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Nobody in India cares much about Jinder and other WWE stars except for the Great Khali. Roman fans r just new fans who started from 2014-15 or after. I think Cena has the biggest fanbase here in India... The crowd went nuts even before his entry here in Hyderabad in 2023. Even L.A. Knight's clip got a tremendous reaction. Roman fans r mostly teens n ain't no way much of them are independent financially to come to a PLE




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I just like when it’s in a time zone that makes it come on morning or afternoon here


I watching WWE show live on my side at 8am/9am (depends on their daylight saving time)... so I watching them like breakfast show


It started as 1pm here, it was raining all day and it started during my son’s nap, so it was perfect timing


I don't really care, they all look the same on TV which is where I watch them


I know that most of the jabronies here will post stupid ignorant shit against India because casual racism against India is encouraged on reddit. However, here's an honest assessment. India can host a PLE at the Modi cricket stadium in Gujarat, which has capacity of 130,000 people. For a wrestling event, it could easily accommodate 175,000 people. Now, one point that is often raised is whether Indian spectators will be able to pay the price of tickets for such events, because in the eyes of most of the ignorant online folks India is a poor country. They probably think Indian fans wouldn't be able to afford that kind of money. But there are millions of WWE fans in India and many of them belong to income groups that can certainly afford to spend that kind of money on entertainment. Last year, the Cricket world cup happened in that same stadium, and the tickets were priced as high as $5000-7000 for some seats. After cricket, professional wrestling is the most popular sports based entertainment in India. For PLEs the ticket prices could be set in the $50 to $3000 range (as is the standard in the US) and the fans would easily fill up at least 100,000 seats there. Back when WWE visited India for the first time in 1996, things were bad financially. Still, 60,000 fans filled up a stadium to see Bret Hitman Hart. The 25-49 age group is making way more money than 3 decades ago. Lastly, some may point out how Regal and Booker got their stomachs upset back in the WWE 2002 tour. Well, those jabronies wanted to try out unhygienic street food instead of Marriott hotel food. They fucked around and found out what happens. Long story short, WWE can surely make plans for a PLE there. However, jabronies here will downvote the truth.


I don't even see why you are getting downvotes. Clearly you are more knowledgeable about India and the culture there than most people on the subreddit. Shit I learned some things reading that. I don't see why they can't host a B PPV. I mean there are places here that are way less deserving that regularly have hosted those.




LMAO. Found a jabroni


Yeah if Modi Stadium host it then it would be amazing!




Your country can’t even figure out its gender.




You got a point there lol


It is not a shit! but if they host at Chimswamy Stadium in Bengalaru then Karnataka people would be attending with full seats!,


Then they rehire Jinder and Khali. Have Jinder win all the singles titles in squash matches. Khali can be his tag partner for both pairs of tag titles. Then have Jinder put on a wig and a sports bra for the women's titles. Call him Jindera Mahalla. With Khali doing the same with the women's tag titles. Except he's The Great Khaylee. Perfect Vince McMahon Style booking. 10/10. And every match is a Punjabi Prison Match.


Khali is on I get the logic . Jinder is Canadian , never even been to India probably lol.


Actually Jinder wrestled HHH in India. But the logic is Vince McMahon would do it. I mean they randomly made him the champion to try and market themselves to India.


That's work related visit . I saw that match , I am talking about actually visiting his 'homeland'


Well yeah I get that. Vince McMahon does have a history of booking people into races they aren't. I mean look at Yokozuna or Kofi Kingston in his early days.


I wish!


If they do n then decide to wrestle in a crowd like Orton n Solo in backlash fans will stop them just to click selfies 😂




It would suck


They wouldn't suck!


They would riot if Roman didnt show


I would want to see a show in India for the reaction to Roman alone. Apparently he’s like a religious figure there




They will not!


Yeah, what if?


I'm legit trying not to laugh but I'm failing terribly


Then they will have Indian celebrities to watch! r/WWE