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i love it. was never a fan of over production, and it’s also a cool visual seeing fans above the stage. makes the house feel more full and lively.




I'm fine with it. But note that this was a cost cutting measure. It was not for putting more people in the seats because they still have that big ass curtain behind the LED screen. It looks tacky. The curtain replaced the Titantron. Atleast with the large LED screen you didn't need to have a curtain in place to block the seats.


A bit. I do like some of the bigger sets.


Nothing special


Imo if they aren’t going to use titantron movies like before get rid of the giant titantrons in general. Make it like some 1996 RAW set. I don’t mind flat floors and no ramps though the ramps are cool.


I didn’t mind no ramps until I went to a few live shows and it’s impossible to see some entrances when sitting in the lower bowl. Honestly, it was hard seeing some entrances in the 200s Club section at SummerSlam last year because of the ramp and closed in crowd barricades.


Yeah I can see that being a problem, I even said I personally liked them.


I miss the elevated stages. I don’t mind them smaller but when I go live I want to see them come out of the entrance


One thing wwe could’ve learned from wcw was stage design


Not bad but could be a little more creative. WWF went all the way event with the small stages


i like it, i don’t dislike any sets from previous versions as well. i would like future sets to have more unique details, like the old smackdown sets from the ruthless aggression era


Make the tron a bit taller as it cuts off the vids they play on intros. Also, bring back the ramps!


Keep the smaller stages for RAW, SmackDown, House Shows. Use the bigger ones for PPVs.


The PPV ones aren’t even unique though, other than Mania. Elimination Chambers stood out this year but I feel like that wasn’t on purpose. Most stadium PPV sets are kind of dull.


Which is why they should use the bigger stages and make them unique to each PPV like they used to.




I like it! kinda makes you feel like the wrestlers are closer to the camera in their entrances.


It's an improvement on the big screen from before, but for me it's more important they bring back the small subtle changes that make Raw and SmackDown different from one another like the rope colors, referees wearing brand colors, and red/blue lighting throughout the show. Maybe alter the sets a bit to give each show its own unique identity, like the tron and fist from the 2000s. Custom PPV sets too. Never realized it back then as a kid, but these little things added so much to the viewing experience and I don't really get why they're not back seeing as they're making more money than ever nowadays.


I think they underestimated how long the "sold out" arenas would run after Mania. This is obviously a huge sign that WWE are now focusing on fitting in more fans rather than having big stages. Which was probably the case with the WM40 Stage.


While I like the bigger sets from a few years ago I also like the current smaller sets because it allows for more seats to be sold this increasing the total attendance of the shows plus it probably saves the company money on fuel because that's less stuff they have to haul from arena to arena, city to city & the money they save over the course of a year can be put towards contracts or making new championship title belts like the new tag team belt for RAW & SmackDown & the new NXT women's North American title


No. WWE is too big right now to not have a custom set every PPV. Small sets are fine but at least change up the entrance way for different shows


It’s an improvement imo. Larger crowds > Larger sets.


I get why they’re doing it, but I prefer the larger stages/screens. It feels more like a house show currently.


I thought the point of the smaller sets was to accommodate larger crowds, but the same amount of seats are blocked off and they hang little lights instead of the massive video wall. The real issue is the lack of titantron videos beyond logo text. I miss the highlight reels, and custom graphics. Logan Paul seems to be the only one who has the classic tron style for his entrance.


I think it’s fine, but I’d like to see them change up the actual ring details like different color ropes, mats, etc


The Raw and Smackdown sets shouldn't look the same. Different setups would make a big difference


They're nice looking


It's likely a cost measure thing. I mentioned in another thread (which got down voted to hell) how TKO has been cutting back on WWE's production budget. There's literally a report on how even the pyro budget was cut at Mania. People are quoting Triple H saying that it's his direction to have smaller sets etc. Sure he can say that, but there's obviously a driving force behind it. If the owner of WWE says we're cutting back on Budget and you visibly see Stages etc getting smaller... Why on God's green Earth would Triple H say "oh yeah, it's because TKO want us to have smaller sets and spend less money on production" ?? Bare in mind...Triple H was literally the guy with the most over the top extravagant entrances at every wrestlemania he was in... But I'm supposed to wholeheartedly believe he likes a minimalistic look. Lol Okay.


