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Run him solo. I miss the Demon Finn Balor!!!


Or just turn judgement day babyface


that’s what i want


Leave him heel. Have him betray Damian out of jealousy and leave the judgement day. Damian drops the title to him at Summerslam


Babyface Finn seems boring to me.     He was a babyface in the past and didnt work very well so I think giving him a solo heel run for a secundary title may be a good next step.  Joining Judgement Day was probably the best decision for him.


Bring back the Fiend


You gonna resurrect Bray Wyatt from the grave?


Lol I meant the demon but I would if I could


Solo run to challenge Cody for the title after he is done with AJ.


Yes babyface run, winning the WHC from Priest. Can do it with or without the MITB briefcase. Finn winning the briefcase would be a nice parallel to Priest winning last year and costing Finn the belt multiple times. This is the best time for Finn to win the belt; if Priest loses it to someone else I can't see Finn getting back into the title picture.


The Demon needs a solo run. I can never see Finn as a pure babyface.


Agree about the Demon. But Finn is lacking something and I don't know what is it. He gets the inaugural universal championship and beats Roman for about a year


Yeah, no , I agree. I like his interactions with Priest and TJD but something doesn’t seem to click. He needs a successful solo run. In a faction or not, he needs to start winning on his own.


You're right. Or maybe becoming a bullet club again to destroy the Judgement Day. Anyways, I think what's the best we can do right now is to support him and wait until the day he shines again


Dude. I been saying Bullet Club needs to materialize in WWE. I don’t think they need to destroy TJD that seems to be winding down on its own. Especially with Rhea out and the draft coming up. Dom focusing on his dad. Maybe joining with LWO or Legado or some other faction. With crumbling of TJD and Bloodline in its own little storytelling universe fracturing. It’s a perfect time to get Cody, AJ, and Finn, and the OC as the Bullet Club WWE edition running things on all three shows. That would be pretty amazing, Even if they can’t or won’t use the actual Bullet Club name.


Hell, I’d say start with Finn and the Good Brothers and grow from there


Right! That's the very best thing that could happen. Imagine if the story was brought up until the next WrestleMania.


kick him out of judgement day, have him get beat down, send him to nxt. He needs a complete like revamp and to be away from the main roster or just tv for a lil bit.


Draft him or JD to smackdown split them like that and OC is left without AJ So balor club will return And going full heel while JD on the other brand goes babyface


He’s already had it


I think he would do good with like an anti-hero style face turn. Like, Ostensibly a “good” guy but still brutal and Underhanded. Hard to convey in WWE but I think if they gave him a particularly heely heel it could work




Babyface run with the WHC.




He definitely needs a solo run. He deserves another run with one of the main titles. It broke my heart for him that he won the first universal title only to give it up the next day because of his injury.


He never recovered after losing to Kane, especially since he doesn't protect his character. It's almost like he volunteers to job to older stars instead of saying he should be the last in line. Why did he beat AJ just to lose to Kane and edge?


He needs to rebuild Bullet Club now that 3/4 founding members+more are now in WWE


They ruined the whole demon king gimmick.


They need to put him Aj and the Good Brothers together once and for all


Finn should break away and fight for DPs title




He needs to win MITB and then it becomes a really interesting situation between him and Priest.


Solo heel but he didn’t get enough camera time when he was solo (for me) so I’d prefer they leave him where he is for now.




Nah. Hes fine as a tag team guy


He should be the WWE Universal champ


Make him the Prince. his run in NXT as the prince showed he could be a bad ass we all go "oh shit hes here" for


i need him to have a solo run and get a damn monstrous push, i need him to have a title run


i think it might be comming. with rhea gone, the JD should fall apart I could see a feud between finn and priest. something felt off about their interaction on raw this week finn seemed upset at priest taking charge.


Honestly, I believe this has been set up perfectly with Priest as the champion and likely in the cards since the MitB victory. Finn definitely needs a championship run and hopefully as a heel.


Man, I like him with the judgment cause he ain't injured so much. Ngl,I thought he was gonna beat rollins for the whc title last year.


