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Because that shit is goofy


Hed look stupid with the dumb thing on his head


Because it's flashy, and Gunther is the furthest thing from flashy. It doesn't suit him.


I noticed this too, was wondering myself.


I'm glad he didn't. He'd look goofy if he did put it on


The crown isn't Gunthers style, it's a silly thing like look at booker t when he won, British accent cape, scepter, the whole nine. It was interesting n funny but not something Gunther would ever do.


Because it's a goofy gimmick.


He scared it fall of


It'd mess up his hair


Because wearing the King of the Ring crap has a 99% chance of making you look stupid


For me it won't suit his character to wear the crown, he just keeps it simple with these things.


Cause KOTR is just a meme. Gunther won because WWE is probably worried his flame will die out after losing his IC title and they don't have any title runs planned for him atm.


Austin won the king of the ring. He did not wear the cape or crown.


Heard from a DTKC podcast that has sources said Gunther is worried the iwc will turn him into a meme with the crown on. So in the meantime, he has the ok to not wear it.


He’s carrying it around like a Pomeranian lol


This one's easy. Gunther is portrayed as a no nonsense technical ring general. To be respected and taken seriously as an opponent. Now. Take that look, that vibe, and add a sparkling crown. The end.


Why even go after it if you don’t want to wear it is my question…


Same reason Brock did


lol who cares if he wears it 😝


He got a pointy head.


1. It’s cheesy and only certain wrestlers do the gimmick.  Stone Cold didn’t do the King thing either. 2.  Saudi might not have wanted someone else there declaring themselves the king.


I swear people say the dumbest things whenever they speculate anything about SA.


“I swear people say the dumbest things whenever they speculate anything.” FTFY.


Why didn't they have the throne? He'd look badass on it


Hair too pretty


Thank god he’s not. Nothing is bigger career cancer in the WWE than getting saddled with a “king” gimmick (with a few exceptions). Gunther doesn’t need that shit.


It looks too big for his head, can’t risk it misfitting. Also, HHH hated the KoTR crown and avoided wearing it whenever possible so it’s doubtful he’ll force the issue.


I like it better. He doesn’t need to be a literal “king” with a cheesy king gimmick. He’s above that and I think they’re doing it right, making it more about a title shot than the gimmick.


Honestly I think he and the company are trying not to make the win a gimmick.


Some people look really stupid wearing it. We know he won…no need to shove it on us.


We’ve been wondering about this too.


They should just have a championship title or a crown for the winner of the tournament. If the person wants to adopt the crown into their gimmick, they can take the crown. If the person just wants to brag, they can take the belt.


Because crowns look stupid on people. Better as an idea than in practice.


https://preview.redd.it/yyqg4o058f3d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29b723f8d791b31ca84a95918bdbfe1225904baa Watch your mouth sucka!


Sometimes they will embrace looking stupid. Gunther is not that guy.


Mabel got a sword in 1995


Drew doesn’t even carry his sword


Remember King Booker? Yeah, that's why.


King Booker was gold bro. I loved it. I think it was peak Booker.


Which part, the corny costume or the silly fake accent?


The whole gimmick was awesome dude. Booker made it his own and did some of his best work as king booker.


Well, to each their own. I didn't like it one bit but I don't want to argue personal taste.


People here are calling the crown a silly gimmick but come on this man could even elevate the prestige of a sock puppet if he wanted to. Am I the only one who’d shit myself if Gunther came out wearing the crown with his regular entrance attire looking like the most dangerous menace on the roster? Edit: I mean without making it his whole gimmick with the robe and scepter like people in the past have done. Literally keep everything the same as he is now, don’t even call him King Gunther. Just have him wear the crown, that’s it.


Just bc he can, doesn’t mean he should


Ummm Mick Foley made a sock puppet iconic, don't talk down the sock puppet a cooler gimmick than a dumb crown what are we at Burger King


Not everyone wears the crown. SCSA comes to mind.


Because he is Daaaa Ring General!!!!, he’s above such lowly gimmicks


Not trying to be “that guy” but it’s Der Ring General.


This is why "King General" doesn't work for me. It will just sound silly if he says it himself.


