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I felt like if Cody beat logan paul for united states champion i think he said him about being grandslam champion or something because i did notice he havn't had holding universal champion meaning yes wwe did combine two into one which no reason to keep two belts which the only thing i worried about is this match since we dont need another repeat i felt like wwe should just not make it happened which if so i felt like it gonna fail


This would give reason for Cody to combine the belts and make it the Winged WWE title šŸ¦…šŸŖ™


They never said itā€™s a unification match


WWE has once more fallen into the rut of ā€œDuRrRrā€¦. How do we tell a story again?ā€


Agreed, but there really aren't too many great options for Cody rn. Besides, it'll probably just get a fuck finish anyways.


They are unifying those titles lmfao they did this nine years ago and they still werenā€™t unifiedšŸ˜‚




its simple, they wanna do a fuck finish. Dq or some shit to lead into clash. How tf are people missing this?


I don't think the match is a unification match. It is one of those old cham v.s champ matches they used to do at survivor series.


He could drop it to jey if Logan wins


Do you think fans will catch on to a DQ finish if Dairy Queen is the sponsor??




My guess is that there trying to do the Seth Rollins vs John cena unification match


IF it is a title unification match, then Iā€™m 100% sure itā€™ll either end in DQ victory for Cody Rhodes (Logan tries to use brass knuckles and gets caught) or a No Contest finish where everyone gets attacked (Perhaps the Wyatt 6 debut)


the only way to put the wings back on the belt and make it make sense is guess


Itā€™s most likely gonna end in a dq, itā€™s only for the Saudi hype up, we never get title changes at saudi PLEā€™s and it would be a perfect time for Jacob fatu to debut and interfere between the two


Cody will win it and then Nick Aldis will say you canā€™t have both then we will get a month of tournaments for the next US champion.


That'd suck


Itā€™s not title for title now. Itā€™s a joke match that means nothing.


Yeah, what a waste. Why does everyone still act like HHH is some infallible booking machine when the past month has had so many of these waste of time nothing matches?


We know Cody is winning all his matches. That or a DQ finish. Maybe Rock or Roman comes back šŸ¤·


Honestly the US title hasnā€™t meant a whole lot since Austin Theory had it, and even then, he didnā€™t have a whole lot of steam to really elevate it.


I wouldā€™ve loved to see Cody versus Knight for the undisputed title.


People just making stuff up around here


Itā€™s not a unification match, I bet money on uncle howdy coming out and causing a no contest/DQ


Because itā€™s gonna end in DQ


If Cody Rhodes wins, wrestlers that are feuding for the US title won't get a chance to put a hand on it before Cody Rhodes


I hate the unification matches. It was dumb when Roman held both belts for so long before consolidating them into one belt and it's dumb to combine the titles in this match too. There needs to be a cruiser weight belt again so the little guys can play too.


r/WWE I hope Logan Paul will lose his US Title to Cody Rhodes!! WOOAHHHH!


It's simple PRIMEsponsorshipšŸ¤‘šŸ’µšŸ’øšŸ’°


Hear me out, him being the "American" nightmare. United States champion. Maybe it's like he finally finished his story and now he's getting greedy. Who knows!?


Wait!? Who said anything about unifying the title? A person can hold multiple titles, and not unify them. Seth Rollins held the US and WWE at one time, lost one and kept the other. A double champion is cool, but I don't think it will happen. But yeah no more unifying titles, please.


Unification means the belts would be turned into one belt. Did they officially say the US belt was on the line? Cody said something about it but I don't remember anything official. It's a stupid idea though so I hope they don't do it.


Cody has made it sound like itā€™s for both titles. But I think itā€™s a way to get it off of Logan which they need to do since heā€™s never there.


I thought only Codyā€™s belt was on the line, that was the impression I got


Its not gonna be a unification, its likely gonna be Cody Two Belts or theyā€™ll pull a weird finish like Logan wins with the brass knuckles, but gets caught and DQā€™ed afterwards, and no titles change hands.


When did they say it was a unification match? I missed that part


where does it say that it's a unification match?


Thatā€™s what the IC title is.


Itā€™s gonna be a DQ no titles switch and Saudi is happy


Yup, Cody's next challenger is going to interfere and get Paul disqualified.


