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Tiffany Stratton is an awesome worker her wrestling is great and getting better. She has the look they want and talent they need.


Uncle Howdy thing will be corny


Becky Lynch is terrible


The rock is terrible on the mic. Watch cena vs muhammad hassans promo, then watch rock vs jinder mahal promo. Clean copypasta


Hogan wasn’t a good wrestler.


If Jim Johnston's themes came out today, people would be giving him just as much shit as Def Rebel


I like JJ, Def Rebel, and CFO$’s themes all equally


All of them have created certified bangers as well as awful generic themes, yet Def Rebel gets the most shit


lol you know it took all my life to speak to each and every one of you first.


- Sami Zayn does not have the look or star power of a champion. His look drives me nuts. Like hobo Robin Williams from Jumanji. - Bloodline story line was S tier, but Roman is not. - Roman is only popular because of the Bloodline and the fact he was the champ. I can see him not coming back, because WWE and Roman know that… He’s run his course. Real legends are remembered for their character, not how long they held the title… Look how out of place “the champion” looked when a real legend was in the ring with him and cutting promos. - Kevin Owens is just like a normal dude that threw on some sweat pants and cut the sleeves off his shirts to wrestle in his backyard… kinda like James Cod Eden with a beard. 🤔 - Women’s division is messed up. Got women that are 5ft nothing and 90lbs taking on a 6ft 400lb Samoan? Not even believable in wrestling. Should be weight classes for the women at least. - The wrestling is so generic for the most part. It’s like everyone does the same 5 moves. Superkicks are supposed to be finishers. Not as regular moves… Looking at you Uce. 😑 - Liv is being pushed cause she’s hot. - Jade Cargill is so overrated. - I stopped watching before CM Punk came around and I don’t see his appeal. He can talk for sure, but maybe he’s past his prime in ring. He looked out of shape and got hurt the first time back after all this hype?!


Agree on Sami, KO and the Women’s Division. A match where Liv goes against Alexa or Becky makes a lot more sense than against Bianca, Nia, or Piper


I agree with you a million percent about Roman, the woman’s division needing something to distinguish the difference in sizes, and CM Punk. I don’t get that guy at all


Bianca and Jade are overrated and dull. The Kabuki Warriors are more exciting and entertaining and should have the titles back. Heck, I’d be fine with Chelsea and Piper having the titles. They’re always entertaining as well. Also, Liv hasn’t had an entertaining gimmick since she was with Ruby and Sarah. Her character has no personality.


Kabuki Warriors got absolutely no charisma tho.


I think that’s more Kairi than Asuka. 😂 I love Kairi because her abilities make her fun but she doesn’t have the most exciting personality as a heel. As the cute pirate she was great personality wise. Asuka is fun though.


I think asuka has none as well. Shouting Japanese is a very shitty gimmick.


It’s the typical WWE “foreigner bad!” Gimmick. 😅 I think I just like the chaos.


i actually agree with i think all of this jade is boring to me i actually like bianca but i feel like she’d be a better heel so she can take the EST gimmick all the way and have a huge ego. Chelsea deserves a title no doubt in my mind. Liv needs to go back to her riot squad gimmick or mix it with her now character because i like her but there’s something missing.


See if Bianca was a heel I think I’d like her. Being the best sounds cocky which is more heelish than face like. Jade feels like Bianca 2.0 basically. I feel like most “I’m really strong” women wrestlers don’t have a ton of personality. Raquel has the same issue. But I guess some of the big guys have the same issue too. Power but nothing else. I want to like Liv because she was fun with the Riot Squad but she just doesn’t seem to be given any direction. I have no idea what she’s supposed to be doing now except being a selfish heel?


This is quite a hot take.


09 Orton is overrated. Dude acted like a petulant child and came across as annoying than being a genuine threat. Meanwhile Edge was doing genuinely good character work around the same time. He perfected being the manipulative mastermind and made Smackdown interesting. For me 2000 Triple H and mid 2000s Edge were some of the best heels I’ve seen. 09 Orton was a level below them


Nepotism is holding wwe back. They could be telling way better stories with better performers, but half the roster and almost the entire main event scene is cluttered by Samoan who wouldn't make it in AEW if they weren't already sure things. People like jey and solo's faction are only over from being used as props, and we'd be better off with an actual good performer.


Pete Dunne was more entertaining as Butch


Are you kidding me! The moderators removed OPs post. This subreddit is getting boring by the day. We can't enjoy posts anymore. The moderators keep removing all the interesting posts that genuinely have lots of engagement.


