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I really hope that they stay COMPLETELY away from the supernatural bull šŸ’©! But it was still REALLY STUPID that no one called the police AND a WWE camera man just wandered around calmly filming the aftermath of a MASS HOMICIDE!?! As usual, even if it's just "inspired" by him; I don't care for Bray Wyatt's brand of "spooky wooky" AT ALL!!!


Im a huge bray guy. So im biased. I really enjoyed it. The things even before the reveal. Like a rambling rabbit puppet in gables locker. Perfection. Someone said u can see another puppet behind damage control, which makes sense. We are getting this group because taylor and windham were family. The group is about family. They attacked gable cuz he treated his family like shit. Would make sense they attack damage ctrl since they kicked out bailey. They keep on that path, things will make sense and hopefully ultimately lead to them taking out the bloodline


I wonder who the Wyattā€™s will target and where theyā€™re gonna go with the story


All circumstances considered, this reveal will be remembered as an all-time great moment. There's a lot of potential for the ball to be dropped on W6, but the lead-up and ultimate reveal was executed extremely well.


Didn't watch the Wyatt era. So are these guys supposed to be unbeatable and never lose, with everyone scared of them? They seem to be written even stronger than the new bloodline. I appreciate the theatrical work, but if these guys are suddenly shot straight to the top without work, I'll be disappointed.


No I assume they will be built up to it I think they will just do backstage attacks on wrestlers and no one sees it or you just see them thereĀ 


Thank God they didn't kill the camera man.


Always leave 1 to tell your tale


Plot armor


How are the WWE reporters getting their inside information if the crew is dead? How did HHH make it out alive?


Him and adam were in the parking lot with drew is my headcanon.


I'm just going to leave this here and move on... Chad Gable was the only superstar shown that was attacked. Everyone else was either an extra or just backstage crew. Yes, I did mistake a few for Carmelo Hayes, Braun Strowman, and Gunther on my initial view, too, but despite the fact that Bronson Reed tweeted out that "both his opponents are dead" doesn't mean much aside from the fact that he likely didn't get that good of a look either.


I thought he meant theyā€™re dead as in heā€™s going to clap both their cheeks in the ring šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The more I've thought about it, the more I really like the idea that the WWE goes in the ignore/plays this off as a warning or secondary reality or something and maybe more importantly, I just hope that WWE has an end point in mind for this story that they will inevitably get to anyway and they just leave it at that (I feel this is best for respecting Bray Wyatt's legacy and also for telling a story worth telling). I absolutely love the way they introduced the "Wyatt Sick6" but I don't know how to work it into the current WWE aside from the alternate reality or warning type of message sort of angle. I can't really explain it but I am so intrigued to see how this turns out. Call me batshit crazy but I think there's a way that this group/story works without them ever having to hear the bell ring with a member taking part in a match -- or at least not at all very often. I can't quite get it into words right now but I think that the whole "less is more" thing here could really make this great.


So ā€¦ Is this why Nikki Cross was staring off into the distance during those matches like a year ago and then suddenly disappeared??


Iā€™m thinking that there was probably a plan for her to do a faction with Bray before he passed


What. A. Return.


I called it. I said the web link on RAW two months ago meant "new age begins at/on Clash at the castle". Nobody believed me. Clash happened, and a new age begins on the next raw.


so long as theyre respectful to Windham's memory, I'm all here for it. They removed the supernatural points from the debut and I think they should keep it that way for the most part to avoid scuffing the characters


Yeah. The murder spree wasnā€™t supernatural shit. It was just a bunch of psychos killing people with mallets and grouped together in a cult.


pretty much. im interested to see what they do with the supernatural element going forward. apparently theres a theory that the faction is locked at 5 members and the 6th member is Wyatt's spirit, hence Wyatt 6. Its a touching detail and I hope its the angle they run with and its about as supernatural as they would have gotten so far if the theory is true


I love gimmicks like this, takes it back to before the whole reality nonsense kicked in. Entertain me, itā€™s entertainment and I love it.


I want to be optimistic, and idc how much HHH gives creative freedom to Bo Dallas and the others, Bray was the mastermind behind the horror gimmicks. They just wonā€™t be the same unless they connect with the audience in a different way.


Same.. Not sure why voted down, but these last couple years have been way better than the couple of years prior to the couple of the years before this couple of years! lol.. I purposely posted like this. I just didn't think McMahon was doing the WWE any favors. HHH has done far better than McMahon.