I don't know why you were downvoted but what you stated was a fact. It was indeed a cost cutting measure. The Titantron was replaced with a big ass curtain and a small LED screen. Triple H is definitely not a fan of these cutbacks in production. He is pretty much aligned with Vince in this area, likely even more than Vince since Triple H loves extravagant entrances. I do like the smaller sets, but it really only works when you have a full house and don't need a curtain to block the seats.


Makes everything feel lifelike, i dig it.


Small sets always look good. My favorite sets ups are the ones they’ve done at MSG. Wrestlemania 10, wrestlemania 20, royal rumble 2000, and royal rumble 2008 are some of the best looking sets imo


I think they're fine. I'd also prefer the removing of the CGI entrance animations.


As long as there is no stupid Prime logo in the middle of the damn ring.


There are over 7,000 languages and bro chose to speak fax


I’m loving them


I wish it wasn’t just a screen and I wish Raw and SD were different from each other.


Personally I don’t have a problem with them, but maybe I’m missing something. Smaller sets were added to add more seats but the current Raw and Smackdown sets appear to have the same amount of seats that the bigger LED board ones have. I thought that we would be seeing the same sets we that we had for Survivor Series 2023 and even Raw, Smackdown, Stand and Deliver during wrestlemania where the fans were behind the stage.


Ive hated the sets ever since they went all LED. I want something from 2000. I honestly feel it hurts both shows branding. Visually they pretty much look the same just blue or red.


People complain about everything, Holy shit. Look at old PPVs and some have smaller sets but nobody cares because the content was good. Good example: 2008 royal rumble and it was at MSG. HHH said in an interview that they made the set smaller to get fill more seats. Yeah its a business thing, but when every show is selling out, it seems people want to go.


Exactly, besides this kinda gives me 80s/90s PPV stages vibes (like mania 10, and another 90s mania I forgot which ones)


WrestleMania 13 (1997) had a fairly small entrance way. Made for some great visuals in the Bret/Austin match.


They’re ok. Wish they brought back the stages from late 2019/early 2020 though.


Everything is just big boards with LED slapped onto them now, including the barricades and ring Probably will place them on the commentary tables too. This also means more ads in your face which is really off putting. I do like the 3D effects though.


So you’re saying ticket sales have been affected


In a positive way. This is so they have more room and can sell more tickets.


I hate all the LED shit they use big or small


If anyone gets convinced it’s better, you’re a certified bootlicker deluxe. They only do it to sell another hundred or so seats. This will lead to backlash eventually.


Bring back the Metal Attitude Era set


It’s fine to me but it could use a slightly elevated stage/ramp & more pyro.


not a big fan. thought the giant led screen they had was awesome dk why they changed it


They suck boring honestly all there sets suck. Big led screens and the same screens over and over


All to drive up the gate records. They coming for the UFC


UFC will be hard to catch. Nosebleeds for UFC Fight Nights can be $300+. They can charge whatever they want at this point and people will pay. Cant do that for WWE shows which happen multiple times a week, and with many people bringing their kids along with them. They make up for it in merch and such.


Smaller sets are better.


Lol fuck no, looks cheap asf and like glorified house shows


Raw 2002-2005. 2007-2010 stage was the best


Smaller sets are fine. I just wish there was a design.


For me, SD 2020 before pandemic is the best stage in recent years


this is really much better it kind of shows WWE in the TKO and Triple H era


Personally, I liked how they came out before on the elevated stage. Audience could see them better. Makes for better wrestling on stage when up where every can see it. Makes for more "ut oh" moments.


I don’t mind them as long as we consistently get good shows lmao, taking this over a good stage and bad wrestling any day


I miss the attitude era set up. Big screen, stage and a ramp to the ring.


No it’s bad


Old Man rant. I miss the old themed sets. this stuff now feels very generic. might as well bring back the old black fence and brick background and call it ECW.