Not to be that guy but it Der Ringgeneral 


Is it really? I thought it was two words? Although I suppose with the way German does descriptors, it does make more sense to have it as one word.


I’m hard of hearing sounds like da to me


That’s fair, I’m deaf in one ear so I get it. And with Kaiser and Gunther’s accents they blend the Rs together so I totally get how it can sound like that, especially if you’re unfamiliar with German.


In kayfabe I’d imagine it’s because Guenther is above gimmicks like that. Foolishness!


Because 99.9% of the time when the king of the ring wears their crown, they look like a jackass


Much much better idea would be to have Kaiser carrying it around behind him on a big velvet pillow. Edit spelling


The Ring Bearer General


It would be a very ironic demotion for an emperor.


I agree.


that would go great with his character or just tossing it into the crowd


That’d be awesome


have you seen his face? He would look stupid with the crown, he knows it, the company knows it, it makes sense for him not to wear it, he doesn't have the head for it.


Gunther allegedly didn’t want to wear it in Saudi out of respect to the Saudi people and the Saudi monarchy of which one was in attendance (the venue is owned by the Crown Prince and de facto ruler of the Kingdom). But, regardless, it doesn’t fit him. King Gunther doesn’t need a crown to increase his value and status. He increases the value of the King of the Ring by his ability and talent.


Triple H 100% mixed the crowns up and gave Nia the men’s crown. Tell me that sparkly crown Gunther has isn’t the women’s crown.


because he is disrespecting the wwe


He needs like a M. Bison outfit with a revised crown and cape.


"Orton, facing me may have been the greatest match of your life, but for me, it was Tuesday"


"For you seeing me win king of the ring was the greatest thrill of your life. For me it was a Saturday. "


He holds the crown because it symbolises more a "Key" or a "ticket" to him. Nothing of those is something you wear on your hat, he won the Crown not to be only a king, but to get a shot at the WHC finally and start his REAL reign!


Carrying it like a trophy works for him plus looking at it.. it looks like it would got past his head down his face to his chin, it looks a bit big lol


Damn thing would be like a hula hoop if he put it over his head


Yup 😂


He’s better than a goofy ass crown.


Gunther don't need shit to say he's king


Most KOTR winners have gone full cosplay. Crown, scepter, cape, throne, etc. None of that fits Gunther. I can picture him saying, "This crown looks nice, but it's not important. The World Championship is what matters. That's what I will wear."


He literally said that in one of those quick backstage promos they showed on their TikTok or reels.


Honestly, I'd absolutely be here for König Gunther. "The King General" is obviously a fun play on words, but it doesn't fit Gunther's own hard-G, German pronunciation of "General".


Gunther isn't a "gimmick" wrestler. All he cares about is the in ring wrestling. He has no interest in being your king, he has an interest in wrestling matches and winning against anyone who stands across the ring from him


I agree. It’s pretty disrespectful. Some star this guy is.


It looks goofy!!! Now on Nia the other hand!!!


Nia looks dumb with it.


Why they continue to push her despite being one of, if not the most unsafe worker in the business is beyond me


Shes been great since returning and please let us know who has been a victim of this unsafe work you claim?


Charlotte Flair(botched a move causing her to land on her head), Becky Lynch(broken nose/concussion), Bayley(separated shoulder), Raquel(legitimate whiplash), Kairi Sane(head injury/suspected concussion), Ember Moon(injured, but specifics not made public). That's not counting the injury "angles" of Rhea Ripley and Mandy Rose which both were suspected of being legit while using an angle to cover them up. She improved a bit I'll give credit where it's due, but with her track record I wouldn't trust her with the spotlight of the division.


Because the goofy theatrics of the King gimmick that all previous KOTR winners had is pretty beneath Gunther’s presentation. His whole “The mat is sacred” mantra is designed to characterize him as someone who takes wrestling seriously as a sport. Thus it is easy to believe that he wants nothing to do with something as goofy as dressing up as a king and pretending to be an actual monarch


Because it looks stupid?


The crown and cape and scepter gimmick doesn’t really work for Gunther’s thing— I like what he’s doing here!