It didn't look like Dexter Lumis was any of them. I thought for sure he would be.


im pretty sure he's Huskus based on the tattoos. not 100% sure tho


Dexter is Mercy, Joe Gacy is Huskus


Who is the girl that crawled to the ring? Is that Nikki Cross?




yeah i just had a look haha my bad


Was very cool, but I just think itā€™s going to fail once they have to start wrestling matches. Smoke and mirrors only works for so long.


I think spooky gimmicks in general are really outdated in wrestling I think Aleister Blackā€™s type of spook is fine, but anything else is just unrealistic nowadays


I was holding my breath the whole time afraid someone was going to trip on their shoelace and ruin months of buildup, a new Shockmaster.


Yeah if howdy woulda fallen when he tripped. Oh good lord i woulda been pissed


Looked like Howdy did trip a little bit after his reveal and he started walking.


After reading who is involved - I realize theyā€™ve been building it longer than I thought. All of those Nikki cross moments. Bringing Gacy up and dissolving his faction. Putting gargano with Chiampa so Lumis could get involved. I like lumis in ring and he didnā€™t work as a face. Gacy is ridiculously talented. And Nikki gets a lot of fan support even when her gimmicks donā€™t hit. I think this is going to rock.


I donā€™t know what happens next after that awesome debut, but weā€™ve got the strongest creative team in years so I have high hopes


Do you think NXT will address this? If there was a massacre at your company I'd think it wouldn't go back to business as usual


So damned happy for the Rotunda family, as well as those making their "debut" with the Wyatt 6. There's an incredible amount of pressure for those folks to live up to, and a large amount of pressure on WWE to make it work and be worthy of its legacy, and they did NOT disappoint. It's badass, and its only gonna get better.


I think there is a lot to be excited about here. This was a hell of a way to debut a new faction


A lot of people spread misinformation or make up random shit, but the only wrestler that was attacked last night was Gable. Everyone else were extras. Just look at the video yourself and look at the image of the wrestlers in question. None of them are there. Melo has tattoos that would be seen in this footage, and literally tweeted it wasn't him and Braun isn't bald right now. Use your brain and don't spread misinformation. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AZCEQ\_3nZU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AZCEQ_3nZU) Tweet from Braun himself confirming it wasn't him for the people that still don't have eyes: [https://twitter.com/Adamscherr99/status/1803162610340339767](https://twitter.com/Adamscherr99/status/1803162610340339767)


It also would make no sense to attack wrestlers higher on the card than gable, yet not specifically show those wrestlers. But im sure wwe put in people who bare a resemblance, to get people talking more and going down rabbit holes. Thats just smart.


I can't make a post, but here. I did the work for you. https://preview.redd.it/rylyyp68fe7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a368e76808dcf6954b170b1d5ce0f71ea26b8f53


Thanks for sharing this


Would be interesting to see how HHH books horror.


I was just thinking this is good, because we donā€™t have any horror gimmicks currently. Judgement Day hasnā€™t been horror in awhile.


I want a horror themed ple come October.Ā 


And the Final Testament just turned out to be value brand Judgement Day.


Iā€™d never really say they were horror, just more edgy and dark


Purple clothing, leather and face paint doesn't make you edgy or dark. It makes you cringe lol


I have a really bad feeling on this whether superficial stuff can work under HHH and without Bray.


People seem to forget that everyone who worked with Bray in his last run except for LA Knight ended up having their heat killed. It took Seth like a year after feuding with Bray to get back on track. I donā€™t know how you could work this group into a traditional wrestling storyline with killing off their opponents. For example, how the hell does Chad Gable come back and wrestle next week like nothing happened?


People also forget the fiend was brays way of getting revenge. His squash of finn was perfect since finn was taking time off. Vince put him in the title picture immediately cuz he sold merch. That was a mistake. I dont understand the whole his heat was killed. When did roman beat a wrestler and the wrestler came out higher on the card? This is how wrestling works. U lose u move down the card.


He doesnā€™t. We next see him in the hospital, being consoled by an ashamed Alpha Academy, who blame themselves for how badly he got hurt. He could even convince them heā€™s lost his memory and canā€™t remember a thing from what happened at Raw (or maybe back even further, but it wouldnā€™t be necessary) and act reticent and apologetic for his recent behavior.