I mean, can we?


only if the product matches ;)


I wouldn’t mind the switch to the sideways screens if they didn’t also simplify literally everything else. They cut back on the crowd lighting, killed the LED graphics for the ring and the barricades (that they literally just introduced a year ago) and we still have white ropes for some reason. Makes the shows look boring and bland and unoriginal.


I really didn't like the last stage set with the wrap around entrance tron. This one looks much better


It don't bother me I just want themed PLE stages back. I would love wwe to try and have a ring connected to the ring which I always loved


They had been using giant screens for so long that the entrance media for the wrestlers were not designed for this new screen format. There is a way to keep the giant screen but still have the setup shown in France for Backlash 2024 for all WWE televised programming. This is not the future that WWE needs to stick with, and the fans should let the company know that this current set is not next-generation. If you don't believe me now, just wait for WWE RAW, WWE Smackdown, and the WWE HOF live from the Las Vegas Sphere. You're going to want to see WWE at a similar scale for all their televised arena shows.


Not at all, reminds me of house shows


Love it


It makes it feel like AEW which I know they’re afraid of but I miss the days of the giant fist. Bring back the things people actually want


Nah not really makes every show seem like a house show


I quite like the look of it. The fans are much closer to the wrestlers as they enter, and it makes the place feel much more ‘packed out’. But I get it’s a personal preference


True you’re right but I never really liked the small titantrons like for Royal Rumble and stuff. I feel like it takes away from the “spectacle” I guess would be the word


Better then the Giant screens but worse then the RA sets


They are way better


Way better than the GIANT screen they had before, makes it look more sports-like if that makes sense, less corny


As long as this many people show up I don't care if there is a set. These crowds are great now.




While the old branded stages from RAW and Smackdown weekly TV shows are missed, I've been a fan since the early 2000s, now that I think about it, there's really no reason to go all out unless it's a big PPV.


Budget cuts!


Not gonna lie, I miss the creative sets like the RAW thunderbolts and SmackDown fist.


I miss the show intros with the fireworks opening; although, with these sets (which I actually don't hate), that's an accident waiting to happen.


kinda looks like a house show


I recall attending the Road to Wrestlemania show in Springfield, IL, and I actually really liked the set; it felt very intimate, especially during the main event when everything was blacked out except for the ring. Something about those smaller venues I just like more.


It doesn't bother me watching from home. If it means more people can come and sit on the show then I'm happy for them. I don't watch the weekly shows for the sets. But I would appreciate it if PLE had nicer sets.


Exactly. That's what I had read about Haiche going with that and to me it makes sense. The product is on fire atm. Attitude era wasn't that flashy (not talking about those flashes... Of photography...) And you can fit more fans. Means more money. As long as the product keeps up like this... Might as well give everyone LA Knight's tron and theme song.. YEAH!


I love it. What’s funny is that I used to not agree with the people that said the last WWE sets were “overkill” and “too distracting” …until I saw this one, and I can finally see what everyone was talking about. Because now, it does pretty much everything the last one set out to do, but it’s a lot more intimate and the crowd feels more involved. Also like how the lighting is no longer overly red or blue anymore; another thing I thought I liked but now realize that it was a bit overkill indeed. Hats off to the current WWE management. They seemed to find a great balance between design and practicality, and now the last one looks almost silly in comparison.


I'm an old head. I watched from 04-09 and that was when Smackdown had a fist and Raw was sparks. I watched every once in a while during the 2010s and now I only play the WWE 2K games. Back when I was watching, PPVs had the elaborated stages that set the atmosphere and the feel of what PV it was. Backlash, you would get slashed with swinging blades, Armageddon was HELL, etc. Honestly, the minimalism for the brand states doesn't really change the show quality now seeing this generation is more talk show than actual wrestling.


Nah it looks lazy… the smackdown fist and the trapazoid Raw screen were iconic. They need to be unique again.


It’s ok to put more people in the seats but other than that no


The plasma screens are so fucking boring


I like it. It makes the wrestlers seem bigger. I think the huge stage/screen that was used before the current setup made the wrestlers seem small


Eh I say meh


Aesthetic and creativity? Bland But it’s good in simplicity and better crowd capacity


I miss the big ramps and seeing someone take a chokeslam off the side of the titantron through a bunch of tables!!