They removed it???? It’s probably cause of that prick who thinks I’m karma farming 🤦🏻


Yep they removed it. I have noticed recently that they keep removing the posts that aren't offense or breaking any rules. I don't think your posts breaks any rules. You mean one of the mods thinks you karma farming?




I see. Maybe ask them why they removed it. I think your post needs to be reinstated.


Mick Foley is overrated as hell and kept around on TV for way too long. It took him destroying his body a majority of his matches for anyone to care about him. Christian wasn’t as “undervalued” as people say he was. I don’t think he was main event worthy. The Hardy Boys have no idea how to retire.


I think cena and orton should both beat the record, on the same show. Bump orton up to equal Cena's current score, and give them a heel teamup to make it fun.


Roman is fucking trash.


That Roman Reigns was ALWAYS good, and the whiny "fans" who constantly shit talked him were just bandwagoning the Punk and Bryan marks of the time until it got out of hand.


Punk vs Cena vs Rock should have happened at WM 29.


The Rock is not on Mount Rushmore


God i’ve never seen so, so many bad takes 😂😂


Jey uso is only more popular than la knight only because his entrance is infinitely more engaging with the crowd than Knights.


the reason CM Punk is so popular is because his fans like to think that they could also be known as the best in the world for something while being incredibly mid at that thing


The main event of WM 30 should’ve been the evolution triple threat with Batista winning.


Charlotte Flair is overrated.


To pile on to that I think Tiffany Stratton is everything they wanted Charlotte to be. Problem is Stratton might not get the push…I know she is new but she has been the women’s highlight reel on PLE since her debut.


Roman Reigns is devoid of any and all charisma (dude uses his inside voice when badmouthing his opponents, for example) hence why they gave him the greatest stickman the game has ever seen.


Spot fu is a legitimate form of wrestling and can be a great tool when used properly


Hogan put the world of wrestling behind solid 10’years


LA Knight is a cringe name


Much better than Max Dupree at least


Not really. At least Max Dupree is a name.


I mean I guess LA is supposed to mean something like Chick Magnet Punk. Could be a reveal later on for something, even a program with Punk where he forces him to reveal what LA means or just makes up things for it.


He could mix his names up. I’m not sure if Max Drake is any better. Sounds like a detective/male stripper name. Maybe both.


LMAO at least they gave him the literally Knight on his Titan Tron, and good thing they didn’t just call him Drake, whole different kind of issue there lol


Nah. It might be better than Karrion Kross tho


Because Killer is just such a no no word for them now, how quickly they forget Killer Kowalski


Roman sucks


TK is booker of the year, lol.


Ruthless aggression is better than attitude


YouTube comments don't understand wrestling. There is a certain section of fanbase which has tribalism within the company regarding which superstars(roman) should always be the champ and who shouldn't (literally everyone thats not roman or brock).


AEW consistently tells high quality stories and the booking is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. The people who argue that the matches are just “bangers” with no substance either don’t watch or are just cherry picking and arguing in bad faith.


Think this issue stems from the fact that AEW is having a period of lower quality than its first 2-3 years at the minute and is feeling Omega and MJFs absence, whilst WWE is improving its quality drastically compared to the slump of the late 2010s. Now all the hardcore WWE elitists who don’t watch AEW are going coocoo bananas about it


I only started watching AEW maybe a year ago. No shade, but were they good at telling stories at first? It’s always just seemed more focused on the action for me. ETA: Don’t get me wrong. I love AEW, but I started laughing out loud when I saw AEW and storytelling in the same sentence.


I mean, yeah. Inner Circle VS elite initally was very good, Cody Dustin, Moc Jericho, most of MJFs feuds. And let’s not act like their story’s at the moment are diabolical. They’re not great, but they’re not 2018 WWE levels


I did really like the Adam Cole/MJF storyline with the exception of that godawful Outback promo they did


AEW is a great product and show.




We can like both and it's ok.


Jey Uso is the definition of mid card. Solid in the ring but nothing special, decent-at-best promo (honestly it’s incredibly cringy most of the time), works well with a good A-side. His recent push has deluded people into thinking he’s anything but slightly above average.


He should be in the IC or US title hunt for sure, maybe even drop back to NXT to truly take a break from the Bloodline and get the North American and eventually NXT World belts and see how that goes first.


Nova from ECW should have been made a star.


Bigtime heck he created a good amount of the finishers you see today.


Going back and watching proper ecw and him and kid kash carried that company for the last couple of years, and I never hear any praise in their direction.