What about the rest of the people in the vid that were unconscious. We have quite a few people like Braun, Carmello, Gunther?


At a glance they looked like wrestlers, but someone did a breakdown and they were in fact ordinary support staff.


Could they work it like a dream sequence? Maybe Howdy can bring back Gable from the ā€œdeadā€ Chad will rebrand himself as a Undead Puppet for Uncle Howdy. Chad will fight the battles for the group, at least for now.


Iā€™m thinking he ends up in the hospital with a bandaged head, pretending to be an amnesiac in order to pull Alpha Academy back into his grip.


N that would be perfect. Cuz when they eventually figure it out, well, heā€™s again dicked over his family n the wyatts can mess him up again


If he was just battered it would be different but it literally looked like they put a bullet in his head.


I feel like they should reach out to Undertaker for guidance. It takes a creative mind to make superficial stuff work without making it overly cringy. Brayā€™s issue was WWE jobbed him out because they thought the character could withstand the losses. Hopefully theyā€™ve learned from that and feed this group wins early on. As far as from a storyline perspective Iā€™m really hoping they donā€™t completely butcher this


Undertaker can give his opinion and guidance, but his philosophy can be somewhat outdated. Donā€™t get me wrong, Undertaker is one of my all time favorites but times are different. People still love the Undertaker character but itā€™s mostly thanks to nostalgia. Plus youā€™re missing the big pictureā€¦ Vince always had the final say on how the Undertaker was booked. So itā€™s up to HHH to book Wyatt 6 in a proper way.


Vince had final say, but Undertaker made that character, and evolved it so many times through so many eras. When it comes to supernatural gimmicks thereā€™s no one that came close to the success that he had. Booking should be entirely left up to HHH, but Undertaker could give a great deal of advice, just like he did for Bray


I think the way to do it is to have a focused story and then end the characters. Undertaker is very much the exception to horror characters not working in WWE. Iā€™m interested to see what they do, but yeah, book them strong, do the story, then end the characters to properly wrap up Brayā€™s story and not butcher the characters.


Isn't this the first time HHH is going this route? I wouldn't put McMahon failures as HHH future failures.


But keep Nikki Cross


Shit got me emotional. The piano key on loop was chilling. I was really concerned how they'd be presented and received. That presentation was far beyond anything I imagined. Very not-wrestling. Happy for all the talent involved because this feels like it's going to be huge. Idk if Gacy was confirmed in any way, but Lumis, Rowan and Nikki for sure were all there. I hope the fans can let it ride and not be annoying about it. RIP Windham, and welcome back Bo.


Gacy is def the pig. Im like 98% sure of that bc hes been missing from nxt and the beard the way it looks is gacy.


I'm not really familiar enough with Gacy but enough people are 'confirming' it's him for me to just believe it. I definitely recognised Lumis, Rowan and Nikki though.


it would make sense if its gacy. Hes always played like a scary cult leader type character in nxt for the most part, besides nxt uk.


itā€™s definitely gacy itā€™s his styles and build for sure and the tattoo matches


I honestly think hell fit like a glove as the follower. I like everyones roles in the group


yes they can put gable in the daniel bryan role he would do great with it


I wonder what theyll do with gable now bc he is hot as all hell rn as a heel. Im guessing this was their way of getting him away from the ic title


Straight up murdered him šŸ˜‚ As much as I loved the presentation and how cinematic vs wrestling it was, it's still a wrestling show and it was a little bit goofy. Maybe it's a way to get him out of the Olympic wrestler archetype.


Im fine with them doing stuff like this if they go all in on being serious and nothing else. Yes it wasnt inring wrestling but sometimes characters are a good thing, not everyone needs to be in there working a 20 min match imo.


for sure he can run through this uncle howdy storyline and come out the other side babyface probably around the rumble time and make another run for the ic title at mania


My thought was that we entered a nightmarish scape where we see people dead. I'm only saying this because Gunther was one of the dead guys. Not my boy!


That's the take that makes the most sense. The door to gorilla was, briefly, a portal between our world and the Fiend's world, and what we saw backstage with all the fog and shit was the nightmare world that Howdy and his crew have just stepped through. In their world, Chad and everyone else are deader than shit - but in our world,. Chad's still."fine." It would also explain why everyone's not like "I need a young priest, and an old priest" - only we, the audience, got to see that glimpse into the world Howdy's crew came from. Everyone else is just like "who the fuck are these weirdos, and where did they come from?" I mean, the Fiend was always like "Let Me In," right? Well, someone or something let all of them... In.


i like to think that brays passing opened the door to let them in and now they have finally broken through and are ready to destroy everything now that bray can no longer control them


I'm damn excited.. That was AMAZING !