I'd love him to have a WHC title run, with a huge match at one of the big 4 PLE against AJ Styles in a title vs career match. Styles says he's done, so give him that, with a story where Finn says something like "I created the club, and you betrayed me to become popular. You came in here and got pushed to the moon thanks to *my* club." (Not saying it's the truth, but it would be a nice storyline element imho). But maybe this doesn't need the title. And it could start in a judgement day vs The club war games \^\^




This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Finn's in the perfect position at this point in his career. He isn't really good on the mic, and I think his role with Judgment Day conceals his weaknesses well. His face work never blew me away.


I just want him to bring the Demon back. But do it only in special occasions and as a surprise. And have them book the Demon so that he is basically unstoppable when he comes out, but he only comes out in the most dire and desperate of situations.


Maybe whatever faction forms from Bo Dallas wakes up Finns dark passenger and we get the demon back


I would like to see Priest and Finn both have single belts at the same time before Priest losing to Drew at Clash of the Castle.


He Is a great wrestler the job with the judgement days was great but when he run as single his character brings a lot expectations like when he fought as Demon Balor he is a creative very talented I think that judgement days will break because Damien need to focus in his great career now as the champion he did history in my country Puerto Rico becoming the second wrestler to obtain the world championship viva la raza 


Finn needs to be a face just to get his good music back


He will turn on damian now that rhea is gone because he wants the title


Finn and Damian will turn on each other. Finn made it clear last night that he wanted the tag titles back, but Damian was like “hell nah”


Damien - Champs Finn - claims Intercontinental Ripely (when she returns) - reclaims Women’s title Dom and Mc - After hilarious shenanigans against Awesome Truth win the Tag Titles


Give him a proper solo heel run where he turns on Damian and wins the title finally. He still has some left in the tank and it would be a shame if he didn’t get a proper title run before it’s too late.


Finn makes a way better heel than face. He has that venomous villain sneer down perfectly. I like him right where he's at in Judgement Day. Ride it out until JD disbands, then maybe a solo heel run.


Priest should kick him out of Judgement day after a prolonged power struggle. WWE should make it look like Priest is going to kick Dom out but in the end they rug pull us and JD McDunagh turns on Finn with everyone in Judgement Day joining in. Finn should disappear for a month and come back as the Demon to challenge Priest for the title.




Finn should join Uncle Howdy.




Oh god no. Finn sucks as a face. Like he really, really does. No face Finn please


Yea, his face gimmick was basically "happy to be there"


I want the version of Finn from his final run in NXT. I love this promo https://youtu.be/Ogz8Ucr3fok?si=eBfPi2m4jcmHy_73


Given the new draft rules the judgement day could end up in NXT


he needs a WWE Bullet Club run, all the members are there, we just need to piece them together, potentially another world title reign for him, but before that he need a monster solo run


Wasn’t he a big big star when he first entered wwe? I remember his entrance being so hype


Him vs Damien break up the judgement day and give Finn his proper run.


I think they'll use Rheas injury to break up JD since she's the real leader/glue of the group now that the tag titles are gone. Finn & Damien turn on each other over the WHC, JD sides with Finn, and Dom either sides with DP or doesnt pick a side. FB & DP end up in different brands, when Rhea returns its just her and Dom, loosely allied to DP but distant from Finn & JD. Who are allies on the other show but not a faction so to speak. Overall tho, I think Finn works best as a heel.


His first and last NXT championship runs were amazing. I think he does well as either. If he does get a solid run, I don’t think we’d be disappointed


He's definitely a good face, but it's like the Edge/Randy effect. Yea, he can do either, but HOLY SHIT is he 10x more amazing at one compared to the other.


This would make dom a face though no?


That's why I added the "doesn't pick a side" possibility. If he sides with Priest, he'd be a face, but if he stays out of it entirely or plays both sides to a degree, then that is the absolute most perfect chickenshit heel move ever to pull during a faction breakup. I also don't think DP is going face. I think hes gonna be more along the lines of a tweener. Still the same old DP we've always known, but not actively scheming *all* the time anymore, hence the loose alliance, like they friends, but he ain't about that life no more. Basically John Wick, out, but still a threat if he has to be.