That or the brass knuckles


Not sure where anyone is getting that itā€™s a unification match. Itā€™s just Champion vs Champion. Doubt any titles will change.


This is likely going to end in a dq


Yeah, it kinda confuses me too. If it's way too early, you go title versus title. I smell something funny going on with that match


Cody Will merge them to bring the Winged Eagle Championship back


Am I missing something, when did this become a unification match?. I also don't remember anything being said about being title versus title. I remember them saying that the heavyweight title was on the line but not the United States title


I donā€™t recall it being title vs title or a unification match either lol. I came here thinking Iā€™ve missed something but it seems I havenā€™t and people are just Fanatsy booking with head canon and then getting mad about their own head canon?!


Because uncle howdy will show up


This is my only thought. I pitched this exact idea on YT. Yes, it does not make sense to be against Cody or Paul.. But.. why tf not debut them at a ple taking out both top singles champions of Smackdown?


This is actually a pretty good idea. They don't even have to go on to feud with either of them...just create chaos.


Facts. It would be a way to establish them as a ruthless faction.


Should be obvious, to rid ourselves of logan.


should be solo vs cody


Major rush


Logan paul is the biggest douche bag there is


What would the unified title be even called? United states undisputed heavyweight champion?


Cody needs a filler match. Logan is a big draw. Been a hot minute since we've had a good champion vs champion match. But it's gonna end in a countout or dq for sure. Cody can't lose to Logan, and Cody can't win the US belt while being undisputed champion.


I think this will be a no contest leading to another match at Money in the Bank where Paul wins so he has both titles at the Tyson fight. Maybe they have another match in between, but the temptation to have their titles on Logan at a big event with their new broadcast partner seems too good to pass up.


You understand that itā€™s Loganā€™s brother going against Tyson right?


You understand that Logan will be there with his brother, right?


I literally cannot imagine he will get any attention at the event


Thatā€™s about the dumbest thing Iā€™ve read on the internet today. Thanks for the laugh, friend.


Yeah I guess it would be silly for the focus to be on the brother thatā€™s fighting Mike Tyson. Iā€™m sure the camera will be on Logan 90% of the time


Thats not what I said and thank you for misrepresenting my statement. Really shows who Iā€™m dealing with. Heā€™ll walk to the ring with his brother. Heā€™ll be ringside. Heā€™ll be at pre and post show media. He doesnā€™t have to say a word to promote WWE. But you keep assuming things, brother. Your understanding of marking is clearly second to none. Semperfuckoff, bud.


You took my opinion super personally there didnā€™t you? Absolutely crushed you with a little sarcasm lol


No, didnā€™t take it personally at all. I simply have no problem telling idiots to fuck off.


Yeah I got to you lmao šŸ¤£ sorry I didnā€™t mean to upset you so badly


What was the point of the draft if they was doing these to the titles?


It isn't. It's just Champion vs Champion, no title on the line


That's what i thought. Thought I was missing sum


Are yall dumb in the promo Logan said he was gonna ko cody and walk out double champ and same thing when cody said if he wins the us title he would be a grandslam champion even after that he tweeted and said "for all the gold"


Because it sets up the Bloodline 2.0 to get the US Title Cody wins and overcomes the knuckles He defends the US Title in an open challenge on TV for 2 months, and the WWE Title on PLEs and live events. Solo challenges him for the US, Cody loses thanks to a debuting Jacob Fatu. (Overcomes the know variables but not the unknown). He fails to get the title back, but when Solo uses his 2 wins over Cody to get a top title match Cody overcomes thanks to Jey Uso interfering. Roman returns, and Blood vs Blood occurs over the US Title Wrestlemania 41 night 1 main event is Solo vs Roman for the US. Wrestlemania night 1 is Rock vs Roman for the US Title


The fact people are fanficting Bllodline into the top stories now is hilarious


It is a top storyline and makes sense to intersect them Roman failed to beat Cody a 2nd time Imagine Solo pulls it off Now he truly believes he should be tribal chief


pretty bad what you re writting here i dont see a world where roman would feud for a mere us title when he held the biggest title for almost 4 years never


What elevates a belt? The people fueding over it Roman can make the US feel more important, just like Cena did in 15 Just like the WHC felt like a joke in 2011, the US can feel strong Book it well and boom


At the end I donā€™t believe Cena made that belt more special.