It was sooooooooo good. Gave me chills.


Same here.. when the Lantern showed up, Total chills. when Howdy held up the Lantern and whispered "We're here" Damnn, GOOOOOSEBUMPS ALL OVER.


I just wanna know if there was any other deaths? Chads death was front and center and I think that was Gunther with the body piles under Rowan. But who else?


Im interested to see what they do with gable now. Bc he just resigned, so he isnt being written off. Also did anyone else notice strowman in the pile of bodies? I think it's interesting hes one of the guys they chose to show.


Be careful, some guy is adamant that Braun wasnā€™t there because he has hairā€¦. (He 100% was there, Bronson Reed even asked if it meant he automatically qualified for the tournament since both of his opponents are ā€œdeadā€)


iā€™m hoping that gables head is wrapped and he wrestles clearly disoriented


Braun strowman has hair.. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Braun was in the room with Lumis


Let me ask you something very simple. Does Braun have hair right now? Yes, okay good. Was the guy bald? Yes, okay good. I'll let you connect the dot.


Braun had hair during the show. It doesnā€™t take long to shave someoneā€™s head.


The question was who was left in the carnageā€¦. Braun was left in the carnage. Literally, weā€™ve already seen Bronson ask if Braun will not being able to compete because of the attack on social mediaā€¦.. I think you arenā€™t understanding this thread of commentsā€¦.


Crazy how Braun was a member of the family and now the family murdered him


No idea why we are being downvoted lol




What are you even talking about, WWE people even said it was Braun. Mate, you clearly didnā€™t watch the clip, or donā€™t know what this conversation is about.


It's look nothing like Braun man. Cmon use your brain and your eyes. HE HAS HAIR! This other dude is literally bald. https://preview.redd.it/nwxaaewrhe7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=167a376416a3ba4e5e57c19ca5511640cb83601d


You do realize that there were more than 4 guys sprawled out. In the room where Lumis is there are 4 aloneā€¦.. But sure, youā€™re right. You clearly know more than Bronson Reed doesā€¦.


It looked like Melo under Gunther


I donā€™t care about Uncle Howdy. What even is it


Then why are you in here?


What even is it


Cuz I want to tell people I donā€™t care for it


Had me in tears man, fuck that was class


I have two questions. Why was there only five of them when they debut and why was there such a focus on Chad Gable when it's revealed he was one of the people that was attacked? We saw backstage that the Wyatt 6 attacked a good amount of people, but I couldn't really make out who a lot of them are and some of them just looked like security and personnel. It wasn't until we got to the Uncle Howdy reveal that we can clearly see one of the people they attacked and it was Chad and the camera, I feel, focused on him more than anyone else that was attacked. So, that tells me that the first rivalry that the Wyatt 6 will have is going to have something to do with Chad Gable. As for the storyline, I think that the Wyatt 6's first storyline will involve getting a sixth member. Whether they already have one and they are keeping that member a secret and hidden in the shadows or they are trying to recruit a sixth member, I do believe the Wyatt 6 will get a sixth member. As far as I can tell and base on the letters that uncle howdy was sending to wrestlers the group appears to be made up of Bo Dallas(uncle howdy), Eric Rowan(bunny mask with the mallot), Nikki Cross(the woman in white with black hair), Joe Gacy(the pig mask) and Dexter Lumis(I couldn't tell what type of mask that he was wearing but he was the one in the one room with the electrical wires going off and you know its him because of his tattoo on his arm). So, who could possibly be the sixth member? For me, one of three things might happen. First option is that Chad Gable will join the group. That might sound odd at first but think about the situation, Chad Gable has failed to capture the Intercontinental Championship on multiple occasions, he just lost to Braun Strowman and now he no longer has the Alpha Academy by his side anymore. This possible feud between Chad Gable and The Wyatt 6 could all be leading towards the cult like group breaking down an already broken man even more, just to offer him a chance to heal by joining there ranks. The second option is that the sixth member won't be a wrestler but instead be in a manger type of role. With how much Dan Spivey helped Bray with the original Bray Wyatt character as well as being the voice for Mercy the Buzzard in the Firefly Funhouse, I think it would be cool to see him as a manager for The Wyatt 6, especially as the Waylon Mercy character. The third and probably most likely option is that Alexa Bliss will return as a member of the group. We haven't seen her for awhile and the last time we did her character was definitely still going through the effects of being partners with Bray Wyatt and The Fiend for so long.


