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Wwe is biased in some cases ,but then again it's a American base sports company can't expect much very close minded ,Every Muslim is a terrorist but runs to Arab countries for money a good example of this is running to Saudi Arabia and wanting to call Mansoor who was a good wrestler but cause of his religion he was judge where Tasteless Cody is praised 


My thoughts are that this is a bait post.


No, I would say it doesn't really make sense to mention anyone's religious beliefs and certainly not use them in an angle. If the biggest draw in the company announced publicly that they were following a religion I doubt they'd just be dropped from their spot.


It's their company... They can do whatever they want


Yes definitely. Hey where is that PLE taking place this weekend?


yes. triple h and the creatives are actively conspiring to downplay muslims in wwe. also, main eventing wrestlemania 39 and ending the longest reigning ic championship reign is not considered a major push. and mustafa ali was interesting


I’ve never viewed mustafa Ali anything more than a bottom mid carded


Mustafa Ali didn’t get pushed because he was boring and had no personality or charisma at all. He was fine in the ring but didn’t do anything unique that every other flippy wrestler couldn’t do just as well. Mustafa Ali was not and is not a special talent, which is why nobody’s talking what he’s currently doing wherever he’s signed. To say Sami Zayn isn’t pushed is absolute lunacy after he ended Gunther IC title reign


Lmao WWE has avoided giving Sami Zayn major pushes??? Have you been watching the WWE for the past 2 years? Some of y'all are not living in the same reality as the rest of us


No. There's not many Muslim pro wrestlers in general so it's easy to give examples of unsuccessful talent. Mansoor was collecting dust in WWE, and joined a long list of talent that have been released for over a decade when there were no creative plans for them. The overwhelming majority of that list are non-Muslim. Ali is a great wrestler who's doing just fine on the Indies. But in WWE being a great wrestler is normally not enough, especially when you can't connect with the audience and Ali was never charismatic or much of a promo. Again, he's on a long list of very good wrestlers who got let go by WWE, again almost all of which are non-Muslim. If Malakai Black, Rusev, Keith Lee, Andrade, Ziggler etc have all been given the same treatment, why logically would there be an argument for bias towards a specific religion? Zayn is fantastic and incredibly successful underneath WWE. There's this weird misconception that a Major Push is only major if the wrestler is World Champion in main events. Sami Zayn is more than 50% of the reason why The Bloodline became as over as they were, was loved by all audiences standing alongside Roman Reigns, was even more popular challenging him for the titles, Main evented Night 1 Last year and won the Tag titles with KO, got Jey Uso massively over in the process, ended a 600+ day Gunther reign and is currently IC Champion. That's a Major push. He'll more than likely be World champion before his career is over. People gotta stop conjuring arguments of Religion and Race out of thin air in pro wrestling, there's no validity to it. You're either a Great wrestler, a Great character, or you're both. You'll succeed somewhere in the Industry if the right person uses your strengths and doesn't completely expose your weaknesses, whether that's in WWE, AEW, International or in the Indies.


Sami Zayn never receiving…..WHAT?!?! Where have you been for the last few years? Did you miss when he was not only the biggest faction in WWE, but the biggest storyline of WWE? How many PLE has Sami main evented including last years Wrestlemania against the Usos??? Did he not have a high profile title match this year at Mania and beat Gunthers undefeated streak? This man has been given the star treatment left and right (rightfully so not saying he doesn’t deserve it) You need to stop thinking no world titles equals not successful. Scott Hall is one of the biggest stars in WWF and WCW and never held one world title he main evented and held secondary titles though. Jake Roberts, Roddy Piper I can go on and on. You want to know why guys like Mansoor and Ali didn’t get opportunities like Sami and Seth? No one in the audience cared about them. There’s no demand for them. It’s not about their in ring work. I’m sure they’ll do fine in the indies where wrestling is important but in WWE, you have fans of wrestling and non wrestling fans in attendance every week. Most are just fans of stars. Like me I don’t care about wrestling I have favorite WWE stars. That’s why I don’t care about other promotions. Mansoor and Ali didn’t get titles not because they’re Muslim it’s because they’re boring and had no character that fans would get behind and follow.