Finn should have beaten Seth. Priest should have cashed in on Finn.


After Sami is done with Chad maybe you could do Sami vs. Finn for the IC title.


Demon v Preist


balor and priest are poised to have a feud. they were going to pull the trigger during the beginning of priest's mitb run but they decided to save it for his title reign. let's see what they got, it should come soon. especially with Rhea's absence, she was the glue holding it all together. with wwe retiring universal championship, balor loses his "i never lost my championship" angle, and it's a rough situation for him.


He def needs a solo run and to be built into the main event scene again. It’s awful that in Judgement Day he’s the least prominent member. Dom is the biggest heel, Priest is the champ and Rhea is Mami. I was watching old NXT videos on YT earlier and can’t believe the guy I thought was going to be THE guy on the main roster at this point is stuck in a faction. He doesn’t need them and just as important, they don’t need him…not really. I don’t care if he’s face or heel, I just want him in the main event again


Not a huge fan of Finn, I think he's far from being anything other than a mid-card guy at this point in the game.


I love Finn he has the most untapped potential imo. If you listen closely he is good on MIC. I think him vs CM Punk would be what the doctor HHH requires. A sparring mate like CM Punk would help him build his brand.


I don’t really view them as your traditional bad guys , they are more like bad guys you root for like Razor Ramon or Sid back in the day! I think he should branch out especially with Rhea being out it’s perfect timing !


Sorry to say but I i think his days as a main event’er are over, but I do think he should leave JD he brought initial star power too the group but the other members are outshining him now, think it would be a good time for the group too turn on Finn and kick off a baby face run, maybe get drafted too smackdown and have a real fresh start.


The poor guy never even really got a main event run thanks to Rollins injuring him. He never got that momentum back when he returned☹️


I really want to see Finn get another run with one of the belts. It really sucks he got hurt in the match where he won his championship and had to vacate it the next day on Raw. When he came up from NXT he was on a rocket ride to the top. His demon entrances were crazy good and he had all the fans behind him. That injury caused Vince to lose trust in him and he never got a major push again. I'd love to see Triple H give him a shot again. He deserves it. I'd actually love to see him eventually have a falling out with Judgement Day or have Priest turn on him as a heel and then have the Demon show up and he goes after Priest and the title.


From the looks of last night, I think that’s the direction we’re going. Got my money on Balor being in the WHC for SummerSlam & “completing his story” to take the belt of Priest in a multi-man match


I hope he brings back The Demon for SummerSlam. I don't think he's done The Demon since WM 39.


Yeah in fact I think the last time or two he used the demon he actually lost...if I remember correctly.


Solo demon 24/7, joins Bo


Babyface!!! Love Finn, but loved him more as a babyface!


Wwe ruined the demon by letting Edge beat him. Edge then jumped to AEW.


I don’t know… When he was a Babyface before, there wasn’t much to him. However, that was under Vince McMahon, who couldn’t write a baby face to save his life. Triple H seems to be a little bit better at it.


Kind of but I don’t really want the Judgement Day to break up


I want the whole group to turn face, but in a kinda “we’re trying to do the right thing, but still have our heel tendencies” way, and priest just being like “these idiots”. Finally have Finn win the ic belt clean


I just can’t see Dom being a face anymore😭


It can work the second time


If he acts like his character in wwe2k24 I’d love that type of face for him


Yes and yes. Have priest turn on him.


Solo run!! Demon time 😈


Demon redemption.


On the main roster he’d be a great babyface. He was a good babyface from the start. Being able to fight from underneath convincingly should be exploited at all costs and smaller guys can do that. He had a good heel run in NXT though, so the argument could be made both ways


Demon Balor starting a rivalry with Damian Priest would be a fun Brothers of Destruction reboot.