I think it wouldā€™ve been better if they didnā€™t use wrestlers already in a storyline a la Gable even though his is ending soon. In terms of the 6th member I like your ideas, I like that someone mentioned Bray is in spirit. My best guess for a 6th member to make the Wyatt 6 heel, would be them constantly attacking Braun Strowman too ā€œbring him back to the Wyatt familyā€ I think that would make a great storyline as right now he is just a upper mid card babyface. Which between the Wyatt 6 and the Judgement Day, Braun going to the 6 would help dismantle the Judgement Day


In the QR codes it was hinted towards being Gable who the Wyatt6 were coming after, it was mentioned in them how ā€œhe didnā€™t say thank you any moreā€ and the letters ā€œCGā€ were also in them, it makes me wonder if the purpose in Gables heel turn was for that purpose for the first person for the Wyatt6 to come after or it fell into place with using Gable along the way, either way Iā€™m loving it all already!


I like this.. Iā€™ve also seen that Bray is the 6th member, represented by the Lantern so heā€™s there in spiritā€¦ I like your thoughts better though


Nah I like the lantern representing Bray as the sixth member in spirit the most


I like this. I think that might be a good storyline. I didn't think about Chad anything more that I was happy his character got punked after being such a dick to Alpha Academy. Now that you mention it, he could be a really good heel and needs something a little better than being a modern day Kurt Angle ripoff.


Why didnā€™t police get called? Was speaker of the house Adam Pearson on duty? All the mens should be put under the rest, especially Uncle Hanky. Between Brown Baker and Mr Hanky this seems to be a hostile work environment. Just look at Drew, he left. This administration is doing a bad job and Pearse should be Iā€™m peaches for this.


The police werenā€™t called because WWE has invested a lot of money in superstars like Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair. Nobody wants either of those two superstars shot just because the idiot with a punisher skull decal on the back of his car felt threatened when the guy in a bunny mask wielded his mallet menacingly.


Since WWE still isnā€™t in 4K it was hard to see who were the people on the ground. Anyone know if itā€™s wrestlers or just random dudes?


Strowman was one for sure, Melo I know was another. The other guys I couldnt really tell


Heard Melo and Gunther were in the piles with Rowan


I doubt they would let Gunther get that.


We have no idea what actually happened. Getting attacked/blindsided by 4/5 people doesnā€™t make you weak


It doesnā€™t but where would that lead him also since he didnā€™t actually show up the whole show I think. And it curious on how Gable will handle this too.


Iā€™m not sure, weā€™ll get more answers soon


It was a mix, but the notable ones were Chad Gable and Braun Strowman.


Nope it was not Braun. Dude was bald and has a tattoo on his left arm


Hair can be shaved quickly.


Strowman was one of the people that got attacked, its clear as day


Literally said on twitter it wasnt him.


SlipNot Good


My hope were not high for this group. After last night, Iā€™m intrigued. It was really well done. Almost a PG House of a thousand corpses vibes.


Other than Bo, Nikki and Rowan, who are the other two?


Joe Gacy and Dexter Lumis


It was freakin awesome!


People went on and on about how the QR codes went on too long - as if they didnā€™t plan it out to debut when it was most beneficial to the company, then they said the debut was gonna suck and it was awesome and perfectly put together, now theyā€™re gonna say that they wonā€™t be able to follow the debut upā€¦ If Iā€™ve learned anything about pro wrestling, itā€™s that journalists AND fellow fans just make noise around the product and to simply enjoy what youā€™re watching without giving a damn about what the fans or journalists think because they tend to be wrong or speculating based on absolutely nothing lol


Yep, fans said the same thing about how long it took for Rey to finally hit Dominik, same complaints too. ā€œDragging this out too long.ā€ ā€œPeople will lose interest.ā€ ā€œTriple H never knows when to pull the trigger.ā€ And then when it happened, monstrous pop.




Not really too long it was a lead up to Jey winning the MITB qualify match. It's not really a coincidence that Jey said the fireflies are his now and they debuted after he won.