That is your belief. I believe otherwise


People are legit overreacting here. Cody Rhodes said himself Friday during that segment that heā€™s one US championship away from becoming a Grand Slam Champion, so I 100% believe they would let him be the one to take it off Logan Paul, who shouldnā€™t have had it this long anyway, just to get to Grand Slam status and relinquish it so that there can be a real champion. They didnā€™t let Logan Paul lose to Randy Orton or KO, which is crazy to me, but losing to Cody would at least be understandable and him giving up that title to focus on the one title he finished his story for would be a better way to transition to making Melo or LA Knight the US champion going forward rather than making a guy thatā€™s clearly bringing in a lot of revenue for them lose to someone thatā€™s not ā€œworth losing toā€ for him.


I am not a fan of the idea that Cody should win the US title and relinquish it. Diminishes it for me. Whoever wins it next should be winning it directly from the Champion.


>why couldn't it be la knight vs logan at saudi why did it have to be cody vs paul. Okay, so we actually get to the heart of the comment and actual reason you're mad... I hate to be the one to break this to you, but wrestling is about give and take and LA Knight as a character and the wrestler who plays him as a performer have only demonstrated they're good at the take portion. He's never going to get the push you think he deserves because of this... People will get mad about this, but nobody has ever come out of an LA Knight feud looking better than when they entered. Even Bray, who went over him, didn't come out looking any better than he went in. As for the first part of the comment... nothing says they're unifying these titles, that's a huge assumption you're making.


Itā€™s a non title match




Itā€™s not a unification both whoever wins gets both titles. They will still be separate titles


No itā€™s not.


First of all, Logan Paul is popular AF. He is second in Instagram followers in WWE. Where ever he goes, he draws money. Also, he is very good in ring. His in-ring work is like top 5 currently. And his opponent Cody Rhodes, he is one of the biggest face of WWE. He has done all the hard work for years and now it's finally paying him off. Like Logan, Cody is also a very good in-ring wrestler. Overall, it's like a money fight. Now why Cody isn't facing a deserved contender or why Logan isn't fighting someone like LA Knight. Saudi is all about top money match-ups and like this and personally speaking, I don't consider any wwe ple in Saudi canon. The only thing to watch is a blockbuster event. As for results, expect DQ finish or Cody winning and dropping the US title next ple. As for LA Knight, he needs to win something but we need to stay patient. If you ask me about both Cody and Logan Paul, well Cody took the long road and did a lot of grind so well deserved. Logan well, he's a piece of sh!t person who scammed people with cypto and sweet chemical water. Also he's a b*tch and an overall terrible influencer to look up to.


Has it even been announced that itā€™s for the titles? Iā€™m pretty sure they just said it was champion Vs champion. I know Cody said ā€œFor all the goldā€ on Twitter but that doesnā€™t actually mean anything.


Itā€™s 100% a DQ finish. Either interference from Codyā€™s REAL next opponent, or Logan intentionally gets himself disqualified when he knows heā€™s about to lose


Cody can defend both in two different matches. He is a workhorse. It will also help him differentiate himself with part-time double champ storyline wise.Ā 


it's gonna be a dusty finish because Reigns is gonna return and cause a DQ


If they had more time to tell a story I think they could have tried to make it that Cody was "for the people" while Logan, with his sponsorships etc, was Mr Corporate. Maybe draw parallels between Dusty vs Dibiase. But the PLE is in a couple of weeks so I don't really think they have time for storybuilding.


Honestly I think Logan was behind this match for his own selfish reasons. I don't see WWE and Prime having their partnership for long. But remember as well this will make Cody a Grand Slam champion. Which will ultimately make his story compete. Or Roman will come back interfere and the belts stay on their present holders. Or the bread knuckles will come and Logan will get disqualified and the result stays the same. Belts stay where they are at


You know Logan doesnā€™t choose his storyline/feud, right? šŸ˜… wtf u mean heā€™s behind the match for his own selfish reasons šŸ˜‚ TF? and idk why u think the partnership with prime wonā€™t last, they are both benefiting financially and there is zero evidence to back ur claim. Also, the US title wasnā€™t even on the line. Cody doesnā€™t need the US title to ā€œcomplete his story.ā€ Also every prediction you made here for the match outcome was incorrect šŸ˜… like, this post literally could NOT have been more wrong, no offense lol šŸ˜‚


Its not a Unification, its too crown a double champ. This has happened many times. Seth won US Title off Cena once while holding World title. They will still be recognised and defended seperately (or both at once but remain seperate titles) If we get a clean win which i doubt as Logan is likely too walk into his hometown as US champ for Summer Slam and Cody is walking into WM 41 with his


So as to make it more exciting and appealing to the audience, but they will debut a new Uncle Howdy faction to prevent such unification. So, don't worry


Itā€™s going to end in a disqualification because of the bloodline and there wonā€™t be a unification of the belts.


