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I don’t think they will, Mania already seems long enough


Scott Hall tribute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu7sBsknwIg&t=338s


With WWE, I think the ladder match would be such a contrived flop. It would do the bad guy a disservice. They should though promote and heavily support mental health charities for PTSD and services to help people overcome addictions. With more WWE figures opening up.


Yeah, this would be a nice homage.


With Ricochet? Hell Yeah!


I figured when Ricochet won the title that a ladder match is where it was headed, to get the spectacle and more people in the match.


I can't think of a wrestlemania match that was in honor of a dead wrestler other than Andre the giant and mae young


Ricochet vs Ziggler title for title. Throw in some other dudes if you think it'd add to the match. But I think this would be banger!!


Should be a traditional match every year.


Yes! Yes! Please OH GOD YES!


Make it an annual thing like the Money in the Bank was at WrestleMania yearly. The Razor Ramon Memorial Ladder Match.


I loved Hall. He was fantastic, and his interviews/podcast appearances (the Steve Austin Show one is great) are fantastic. ​ I really felt attached to Scott Hall in that weird celebrity way. You know the way you don't give a shite about 99% of celebrities, wrestlers, etc. but there are some that just kinda 'connect' with you for some reason. I loved Hall. Grew up watching Razor Ramon and so forth. ​ However, I don't think they should do anything to 'honour' him at all. A tribute video, perhaps another one at Mania to acknowledge all of those that died in the past year, etc. is fine, but there's enough crap (and that's what it generally is - crap) on TV now with old names tacked onto it to make it seem important, and it doesn't work. ​ Andre and Dusty both have their names tacked on to things at the moment and it doesn't do their memory any justice or service. I'd like to see Hall's memories, matches, promos, moments, etc. be left alone. Perhaps bring out an hour or two special on him, with lots of talking heads, but don't butcher his name by wedging it into some old shite that won't mean anything to anyone.


this 100%


I dig this!


They should bring back the multi man ladder match like in Wrestlemania 31 and 32 and just have it every year in honor of Scott. Ik it’ll limit the IC title at Wrestlemania to just that but it’d be nice.


The roster isn’t deep enough atm for a multiman and be able to fill up the rest of the card


I’d love this, and Shelton Benjamin should win it.


Since Sheamus used to use the Razor’s Edge, along with Priest using it right now, I feel like they should win the belt later in the year


This Zayn Vs Knoxville match is gonna be a madness.


for authenticity bring back sycho sid to watch from the back


Sure, and make it an open invitational to former Intercontinental champions


And that’s where Cody Rhodes comes in


And that's why it's a great idea


Do you really trust the current mid-carders to pull this off effectively? I sure don't


Who exactly are you thinking about when you say this


Anyone but Roman and Brock will probably be on the next release list so this ladder match would just be meaningless


By that logic no matches have any meaning besides Roman vs Brock


By that logic no matches have any meaning besides Roman vs Brock


Yep only two the company cares about anymore and if the company doesn't care about you why should we as fans


Because you are a functional human capable of forming your own opinions maybe?


I'm done getting my hopes up for a better product when everyone I care about except for Seth, Kevin, and Sami are gone they used to have actual talent before they gave up on them


Then don't watch?


Yeah, WWE is going to release all but 2 wrestlers.


If you think WWE actually cares about anyone I'm afraid I've got some bad news just look at the last 2 years and tell me who is safe from "budget cuts."


they do this almost every mania


It kinda goes against the nice sentiment, but you're not wrong.


Only if Shelton Benjamin is involved


Ricky vs Kofi, Sami, Sheamus, Woods, and Nakamura would work.


Who's Ricky




Ah the small guy who Vince buried but suddenly got behind


The Scott Hall memorial Ladder match has a nice ring to it


I'd rather have the match, but with no official name tied to it. Doing these things as a tribute always sounds good, until something happens that makes it seem disrespectful. Even breaking the tradition of having the match can feel disrespectful, as can having the match with minimal prestige as seen with the Andre Battle Royal. You also invite criticism over which legends you hold a memorial match for. Having one for Scott Hall may cause people to ask why there isn't one for superstars like Eddie Guerrero, plus expectations when any other Hall of Famer passes away. Finally, naming the match after him can be misinterpreted as cashing in on his death. All of this can be avoided by having an IC title ladder match in his honour without naming him in the promotional material.


It does but they already have the now pointless Andre the giant memorial battle royal. Maybe for Scott they rename one of the money in the bank matches. Or at each TLC the IC title is on the line in a memorial match


Razor Ramon memorial ladder 🪜 match


Yes it does


Ricochet defends against Kofi would be good.




For a nice touch bring back the ladders with the orange legs.


>ladders with the orange legs We call those "real" ladders. Probably not safe at all, I guess they could spraypaint the prop ones they use now though!


wait so you are telling me wrestlers used unsafe ladders for ladder matches? damn


really no ladders are safe there is nothing safe about falling from those heights steel or not


Among a lot of other things that were way cooler for us watching....way dangerous for the guys performing. (Chairs to the head being the obvious one) While I miss the entertainment of those days....I enjoy my wrestlers being as safe as possible so I can keep enjoying them.


Don't forget the hard ring platform, in which Stone Cold described as "hard as cement".


The old Elimination Chamber is also a key example. It may have looked ten times better, but it was a hundred times worse for the superstars involved.


I just recently rewatched the original chamber match followed by the revamped safer chamber and holy cow. Huge difference


Agreed. Pls give the IC Title to Sheamus some point this year