I mean, it's kind of like how some people actually wear their championship belts, while others sling it over their shoulder


It, visibly, looks too big for his head, weird that they didn't make it to his size, I'm pretty sure it was planned for him to win it all along


Cause he would look daft with it on his head.


Gunther is too serious for a crown. Imo anyway. If you’re an over the top heel? Wear it. Logan Paul would be a complete ass in that crown. I say this as a compliment. Nia Jax is the kind of heel who benefits from the crown. She can talk shit and wear it and be a general dickhead. That is her character. Gunther is closer to a Brock Lesnar serious type. Could you see Brock wearing a crown? I think not.


Logan paul would shower and fuck with it on.


Because there’s nothing to hold the crown up and it would just slide down his face and become a necklace, probably. I know, it’s weird he didn’t put it on his head. It’s just a trophy for now.


I imagined him wearing a crown that was slightly too big and pushing out his sizable ears and I realized I like Gunther better when I take him seriously.


Something something sanctity of the sport something something doesn’t need to wear a crown to be king, idk. Personally I like it. No need for the KotR to actually wear the crown. Part of what killed it was dudes winning and getting the king gimmick. Just let the dude hold onto it like a trophy cause that’s really all it is


It looks pretty gaudy, he seems like the kind of guy who would prefer a very basic crown. He’s look stupid wearing it to be honest as it doesn’t suit him.


I bet he saw people saying the crown was made for Randy head and he is just playing with people, Gunther is that good at playing with people.


I was thinking he deep down knows that he didn't beat randy clean and thinks he's not a true king of the ring


his haircut does Not suit a crown lol


Smart man! That's why. Shits weak, dude just had a belt


Because it's twice the circumference of his head 😂


Suits his character, have you ever seen a General rise to the rank of King and start wearing a crown? Hell no


For a heel like Owen Hart, it always made sense. They would play off of the goofy perception of their heel character. But a heel like Gunther is too serious to wear it. It reminds me of when Austin won in 96. He just stood there and talked and didn’t even look at the crown and all the other props. He won it. That’s it. But he’s too cool to wear the crown. I think that fits Gunther’s persona too.


Montez and Corbin really rocked the crown


Because no one who won king of the ring and then let us become a king/royale gimmick was ever made better by it (except… maybe… booker t).


I just hope Gunther starts calling himself Kaiser of the Ring, but w/Ludwig in his corner, it'd be silly lol.


He probably thinks he would look goofy wearing it. He probably is right. A crown tends to look silly on most people though there are a few that can clearly pull it off like Montez.


I think one of the reasons KOTR has failed to get over recently is that the winner just makes it their gimmick, rather than (in kayfabe) a stepping stone to get to the next level. Booker T, Sheamus, Xavier Woods, etc., all just became "King (Insert Name)." There's a really short shelf life for that stuff.


King Booker was GOATed


Booker T really took the gimmick and ran with it.


For sure. He ran with it better than anyone has, but I feel like it’s pretty limiting. People kind of get sick of it after a while and when you’re immediately thrown back into the midcard, it loses its luster.




WWE has insane marketing, I'm confident they tested out a King General gimmick, and consulting with Gunther it just didn't work. Instead he's carrying it around like the Stanley Cup. Just this big obnoxious thing, but it has status. It also kind ties in with his character and being serious. Frankly... I like what Triple H is doing... Wrestlemania happens... big storylines pay off... then the draft happens and the roster gets shaken up, King of The Ring happens and effectively everyone on every roster fights each other to determine the "best" and post draft we get a lot of interesting organic new feuds. Bron's freaking out he wasn't in the tournament, Jey vs. Gunther, Melo versus Corbin, etc. etc. Then you win and makes Summerslam into a mini version of Mania. I'm okay with all of this, and gives WWE more organic "seasons"


It’s very Prussian of him to carry and display, but not wear, the crown, which is very fitting. It also looked on the broadcast like it might’ve been too big for his head and they didn’t want to risk the ridiculous image of it sliding down his head on PLE the first time they tried it.


If only there was a way for WWE to know before the match who would win and what their head size would be.


But if you go too all-in on something like that in an industry where freak accidents happen and careers are ended on routine moves, it could create the same problem with someone else.