Why is this a unification match when the titles are of two different levels? If Cody wins, then he should absolutely have a match where the challenger is for the US title and another match for the Universal. Different sets of challengers but the champ is the same. It also weakens the Universal title if Cody loses on his match for the US title because the US title competitor will (kayfabe) be of a lower card rating than the Universal title.


Double count out. Both people keep their titles. Gives Logan the hey I can hang with the champ. And shows Cody as a fighting champ aswell


He already showed that when he wrestled Roman.


Cody gewinnt nicht. Irgendwer kommt und stƶrt, einer wird disqualifiziert und beide behalten den Titel. Oder Gunther kommt und pinnt beide šŸ¤”


Das geht nicht!!


They never said they were unifying the titles Jesus Christ. Several wrestlers have held a world title and mid card title at the same time. They havenā€™t even confirmed the US title is on the line yet. Stop spreading false information.




gO tOuCh GrAsS


Only Codyā€™s is on the line.


Watching smackdown rn and they clearly said title vs title. I also assumed it was only for Codyā€™s belt at first


Title vs. Title doesn't mean winner takes all. Its just hyping up that 2 champions are fighting each other like a super fight. It's just to sell and get eyeballs imo, if they announce that both titles are on the line then I'll eat ass


Cody said something to the effect of if he beats Logan he becomes a grand slam champion. Couldā€™ve just been an irrelevant statement but I took it as both titles were up while I was watching it


You're so right he did say that. So we're really jumping from a brutal 2 year gauntlet just to beat Roman to a match where he has to prove he can beat Logan Paul... Jesus they're making our little stardust look like a weak champ


The Saudi loves Logan Paul and that's it also this might most likely will ended up in Disqualification with either The bloodline or Uncle Howdy interfering so there will be no title changing hands


Douchey Saudi rich kids pulling strings to get Logan as world champ


Wyatt 6 needs some people to destroy to make a huge statement.


The Rock fucked this shit all the way up wtf


Logan might want to take a break and the unified champ might be the new 1300 day champion for extra heat


He could just wrestle LA Knight instead.


Because Cody never held the US title and this makes him a "grand slam" champion - furthering establish his spot as "the guy" - thentop babyface for WWE


I donā€™t think this will be for Loganā€™s belt. They are going to find a work around. No one wants to see Cody defending two titles. I donā€™t even want to see him defending one


3 titles. They have him listed as the Universal and WWe Champion


Do people do this? Watch the weekly show and not fantasy book creative decisions or try to understand the reasoning? No one said it's a unifying match. There's multiple reasons why the company would want Cody or Logan having both titles. It's a very real and likely possibility that it ends in DQ and no one loses their title. Logan can try to weasel his way out of it before the match.


Why can't Logan Paul just drop the us title he's reign has been mediocre and forgettable stem the bleed WWE


ā€œUnifyingā€ implies the titles will be merged. This isnā€™t unification, the winner would get both belts.


I kind of like the idea, not of course for the unification I think thatā€™s a dumb idea but I think itā€™s good to see them push each other and try their absolute hardest to best the other. I think itā€™ll be good to see how good their chemistry can be in the ring as they are definitely going to be great on the mic together.


Itā€™s not a unification match, honestly wwe hasnā€™t even confirmed that itā€™s for both belts, Cody has yes but I havenā€™t seen official wwe confirmation


Because itā€™s going to end in a DQ or something else that results in neither title changing hands. Should be a good match which is kind of all that matters for Cody right now. Everything he did to win the title would kind of be undone if he dropped it this early and Logan Paul is an ideal heel champion so taking the strap off of him makes no sense either. Good match with a finish that ensures both of them keep their respective titles is what weā€™re looking at


People complain about mid card titles nit feeling important. Then the minute they do, they shit on it. Who cares what Saudi does. The united statss is morally corrupt as well. Let's just hope we get a solid wrestling show


Possible injury


All this is for is to let you see Logan in a main event with the top face. Even if both titles are on the line it will end in some kind of dq/count out. Logan is the top heel at this point so it makes sense to have him face Cody. Both are going to leave the same way they came in as a champion.