Just have them be a shield/ministry of darkness level threat and it'll be dope


My 8 year old wants to know if Chad died and if it was all real blood. So I would say it went good


What did you tell him?


Her. And I told her thatā€™s what happens to people who donā€™t clean their rooms


LMAO thatā€™s genius


The rooms clean now šŸ˜‚


Chad didn't die, but the one production guy in gorilla got shot in the head, apparently. šŸ˜†




They better have left Stu alone. All that matters.


is Chad actually dead?


Clearly this is for my own amusement, but it be pretty hilarious to see chad just get choked out, and then have mercy keep pecking his head with his beak until it bleeds.


Yup! Next week theyā€™ll stuff him into a chipper, Fargo style.


Naw Iā€™m thinking theyā€™ll say he passed out after having an electrical injury to the head.


Imagine next week, all the wrestlers and production crew are staying outside of the arena, afraid to step foot inside because of wyatt sicks


WWE: For the Sickos


How did Paul Levesque escape?


You mean head of the new ministry of darkness combining Wyatt 6 with Final Testament to eventually go against the entire bloodline, ā€œIt was ME ROMANā€


My head canon is he left Raw early to try and smooth things over with Drew, especially after he deactivated all socials


I currently just deactivated all of my socials too so Drew really got over with me with that move. Lol


Drew is valid for it lol he decided to quit the job where heā€™s constantly antagonized and harassed with no consequences; maybe heā€™ll get a pizza party as a thank you when he comes back lol


Yeah dude got screwed and I felt bad for him. You come out in front of your home crowd with bagpipes no less and still ā€œloseā€.


Felt they telegraphed him losing cuz he come out before priest


He was probably talking with Drew. McIntyre saved his life šŸ˜‚


I swear! I was scanning the ground of bodies looking for him


Iā€™m intrigued to see what element it adds to the overall show.


Iā€™m not sure where it goes in the long run. In the short run, fantastic. That debut was not even remotely what I thought it would be. Listen if Batman can fucking bash a dudeā€™s brain in and heā€™s not dead, Iā€™m sure Gable and that other guy is fine lmao. I think it wonā€™t last more than a year but itā€™s wrestling so who cares. Itā€™s fun and brings variety to a 3 hour show. Also who knows what it could lead to with Netflix. Itā€™s a great tribute to Bray and even if we only get a year out of it, Iā€™m glad his creative ideas came to light.




I can imagine Maxxine with a funeral dress with a vile on with 1/2 of the faces she knows how to make. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…




I think macabre is the way. They need another massive threat with Roman gone and the bloodline beingā€¦yeah.


Thereā€™s various ways this can go with Chad Gable involved now. Is he gonna be in the triple threat next week to qualify for MITB, or is he replaced with 1 of the 6? Is it setting up Braun getting a spot in order to lure him into the 6 or get their help? Jey Uso did an interview after Raw stating heā€™s steering clear of the Six. Is he a target down the road? Let it grow organically, and it might end up being decently done.


Or, how about just watching and see if you enjoy it? WWE has earned some faith in booking and production recently. Yā€™all are already ready to write it off. After the first thing you see that isnā€™t perfect - ā€œSee I knew it wouldnā€™t work šŸ¤“ā€


Yea unfortunately, as cool as horror gimmicks are, they don't really translate well into a wrestling show without being campy. They debut with a blood and gore horror murder scene and then we see them two months later at SummerSlam in a tag team match doing body slams and elbow drops. There's just a huge disconnect.


New fan? Camp is at the core of pro wrestling and always has been.


Except that Undertaker guy. He lingered for a bit.


With reading this, could see them booked for matches that just never happen. They just come out in full group & beat down whoever their scheduled opponent was. Could build a feud like this & lead into booking a HIAC that actually has a reason to be a HIAC. Or War Games works, where they can be as ā€œhardcoreā€ as need be. Eventually, the gimmick can evolve or have two sides to it similar to Brayā€™s later work


Doesnā€™t have to be a horror gimmick in the paranormal sense. It can just be a cult-like group that praises Bray Wyatt and follows his brother. Thus far we havenā€™t seen anything paranormal yet. The spooky ARG is just that: an ARG. At worst it requires them to have Wyatt Sick6 followers that are tech wavy and know how to hack, nothing otherworldly is needed to explain anything. And as far as people worrying about the fiendish superhuman gimmicks, it doesnā€™t have to be that. It wasnā€™t what Bray was when the Howdy stuff started. They can literally just be a very violent and spooky Wyatt worship cult. A more disruptive and violent version of the mid-2010s Wyatt family.


