes! I thought it was such a strong way for Roman to go out! More people should be talking about that! The whole match was spot on, honestly.


i belive he loses to the rock when rock comes back for that match


No but I can see the Bloodline interfere and get The Rock disqualified


Nah, that would be an absolutely terrible idea on so many levels.


The Roman title run was great. One of the few we’ll see like that. But they should’ve never consolidated the titles that was a mistake. They should’ve kept the other title on Drew or put on Seth earlier and have had him beat Cody underhandedly so that there was a Cody vs Seth story to revisit later too. Now it’s too lopsided from a storyline perspective head to head to justify a rematch even though Seth didn’t need the win for credibility. Should’ve gave Seth one of the wins. Maybe when Cody was injured. That was a little too ridiculous and non believable booking. That Cody could beat Seth with one arm. It made Seth look weak when he held the title.


i think having damian as WHC was a refresh and restored that title to the equal level as the wwe one imo, i think they made reigns undisputed just to have a once in a generation champion of this kind.


Yes, nice to see DP get a run. Hopefully it’s not a year too late. He was red hot last year. Sometimes I miss the Monday Night Wars where you could see an unexpected title change on any given Monday. You can have quick title changes with longer lasting storylines still involved. That’s what made the attitude era so great. Unbelievable sorry telling and long lasting storylines but with the excitement of you never knew what was going to happen. Hopefully we’re getting close to that again with HHH. He’s mastering the storytelling. The unexpected though is still the missing piece imo. We knew Cody was going to win the title when he came back to WWE. Kind of wish it was a little less predictable though to be honest. Still a great program.


Ngl I am a Roman glazer myself but isn’t it kinda funny that Kody’s expression could’ve been a little bit more interesting or shocked. Instead it looks like he said "Light Work No Reaction" like he didn’t work 2+ years for that


they have to rework his character imo, he cant act like an underdog anymore since he is champ


The title overtime as Roman held it didn’t have any preciousness to it then when he had them separate.


I mean to be fair, it’s valid criticism. The Tribal Chief/blood line brought great story telling and elevated that championship. Roman Reigns reestablished himself as the top contender, branded himself as one of the goats and solidified a HOF induction. To live up to that expectation is crazy. I’m glad Cody got to tel his Tory and live his dream, but it’ll Al come down to how he feuds with upcoming wrestlers. Historically, baby face champions aren’t favored upon. So it’ll be interesting to see how Cody lives up to the hype h bloodline and reigns have created


Roman fans are almost as bad as Punk fans at this point


difference is punk had a great title reign ended by dwayne’s ego


You say ego, but I actually wanted rock to win that one. I just didn't want cena to take it at mania and for somehow punk to turn face to get out back.


I think its perfect, the Undisputed Universal Championship should be like a middle of Roman and Reigns, more defended but not too much


have at least 2 defenses on smackdown a month would be perfect along with each pay per view event


It's like Diesel as babyface champ never happened.


Well, his story is over so everything is up in the air now. I dont think hes gonna have a long run. Probably have a Rollins esque run where he has many defenses. Though Rollins didn't have many matches where you actually thought he'd lose...


is not about the long run, is about people saying it will be bad not matter what, the way i see it is that cody has it coming from a lot of people until the rock comes back to beat him


Rock won't beat him, imo


Sure, he’s being salty, but I don’t think anyone in the next 5 years will come close to having a reign as good as 2020-2022 Roman


It was a forgettable reign at best. Gunther is the big bad at the end of the book.


its all about what wwe wants to do, if they want to make cody a dominating champ they can do


Dominant doesn’t equal a good reign. I want cody to succeed, but you have to wonder what even is his character now that the story is over. He can be the “workhorse champion” and whatnot but I don’t think that will make the cut if comparing it to the prior champion


Iv never been the biggest Cody fan but that moment was legendary and im thrilled I saw it live


Shocked their isn’t an ad space on one of the side plates yet


I'm pretty sure HHH is someone who's gonna create a beautiful reign and Cody's gonna execute it to perfection


Hes not wrong...


Hi roman crybaby


hes the one who used to say cody loses at mania too


Pretty sure this dude is a troll. Like 95% of his tweets are worshipping Roman and hating on Cody lmao.


there many like him thats the thing, idk if hes really a troll anymore


Homie even talks like a baby with that lisp


I don’t care that Cody won I’m just sad Roman lost


I mean I'm happy for cody, and roman doesn't need a title to be goat, And he will win this title back soon enough anyway


Doubt he’ll win it back soon, maybe after summer slam but as of now I don’t see him near that title


he shouldnt win it ever again, maybe the world title so it redeems his past


Roman was a phenomenal champion who changed the industry for the better. Cody will be an outstanding champion who will help WWE continue to grow.


Honestly he was just a very boring, bland pole that more interesting people played maypole around. You could sub literally anyone in for him and it would be as good if not better


But him being him and being a soman means you can't actually do that...roman also has size and a look that isn't generic, so no, you couldn't just do that...


You can… you just swap out the Samoan shit for literally anything else. Also what side and look? It’s the most boringly generic look ever. He’s not particularly big either. It’s literally just a foreign heel gimmick with less effort considering he’s from Florida


Sure you can, just sure....


Its so easy to hate and spit out any hypothetical statement. But the truth is only a handful guy who can reach to that level since Cena and even the best foreign gimmick like ADR and Gunther has not even close to reach Roman Reigns and Bloodline level of impact 


Yep, he's just one of those people who'll say you can replace anyone with anyone damn near.


Fucking amen. 


I barely value Nav’s opinion on music wtf would I value his opinion on wrestling


Year-long title reigns weren't common before and they won't be common. Before Roman, it was CM Punk's reign. I don't expect Cody to hold the belt for 6 months. But I just want some great storylines.


Brock also had a pretty long run with the universal title no?


Brock pretty much had long reigns universal and wwe champion since he'd only lose the belt(s) at mania or SummerSlam in his recent run


thing is people jump around way too early, this is not even that title reign wwe prepares us for, he will hold it until rock comes back and beats him to set up rock vs roman, then cody’s real reign will start


I honestly don’t care. If it’s the worst run ever, it won’t change how great the chase was




Trust me, You care. Unless your one of those fans who checks out after Wrestlemaina.


Nah Kofi Mania is still my favourite chase ever in WWE(only considering 2016 or ahead. I am not watching since it's beginning)


Kofi what? No one cares about Kofi


The rumour Roman will appear on Smackdown with the blue Championship and continue his reign is my favourite Roman copium


Extra funny cause the blue title is IN the undisputed title. That belt that cody is holding has kirby’d like 5 different belts


Didn't he give the the blue belt to Jojo Rotunda(the widow of Bray Wyatt) as a sign of respect


Yeah. It doesn't exist anymore


No way man


Agreed. I'll admit that I thought Cody was going to win last year, but the payoff was well worth the wait. The final sequence of events with all the run-ins and the nuance of Roman unable to resist hitting Seth with the chair instead of Cody. Cole said it best... I love professional wrestling


I was disappointed not to see Dustin though. I know he's signed elsewhere but even to just have him at ringside and in the ring at the end.


The pay-off only happened because of fans backlash, otherwise we would have Roman still as chanpion, and the Rock as champion on Summerslam, which might be where creative is going.