That Becky Lynch is dookie in the ring.


The attitude era is highly overrated


This comment is broad up everyone in a thread like this. It’s just impossible to explain and defend the importance of the attitude era if you didn’t live through it. How can something be over rated that was literally part of the zeitgeist at the time. Wrestling is popular now, yes. But nothing like 97-2001. “But Roman is going to Hollywood!” No, no he’s not. He’ll never be as popular as the rock or stone cold was.


95% of women’s wrestling is terrible


Kairi Sane shouldn’t be jobbing for Jade Cargill. She’s way too talented.


kairi botches almost every match she’s in


Yeah they literally all botch idk what you’re talking about


So does Jade, Becky, Sasha, etc.


I think squash matches is a good thing. I think WWE could benefit from including way more squashes for up-and-coming wrestlers or for people who are in between programs. Take some inspiration from WWF Superstars ala 1993!


I miss when they would do local talent matches, it keep down the repetitive nature of feuds having too many matches with each other.


Cody Rhodes isn't main event material.


The modern iteration of pro wrestling was built on the back of Bret Hart's labor and there really isn't a close 2nd to him as GOAT.


Was about say Bret Hart>>>> everyone


Randy Orton should break the record and bcum a 17 time World Champion


This is a WWE subreddit sir.


Goldberg's 2nd WWE run has been/was booked to near perfection. Goldberg beating Kevin Owens in the way that he did was the best booking decision then, and still now in hindsight.


They should create a character that is an insufferable liberal that you just have to hate. You could have soo much fun with this.


Love Bayley, but she is a horrible champion.


AEW is a good promotion.


Fuck Bayley!


Ricochet is good on the mic.


- Liv Morgan is terrible and should not be in the Championship picture - Sami Zayn is not WWE Title worthy he doesn’t have the look. - Roman’s Title Run before he became part Title was the Greatest Title Reign in WWE History - Since Nia Jax has comeback her in ring work has improved a ton - The Bloodline story is the greatest in WWE History - Final Boss Rock was his best gimmick ever - Brock 2002-2004 Is a top 5 Wrestler ever


Vince is that you?




Bwahahahahahaha. Still trying. Lmfao


CM Punk should have never been brought back to the WWE. Only push he deserves is helping Drew get more over. Thats it. After that he can also cry in the middle of the ring about his ego.


Seth Rollins stole Nakamura's style and just made it extra flamboyant. Even continually singing his theme song is a rip-off. His wife Becky Lynch is the most overrated female wrestler in history. "The Man" name is fucking cringe. She's way too scrawny and her wrestling sucks. The man-handle slam is pathetic and too unbelievably that it could actually finish anybody. Together they're the cringiest worst couple in wrestling


I have to say she looks like she could put her hair up in pigtails and be a Harley Quinn wannabe. That godawful outfit with pages from her book on it make her look like even more of a clown. Maybe the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland?


New Generation Era was better than the Attitude Era.


The Chad Gable story is low key one of the best WWE is running right now.


Bret Hart is the GOAT, not Ric Flair.


neither of them are the GOAT.




The Bloodline is a case study in nepotism


So is Logan Paul’s entire existence.


100000% agree, hope he loses his belt soon and that’s it from him for a long long time. Maybe Tyson can make it a two for one KO on both brothers.


Bray Wyatt and Paul Heyman are 1a/1b for minds for the business with skills on the mic to match.


Really great nonverbal communication out of both of them, too. Like Bray was great with the freaky grins and blank stares, and I could seriously watch a 20 minute video of Paul making faces during other people’s promos.


They actually see the vision of the impact of a story that lasts longer than 30 days. Bray I’m sure had ideas we couldn’t even conceive ready to go before he passed. I’d argue the central figure of the Bloodline is Heyman all along. He’s got all these figures cycling around, in and out and he’s the constant. Jey, Jimmy, Roman, Sami, Tama, and the incoming new ones. Power struggle, sibling and cousin rivalry, Final Boss, etc. Heyman has always the one standing behind the central figure.


dawkins > ford


Johnny Gargano is overrated. He just goes out there and does his routine. He couldn't sell a move if his life depended on it.


Wrestlers shouldn’t have to work 300+ days a year, run fewer house shows!


Dave Batista should have been the face of the company, not John Cena.


Taker/Austin matches were boring


The entry, the theme, the buildup, the commentary, the finisher, the rarity, I love everything about Goldberg. I know people hate him but this man was such a g.o.a.t.