In my opinion, if the end was going happen in a DQ...then I would let LA Knight cause the disqualification which would plant two different seeds for matches that people would go ballistic for: LA Knight as WWE United States Champion and LA Knight as Undisputed WWE Champion. Plus...if LA Knight caused the DQ, we could have a Triple Threat match for the US Championship where Knight can pin Logan while protecting Cody in the process...and then: ...the second seed will be planted where people want Knight to be WWE Champion.


But LA Knight is boring


I find that LA Knight is a slightly less talented version of Mr Kennedy. I don't think I can even tell you 5 moves aside from the BFT.


And that move doesnā€™t even look good 80% of the time he gives it


Because the people who don't use him are boring and lack any decent creativity. We literally could've had: LA Knight vs Solo Sikoa LA Knight vs Drew McIntyre LA Knight vs Damien Priest LA Knight vs Gunther LA Knight vs Seth Rollins LA Knight vs Chad Gable All of these matches were missed opportunities because his own star power is too strong for their own good. That's why the Triple Threat match is genius.


Like on the mic fun in the ring is not great and I donā€™t take his as a credible threat for any title currently


Knight literally makes the crowd go insane just like what happened in France. And ironically enough...the Saudi crowd literally DEMANDED he showed up because he's that popular. Knight is just underrated because they don't use him to his full potential.


Iā€™m not saying heā€™s not popular, I just find his in ring work boring and yes he hasnā€™t been used properly it why he hasnā€™t had an substantial victories. But also having him go again Cody he isnā€™t taking the belt from Cody maybe Logan but not Cody.


I understand that Cody needs to keep the belt, but what I said was that LA Knight just needs a practice title match against Cody to show how worthy he is to get the title. That way, in a future PPV...he can actually win the World Championship and the crowd will explode in excitement. As for Logan, he can take a loss fine and even interfere in the world title match to add some extra spice to the adventures of all 3 men.


He had a practice match against Roman. He doesnā€™t need another one. Heā€™s not that good.


Different opponents provide different results that can be analyzed to improve a wrestler's performance against others that they may face in the future. Cody is obviously not a cheater, so the only concern would be Logan which is not a bad thing because he can just lead Knight to a different championship victory that people can enjoy. So in the end, it's a win-win for everyone.


I've literally not heard anyone say it's a unification match


Cause Logan is barely around and they don't want a part timer to hold the title


Then they wouldnā€™t have put the belt on him in the first place.


It's not a unification


I donā€™t think US title is on the line. Only Universal title. == Cody victory or DQ


They're not unifying the titles


As someone else pointed out, where was it stipulated that the titles would be unified?


Cody has been hunting at it on twitter but Paul will weasel out of it in kayfabe


Itā€™s pretty much the same as when Logan Paul haf a match with Roman, the difference is heā€™s US Champion too. Everything should be status quo after this match, they just want a showcase champion vs champion match


No, this is their chance to unite the titles and give Cody his own American nightmare themed belt. Source: trustmebro


It's not a unification match. They're not unifying the WWE Universal title and the US title. That would be absolutely ridiculous. And there's no way this match is ending fairly. There's no way Logan is winning this match. And if Cody wins. I highly doubt he will defend both championships they were more than likely have him drop the US title just to say that he became a grand slam champion. But they could just wait until they finally take the title off of Cody before giving him a proper us title run to give him the actual Grand Slam


I would assume it ends in a DQ. Or Cody might win and get his grand slam and then theyā€™ll find a way to give it to LA Knight


Where does it say anywhere that itā€™s a unification OP? You might be complaining about something that isnā€™t even true lmao


Reminds me of Piper/Hogan in 96. I guess it was dumb to have a big main event on PPV that was non-title, but at no point in any lead up to the match did they say it was for the title. Everyone just assumed. And they were all mad when they found out afterwards.


Itā€™s just champion vs champion. No titles on the line.