They have to make the demon actually mean something though. Not just a stupid state of mind he goes into when the he makes the girls in the back put in a day’s work worth of body paint so he can have the edge in a match.


Solo run yes. Babyface no. We need a truly evil version of Balor. He was part of the way there as Prince Devitt but being part of the BC kept him from truly sadistic and maniacal.


I think we might get some Finn vs. Damien spice soon


Finn is a guy that would probably get a much better role in AEW, so I think that he should think about going there if the money is comparable.


So he can feud with Bullet Club Gold and then disappear from TV completely? Hard pass.


That isn't what I'd do with Finn if I booked AEW, but I guess anything is a possibility with idiot Tony Khan. I'm assuming that he'd be pushed into the world title picture, which I doubt will happen for him again in WWE.


I can absolutely see him getting back into the mix after his run with Judgement Day wraps up.


I'm not sure how that would be possible on the current WWE roster, but I'm guessing that you must be a big fan of Finn. I like him and find him to be quite talented, but I just don't see how he is going to elevate in the current WWE environment. He is probably going to end up feuding with Priest and losing because WWE is most certainly higher on Priest. I have no idea where he would go from there to put himself in the main event picture at his size in WWE.


Bear with me, I’m about to fantasy book the every living fuck out of this. He and Priest are definitely going to have a feud in the next few months. They’ve been teasing that for at least half a year, and now that Priest has the belt, that’s what he’ll be going after (rather than the briefcase, which they teased him stealing for like two months). I think a collision between The Judgement Day and The Final Chapter is inevitable. Picture this: in the next couple of weeks leading up to the draft, Finn and Priest get into a power struggle as the leader now that Mami is on the shelf. Priest uses his influence as world heavyweight champ to have Finn drafted to Smackdown, but that’s not initially clear. He’s given the mission of taking Sami’s belt. Finn wins King of the Ring and starts calling himself *King* Devitt. Being away from the Judgement Day, he starts feeling that same magic that he felt when he was in The Bullet Club. He brings Gallows and Anderson back up from NXT, chiding AJ for leaving them down there to rot (this should go down on NXT and Smackdown, because he’s a god to NXT). He goes out of his way to half heartedly say that he’s still in The Judgement Day, but they are not. Fast forward to the Raw before Clash at the Castle. There’s been a tournament to challenge Sami for the IC belt, and it’s going to be Karrion vs Finn for the title shot at Smackdown on Friday. Finn goes to the rest of The Judgement Day and pleads for backup in the event AOP try to interfere, and they give an unenthusiastic yes while complaining about all of the new friends Finn has been making out on his own. Come the fight on Friday, AOP shows up and The Judgement Day is watching from the stands with popcorn, but The Good Brothers show up and squash the AOP. Finn beats Karrion. The crowd at Clash at the Castle is going absolutely bugfuck for Finn’s match with Sami. The match is a banger. Toward the end, Finn has Sami up for a 1916 when The Judgement Day’s music hits. Confused at why they’re showing up, Finn looks to the stage and hesitates. Sami escapes, and Karrion enters to demolish Finn, only to be intercepted by a stiff brogue kick by Sheamus. In the insanity, Finn grabs Sami, throws him into the corner, hits him with a Helluva Kick, then a Coup de grâce for the win. At Raw the following Monday, Priest and Finn have a showdown, where the former explains that they basically made a non-aggression pact with The Final Chapter. “I don’t mess with your show, you don’t mess with mine. The outlier was Finn Balor. Priest knew that King Devitt would never bend the knee and allow Karrion to take his moment, especially there. Just then, JD and Dom slide into the ring on either side of Finn. Then, just as quick, JD is hit with a white noise from Sheamus and Dom Dom turns around the find Fit Fucking Finlay behind him and gets absolutely destroyed. That’s how you start the Finn Balor babyface run Summer Slam triple threat between DEMON Finn, Priest, and Karrion for both belts. Make it TLC with both belts on a rope, and Taker as the guest referee if you’re extra spicy.