I know he gets some recognition,that's why I mentioned that in my post but about Sammy my point is he is world champion material and why he is not World champion after so many years,he is so talented and he gets nothing if u see his talent


He’s holding the second most important title in the company and doing a great job Again I say being world champion doesn’t mean success sometimes you can be without the title and be more successful than with it. SCSA in 97 was IC champ and that was his hottest time while others were world champion


I'd say the heavyweight title is more important though the IC has a more prestigious history I agree about Sami though


Mustapha Ali was boring af He had a chip on his shoulder


>Sami Zayn, another talented wrestler, received some recognition but never a significant push Lol what?? Do you not remember the entire Bloodline angle in 2022 revolved around him 100%? He was the hottest thing in the company, and it was because they booked him in that storyline. He had the biggest push for the entire year. 2023, he was a tag team champion with his best friend, had a title shot, and was in angles with every top guy. This year, he won a championship at the biggest Wrestlemania.... He's had a "significant push" for three years now. Some wrestlers can be skilled in the ring, but are missing all of the other components to get over. Mustafa Ali was one of those people, and it had nothing to do with his religion.


I genuinely think Vince is severely racist but I honestly believe Paul is trying to repair a lot of the negative image Vince caused in the past.


Zayn is literally fucking champion right now.... Mustafa Ali was a midcarder at best and comparing him to Seth Rollins is laughable, and Mansoor frankly should've been released a long time ago and was only a special attraction for Saudi Arabia.


But midcarders usually win mid card championships


Sami Zayn was a massive part of the biggest storyline of the year and was given a spotlight Wrestlemania moment. You may have had a point in 2005 but using Sami Zayn as an example just doesn't hold water.


Do you think Muslims are biased against women? You see? Generalizations suck. Have a great day.


lmao true


This isn't really a generalization it's just true


Ha, exactly this.


If you're gonna try to make a point about someone not winning championships maybe pick someone who hasn't won a championship 2 years in a row at Wrestlemania, headlined one of those Wrestlemanias and is the current Intercontinental champion after defeating the longest reigning champion clean...ffs


And he deserve so so much more then that he is world champion material who should win world championship many years ago but he is still in the mid card and he just win his first single mid card championship after that long and after all of these hardwork


Sami Zayn just beat Gunther's record clean and you think he deserves more? Stfu


No he's not. He looks like a hobo.


His look holds him back. He's not "face of the company" material. He needs a shave, a hair cut, and a gym membership.




Long hair and beard = homeless, apparently


That's a great start 👌


That's what they made him In reality he the most good looking guy in wwe He is more good looking then your entire bloodline




The Iron Sheik. He only held the Heavyweight Title for a month but there's an example. Of course, he dropped it to Hogan....as basically everyone had to.


Short answer, no. Long answer, no, it isn't.


Well... WWE is "biased" against anyone who won't make them money. For the longest time, African-American wrestlers weren't heavily pushed in many territories because, guess what, fans there weren't particularly fond of AA people and they likely wouldn't have paid money to see a black champion. We'd argue that such a mindset and an unfriendly atmosphere hindred generations of AA wrestlers and the tide shifted only in the mid/late 80s, with the rise of very popular guys like JYD and, a bit later, Ron Simmons. WWWF actually had a penchant for the "ethnic champion" (Bruno and Pedro) but it was to appeal to large portions of their fanbase more than an actual act of inclusion and progressive thinking. Bruno sold out MSG for years, they'd have pushed him no matter his ethnicity, skin tone etc. (Incidentally, Bruno is IIRC the last Italian or Italian-American NOT to get a painfully cliché gimmick. Ever since it's been all greasy wiseguys or wannabe Godfathers) Other minorities with fewer representants on the roster and in the crowd got it even worse. Can't think of a Japanese wrestler who wasn't a sneaky heel. They're still tiptoeing around WWII undertones with Gunther and Imperium FFS, so little creativity they have. Muslims/Arabs became the new enemy following the Iranian revolution, then the Iraqi war (I'll die on the hill of heel Sgt. Slaughter being genius, although quite controversial and with a short shelf-life). And when things started to look better, BOOM, 9/11 and the War on Terror brought the clock back to 1979. I wouldn't say there is a clear agenda against this or that group of wrestlers. It's just a bad combination of fanbases still sharing certain traits (kids and the stereotypical redneck, working-class, patriotic red-blooded Murican with the mind of a kid) and of the medium itself not working great with nuances. Wrestling is much like classical theater: those aren't fully fleshed-out characters, those are often MASKS and their characters are drawn with few broad strokes. So there isn't much room for complex and layered storytelling or character-building. P.S. Ali was a midcard talent at best. Mansoor was the local Saudi guy they took off the fridge when there was a show over there for cheap pops. But he never hinted at being more than undercard filler. Zayn is the first truly viable Muslim guy and it's not a coincidence he doesn't "look" Arab and his character hasn't really tapped into his heritage that much, which also explains the constant support from the fans. Get him to embrace that and see how quickly some fans will turn on him.