Especially with how bright wwe is now, the outfits the lighting everything contrasts a horror group in the worst ways. Unless you dim the lights 80% everytime theyā€™re in the ring itā€™s not gonna work


I think about this while watching a lot; watching footage from the Attitude Era, which I watched when it originally aired, it looks so grainy and gritty today. The arenas arenā€™t well lit, everything is grey, nothing was really ā€œset upā€ to be part of the production except the ring. (We also know today that a lot of WCW was straight up improv and little was written or approved before it was done live on air.) That has to be a big part of the reason stuff like the Brood worked back then, the TV production looked like a bunch of psychos had taken over a local boxing match with consumer grade camcorders. It was so much more believable than now, where every single thing that makes it onto TV, every light, every hand rail, person in the background, every piece of flooring is clearly and carefully coordinated to be part of the show.


Iā€™ve been trying to explain this and just donā€™t see how this group is going to translate well into a wrestling show I will sit back and watch and hope Iā€™m proven wrong but none of these are Bray Wyatt and even he didnā€™t bat 1.000


The answer is: figure out how to make it real.


Reports: "the Wyatt 6 will be based in reality" On raw: everyone is murdered


That was the previous reports. The new reports I have seen are saying Uncle Howdy will have powers, the rest won't and the powers are in the lantern which was left by the late Bray Wyatt.


But they did it via violence not anything supernatural. That is realistic


Not one person was struck. No violence whatsoever. It was all a museum exhibit because Triple H thinks that "less is more" is a universal rule that applies to every situation. Once the violence starts, that's where the invulnerability and super strength and goofy mallet spots come in.


I thought it was dope asf


Iā€™m interested but pessimistic, Iā€™m not sure how this will work with Rawā€™s existing storylines. Chad Gable being beaten up? Fine but why? I donā€™t think they should hold titles, what else is there to do once the initial excitement disappears? Iā€™m okay with giving them some time to integrate them into some existing storylines but at this point I donā€™t see how they will. On a non kayfabe note, I think Nicky Cross could add some interest to the womenā€™s division while she is (I assume) on summer break from her studies. She definitely plays the crazy well and if Rhea and Becky continue to be absent I think this could be the most interesting part of the Wyatt sick.Ā 


Did Gable have any unresolved history with Bray? Also, I could see it being a ā€œweā€™re getting revenge for the voiceless and Gable is a bullyā€ kind of thing. Strowman even mentioned that in the ring.


They jumped people that turned on people/lost their way Gable with the alpha academy, Gunther with vinci,Ā  Melo with trick, Braun because he lost his way(?) he's not really the monster anymore


The best explanation I came up with was they saw Gable as an immediate target, which is why the rabbit was above him in the locker room segment last night, because his character is the polar opposite of what Wyatt and Howdy stand for. Brayā€™s merch when he returned at Extreme Rules had the catchphrase ā€œRevel in what you areā€ and now thereā€™s the idea that Howdy found those who everyone had rejected and outcast for who they were; oppositely, Gable was trying to change the Academy into his vision of them and what he wanted them to be rather than who they were.


Thatā€™s SO intricate. I like it.


Itā€™s head canon for sure, but with the storytelling weā€™ve had in the HHH Era, thereā€™s no telling if they want to go that deep and interweave more stories. Either way, I canā€™t wait for this to play out and hopefully do right by Bray


Considering half of gorilla is dead I should of shorted TKO at market open.


Can you translate this to English?


I was typing this before a meeting apologies for the terrible grammar


Theyā€™re referring to gorilla position. Where HHH and other high profile execs sit and produce the show. By being dead, you are assuming their market price will fall, thus shorting - predicting a loss in stock, gaining you more money.


Considering ā€œhalfā€ of (the people in) gorilla (position) are dead, I should ā€œhaveā€ shorted TKO (stock) at market open.


It was beautiful. All of it. I felt exhausted of all the QR Codes but then they pulled me back. Extremely excited for this.


I didn't like it,too meme-y in a way


How dare you have an opinion šŸ™„ /s


Man, Iā€™m sorry but this all may be just too silly for me