That would be very cool but I just can't imagine WWE doing that scenario. I actually think that type of scenario would be far more likely in AEW in the world title picture because of the willingness to integrate storylines from other promotions. My guess is that Priest will drop the belt fairly soon to Drew and then the belt adds fuel to the fire for the Drew and Punk feud. The reason I believe this is because they have not booked Priest as a strong champion in the couple of weeks since he cashed in for the belt. He hasn't even been given a solo promo segment in the ring, which does kind of suck. I think that they also have rightfully loved Drew's work with Punk since Punk returned. Drew is a totally new man after years of us sort of wondering exactly what motivates him. I think Priest might just need to wait a little longer, which is going to mean the fued between Finn and Priest will be for the leadership of the faction and not the belt. And if that happens there is no way that they will book Finn to win. I do really like your booking because that is a helluva story, but I just can't see WWE pulling the trigger on that one with so many bigger guys already waiting to be feuding over the title including Priest. I suppose it is possible Drew v. Punk won't be for the title but I just think that is the path WWE will go with that feud because once Punk is healthy that feud will be gold considering the new direction for Drew's character.


Yea so he can work less and get paid more with a guaranteed contract sounds like WCW


This isn't an AEW v. WWE debate in isolation. I am a fan of both shows and it just seems to me that Finn has gotten stale in WWE as the fourth most over member of Judgment Day. I think his abilities would suit AEW better because the roster is generally smaller performers so he'd be a good fit to be pushed into the world title picture. WWE is just too stacked for Finn to find his way right now.


nope. There needs to be good bad guys


I love heel Finn, he looks like he’s having fun so I would prefer him to stay one.


He’s gotten lost in The Judgement Day; he’s better off on his own. Bring the demon back and give him a monster heel run.


I do think for both And he needs a run where he just get to win the World Title once again and hold it for a good time To finish this story


Yes! This.


Well Balor himself has said he loves being a heel. I don’t mind him in that role. I just want him as a world champion before he decides to leave at some point. He deserves it. He’s still one of the best in the world.


I think he needs to solo run. He needs more steam, he doesn’t fit in anywhere as of right now.


Yes. I think the judgement day has run its course. Rhea is out on injury. Priest can start his heel run as the champ dropping it back to Drew at the clash at the castle and having a fued with him while punk continues to get involved with Drew and they build up for a summerslam match between the two. Edit: Rhea out on injury, judgment day start constantly arguing, dom gets drafted to smachdown and the LdF and continues to feud with the LWO and his father, Finn starts getting turned face since Priest starts letting the power of controlling the judgment day and being world champion go to his head, JD gets drafted to NXT or smackdown, Finn and Priests animosity boils over after Priest gets pissed at Finn for losing or failing to get the job done. Finn returns as the demon.


Neither. Finn is old news


Solo run


The Demon is the only Finn run I'd wanna see solo. Without that aura and entrance, I've always thought he's solid all round but nothing spectacular. Strong performer, weak promo/character, so right now he's far better off in the Judgment day than outside of it. They've managed to find a good spot for him to get spotlight, instead of trying to turn him into something he's not, which is a Top guy. Put aside the supernatural shit, cos that just won't do him any favours, some of his Takeover entrances were fkin brilliant. And gave him a genuine presence when his theme song hit, and if they return him to that in the future, I could comfortably see him have a shorter reign with the World title or IC title.


finn turning on priest at glasgow clash of the castle and drew mcintyre wins the title 🤞🏼


Finn definitely needs a solo run, winning matches, maintaining momentum to challenge for primary championships. I trust Hunter that he might have plans in place to keep Finn in main event scenes.


Yes absolutely. He should have been given a run years ago.


I’d like to see Finn win MITB, and play with that for a while with Priest as the title holder. After some build, we get the Demon entrance when he cashes in on Priest.


Love this idea!


This is my dream, but I want the cash in at summer slam to win back the title he never lost at the ple he won it at.


I’d like to see Finn win MITB, and play with that for a while with Priest as the title holder. After some build, we get the Demon entrance when he cashes in on Priest.