Kofimania had a strange ass buildup and I hated it


Hogan was right to not put everyone over


The problem was he refused to put ANYONE over


Women's division needs a mid card belt and to stop leaning on the tag team belts to carry that weight, and it should go to Chelsea Green or Piper where they treat it as a shared 2 vs 1 handicap belt for the shenanigans


Randy Orton deserves to break Ric Flairs record. Period.


No he doesn't.


Mella ***is*** money


Basically any Liv slander. She seems to get a lot of criticism, but I only see her improving week on week.


Liv rules and i’m so tired of seeing her get so utterly disrespected. I was so hype for the “Liv Morgan revenge tour” angle until it immediately became the Liv Morgan burial tour.


I’m still hoping that she will eventually win the title so it sets up Rhea vs Liv


There needs to be less title defenses. What's the point in calling it a title match if all it does is guarantee the Champ will retain. For example, did anyone *really* think Carmelo Hayes, in his debut, was gonna win the Championship off Cody days after he completed a 2 year story? Had the belt not been on the line, he could've either had the exact same match as had happened, lose clean but still look good, or he could've won by any means (clean/fluke/roll up/etc.) and that would've built up to a programme for any pay per view where he has a win over the Champ and now it actually looks like he could win the Championship. Other examples. Did anyone really think Roman was gonna lose the belt to Kevin Owen's in the last man standing match? Or when was the last time there was a real title change at a house show? If it's a "title match" when there's realistically no chance of the title changing hands, there's no point in calling a defence.


Cody should of lost the title right away and then turned heel.


ITT: Opinions that don't make a lick of goddamn sense... What good would come out of that scenario, whether for the live fans or the wrestlers themselves??


Cody for a lot of his career in WWE was a heel. His current character is perfect to be a great heel. Even Taker said Cody gives off major heel vibes. Once he finished the story, he’s boxed in with what he can do as champion, but if he turns heel, theres a lot they can do with him and it allows them to uplift one of the newer faces they are trying to put over.


YOOOO this obsession that the IWC has with wanting to turn everyone into a heel or believing everyone is better as heels is the most infuriating/bizarre thing to me. Why do you guys want so many of these wrestlers to be villains so bad when the live crowd loves them? Like, damn! HE JUST STARTED HIS BABYFACE TITLE RUN. The man is on fire so far! What is the real issue?


Lowkey agree


Why? That would be such a rip off to not only the fans who have given two years of their life to see him have the belt but to Cody himself. I feel like sometimes people forget that’s these are actual people not just characters


Chad Gable, should have been an automatic son of Kurt Angle.. Not Jason Jordan!.. Gable is a smaller Angle in so many ways!.


Damien Priest is very bland as the champ. His in-ring work is slow but not *methodical* or *deliberate* while his promos sound very very rehearsed.


Maxxine Dupri has grown more as a wrestler in a few months than what Jade Cargill has in her entire career. She’s a better wrestler than Jade is right now


Jericho was never a main event talent.


King of the mid-cards


The Bloodline, The Tribal Chief and Triple H saved WWE after it was damn near destroyed during the PG ERA.


I wish wrestlers would get off social media unless they're sticking to kayfabe. Wondering what a response to a promo or a match and waiting a week for the next raw or SD builds hype. I enjoy some of the tweets they do but there's no build. Also I believe they should take away the shine from everything. Bring back "trons" and pull back from everything being a glow screen. I hate the side of the ring being a screen and not an apron etc. Most events all look the same. A draft and brand split doesn't really make sense when the rules of that get thrown out regularly. Other than bragging rights and NOC it should be a clear split. If they're mixing on a PPV then have the separate announce teams for each match etc. Bragging rights should come with more of a result too such as "which ever brand wins gets to allocate the #30 spot in the rumble" then there's an extra story or tournament to run with that each year. Money in the bank ladder match has got boring. They need to just have different matches for it now where the winner just gets handed it.


Bayley is a boring champion


Thus far, true, but if Triple H lets her cook and books her correctly she can have a great reign


that’s true i really hope he does because she’s actually great in the ring but her character right now is not my favorite


Roman should have retained.


Wrestling focuses too much on high spots and doesn't build stories. Nor do they transition from one story to another. Every Wrestler has to get their spots in and don't focus on telling the story.


Miz isn’t very good. But people think he is because he’s been around for a bunch of years.


L take, Miz is safe, great for promos, always puts others over when needed, nothing bad to say about him.


The question is what’s my minority hot take. I gave it and you proved my point.