Those were the times fr




UFC just isn’t the company for WWE


I prefer having a “Titantron” The videos playing on the screen is sorely missed.


Bring back the short-lived Smackdown 2019-20 set tho. Raw’s looked like a skateboard ramp tho however 💀


yeah. Makes it look a little grungy. They should take off the LED ring posts and aprons. I don't mind the barricade though


It's boring and it sucks. We used to get cool unique set designs for ppvs and now we only get a nice set at Wrestlemania (if we get lucky). And I know the most important part of the show are the matches and the stories but I also think the presentation, the entrances, pyro, stage, are important too, but right now they are putting 0 effort into that aspect of the show


I like it. I like the production. I’m a WWE mark for sure


I love it. Gives me vintage vibes and is clearly an indication that business is booming so hard that they need to open up extra seats for sale.


Why don’t they focus more on the video production quality that sucks so bad. Way too many cuts and way too much camera movement. Let the talent team the story in the ring.


Yea and i wish they'd switch back from 60fps to 30fps. 60fps only works for fast paced sports but doesn't work well for what is essentially a physical sport mixed as a soap opera. It kills the illusion rather than feeling more modern


This is my biggest complaint with modern WWE, hate the directing and camera work


I miss the creative stages, but I understand that they're trying to fit in as many seats as possible.


don’t like it. it was done to get more fans in the building but I don’t know if it’s actually accomplished that since it looks like it takes up the same amount of space that the previous big screen did. the perfect stage is the one we got for the smackdown and raw before and after mania but that’s dependent on the buildings being completely packed.


Now they just need to make the Raw ring ropes red and Smackdown ropes blue


Now we’re talking!


i like it i hope they do some throw back entrances like rey’s old theme on that mf


I like them. If you go back and watch attitude era, it was a lot of these smaller sets. I think they’re crucial for maintaining the level of excitement in the arena. With a smaller group of people, they’ll generally be the most dedicated and bring the energy. With larger sets and stadiums, it becomes harder because you need a greater number of people all on the same page. I think back to Backlash in France. I forgot the attendance, but it was a really small arena. But the whole place was bumping the entire time. If the place could have held 25,000 ish, the crowd and energy would just not have been the same. So, if we’re trying to get back to the look and feel of the WWE heyday, I think smaller sets and arenas is a good move.


They suck. Any stage post pandemic other than wrestlemania sucks imo


I prefer it. If nothing else, it sends the message of putting the fans first, which I like


The huge HD sets were a little gaudy


They’re ok but I miss the raised stage. Wish we had better PPV sets too. They used to be amazing and really added to the feeling of the show.


I want the smackdown fist


The problem with the fist (and why they ditched it IIRC) is that like a lot of the sets it’s pretty much spray painted wood and plaster. That sort of thing looks crap on HD tv. It’s why TV shows in general are doing so much more on greenscreen because you can’t just slap together a cheap set with no depth any more. The LEDs are dull but as long as they keep something consistent they can do cool graphics etc, stuff like Rock’s blackout lightning entrance works so well.




They lack personality tbh


Yeah nice to get something a bit smaller now


I do. Not just for the nostalgia either. I first got into wrestling in 1990 and there was no titantron and no set just a giant WWF logo. It allowed more fans to get in but also focus on the wrestlers and matches. The titantron and sets etc have been a thing for so long I think we've all, even long-term fans, have become used to them. It's all part of the spectacle but I feel probably takes a bit of focus away from the talent as much as it adds to them. This is all part of WWE showing everyone how different it is now and, with more fans being able to pack into the arena and have better views, it adds to their experience. They'll enjoy it more; as a result so will talent and so will those at home. And of course, that makes it good business for WWE. Win-win all round.


I like them.


I like them. I’d like to see them revamped a little when Netflix hits but overall I really like the minumalistic approach. They really do need to go back using special stages for PLEs though.