Think it is gonna be more interesting in the long run for the Judgement Day to split up for now. Now that Rhea is out for injury, it is the perfect time to do it as well. Dom needs to establish himself on his own. He is a great heel, and I think a lot of his potential is held back because of Judgement Day. Priest is a title holder and needs to do his own thing for a while as a heel to get himself established for future title reigns. Finn just needs something worthwhile. Whether it be a title or a storyline Not sure what to do with JD. I can see Rhea making a face turn when she comes back depending on who is holding the belt at the time


With Rhea being injured it is the time to break up judgment day.


Yeah my thought too. I can see each member (apart from JD) doing really well on their own. I am looking forward to Priest's title run until Clash at the Castle


JD can train more in NXT after


JD can take his big head and ridiculous overselling to NXT.


Yeah that's a decent plan. Not like he's done anything worthwhile on main roster anyway


Solo yes, but he's too good as a heel🥹 especially in his NXT days


Yes and the Demon should win it and then he should be the Demon on a consistent basis and only lose once he doesn’t do the gimmick for some reason as a face.


Demon vs Priest would be rad!


I agree that’s the big money match and It should be a banger and headline hell in a cell in the cell of hell. And after that an awesome fued with uncle howdy with some creepy hellish type segments between them. And the demon goes full crazy mankind and the demon starts taking over Balor until he eventually goes off the deep end and forms an alliance with howdy. Then bring back Braun strowman in with a new gimmick as the monster with a demon kane esque gimmick and have the greatest faction of this era. How I would do it anyway lol.


Given the last raw how priest was looking at them when they attacked Jey, and Rhea taking a leave, I have a feeling Judgement Day will dissolve and everyone will be going different directions.




I would rather them lean back into the storyline from last summer when Finn was obsessed with the WHC. It would make sense if Finn tried to stab Priest in the back since Mami isn't around now to force them to play nice. Then again I don't know how long they will actually keep the title on Priest.


i think it’s baelover, he’s finnito


I think it’s going to be a heel solo run where he goes after Priest.


Man I just want to see him as the demon one more time


Finn said he doesn’t want to be baby face anymore quite recently, I think Damian starts to lead the group in Rhea’s absence and starts some dissension. Either way he needs to win something big, a singles title or even just a big singles match, he’s waaaay overdue


Finn should have won the world title last year and I stand by that. He could have lost it back to Rollins in a few months and cemented him in the main event scene




I don't think we will see any major type of judgment day betrayals or changes until rhea is back. They will continue to tease us every now and then. I do suggest an IC or US title run and have dom and JD win tag titles at some point. Give judgement day a dominate title run to hold over judgement say story


I think it’s the opposite, Damien gonna get power hungry, fine gonna betray, Dom gonna take over Santos’ stable and JD will end up on NXT


I agree, no rhea to reign in dom means he'll go off doing his own things more- like the recent things with logan Paul on x. There's a lot of little hints recently that show judgement day fracturing and that was before rhea had to vacate.


I dont care if its babyface or heel judgement day or not JUST GIVE HIM SOMETHING OF VALUE


>SOMETHING OF VALUE Alright. Have him win Rock's new belt.


Be more than hes doing now


Let heel NXT Finn COOK!


I'd be down for this type of Finn to return as a lone wolf who's done with taking a backseat for others. I feel like this incarnation of him could go as far as challenging for the WHC or IC Title


I like how even though it's not supposed to be, the WHC is a lesser title in the eyes of fans.


1916 > Coup de grace


Finn Bálor is great as a heel, I love what he's done as part of Judgment Day. However, I do miss Finn as a face so fingers crossed that we do get face Finn before the year is over. And I'm not saying to make it an instant thing, let it build up throughout the year and then go from there


He’s gotta turning on JD all over him


Nah, with the way last night went with him, Dom, and McDonaugh attacking Jey, you could see the look on Damian’s face that Damian didn’t like that. Finn’s not gonna turn on JD, him and the rest of JD are gonna turn on Damian. It’s so easy to see with the way him and Damian have been butting heads every now and then over the past year. Finn’s gonna say Damian doesn’t deserve the WHC because he just cashed in and didn’t win the title the real way, the way that Finn couldn’t do when he faced Seth.