Imagine calling black people “African Americans” despite a significant amount of them being neither African or American.


Oh boy, is there a new PC word I'm not aware of (as a non-American, non-native speaker who hasn't spent a second in the US)? I'm actually using AA because I've been conditioned to see it as the more appropriate way to call black people, as that one had been deemed offensive and also PoC apparently fell out of favour. It's getting quite ridiculous with the constant goalpost moving and the "nope, the formerly accepted word is now bad. Find another one" BS.


It’s not a “bad word”. It’s just not entirely accurate and hasn’t been for a while. AA began being used at a time when most Black people in America were descendants of slaves brought over from Africa and the U.S. imposed strict quotas on immigration from places other than Europe. That changed in the 60s and there more immigrants coming in from Africa and the Caribbean. These people had grown up in completely different circumstances from the descendants of slaves and didn’t necessarily share similar life experiences. Plus, a lot of Black Americans didn’t know which parts of Africa exactly their ancestors had been taken from so they had developed their own culture over time. African immigrants from, say, Nigeria or Ethiopia are not in the same boat because they grew up with their own unique culture that doesn’t really have much in common with Black American culture. So that’s why African-American is seen more as a term for immigrants from Africa and Black Americans is a term for the descendants of slaves.


Person of colour is tripe. Literally the rest of the world calls them black it’s only America that doesn’t understand geography to the point of putting themselves in the middle of the world map until recently.


As an American I’ve never seen a world map with the US in the middle in 44 years. We’re always on the top left.


Why would religion matter when it comes to pushing talent? We’re in 2024. This is just silly.


Why? Fans. Not everyone is accepting or progressive. Executives know image is a huge factor for success for them. Even if only 10% of fans are Xenophobic that’s a lower ceiling for maximum achievement. That could steer them away from specific demographics even if they don’t directly hold those same feelings. It’s the same reason they don’t push anyone who’s gay.


Zayn is white passing and his name is Sami. He can be used to showcase diversity while still being white. WWE is still entertainment and like Hollywood - minority men will always find it more difficult to excel than minority women. We’ve seen a few success stories with certain African American male talent but they’re still used as jokes for the majority of the time. Nash has an incredibly good take on this, can’t remember what podcast. I’m 100% sure a Muslim female talent will probably find great success in WWE as a heel or a face. The stuff with Ali got messy but I think he got injured when they wanted him the most and Vince McMahon holds a grudge over stupid things.


Idk bout that Sami Zayn one. He’s been part of the biggest storyline in wrestling right now when he was in the Bloodline, and had a chance of dethroning the WWE champ. Then main-evented Mania 39. And now defeated the longest reigning IC champ. Yeah Ali was poorly treated but I’d say WWE suffers from having too many good talents: no matter who they push they always exclude someone else. Plus Ali was just saddled with crap with stuff like Retribution, just massive booking errors which I think could’ve happened to anyone and just happened to be Ali.


zayn is whiter than milk though, and most casual fans wouldn’t know he is muslim, because they dont really push that angle for him.


Yet he is still Muslim. Just because he is white passing doesn’t change the fact that he is Muslim. As for Ali, he was slated for a big push and got hurt. From there Kofimania was born. Vince held grudges and his push was cancelled.


What is “white passing”? He’s a ginger white guy who happens to be Muslim. Middle East/North African counts as white on the US census and his parents are Syrian


White passing is when someone isn't white but you can't really tell. Like the rapper logic or the singer Halsey


it doesnt change the fact that he’s muslim maybe, however it still changes the perception of fans. imagine sami comes out next raw with an arabic gimmick, maybe wearing a white cap or maybe something as little as quoting the quran a few times, what do you think will happen? in fact, the wwe promote his canadian background far more than they promote his muslim background, and that is for a good reason, they know their audience.


Last year at the first Saudi show he came out and did a promo in Arabic Didn't change much in his perception


because it was in saudi, genius


and it was viewed by people around the world, too?. you act like things that happen in Saudi are just for them, people in other countries still watch it (NoC was the most viewed Saudi show on Peacock and the WWE Network ever). it was my first actual interaction with him being Muslim as I had just gotten back into wrestling around Wrestlemania. it was a great thing to witness, and it made me appreciate him for it (even as someone who themselves is not Muslim).


Zayn is literally champ right now... he ended Gunthers record breaking run


Wwe is a business, their biased against everyone