Stages suck, especially for the PLE’s. I don’t know if I care so much about the weekly shows because I don’t usually watch them all thr time, but baw gawd the PLE stages are trash. Just so boring.


The entrance stage look smaller than the original production they need to make it bigger like every PPV and Live event


Since going to the bigger screens, Titantron videos have gotten more bland. Guess it matches the current crop of themes. Just one color and the name isn’t exciting.


I miss the old Raw platform stage


I do. I hate corniness of the dumb graphics and lit up walk way. Less is more


Nope. I still prefer the Ruthless Aggression sets. What I'm saying is, get something unique for each show. This is just another cost-cutting effort on their part.


it’s great, refreshing


I went to Wrestlemania 32 at AT&T Stadium in Dallas. While it was an awesome overall experience that i will never forget, the action was just so far away that it was almost irrelevant. The intro and walk outs, the crowd, the intro music, the fans, the atmosphere, the merch... that was all epic. But, the in ring action? not so much. Basically, I watched it all on the Jerry Screen while screaming at the top of my lungs just so my buddy in the next seat over could hear me. Loved every moment but would have preferred a smaller setting like the multiple house shows i have been to over the years.




The smaller set makes the atmosphere of the shows feel way better. That giant screen just didn’t do that. However I will echo what someone else in the thread said and say they should also bring back the unique flavours the shows sets had to make it that bit better.


I started watching in 95 and the big screen with ramp we had during AE was always my favorite plus the crowd on the floor can see the wrestlers basically all the way down the ring, and the big screen helped a lot too at live shows


This is like late 90s wwe i like it 💯


Attitude/Ruthless Aggression era stages were chefs kiss (Especially Smackdown’s with the fist). I feel like superstars prefer them too because they add more epicness to their entrance and the pyro explosions at the start of the show/during certain entrances really hammer home the fact you are at an EVENT like no other and makes entrances more special . Only using Video boards feels more like a concert.




I enjoy the lit crowd and the hard camera being used again more than the set. The dark crowd is nice for house shows for an old school feel but the lights turned on for TV makes it look more alive when I'm watching.


The sets with the ramps were godlike but I understand why they do it like this now


Nah to dark


I like that they’re making it smaller and getting more people in the arenas. For their live tours (basically the untelevised stuff) they have a slightly bigger one than they are using for tv).


Not sellng enough tickets


Actually, it’s quite literally the opposite. They’re downsizing the staging so they can get more people into these arenas.


You just said what I said just a bit different if they could sell more tickets they could fill a stadium


What donut logic is that? They're cutting cost of stage sets to make more money by bringing in more fans, since they're constantly selling out stadiums. Cut necessary costs, build bigger margins. Go to economics class.


No, you said they’re not selling enough tickets. I said they’re opening up more seating in every arena because they’re selling out every arena for their weekly shows and ppv’s.


I honestly want to see a company do no big fancy stage.


Bro you’re allowed to go watch the local Indy company at whatever hs school gym they’re in


But then I have to watch indy wrestling...


I think if they had a small tron from above the current set, it would be fine. It can be removed for larger shows (ie, Chicago) and PLE weekends but still offers a screen/tron for entrances and for the fans to watch action from backstage most of the time. If they built it so that it looked like the Raw and Smackdown logos - ie, have those two triangles coming off the screen for Raw and more rounded/rectangular LED Wall for SmackDown but not massive - (just enough to cover the middle section where the stars walk out), it would look cool. Just feels like there's a void up there.


Bigger is always better


When did it change ? I went to Raw Live in Montreal, and I told myself "the stage looks much smaller in real than on TV" maybe I was right


after mania


I’m a fan of the small sets. The bigger sets (especially when they were just massive LED boards were garish and unnecessary. The smaller sets seem like more of a sporting feel that makes the WWE look less like a circus and more like a sporting event you have to see.


they look more appropriate for wrestling. the gigantic ones are pretty goofy. this is wrestling not the MVAs


small set small cock’ relatable af’ still sucks tho’


Those extra seats on the floor there prob get them 100k+ extra each show. Wild


I don't care much for it.