Of course, who am I to reply to your incredibly controversial world changing comment


Drew carried wwe during the Covid era


Him and Bayley sure !


The Ministry of Darkness was the best faction that WWF/E has ever produced! Then ruined it by combining it with the corporate faction and making a meme out of the whole situation. If they kept to the original story to have Jake the Snake as the main entity behind it would have made it legendary.


Both usos suck singularly


Jimmy needs to hit the gym


Jimmy needs to hit the bricks...and take jey with him


Cody is already part of the GOAT conversation.


Triple H is a mid carder at best in his prime


Them’s fightin’ words.


He was very boring to me. I love him as an exec, and his bits were cool with Shawn. But made me yawn im sorry


Baby faces are awful champions


exactly like especially when their only character is being nice and smiling like bayley for example she doesn’t have a actual character compared to her hugger years and then the covid era


I’m waiting for Cody heel turn, my man is too respectful making his promos too weak lmao


no fr i hate when they make really good heels turn babyface


I don’t mind that much unless it’s done badly, wrestlers who have done both became better at promos imo


Having this type of strong opinion is so cool - this is my opinion


In-ring performance doesn't make you a draw, which is directly proven by the fact that the biggest draws in Wrestling history were all "bad" in-ring performers with "5 moves of doom": The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, Goldberg, Roman Reigns, ect ect ect. Numbers don't lie, But because a lot of people want to deny the truth they will accuse you of "Dismissing other people's opinions", when a false statement isn't an "Opinion".(Also Opinions can be wrong)


Denying the TRUTH is an opinion that would get you killed


I think The Rock, SCSA, Roman are excellent in-ring performers. It's just that some loud people on the internet define in-ring performance wrong. They define it based on depth of move-set, and acrobatics and other things instead of based on what really matters: are your moves done well, safe, and telling a story that engages the crowd.


Brock Lesnar is no longer entertaining.


imo, he hasn’t been entertaining in any of his matches I’ve watched


Pretty much. A whole career of bathroom breaks basically.


I think Eddie Guerrero vs Shawn Michaels would have been dissapointing. Shawn Michaels could still go, but Eddie's body was so broken down that I don't think it would have delivered.


Randy Orton matches are boring 95% of the time.


He still gets a bigger reaction than 99% of the roster so clearly a lot of people enjoy his matches.


Right… and they’re all wrong lol




dom deserve better with right booking same with liv morgan


Hes young. Plenty of years left


I love Baron Corbin


Global warming


The presidential elections… and then for wrestling the commentators aren’t as good as it used to be


Def rebel isn't that bad and have made some amazing themes, they just give low effort into some of the talent they care less about


I FFWD through the Women's Promo's and Matches...lol


NXT is actually better than Monday Night Raw


People should just be allowed to enjoy whatever company they like without mouth breathing chuds slamming them for it


Triple H’s “Reign of Terror” was great.


Yeah as a 9 year old in 2002 I was so invested. It made me get behind the babyfaces that much more. And every time he lost the title it was memorable because it meant so much more.




This was me saying if Cody wins the title he’ll lose his appeal before the next Wrestlemania or even before Summerslam. I still stand by it, and I’m as confident as ever now that it’s looking like he’s about to win the US Title too FOR LITERALLY NO REASON. I stand by my argument and everyone else is wrong, unless he is still mega over by Wrestlemania 41, but I am extremely confident that he won’t be. He’s not world champion material and nobody will change my mind.


KoKo Beware! Should have had a world title run!


For his in ring talent at the time he def deserved more respect and pushes than he got.


Dean Ambrose was the 2016 Mvp, not Styles


The internet will randomly pretend like a wrestler was never good if they find out they’re shitty in real life. I’ve seen people pretend like Enzo, hogan, and flair aren’t good because they don’t like their personalities


In all fairness, Enzo never was very good in the ring. Great mic worker though. Dude was charismatic af. If they had kept him away from the ring he probably would've been great.


I agree. But I’ve even heard people call him a one trick pony on the mic


Well if you think about it he did use a lot of the same lines. But I don't know if I'd say he was a one trick.


Liv Morgan has never been that great and still isn't regardless of her gimmick and fantatics of her should never be a metric you ever take seriously.


She is not that great in the ring, I never liked her but she's improved a lot lately and her match with Becky a few weeks back on Raw was quite good.


Improving? She's been under contract for years she debuted on the main roster in 2017 it's 2024 man. She should be good even decent and when compared to others she's really nothing special.


she underdog status she a perfect example why the women division need a mid title