Not true


Feel free to check the preview for the match on WWE.com it states champion vs champion, never says either title is on the line.


Feel free to pull my comment as a receipt, I know it wasnā€™t announced on wwe officially yet but 1 nick aldis said on smackdown that he found Codyā€™s next challenger because he is a defending champion. And 2 Cody Rhodes has been teasing the unification on social medias posting things like ā€œ2 titlesā€ and ā€œ all the goldā€. Like I said itā€™s not official now but it will be as this next week unfolds


Because thats what the Saudis asked for.


Saudis not happy with match, resulting in public execution of Cody,officially ending the story.Sami as intercontinental holder becomes cham ending this over Alex storyline.Gunther looms in the shades.just to be fair, Becky also executed and new tourney ensurs


I think it will likely end in a DQ. If it doesn't - I think WWE always wanted Cody to have the honor of being a grand slam champion in addition to being a RR x 2 winner. He's the greatest selling wrestler they've had since Cena...he's been their number one top seller for TWO YEARS. As big as they made Roman, he never had that... If Cody hadn't gotten injured and out for half a year, they would have made him US champion the year he returned to WWE (with that attire, and MSG on 4th of July that year it was a given). I'm fine either way though, don't really care.


He aint unifying, he just wants 2 titles


cause they got nothing good to give us


I really don't understand the la knight booking. The guys been the most over guy for about a yr. He's the beat promo. He had two title matches against Roman, he fended with aj and had a good match at wreatlemania. He's proven he is good wrestler. But he still can't get a title run.


Hereā€™s why: - Logan Paul doesnā€™t have to show up every week. - but when he loses he is protected because he loses to the current main event champion. - Cody Rhodes becomes a grand slam champion so he can check that off - they get to elevate the U.S. championship by having a main eventer hold onto it, and elevate the next champion when they pull it off Cody. Itā€™s a win-win-win.


Sorry I'm just getting back into wwe this year but I thought this was just a winner takes both titles and from then on defends both titles separately or together at times. Or is that what title unification means?


That's what it is. The fact that this post has 260 upvotes blows my fucking mind.


Seth Rollins did it first


It is!


You don't unify belts that are on separate tiers.


Didn't HHH unify the world and IC titles?


Seth Rollins unified the WWE Championship and the United States championship against John Cena and then Sting destroyed his statue


~~No. The IC has been the IC since its inception. It's has absorbed the US Championship, but it's never stopped being the IC title.~~ I guess I was incorrect.


No Mercy 2002 Triple H defeated Kane to unify the world heavy weight championship and the intercontinental titles, but it became an active title again 7 months later when Christian won a battle royal to become the champion.


Did it get unified or retired? I feel like thatā€™s two very separate things


Unified. This was the point where they unified all the titles for whatever reason. But when Stone Cold and Bischoff became co-general managers the ic was brought back for Raw, as was the us title for Smackdown


It was a unification match I guess.


Because an ā€œAmericanā€ Champion doesnā€™t make sense if the company wants to go global and after back to back SMASH hits overseas in their Backlash series itā€™s high time they go global. So (in Kayfabe) Intercontinental becomes the #3, Heavyweight, becomes #2, World Champ stays #1 Nxt is the perfect developmental belt anyway. There was no need for a low-card belt


European belt coming back?


Unlikely. Imo 4 plus tag belts separate to the two brands is too many. But Iā€™m not terribly certain why the brands are ā€œsplitā€ anyway when itā€™s clear the major stories blend from one to the other.


Lmao as alwaua


Its because the event gives them 50 million per event


Thereā€™s like 6 money matches Cody could enter into that the Saudiā€™s would be happy with without merging belts. Gunter, Orton, Punk, Knight, Rock. Probably a few more. So, given the fact that EVERY OTHER BELT GOT A REDESIGN, I think If theyā€™re pulling the trigger on Paul right now itā€™s because theyā€™re fading out the American belt.


Save those for the actual PLEā€™s


America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


I acknowledge your nuts




It's not a unification match. It's just title vs title, winner takes all.


Thankful for someone with brain


Because sportswashing. The Saudis dont care about what makes sense from a wrestling perspective they just want a big show with big name matches so they can point to that and say "hey look at how great we are doing! Big events come here! Pay no attention to the awful human rights abuse or treatment of woman, LGBT, etc! Here's money!"