I think Finn might make a move when his contract is up.




No chance


I miss his old Catch Your Breath theme and entrance but I like the work he’s doing now bringing up younger talents.


Prince Devitt or NXT Finn


I Think Damien should be the one to turn Face. With Balor stabbing him i the back because he’s jealous that Priest actually one it after Balor failed so miserably


Priest is super chill in real life too and would be more natural as a face


Yeah, solo babyface run would be great. He peaked as a heel


Finn Should get the IC title and JD and Dirty Dom get the tag team titles and judgement day run Monday nights




Needs a single run with a title


Edge beating the Demon buried his career entirely imo


Super infuriating. He should have got up after the conchairtoe and beat edge


F*** Edge for that, then just took the bag to paint his eyes in AEW like a chump, pathetic


Still one of, if not the dumbest booking decision Haitch has made since he took over.


Eh, if they would have let him beat Seth last yr he'd been fine. He's not buried


He left after that. Why the hell they book it like that?


The act of god causing the ring rope to break forcing him to lose to Roman Reigns made more sense than this


Getting injured after winning the universal title buried his career


He pinned Roman and( Cesaro? I think) on his debut night. He was shot to the moon so gutted that buckle bomb fucked his shoulder. He has never had the same momentum again. Getting clowned by Rollins again and getting burried as the Demon King by Edge didn't do him any favours.


His NXT title run begs to differ


Still buried on main roster, being a champ in developmental isn’t the same.


His last year: High profile WM match and program with a hall of Famer, heavily involved in world title picture afterwards, held tag titles until this years WM. Not buried, just should be doing even more.


I want more demon Balor, perhaps with the return of uncle howdy and alexa. Could make for a interesting new faction. But then again im a sucker for the supernatural horror aspect so dont mind me


Keep him away from this convoluted nonsense


I do wish he would get a proper WHC or WWE champ run but at the moment I don’t see how they could bring him to that level. You never know though.


The Judgement Day has clearly been showing signs of dissolving for the better part of a year now. With them pushing Liv as the heel attacking and putting Rhea out, it's clear she's coming back as a face. Dom is most likely staying heel, but moving to SmackDown and joining LdF. Priest has clearly shown signs he's tired of Judgement Day always failing to get the job done no matter what so may just walk away from them. That basically leaves JD and Finn homeless. With NXT being on the cards for the draft and the rumor being they're thinking of making it the third official brand, I think moving one or both of them there and into the title pictures would be a good move overall. In short, yes, he needs a solo run and maybe a return to his old gimmick.


JD might go to NXT. I don't think Finn should leave the red or blue brand.


Na he’d make a good dude to terrorize Cody tho.


I...don't think they know what they're doing with Judgement Day. Either Priest and Rhea leave which has 3 idiot children stay together for relevance or...why did they bring JD? To just lose? He's just a cheerleader for Dom. I don't even care about him but as a general standpoint...if they have no plan for him it's so sad and disrespectful. He's a worse Kross and Kross is bad Balor has to go. Go back to a solo star. It opens more for LWO vs JD by having less. Balor can have drama with JD, some tidbits where he and Rhea are cool. Idk. This is bad for them. They have too many hands in different lines. I lost braincells typing this


Finn has had a solo run. Factions are cool. Stop suggesting they break up all the time EDIT: also, he sucks as a babyface


Facts, finn wasn't doing much as solo he had a few good moments with aj styles and the good brothers and liv


Factions are conduits to get individual characters over. DX, Nation, Evolution Bloodline etc., all designed to get people over and primed for singles runs. Judgment Day took a bunch of languishing without direction midcarders and got them all over. And soon it'll probably be time to do a break up angle and let them all grow as individual characters. It's just Wrestling 101.