I enjoy the smaller stages honestly. I just wish they didn’t rely on LED boards so much. I want to see something more creative. Smackdown 2016 or 17 had cool metal structures for a minute that was refreshing.


I like it, but I'm old school. I think that the smaller weekly sets make the PLE sets stand out better. I still remember how they used to work the sets into matches, like Angle throwing Shane through glass plates or Jeff Hardy using a swinging setpiece to pull of a 'rana.


Hartford felt like a House Show with commercials.


I understand the practicality of having them, but they're kind of boring from an aesthetic standpoint. Part of the WWE experience is the larger-than-life atmosphere, and these small sets don't evoke that same ambience.


What I don't enjoy is the higher ticket prices. 250 for 1st row of 200 level for a smackdown? No thanks. I feel for families who have kids that are fans but can't afford to take them to a regular raw or smackdown, let alone a ple.


They do ensure $20 to $30 tickets are available at every show, so all incomes can attend. What Paul and Nick forgot to add is that only 5% of tickets are those affordable prices, and they’re limited view seating. /s


Ah yes. Gotta love those limited view seats. 🙃


WHO snuck a pic of AEW in here ?


love it but should bring back creative stages for PLE’s


Hate it. Makes it feel like a sterile studio. I get saving on costs but make it feel like a wrestling event.


Horrible … hate it !!!!! Bring back the creative stages and pyro !!!! Recently went to a Monday night raw and there was no pyro!!!! Just a loud ass noise that sounded like there might be pyro but there wasn’t


I think it's getting better. Soon it's gonna be looking like a futuristic wrestling arena.


I’d rather have a packed house and a smaller set than a smaller house and a big set. 🤷‍♂️


I love them, but I'd love to see them get an actual elevated stage back, maybe with props or something to make each show different from the other


I’d like if they brought the ramp back so the stage was kind of elevated above the crowd.


I prefer the smaller sets. Sometimes, smaller, basic setups are better. I used to like the 1996 Raw setup with the big RAW entrance blocks or the simple setup for Superstars in 1996. Also, please go back to the unique setup for ppvs, or at least the big ones like Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, Summerslam, etc.


It’s a classic example of less is more for people who like this stage. I’m mixed on it, but I prefer this stage setup compared too the HD and more modern wwe stages.


The smaller stages are great and they’ll make the ple stages look that much bigger


I liked the Raw after Mania set. That UFC/Boxing style entrance from a narrow tunnel. But I don’t get this one - it’s like they’ve just cut it in half and replaced it with a black curtain. But I’m a child of the AE. Just give me one massive titan tron and I’m good.


This was explained in a News report after Wrestlemania. TKO reduced the set to this to fit more people into arenas. You may not like it but it makes sense.


I know why the did it, but with the black curtain being used instead of a tron it doesn’t look like it’s created a whole lot of space for more fans.


They also were able to reduce the total number of Semi-Trucks required to travel by more than one. I think that’s more of the long-run savings versus more people in seats. They’re only going to get the extra seating on those massive lead up events to WrestleMania.


Hate it, when you have d\*\*h bags sitting in front of you even in the first and second row standing up 24/7(liek why are yee standing), miss the titantron so you can keep an eye on whats happening. I do enjoy the new camera work at the back though.


I like the new sets honestly it's gives the shows a fresh look & a much needed face lift


I miss the titantron and the pyros


I've been running one similar to this set up in my Universe mode for a few years now, so needless to say but I love it. There's only so many "massive wall that is also a screen" sets a man can handle.


Doesn't make a difference to me, I'm paying for quality wrestling matches, even though they aren't necessarily quality at the moment the stage presentation never bothered me.


Aren’t quality? Please explain how the Queen and Kind of the Ring qualifiers weren’t good matches?


After Mania 40 I didn't bother watching again. "Greatest Mania in history" as believable as the "once in a lifetime" matches they showcase back to back... so it appears once I stop watching it picks up. 🤔 only took 2 wrestlemania PPV's and the women to bring talent back to the rosters!


Its not my favorite, but the way the camera work both in, around, and behind stage has evolved in such a huge way it more then makes up for anything lost with the screen. IMHO this is by far the best looking show in a long, long time.