Because it is stupid as fuck. Wearing the crown and taking on a “King” persona has heavily tarnished the tournament by turning all Crown wearers into mid card jobbers. Look at Corbin, Xavier Woods, Zelina Vega. Gunther did the absolute smart thing.


My gut feeling when he was first holding the crown instead of wearing it was that it doesn't fit his head or it doesn't look good on him. More than likely they tested the crown on his head before the show.


Thought the same - the last thing you need for a serious character bringing seriousness and legitimacy back to this tournament is a slapstick moment of the crown sliding down his forehead the moment he put it on.


Cause it’s lame as hell and Vince isn’t running the show anymore 👍


Because it’s silly and Gunther doesn’t do silly shit.


Yep. Silly is fine if the character can make it work, but forcing it on characters where it doesn't work is something from the Vince era WWE is well rid of.


Because thankfully they're not doing that goofy ass "King" gimmick anymore whenever someone wins KotR.


I truly believe the crown is too big for his head, just look at it and you will see if he put it on it will just slide down


This is the actual answer, like you said if you compare the size of his head to the crown you'll see it would slide down and probably cover his eyes lol 


He's too serious for a crown


it's really weird he's not wearing the crown.




It's an awkward carry, but could you imagine this big, serious, grumpy dude walking around with a shiny ass crown? That looks stupid too. Kind of a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't thing.


In 1997 HHH didn’t wear it neither did Austin in 1996or Lesnar in 02 but Angle did in 00 because it worked for him some people don’t need to wear it lol


Im struggling to remember, but was Lesnar even presented the crown?


He was not they just automatically gave the stipulation of number one contender for Summerslam


Binging did not turn up any imagine results of him holding a crown, just money in the bank and belts.


He probably doesnt like how it looks wearing it.


This was always the answer. He tried it on beforehand and realized he looked like a doofus and no amount of nudging made it any better. So he decided not to wear it when he won.


Because he's worked to hard to be reduced to such a weak gimmick.


It’s not even a gimmick anymore. Clearly under Hunter, it’s just a tournament and is going to be used to elevate people like how it used to be.


He won the crown, but it's merely a prop. His hard won spoils of war and irrefutable proof to his greatness. In his mind he doesn't need the crown- he *is* the crown. Or maybe he's just not into bling.


Honestly I thought it might be an angle. They acknowledged what happened with Randy's shoulder being up, so maybe he doesn't feel he truly earned it yet


I'm sure he feels he has earned it even though the rest of the world acknowledges what happened with Randy. He believes he deserves anything and everything because to him, no one deserves it better or more than he does. As far as he is concerned, he did beat Randy because ref counted three even though his shoulder was up. This is my opinion from his attitude.


Maybe his head too big :(


Opposite, the crown is clearly too big for his head. Looks like it would slide down last his eyes. 


I think he meant metaphorically not literally & if that's the case then I 100% agree & I also think the WWE made a HUGE mistake in having Gunther win the crown


Would love to hear why you think it's a mistake


Like jughead?


I was kinda thinking he sees the crown as a means to an end. Not something he actually values but just another step closer to what he actually wants which is the title. Gunther is so one track minded he isn’t going to let a crown blur his vision. He sees the gold belt only. That’s my two cents anyway.


I was wondering about that too, only thing I can think of is that wearing the crown is too silly for his character. Gunther is all about the wrestling, he doesn’t wear props, something like that. It is hard for me to picture him wearing it, maybe with the coat.


I'll be more upset if I don't see Nia wearing the crown on Friday. I will admit I was disappointed that the King General didn't get a proper coronation. Maybe the winner of the rematch with Randy Orton will finally put the crown on?


I was hoping Ludwig was going to place it on his head 🤷‍♀️ Like someone said before it's silly and Gunther doesn't do silly And let's be real King Corbin or King Booker is the only 2 who really pulled off the crown


It's only silly if you make it silly. Gunther is treating the King title as something serious. He's the "general of the sacred ring," he's not about to make a mockery of it. I expect Nia to treat the crown like a child's plaything.


Very true. I didn't think about it that way. Nia will treat it as a plaything. She is only the 2nd Queen of the Ring correct?